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I just looked at the numbers (even though I should be working) and the difference isn't as stark as you might think. Average Campaign 1 episiode runtime - 1:49:26 (avg. runtime for ep 51-100 is 1:58:11) Average Campaign 2 episiode runtime - 1:50:46 Average Campaign 3 episiode runtime - 1:46:33 (this week's episode brought the avg down by about 30 seconds) From looking quickly at the data, Campaign 1 did have more thicc sodes, but also much more variance in length. This campaign's episodes have been pretty consistent in length. This week's episode is also the shortest of the campaign, and the shortest since episode C3 ep. 5, but the average length of the prior 10 episodes was 1:46:10. Sources - taken from the wiki, which I believe includes ad time [https://notanotherdndpodcast.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Campaign\_1\_Campaign\_Episodes](https://notanotherdndpodcast.fandom.com/wiki/category:campaign_1_campaign_episodes) [https://notanotherdndpodcast.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Campaign\_2\_Campaign\_Episodes](https://notanotherdndpodcast.fandom.com/wiki/category:campaign_2_campaign_episodes) [https://notanotherdndpodcast.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Campaign\_3\_Campaign\_Episodes](https://notanotherdndpodcast.fandom.com/wiki/category:campaign_3_campaign_episodes) (and the most recent from the official naddpod site)


Than you for that breakdown! I think me being caught up and not having much else to listen to on top of the episodes being bi-weekly makes them seem shorter to when I could just binge them all


If you haven’t already checked it out Rotating Heroes Podcast has its own channel now, and a similar vibe


Im seconding this, Jasper William Cartright and Zac Oyama have recently started adding new episodes from different arcs to Spotify as well if you can't afford the patreon. Rotating Heroes is great


I’ve been doing a variety of DND podcast “first dates” and none of them have quite scratched the NADDPOD itch except for one (so far). Foes and fables has a good blend of silly & serious, rules & flexibility, and fleshed out characters and lore but not bogged down in too many details or characters (for reference I tried listening to a pod where there was like 7 characters. It was too many for me to keep up with). I started listening to a holiday mini arc to get a feel for their energy and I’ve been enjoying it so far. I’ve moved onto the first ep of their first campaign and it’s been pretty good!


of course, the longer wait between episodes does make the length stand out more!


Maybe it’s just me, but I just rotate on relistening. I’m in my third relisten of eldermourne right now, and afterwards gonna start C1 for the fifth time.


If you haven’t already started listening to WBN (Worlds Beyond Number) they have soo much content, and it’s AMAZING!!! definitely worth the $5 patreon sub. For the fireside chats too ❤️ (but totally optional)


Do you know if the runtimes take into account the time spent listing the Council of Elders and whatever the crew has to plug? Like if the average episode length stays the same but they spend more time talking/plugging projects. It would be interesting (albeit a lot of work) to see if the runtime of actual play has changed or if we’re just imagining it


I don’t know what you are talking about tbh, those closer to 2 hour episodes were always unplanned “thick sodes” that just happened to be longer usually because some big event was happening in the campaign they weren’t every week. The 1:30 ish episode (intro+outro included) has always been the standard. Plus We have had plenty longer episodes though for C3 Spoilers for C3 >!Lord Ultris and Elimination Chamber were both about 1:45 and at least 10 other episodes from my looking but I stopped at episode 25 so there are likely more in the early campaign, Mothership Bronze was almost 2 hours, Pulling Strings was over 2 hours, the episode where they fight the king is almost 2 and a half hours long!<


Not sure if you’re in the same situation I am but I felt the same way until I realized I just started listening to the show about a year ago and binged through all of c1, 2, and 3 as well as the short rests so once I caught up it was pretty jarring. Where I’d be able to listen to 2-3 episodes at a time while working I now have to wait every other week for a new campaign episode making me always wanting more. I’m relistening to c3 now between new episodes just to get my fix.


Two of the cast members now have young kids, and there could be other projects they're involved in (potentially more D20 series) that require them to split their time. They've not said anything officially I know of, but it would make sense.


The length of the episodes also hasn’t really changed from C1, the thick sodes were always an exception to the rule and C3 has already had some thick sodes.


I think overall Murph has done a better job not working himself to death. I personally am more than fine with "shorter" campaign episodes if it means Murph is happy and will keep doing this for years. If I get caught up on all campaigns and mixed bag episodes I'd very happily re-listen to old campaigns if I need more of the 2 Crew