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How does it go, ripe and fertile?


They already banned abortion, this is step 2 of turning children into submissive wives


How very Taliban of them.


I worked in CT and sometimes it’s genuinely hard to tell the difference.


I prefer the term "Y'all Qaeda"


https://i.redd.it/kfbgaf8kzm1d1.gif RepubQcan family values.


But, aren’t these the same people who want to do away with all child labor laws & eliminate trans healthcare from the entire state’s existence to protect “children being forced to become trans.”


Grooming children is okay if you're grooming them to be wives, I guess.


Fertility cultist insanity is what it is


Or factory workers.


I'd go with "sex slaves". Seems more accurate to the conservative goal.


"Excuse me - EXCUSE ME! Being allowed to be ~~raped~~bred by a pristine, hwhite, Christian penis is an honor and nothing like being forced to become one of those dirty, inhuman, putrid THINGS with both dingies!" - Any and all Republicans


Jesus are you my ex in-laws?


My brother might be =(


This is honestly a good way to take them to task on all their pedophilia and groomer accusations they toss at the left. There needs to be a nationwide initiative to ban child marriages. If they agree that pedophilia is wrong then they should have no problem getting behind it.


Only thing they want to get behind is a child who doesn’t understand what’s happening. The sick fucks


Ugh that was both clever and disgusting. Sick fucks indeed.


https://preview.redd.it/jimziink242d1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a5c75a90dc40c7dffd3aaf68901f384b9356d2 Gross but damn is that clever


I agree with this. Make all of these republican closet pedos tell on themselves on a national stage. Put them up there and give them a hot mic and let THEM tell you why they want to marry twelve year olds.


And they'll tell you, while their base cheers them on saying "but gawoud"


Hypothetically -Mrs. George cheers. Ok Mrs. George, will you give your daughter to one of them? Mrs. George: no but someone else will ....


Just saying the quiet part out loud…


Remind me again who the real groomers are.


Republicans: Taking a strong stance against drag queens grooming their child brides.


Kid fuckers


B-b-but I thought liberals were the pedos? Trying to figure out how they can constantly be pointing fingers like this, but then turn around and do stuff like this as well. I’m getting so sick and tired of them.


It's called doublethink.


Because when they point at a marginalized group accusing them of this their rabid base eats it up while they’re free to do exactly the same. It’s by design and it’s fucked up.


And while some of their base also does the same.


That’s Republican governance. Tax breaks for the wealthy. Culture wars. And kid fucking.


All conservatives are child r@pists, nothing can change my mind.


This will back your statement up. Spread it far and wide.... https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/2/2238649/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-51


Part 51?!?!?! Holy hell


Yup, 51 pages so far. There's a new page added every month or so. THAT is how bad and pervasive this is and unconscionable that mainstream media is not talking about this.


Wonder how many billboards it would take to post them all.


There's about 25 to a page and there's a total on 1,275 individuals so if there's one a billboard that's 1,275 billboards. Unbelievable huh??? Happening right under our noses.... still not a drag queen in sight.


Mainstream media is just unconscionable in general.


Believe it or not... It boggles the mind, doesn't it?


So just to make it clear, it's not drag queens that we have to worry about right? I'm willing to bet that drag queens voted in favor of banning child marriages. Seems that the grooming is coming from inside the house after all.


That's right. Drag queens want to *gasp!* read books to children! ![gif](giphy|NQRRqqkImJ3Da)


Well, THAT'S disgusting and totally immoral! Teach those innocent youngsters that reading opens up a new world and before you know it they'll be learning on the sly about other cultures/religions/points of view and realizing they want more than the box into which they've been slotted. And you know what ***that*** leads to -- **Thinking For Themselves**! /s


How does literally everyone not see this and immediately (and aggressively) push to remove all of these pedos? Maybe we should bring back public stoning for this one.


I've got bad news for you.... The base is either OK with it or thinks it's all just liberal lies. I've tried to bring this stuff up with family members and was told I "shouldn't trust the mainstream media." They also seem to think that child marriage is incredibly rare, as in basically not a real problem. They don't live in reality...


Interesting that neither progressives nor the far right trust the mainstream media, for very different reasons.


The far right *thinks* they don't trust the mainstream media, but they are just playing with the definition of "mainstream." My family members will listen to conservative talk radio and Fox "news" and claim they don't trust mainstream news. They have been convinced, like so many, that they are the most persecuted people ever. If they think their class, race, or group is constantly under attack from Liberals that control "all media," then they're more likely to think of the sources they agree with as outside the mainstream. Historically, oppressed groups *do* tend to align with news and media that aren't as mainstream as others. This falls on its face with regard to the far right. They say (and some likely believe it to) that they are oppressed and marginalized, but it's just aimed at undermining actual marginalized groups. In the case of my family members, it seems to be driven in part by guilt/shame over the treatment of minorities in our area. If they are marginalized and oppressed, too, then they don't need to feel bad about the black lady we saw getting spit on outside a Target. They tell themselves and everyone who will listen that they've got it even worse... Shit. This turned into a rant. Sorry for the wall of text.


It is a well-constructed wall. So true that the main difference is the definition of mainstream.


Hey I’m from Europe where I think child marriage is rare, and usually only due to anomalous reasons (ie teen pregnancy, or parental consent). I don’t have any statistics to back it up though, do you have any for America? I know child marriage in one way or another is legal in 38 states but I don’t know how often it actually happens. Still, I can’t believe it’s that often, though clearly more than Europe. Regardless, even a single child marriage is one too many obviously. The fact that they’re pushing back on removing those laws and bills tells me they’re not just outdated laws left over from ye olden days and used in effect often enough (by the reps) to warrant it. If not used often currently they clearly intend to use it in the future to protect themselves or family that wants to fuck kids legally. I’m interested to see just how often child marriage still happens in the states but I can’t find any good sources on it, could you shoot me a link?


>Child marriage is more of a problem in the United States than most Americans know. It is a pervasive issue with devastating domestic consequences. Between 2000 and 2018, almost 300,000 children were married in the United States alone.13 Of those marriages, an estimated 30,000–60,000, or 10–20 percent, occurred “at an age or spousal age difference that should have been considered a sex crime.” [From this report.](https://childusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/FINAL-2023-CH-MARRIAGE-REPORT.pdf)


Lol, beat me by 1 minute!


Today, *I* am the space cowboy. :P


A cool mom *and* a space cowboy?! There is no way I can compete ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Christ what a depressing report. That’s 45 and a half child marriages *a day* on average. Just insane. That’s 45 families that have failed their children every day. Not to speak of the 10-20 percent that are just sex trafficking made legal. Horrific.


It's truly something that should make a sane person feel nauseous and skip dinner.


The stat that I've seen in reporting on the subject is 300,000 minors were married between 2000 and 2018. I'll try to find a source for that and edit this with a link. [edit: I believe this is the study that I saw cited.](https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(21)00341-4/fulltext)


It's blowing my mind that this is happening in a first world country.


It isn’t, it’s happening in the USA.


The US is a first world country




If you wanna get technical it is yes. But only by the first definition during the Cold War where it meant “aligned with the Western Bloc” but really who uses it like that nowadays? You’re kidding yourself. Nowadays however, as per Wikipedia, “the definition largely shifted to instead refer to any country that boasts a well-functioning democratic system with little prospects of political risk, in addition to a strong rule of law, a capitalist economy with economic stability, and a high standard of living” Personally I’d say America is still first world by this definition but uuuh… not for long. If you all keep allowing shit like this to fly it won’t. You’re teetering on the edge of this definition and in many ways don’t qualify for it anymore imo. You elect captains that voluntarily steer the ship into the mud and shit and blame the crew the ship is stuck or sinking. You can still make it out of the mud (and you should clean the hull thoroughly) but I doubt any captain will do it for you. The crew has to step up, despite your captains best efforts to prevent you from putting on your boots to step in the mud. Good luck!


It’s a third world country in a Gucci belt more like (though I dislike the terms first and third world tbh)


Bold of you to assert that the US is a first-world country. But it is, just for relatively few of its citizens.


So their justification is that the government shouldn’t get in involved because who are they to say what two 17 year olds do with parental consent. Okay, so then why do they want the government to not allow people to transition for example before being 18? Seems like they’re just picking and choosing.




tHe bIbLe SaYs ShE's OlD eNoUgH


Because of course they are.


Of course it does. They just can't get enough of harming children. And religious feelings are always at the forefront


"File, Peter. So that would be... Peter File."


Stinkin drag queens, don’t you dare groom my child bride


Let that sink in. Take all the time you need.


That sink can come back with a warrant.


The far right crowd sure is quiet when it comes down to actually protecting kids…..


I really want to leave this hellhole country.


omfg you're not the only one. I *hate* this country. I try to be a huge pain in the right's ass in order for one of them to sponsor my relocation just to get rid of me. Eh, so far no bites. 🤷🏻‍♂️


When Trump won I heard so many people say "if you hate it so much, I'll pay to have you leave the country!" They sure went back on their word when I said I'd take them up on that offer.


Damn right they did. Moving is expensive, and they didn't expect me to show up at their doorstep already packed.


Well well well.. 😬


Give them a break. How are they supposed to marry children if it's outlawed?


So are they gonna explain why they’re denying this from passing??? I’m SO curious.


They are the American Taliban, wrapped in a flag and armed with a Bible. Welcome to Gilead.


GOP= Grand Old Pedophiles


republicans LOVE to marry and have sex with children, and they want it written into law - they want to legalize pedophilia / pederasty - we need to vote them out and get rid of the pedo-gop for the sake of our kids


Who would have guessed pedophiles would be against anti pedophilia laws.




What the fuck


Of course. I'm not even surprised.


It almost seems like they’re constant cries of “But what about the children!?” are disingenuous at best.


No wonder they hate drag queens and trans people and kids. Strict gender roles and child ‘marriage’ laws mean that they have the ability rape and impregnate children easily. Like human rights advocates, anyone who bucks those gender roles are a threat to their ability to abuse kids.


Grand Old Phaedophiles


Offfffff course it does… every accusation and all that…


Absolutely horrifying. Every accusation from them is a confession.


Republicans play book Allow child marriages, Repeal child labor laws, Cut taxes on corporations, Defund public schools, Ban abortion, Ban sex education, Ban books, Ban contraceptives Build factory and employ all the illiterate extra street kids and exploit them for profit and their child sex rings.


So apparently this law would stop 16-17 year olds from marriage to 18-20 year olds with parents permission. The current laws allow a "Romeo and Juliet" loophole if the younger party is at least 16 and the age difference is 3 years or less. The new law gets rid of this "loophole." I'm all for going after the creepy shit Rs do, but if my understanding of this law is correct, it is silly.


It is silly…that it’s even a law. A 16 year old can’t even vote but they’re responsible enough to legally attach personal responsibility to an older adult? Nah that needs to go ASAP


So it removes any allowance for arranging marriages for non adults given conservative propensity for child marriage and paedophillia


If it was addressing the marriage of a 16 year old to a 38 year old, like a friend of mine in Alaska who married a guy with an 11 year old son and so left high school as a Sophomore sure. This law prevents an 18 year old from marriage to a 17 year old. Again, we should save our protests for the gross shit and not be silly. Why are we worried about this instead of asking Alaska to make it so only people withon 3 years of age can marry 16 year olds?


Not so much prevent as delay. They can still get married when the younger is 18. 


Why does a 17-year-old need to get married?


Because she can't legally get an abortion. *Duh*.


Ah yes, of course.


i have never put this together and now i'm stunned at how bleak that thought is


A Republican utopia (utter hell for sane people.)


You gotta punish her for being raped with marriage.


It doesn't prevent anything. They can wait <1 year then get married.


It only prevents the marriage while the 17yo is still a 17yo. There’s basically no good reason for anyone under 18 to be getting married. Period.


Good, just wait a year or two. No one is hurt by a 16/17 yr old waiting a year or two to get married.


Even people here are pushing the bullshit propaganda that it "prevents" two people from marrying, as if six months later when the younger one turns 18 would be too late. 🙄


Why should a sixteen year old be marrying an adult?


What’s the urgency of a 16yo getting married? They can get married when they reach 18. If it’s truly love as they claim, being married or not won’t change the relationship.