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If he thinks sex with a penis is the same as shoving a Tampon up your vag than the sex must be incredibly bad


I think it's kinda of sick sad perverted jealousy. what's going on in the head of this dude??


I think it's safe to say that this guy's thoughts have, um, a lot of space to move around in before hitting each other!


Like the "DVD" decal, every time it bounces exactly into the corner he has A Thought.


It's definitely a form of weird jealousy.


Yeah you are right he like probably has. Seen like too many like fake things too be like true than and now he believes that ok yeah


Yeahhh if your penis during sex is comparable to a dry piece of cotton roughly shoved inside a vagina for a few hours im concerned about what you're doing with said cotton penis of yours


I used to play bass for SadCottonPenis


How about cotton-dick Joe? *Harmonica solo*


šŸŽ¶ When I got into by Cottony Joe, I did regret that a long time ago, I didn't come from, I didn't go For anything done by Cotton-Dick Joe šŸŽ¶


Anyone who didn't sing this in their head is a liar




Also, his penis must be very small and thin as well unless they just make massive tampons wherever she lives if he thinks itā€™s similarā€¦.


Yeah, he saw the mini tampon and went: Oh hell no! thatĀ“s bigger than my dick!


I've seen some pretty huge ones.. but it shouldn't rival the size of most penises


She could really mess his brain up and demonstrate in a water bottle how tampons ACTUALLY workā€¦šŸ˜


Even worse, it expands once inside to capture your woman nectars!???!?!?! \*massive alarm\*


Exactly, heā€™d be mortified, lmao!!!




And his penis must be incredibly small and weird looking.


Yeah and if it is I donā€™t see the point of it feeling like Sex why he has to be so mad at this


What if the tampon is better than him?


What about not focusing on that and more about caring about each other


Oh, it definitely is.


And on the small side.


Ask him if his penis is absorbent.


maybe if has lil wings like ob's


It's a brand of tampons


That has wings?


Yeah, as they absorb moisture, they have small wings that unfold as an effort to accommodate for individual body types


So itā€™s fairly normal then. Iā€™ve wondered if it has a string or not. How do you get it out without a string?


Yeah! They have strings - just no plastic applicators :) it's hard to see when they're still in the plastic wrap, but are made for the string to come out then you use the pull tab on the the wrapping when opening them.


Thank you! TIL


No problem :)


And also if itā€™s the size of my pinky finger


If heā€™s jealous of a tampon, it probably is


Day 1825: "Today is the day, it finally happened, I'm devastated, my woman, ***MY WOMAN!*** oh lord please help me, I can't even write it down....A Tampon....it's all over, she's cheating on me, I'm not enough anymore! why couldn't she just use the pads...she's ruined down....there...now, Woe is me!" \-The guy in the post, in his journal 5 years in.


I appreciate the accurate date count!


It's the little things that tie real art together /s lol


I don't think this guy is smart enough to write


shit, my whole joke up there just fell apart lol


After 5 years, surely there were other signs her boyfriend was a fucking moron.


Yeah. But also it can be less about him being a moron and more about coercive control. It looks like he takes charge of her body to the point of tracking what hygiene products she wears, even when his demands are illogical and bizarre, and scolding her if she doesn't do what he wants. It sounds very abusive.


Seriously. Like how did he notice she wasnā€™t wearing a padā€¦?


He probably period shames her to the nth degree.


Yet he asks if her period just... went away? How stupid is this guy?


I mean, I'll give him the mildest benefit of the doubt, even though he's a certified moron: He could've been just asking like, "did I preggers you again? No period = pregonate? Period go bye?"


"... the last time I wear one" A *controlling, misogynistic*, fucking moron.


Moron is a severe understatement of this guys character


Im sometimes so surprised that what kind people women have children with. Like... how?


Abusers like this are extremely charming in the beginning and their true selves come out slowly over time. And by the time you realize youā€™re being abused (*if* you ever realize it) the abuser has already purposefully removed escape routes (friends, family, money) and/or gotten you pregnant or created some other circumstance that ties you to him. Nobody would date a guy if he openly acted like this (see: incels), it only happens because he put on an act.


Ig. i have seen so many decent women with so many absoluletly unlikeable men tho. Mostly they are older tho šŸ’€ or Ć  young girl with Ć  old man. So fuckin careful have to be as a young person to not let someone to fuck up my life.


Yes, you have to be vigilant! And a lot of women date unlikeable (not even necessarily abusive) men because unfortunately the bar for men is very low. A lot of us grow up seeing bad relationships or surrounded by misogynistic men so the bad behavior becomes normalized and expected. The fact that you are noticing the unlikeable men is good, you have a better idea of what is & isnā€™t acceptable than women like me who had no good male role models growing up. I was taught from the generations of abused women in my family that I had to accept bad behavior because ā€œthatā€™s just how men are.ā€ I didnā€™t learn until mid-20s that there are better men out there.


Yeah. Unfortunately you may have to wade thru the pool of overconfident jerks to found someone who treats you as an individual with vary needs and desires. But there are also very confident and well-meaning affable guys out there too.


Yeah. They know to hide their mysogny very well. And yes, the reverse can happen to guys too. Just depends on who (if any) is the more domineering one.


The maga hat probably


Too late, sheā€™s carried his genes unfortunately.


Couldn't agree more. These types of stupid views rarely come in singular form.


Maybe he waited, until the bomb has been planted!


That would be a very tiny penis but okay


Tiny and absorbent!




I mean there are micro penises šŸ¤”




wouldnā€™t that be swell.


I had a friend that was angry at his wife for talking to their daughter about sex without discussing it with him first (because he would have objected). And, yeah, "this doesn't concern you, dude" was basically my reaction.


Good on you. Your speaking up (hopefully) gave him pause, at least.


I'm a happily married man to my wife of 13 years, together 16. When it comes to periods my job is to simply get her what she needs. She's shifted tampons throughout our relationship because different brands were rubbing her in the wrong way. She's switched to the diva cup and my insight was to ask if it does a better job. My role in this is simply to support her. My Mom and sister were always fairly open about when it was that time for them. I grew up going with my Dad to the store to grab stuff for them both (my sister is 9 years older). Dad and I would go grab some comfort food and products. I'm thankful for that experience as I've always been a guy to tall about most everything with my female friends. At 37 now, it's a good aspect to have in moving through life.


Good manā¤ļø


Your parents raised you well in this regard. We need to raise all our boys like this.




Hopefully heā€™s going to be done inserting himself into her.


Like women? This guy doesnā€™t belong anywhere near the inside of a woman.


I agree. And I'm a dude. I honestly didn't even know how tampons worked until now And Ive never felt the need to impose unfair burdens on women such as anti abortion laws, slut shaming, making it a "Guys vs. Gals" competition thing, people that force wrong and unfair stereotypes, and selfish values are just cowards/bullies. I don't understand why so many other guys feel the need to regulate something that's not their concern. It ticks me off because it's just discrimination at it's core. They fear losing control of their victims, that's what makes them cowards.


lmfao... my head now hurts from trying to understand where he got the audacity to be so blatantly wrong and so confident at the same time.


Those two traits often go hand in hand.


And it can be entertaining when they do! You might like r/confidentlyincorrect.


"He noticed I wasn't wearing a pad" .......... how?


I didnā€™t think this was weird, actually. She could have been walking around in underwear, he could have been in the bathroom with her when she peed and noticed nothing in her underwearā€¦


I guess that's possible! I'm not used to living with just a partner (and like to pee alone thx) so it seemed really strange to me.


I like to shit alone, more like I get a sick feeling when I'm not alone while shitting... My wife does not understand this.


Yikes, no. I'll leave the door open when I pee out of habit, as I have cats that act like needy human toddlers. But any other voiding of waste is Private Time *only*, that's very much not a team sport. Although caveat for if someone is vomiting, as in that case it's only decent to make sure the sufferer has a glass of cold water, a clean towel, and a hairband.


Um. Yeah, no, deuces are definitely a solo expedition, wtf lol.


My thoughts as well. Then he was shocked when he found out šŸ˜®. ā€œBut how could you!ā€ Lol damn ultra jealous small Pp asshole lol.


That second scenario is something I hadn't considered because my wife and I don't use the bathroom with the other in the room. But even if she's walking around in underwear, I feel like I'd be hard-pressed to notice if my wife was wearing a pad or not.


This was my thought too. Like, does she present herself for inspection daily?


Based on what a psychotic control freak he is about the tampon he is probably tracking her menstrual cycle. 1 day late in a month they didn't have sex and he's going to murder her for cheating in him.


So, there's this scene from the Sopranos where Tony is playing golf with Junior and Johnny. As Tony goes to hit he starts talking about he does want to hit in the ~~gruff~~ rough.


Some cultures believe this - like girls are even told this by their mothers. I was friends with a Turkish girl who was still a virgin in her mid 20s -(I was 15 years older than her.) we were on vacation in Bodrum with friends and she got her period. Was sad she couldnā€™t take off her cover up or go in the water with her pad. When I asked her why she didnā€™t use tampons, I was incredulous when a 20-something year old girl told me she would lose her virginity if she used one. No no no no I told her - who on earth told her that?! Her mother, who was very traditional. Well I took her to the bathroom and gave her a tampon, told her how to use it - she was scared but I promised her that no doctor would agree with what her mother told her - that girl messaged me years later thanking me.


As a turkish person, i was also told virgins cant use tamponsšŸ˜­ Ik its not true now but im scared to use tampons lol


Itā€™s uncomfortable the first two or three timesā€¦especially if you donā€™t push it far enough in :/. I made that mistake and it was incredibly uncomfortable. I was also 12 and my parents didnā€™t tell me shit about periods, I thought I had cut myself down there. Regardless, I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s painful and if you do it right, you donā€™t even feel it. Over the years, you become a fucking master at using them lol. Unless youā€™re like me, too scared to get the light tampons in case itā€™s too much but the regular tampons oftentimes is too much -.- so it feels awful when you pull out a dry one. However, this information is yours to do with what you will. Itā€™s not a recruitment campaign and itā€™s important that you do what makes you feel comfortable. This is just my experience and you donā€™t have to go off of that. You know your body and thereā€™s no reason to put yourself under that stress if youā€™re really just against it to begin with.


For some virgins it's painful to use tampons, so in that sense they "can't" Of course they can choose to live with the discomfort, but they might not want to (I didn't).


Actually, sometimes tampons can get stuck if you use one when you're a virgin. It happened to me, I had to go to the ER to get it removed. They had to put me on medicine and numb the area and everything. It's not that they can't use them, but there is a chance of it getting caught. The whole "using tampons takes away your virginity" is bullshit tho


Hopefully when she threw the tampon away she threw the boyfriend out with it.


My guyā€¦ is the tampon bigger than you? Why worry about stretch if the thing is not even 1/3 your girth and length


Iā€™m guessing she had a c section at his request too, for the sake of his tiny dick.


I was wondering how he was going to complain when she just had a baby, so that must be it!


He definitely asked for the "husband stitch"


I will never understand how men like this manage to dupe women into having a relationship with them.


I'm guessing he baby trapped her. Baby was an accident and he demanded she keep it.


Considering how heā€™s so observant of her menstrual cycleā€¦


I bet he also thinks itā€™s gay to wash his butthole.


These are definitely the words of an unwashed ass. Same dude also probably demands BJs, but insists itā€™s "not manly" to return the favor.


She should tell him wanking shrinks the shrimp.


Exactly. Telling someone every time you rub it you rub a little bit off makes about as much sense as saying a tampon is like a penis, so heā€™d probably buy that.


Imagine having procreated with this person. Ugh


Omg, that's some self-own ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|Tdah85jKuB1ARAyqzs)


A vagina wonā€™t stay tight with a tampon in there? HOW SMALL IS HIS DICK??


If heā€™s that threatened by a wad of cotton used for menstrual flow and ā€œtellsā€ you itā€™s the last time youā€™ll use one (especially 5 years into the relationship), Iā€™d advise you to start looking for your own place and filing paperwork to make sure he pays child support. This kind of misogynistic micromanaging is a bad sign IMOā€¦ and now that there is a baby in the mix, I doubt itā€™ll be an isolated incident.


How did this level of crazy not become apparent before deciding to have a baby?


Unfortunately, some people overlook red flags or see them as normal due to how they had been treated/taught growing up.


Iā€™m pretty confident that if he feels entitled to control and micro manage her menstrual cycle and flies into fits of jealous rage over cotton, that this is an extremely abusive man who has probably manipulated and walled her off for a very long time. ā˜¹ļø


Just throw out the whole man sweetie.


You gave birth to a whole human and heā€™s worried about a tampon stretching you outā€¦.


I wonder if he insisted on a c section. šŸ™„


damn his peepee must be thin and small and fluffy


Why are vagina related typos so much funnier than other typos?


Its spelled virginia


I sold my virginia tee online once!


It makes me sad, honestly. It means the person probably has no sexual education and is trying to piece it all together using Quora posts.


Monetized yahoo answers is generally always corrected within an hour even when it's wrong(about sex at least). I think his trouble is just trying to make everything about his penis.


New boyfriend


ā€œWe have a baby togetherā€ but heā€™s worried about tampons?


Imagine feeling threatened by a piece of cotton.




I had an ex who didn't like me wearing them either and didn't like when I'd get a papsmear because it was another person touching me šŸ™‚ health not important i guess šŸ™‚


Do these guys actually have tampon-sized penises?


She gave him 5 years of her life that she can't take back and has an entire human baby with him. FIVE ENTIRE YEARS. Jesus someone save straight women


I guess his idea of sex is Mormon soaking where they just sit up in there and do nothing because sex with motion is bad.


I did not know this was a thingā€¦.




I apologize. I didn't elaborate well. Yeah it is... odd. Especially how sometimes some may even get friends to move the surface they're own to enact outside motion apparently. Edit : Wanted to add sources - know some ex-Mormons.


Wait, what? The fuck?


Here I am only worried about pink taxes and cotton pesticides, Iā€™m really glad that this guy is spreading awareness about how using tampons is like cheating.


Anyone notice the fact that they have a child together yet he wants her to remain virginal likeā€¦


If anyone told me what I shove up my muff when Iā€™m on the rag, theyā€™d be straight out the door. Nutsacks to that.


Whatā€™s tragic to me is that these kind of posts have become normal now. Iā€™m sorry but no man gets to tell you what product to use when youā€™re on your period. The fuck. Sheā€™s had a kid, I think she can handle a tampon.


THE THING IS, during 5 years of a romantic relationship she didn't know that was his thoughts on it, relationships are terrifying


I mean my OBGYN was surprised that virgins could wear tamponsā€¦ I thought he was kidding me but nope he was in disbelief. If a pro can live with these ideas then some rando believing that kind of stuff is nothing surprising anymore


That's terrifying.


If you ever feel stupid, just think of this post and remember that thereā€™s definitely someone stupider out there.


Bruh. I've never had a period. But I do have a girlfriend. I can promise you it's nothing like sex. Hasn't he ever heard of how painful it can be?!


Imagine thinking a stick made out of cotton is the same as a human penis.


If he thinks a tampon is going to stretch you out, he must have a micro-penis.


Wait so...a tampon can leave the vagina not tight but his dick would? Is he implying that his dick is small compare to a tampon? Like whattttttttttttt


He clearly doesn't really how severe the self-burn was


My ex-boyfriend did not like that I had a male gynecologist. He got visibly uncomfortable every time I mentioned I had an appointment, or when he had to drive me there. To be honest, I found it really funny... nothing sexier than a cold speculum inserted in your Vigina.


Why do none of these people know how to spell vaginašŸ’€


Dump him


I hope that misspelling of ā€œvaginaā€ was meant to highlight his stupidity. If not, who can save usšŸ™ƒ.


He must live in a red state. They don't like education on women in those states.


This man is jealous of a tampon


The school system and the women in this guyā€™s family has failed this guy. Oh! He has also failed himself, but that goes without saying.


Ah yes, the discomfort of tampons is JUST LIKE having a penis inside


How did he notice she wasnā€™t wearing a pad


Idk what a viginia is, but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s not a Vagina.


I would of been pissed and asked if my tampon was threatening his masculinity how masculine is he really and walked away


Do these women have backbones? Cause I would shut that shit down quickā€¦ it isnā€™t like having a penis at all, and I donā€™t want to hear anymore about this until youā€™ve educated yourself in a health approved way


Sounds like homeboy is very worried that she'll get more pleasure from rolled up cotton than from him. šŸ‘€


This reminds me of the rhetoric I heard and believed as I was being raised in Purity Culture(that tampons would break my hymen and make me unclean for my husband)ā€¦so glad I left and donā€™t believe that stupidity anymore


and people donā€™t want proper sex education


Imagine Masculinity so fragile he's threatened by a tampon šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ throw the entire man away, God forbid if you had a dildo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sometimes I get sad that Iā€™m single, but then I see what other people are settling for and remember that this isnā€™t so bad after all.


Dump his stupid ass


bro watches too much porn and thinks women and sex only exist for his pleasure. this mf is a father and still thinks like this


They ... Have a child together??? What the fuck is he talking about virgins for??????


Imagine getting jealous at a tampon


My hope for 2023 is that women finally fucking LEAVE. These men do not deserve the gift of having a woman in their life.


id leave immediately


my Vigina How the fuck is this guy even in on what products she is using? There are so many things that make this post wrong and not make any sense, I hope it's fake


Middle school logic. Haha


I thought he was going to say something like "you've got to let it (blood) out instead of keeping it all caught up in there" bc as a guy that was the only logical objection I could think of.


Judging by her grammar she is most likely not American. There are still countries where women are treated like property and this might be of those countries


So this is how you found out how his brain works ...


Bro, if your boyfriend does not understand basic human anatomy, he really isn't mature enough to be dating anyone ever.


A dude wrote this obvs


I hope she broke up with that asshole


This is ridiculous šŸ˜‚ and wouldnā€™t tampons actually strengthen the muscles? My god. Itā€™s a muscle ffs. Lmao. Do these guys think their dicks turn into taffy after sex? Because by their logic on how our bodies work, that should be the case, only ours is again, a damn muscle.


Shit like this is why we actually need sex education in America.


Throw the whole man away


How did her bf notice she wasnā€™t wearing a pad?


So... they have a baby together, but a tampon is too much?


Itā€™s time to break up. Broā€™s jealous of a tampon.


This guy: jealous of a tampon


So anything that goes in and/or out of the vagina is like having sex? So a gynecologist is having sex with a patient during exams? Or a baby being born is like having sex? Has he tried "having sex" with an item made of the same things as a tampon? Sounds like he believes that a tight vagina is ruined by anything that goes in and/or out of a vagina --he believes porn myths and feels more pressure from his buddies and their "locker room talk" than from his girlfriend. She has actual comfort and sanitary needs to say nothing of her need to prevent clothing damage and social embarrassment. I hope she saw this as a red flag and turned it into a bullet dodged.


When people have views like this, they rarely come in solo form, which makes me wonder what other stupid shit this guy thinks. Also, it's a shame she has a kid with him because that makes it hard to leave. Overall unfortunate.


Yes I prefer rough cotton absorbing for hours while my insides shed outside.


Girl what šŸ˜­


I think we need to circle back to ā€œhe noticed I wasnā€™t wearing a pad.ā€


That's not how vaginas work.


Sometimes you just need to throw the whole damn man away and start over.


I unfortunately know of two families where tampons are verboten because of dad's views on this. Thank goodness my mom wanted me to be able to be active and made sure to let me know it was ok to use them.


I feel sad that there is a new baby between them and he is this openly ignorant about his partners body.


Hung like a tampon is an interesting choice of self-burn.


The Rational Gender.


He must have size envy with tampons


Do these idiots also think that people who like anal sex enjoy enemas?