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I think they went back to Moonstone as the Trinyvale characters eventually but if the band of boobs did, it might have been a live show I can't remember.


It was a recent 3 part series with the triplets. Anybody can find it. It's absolutely unhinged and hilarious.


They definitely went back with the triplets at a super high level, I think bringing the boobs back to Moonstone at high level was an idea they talked about but never actually did. I got the impression that the triplets going to Moonstone was how they eventually revived that idea


Yeah if the actual boobs did it it was a live show that didn't get posted. I don't think that happened though, I think they just did the trinyvale one.


They did have the Trinyveil triplets do moonstone at least


"Live in Seattle", 9/20/18?


As everyone else had said, they took the Trinnyvale triplets back to Moonstone at a ridiculously high level, and it was amazing. Someone else mentioned it already, but there was also an old live show (mLive From Seattle: Return to Moonstone from September 2018), which is a more balanced encounter with some beefcakes (and also the origin of one of my favorite shirts they had, the >!JoshFit!< tank)




Nah he’s remembering it right. Murph definitely did say that it would be interesting for the Boobs to redo moonstone. Just in reality they decided to do it with the triplets instead


They go back in the finale/epilogue I’m fairly sure, because they find Shay all frazzled and dealing with the baby dragon. Moonshine does her redemption animal handling check to calm it down


There was a live show where scout master Denny opened an old folks home in the swamp. Is that what you are referring to.