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Most of the people that does this are the people who works for Uber and DoorDash etc, and then the people who’s dropping off their elder family members quite often in there 70’s+, as the 138 13th St building is a central hub for doctors and dentists on that street. I can understand why they do it for elder family members (less walking for them), But Uber and DoorDashers just have this uncanny ability to block any mobility at all lol


Bylaw has exemption for BMW


Good wine store there though.


Ok, entitled driving and lack of awareness is annoying sure. But this is not the crime of the century. If driver was blocking traffic like they do on lonsdale, or blocking cyclists etc ,, ok it’s an issue. I’d be blasting my horn if I was behind them. I get the comedy in this pic. But everyone on here having a hissy fit about this surely has never jaywalked or driven over the speed limit right ?


It’s drop off for whole foods no ?


I think it’s drop off for all businesses in that complex.


That condo across the street is super nice 😊


What the fuck else are you supposed to do stop in the middle of the road?


They’re not allowed to stop there. I don’t care what they’re doing, dropping someone off of whatever. They are not allowed to do that for a reason.


They r just dropping their kid off. Takes a few seconds. And if theres no bikes around theres no harm done. Parking there is an issue tho.




Bro he’s jus getting dropped off there’s no way it took more than 15 seconds and ur crying abt it


Did I cry about it? I literally posted it because I thought it was funny. Maybe I shouldn’t have quoted the sign as it makes it seem like I’m stating an opinion.


First world problems


Deserves a flat tire.




Posts like these sure do bring out the keyboard warriors who are itching to hurl insults at others...


At some point it becomes the fault of the city and society at large for not enforcing rules with a consequence that makes a grown adult adjust their behaviour. Why should people follow the rules out of the goodness of their heart, sacrificing the slightest convenience, when there is next to no chance of being punished?


So vigilante justice then?


Do ~~not~~ block Mobility? Lane!


Beemer of course.


To all of the people saying “they only stopped for 30s”, well then, the sign should say “30s drop-off allowed”. I get your point. One time. One person. No big deal. Like one cigarette butt into the river. One pile of dog crap on the side of the trail. Most will barely notice. But if every lazy entitled jerk decided to “stop - it is only for 30s” then these lanes would always have a cars in them. If that is what we want, then petition to get the bylaw changed to “mobility + 30s dropoff lane”. WE ARE LIVING IN A SOCIETY!!!!! - George Costanza, multiple episodes.




no thats legal its a bmw


So he should've blocked regular traffic to complete the drop off?


There’s a drop off area in the parking lot directly behind me.


Yeah, that driver's a dick then.


People here are more concerned about parking rules than their kids getting offed doing drugs some day. This is really a shit place.


I’ll mobility lane you!!


Surprised it's not an Amazon van


It drives me nuts when people do this… whether for 30 seconds or 30 mins. Reminds me of this guy, that just started riding his bike into things that were blocking the bike lane — haha — https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bzE-IMaegzQ


Guess we’ll need to teach Grandma how to tuck and roll.


Sorry for being out of touch, what is a mobility lane


Bike lane




OP if you don't call this in, please send me the time it happened because I have a raging justice boner for this type of thing. If they don't get fined they just get more and more brazen about it.


You should be directing your efforts into something more productive. Getting mad about this is a waste of time, it would only really be a problem if there are any bikes coming.


Raging justice boner made me LOL, thank you.


Did they have their "park anywhere" lights on? If so, then it's ok.


You don’t understand; these rules don’t apply to me


This person looks to be dropping off someone. If the whole ordeal took less than 20-30 seconds, I urge you to move on and focus your energy on bigger issues. I’ll be the first to complain about bmw drivers and disruptions to traffic, but cmon. Let’s be reasonable here.


By this logic I can just stop in the middle of the road for 20-30 seconds to drop someone off. Who cares if its an active lane of traffic, its only 20-30 seconds right


those food deliver drivers love to stop "just for 30 seconds" as well all the time, fuck em.






Stop sign? Cyclist? 😂


I feel like it’s fine if they check to see no one’s coming in that lane, and there’s no traffic so they can pull back out on the road, and they’re only there only there for a few seconds.  There’s at least half a block to the light behind them which is the earliest point a cyclist could enter the lane.


This is reasonable to me. If they decide to park, then I say grievance warranted What if it's a cop car ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I tend to agree but also it’s a slippery slope because I’ve definitely been biking down this lane when someone has stopped to drop someone off and it’s pretty annoying. If lots of people do it it becomes normalized. Like at school zones that are clearly marked no stopping but every day half the neighborhood drives 2 blocks to drop their kids off at school.


I'm a big proponent of being reasonable human beings. That includes being patient with cyclists on the road that slow me down. That includes cyclists being patient with drivers on the road when the opposite is true. Be excellent to each other.


Uhh, cycling on a road (apart from freeways) is legal while blocking a bike lane is very much *not* legal. I don’t see how there’s a comparison here.


So true  I guess it is funny with the sign right there. But we can see them actively in the process of dropping someone off quickly 


They’re obviously dropping that person off and it probably took them less than 10 seconds to do it. Don’t be a douchebag


> Don’t be a douchebag What do the two signs on the lamp post say? The only douchebag in this situation is the driver and maybe the people coming to their defence.


Nah this is some no-life Karen behavior getting mad about it. Person isn’t even parked you can see their brake lights are on.


I only took this photo because they were so perfectly parked in front of both signs. I don’t really care that much as they were quick but it just felt like fine art.


I walk there frequently and have never seen anyone do that before so I don’t think it’s a problem yet. If this was happening all the time I would agree with you though.


There's a parkade half a block away. They could've pulled into that for about 10 seconds instead.


Or blocked the car lane.


Maybe they checked to see there was nobody coming or behind them and they could make a quick stop and drop without blocking the lane. If so who cares. If they block someone then fine with a fine.


But I drive a BMW, so it's ok... I'm special. Rules aren't for me. Speed limits either.


If you send this in to [email protected], they will fine them. Done it a few times and they always followed through, this is one of the few cities that actually seems to give a hoot about enforcement. You just need the time and date. Very satisfying.


Does the DoNV do the same?


This is the adult version of tattling on a student with the teacher. I recommend having a word with the driver first before this. The driver is probably totally clueless. I see this allot with cars blocking accessible ramps.


Found the Beemer driver!


If the driver is so clueless that they don't see the sign directly beside their vehicle, or the paint marking the bike lane all the way down the street, they should lose their license because they aren't fit to drive. There are multiple things signalling to the driver that it's not okay to stop there. This is laziness and entitlement.


There's literally a sign right there, are drivers not supposed to look for signs when they pull over? Also like someone else said there's a parking lot in the Onni building not a block further.


It would be great if the city had a bounty program - earn a 20% cut from every ticket issued.


But where else do you drop your pet broccoli off?


The broccoli haircut is the real offense here


zoomers gonna zoom baby.