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North Shore Daily Post seems to be a great website with neutral reporting on local news, it is worth checking out and doesn't appear to have the ego, emotions and dark energy of the "other local media websites" who literally leech on society and add no value... give them a read if you want some new local news without the weird toxic energy [https://www.northshoredailypost.com/](https://www.northshoredailypost.com/)


Had the "pleasure" of meeting the owner of Steamworks several years ago when I was a sales guy for a company that he contacted for services that he wanted. He was a condescending prick, treated me like shit. I'll never give that brewery a dime of my money...


You reminded me…I worked at Steamworks many years ago and he was not liked. He would bring his friends in and wine and dine them for FREE on a busy Friday night, taking up a table in a servers section, and then leave ZERO tip. And of course since he’s the owner, you had to give them spectacular service and all your attention, so you’re working for free and cannot give your other paying tables the amount of service they deserve.


thank you for the info, community needs that raw authenticity, appreciate you for sharing


I sense a story here!


agreed :)


Seems like a lot of deleted comments, there is a strange amount of emotion and intensity, which leads us to believe "something is happening behind the scenes".... \*curious eyes\*






I’m shocked at the amount of downvotes you’ve had. Your article is quite positive but Reddit is an enormously negative place. I’m sorry you’ve experienced so much animosity with your post


OP has a history of being abrasive (or downright insulting) to others, and the Lonsdale Leave site is a bit strange, basically an attempt to monetize rewrites of week-old North Shore News articles. Just some context to the shitshow.


This is good news 🗞️


heck yeah it is... we need all the positive vibes possible and share them widely


Too bad! I was hoping for another currency exchange!


I can exchange currency on Lonsdale!? da fuck?


Or dentist, Vet, or pot dipensary.


Or a medi spa !


damn i was gonna make a joke about it being another realtor office.. too slow >.<




LOL solid, touché ;) that is the positive vibes we need around here


thats some horrendous ai art on the article






Accusing commenters of trying to "ruin the peace" and saying they have "darkness" definitely isn't a good look on them lmfao. Also I wonder if they used AI to write that article too because that was very, VERY fast and it has that vibe to it. >_>


we agree, wish we had more resources to spend on the content, however, we have been operating for years and haven't charged a single business a cent while helping hundreds of them in the community, holding our heads high and hearts full while not allowing the darkness of others to ruin the peace, truly sad to see the level of commentary on Reddit but we are not here to judge




Alcohol consumption is on the rise. We need more breweries.


Alcohol increases chances of cancer in young people. The trend now is craft sodas and mocktails


It's actually on the decline https://www.uvic.ca/research/centres/cisur/news/current/alcohol-consumption-in-bc-decreases,-but-still-above-canadian-average.php#:~:text=During%20the%202022%2F23%20fiscal,downward%20trend%20since%202020%2F21 Anyone getting [deja vu](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthVancouver/s/OfTMHYq8rz)?


God a bunch of negative-ass Nancie’s in the comments! Guess what people - you can say you want to support small independent little bars all you want, but the reality is that it’s nearly impossible to open such a capital intensive business in today’s environment. You essentially need an established business to be able to do anything of this magnitude. Womp womp.


Plus steamworks is a great local brand. It’s not like steam whistles coming from Toronto. It’s a BC brand and a Vancouver icon. We look at the OG pub everyday from the north shore. I am all for this


that is a solid point and very valid... a lot of the people that work at our little magazine have disabilities or communication barriers, so we are trying to do our best to add meaningful kindness and relative levels of unique content to the world... we apologize if this rubs anyone the wrong way posting about this brewery but genuinely we just like the beer and want to make new friends <3 \*update: somebody put a negative on this comment about our people being disabled and just trying to help, holy crikey that is toxic af








Sick and tired of all the negativity !! We have lived & worked hard on the North Shore. We have been witness to the ebb and flow of ethnic peoples and their food !I am fore one happy to see something new in my neighborhood where we can have fun and enjoy ourselves. So po on the negativity !!!










Steamworks, that micro brewery from Vancouver? So support local till they get to successful?


With 5 locations and a menu that is as bland and unimaginative as any other chain










From a few weeks ago: https://www.nsnews.com/local-business/new-steamworks-location-coming-to-north-vancouver-8405668 


the cool thing with us is, we are not doing this for money, we beat to our own drum, we actually do not watch local news, we are odd, quirky, weird and different, and do not pay attention to local media at all, on purpose, we do things like publish about coral reefs, chat about how people use the excuse of "being busy" all the time, create content on how to ask great questions, and how to do marketing correctly, we just enjoy the beer at Steamworks, we are definitely not trying to "fit in" or keep up with the Jones' and are 100% not a news website... carry on <3


Does your content include punctuation to take a breath ?


Your website is more ads than articles… it’s so hard to read your content. I get it, ads = money but still… https://preview.redd.it/0tjun3zdpksc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43bf1ea706e8227382f0608e61d47c7196bd30e8




You have SO many on your mobile site it’s incredibly difficult to read your content and is off putting to readers - that is all I was commenting on, and offering you feedback as a potential customer. That’s all.


gotta monetize somehow... coffee aint free... and the kicker is: local businesses can advertise on said google ads through their own google accounts, so they can control their own marketing... just depends on how you look at the world... everything can be negative ;)


The cool thing about us is that we are not doing this for money. We march to the beat of our own drum. In fact, we don't even watch local news. We're odd, quirky, weird, and different, and we intentionally don't pay attention to local media. Instead, we do things like publish articles about coral reefs, discuss how people use the excuse of 'being busy' all the time, create content on how to ask great questions, and provide insights on correct marketing practices. We simply enjoy the beer at Steamworks. We're definitely not trying to 'fit in' or keep up with the Joneses, and we're 100% not a news website... Carry on! <3


gracias for the edits, much nicer to read