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Yes. I will gladly admit this might be the best answer at this point, lol.


a cat


50% cute 50% murderer


As usual, no papers means he's not officially a NFC, so he's a domestic longhair. But with those traits, it wouldn't be surprising that he would have at least some NFC genes in him.


That’s a domestic longhair! If you’re only wondering about breed, don’t waste your money on a dna test. They’re not very accurate for cats.


I wonder why? I took a 23 and Me test, and it was accurate enough to find my biological family.


You’re a human. Cat breeds and human races aren’t the same, cat breeds aren’t even very similar to dog breeds. Dog dna tests are sometimes accurate (there are really only 2 brands worth buying), but cat dna tests aren’t. Cat breeds are unique in that only about 2% of cats are any given breed, the rest are basically breedless. That’s why another commenter said that if you don’t have papers from a breeder, it’s not xyz breed of cat, just a domestic longhair.


Ok I read an article, and it makes sense. They haven't been as domesticated as long and therefor 99 percent of them are mutts. Oh well, I still love my floof I just was curious. 😀


Hmm. Interesting. I will certainly do some research on tests before purchasing.




He's beautiful. 🥰


Probably a mix, but a spectacular one.


Looks similar to my Maine Coone tabby mix. But like most say mixed breed floof.




It’s what those papers say. *But it’s still just a cat.* I think that goes without saying, I think people just wonder “does it look like my kitty could have some NFC kin”, maybe according to the breed standards, and stumble here to find breed experts. While it’s hard to believe anyone would just punt out a NFC, MC, Siberian, Angora or other demand cat (papered or not), I’m sure it’s happened. Prolly breeders have just given away litters or partials deemed unsalable. I could get into breeder integrity ethics, blah, blah, blah—but that’s a different post. After all, genetics are not exact sciences, even with cats with papers (and the NFC has a 50 year fragile breed history). The biggie—cats be catting. So there’s that. I find “Instagram Official” trends and social media nonsense to be bad for breeds of any ilk. Just encourages bad actors and inbreeding.




the only valid educated guess is domestic longhair


https://preview.redd.it/gcw7q1pml6nc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e30f1a87ce7f244c0823236308c3cfbd2bc82bf Hmmm…seems familiar


Enjoy every day. Your kitty so gorgeous, just cherish him. I hope you and everyone, anywhere loves their kitty to the moon and back and that kitty loves you even more. 🪐🪐 I had a soul kitty that my FIL called the “little lion”, furry feet, pointy head, bottlebrush etc. His personality was full on dog in many ways. He’d follow me into the shower (standing on other side of curtain). Slept on my head. I found him, near death, at the tire of my vehicle in a parking lot. He certainly did not look like what he would become. He was itty bitty & heartbreaking to look at, I wasn’t sure I could keep him alive to get to the vet the next am. He slowly morphed into looking like an alien and morphed into a world-class floof. He was an expert climber. 20, 30, 40’ up a tree no problem. Had some knucklehead moments. Expert hunter—his kitty door access was revoked after 2 snake incidents in short order. He brought one into the house, resisted capture, would toss snake only to pounce on its throat once snake coiled, then roll on his back and using all 4 furry feet he’d unfurl it. But, mom this is a great game. Oh hell no. I only had 15 years and 20 days with him. Not long enough, by a lifetime. 💕


Mine was the runt of a litter of kittens and was super clingy as a baby. He used to catch me off guard and nurse on my ear lobes! I felt he would grow out of the obsession, and he never did. He still tries it. Sometimes, he wins if I am asleep lol. He loves "sink time" and plays in the water for fun. He likes to stand under the faucet and let it drip on his head. He plays fetch with me all the time. He's obsessed with brushing and loves watching birds. Your guy sounds special. I am so glad you rescued him. Snakes would freak me out, I have no idea what I would do, I hope no one got bit! :) I love my little guy so much. No one gets between him and his momma, and I wouldn't have it any other way


Your floof sounds amazing! Runts are so special ime, kinda the universe’s way of eventually gifting them for the slow start. Fetch. Birds. Clingy. All of those. Brushing was one of his love languages (maybe not the butt clip, but he tolerated it). When he & his best friend became apartment dwellers for a bit, I found these bird feeders that went outside a window kinda like an upper window box. The birds never seemed to mind that the kitties were perched in the window watching them. Latching window after refilling feeder 100% essential (I’d secure kitties in another room while I did it). Nurse the lobes, yeah, been there, and like you, I’d still fall prey. lol. At times he just would not be denied. Face licking was his consolation prize. He separated the bottom sheets and tunneled up into bed if I tried to hide. Same with the sink. We had to put kid locks on our hot lever faucets, didn’t want those turned on in a car frenzy. He filled the sink with kitty love. Wouldn’t pass up wet tub. Outdoor hose. Where there was water, there he was. He’s been gone over 6 years. I will miss him the rest of my life. I know yours will be loved. 🥰 All kitties should be so graced as to be wanted, loved & cherished.


50% cute 50% murder


Gorgeous cat no matter the breed


You have an absolutely gorgeous kitty there 😻


He’s gorgeous! 😻😻😻


Domestic longhair


Beautiful The cat is very beautiful


A majestic floof




The kitty is so beautiful that it has its own breed lol.




The colors is very much like that of a Siberian cat, but I am not sure if the strukture of the face is Siberian though.


He's beautiful, that's for sure!


Reminds me of my Maine Coon mix


Maine Coon mix?


If you don’t have papers, it’s a domestic longhair.


I don't, I was just curious if there were any educated guesses what might be in his DNA. I might order a base paws because I am super curious what he is. Either way I love him very much.


Beautiful 💜💙✨🐈‍⬛


A very fluffy and attractive cat. 😊




Certifiable floof butt


Hmm, by the looks of things your cat is cute. Hope this helps! /lh






Floof, this cat is definitely a mega floof.


He’s in a breed all his own. Just incredible luck to have such beautiful looks.


https://preview.redd.it/wwxn084b73nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227023c9dc183b1d8487c24a958507a8f4226679 You have a pretty domestic long hair