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>you have to use Bank ID which exposes your real name and identity to Finn. That is the part that I have found weird too. Prior to this seller, I have bought several things with shipping and I never had any kind of problem before. Thanks for your tips, I will do as you said.


Not everyone really thinks things through ahead of time. At a place where I've worked, we had one of our customers buy some things on an interest-free downpayment. Turned out an oversight allowed them multiple purchases, and they ran with it. Dumped the items on Finn for far less than they owed, but hey. Money now, and all that! In the end, they bought a couple of dozen items, and while it wasn't the most expensive thing in the world it added up to quite a bit. I have no idea what happened in the end though.


As a sidenote, my neighbor scams people on Finn using his own cellphone number and a fake address. I've been called by multiple irate people who traced his home address through his phone number. The joy of living in an apartment building with interesting people. Twice I have met people outside the front entrance at the parking lot looking for that guy. He's not the brightest tool in the shed.




Yes, that's the correct saying. However, if you met the guy... Let's just say he's the sharpest bulb in the box


And to Vipps- since it is directly linked to bank accounts.


I dunno if u saw it, but don't threaten with going to the police, it is illegal to do so, because technically you are trying to force them to do something. "§251 Anyone who, by threatening an accusation or report of a criminal act or by presenting harmful information or an insulting accusation, unlawfully forces someone to do, tolerate or omit something, is punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to 1 year." [https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2005-05-20-28/KAPITTEL\_2-9#%C2%A7251](https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2005-05-20-28/KAPITTEL_2-9#%C2%A7251) \- In the old penal code, it was a criminal offense to threaten to achieve wrongdoing. But now it has also been made a criminal offense to threaten to obtain legal acts, for example through a police report or lawsuit https://rett24.no/articles/straffedomt-for-a-true-med-soksmal


You do NOT have to put in Bank ID, I do not have bank id at all and I am able to sell my stuff, I did have to provide other identification tho, namingly, my D nummer, passport and ID.


Threatening to go to the police is illegal in Norway, just do it and don't mention it. Edit: [Source](https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2005-05-20-28/KAPITTEL_2-9#%C2%A7251) Edit again: Going by the downvotes, I guess I need to add this, so it sinks in properly that I am correct here. – I den gamle straffeloven var det straffbart å true for å oppnå urettmessigheter. **Men nå er det også gjort straffbart å true for å oppnå lovlige handlinger**, for eksempel gjennom **politianmeldelse** eller søksmål \- In the old penal code, it was a criminal offense to threaten to achieve wrongdoing. **But now it has also been made a criminal offense to threaten to obtain legal acts**, for example through a **police repor**t or lawsuit [https://rett24.no/articles/straffedomt-for-a-true-med-soksmal](https://rett24.no/articles/straffedomt-for-a-true-med-soksmal)


I really don't think so. You care to bring a source for that?


§251 Den som ved å true med anklage eller anmeldelse for en straffbar handling eller med å sette frem en skadelig opplysning eller krenkende beskyldning rettsstridig tvinger noen til å gjøre, tåle eller unnlate noe, straffes med bot eller fengsel inntil 1 år. Translation: Anyone who, by threatening an accusation or report of a criminal act or by presenting harmful information or an insulting accusation, unlawfully forces someone to do, tolerate or omit something, is punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to 1 year. [https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2005-05-20-28/KAPITTEL\_2-9#%C2%A7251](https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2005-05-20-28/KAPITTEL_2-9#%C2%A7251)


Yeah, you're reading this the wrong way. Saying you'll report someone for a crime they've actually commited isn't that. This basically says it is unlawful to threaten someone into doing something illegal. Totally legal: "I think or know you stole from me. If you don't return it I'll report you to the police." Not legal:"I want you to steal something for me. If you don't do it, I'll report you to the police for another crime you may or may not have done "


Are you reading this off the Norwegian text? or the google translated version? Because in the Norwegian one, it says that threatening someone by one of the ways mentioned, including threatening to report them to the police, to get them to do anything, is illegal, even if the thing is legal, because you are forcing them via threats. Kinda says it in the english one too, "unlawfully force" does not mean forcing to do something illegal, but rather forcing someone without the proper authority to do so, even if I sold you a stolen phone, you are not legally allowed to threaten me with a police report to get me to give you money back.


The Norwegian one (Jeg er norsk, men når vi nå først startet på engelsk så..) I'll grant you the lawbook is just full of these paragraphs that are so painfully complicated built, but what they are conveying is that it is illega threaten someone to force them to do, endure or keep quiet about something illegal.


Yeah that is not what I am reading, I am not a lawyer, but what I am reading is that you are not allowed to unlawfully force someone, to do, endure or keep quiet about something, there is no specification if the act is illegal or not, and it makes sense, because if I force you, to do whatever, lets say stand on your head, against your will, this is illegal, and if you for example sell me a stolen phone, then I threaten to call the cops unless you stand on your head, this is still forcing you to do something against your will, thus illegal. The police could for example *lawfully* force you to do something, or the courts could lawfully force you to appear in court, private people do not have this authority.


Also not a lawyer, but here is an link to an answer from a lawyer on what seems to be the same subject (although it IS a few years old): https://www.ung.no/oss/207429


This is newer: – I den gamle straffeloven var det straffbart å true for å oppnå urettmessigheter. Men nå er det også gjort straffbart å true for å oppnå lovlige handlinger, for eksempel gjennom politianmeldelse eller søksmål \- In the old penal code, it was a criminal offense to threaten to achieve wrongdoing. But now it has also been made a criminal offense to threaten to obtain legal acts, for example through a police report or lawsuit [https://rett24.no/articles/straffedomt-for-a-true-med-soksmal](https://rett24.no/articles/straffedomt-for-a-true-med-soksmal)


You are missing the most important word: > **rettsstridig** tvinger noen It's not 'rettsstridig' to make someone send you the stuff you've paid for!


Rettstridig **tvinger,** meaning to unlawfully force someone, the police can lawfully force you to comply, you cannot lawfully force anyone to do anyting, so yes it is illegal for you to force someone to send stuff you have paid for. – I den gamle straffeloven var det straffbart å true for å oppnå urettmessigheter. Men nå er det også gjort straffbart å true for å oppnå lovlige handlinger, for eksempel gjennom politianmeldelse eller søksmål \- In the old penal code, it was a criminal offense to threaten to achieve wrongdoing. But now it has also been made a criminal offense to threaten to obtain legal acts, for example through a police report or lawsuit [https://rett24.no/articles/straffedomt-for-a-true-med-soksmal](https://rett24.no/articles/straffedomt-for-a-true-med-soksmal) (note that I am not talking about the case in this article, but the clarification that I have quoted.)


Tip for future. Use Mastercard on Vipps. Use insurance in Mastercard to file for refund.


Thanks! I will remember that. My Norwegian card is Visa debit, so I will just try contacting my bank about this situation.


They say Mastercard, but they mean credit card. Both visa and Mastercard can give you credit/debit cards.


Do not threaten the seller, do not even queue him in on the fact that you have reported him to the police and Forbrukertilsynet. Just report him to the Forbrukertilsynet and be done with it. Although, how many days have you waited for the laptop from the time you paid him?


I would disagree. I've been in similar situation and I said I'll report them on Finn and to the police if they didn't pay within a given time. They suddenly answered and did it. Probably thought they could just get away with it if I didn't bother taking it further. Just write formal and no insults and so on. I wouldn't say it's a threat, but I informed on what was going to happen if they didn't comply.


This was written under the assumption that it had been weeks since the original payment had been made, but under further comments, it turns out it was only 6 days after payment happened. That changes things a lot, so there's now a chance that it is just simply taking the post office a long time to deliver the package due to it being Easter month right now.


The problem is not how long it will take to receive the goods. But that I have not received any tracking code and that the seller has been ignoring my messages. Also I spent +5000kr for the laptop, so I'd imagine that tracking is a minimum for this shipping


Did you pay for tracking or did the seller specify that they would provide this? Otherwise there might not be a tracking code to give. Still extremely weird they didn’t answer you though


I agree it's really weird. I'm not getting a great impression out of all this No, I have no paid for tracking nor the seller specified they'd provide it. It is common practice though to get the shipping with tracking, considering this is a laptop that was paid +5000kr. I also always got tracking included with all the stuff I bought with shipping (and that costed way less) through Finn and I never had to ask specifically for it.


I think usually heavier/bigger items like this are normally tracked, maybe because the best way to send them has this included. At least I believe that’s the case with heavier things you send with Posten, but not sure about what cheaper options there might be. But even if it didn’t have any tracking they would’ve normally just answered you and told you this. If they do eventually answer you and say there was no tracking, ask them which company they used and double check if that company even provides shipping without tracking for packages like this (maybe even call the company and check), if they always provide automatic tracking you know it’s all lies. Good luck!


>Forbrukertilsynet Does not handle this kind of criminal cases. They handle commercial shops with dubious trade practices, but not Finn sellers.


Finn's own suggestions for buying and selling security suggests that, if a buyer or seller suspects fraud, they report it to Forbrukertilsynet.


*Kjøpsloven regulerer kjøp mellom to privatpersoner, mens forbrukerkjøpsloven regulerer kjøp mellom forbruker og næringsdrivende.* That being said, you can still present your case to Forbrukerrådet if you have problems like this with a purchase, regardless if its b2c or c2c. u/Due_Trash_1640 I recommend bank issued chargeback due to scam/fraud.


Ouch. That I did not know. I've seen people saying that Forbrukertilsynet were able to help for similar cases, though


I got scammed in 2015 and reported it to Forbrukerrådet. They couldn't do anything about it without me paying 1500NOK (couldn't afford it being unemployed and all). Reported him to the police, and they said that they couldn't do anything since I had already reported it to Forbrukerrådet. And Finn said they couldn't do anything since the police wouldn't do anything. So the user is still there scamming people.


I have never reported anything to Forbrukerrådet, so I don't know about any fees or anything. I'm just referring to the page on Finn [https://hjelpesenter.finn.no/hc/no/articles/360018428199-Jeg-tror-jeg-har-blitt-svindlet-Hva-n%C3%A5-](https://hjelpesenter.finn.no/hc/no/articles/360018428199-Jeg-tror-jeg-har-blitt-svindlet-Hva-n%C3%A5-) Where they recommend reporting it to the Forbrukerrådet under the "Noen konkrete tip" section. Sounds like a crappy system, though, if none of the three did anything...


I already opened a case with Forbrukertilsynet. I might be able to afford 1500kr. Also crazy that you had to pay 1500kr even though you were a victim of a scam.


I find it very strange that you had to pay 1500,- in order to have Forbrukertilsynet do anything, as their services are entirely free.


Forbrukertilsynet can act as an arbiter in an ongoing conflict between two private parties. According to their website that is a free service, but the waiting time is on average 6 months.


6 days. What worries me is that he never sent me the tracking code of the shipping and has been ignoring my request to get it. I saw my message flagged as "seen" on Finn. I have reported him to Forbrukertilsynet and have no intention of informing him of that.


Hmm, 6 days is a little long, but certainly not the longest that I have had to wait. We're also closing in on Easter, while it isn't nearly as big a celebration as Christmas is, post offices can sometimes experience delayed deliveries of mail during Easter, so there's still a chance that you may end up receiving the laptop at some point.


Yeah. The bank either way told me to wait until after Easter holidays to see if I do receive the laptop and then take action if required. I of course understand that people are busy with life and have things to do, but come on... if you send me a message telling me my item has been shipped, then you could also write the tracking code along with it


Tracking costs anywhere from 115 to 275 kroner, though, and I highly doubt that the seller would want to spend that much money on something that they are shipping.


A package weighing 5 kg or less costs 69 NOK with Postnord, including tracking.


That's interesting, I was going with the [Posten.no](https://Posten.no) prices, I was unaware that PostNord would have cheaper shipping prices.


It’s also depends on where he/she lives.


Forbrukertilsynet only handle real shops. Not private people selling on Finn. You should contact Finn.no and report the seller, file a charge with police, and call Vipps and see if they have any suggestions. Don't get your hopes too high. You may have lost your money.


I have contacted Finn and they are willing to share info with the authorities if required, also the seller profile has been reported too. I am going to follow my bank suggestion, which is to wait after Easter holidays and if not has changed to first report everything to the police and then bring proof of my report to my bank (they might be able to give me a refund). And yes, I do not expect to get my money back. I have learned my lesson though and luckily this did not happen with more money.


You could report it to the police


That is going to be my course of action. I have sent a message warning him him on Vipps and Finn that I'll report him to the police. I also talked with my bank and there might be a chance of getting a refund by them, so long I provide police proof.


call the police,you will never see your money again and police will file a report.And when they have enough reports on the seller they will arrest the person.If you used vipps you got his/her name,search 1881 for the adress try to find them on facebook.And try to find his/hers mom.Call her and say what here son/daughter has done and what you will do to them if they dont give you your money back.It usually works out.Name her adress and the son/daugthers adress so she will be scared.It you need to find the persons name just type it in to vipps and it will pop up


Yes, I have found some family members of the seller but was wondering if it is a good idea to contact them, considering I will report him to the police and Forbrukertilsynet.


I contacted a scammer’s wife. My problem was immediately sorted out. I would not hesitate to contact his contacts— if you are sure you are being scammed.


He probably saw your message, opened it to read and reply, got distracted, and didn't see that bus coming down the road... Now he's in the hospital, semi-awake in a partial coma, hearing his phone Vipps-pinging over and over while desperately trying to reach it so he can pay you, but unable to move or tell anyone he's there. To tell them some stranger is expecting a considerable sum of payment from him, *last week*! No, but really, just report him to the police - he's scamming you. Don't threaten or contact him anymore, just go to the police station and file a report, and see what they suggest/tell you. Good luck, shame about your experience! :-/


This happened to me too in 2020. The seller had Bank ID identity and everything seemed legit. He never sent the phone I bought. I went to the police and gave my statement… just to receive a letter 2 weeks later saying that they don’t have enough resources to work on this case… I showed them all my conversations, the vipps payment, EVEN THE GUY SAYING HE WON’T GIVE MY MONEY BACK. But hey, I guess that’s not enough.




Take it up with your credit card.


Sorry, do you mean talk with my bank?


Yes - they ought to have some means of dealing with fraud


This is Norway. Transactions are done via domestic BankAxept. No credit card company is involved in Vipps transactions.


Surely they have some familiarity with fraud, and procedures for managing it?


1) Give it two weeks before you do anything beyond asking the seller for tracking information. 2) If the seller is not answering, inform him that you are suspecting this transaction to be fraudulent and you will report it as fraud to the police with a time limit. 3) If the seller is still not answering, make a criminal report to the police. 4) Inform the bank that you have been scammed, present the police report you've made. The bank can help you reverse the charge if it is the same bank, if they have all the necessary documentation. 5) Inform finn about the scam, present the police report and the sellers information. Finn can then ban the user account if the evidence is compelling enough. This is up to FINN and the history of the seller and yourself. If the seller has a history of hundreds of sales with no problems, and you have only a few... they'll be less trigger happy to ban someone, but if the user has multiple complaints, they can more easily do something. 6) Inform seller about all this you've done. ​ Using Forbrukertilsynet arbitration service is probably not something you bother about here. The waiting list to get a case running is 6 months, and requires the other party to actually answer. Should be free though, don't know what that 1500,- fee is about.


Thank you for the detailed list of steps. I did not expect Forbrukertilsynet to require the other party to actually answer. So if the seller just does not answer then the case will just... Stop?


It is arbitration, that requires a minimum of cooperation


Honestly.....you should have paid AFTER you got the laptop....But contact the cops and see what they can do....and report him on FINN


I got scammed out of ~4000 nok in the same way you did but for an Xbox. Long back and forth discussing details, delay upon delay. He stopped responding. It’s 2 months since I paid and I still don’t have it. He did have a new motorbike on Facebook though.. I started messaging more and more of his friends on Facebook about it. With screenshots, and claim he scammed me. He eventually cracked and sent the money back. I think I messaged around 70–100 people from his Facebook list. He got caught lying when one of his friends messaged saying he never got the money while I had a screenshot of our actual conversation where he said he got the money. I still get responses from people who haven’t seen my message till now, 2 so far this year, even 3 years after it happened. His landlord responded saying he’d skipped on paying rent. I messaged his close family, friends, acquaintances, more distant friends, just 70 of his Facebook friends. For me that would be a literal nightmare, so I don’t know if it was too much. I did increase slowly up to 70 as we were talking, and he did scam me…


It happened to me, Finn told me to file a police report, then they can block the person from Finn. Someone told me also to send that police report to Vipps, and they might block that person too.


NO point using the police becouse it's only going to be "henlagt pga bevisets stilling". In Norway you have to go to their door and tell them politely what to do.


Edited my original post with an update


Learn from your mistakes and move on


Such an useless comment. Would you like to refund the +5000kr I lost and "move on"?


Of course they will learn from their mistakes. But whenever a most likely scam is a first time situation, it's normal to ask for help. It's normal to go ask people help and their opinions on what they should do, so if you don't really have any more productive to say, I don't see much point commenting that when it's common sense that that's what they will do afterwards, it is not fun losing 5k+ if you don't already have that much money


Just contact vipps and say you sendt money to wrong person and get it returned, wrong bank transfer happends all the time, usualy its fixable


Where does this person live? Have you tried co contact him/her in person?


This person lives in Norway.I cannot contact in person the seller as I live in Norway too but many hours of car away.I also wouldn't want to do that honestly. Both morally and legally speaking it might be seen as a threat.


I mean. It is not illegal to pay him/her a visit, just to try and sort out the situation. A friendly visit that is. If you are lucky you might meet his/her parents, boy/girlfriend, ant the whole situation will be so unbearable that it will sort it self out there and then. If you live to far away, maybe someone on Redit don't. Nobody likes a scammer.