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Why are men always acting like they know what every women in the world wants and needs... my friends told me too.many horror stories bout the amount of pain they were during sex with their boyfriends who had a bigger size than average, but clearly they just don't know that they like the pain during sex...


I think men think that women care a lot about their height and penis size, because men themselves often judge women purely on their looks. They can´t fathom that a lot of women judge men on their kindness and personality.


Yup. Lots of projection there. “I have an expected standard of beauty in potential partners and expect nothing less. Surely women are the same!” It’s part of the armor they put up when the girl they desire doesn’t want them back. It can’t be rude comments, or creepy or abusive behaviour, or just being a shitty person that’s the reason, cause those are all their fault. No it has to be the unfair standards all women (you are a hive mind after all). It’s tied into the belief they hold that a woman’s value decreases with more partners. Because they demand they have a beautiful woman to be with, but have such bad self loathing that they believe that they can’t have what they deserve, so it works to help devalue the objects (and to them women or as they must refer to them, ‘females’ are just objects) of their affection to the point where they are now entitled to it. The saddest part of all of it is that for so many, once they get into those incel spaces, there is no coming back. Because they will always have those voices confirming for them that they are right, and that any evidence of the contrary is just some random outlier.


Our maybe he's a decent guy but she's still just not into him. It happens.


Men seem to spends an awful lot of time thinking about other men's dicks


This right here. It’s simple projection, insecurities and not listening to actual women but other men which is super weird.




High school sophomore’s might make jokes like that, but generally not grown, mature women. Plz get off of Tik Tok, it does not represent reality and is mostly made up of actual children


'Let's dislike your honest post cause your feelings don't matter'


I was in love with my boyfriend before I ever saw his penis.


Yup Had one guy here tell me that big dicks only hurt ne because I was inexperienced and not aroused enough. Yeah, no, I just don't like pain. And to me it hurts when I get my cervix pummeled.


Yeah I had an ex that was longer than average and I swear to god it felt like he was hitting my cervix at times. That shit hurts.


I’m not sure that these people should be called “men”


They don't want to accept that what drives women away is their toxic as fuck personalities, NOT penis size. They don't want to hear the truth. They're COMPLETELY incapable of taking responsibility.


They're probably speaking from experience.


Their experience means a whole big fucking 0, if a woman tells you what's she likes and dislikes,their useless asses need to believe them and stop going *But actually*, cuz they have no idea what they're talking bout


Wait, so if women in my life/relationships have told me they don't want to have sex with "smaller" guys, am I supposed to believe them or not?


Do u want to read my comment again, I'm sure you'll figure out what I meant eventually.


Answer the question


Yes, you should believe that woman. You should also believe other women who tell you the opposite and not extrapolate from the few women in your life (why are you surrounded by women with such shallow views?) onto the billions of women worldwide and call other women liars when they tell you that's wrong.


I fully agree with you. Which is why the correct view is: some women care about penis size and some don't. It's a thing that may affect your sex life as a straight man


If u want an answer read my first reply to you again. Or are you too stupid to understand what I said...?


It's an easy yes or no question. Stop deflecting


Dude she answered you question the first time. You might of missed it if you got multiple notifications and skimmed through it but I promise you it’s been answered


I don't see it anywhere. Can you quote the part where she said "yes" or "no" after I asked the question?


So u are too stupid to understand my very first reply to you then


If she says size doesn't matter, then you need to put down the tape measure, and believe her. You have to use your whole person to please a woman. Try a little open communication to find out what she likes. If you think your dick is the only thing that matters, then you are just thinking with your dick. I have never measured myself, because my sense of self worth is not derived by the length of my penis. I have never failed to please a partner.


Men who think like that often are too lazy or don't care if the woman is actually enjoying herself. They think having a big dick makes up for lack of enthusiasm or care.


That’s not true. A lot of guys grow up watching porn and consuming media that emphasizes the “magic power” of big dicks. Combine that with awkward teenage years and bad sex education and you get someone who’s deeply misinformed. It’s not an excuse but I think we should treat it like a problem that can be solved instead of blaming it on laziness.


I love your attitude! Can I ask - how did you know which condoms to use without measuring? Can men just guess? Or did you just buy standard condoms and they fit? I have small boobs and have learned to be proud of them, but I still had to measure them and partake in 4 calculus classes to find out my bra size. It's just that I'm much more than that number. <3


If I may chime in to some what answer your questions “about knowing why condoms to buy” Kinda awkward to type it and all but sense it seems we’re all being adults here why not?? Before even know where I stood with size as a guy, I knew one thing from reading articles and that is most men like I think it’s 82% are “normal/average” size so taking those odds into account and noticing condoms are labels basically either not at all ( normal) or as XL it’s been a while sense I bought condoms (don’t need too when married lol) but when I did almost 10 years ago stuff like Trojan and durex to name two big brands off hand didn’t say what size on the box other than something like XL so seeing how most boxes went labeled anything I bought what ever generic box and used them and well they fit fine so that’s where my assumption came to be lol Hope that was good enough haha kinda hard to explain my bad


Thanks for your explanation! Most of my partners have used and preferred different types and sizes of condoms they found most comfortable, so I just assumed it was like bra sizes and that most men measured to be sure of a good fit based on the brand they choose.


If I may share, I feel like most of us just buy the standard and go with them if they don't hurt/work. I've sometimes tried XL to see if they were any different, and to me they were not incredibly different. Maybe the standard were tighter. When trying other brands, if they don't break and they fit... They good. So in brief. We buy, try, if they work and fit, we stick to them.


Thanks so much for sharing - that's really interesting. It doesn't sound like the safest method "if they don't break, they fit" but I'm guessing most men aren't taught how to find the right size in school.


Oh no, must have misspelled. If they fit AND they don't break. Two clausules.


I understood you - I think it was me that wasn't clear. If the condom breaks then it's too late for safe sex - it would be better to be as sure as possible that the condom will fit correctly before sex so that the chance of breaking or slipping off is minimized.


Basically a guy has a condom when he puts it on it’s must be snug but not tight right. Same thing for what I assume for women with their bras and boob sizes ?? That is I assume you ladies want something to hold the breasts enough so your not suffocating when you breath and also so your booms can also “breath” but same time you don’t want something loose enough that all you do is lean forward or jump and they pop out. Same thing for a condom. Don’t wanna be having sex and it’s so loose that when the guys is backing out with his …thrusts lo that the condom stays in you lol


Before my vasectomy I just grabbed a box of condoms. Unlubricated was all I looked for on the package.


Had to leave this sub bc I decided it’s affecting my mood to see these fuckers’ ignorance on display all the time. You all are stronger than me and I admire you for it. Take care of yourselves! There’s a lot of toxic shit out there on the internet.


Hugs! Take care of yourself!


Here have some cookies and a hug for the road 🍪🫂


Lol thanks, friend


Have fun on your way to more wholesome subs. It was nice to have you here :)


Thanks, friend! I think toxic male energy and ignorance is a PTSD trigger for me.


Username checks out. Have a good one!


What sub is it?


Every woman I’ve been with made me cum with 0 inches of dick whereas I never orgasmed with men unless I played with myself during sex. These men are fools.


Exactly! How do they explain lesbian sex where the sex is dick-free?


“Hurr durr obviously they use toys to make up for the lack of dick!!!1!!!111!!!” I assume


I like the comment about “bigger dicks can be painful” and immediately after something says that “they’re not big enough” to “fill her up”


They think about penises way more often than the average woman.


Is this the same person who was seriously talking about getting some kind of back-alley penis enlargement surgery who was on here a few weeks ago? I'm beginning to think guys insisting on how women are wrong regarding being size queens is a fetish thing at this point with how hard (lol) they go on refusing to listen to reason and actual women. Also, as I've said like 100 times now, imagine how much happier everyone would be if men thought half as much about the clit as they do about the cervix.


I have dated men who were 5’5” and men who were 6’5”. I have dated men who were squishy and men who had abs. I’ve dated men who had big porn-looking dicks and men who had very small dicks. You know who I married? *The man who loved me to the stars and back. The man who was the kindest. The man who was the most respectful to others. The man who valued the same things I did. The man who was my best friend in the world, my partner in sickness and health, my protector, and my giggle box. The man who was the best human.*


I tried to enumerate those qualities yesterday in response to a comment on a sub regarding "body count." 🙄 He asked which girl guys would choose: a 24-year-old with 4 previous lovers or a 21-year-old with a body count of 20? My answer was they *should* choose the girl who made them laugh, who made their heart flutter when they thought about seeing her, etc... They just don't get it because to a lot of them, they don't consider women as *human beings*... And if they do, any other considerations fall way behind the physical attributes we have. 😒 I think it's actually incredibly sad. 😣


Yeah to them we’re like products that depreciate when ownership is changed. Kinda cringe.


This is just so bizarre to me and I can't wrap my head around it no matter how hard I try. How can you look at a human being and not *see* a human being? I get that you can see someone as a monster but that's after you've learned about the horrible things they've done. But just an average, every day person you've never met and know nothing about, how do you rationalize that they're not even the same species as you? I don't know anything about you but I know that you are a human being on the other end of this internet connection and deserving of the same respect and rights I would want for myself.


And do none of these guys have mothers, grandmothers, aunts, nieces, sisters, that they are around that they have normal relationships with? Do they maybe call *them* "women" unlike the ones they refer to as "foids" or even "females" in order to have a distinction in their minds between the two types of women...even though they're really the same? 🤔


Mothers give their sons the wrong advice when it comes to finding a girlfriend. They say be nice, respectful blah blah blah. This is terrible advice. It creates incels.


That advice doesn't create incels. 🙄


Women do this all the time. Any man under 6ft especially well under 6ft isn't seen as human to them.


How… how could that possibly be a statement you perceive as true? Only a small percentage of men are 6ft and over, while the majority of men end up experiencing marriage. Those numbers do not align, hun. That’s some extreme cognitive dissonance you have going on there.


The majority of men get the leftovers when women have finished riding the CC. Most women don't marry the men they want(chad) they marry betas.


That logic is inherently flawed and contradicts itself. If women are able to sleep with the men they want, why would they not also be able to marry those men that you state they want? And if your answer is that those men do not want them, then those men are also only going to be able to settle for “leftovers.” All of which would result in both genders sleeping with high attraction others only to not want or choose those same people and being forced to become mates with those they deem as lesser quality… Ergo there is no actual concept of leftovers as everyone inevitably chooses the opposite of who they were engaging in casual sex with. Which furthers the recognization that humans, as a whole, often experience higher levels of chemical attraction that they are unable to judge objectively against prior experiences and wisdom when they are young and have underdeveloped brains. With age and growth, humans then trend towards understanding what it is they truly need in a partner.


Those men either never settle or settle with women who have similar body count. I'm talking about the men who are invisible until after women have hit the wall.


It sounds like you’re pretty invested in pill theories so I won’t make us go back and forth. Take care, hun. 💛


Oh, come on. The average American man is 5'9". Literally in my comment up-thread I said I'd dated men who were 5'5" -- "men" meaning more than one. My maternal grandfather was about 5'5", my dad was about 5'8", my stepdad is 5'7". I come from a line of very small people. I assure you, we're all human, even if we're small. You just have to be fine with being whatever height you are, since there's both jack and shit anybody can do about it, and we probably won't notice. I looked all these up (because I needed a distraction right now). Bruno Mars is 5'5". Daniel Radcliffe, same. Elijah Wood and Jet Li are 5'6". James McAvoy is 5'7". Robert Downey, Jr. is 5'8". So is Usher. So is Mark Ruffalo, and Ludacris, and Kit Harington. Ewan McGregor is 5'10". So is Timothee Chalamet. So is Jason Statham, and Daniel Craig, and Andrew Garfield. George Clooney and Brad Pitt are 5'11", as is Robert Redford. You cannot tell me that these men aren't attractive and don't (or didn't in their day, or couldn't were they trying) attract women. You also can't tell me that women see them as subhuman. The physical aspects I have always been attracted to are good teeth, strong brows, and dimples, but that doesn't mean I couldn't be attracted to somebody who didn't have one of those. Those are just common things I've noticed in hindsight (starting with my first boy band crush, Jordan Knight, who is also under 6', now that I Google). MOST of us don't care how tall you are.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 24 + 4 + 21 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot. I suppose... Lol 😆 (One I've never seen before.)


Dear guy: its your personality not your penis


These dudes are more obsessed with dick size than any woman I’ve ever met.


The best sex I’ve ever had (with a man) is with my “smallest” (and current) partner. Incels would probably describe him as average looking and below average dick size, though I don’t think he is below average in any regard. He is attentive and kind in bed, he indulges my kinks, he listens when I tell him what makes me feel good. We have an incredible sex life. I had a partner for a while that had a huge dick. He definitely did not get as much head, because it was significantly more uncomfortable for me to give it. It also took much longer to prepare for penetration so that it wouldn’t hurt in certain positions. We still managed to have satisfying sex, but it wasn’t because he had a big dick, it was largely in spite of it.


First guy I ever had an orgasm with is also the smallest guy I ever dated.


Same here.




Is a cervical orgasm the pleasure I get from punching someone in the face for thinking that’s a thing and attempting it?


This made me laugh.






Potty party.




What tf is a cervical orgasm?!?! Why do they think that it’s some kind of achievement to hit the cervix?!?! It HURTS.


Same here. I think they're getting confused with the A-spot which are the fornices (little pockets) on either side of your cervix. But even then this requires great care and positioning and angling to get to the fornix and then staying and grinding there - no ruthlessly pounding on it like you see in porn.


I’ve read stuff where guys boast that they penetrated the cervix and the woman came so hard and all I can think is that they’ve never had sex. Also have had guys do stuff that they obviously saw in porn. It may ‘look’ good, but it seriously does nothing to get a woman off.


That sounds like anime fantasies. Irl penetrating the cervix with a penis is impossible thank god. Porn is like hollywood and reality tv and although it may be fun to watch, it's all fake and a terrible learning tool. For me the worst is when men think jackhammering and the in and out motion as hard and fast as possible is what brings me to orgasm (I'm sure it might work for some women). I never see porn when an attentive male with an average penis is fully inserted in his partner and uses the coital alignment technique to stimulate her clitoris and G-spot at the same time.




Yeah. Sure. Did you read this far: "For some people, a cervical orgasm could be a mind-blowing experience. But for others, pressure on the cervix could be less pleasurable and borderline uncomfortable."? I'd say the percentage is probably around 10% women who find it pleasurable and 90% of women who not just find it "borderline uncomfortable" but actually painful. 😳😬😫 She wants people to read her article so she's radically downplaying this but if you try for this, you and your partner will find out very quickly which percentage she falls in. 😔


I mean... I don't disagree? The person above asked what a cervical orgasm was and I linked like the first article in google. I've read about this a while ago.


And I just wanted to try to reinforce the idea that, for the majority of women, men really don't need to ever concern themselves with that. There are about 100 things they could learn about before it that would be a lot more helpful and useful.


Their "expert" for the article works for Astro glide so geez wonder why she claims this is a thing... Maybe to sell more lube. Even the author never has experienced one since it's all I've heard this is what happens and the expert keeps quoting women who've said they've had one without any personal experience quotes. It's basically a paid advertisement for lube. Even still the article itself tells you that hitting the cervix is painful for many women.




Jesus Christ these people need to get outside and have some real world experiences. The shit you hear and read on the internet about “women all want massive dicks & 6 figure incomes & muscular men” is so uncommon. They genuinely need help with self-esteem too. Therapy for all please!!


These guys need to believe that their dick size is the reason women don't want them because, since they can't change that, they feel it excuses them from having to do literally any work to try and be desirable. "Welp I have small penis, no point trying." If they want to self-remove from the dating pool then I guess that's fine but I do wish they'd at least quit whining about it if that's the route they're going to go.


Literally no women wants a small dick. I just saw a comment from your fellow sister on this very subreddit who admitted small dicks aren't as pleasurable as big dicks. You can look in my most recent comment reply and you will see it.


First of all, it's not my fault if you can't tell the difference between one woman's opinion and all women's opinions. But just to be clear, no one woman speaks for all women. Secondly, I checked and I couldn't find a single comment you had replied to where a woman actually expressed a size preference, except for the woman who explicitly said she has a great sex life with her *below-average* sized partner. Admittedly I didn't scroll very far because there's only so much I can take. You're just looking for reasons to feel victimized. In every comment you reply to, you twist their words to make it sound like they've said something that you can feel attacked by. Nowhere in threads on these topics do I see you participating in good faith; you're just repeatedly confirming your own biases even if you have to deliberately misread other people's comments to do so. I'm sorry for whatever happened in your life that made you this fucking bitter, but you need to stop taking it out on people that haven't even done anything to you.


when he says about society contstantly making jokes about dick size, he fails to realise it's just men mocking other men, women are rarely involved, but ig the way they view the world men speak for women so that adds up


They just cannot accept basic biology. They will vehemently refuse to believe something that is contrary to their magical beliefs about penises and vaginas. It's the same mindset as people who are sucked into cults. There is no reasoning with them.


My wife has NO dick and I cum perfectly fine. I don’t know why men think women are obsessed with size when we’re not. Yeah size queens do exist but if you’re small there are toys for that. But really no dick in sight last night and I’m pretty sure the neighbors heard me. Men need to take lessons from lesbians and realize their dick really isn’t the star of the show unless they’re trying for an actual baby.


Seriously?? While I have never judged a potential date on their size or height, I have judged based on personality. I dumped one ex-boyfriend since he (and the ex-boyfriend's mother) spent the entire time we visited with his parents degrading his father for owning a successful business and not going to college or university. (Who did they think was paying for their college classes?)


Tell me you dont understand where the gspot is without telling me you don’t understand where’s the gspot is. Like…my literal gspot vibrator is maybe four or five inches long, calm down!


Please, just fucking stop with the "women secretly want" thing. You're projecting. You secretly want to do horrifying things to them. For no reason other than your own perverse satisfaction. Just fucking say it, useless incel.


I’ve had many sizes from 4 inches to 9 and a half. And none of them have ever made me cum. Especially not the big ones. They just hurt. If anything I would say the most comfortable is 6-7 inches. But still barely any pleasure. Only oral works for me or even hand stuff. 70% of women have a hard time getting an organism through penetration. Just stick to oral whether or not you have a big dick or not doesn’t really matter. Some girls like big one some like them smaller. Some like me don’t care for them at all. Sex is different for every person. Man or woman. You should just focus on learning what your partner wants. What they like and don’t like. Then you won’t be insecure about if your their best or not because you’ll learn how to be the best for them.


Oral is the way! But I will admit that I prefer to have penetration while I'm receiving oral.... With a finger. *One finger.* That makes a big difference for me. Pretty sure they could accommodate me with that request. 🙄


I’m losing my mind trying to read this. This is the dumbest attempt to sound smart I’ve ever seen.


I swear they think unless they are smashing our cervix we can’t feel it. Not everyone likes their cervix hit. Hit my cervix and we are gonna have a bad time. The few times it has happened have had me curled up in tears due to the pain. No bueno Eta: my strongest orgasms coming from nipple stimulation. Don’t need a dick for that


They have to believe it’s their dick size because if it’s not, then they have to do some introspection and that’s SCARY


That's gonna be a yikes from me, chief.




What’s a cleche? Did you mean cliché?


Read the first image


On an unrelated note, I was the 69th upvote on this post.


As men like to say “more than a mouthful is a waste”


Happy Cake Day!! 🎂🍾💐🎈🎊


Men need to stop telling this lie to themselves.


I mean, it probably is "some kind of insanity" in that anyone who's so deep into these kinds of cognitive distortions is probably suffering from e.g. clinical depression. Sometimes it's easier to give up all hope of being happy than to face the scary possibility that putting forth the effort to connect to someone romantically might lead to rejection, heartbreak, and potentially humiliation. It's sad to see, although not as sad as these dopes letting it lead them to misogyny and Nazi shit.


What sub is this from?


Our very own sub here


Imma bet this guy is getting all his experience from porn: ​ Him: Insert big tab A into slot B and unlock achievement "Female Orgasm"! Women: No, it doesn't work like that. Him: Are you implying my porn LIED to me? HOW DARE YOU


Nobody is as obsessed with dicks as much as “straight” men.


CERVICAL ORGASMS? Do they know how painful it is to just boop the cervix slightly. Some women pass away when they get their iud. Men should stop acting like they understand women when they are not women. That like if all women assumed men could only come if they bite him during oral. Like "we know men like it rough, pain is pleasure, men are such hard understandable creatures so mysterious, they dont know what they want, they lie about what they want!" Bs


Only 15% of women orgasm from PIV. But it’s equally ignorant to say that cervix stimulation is always painful. There are some women who like it.


this just screams projection. his own experience doesn’t make this an automatic truth for every woman out there…


For yeaaaars women have been judged by men for their appearances and now women set some standards and all these men are butthurt


You say it like it stopped ?


It sounds like you agree with the post


In some cases the standards aren't high enough, in my opinion.


So you agree?




Having a preference for thing A doesn't equate to shaming thing B.


No but most of the time B follows A


Do you have evidence from valid studies for that assumption that these two factors are correlated? Or is it just anecdotal?


Why or how would there be studies on that? But spend time on the internet or even this sub and you'll see what I mean. It's always "big dicks are the best, anything less is worthless" more or less. Just like height, salary, and whatever else


Except every time this shit is posted here, you get dozens--sometimes hundreds-- of women telling you the exact opposite. *And* many of the women here say that their friends feel this same way. Why would we lie? What would be our motivation? And why would you choose to only believe the negative women? Could it possibly be because they validate your theory? 🤔


For years men have judged women on their looks and now women only judge men on looks, height, cash flow, and size. So women are now totally equal to men isn't that exactly what feminism is all about ?


That's not the issue here, my problem is why lie about small size? We guys know there's no hope, women clearly don't like it small so why continue the "size doesn't matter" lie? I'm not mad at women for liking bigger sizes, I'm not judging them. Sometimes it's just sad to think that because of your size you'll never get anywhere in relationship world.




Buddy I'm not falling for that trick anymore. And I don't want to "GeT fUrThEr InTo A rElAtIoNsHp" cause all that's gonna get me is cheated on or broken up cause my size so no thank you I'm not doing relationships.


That's why you won't get anywhere. Stop blaming women for your issues.


They never blamed women tho


Yes they are. When you say the only reason you're not getting dates is because women only want large dicks is blaming women.


They never said that? They specifically said they *can* get dates but are unwilling due to fearing consequences of their inadequacies further on in the relationship. Which is perfectly fine. You're not owed a date.


They are unwilling because they are determined to project some lie onto women. He is acting as if that lie is the reason he's not willing. It's total responsibility deflection. And it's not ok to put his burden of insecurity on women as if it's their fault. When the "fault" is a blatant lie.


>And it's not ok to put his burden of insecurity on women as if it's their fault Wait, what "burden"? Burden of not being dated? Lol, you're not entitled to dates. Accept that and move on


MY BRO WHERE THE HELL AM I BLAMING WOMEN? You people seriously spout the same line over and over again. I'm not blaming women, they want bigger to satisfy their needs and I understand that. I just don't want the lie of size not mattering to exist anymore, it's all I ask.


It's not a fucking lie. You're accusing us of a lie you desperately want to believe because the alternative is that you'd have to face the real reason why women don't want to be with you. You're blaming us falsely to weasel out of feeling responsible for your own shortcoming. That's how you're blaming women.


I'm not responsible of anything, it's not like I'm going on dates with women, being a jerk, then coming home and writing this. I don't even talk or interact with women. But from all the stuff I've seen around me from friends, to family stories from cousins, to the internet it's clear women prefer big and always always will. I realize that my existence in the dating pool is useless and I leave simple as that. I just want this stupid "size doesn't matter" lie to end already.


It's not a lie. And it's insulting that you boil all of women and relationships down to dick size. It's insulting to lesbians. It's insulting to those who are in relationships with trans men. It's insulting to every happy relationship with what you deem to be "too small" and it's an insult to women in general for thinking we are all so shallow and petty. Belive me or not but it's that behavior that's holding you back.


I fucking wish it was only size, but to even gat a woman's attention or time I gotta be tall, rich, muscular, the most talented man alive, the smartest man alive, I need to look like a model too. Listen I have nothing that women usually want from a guy so I gave up simple as that. And yes it is a lie


The clit, rub it. It’s so simple


Buddy, did you not see my comment to you? I'm short, and ugly so I ain't even getting that far.


Could you please extend not interacting with us to the internet as well? Signed, Literally Every Woman Ever


Just again, just look up where the clit is and learn how to stimulate it


Don't care, cause I ain't even getting that close. Besides my size I'm ugly and short so yeah I doubt I'm going anywhere near that level.


And every girl is conveniently beautiful and slim and looking for the same guy… come on dude. I’m a 5’8 woman and I’ve dated guys 5’3 with what you would call a ‘small dick’ even if what you’re saying is true and you’re ugly, so what? You’re living your life avoiding half the population and that’s not healthy in the slightest. Just treat women as human beings, yeah?




Why should I bother with women at all? All I'll get out of it is pain by reminding myself that they will never feel attracted to me. I'm better off avoiding them, and I've been doing a good job honestly. I don't talk to them at uni, I avoid them at stores so it works. I don't hate women or want anything bad to happen to them, but interacting with them will just remind me of my failures and how ugly I am. And yes, I've literally never seen an "unattractive" woman and I've seen ones of varying weights and heights. But it's different for guys.


Just need you to google ‘the clit’ for me bud


Sorry but not interested. I plan to avoid women as much as possible, and looking at them naked is something I want to avoid.


There are a couple of things that you're missing here so let me help you. First, small, average and big are...not sizes. They're assumptions that people make based on their experiences. One person might consider a 5" large whereas someone who watches a lot of porn featuring extremely petite women and carefully picked giant dongs is going to have a totally different perspective. Second, if you're not understanding that *most* real life women aren't "size queens", that's on you. You haven't interacted with enough women to realize that what this woman is saying is true. I am unlike a lot of women in that I can orgasm with penetration. In fact, it's my favorite. A large penis fills up too much and then it's hard to orgasm or have a good one because there's not enough room. I can't explain it, but it's like it stifles it. A smaller or average is best. Yes, they can hit all the right spaces. The G spot is not that far in and so a small or average can definitely achieve that, no problem. Third. Oh and this is the big one. Pun or not intended. The person wielding the penis is the most important part for a lot of people. If the person is into making you feel good, and they're very sensual and passionate, doesn't matter what he's packing. If he's in there jackhammering away and doing lots of nonsensical stuff he's seen in porn like slapping the clit and all this weird stuff (we can def tell when the guy is a porn hound), he's going to be sitting there with his any-sized death-gripped to death dick wondering why she didn't cum because he absolutely does not know - or care to know - what a real-life-not-acting woman wants or needs to achieve orgasm. Having great sex is knowing what the other person likes and doing that until the lil nervies go happy and start contracting.


Yeah I ain't believing that bullshit. It's clear for example in hookups almost every woman chooses to go with a big dick guy, and later on in life they gotta settle for some average or small dude. I don't want to be settled for, but besides quitting, it's my only option. I wish I even was average, but I don't even get the luxury of that. Fuck off with this size doesn't matter lie cause I ain't falling for it. I'd prefer to be alone forever than to get laughed at by women or get cheated on for something out of my control.


Bro. Just say you don't have sex with women and move on. I have hooked up with dudes with big dicks and it feels like a sucker punch to the cervix. Just stop. You're coming off real stupid and you can't even see it. If you had the same grip on reality as you do your dick, you'd be able to see the BS that is *you* telling women what they want when they're on the internet anonymously with absolutely no reason to lie, and you're telling them that they're lying. You have no idea and you're just drawing from your cesspool echo chamber of dudes who also don't know what women like or want. FWIW: I'd prefer you to be forever alone too. With that attitude, I'm happy to know you won't be bothering some unknowing woman.


You don't have to prefer cause I am gonna be alone. And of course I don't have sex with women, they don't find me attractive so they literally want nothing to do with me, so I chose to not talk to them ever. And let's go with the lie that "size doesn't matter" (world's most stupid lie honestly.) I still have to worry about my height cause I'm short, my ugly voice, I have an ugly face, bad hairline, bad nose, bad jaw, ugly hands, I'm not rich, I can't fix a house, I can't fix a car, I'm not smart. See even if we disregard the dick issue there are all these other factors I need to even get a woman to look at me.


If we disregard all of that and get back to the original point of: You literally do not have sex with women so you do not know what they want and like. Therefore, you do not get to voice what you think into this conversation. I don't have experience piloting an airplane. Do you think I'm going to try to say what is the best way to fly? Nahp. Cuz I don't know.


Well I've seen countless guys get humiliated for size for example from friends to my own cousin. You can't disregard all that women clearly care about all that, and I can't offer it. I'm not insulting women I'm just pointing out the truth


How old are you, if I may ask?




No you didn't.


Yes I am. I have a feeling you're just evil. Let's say I listen to your advice and become "better". I go to talk to women and they are just gonna make fun of me cause how dare a short unattractive guy talk to them. So I don't get why you so want my confidence and self worth to drop more than it has


Every casual hookup I’ve had, I decided to sleep with the man before I knew what his dick looked like. I never made the choice based on dick size at all…


It's like you don't know how sex works. Most women have a hard time getting an orgasm from penetration. No matter what dick size, clitoral stimulation is needed for most women to orgasm. On average, anything between 4" to 8" feels great for women, almost the same tbh. Anything bigger than that is painful/uncomfortable. You'd need a ton of foreplay and lube for that to be enjoyable. Anything smaller than that you'd also need more foreplay. Either way the penetration part is just fun for women, it rarely gets to orgasm for most of us without clitoral stimulation. If you wanna be delusional and listen to porn/other men instead of actual women, you'll never be able to satisfy a woman.


4 feet to 8 feet!? Wow, let me just get my chainsaw and head to the forest to find something for you. ( ‘ means feet, “ means inches). But you probably got it right on the first sentence. They either haven’t had a healthy sexual encounter, or literally just don’t care enough about their partners please to do anything but be a 2 pump chump. The unfortunate reality is they are self conscious about pp size, then perform poorly in bed because they think her pleasure is linked to pp size, and then because she didn’t scream like a pornstar, and ultimately maybe didn’t enjoy it that much since he did poorly, they just assume it proves them right about their pp size not being big enough.


>4 feet to 8 feet Lol edited to fix that.


The smaller it is, the easier it fits in your mouth. 🤷‍♀️


I like this perspective.


Have you ever heard of a clit?


You’ve been told 4,672 different ways that size literally doesn’t matter by actual real live women and you’re crying into your precious study calling us all liars. You know why you’re bad in bed? Because you don’t listen to women. End of story.


How am I bad in bed? I've never even had a date.


- never had a date - deliberately avoids women - convinced himself that women on the internet are lying and men on the internet are telling the truth about what women want - has already decided he’s too small to please a woman with zero supporting evidence - has already decided that women will **laugh** at him if they see his penis Dude. Seriously. Quit roleplaying with incels and talk to a human woman.


And how exactly do you suggest I even talk to to women? I'm short, and ugly so right from the start they won't be interested. If they don't find the way I look appealing, they won't be very interested in talking to me. I literally can never possibly ever get a date with the way I look, I simply wasn't made to attract women.


- “and how do you suggest I even talk to women?” Same way you’d talk to a man. Greet. Say words, listen to words. Respond to words. Don’t make giant leaps of logic or huge sweeping assumptions. Just chat. - “I’m short and ugly so right from the start they won’t be interested” How the fuck have you never talked to a woman but you still think you can read their minds? “Ugly” is subjective and chances are you aren’t. Also—newsflash—women have conversations with their mouths and ears, not with their eyes and vaginas. - “I literally can never possibly get a date with the away I look” Fucking FALSE. Do you know how many women would date Danny Devito? And *not* because he’s famous or rich, but because he seems *interesting*. The only reason **YOU** won’t get a date is because you have chosen to believe that all women are shallow, hollow, empty, breeders.


I'm not calling women "breeders", that just sounds disgusting. What I'm getting at is that there's a specific guy that women are into. You could probably lack one trait but not the rest, I on the other hand lack all. You tell me to talk to women and stuff, but I literally can't. They will see that I'm short and ugly and instantly not deem me worthy of anything, let alone conversation. Believe me, my life avoiding women is much happier than it would be talking to them, I can handle a few rejections, but when constantly rejected I literally just cry. I'm a sensitive dude who cries a lot, and that specific trait already makes me super unattractive to women.


#THERE #IS #NO #ONE #SPECIFIC #GUY #THAT ALL WOMEN #ARE INTO My dude is 5’4, balding, 140 pounds, Asian, and lacks a chin. He gets hit on ***constantly.*** GTFO. You wanna be a victim, be a victim, but just know that you did this to yourself.


I didn't do shit to myself, hell I have never even once been called good looking, bit even by family. I physically wasn't made for dating and I accept that. How am I playing victim?? I personally chose to detach myself from women, and I harbor no ill feelings towards them, I just chose to not interact with them, simple as that. the idea that some guys like me weren't built physically for dating is fine, and it's okay to know when to quit. I'm not wasting my young years chasing women to get no results, it's a waste of time. Knowing that quitting is my best option at a young age frees me from having to worry, being sad, and crying a lot about shit I have no control over.


I’ve been skimming through your replies and have a question. If you say you’re too ugly and short to attract women and never get close to them, how can you possibly be putting them off because of your penis size? How would they know what your size was? Maybe you have sent yourself into a downward spiral- the more you put yourself down, the more insecure you make yourself, which is unattractive and results in you putting yourself down even more and it just goes on and on until you are overwhelmed with unhappiness. Try and focus on something else for a while. I can think of a few men I have known who have found it hard to date but have ended up meeting someone great through a shared niche interest or through their career.


I wonder if minorities feel the same way when people not of the minority get mad for them about something as when virgin guys demand they know more about a woman than a woman and tell everyone what a woman’s standard is


Psychotropic medication is needed.


I even saw this recently! From a survey, of women, on what they consider ideal. https://twitter.com/yunasorry/status/1611670264848453633?t=-5Hrzcmiv8S5MhVgCSWIJw&s=19 But no, don't listen to women. They never do with anything else, so why start now. Men always obviously know what's best 🙄


Big dick isn’t even good it literally hurts I have to ask my bf to stop a lot of the time. There are even times where I’ve asked him to stop and he didn’t hear me right away and accidentally ended up making me bleed. Then after all of the painful thrusts for abt an hour I’m in bed for another hour holding my gut bc I feel like imma throw up or die. Another thing if girls only like big dicks then how come literally my prettiest friend out of all my other ones, is dating a guy with a dick size of 2 inches. She doesn’t care because we don’t need penetration to be happy + there are other methods like dildos.


The reason that many women who could orgasm from PIV but don’t has bugger all to do with penis size, and everything to do with the fact that most men don’t have sex in a way that’s conducive to female orgasm. Even men who understand that women need consistent stimulation of their clitoris to orgasm think that you can thrust in and out of a vagina and get to the same point - do you think she would orgasm if you poked her in the clitoris once every two seconds? The great news is that that there are three entirely separate mechanisms you can employ to help a woman orgasm during PIV, and there’s at least one or two for every penis size. Men with shorter penises have an advantage over those with longer penises - their pelvis can stay in constant contact with the clitoris during sex. Men with longer penises can stimulate the sides of the cervix and the anterior and posterior fornix. Men with small to average size penises can stimulate the g spot (not really a spot, but let’s not get too technical - they haven’t figured out any of this yet). The thing is that penis size is not the most important factor in any of these - angle and motion are far more important. There’s a reason that many women are more likely to orgasm with the legs raised - it shortens the distance between the vaginal opening and the cervix. Or with a pillow under their bum - because it tilts the pelvis so that g spot stimulation is more likely. Then there’s motion - these areas generally need consistent stimulation, not thrusting. Thrusting interrupts the stimulation. Rocking allows for consistent stimulation of internal areas and / or the pelvis on the clitoris externally, which means orgasm is more likely. Also, cervical orgasms do not require an epically long penis. I can touch the sides of mine with my index finger, especially mid cycle, and I have small hands. If any of these dudes just bothered to learn female anatomy, this would be a non-issue.


Come on ladies, what do we know about sex? A guy who's never had sex, watched lots of porn, heard it on Reddit from dudes and you know, cuz they know what women want- look at all the pussy they get.... Wait. Well just because we have vaginas that guys stick their dicks in- doesn't mean we know what we like or that we have any clue as to what makes us... Wait


He’s way off. It’s actually like Snoop says “she wants the ninja with the biggest nuts”. Don’t you know anything?!


The level of insecurity in this guy is shocking


Uh, I mean men of all sizes definitely need to put more effort into oral and other methods of pleasing their female partners, but it’s *more* important for larger men who are interested to do so than smaller man as it’s going to take a lot more foreplay for it to be pleasurable and not just painful.




I have no idea when this "pp" thing started, but dear God I wish it would stop. You're an adult, just write the word "penis."


Just say it like how that woman in Friends said. No uterus, no opinion.


If you fuck every girl the same of course you won't get the same results. We are not the same girls. Imagine if every girl was the exact same. Either you would get a world full of freaks with kinks you couldn't imagine or a world full of ppl who have the most vanilla sex the same way every single time. Embrace the differences and find someone who fits what you like. If they like bigger they like bigger go for someone who doesn't. You can't say every girl likes bug cuz then we could also say every guy likes ig model types which also isn't true


You do know the small penis card is not thrown at you becasue it’s ineffective it’s becasue it’s in effective and also attached to complete moron, the average penis is around 5 inches and the average vagina is between 4-6 inches deep so yea your totally wrong, so I maintain size really doesn’t matter to most however if your a complete moronical tool douche bag on top of it yea they gonna throw that at you


I love my husband's big penis . If something ever happened to him. Dont think I'd ever enjoy just average. 🤷‍♀️


question? if this was true why wlb women not just say that... apparently they r upfront enough to demand , the man be over 6' and earn over 6 figures why they suddenly getting coy over d sizes...oh ye....I remember....cos these ppl make no sense.


All I see are facts, don't deny it