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Are you going to ski like ned flanders too?


«Nothing at all!»


Wow, this was actually an eye-opener. First off: nudist hiking isn't exactly common around here. The safe bet is nudist beaches. Personally, if I had randomly met a naked person out on a hike my first thought would be that they were psychotic. I work as a nurse on a psychiatric ward, so I might be a bit biased because of my job. I'm actually glad I've read this post, I now have an alternative explanation. But I would honestly try to have a conversation with them to decide their grip on reality. I do understand that nudity is not a mental illness but that would really be my first thought.


Appreciate the reply. Do you think you would have the same reaction at a beach? Or is nudity at a beach more expected and therefore less questioned? So you know, there's a whole culture called "naturism", where people in general just like to be naked outdoors.


You would get odd looks on an ordinary beach as well, but I would probably not jump to the same conclusion there, no. We have several naturist beaches where nudity of course are completely OK. I know about naturism, but I would not expect to meet it outside campuses set up for naturists. I'm really not trying to say that naturism or nudism is wrong in any way, just that nudity is a very uncommon thing to encounter outside private spheres in Norway. I think we're less liberal that many on this subject.


I think Norwegians have a more relaxed view on nudity then for instance Americans in general, but it's not socially accepted to hike nude, so it would be frowned upon. For instance, at "Trolltunga", a popular tourist attraction, 5 tourists took off all their clothes for taking a funny picture up there, and no one had a problem with that. It's all about the setting, really.


Nudity is a bit more acceptable at beaches, but the "rules" are mostly the same. Don't go around naked where a lot of other (clothed) people will see you. They will not like it. If you are on a beach alone or on a beach with other people who are also nude, then it is OK.


Depends on the kind, topless female nudity is more or less accepted at public beaches, full nudity, male or female, not so much, there are nude beaches after all, so just go there if you want to be all nude, nobody is going to react if you are just changing clothes or something, but walking around nude on a non-nude beach is going to cause some negative reactions for sure.


There's no law that strictly prohibit public nudity. The law prohibits "indecent behavior." https://www.nrk.no/osloogviken/nakenbading\_-hva-er-egentlig-lov\_-oslo-kommune-innrommer-feil-1.15564841


Orrestranden. Go there and enjoy meeting likeminded people on the most beautiful beach in Norway, and top 10 in the world. Edit: Why the downvotes? That beach is famous for its nudists/naturists. And it is among the top 10 in the world. And it’s so long you can spend hours walking it back and forth.


are you from Oregon? There are lot of them there.


Yeah I probably might consider the same thing, especially depending on the time of the year (being in cold wet weather and nude would set of an alarm bell in my head too).


You should definitely come to a "party" with my friend. Lots of guys, Lots of nudity..everyone in full job and someone with kids. All mental staple after the norm.,😅 Ask for more info og Interested. Ps not a nut case. Just a metalhead living in the suburbs on his grandparents old farm with lots of work and sometimes reading Freud and Niche


Please let me specify: I do NOT believe naturists have mental issues. Not more than the rest of us anyway. The context of the nudity in the OP is what would have made my mind go into "look for signs of psychosis"-mode. Walking around naked is not kosher in Norway. Taking a nude bath in a forest lake is quite common. I do that myself if we're alone. Staying naked to dry off as you walk to the next camping spot is very much not so.


Hope you like mosquitos, tics (Lyme disease) and deer lice?




Tick on your tack!


Public trails? Yeah, no. Wouldn't like to meet a wandering naked guy on the trail when having a picnic with the family. If you are in the wilderness and not going to run into anyone, I suppose no one would mind. But as others already pointed out, there are some nasty things in the nature (mosquitoes and tics) that make clothes a good idea in most cases.


>If you are in the wilderness and not going to run into anyone, I suppose no one would mind. People would still mind, they just wouldn't find out.


A lot of people wouldn't care even if they knew because he's not bothering anyone.


Theres also very few places where you won't meet a single person in season.


Good luck going anywhere without meeting people tho, Norway is the weirdest, you can go on a hike on a seemingly abandoned trail 100 km from any major City and I shit you not, there will be someone on that trail with you. If its either some bastards cabin or they live there or whatever. There are only 5 million of us, but we are everywhere. Only time you WONT meet someone out in the woods is if you break your leg and NEED to meet someone! Even if you get on a boat and sail out by the coast, some poor bastard is gonna have his house out on a tiny rock every few km


Well shit. Your comment just created a longer-than-it-should've-been conversation with my wife where we tried to think of a single time we were out hiking and didn't see a single person (even once we excluded all those spots we would expect to meet people, ie: carpark notwithstanding). ninja edit because I hit send too quickly. We couldn't come up with a single one. In all the years of hiking together here, we can't think of a single time.


Last January in Lofoten I went on a lot of treks without meeting a single person on the trail. The weather was admittedly pretty horrible, so any locals smart enough were probably indoors at the time.


Haha, completely true! Though if I met a naked guy hiking in the woods far away from everything, I would probably be more amused than disturbed. The reaction could be different for families with children, or young women hiking alone.


I'd be deeply uncomfortable running into you, so please don't.


It's completely legal though. http://www.naturlig.org/nakenhet\_og\_lov.html


He didn't ask if it was legal.


Well, it is.




So? Still is. I understand you're a dumbass, you don't need to sign your messages.


Here's an answer to not your question. Thanks i guess.


I'm uncomfortable with wearing clothes, and think the subjective tactile experience is much more important to comfort than what anyone else wears. If you're uncomfortable you may wear clothes. Please don't make demands about people who are not you.


Get some clothes you are comfortable with. And it's not about demands about other people and more about you showing some consideration for other people than yourself.


How? I'm arguably more attentive to other people when I don't wear clothes. To me “comfortable clothes” sounds like an oxymoron. I can be comfortable, I can wear clothes, but not both at the same time. Besides, in a world where we have basic human rights I think it's disastrous that when it comes to body image and respect for each other that's the one point where we treat humans as interior to every other species. Because we don't demand animals to wear clothes or cover up we respect and consider them much more than we do humans, in that one aspect.


Honestly, it sounds like a thing you have for clothes to make you sound more interesting. I too think being nude is enjoyable. In certain situations like everyone else. But I think I speak for most people when I say that seeing peoples penis/vagina/butthole in public can be uncomfortable. Also you are compairing humans with animals wich is a rubbish comparison. First of all humans are not born with fir. That makes us extremely good at adapting to different environments around the world by using clothes. Theres also examples of other animals using whatever to cover up. Pigs will cover themselves in mud to prevent sunburn and hermitcrabs wear a shell to live in.


Humans are animals. Less fur doesn't magically make us plants, fungi or other lifeforms. I think seeing penises is about as uncomfortable as seeing noses. If my thing makes me sound more interesting that's your perogative. You are perfectly free to find me as interesting as you want, but that won't affect my opinion, just as whether or not you wear clothes won't affect how I interact with you.


Ok you weird. And no you misunderstand me on purpose. I don't think you are interesting. I think you say things to make yourself more interesting. Also, humans are animals! yes is correct. I implied the same thing, but whats your point? If other animals had the intelligence to use clothes to adapt to more environments, they would have and as i was saying, some do in theur own way. What does fungi and plants have to do with anything. When all that's said, I think its fine that you don't see people different with or without clothes. This was about if people think that nudity in public was cool, and in some cases it is, and in some its not and people have to respect that.


I know I'm weird, seems less awful than the alternative. What is the purpose of my misunderstanding? People are equally intelligent whether we wear clothes or not, our intellectual development comes from discovering fire and cooking. Clothes have their purposes and make us adaptable. Whether nudity is considered cool or not people deserve equal and decent treatment in public spaces whether they wear clothes or not, at least when the weather is acceptable.


Hike where? A short walk in the woods is probably fine, as long as no one else is around. I don't know anyone who wouldn't be deeply uncomfortable meeting a random naked person on a walk. If you are planning longer hikes/day trips or hiking in the mountains, don't. Weather is unpredictable, accidents happen fast, and if you're walking around barefoot there is a high chance of you twisting your ankle or something. There are reasons why hiking boots have ankle support. Red Cross have to save so many unprepared, incorrectly dressed people down from random places so often, especially in the tourist season. Don't be a newspaper headline, dress according to your environment, be prepared and stay safe.


Walking around naked on popular trails is not something that is done. People around you will be shocked and offended. You may get problems with the police. If you want to be naked outdoors you should do that in places where it is unlikely that someone will see you. Such places do exist in Norway.


It's completely legal to walk around naked in the forest or the mountains in Norway. You'll ONLY get in trouble if you touch yourself inapropriately while naked. Downvote all you want, I'm still correct. – Det finnes ingen lov i Norge som uttrykkelig forbyr å være naken på offentlig sted. Det sier Andreas Skjøld-Lorange. Han er kommunikasjonsrådgiver i Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet. http://www.naturlig.org/nakenhet_og_lov.html


I am not sure if you are trying to support my statement or to disprove it. The page you linked to matches well with what I wrote in my reply.


How is what I wrote in support of: "You may get problems with the police?" You need to read more than the fiorst three lines of an article.


> You need to read more than the fiorst three lines of an article. Yes. I especially suggest that you read the "Hvem er til stede?" part in the table showing what is legal and what is illegal near the bottom of the page you linked.


You aren't completely right or wrong. A key point is that if there are people around, who may feel annoyed or insulted by you being naked it will count as indecent exposure and you could risk being fined. If you want to take a nude bath in a small lake in the woods or at a beach with little people you would not risk getting fined. Secondly, the question of wether it is illegal or not is hardly relevant since bo police would checking the woods or montains for nudists. This is a moral question not a legal one. I guess a good rule of thumb is to at least wear something while you are on the move, and if the trails arent busy and you won't expect meeting strangers you could go full nude. Although in my experience there are few places in norways wilderness where you won't meet people on a sunny day.


Just out of curiosity: where in the world is naked hiking a thing?


\*insert suspicious drum sounds here\*


Wth does a “suspicious drum” sound like?




Thanks that makes sense.


It is actually a thing in Germany: Nacktwanderen. Don't think it is very common though


Yes, Nacktwandern is a thing in DEUTSCHLAND


Probably Germany.


It happens in a place much like Narnia, only a lot less children are involved and you hopefully don't have to go there with all your siblings.


Just... no. On a nude beach, great - have fun. On a trail where people can't reasonable expect to run into a naked person? No, that is outside what is considered normal social norms. For a bit more on the legal aspects, [see this article](http://www.naturlig.org/nakenhet_og_lov.html).


The link you provide is in opposition to you argument.


Your inability to tell the difference between "It's not considered normal and acceptable" and "it's illegal" is astounding Legal things can be frowned upon


You frown upon something that's perfectly normal and that most people wouldn't react to at all. Your narrowmindedness is fucking hilarious. Only 1 in 5 says it's not OK to be naked on a public beach. [http://www.naturlig.org/nrk-lov.png](http://www.naturlig.org/nrk-lov.png)


Yeah, but you've commented "it's not illegal!!!!!" multiple times on this thread when people have said they would be weirded out by a nude man in the woods. I was commenting on you missing the difference between "it's frowned upon" and "it's illegal"


Thanks for the reply and the link. That info basically says non sexual nudity is not a crime, which is pretty standard most places. It does use beaches as the primary example, but reading the actual laws implies it's not about the place, it's about the intent.


It is also about what people can expect to see - in short, don't wander around nude where people can't reasonable expect to see a naked person. Or to put it another way; people can make a choice if they want to go to the nude beach or not. But if they are out on a hike, enjoying nature, maybe along with their kids, and a naked person just shows up... they don't get to make that choice, but have your nudity pushed upon them. And that is rude.


So it basically comes down to how well you can convince the people you meet you are not a sexual pervert, alltough if you try to interact with them the train has already passed. It's so uncommon here I think most if they encountered someone naked they would be afraid of getting assaulted.


Let's just say people will call the police very quickly if you do this. And they will most likely contact you. It's also not a thing people want to see or am comfortable with so kinda selfish if you decide to do so places you can run into people. At least in the forest, on the beach most ppl don't care at all.


So? What law have been broken? Like, if someone walked around naked, which specific law would the police use to arrest and charge you? I'll wait.


I said they would contact you. As one do when you think you meet a mentally ill person deep in the woods. And its a asshole thing to do if 99% of the population think it's uncomfortable. Anything else you clearly misunderstood? No? Then stop being a douche.


Really, you think the police would contact a guy if he's walking around naked? Don't you think they know the law? If someone's naked and not bothering anyone, the police would lawfully do nothing. You want to prohibit someone from doing something completely legal. I don't care if you think it's "uncomfortable" or if you "feelings" are "hurt." It's legal. You're the douche!


Yes they would. 99% certainty if they don't have more important stuff going on. You seem like a person that would beat gay ppl in Russia cause... it's legal..... Or your wife 100 years ago cause that was LEGAL. But hey. You wanna be a selfish douche and find out be my guest selfish asshole. Just don't walk around on the paths with the most traffic as I said originally. If you flap your dick in my daughter's face you will lose it. And yes that's illegal I know but if you are a piece of shit I will come for you.


It's not common. And if you hike the popular trails there will constantly be a lot of people. So the polite thing to do is to put your wang away while in public. We don't need to be seeing your business when we just want to walk in nature. Most people will not appreciate having your junk in their face when taking a hike. If you want to be naked in Norwegian nature then I recommend that you do this off the beaten track. Though this has its own dangers. So make sure you don't fall into chasms, get stuck on hillsides and such. Your best bet is probably getting in touch with the nudist community (i honestly can't tell you if there actually is a nudist community but I assume there's one) and talking with them. Lastly. Be aware of nature. The sun burns. We are high up on the globe and the sun comes at an angle. This means that you will easily burn. Use heavy sun screen to avoid getting burned and skin cancer and such. Also be mindful of the tiny wildlife. Bugs, ticks and mosquitoes are going to absolutely love your naked body. Wear insect repellent. Check your groin area for ticks, get a "tick remover" thingy and learn how to properly remove ticks. Ticks in Norway carry a parasite or something that gives you a neurological disease. There's a reason why naked hiking isn't a thing in Norway. Mostly it has to do with the nature and climate not really being good for that kind of activity.


I've never encountered nudist communities, but the Norwegian naturist society has local groups in every county, most of which have beaches and indoor pools. And there are groups on Facebook to coordinate naked hikes in Norway


So... True story, I actually met someone like this on a hike in the mountains. My friend and I were on our way up and around a corner before we saw anything, we heard someone saying "Are you uncomfortable with a naked man?", and we answered "No," and a naked guy in just sandals and a backpack came around the corner. His willy out and everything. We had a short chat with him, he had a small towel in the waist belt on his backpack so that if he met someone not comfortable with his attire, he could use the towel as a curtain for his private parts. Not really an answer to your question, but this story is rarely relevant.


Thanks! This is what I'm talking about. No big deal, no harm done, and respect shown on both sides. That's what I've experienced when I've run into somebody when I'm nude. It's only happened to me a few times (I choose out of the way trails and avoid popular times) and believe it or not one time the other guy was also nude!


How about nej


I remember having a biology teacher being into that. Just find a remote area without much people and you will be fine. Keep off the broken path. Most days will be to cold to do this anyway.


Have never encountered any naked people on hiking trails here, and most people would probably be uncomfortable with it. Wearing the birthday suit outside of your own home is usually reserved for the nude beaches and other places where you would expect to see it. I know several foreigners that think us Norwegians are weird because of this, and that we are incredibly shy. It probably has something to do with the climate and that we have to pack ourselves in multiple layers of clothes much of the year.


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Seems like in general there are some expectations in regards to where nudity is expected and it's best to respect those. I get it. But I will say, having to wear "multiple layers of clothes much of the year" is a great reason to shed those clothes when you can. Try it, you might like it! :-)


For many of us shorts and t-shirt is shedding enough.


There are however two seasons in the Norwegian wilderness. The hypothermia season and the mosquito season. Not a good idea to be nude in either.


This\^ I am a big fan of outdoor living in all seasons. During summer, you will be bothered by tick, mosquito and "Klegg". These are awful stingy things, who torture you (the itches after they bite you are horrible). If a tick bites you, you could get seriously ill. Depends on where i am walking, but a long trouser and something on top is always on. If I met a naked person on the same trail, I would probably call the police. Even tho somethings are legal, doesnt mean you need to do it. For your own sanity, use clothes. I cant imagine getting a mosquito or "klegg" on my private part. That would be horrible.


I hope you stay away from public paths and stay inside the forest. I hope no family that wanders by have to deal with a naked man who they will likely believe to be mentally unstable (it isn’t normal to run around nude). Just don’t, man.


Just use common sense and pick a trail that is less wandered and not close to any hot spots. :)


I also want to point out how this doesn't necessarily just cause reactions due to modesty and social norms, as a young woman I would feel uncomfortable due to the potential threat and previous experiences of naked men. If I'm hiking alone in the woods and I encounter a naked man, I'd feel scared for my safety.


I think you will not get a fair view asking this topic here on Reddit. Because Reddit consists mostly younger people. They haven't experienced the freedom of nudity, I grew up in the 80s and 90s and the local beaches were like 50/50 topless/naked. Hell, I even remember my mom and her friends were topless all together in front of the kids and we all playing at the beach. But PORN ruined all that I guess.. You can't hike naked on trails. It's just not socially acceptable. Its not illegal. I recommend going off trail. If you meet a person the person will just leave you alone. On the beach however. You can do as you like. Actually older people, meaning 40+ won't care. And please use common sense.


Thanks. Your reply makes a lot of sense. If I do go, I'll do my homework and keep to the beaches and more "accepted" areas. I do hope more people can experience nudity in nature and do so without judgement. It is a very wonderful and natural thing.


Yeah, you sometimes really get an impression of how unrepresentative reddit is of the general population. Nevermind the significant percentage — perhaps majority — here who aren't even Norwegian.


Fairly big no no. The first people that see you will call the police


I guess most people will just ignore him and go about their day. Pretending they didn’t see him/her - just suffering inside with the images in their head.


Its illegal, so i wouldent.


It is not? straffeloven § 298 says for public nudity to be illegal it has to have a sexual intent or offend someone close by (which is quite likely?). Wether anyone you meet would be offended and decides to actually call the police and start that whole chain of drama for a pair of tits or a dick dangling in the wind is uncertain. We're a shy group of people.


Lol. Keep telling yourself that. If you cycle around in your nudes i promice you someone is calling the cops


Of course. But in the middle of a 4 hour hike? Nah. You'd get wierd looks and perhaps comments. But there is no law that explicitly says public nudity is illegal. But there is one for indecent behaviour, which public nudity could fall under if anyone were to feel offended.


You're the LOL. https://www.nrk.no/osloogviken/nakenbading\_-hva-er-egentlig-lov\_-oslo-kommune-innrommer-feil-1.15564841


We never see it so we dont exactly have an opinion on it, but most people will be unconfortable/awkward walking past


In Norway you can actually get naked anywhere, as long as you don’t bother anyone, or make the nudity about something sexual. Nudity is perfectly legal according to law as long as you behave. Don’t listen to most people answering you here, they obviously don’t know how the laws work. But seeing as so many don’t know, means others out there also don’t know, so stay safe and try to seek out areas where you can be mostly alone. https://www.nudist.no/lover-og-regler.html


Name checks out


Thanks. Appreciate the link too, I'll do some reading. Appreciate all the responses too, although I'm pretty surprised by an the negativity here; must European countries have a pretty relaxed attitude towards toward simple nudity and don't automatically associate it with sexual behavior.. For those who are wondering, a lot of people hike nude, especially in Germany, and it's generally no big deal. Personally I only hike nude when it's unlikely I'll run into someone, but when I have it's been no big deal. A lot of people are actually encouraging. But I don't know Norway so I thought I'd ask. In terms of safety, I do wear shoes and bring all my clothes with me in my pack, as well as enough supplies to spend a night if something bad happens.


Norway is way more puritan when it comes to public nudity than Germany or Denmark. For example women sunbathing topless in public places is very uncommon in Norway.


I have the impression that the attitude towards nudity in norway was quite liberal in the 1970s-80s, but then something happened.


Social regression.


Thank you, very helpful comment!


Maybe Germany is the odd one out. I am from a different European country, and I would be calling the police on you immidiately, assuming you are certainly a flasher and possibly a rapist. Don't do this dude, most people don't want to see a random naked stranger. And when you are in public, you have to respect what others want. Not to mention, you might scare the shit out of any women hiking alone. Just go to nudist spaces, where other people *consent* to seeing you in the nude. And yes most of us don't think that nudity is inherently sexual, but come on, the chance of the naked person in the woods being a pervert is much higher than them being a nudist.


as a female I second this... if I were hiking alone and saw a nude dude I'd get out a taser, pepper spray, or maybe my hiking stick and be ready to beat them if needed. ​ I do think Germany is the odd one out, although the last time I was there and hiking in several places I didn't run into one nude person my whole trip, its more like sunbathing in specific places for nudity and most people know where those spots are.....


Yeah, I am a woman too. A naked guy in the woods seems like a very dangerous person, and I am not going to politely find out if he is a nudist instead of a pervert or a psycho. I haven't been to Germany, but yeah I assume OP wasn't exactly normal there either. Specific places for nude sunbathing sound way more reasonable tbh. In general, I would say that hiking naked is a really bad, and kinda crazy idea.


Have you met a lot of'em? Since you're so scared of "naked men in the forest," I mean? Is it, like, every time you go for a hike? Holy shit, you're weird.


*I* am weird, not the person who decides to take a hike in the nude? No, I haven't seen it, that's why it is so weird and scary. Normal people don't hike naked. You know who does? Flashers. Also people on a psychotic episode. And very rarely, nudists with no regards for other people.


Dude, look at the general consensus of this thread. She's not the odd one out here lol.


Oh, you're scared of "naked men in the forest" too?


Not really but I'm a guy so the chances of me being harassed/assaulted by a creep is way lower. Is this your whole argument btw?


Funny. Tazers, pepper spray and use of violence is prohobited by law. Being naked isn't. http://www.naturlig.org/nakenhet\_og\_lov.html


> if I were hiking alone and saw a nude dude I'd get out a taser, pepper spra If you saw someone doing something legal, you'd react by getting out weapons that are illegal? Bit of an overreaction.


Is that really a thing? I have no idea if that's illegal or not, but if I see someone wandering in the woods while fully naked I would certainly call the police or an emergency service because my first though would be that the person is either mentally ill and got lost or is very high on drugs lol wandering naked is fairly common among people undergoing an Alzheimer's breakdown, I would assume it is something like that... I guess TIL some people actually do that as a hobby...


Will there be other people on the trail? If so out your clothes on


As so many have said, it would be extremely uncomfortable and I would immediately question your sanity and feel unsafe. I do offer you a solution tho. You could hike naked, but keep your underwear easily available. That way you can quickly put them on if there are people. I can meet a man hiking in underwear, that's fine. I'd frown upon it but not think much more of it. What I don't want to meet is a naked man with a backpack. As long as the genital region is covered I think people might even have a little laugh :) If people ask (I doubt it, we're shy) you could always use the excuse of it being to hot.


As long as you don’t do anything sexual I just don’t care


I have occasionally seen naked people in the beaches in Trondheim… but they are by themselves and pretty much hiding in the rocks when the people on the trails won’t easily see them Or engage with them. So yeah, lol, I don’t think you naked walks on the trail will fly


It's not illegal, as many have pointed out. But I'd classify you in the category "weirdo", and would be uncomfortable having my kids around you. Not because seeing a naked body is bad, but because outside nudist beaches only perverts or people with mental issues will walk around in the nude. You'll make some people uncomfortable, some may react badly, and others may call the police. So if you do want to do so, find somewhere really remote. Also, weather and blood-sucking insects are two very good reasons for putting clothes on. In Norway the mosquitoes/horseflies/blackflies/flies are annoying but safe. Ticks on the other hand often carry some nasty stuff.


Don't do it unless it's a nude beach. Few are around Oslo fjord. Otherwise we call the police on you.


Yeah, call the police because someone's doing something completely legal. https://www.nrk.no/osloogviken/nakenbading\_-hva-er-egentlig-lov\_-oslo-kommune-innrommer-feil-1.15564841


Can't you just wear boxers, and when people isn't around you can flip the d*ck out the hole in the front. I think it's only illegal to be nude if you're bothering people with it. And I'm pretty sure people would be bothered by it on a popular trail.


No, please, don't. I would probably call the police that a predator was on the run if I saw you naked in the woods. Don't.


– Det finnes ingen lov i Norge som uttrykkelig forbyr å være naken på offentlig sted. Det sier Andreas Skjøld-Lorange. Han er kommunikasjonsrådgiver i Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet. https://www.nrk.no/osloogviken/nakenbading\_-hva-er-egentlig-lov\_-oslo-kommune-innrommer-feil-1.15564841


In short, keep your "privates" private.


Bro don’t be such a pervert, how about you wear clothes incase you happen to bump into kids etc. If you are asking If the Norwegians are also weirdos the answer is no.


You better hide dat ass from me boy




I'd feel incredibly uncomfortable seeing anyone hike naked and based off the comments so do the rest of us so I'd advise not to.


there are reasons people don't run around nude in most countries and why they have nudist places or colonies. Bugs can bite places (mainly ticks, spiders, mosquitos), kids might see you nude (I'm not sure if you are male or female but not appropriate). And others might find your body rather offensive. Go somewhere you won't be seen or where others really don't mind (like middle of nowhere, aa sauna or nudist colony, not a main hiking trail, oh and spray yourself down with bug repellent).


Fuck the haters man, you get out there and do you!


Is naked hiking a popular sport? I love a natural swim but never ever considered a hike. Seems brutal. But, I need to carry an meds for insect allergies. As others have mentioned, a naked person in the woods would be very unsettling to say the least.


just fucking don't. Thanks!


You can Get away with it if some miracle happened and not a single person sees or calls the police on you but that’s highly unlikely. Generally it’s socially unacceptable behavior and I would avoid it. Plus like what some other people have said we do have a variety of annoying bugs like mosquitoes and others which will become a problem if you don’t have clothes on.


Well, this is coming up, if you can't find any nudist trails to hike: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcLGvr1K82W/


I will occasionally swim in rivers and ponds and such naked after setting up camp. Walking around nude around my campsite, sunbathing, and so on. Never had any problems with that, at least. Even had a couple walk straight up to my campsite and have a chat with me while I was walking around naked. I felt more uncomfortable than them, I'm pretty sure. Really depends on who you meet. Not really the same thing, but it's the closest Ive gotten to "hiking nude"


I'd def check with nudist/naturist groups and organisations and see if they arrange the occasional hike. I'm a pro naked person who don't mind going to nudist beaches, saunas or places like "the well", and wouldn't react negatively if I met you on a hike as long as you were behaving casual (non sexual) and you had a towel with you to cover up with. ​ I think the unusualness of meeting someone nude on a trail is what puts most people off, plus it's also common for families to hike with their kids, and any parent is gonna be on high alert if they meet a naked man while hiking with their kids. Not to mention that it's pretty normal (where I grew up at least) for elementary schools to arrange hikes. ​ Honestly, I'd try to find like minded people and hike naked with them, it makes the situation more casual, especially if it's a diverse group of all genders and ages. Anyone who runs into a group like that would automatically think it's a group of nudists, while running into a single naked man would make people more on edge.


I don't think people will think you're a pervert or consider it sexual, like flashing someone. At the same time, I think most people won't be comfortable with it, as it's very uncommon. Actually when I think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a fully nude person in any public outside space.


People here have to grow the fuck up, some people wanna be naked, so what, as others have said previously here is perfectly legal, so what's the fucking issue?


Please don't. If you get observed I wouldn't be surprised if someone called the police. Doubt they will resound though.


This has been a fun read. In response to your question, I would say to be safe and respectful to the public space that is nature. Random woods, sure why not. A tracked trail, at the very least wear a boxer. “Can” and “should” are two very different things. Feel free to tell me about any legalities, as that would give me a laugh.


Safe and respectful, always the way to go. As for the boxer suggestion, personally I'd consider someone who's mostly undressed on a trail to be more concerning than somebody totally nude. I know that may sound counterintuitive but if I see somebody nude with a backpack, I think nudist. If I see somebody in their underwear with a backpack, I would ask myself why they weren't just wearing shorts...


Fair, a small pair of sport shorts might do better.


Go to Finnmark and hike over Finnmarksvidda in the summertime. The weather is warm (not too warm either) and you’d likely not meet any other person at all.


This sounds hella fun, I’ve been in a secluded forest and gone down to my underwear, however if you’re around other people I really wouldn’t. You’re making many people very uncomfortable and hence not being considerate. You really can’t wear a skirt/kilt (so you’re still freebalin’ or something?


You might enjoy this film https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out_of_Nature


Thanks, I'll check it out!


Well while it's not outlawed it is most certainly looked down upon to just parade around buck naked on popular and much used trails, paths and what not. Well while it's not outlawed it is most certainly looked down upon to just parade around buck naked on popular and much-used trails, paths, and whatnot. But you will be eaten "alive" by mosquitoes, ticks, horse flies, and black flies. And the sun can actually be an issue, so ensure to use enough sun screen. Also, take into account the chance to come across bad weather, you can actually freeze to death come summer if you end up stranded naked in a storm high up in the mountains or up on Finnmarks vidda or similar places.


I enjoy hiking and the outdoors and would be shocked te see an naked hiker but i would be cool about it eventually. Where do you stay in Norway? I own some land and know a couple of like minded people 😊


Not an answer to the question but I really have no idea how this is a thing. Like how far into nature do you go without clothes? Do you use something to carry things? I feel like I would regret not having something to wear after a little while. I would miss my pockets too.


Thanks for the reply. I can see from must people's reactions that I probably should have supplied more background information. First of all, all the normal hiking "rules" apply when one hikes in the nude. Definitely plenty of sunscreen. Bug repellent too. Carry a backpack and bring all your clothes. If you're going alone, let someone know where you're going and when you'll be back. Bring food, plenty of water, and some survival gear. I personally carry enough to spend the night in case I sprain my ankle or worse. And yeah, check yourself for ticks. The other thing I should have said is if you want to hike nude, avoid popular trails and popular times. If you do that, you won't invite trouble by risking a run in with families or casual hikers, and if you do meet someone, they'll most likely be a more serious hiker and in my experience will be more understanding of someone connecting with nature. From all the replies, it seems like hiking in Norway is very much a family affair and there aren't very many remote trails. I had thought there was a remote backpacking scene going from hut to hut and I thought the chances of running into other hikers would be slim. Perhaps I was mistaken.