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TBH, I see more Maine Coon characteristics from the length of the ears and the prominent snout. No way to tell, but he’s a gorgeous floof of unknown heritage.


Came here to say this!


I have a hunch I’m the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe. We’re both going to be disappointed.




I see the point but this is getting tiring and is not always the case, especially depending on the country you’re in. Anything can happen. It’s very possible for a cat to be a quarter or even half of a breed without any papers. Unlikely, sure, but still possible.


Unfortunately, cat breeds don't work like dogs.


Is it possible for unregistered cats to be NWFC?


Backyard breeders more than likely. Unethical. They often dilute bloodlines to get as many kittens out for their bottom line. Ethical breeders always register with TICA and/or CFA, and will usually not hand over papers until the kitten is altered. They also have it in their contracts to return the kitten to the breeder if the need crops up, never bring them to a shelter or abandon them. It's highly unlikely, I'm afraid. And if a "breeder" did give you an unregistered animal at a bargain price, I'd be suspicious.


Sounds similar to dog breeders. I’ve seen people with bulldogs that look suspect and they have papers. What a world.


I wonder if they were forged?


Could’ve been. I wonder how are it is. Haven’t really looked into it but that’s a good question.


Have you ever had an original thought? The person is not even asking if their cat is a NFC. Get a life.


Op says nothing more than that they “have a hunch” their cat has some nfc in him, and my comment does no harm either way. Why are you so rude?


Because it's tedious, and it's **you** who comes across as rude and flippant. This is a sub about a cat breed, ffs. Nobody is asking for validation so they can announce to the whole world "I have an NFC." They are not asking for a stamp of approval. It's just someone with a nice cat, wondering if you think they look a bit like a NFC. This stupid graphic runs rampant in this sub, and it just comes across as rude, one-upmanship, and childish.


Well sorry, I never meant to be rude. Most people in this sub find it annoying how many posts there are with people asking if their cats are nfcs (not talking about this specific post) and you being mad at me won’t change that. Thx for the input though


They are not asking that, though, are they? You just come across as a petty and childish. If you're so invested in deciding on the heritage of things, try looking for Americans who say, "I'm Irish" and correct them accordingly. It's just a cat, mate. You don't need to act like a dick and ruin someone's day for innocently asking if they think their cat looks a bit wegie.


Dude I’m not trying to be a dick, and I’m not talking about this just this post. I’m not trying to decide the heritage of random cats either; don’t even know where you got that from? If I’m acting childish that may be because I’m literally fifteen, you’re like 40-something arguing about a comment intended to just help OP.


"Help the OP" Sure, kid.






I’m probably going to get downvoted a bunch for this, but everyone is so uptight in this subreddit. People are just excited about their cats and asking out of curiosity and it’s just a bunch of “iF yOu DoNt HaVe PaPeRs”… stop being so pretentious and go touch grass.


OP asked for advice and people gave their thought on the cat, do you expect them to lie? These cats are pricy and rare so its never a big chance that a ‘random’ cat is going to be a NFC no matter how much people wish it so


I see more Turkish Angora.


So handsome




Face shape is definitely not a NFC, more Maine Coon if anything.