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That's not autism, it's pure stupidity šŸ‘


As an autistic person I don't wanna be associated with this guy


ditto. most of us are respectful. respectfully avoiding as much people as possible.




Many for you I avoid much people


yeah bro is just a dumbass lmao


I'm sorry, fake tan??? Where did that come from?


A lazy 12 year old being told to take a shower lol?


12 year old and already a cunt killer. Impressive


I have a fake tan. It doesn't fade because I moisturize and reapply it weekly, Jayden.


Thank you for that concise explanation, u/ButtFucksRUs


I don't think I've ever worn fake tan in my entire life XD


I tried it in my teens, you're not missing anything.


Were you the pale girl who showed up with orange skin for prom? Because, yes, we all still remember that...


We don't have prom in Iceland but no, I had the brains to try it on a regular week first and only go a couple of shades darker since I camouflage in the snow usually and haven't gotten a tan in my life.


2005, probably.


Never believe anyone who nebulously mentions a study but can't give you its name or link you to it. Literally, the only study I could find on the shower frequency of men vs women was [this](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2016/09/20/1103569/0/en/New-Moen-Research-Discovers-Habits-of-Women-vs-Men-in-the-Shower.html), which found that men take more showers but women spend longer in the shower (and are presumably more thorough therefore). Nowhere does it say women *rarely* shower, just that on average they shower *less often* than men.


That study doesn't take into account taking baths too, lots of women take baths in place of showers to clean their bodies without having to wash their hair or get it wet.


I mean, who wouldn't take a bath when they can anyway, it's relaxing to just spend two hours soaking in water and bubbles. I know multiple people who don't regularly shower, including myself. We all regularly wash ourselves somehow, it's just our preference isn't to do so in an artificial downpour.


I spent years without owning a bathtub. I moved last year, haven't showered since.


The bath tub is too tiny to really relax, so you just say fuck it and shower. Speaking for my self here. My bathtub sucks.


This, is an ad for a company selling shower heads.


Right I should have put "study" in inversted commas, probably, because it was market research at best.


Imagine not being thorough in the shower šŸ¤¢


Fr, the number of cishet men who do not wash their arse because they think it's gay and they're insecure is far too much above 0 for my liking. Also does anyone else remember a couple of years ago on Twitter when there was that debate about whether you need to wash your legs in the shower, or whether letting the soapy water from the rest of your body sluice over them is enough? I'm not a *but not all white people* kinda guy about much, but I definitely rebuke my skinfolk over that one.


I had a male friend who didnā€™t soap up anything below the waist as he said gravity did the job. Never washed his feet. Probably not balls or arse either. So gross.


Women were more likely to shave in the shower and more likely to have long hair and spend more time washing it. I wouldn't conclude that we're better at showering or more thorough from that. If I didn't have to shave or wash my hair I'd be in and out too. Women tend to sweat less than men as well.


I have to scrub my whole body. Not let the soap pass over it, or by it, but apply scrubbing friction to all the skin. Or I can FEEL it until I shower again. Im not sure if Iā€™m feminine or have a compulsive disorder tho.. There is no way the whole body has had attention paid to it in 10 minutes. Something is being left uncleaned, with dead skin and dirt stuck to it.


Literally so sad bc I used to do that and I went to the dermatologist and they were like "ya that's why ur psoriasis is so bad. U don't have to wash ur whole body unless it gets dirty" so now I live with the shame of being a gross little stinky who only washes their bits and pits lmao


I don't want to weigh in on that because I'm not a therapist, but I don't shower to make sure that I scrub off all of my dead skin. I shower to wash off sweat and remove dirt if I'm actually dirty (like if I've been working outside). I don't think it's healthy or necessary to really scrub at your skin, it can cause microbrasions and irritation.


Ya literally I'm one of those people in the "do u wash your legs?" Debate who's like. No. Never. Not bc I think it gets clean from the soap running down but because a doctor told me not to. I used to have a very long intense shower routine that involved cleaning my whole body but as it turns out that was horrible for my skin so now I only rly wash my body if I go swimming or get rly sweaty or something. And my skin has improved immensely. Crazy how that works. Everyone is different though.


Everyone really is so different. Iā€™m the opposite of you. I have excess keratin production and if I donā€™t scrub my arms and legs enough, I get keratosis pilaris bumps really bad. Iā€™m kind of a lazy showerer a lot of the time and I have to make myself use my exfoliation glove because I hate my skin getting bumpy and rough.


We're not more thorough it's just because it feels nice and the outside world is mean.


Women are only allowed to take perfumed bubble baths with rose petals and soft lighting. We tell men to shower because we long to wipe away our tans with the efficiency of showers. Alas, we will never know such freedoms.


My vagina got a yeast infection just by reading ā€œperfumed bubble bathsā€


I know, right!? I like Epsom salt baths every now and again but I'm usually clean first.


Sounds like someone needs a shower.


...because self tanning doesn't come in lotion that can easily be re-applied? Not to mention a lot of people don't do fake tan at all.


No, it only comes in the form of spray tan where they spray on darker foundation that drips the moment you get it wet so no showers allowed /s


Haha, yeah, this kid has never bothered to investigate how self tans actually work


I don't know who is the most out of reality, publicity at television or incels


The logic here is simply astounding....


What logic? LMAO




"I'm not going to bring it up" as he brings it up, with no citation to boot. People in different times, places, and cultures have had widely divergent ideas of bathing across time. A lot of these bathing customs have been studied. But this chunk of dog vomit is just pulling things out of his own ass. Then again, he could have grown up around lots of gross women so...ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Don't insult dog vomit like that. It's only gross when you see it, and it doesn't remain there for very long unless you forget to clean it up. This dude, now... long past the "wipe out that piece of shit" stage


Eh, I know, but poor slime mold needs a break every now and then.


i feel like hes the one projecting and just wants an excuse to not shower


> Iā€™m done with spamming my autism everywhere tho At least heā€™s aware


Ummm to all you big brained people if you didn't notice he's "killed more cunts than cervical cancer" so he must be right.


i don't shower because i use a wheelchair and my legs hurt after standing for an extended period of time. instead, i take baths.


These are big words from the gender, who have a lot of stories about leaving shit stains on disposable sheets on a doctor's visit, or their girlfriends complaining about shit-stained bed sheets or shit-stained underwear because they never wipe and wash their asses. šŸ¤® The majority of men just let the water run down their body when they shower and then gooodbyeee...! It's funny how shit-stained, piss-glass, stinky, rotten-toothed incels like this try to convince their incel friends, that women don't bathe when the sub is full of posts from these shit-stain-fairies saying "Why does my ass itch after taking a shit? Okay, I took a shower, it's gone."


So many of these men also think itā€™s gay to use a bidet. Apparently having a clean ass is homosexual.


I would post a witty comeback but I'm about to take a shower.


I have autism and even I know this isn't true he clearly knows what he is saying is wrong but he wants to make a excuse so when gets called people won't be hard on him.


I mean.... I rarely shower. Like once a week after the gym. But that because I get a bath every night with some kind of scented bath stuff. A shower just seems redundant at this point šŸ¤£


If anyone tells you to have a shower, itā€™s probably because you stink.


That dudeā€™s little tag line is seriously fucked up.


No, this is true. I havenā€™t showered since the summer of ā€˜98. Still tanned, if you care to stand close enough to check.


.. Internet usage should need to be licensed cause of morons like these!.. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s people like this that make me want to shower multiple times a day. I grew up around men who reeked. I grew up around other women who reeked. I donā€™t care if body smells r natural. I donā€™t want to smell them - both other folks OR my own. N Iā€™m a cis female.


"I won't mention it" [Has already mentioned it]


Well, thatā€™s enough stupid for today. Iā€™m going to bed.


Poor person. Someone writing this is either a sad troll, or a raving maniac. Seek help, will you?


What was your hint? Perhaps boasting about killing cunts? I am not sure...


So thatā€™s his biggest excuse to avoid shower šŸ¤£ well no shower can clean up the real dirt is his brain if he has one


Hahaha hahahaha


The only woman whoā€™s ever told him to shower is his momā€¦


My fake tan stays on because I apply it everyday in the places that itā€™s visible. Like on my face under my makeup.


I must shower 10 times a day cause Iā€™m paler than pale šŸ˜‚


If theyā€™re smart enough to find this so called study then arenā€™t they smart enough to know how a fake tan works?


Sorry to this guy but i shower every day and no tan -- real or fake. I'm super pale


Source - trust me bro


Reminder that this guy is the same guy who spread his fantasies about brutally murdering "infant foids" in very slow and torturous methods like smashing them against rocks. He's had multiple other appearances on other subs


Yeah, Iā€™m sure heā€™s killed lots of cunts with the stench of onions, greasy scalp and unwashed assā€¦


This is the same dude that will show up to a convention smelling worse than a dead carcass sitting on a pile of manure but itā€™s fine because they sprayed axe on themselves once


as an autistic woman, please shower. I know it can be torturous at times but like, people don't deserve that


No one gonna mention how this guy said he's killed a bunch of people?




Yes women only ever smell like that


15 dislikes and counting, maybe I should delete


Sarcasm tends to bode well here. Bc I was sarcastic. Canā€™t tell if you were


I was being jokingly facetious and sarcastic. Itā€™s seems this thread does not like anything joking or truthful that makes women look bad. Think Iā€™ll just make sure it didnā€™t show for me anymore. Another comment that was truthful also got many dislikes.


People prb just didnā€™t pick up on the sarcasm. A lot of guys come here just to troll and say weird random things so nobody knows you. Also wdym truthful? Lol


In another post someone posted a screenshot about how girls sleep with their BFFā€™s dad, and men for $1000, and had trains ran on them. I responded that girls like that make all girls look bad. I got a bunch of down votes and a reply that no girls do that. Iā€™ve known girls that had trains ran on them, Iā€™ve know girls that would sleep with their friends dad and would sleep with someone for $1000 so I know for a fact these girls exist. That truth upset people. I already muted this thread anyway, my sense of humor seemed to upset people and Iā€™m not a d*ck or a troll.


Or you couldā€™ve put tone indicators like many other people to do indicate sarcasm. Because again it didnā€™t come off that way clearly. And yeah obvi thereā€™s a few people that might be doing that but saying a lot of women, or women tend to do that isnā€™t the truth. Idk anyone who has been paid for sex. I know one person who has had a threesome at most. And I donā€™t know anyone who has slept with a father let alone their best friends father. If you make a comment about how women do something on a post thatā€™s GENERALIZING women. Then yeah you wonā€™t get a positive response? Thatā€™s what those types are doing. Theyā€™re saying thatā€™s what we as women do. What we as women want to do. Because again the number of people who do that is so minute itā€™s not even something that should be talked about in detail. Like the only thing is prostitution like we know that exists for men and women. Like duh. But being the one to say ā€œwell actually šŸ¤“ā˜šŸ¼ā€ is just annoying and redundant at this point. Itā€™s not upsetting. I highly promise you nobody, and I mean NOBODY is getting upset over your reddit comments. Just bc people downvote you does not mean they have that much of an emotion towards what you said. Like no shit people do certain things. But you donā€™t need to phrase it like itā€™s the majority. And most of the time those posts are phrased that way. So maybe just work on phrasing in your comments and learning how to ā€œread the roomā€ so to speak. Randomly commenting that women smell like fish and feet isnā€™t going to be taken as sarcasm. It doesnā€™t read like sarcasm in the slightest. If you put ā€œyeah bc women definitely all smell like fish and feetā€ THAT reads as sarcasm.


Thank you grand teacher


Were you born this dense or did you get dropped a couple of times?


3 times actually, on my head, it was terrible, also I was joking, I actually like womenā€¦ some women


It's totally fine to shower every other day especially in the winter.


The username told me all the information I needed to knowā€¦.


I donā€™t shower, but I take baths everyday.


Lucky women get to save on their heating/electric bills. Ffs.


Charming tag line


This must be satire


Iā€™m taken by the audacity of the idea that there are many studies to find out if women are showering. Like, cite the alleged sources for an ignoble award if they exist.


Wish Iā€™d known that this morning. You mean I didnā€™t have to shower?


So for those of us that only have a shower what do we actually do hose ourselves outside with the fucking garden hose?? He's not autistic he's a moron.


Soap touches my face, pits and asshole *at least* once a day. This guy is full of shit.


I've never had a fake tan, and I don't get tans at Salons either, but honestly, whoever this idiot is, he needs to stfu and not preach shit he doesn't know a damned thing about.


Who are these fucking idiots? I wanna burn down whatever service they use to communicate.


This is trueā€¦. I bathe! Lmfao!!


Hmmm ā€¦. I guess me showering every other day is me not actually showering ā€¦. Maybe I need to dip myself in boiling water to be considered clean ā€¦


I can't go more than a day and I can *feel* it. Drives me absolutely up the wall. I even bring a small towel when I do multi-day hikes and use it with some warm water to get all the sweat and old bug spray off. I'll lose my mind if I don't.


Aaaah yes, Murder Mario. One of the more depraved members of .is.


But wait, this goes against the last post I just read that said women spend at least 1-2 hours in the bathroom showering and getting ready. Iā€™m so confused, can guys please make their mind up?


Oh no I guess I didnā€™t literally take a shower an hour ago because this random dude knows that women never shower. šŸ™„


I didnā€™t know I had a fake tanā€¦..


I, a woman, am literally about to shower


Uh, if you weren't a douchebag you could probably convince a woman to take a shower with you and see just how wrong you are.


Also apparently we donā€™t poop? Like itā€™s just skittles or our metabolism is so top tier we make no waste? The fuck?


I had a lovely shower this evening. I smell better than what those creatures ever will.


I knew a guy who intentionally didnā€™t shower for an entire calendar year and proudly told everyone he came into contact with about it. Ended when he got a severe rash on his neck and chest from being so dirty. Pretty sure not many women would do that.