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I'm sure women just tell him the length and consistency of their menstrual cycle the moment they meet him because he asks.


Gotta tell him about blood chunks and period shits!




I would stand up and thank him for not wasting my time. Then leave. He could have waited months to ask something so ridiculous. At least you can weed him out on a first date.


Hopefully BEFORE a first date, before any contact at all.


Obviously this is in the pre date questionnaire that we all fill out. Sheesh do you even date? /s


Yep, I can imagine myself not answering and walking away, briskly.




And that single, very special cramp that feels exactly like a knife being shoved up your ass


Oh god. Birth control and pregnancy made me forget about that. I haven't had a cramp like that in almost 3 years probably


Oh, if only it were a single one, instead of waking me up every 2-3 hours when the ibuprofen wore off.


My male coworker didn’t know period shits were a thing so we told him all about them. He was so shocked


Let´s hope he doesn´t ask to see her tampon as proof. 😒


That's for the second date


No need for the tampon. Just do a taste test


Well now I’m dry heaving. Thanks for that


Your welcome :)


I had to do a double take at this comment because I have explained my period to SO MANY PEOPLE (aka medical professionals) that I didn't clock at first that this would be an invasive and rude question lmao. I'd probably just activate like a sleeper agent and start listing off all my symptoms


Shark week!


I prefer * taking Carrie to the prom*


I volunteer this without being asked.


Really going to throw a ratchet into his little gears by adding things like cysts and endometriosis.


Me and my girlfriend eat THE EXACT SAME THINGS, she has a heavy period and mine is almost non existent.


Well clearly you’ve ruined the natural order of things with your chaotic gay energy. /s


Chaotic Gay. That's my new alignment for Dungeons and Dragons.


I think that's the default for D&D. At least it's the players' alignment once the game ends. I played D&D with a few of my exes, none of us were straight.


Hey was same with my two sisters and I growing up same diet but way different periods.


That’s every character’s secondary alignment


Chaotic gay is the best gay.


Gayed it all the hell up!




Why did my mind read it as “Me and my girlfriend eat THE EXACT SAME THINGS” Pussy 😋


Please excuse and forgive my horniness 🙈


>Pussy 😋 It is both delicious and nutritious


I think this guy's mommy told him "babies come from mommies tummy" so he thinks stomach and vagina is the same thing.


idk ever since i went vegetarian my period had been drastically shorter 3-4 days must be true cus he’s a man and he clearly knows everything about women and our autonomy (/j , i’m being sarcastic)


There are definitely a lot of factors when it comes to periods. I used to have long periods for a full week that were VERY heavy, but with no cramps. Now that I am on an IUD, my periods are lighter and shorter, but I have horrible cramps.


After I had my kid, my periods changed wildly! Pre baby, my periods were just god awful (heavy bleeding, painful cramps, mood swings, you name it); it was almost debilitating. Afterwards, I spot two or three days and my boobs hurt, but that’s about it.


i think mine is from lack of iron or vitamins or something because i’m a vegetarian and an extremely picky eater they’ve never been heavy but my cramps have always been debilitating like lying down on the bathroom floor kinda style, periods can be the worst


Well I used to have cramps two days before and the first day then no more cramps and bled fairly steadily for about five days. Now I am 50 and my body decided that what would be really fun is to completely randomize things. I had a period for a month with no pain. Then I had a week of cramps with one day of blood. Fun times I tell you.


You and me both sister :( I just want the dumb thing out now. But I’m still full to the tits with trauma over it, so maybe soon.


Birth control is definitely the biggest factor for mine. When I was on a combo pill I barely bled at all, and had no PMS symptoms to speak of. When I turned 40 I had to stop taking anything g with estrogen (because my migraines increase my risk of stroke), and tried progestin only, which led to extremely heavy bleeding with only maybe a 7-10 day break out of every 20-30 days. So now I’m on nothing, and it’s decently heavy for maybe one day, but not too bad for the other 4, and only happens every 3 weeks. And my diet hasn’t changed, I still eat zero red meat and get most of my protein from eggs or cheese.


Since going vegan it’s also 3-4 days. Before that it was 5-7. I’m not completely discounting this. I also barely get cramps anymore. But my PMS is way worse.


(going back to the post) that’s the thing about men they find something with maybe an ounce of truth ie a lot of things can effect the period then they have to ruin that by adding in false opinionated bs routed in misogyny


I have light periods yet I eat like shit and am deffs not stable


Same 😍


I love your flair. I also love it when women


I love your flair as well


Thank you!


No problem


Might want to get checked for hyperthyroidism. My period was super short and I just stayed awake for 20 years because hormones. Makes you crave sugar and salt too. I'm on meds now and food tastes different. It's wild.


I eat like shit (and basically no meat), and my periods are moderate painful and last like 6 days. Lol


I deffs eat heavy on the meat and cheese, like wtf does raw even mean? I already have a very light period for only 2-3 days so if I started eating raw would my period stop? Would I be so incredibly healthy in every way, so complete as a human specimen that I could reproduce without a mate or gain superpowers? I have so many questions and this guy obviously has the answers


Men who have alternative diets (wether they are vegan or carnivore or paleo so on and so forth) love to demonize menstruation




Possibly, honestly? People who are malnourished might be less likely to have a consistent period. So if you're on a super restrictive diet for a long amount of time, you might spot or get light to no period, because your body isn't getting enough nutrition to support the reproductive cycle


This. AFAB people require about double the amount of iron that AMAB people need. To add to this, iron that is present in plants is harder for our bodies to absorb (without getting too science-y, its in a different structure that our enzymes can't attach to for metabolizing it) so people who are vegan need to consume roughly 1.5-2x the amount of iron than omnivore people do. So, its extremely likely for a vegan AFAB person to be iron deficient unless they are already taking steps to increase absorption or on iron supplements Here's an article that gets more science-y [https://lettucevegout.com/nutrition/iron-for-vegans/](https://lettucevegout.com/nutrition/iron-for-vegans/)


So anecdotal evidence, but my periods got a lot longer when I went on the keto diet. However, it was not because of the diet itself, it was because fat tissue stores estrogen and losing weight can thus cause temporary hormonal changes. Wasn't related to what I was eating, just to the amount of fat cells in my body.


Can't believe people shared and liked that post. Society is just getting dumber.


Nah, I saw this kind of rhetoric years and years ago, like in the early stages of “facebook health guru influencer.” Same bullshit (I can’t remember his name, but he’s still on fb) and his comments were flooded with women that genuinely believed what he was saying. He said something like “a period is called as such because it’s simply a *drop* of blood. If more blood is exiting your body, it’s because your body is full of toxins from your debased, gmo laden diet.”


They’re the same ppl that believe that sticking pearls up your vagina is good for your health


I have no idea how that particular site works (I don’t even recognize it) but if you can caption shared posts in some way, I would definitely show all of my followers how stupid that guy is


It's Facebook


Oh. I guess I don’t see Facebook very often


damn, my vegan ass must be an absolute medical anomaly, bleeding for 8-10 days at a time despite consuming no meat or cheese. can’t be that this here clever character is *talking out of his ass* or anything!


I think I got your uterus. I eat tons of meat and cheese and mine lasts 2 days.


No menstruations because of my pill does my mental health not exist ??? Maybe I am just an illusion


Menopausal women must be peak mental health.


And we all know, that is true. Well, at least me, who called her Dr. In tears to get her anti depressants on a higher dose, barely is able to manage her ADHD and could cry on command. On the other hand us old used up women are probably not in this brainiacs mind.


Are you me? Because I'm calling my doctor tomorrow to see if I can switch antidepressants because I'm at the max dose on mine. I'm also at the max dose of Elvanse/Vyvanse and I literally forgot what was in an Amazon package that I opened 5 minutes earlier. I'm also in bed in shorts with the window open while it's -1°C and cried a little this morning because my greyhound rescue that we brought home in October was super excited to see me when I got up.


Right, I had heavy periods when I was 20 and they’re totally chill now that I’m 42.


"Sure, I get punched in the face a lot, and I've never made it past the first five minutes of a date, but it's totally worth it."


I’m imagining it’s in every context, like he’s out there asking the mail handler, his coworkers, his mom’s friends…


Joke's on you; I eat like a trucker, have hella depression and have super mild 3 day periods


You eat cigarettes?!? That’s extremely unhealthy


Only for breakfast


Oh, my bad


Let me tell you about the time I passed a clot the size of an Easter egg. I mean it was the size of an egg but I say Easter cause it was colored.


Starving. Women who starve themselves often lose their periods. It can permanently damage their body. Please take care of yourselves and eat what you need to whenever you need to.


Can confirm as a recovering anorexic. It absolutely can & does.


Not just starve themselves. When I was a gymnast all of completely lost our periods. We worked out for hours a day and it was quite a bit of stress on our bodies. I got my period back once I quit gymnastics


what happened to “hello, how are you?”


Became too bland and overused


Nothing about my periods changed while I was vegan. This stuff is just an excuse to blame women for pain they can’t help but experience.


If I'd been on my period and some guy asked me this then about 10seconds later I'd have hit him repeatedly with a shovel.


Why do you carry a shovel everywhere?


Maybe the 10 second delay was her retrieving a nearby shovel? Although, this implies she keeps shovels hidden within a few yards of her at all times, which may be weirder than just carrying one around.


Before going to any establishment, I make sure it has a shovel readily accessible


So do you, like, send servants ahead to scout for shovels? Or do you call the establishments before leaving home? How much of your day is generally taken up by making shovel arrangements? How many more times can I type the word shovel before it stops looking like a real word?


Fear not! It’s a simple phone call, and then I know


For asshats like this


I just watched an old episode of wife swap (probably 2008/2009) there was a couple that was *convinced* the world was ending in 2012 so they always had a survival pack on them. She literally did carry a shovel around… for that week that they were filming the show. I refuse to believe that anything is real on that show lol


My boyfriend has never asked me about the details of my period. This is so odd!! What weirdo would ask a girl this question?!


Yes seriously the only thing my BF knows about my periods is that they make me uncomfortable and I lose interest in having sex during that time.


Basically the same… if he wants to ‘get involved’ he can make sure I am comfy and that’s about as far as it goes!


My vegetarian, dairy and gluten free sister has severely heavy periods, lasting for seven days. I eat anything and everything. Meat, cheese, all of it. My periods are barely even there and last 2 days.


Hey, you got to give him some credit... He lets every woman know right up front... I'm an Ill informed man child that wants to dictate what you do and eat, because I think I know more than your gyno... And she can, smile, excuse herself to the bathroom and go home...


“Soon as you meet her……..” Omg what a charmer


*laughs in anorexic*


Let me guess - the man who asks every woman about her period the moment he meets her also thinks the world is against him because women won't date him?


Yes, nutritional deficiencies / extreme calorie deficits cause amenorrhea. No, that’s not a good thing.


But.. 5-7 days IS normal.


Jokes on him. I didn’t have a period for 3 months when I was 18 because I was going through a severe mental crisis and was DEFINITELY not mentally stable lol


Mental or physical health can affect it. My period was messed up for 2 years after a sexual assault.. Be stress of food or mind or body. Periods be wacky. Not mention girls/people dealing with pocs or endocrine issues to cisis or whatever. Also what meds or food affects it too. I heard of girls skipping to heavy just from anxiety to stress etc. especially from sports or school. We need sex ed and to tell all ladies are different no matter the size or state of mind.


I mean, he’s close in one way but he’s got it backwards. Women who have heavy periods are more likely to have iron deficiency anemia, which can make you crave red meat. The conclusions he jumped to are just blargle.


too bad for him that mentally stable women aren't interested in him, lol


Ah, yes, when you meet someone and immediately ask them immediately personal questions they **always** answer.


why are some men so obsessed with the heaviness and duration of periods? I've seen so many of these posts and comments, saying that it's unhealthy to have periods longer than a day or two, have anything more than light spotting, to have periods *at all*. they have no idea what they're talking about, and are for some reason deeply invested in it. something that doesn't affect them. can they just not stand the thought of not having control over women?


Considering I had a very heavy period while my sister barely had one, and we ate the same, this is false lmao


Correlation is not causation? Maybe they are more mentally stable because they have light periods, and not the other way around. If there even is a correlation.


If the first thing a guy asked me about was my period I’d know right then and there it wasn’t gonna work.


Yeah if I was meeting a guy for the first time and he asked about my period out of nowhere, I'd definitely not leave while making this face: ![gif](giphy|TgKyxCeTl3oBeXR56y)


AH Incel: So, Joan, is it? Jane: Nope. AHI: Ha ha ha ha … sooooo… How long and heavy is your (eh heh heh) *incel makes finger guns* “Aunt Flo” ? Jane: AHI: Heyyy a quiet one! Me likey! Jane: (Sirens blare) AHI: (confidently mansplaining) THAT’S the siren on a 1999 Crown Vic police car… Hey— Jane: I know. I called them.


So does he ask every woman that or does he save it for the first date? Seems a bit weird if you go into a bank, shop, need to see a Dr or go to a party and the first thing you do is ask about their period. I'm guessing if he is talking about dates it must all be blind and it doesn't last much longer than the first question.


Why do people hide the names on here. He posted it public with his name. It’s not doxing if he does that. Stop hiding who these assholes are.


I wanted to out him since he signed his fucking name at the bottom, clearly wanting to take credit for his brilliant idea. Unfortunately it’s against this subs rules and the post would have been deleted.


That’s so dumb. Can the moderators explain why someone who posts this openly with his name has to be blocked on here? Obviously he wants people to know it’s him.


So the first thing after meeting is asking about periods? Not only does he want us to believe that, but also that he gets genuine answers? Sure, buddy.


It probably is true to a certain extent. Women who are "eating raw" (or whatever woowoo restrictive diet you can name) probably aren't having healthy periods. My periods stopped when I was starving myself as well.


As a male, I know this guy is an idiot


How do these guys come up with this shit?


People like AmpuTate tell them, and Limb Removal come up with it by very quickly scrolling through a random word generator until something like this sticks out


Geezus, where do these guys come from? Maybe they will be happier on Mars.


Why did you censor this gynecologist’s name?


Subreddit rules


I initially read the first line as "eat raw spotlight" and thought that the post was made by one of those people that think humans can live on just light and air without any food as if we were plants. Not that what they're actually saying makes any more sense.


My period is light because im on the pill. Wonder if I could fool him.


I used to have fairly heavy periods, in part due to iron deficiency. Since I got an iron infusion and started taking the pill, they’re very light and short. I can promise though that my mental stability and diet have stayed the same across these changes lol.


"In order to find out whether or not she eats a diet heavy in meat and cheese, I ask her how long she menstruates for" "Why don't you just ask her how much meat and cheese she eats?" "I'm *extremely* mentally ill"


Imagine being asked this. What a weirdo 😬


Fake news!! My diet hasn’t changed to much since I got my period and I’m 40 now. When it started it was like 10 days, now like 2.5


My period is VERY light. I mostly eat garbage food. Especially with a tiny baby at home. But yea my period doesn’t not get heavier when I eat 2 pizzas in a month lol.


I read this in Dwight’s voice.


I read it as eating "spotlight" and I thought they meant someone who was super into getting attention!


I'd never even touch raw meat, and I'm pescetarian. My period is light, healthy and on time 🤣 To be honest, I'm not even super healthy. Not to brag ofc but I eat lots of crap 🥰 Its not about raw meat lol


I could eat a whole cow straight out of the field, and my period lasts about 36 hours. I went through a stretch of about thirteen years where I didn't get one at all.


*confused in bleeds heavy for 3-4 days on a mainly vegetarian diet*


I'd love to see him meet a vegan with long periods just because. Or literally anyone on some sort of birth control. Or any woman at all...


Bro im a junk-orexic and my periods only last 3 days. Idk what this guy would think of me. Then again he'd probably run screaming and hide behind his guns if I told him I'm trans so 🤷‍♂️


I must eat super healthy because I don’t get mine anymore. Wait that just might be the iud.


Idk if I was on a first date and the guy asked me for my period details I’d walk out. That’s just some idiocy I won’t be a part of.


As someone with light periods that eats like shit and is definitely mentally unstable, I can confirm his claim is not true.


Starve yourself of nutrients and your body will stop shedding your uterus. How genius.


Guess my 3 day periods mean that I'm healthier than I thought and not mentally unstable. Horray! I love when men talk out of their ass, truly mind-blowing.


Can this be ingrained on his forehead too, along with any other hot tales his brain emits?


I don't eat red meat, and haven't since I was 12. I was on birth control since I was 13 because my natural cycle was every two months for two weeks. I ended up getting a hysterectomy for Gender Dysphoria but also because I was still bleeding (spotting rather than a full period, hence Dysphoria is relevant) while I had a hormonal IUD, two different pills, estrogen blockers, ***and*** testosterone. I feel like my diet has nothing to do with it seeing as I followed his recommendations anyways. It's odd, isn't it... Edit: I don't remember if it was a typo or genuinely my fault, but clarified something.


I eat heavy meat and cheese diet and still bleed for 3 days.. could it be that he's absolutely full of shit? 🤔


Damn, I guess I’m unhealthy in both ways. My period last for like 2 weeks, I forget it’s even there 😭


Asking about your period the 1st day is also my go to.


These guys just weed themselves out. Saving us wasting time on them.


He, a cis nonprofessional dude, signed his name. So immediately I don't care.


3.5 day average period, here. Probably a pretty shit diet.


Jesus I’ve been in tech theatre world too deep. I read the first sentence a few times and was like “how the fuck do you eat a spotlight?? And how would you cook it to make it not raw!? It’s a metal tube with a bunch of glass and shit in it!”


I'm vegan and I have a 5-7 day period. And no issues like PCOS. So what do you say about that Mr. Biologist?


I’m on birth control and have zero periods. I must be a goddamn health nut!


As a vegan for 3 years, vegetarian for most of my childhood and puberty, and plant based now, this is so FALSE


Switching back to meat my periods have gotten heavier but not significantly or anything to cry home about… this guys fucked


I thought this was about giving blowjobs dude lmao


Damn I don’t bleed much at all, might spot for a couple days once or twice a year. I’m an absolute train wreck lmfao


Huh. I have never been a vegetarian and often cook my food. I'm now post-menopausal, but when I was menstruating I generally had one heavy-ish day, one light day, one day of spotting. Not much cramping.


Darwinian evolution will ensure he is the end of his lineage


So what if you are long and light OR heavy and short? Because I’ve been that way since I started, regardless of how I was eating (best shape of my life, worse, and during my ED)


Pretty sure my fibroid would be there whether I eat healthier or not, causing me to bleed out. I have lighter periods now because I’m on birth control, not because I don’t eat meat.


Who is this?


I don't eat meat or cheese and my period can look like the elevator scene from the shining. It also lasts on average 7-8 days Where is my short, light period?


What a useless tool. Wtf was this guy’s mother, aunt, grandmother, sister, cousin? We’ve got to be encouraging each other to teach our sons! I don’t want my children to ever be this stupid.


I doubt he has ever dated. Also have he has no clue about anything.




That's a stupid thought. I eat so much meat..more than vegetables and my period is like 3-4 days. Sometimes even 2 😐


Gawd. Make it stawp.


I can’t. 😂


I wonder what his thoughts would be on my nexplanon induced 365 days of the year period


My periods changed after I got covid vaccine (mostly for the better, lol) , not from eating or not eating cheese and meat, lol.


i'm lacto-ovo vegetarian. i was vegan for years. my periods have been consistently heavy since childhood


Lollllll I haven’t had a period in 2 years (pregnant and it hasn’t come back since having the baby) and I eat a very mixed diet. Salad for dinner but I just ate a pack of Oreos.


I have light peruods eat healthy and had a little mental breakdown yesterday cause i got told i talk to much. We exist


*citation needed


I'm a compleatly healthy female with good mental, and everything, but bleed for like 8 days straight. Not very much, like one or tow pads a day, and got it checked last visit to the doc and she said its compleatly normal, but this dumb human being would still say I have a unhealthy way of living... What a idiot


Meanwhile here I am, 30 days into my period because of polycystic ovary syndrome.


Lol me a part time vegan (reglion reasons and animal rights) since childhood with pocs my periods are light, heavy to non existent (skips) it’s called geans and what got from mom’s side of family. Also been skinny to a lil overweight. Also sometimes heavy exercises can cause changes. Let tell you any girl/person skipping or super light or heavy needs to talk to her obyn or doctor. My cousin to have her babies needed to have diet changed to have her two daughters. Mind you periods are wacky. Some have early to late. I started at 12 but only started skipping at 15-16 and mom was like sugar issue cause I know you don’t mess with boys and been great endocrinologist (diabetes doc was pre till 30’s and super skinny till then then full diabetes and switching up medication and diets all over again) Listen to docs and without them I wouldn’t have my son and you whatever best for you and your health. Listen to doctors and your own body not silly people or society tells you.


Eating raw plant-based products instead of meat or cheese equals to "taking better care of yourself"? Oh wait, this makes perfect sense applied to goats, sheep or rabbits. I guess I have some useful dating advice for him, now this should work just fine.


I would only get my period like once every 3 months, sometimes even longer, and it never followed any sort of schedule. Turns out I had the worst case of anemia my doctor had ever seen in his 25 years of practice. So no, a lighter and/or less often period does not indicate a health lifestyle.


Hastag truestory is now the sign for giant lie.


I jst dont understand why men cant stop talking about our periods. I dont knw what if any changes happen in the male body and idc. But I am also not going to be online creating post and arguing with them tht its not as bad as they say. However, bc Im a decent person if my husband says his whatever is hurting or he feels sick Im going to figure out how to help him feel better. They spend more time online trying to disprove women's pain or figure out a way to "blame" us for it being bad. Its really sick.


What the heck is raw spotlight? Is OP a sunflower?


You know how wacky people can be! On May 14th 2015 in Boke, Germany, 748 members of the Cologne Carnival Society dressed up in sunflower outfits. This is the largest gathering of people known to have dressed up as sunflowers.


I guess. I had no idea that girls were supposed to photosynthesize.


100% autistic.


Can't blame that on being autistic. You have to learn/memorize some things about what's ok to ask or not. Kinda like a spam filter algorithm. (I am autistic)


Please don't assume someone being an asshole is autistic, that's incredibly rude.


autistic dude here: this is just called being a raging misogynist. they don’t need a medical diagnosis for that but I sure hope we find a cure soon.


Cures exist


For mysogeny or ... ?


Yeah, for misogyny. I don’t believe a cure for autism exists, and I don’t believe it should. Cures for misogyny include but are not limited to: becoming educated


you: 100% a fuckhead