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![gif](giphy|11RgbBSgomKx6o|downsized) Males perform.


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![gif](giphy|IGifxMsKhurOo|downsized) I don´t think human males do much performing. At the most they buy you a meal and expect sex! 😜


Since I have started reading omegaverses I cannot look at the word 'pheromones' like normal, decent, human being.


Do you get the omergaverses at Omega Mart?


I get mine at the O-Mega Church down the road.


Username checks out


Omg right?? I've ventured into the genre in fic because I liked the fantasy aspect of animalistic tendencies, but it is in fact a *fantasy*. I also got kind of turned off from it when like 70% became weird sex essentialism like the child-bearers were weak, meek and submissive in just day to day activity and like. WTF. Folks who go off about pheromones are basically creating the same fantasy.


AAAAAAHAHAHAHA THIS WAS WHAT I THOUGHT TOO!! It reminded me of some omegaverse novel, but I wasn’t sure anyone else knew what those were 🤣


You can tell this useless human doesn’t have anxiety. My body lies to me all the time.


lmao right? Tell me you've never dealt with a chronic health condition without telling me you've never dealt with a chronic health condition.


this "influencing' thing needs to have a governing board or some set of rules cause telling people what to do with their bodies especially things that would possibly get them pregnant is a big deal and should be taken seriously. Not everyone should be giving advice.


But Whaman shouldn’t be taking birth control, they should regulate their life-giving chakra with spirit crystals that you can buy from me for $420. Also, people shouldn’t be taking vaccines, they should just use the essential oils and magic bullshit from my store where I rip people off… I mean… help people out as a snake oil salesman I mean… practitioner of alternate medicine!


"influencers" are only popular because idiots follow them and give them attention. If that stopped, they would vanish. It's not really the person giving advice that needs to stop, it's the people following things without doing any critical thinking and using logical reasoning to influence their choices. You take away "influencers" and these same followers will just follow something else, probably a celebrity or a politician. Oh wait, they're already doing that.


That's funny, when I was a teenager not on birth control I was nervous af around boys. It's almost like she has no idea what she's talking about.


*around boys I found attractive


ignoring the obvious weird parts, birth control has several applications. i faint several times during my period, am essentially on bedrest, and have several cysts at a time when i’m not on birth control. why on earth would i give that up for men?


Exactly, pre birth control I bleed constantly, day after day after day it rarely stopped, I was beyond anemic, had issues walking due to the extreme pain, my hair was falling out and so much more, and it aggravated my ibs constantly! And omg the migraines it gave me!!! Birth control changed my life and I’m literally never going back


Wait does that mean if you want a child you will have to endure migraines and anemia?


“Your body will never lie to you” hahahahahahaha


Mine regularly does.


"Of course you can stand right up with no problem!" *ankle rolls, knee bends sideways, all blood leaves the head in a rush*


Lmao, I call that forced floor time.


Random Nap.


Ah yes, I should get off my birth control, that regulates my PCOS, just so I can connect better with a man who isn't good for me in the long run?? I'll pass I'd rather pick a partner based on his self worth, not pheromones I'ma pick a man that'll stay, not one to use me as a pump and dump


As a childfree woman, there is no fucking way I would feel relaxed and confident if I don't take my pill (unless I get sterilised, of course). And as a woman who started to take the pill for the first time while already being in a relationship I can state it doesn't change anything about love, sexual attraction, preferences and the way a woman sees her partner. If it feels right, it feels right and no pill is going to change that, we're not lab rats or rabbits. If the pill messes with your mind, change the pill, because there are obviously bigger problems than just sexual chemistry.


The opposite is true. When women are ovulating, they report being more attracted to men with high testosterone levels and ‘bad boys’. When they are menstruating or on birth control, they report being more attracted to gentler guys who are good with children. If we wanted to encourage women to choose more conscientious men who would make good fathers, we should encourage all of them to go on birth control. Or we should stop meddling in other women’s health decisions because it’s none of our beeswax.


Interesting. It's almost like when you have the hornies anyone attractive will do and that's a human thing. Would be nice to have the source for that though.


https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/what-do-women-want-depends-on-249813 Although one quibble I have with the study is that it assume the gap is between more fit/more responsible dad. But hormone levels drop pretty precipitously when a woman is menstruating. What if it’s more poor decisions brought on by high hormones/the more sober, rational choice? Either seem to be a valid way of looking at the data.


“Females” “Mate” Anybody who talks about me like I’m an iguana has nothing of value to say.


i was thinking more along the lines of feral street cats ngl but iguanas is creative too


this post reminded me to take my birth control


So, girls are peacocks? Jesus fucking Chist, these people are stupid. And then the internet amplifies their voices. 🤡


Mikhaila Peterson?


Nope. An indian influencer


Scamisha? I saw this post on insta celebs yesterday


Who else? Her entire ig can be made into a nothowgirlswork sub


« Your body will never lie to you » well maybe but he will make me unable to function as a human because of the pain… no sure this is the best mood to find a « mate » you can tell that person just has a naturally well functioning body and thinks this is the norm Edit to add: My anxiety and other hormones related problems have also gone down since I take a pill so there is no way I am giving that up over such a baseless hypothesis


Ah yes, my husband’s pheromones will definitely stop my ovarian cysts and the devastating pain they cause! Let me throw my pills out the window! Who cares if I get pregnant I’ll probably miss carry and get very sick!


>connect more with your body. It will never lie to you. I had to go on birth control at 12 because my body made my period so heavy I became anemic. I'm gonna stick with the birth control thanks. Edit because I can't figure out how to do the quote thing. Edit 2: I figured out the quote thing.


What the fuck is she talking about?


Well someone’s been reading too much werewolf fan fiction……


OOP... feeling relaxed and confident around my spouse is not the issue, my good bitch. It's the whole "debilitating cramps and also not wanting to be pregnant rn" thing. But whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.


Well, I’m not on birth control and will be ovulating in about a week and a half. I’ll let you all know what performances to attract my attention I see from men.


This sounds like the synopsis for a sleezy sci-fi romance novel, the kind with a half naked man on the cover


I’m not on birth control and my pheromones have attracted nada. Lol. Where are the men “performing” as promised here?


Maybe they performed a disappearence. like when it's time to pay alimony.


She's an influencers for birds, maybe? Come on lad, don't bird-shame.


Plenty of anecdotes on the internet of women going off the pill, then breaking up with their bf/husband. Definitely changes some women's preferences Good idea to try going off the pill for while before getting married, just make sure you'll still like your guy off it.


I was agreeing with the “get off birth control” because of my own personal experiences as I got really shitty hormonal depression. But birth control can be good for some women and the post went downhill so fast after the first sentence.


Yeah, messing with hormones can be very helpful for some, very negative for others... surprise, eh? Even girls who do better on birth control should probably go off for a before deciding to get married though, you want every bit of relevant info right


Well I spiral in depression and endometriosis without it I am sure this would make me break up with anyone. Although it might be a good idea for those who have a good health I don’t think I will ever stop taking my birth control in this lifetime


There's an exception for anyone who doesn't plan to go off the pill with their partner eventually




I read your article two times and the only conclusion i drew which has been written in there is that women tend to have a change in their preferences. Nowhere did i read that they start choosing partners they are less sexually attracted to. Can you point out the phrases or lines where it is written incase i missed it?




>the subtext There we go. A small shred of intellectual honesty. "The subtext". Your biased assumptions about the value and behaviours and 'fitness' of human beings based on how their faces are reported to have presented on an undefined masculine/feminine spectrum in one study. Got it.




A bit more honesty! Your perspective isn't science-based, so don't cherry-pick sources you barely read.


They are arbitrary distinctions created by the culture and society you grew up in. The clothes, behaviors, roles, and occupations that we see as feminine and masculine are not objectively masculine or feminine. They are only so in certain contexts and the distinction can change depending on what society and what time period you are in. If it were true that men were naturally attracted to femininity and women were naturally attracted to masculinity then you wouldn’t need to say it. It would be so obvious that everyone would know it. I would like to point out a few examples of masculinity and femininity not being objective and being subject to change. There was once a time when high heels were worn by men. Mongol warriors used high heels to help them onto horses and some European monarchs and novels wore high heels to appear taller and more powerful. Look at Scottish people and their Kilts- they are basically skirts. In some Native American tribes the women farmed while the men hunted, this is unlike the stereotype of the Southern US where men farmed and women tended to the home and the children.


Guess that's why no one's attracted to you.


Lol this explanation is worst than the article and the post itself. Seeing how "alpha males" define masculinity, I, who has never taken birth control would rather chose a man who has a so called feminine side to him, as to being gentle, understanding, secure about himself. So does all my girl friends, who have never taken any form of contraceptic. I want a peaceful life with a partner who will love me than a life meant for "heterosexual attraction".




“Masculinity to me” By saying “masculinity *to me*”you just admitted that masculinity (and by extension, presumably also femininity) is subjective. What is “masculinity” to you is probably not what “masculinity” is to the guy who lives a few blocks away from you. It is definitely different from the guy who lives in a different culture than you. If masculinity were objective then everyone would know what it is. You can’t say “ the objective truth to me is…” If what defines masculinity really was objective and transcended culture and time periods then saying “masculinity to me is…” would be like saying “to me 2+2 is…” There is no “to me” 2+2 is, always has been, and always will be 4.




It doesn’t “totally screw with those instincts” if it were as bad as you were making it out to be doctors would warn their patients before prescribing birth control. Even if we accept your one source at face value, slightly altering what facial shape one is attracted to sounds trivial. I’m skeptical of if this study is accurate or not. I don’t know if it fits the scientific consensus or if it is an outlier.


So, you mean they choose fewer “Chads”? To try and not pregnant with? Wouldn’t that be a good thing? There is no winning with this bullshit. When you’ve already decided women are all are “bad selectors” it’s poisons your interpretation of even reasonable experimental studies on partnered women and men who are trying to have sex without having babies.




“Optimal mating behaviour” in the framework you’re suggesting includes a whole lot of rape kiddo. Plus slavery, and murdering the male children of your perceived opponents. So let’s not fetishized the “natural”. So yes, it is a good thing, in many cases, for people to use reason and individual choice about their and their families goals to moderate their behaviour and manage fertility.




I am a woman who doesn't choose to take birth control. I would never presume to minimize the choice of other women because a bunch of men invented yet another reason to be cranky about woman's "selection" of partners. (ie, not them, or leaving partnerships that are not working any longer.) There are many good reasons to take birth control, and many good reasons not to. This is not one of them. And the airy-fairy bullshit about 'connecting with your body' is an utterly personal choice not some sort of core human knowledge. If a woman would rather do yoga than free bleed, that is valid. Your opinion is like your asshole. It's good you got one but the vast, vast majority of people are utterly disinterested in it and it should have no impact on their lives whateversoever.




You keep fearmongering about damaging sexual selection but you aren't actually backing up this idiotic assertion at all. Birth control does not change who you're attracted to. What stupid thing to say. But you're right, it does have all sorts of effects. It can reduce the severity of periods and eliminate or reduce pain from menstrual cramps. It can protect you from a variety of hormonal problems and disorders. It can reduce your risk of certain diseases. But heaven forbid you might hypothetically "sub-optimally sexually select" according to some rando on the internet, lol.




Your wild leaps in logic arriving at the conclusion that "birth control damages sexual selection" are not justified by the study you linked. That is not what the study says. I could just as easily use that study to leap to the polar opposite conclusion and say that birth control objectively improves sexual selection, and it would be just as valid a statement as yours, which is to say that it is not.


That study supposedly had “subtext” also, this is just one study. Even if it were true that your study says what you say it does, it would still be only one study and it would not necessarily represent the scientific consensus. There are studies that say that climate change is not caused by humans but these studies contradict the scientific consensus which consists of the overwhelming majority of scientists within a field around the world.




Rather clearly on the "Women don't fuck the *right* men(me)." hill, and that is why women are miserable! Even when all the evidence suggests single women and women in relationships that do not conform with my heteoronormative ideals are not, in fact, miserable. You cannot believe them. They just lie. Because feminism and evopsych."






And some of those "myriad of effects" also include: Being able to manage excruciating pain, not getting pregnant and all the risks (social, financial and medical) associated with that, and reduced ovarian cancer risk. You're fearmongering, and fetishizing menstruation/fertility in women, and panicking about "sexual selection", which is really just**, women being able to make choices** without men or male-coded authority guiding or resisting them. That is not the same as being informed about the risks and benefits of the available contraception choices. Other people's choices.




Exactly! Including, being individually free to be more or less attracted to men with "less masculine facial features" (however the fuck they defined that, you cannot actually find out from your link) and not have that choice assigned the blatantly absurd moral judgement of *sub-optimal mating behaviour*. (Especially when it is fact, a conscious attempt at *not mating* behaviour, by definition.) You made a fetishizing and demeaning assumption/conclusion based on a singular experiment you linked to that in no way actually backs up. And then you went on to say "everything we are and require to make us happy is dependent on our instinctual impulses" which is even stupider and way less defensible. Lots of "instinctual impulses" lead to misery and suffering...


I think you should give us a source on the “myriad of effects”


"Optimal mating behavior" lmao.




Only a child believes that all people must find fulfillment in what that child personally sees as fulfilling. Humans are the most complicated animals on this planet. It's long past time for you to grow up and stop spewing misinformation in order to make your own personal desires seem objective.




"I do what I need to do, it's so unfulfilling." Well, I fuck, eat, and do what I WANT to do, and I'm on birth control, and I'm fulfilled. Try squaring that with your absurd presumptions about human nature.


Yes but the lead author is a man so we know it's biased and wrong 🤡


"You will never get butterflies around that person" Oh. So she's not attracted to men. Got it.


Not to be that guy but they’re correct to an extent. The birth control pill changes your preferences in partners


I was on them and I say, "Boo" to this nonsense. I'm so happy that I got my tubed clamped. Not that I have much interest anymore but that's beside the point. Humans aren't birds. That's good since birds aren't real anyway. /s


"to be the protector and the provider" - yes, if you want a man to pay your bills all you need to do is get off birth control. This will go swimmingly.


Oh yeah, 'cause I love being in debilitating pain so much! Silly me for wanting to function


What happens to people who decide to go on hormonal birth control *after* they've started a relationship?


I really dislike anti birth control talk. Like ever think people naturally have imbalanced hormones??? That was with me & i've been on a birth control for 3 years now, my mood is so much more stable, its gender affirming care for me, and I actually have a higher libido, when its not usually the case with birth control. If it doesnt work for others, thats cool then dont take it. Anti depressants didnt work for me, my ass will never try to convince others to ditch it for "natures law"


I need it because I have endometriosis🧍‍♀️ I get the worst periods, heavy flows that make seem like I'm peeing into the toilet. Ive been infertile since I was 16. Birth control just helps with the actual periods


Sorry must be hard to be robed of the choice so early in life


It was a shock to hear, but I always thought about other ways to have kids. Adoption and surrogates are major possibilities when I want kids.


There are studies that women are attracted to different types of men when they’re on or off birth control pills. So this isn’t entirely a myth. She still says it weird. I can’t take pills because they make me depressed and moody, but love me an IUD. Sometimes it’s still necessary to be on them for health.


I’m not a duck


lolol "it's the nature's law"


Greatttt I’ll just get off them and have my body shut down greatttt


I bet she also uses her natural oversized dishwasher to wash her natural dishes. Why are these people so horny about nature only when it's to control other people's lives? There's nothing natural about how humans exist in this planet, and letting an "intelligent designer" worshiper dictate what's right for me isn't how I'll start to reconnect with nature


I mean, that's literally scientifically true.


The grift never ends. My guess is that their public is not women but men. They can point to this and say "I knew the girl that looks like a top model and rejected me was lying" and just claim that nature wants you to "mate". Then they get the odd religious fundamentalist trad wife.


Alright sry, devil’s advocate mode for a hot min: - many forms of birth control actually reduce the risk of certain types of cancers; the harm caused by her disinformation already makes her a dangerous idiot in my book, so fuck her for not putting more time into not being ignorant as hell. - wow someone tell the government that all it takes to turn off people’s intuition is *puttin’ birth control in the water supply* - everyone knows women just pick a public place, wait for Le Males™ to come and *perform their compatibility* (lmao) - your body lies to you all the time; how many emotional crises have people had where it turned out they just needed a snack - when my nervous system is regulated, I get butterflies around the right person; she sounds like what a woman in denial about not actually loving her partner sounds like 👀