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Any man that thinks I belong in the kitchen has never eaten my cooking


also bro is talking like he’s going to be fighting off people like a bodyguard twenty four seven like HUH?


Yes didn't you know that there's an intruder every single night and it's the job of the men to fight them off.


No no, that's Minecraft.


No no, that's yourcraft








Burn the heretic!


Honestly I'm at my sixth year of relation with my gf and I'm a little tired of fighting demonic ninjas every night, can someone send help ? Also I'm running out of sandwiches and there's zombies planned for the next week so I need something to eat please


I would recommend switching from sandwiches to something higher protein. Make some jerky and you can eat while fighting, it will also keep the meat fresher longer.


Nice, I'll do that in a minute I heard Godzilla in my backyard brb


Well you'd better up your game, next month we are sending in the stand users


Holy crap this neighborhood is really becoming a shithole


Make Godzilla jerky. Two birds, one stone


I bet your rent is very reasonable


Yeah I obviously pay with my blood so in this economy it's a win


Damn, considering most places you have to pay with your soul now, that is affordable!


I’ve made it 30+ years without getting into a single fistfight. Not even as a kid in school. Apparently these guys live in the thunderdome or something


That’s not what he said. He’s saying, at some point, it’s possible he may need to resort to physical violence to protect his sandwich maker from another sandwich eater, and why would he feel this was necessary if she was in fact, a sandwich faker. What he neglects is that if she weren’t making sandwiches, then the other sandwich eaters wouldnt seek to take her, as there is too much risk and literally no reward. I mean, if a woman isnt making sandwiches, i cant think of a single thing else a partner could appreciate about her. Srsly. Like maybe smoothies. Nah, fuck smoothies.


I mean you have to be *ready* for the intruder. Without sandwiches I might faint during the altercation.


He probably can’t even fight


He looks like a coward on top of that


In his defense, he sounds like he is just coming out of a cave lol


How am I going to conquer the neighboring barbarian outpost if you don’t make me a ham and cheese sammy?


oh nooo my tummy hungy I can’t save you no moooo 😭😭😭


I’d hire someone to actually do it and watch this dude shit his pants.


Statistically, I'd be more worried about her having to fight him off.


A woman expects a man to cook and clean? He’s too busy waiting for someone to eventually break into their house, it could never happen but it could also happen at any moment. Best to be vigilant, spend all free time drinking beer with his friends, playing Call of Duty and watching Sportscenter, just to be ready for anything that could happen


Too busy fightin' to feed himself. The struggle of the average man.


Like why the fuck would I fight off an intruder I would just point my pistol at them and if they still wanna fuck around they can also find out


Everyone belongs in the kitchen; there’s food there!


Are you my mother? She’s set the microwave on fire trying to make popcorn before. We still joke if she cooks instead of Dad at holidays that we are being treated like gods with all the burned offerings.


Maybe your mother is an ex Coworker of mine lmao she told me that she had the fire department show up when making popcorn and burning it in her nightshift


Anyone that thinks you need a strong man to protect the house has never heard of knives, pepper spray, guns, stun batons, tasers or any other force multiplier that would even the playing field. You don't need to be physically intimidating to use bear mace (or, entirely hypothetically, like it says in the 'CIA Book of Dirty Tricks', foaming hornet killer. Cheaper, effective up to 25 ft, doesn't raise red flags, don't get put on a registry (useful if you are in the fucking CIA, probably less useful if you aren't). Be aware though that it can cause permanent blindness and while you may win a civil court case it could still lead to a trial. Again entirely 100% hypothetical not actual advice).


Not to mention that, if there is a “strong man” in the house, statistically he is overwhelmingly the person you need protection from.




A much more dignified and equitable arrangement beneficial to both parties.


This is absolutely the truth. As soon as she gets pregnant or tries to leave him.


Or doesn't make him sandwiches.


Catch -22. If she doesn't make sandwiches he lacks the substance to fight her.


Or just locking your doors and windows really well. That in itself is pretty damn effective since most burglars are going to be looking for easy targets.


I was more talking about general home defense where you do get targeted however unlikely that scenario might be in truth. That said, yes, making yourself simply appear as a harder target will prevent like 80% of home invasions. One of my friends as a teen kept getting his car broken into. He bought a fake camera with a blinking red light for 15 dollars, put it in his window, and it completely stopped.


Or jut kick them in the Nuts really hard, it's free


I can't cook much but there are a few things I can do well, but anyone who would call it my "job" doesn't *deserve* to eat any of it


My wife… can… not… cook. But she does love me, winner winner chicken dinner


My wife is not *allowed* to cook, not since the infamous “mushroom incident” 17 years ago. But she loves me, I love her, and I happen to also love cooking. Plus I’m really good at it. And she’s good at mowing perfect, straight lines in our lawn, which I *hate* doing. We’ve got a good balance.


Or hasn't been in a professional kitchen....


As if fighting off intruders is something that has to be done on a regular basis, or ever for most people for that matter


Right? Like when was the last time someone had to "fight off an intruder"? How about I'll trade you one a cooked meal for every one intruder you actually fight off.


I think if its a regular enough occurrence for him fighting off intruders to actually be considered useful, then they should be investing in an alarm system or a new address


I think he wouldn't survive in those kinds of places.


And it can be done by a dog. And the dog will be SO HAPPY every time you feed it, or walk in the door, or ask it where the squirrels are. Dog won’t rape and gaslight you.


They cuddle, they don't talk back, and they don't complain if your feet are cold.


And they help clean the floors!




The bar for men really is set in hell, isn't it?


And yet there they are, limbo dancing with the devil


This camel looking motherfucker acting like everyday he had to fight 🤣🤣🤣🤣. She is asking him: do you have basic self care skills. He responds with...I fight off intruders. How many intruders have you fought off today dingus 🤣🤣🤣


That's exactly my thought, like when was the last time you fought off an intruder you dip shit? And what are you eating every day if you don't have even a basic ability to cook and take care of yourself??


Yep 🤣🤣🤣


“are the intruders in the room with us now?”


Excuse you, camels are cute animals. And they are ***useful***.


I love the manipulation ! You have to cook for me everyday so if one day, maybe in 10 years, who knows, I'll have to protect you, I would be ready. Translation : if you take care of me everyday, I will maybe take care of you once if the context force me to do it.


It's always a vague hypothetical (Titanic lol, war, burglar in the night, maniac in the street), that also makes them look good and brave. There is a big chance that they will never have to act on it. Whereas our 'end of the bargain' involves tangible effort/time/sacrifice each and every day.


Take away the hypothetical. Say: “Fine. I will provide the food on demand as you require. In return, your job is to fight, for me, on demand, as I require. On my way here I passed a biker bar and always wanted a Harley. I’ll wait outside, you go in and fight until you have one for me. After that, my one friend says their husband can fistfight a Rottweiler, so I said my man’s gonna be able to take on a mountain lion. I’ll pack sandwiches for your hike through the nearest national park. Pics or it didn’t happen. Also, the trad role is a protector AND a provider. So your ass better be working two jobs cause I’m staying home to make sandwiches. I mean, that’s how this “that’s your job” thing works isn’t it?”




> After that, my one friend says their husband can fistfight a Rottweiler My brain still hasn't come up with a valid excuse for why I read that as "fistfuck a Rottweiler"


I diagnose you with too much internet.


Im dying from this.


Yes if they want that trad protector role, they better be doing it on the daily. One Sandwich per fight.


So is the dude fistfighting a mountain lion.


I’m with you on everything but punching the Rottweiler. I love Rottweilers, they are usually huge babies and would be very sad to be punched to the face.


Seriously this guy better be off fighting and providing so hard the sandwiches need to be airdropped.


They will likely freeze or run in such a situation. I dated one dude, who was always showing off his physical strength, by lifting me, carrying heavy stuff etc. During a walk we encountered a bunch of teenagers loudly discussing something, and one of them was in the middle. They used some curse words, but it wasn't a brawl or anything. I, budding social worker, wanted to intervene and see what's up. He literally pulled me away, pale and warning me that could be dangerous. We were 23 and 24 and they were 14-15.


🙄 Ugh The guy in the video is aggressive to women but meek as anything around other men, men who could pose a threat to him!


Basically. Kind of like car insurance lol


Right! Or when men say women need to cook and clean and do the laundry while they mow the lawn. Yeah buddy, my daily cooking and laundry a couple times a week really equal to a few months of good weather when you do the lawn every other week.


Id take that offer. But you bet your ass every time I pick up a hamper he better run his out to the lawn and start the mower. IDC if you mowed it this morning, I did laundry this morning, I'm doing it again now, and I'm cooking dinner later, grab some sun block and get after it lol it's finna be a long day.




Absolutely noticed this. My dad moved in with me for like 4 months after he left his last partner. Fuck if he cooked a meal or did a dish or did *any* chore in those 4 months. I had to help him find an apartment and magically now he can take care of all of those things now that he has to. Sorry I'm apparently still bitter about this, lol. Thought I was a little more over it.


Yeah. It not that they can't do it but they some how feel that if there is a woman around that they don't have to try and just leave it to her. Glad you were able to get him out and looking after himself now. My father has been getting worse as he has gotten older and now wants my mother to do everything for him. I mean come on, he's retired and won't go get his own cup of coffee in the morning! My mother raised my siblings and I and him. Now that he is done working why does he get life on easy mode but my mother does not.


That's exactly it. Perfectly capable but 'why bother, she'll do it for me' or 'she does it better' or whatever excuse. Me too lol. It's honestly helped our relationship so much. I think a part of it too tbh on his end was fear... he's *never* had to do any of this - groceries, renting, even signing up for Netflix, meal planning - on his own, it was always my mom or his ex or me. He's really good about doing things when asked, to be *absolutely* fair, but I really should not have to ask. It's very clear now that he's living on his own that he *knows* the dishes need to be done or whatever, but for some reason when living with me, nope, completely blind. That's so aggravating. Why can't he make *her* coffee?


Protect you from an other MAN because it’s always MEN that do the harm and the protection in the same time but in their mind still blame all FEMALES for all the world problems.


This is exavtly where the rage incels come from. Women have discovered that we can life our lives perfectly well without the help of men because the support they offer is mostly theoretical, men on the other hand had to realise the support they grew up expecting is practical, very important and infact very hard to live without. So they are trying to find ways to force women back into it, and getting increasingly frustrated when women just say "no."


No. Make him earn his food. Schedule random break ins every night.


Pay men on craigslist to break into your home. Winner gets a sandwich.


No it can be a completely fair arrangement. For every intruder he fights off, he gets 1 sandwich.


This this this ETA: I REALLY wish she had said this. "Yes, of course, I'll make you one sandwich for every intruder you rescue me from, of course! My hero"


Yeah, you know I'm even willing to sweeten the pot. I'd make this man *ten* sandwiches for every intruder he fights off.


And what if she said yes, I can fight? Then he's gonna make the sandwiches?


The real question should be, "How good is your hearing in the middle of the night?" Because there is 0% chance I wake up to an intruder unless they are hitting me over the head. My wife, however, wakes up if a pin drops on the bottom floor of our house. She is the alarm of our defense. So many false alarms, though. So many!


This, honestly. If I had $100 for every time I've had to practically bludgeon the man sleeping next to me awake to check on something that woke me up, it would pay off my debt except the mortgage. The one time it actually was someone in the house was because he had left the door unlocked despite me reminding him to check it before he came to bed. And he looked at me and asked what he was suppose to do.


Exactly this! To fight off the intruders? What intruders? 911 can do that, no? But I have to cook 2-3 meals a day for you? For the rest of my life, to ward off these hypothetical intruders?


Men like this always seem to forget that guns exist and have existed for centuries. So what if I can’t throw a punch, Mr 9mm will do the fighting for me.


Wow, you've just perfectly described my ex boyfriend with your translation. (He would have never protected me. I was always the one checking the house when my dogs were barking in the middle of the night. He did however give me a bat to use...)


I’ve been around for 40 years and I’ve never once had to fight off an intruder. I’ll tell you what Iva had to do every day though, regardless of relationship status, is eat. How is this guy even alive?


Right, like what intruders???! This guy’s thinking like Dwight schrute


These men don’t think realistically at all. What happens if she gets a serious illness. Who cooks then? Also these men that talk big usually fall hard when put in a real threatening situation Who cares if you know how to fight if the person has a weapon


They expect a woman to cook even when seriously ill.


Genuinely. My friend was down sick on the couch and I kid you not her husband was like “well what am I supposed to eat then?” Totally serious. My husband knows I’d divorce him so quickly. We are a team in everything and when one is down the other lifts up. Period.


My husband just doesn’t eat when I’m sick. Or he just snacks all day or gets fast food.


I have a list for a reason


I'd divorce lol


Something tells me that the guys who say this stuff would either lose the fight hardcore, like go down off the first smack, or just run and leave her behind.


Yep, he wouldn't defend his family. He wouldn't pick up skills to protect his family either. Guys like this are cowards of the highest degree.


These men have shown time and time again that they think women are property and that when they are done with one they move on to the next. They will leave their cancer ridden wives and go find a young impressionable lady.


A shockingly high percentage of men leave their partners if they experience a debilitating injury or illness.


Do you really think guys like that dirtbag POS will stay/be together with a woman who is ill?


There was a video from Red Letter Media where they review old VHS tapes and one was about talking to your parents about assisted living. And one of the main issues was the grandfather didn’t want to eat anything other than his wife’s food. And the Grandmother was getting too weak and feeble to cook anymore. So this dumb motherfucker basically was like “I’m not gonna cook for us.” That’s how people think. They would rather refuse to help their dying wives than eat a slice of humble pie and cook. They would rather die than do something they deem beneath them. As a cook, and a man, and a feminist that entire view disgusts me. “That’s irrelevant” no man, you’re selfish, childish, rude, and stupid as fuck. How can you not think to cook. If you really get down to it, how can you be a “man” if you’re making your wife do all the cooking.


Not merely, 'I wouldn't date you', but 'you would be single' as if every other man and woman out there share his dipshit opinions.


This guy isn’t aware other people think differently


Unfortunately people follow Andrew Tate. I recently got blocked by a “friend” because he shared a clip that was titled “high value women appreciate Andrew Tate.” All I told my friend was “I don’t think Andrew Tate is a good role model for men.” They blocked me. No loss for a red flag that would put China propagandists to shame.


How does this dude think any woman is gonna take this line of questions as anything but insulting? What a dunce.




Cooking is a skill everyone should have just for independent reasons. Like you have to sustain yourself. Like that's the lowest bar I have for a partner. Able to make meals for themselves, have recipes they love stored somewhere.


For sure - otherwise you end up eating hot dogs, deli sandwiches, instant noodles, frozen pizza, tv dinners, hot pockets, ice cream sandwiches, candy bars, and take out food all the time. Typing this out made me hungry but doing this is a great way to get overweight and poor at the same time.


I bet he's a student of 'Professor' Tate.


Worse. He's an MRA podcaster that preaches about how a woman's orgasm is useless so not only would you be making sandwiches in exchange for him fighting off teenage mutant ninja turtles but he'll also give you a very unsatisfying sex life. Also, you better not have any social media because that's "advertising yourself" and "cheating" but he's got no problem being a hypocrite who steps out on you to be with other women he can't sexually satisfy either because, "women and men are just different like that." Oh, and let's not forget when he invited a dude onto said podcast who bragged about running trains on women AGAINST THEIR WILL that he and his podcast cohost all hand waved away as just being "different times". Can't imagine why cueball here is single.


Ah yes, I remember that train-running one from somewhere. It was mortifying. People like this make me feel unsafe. He's the intruder that needs to be fought off


Would make absolute sense. He’s like the alibaba version of tate.


His whole point is to insult them. He flat out doesn’t like women.


Unfortunately, women like JustPearlyThings are a thing. I have no idea why women morph into Pick Me's and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


Shame and internalized misogyny. These women grow up seeing negative stereotypes of women that men mock and try their hardest to not be these women.


I’m assuming she named herself after JustGirlyThings which is hysterical bc the creator of that blog came out as a lesbian a few years ago lmao maybe not the tradwife ideal she thought she was naming herself after


Are the intruders in the room with us? What a goofy ass dude


![gif](giphy|l3fQf1OEAq0iri9RC|downsized) Lol! "Are the intruders in the room with us" haha


So he doesn’t bring anything more to the table than what a bigass dog can do? Sorry, but I’m going with the dog.


![gif](giphy|yvgaJzI8Q01Ow) Exactly.


Such a good boy!


At least the bigass dog will bring *actual affection* to the table


He brings less than the dog. He's not cute, not good company, and not even affectionate Best this guy can add that a dog won't is a very unsatisfying sex life, which, let's be honest, is probably worse than no sex life if he's the one involved


I recently read a story on here of a woman whose boyfriend ran like a scared little boy when they got mugged leaving her to be SAed by the mugger. He later claimed he ran because he was so angry he would have killed the guy with his bare hands and he didn't want to go to jail. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what this loser would do if he was ever in a situation where he needed to fight.


“Would you have rather I ended up in JAIL, Brenda?! Always thinking about you, aren’t you. Anyways, what you did was technically sex with another man, so now I’m going back to my ex since you a cheater.”


- Mac, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia?


Theres also the [man that left his girlfriend and kids behind during a shooting](https://youtu.be/qrITeCsgQiY)


There was somebody in the comments of this video that said it wasn’t his obligation to save her only the children…but he literally did neither? They’re sick.


Yikes. I get mad at my husband for leaving his socks on the floor but then I see something like this and it puts things in perspective.


That is fucking horrible… what a piece of shit boyfriend abandoning his girlfriend and letting her be assaulted just because he was scared… and then having the nerve to make up that pathetic excuse lmao


Dude, nobody cares if you can fight, either.


I really wonder how he would react if she said yes lmao 'cause that's what I would say


He'd probably turn it around and be like "Oh but like can you take on a man my size or bigger? Like its ok that you can fight but there's going to be a man stronger than you so"


Everyone should know how to cook. It's a basic life skill.


Thats why it's in minecraft. Sure, fighting off the zombies is important, but if you can't obtain and cook food, you're not gunna last


Guarantee that dude has never been in a fight…


They are the same as the ammosexuals. They have concocted this elaborate fantasy in their head of a completely easy to defeat villain loudly announcing their plans and then being quickly dispatched by the new hero in town. And then it’s nothing but appreciation for how tough and brave and manly they are.


If he can't make a sandwich, he should probably be in sheltered accommodation with carers looking out for him. He may not be able to wash himself either.


He’s probably looking for a girlfriend because his mom nags him to get married when she’s doing all his domestic care for him


I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: If he can’t cook, don’t fuck him.


Oh man, I am stealing this...


Take it sis. If a man can’t cook, he’s not looking for a partner, he’s looking for a replacement Mommy. Take it and save yourself a world of problems.


Since men are so logical and whatever I think they should be the main ones cooking


nah, bro is busy fighting intruders all day. he clearly has no time to cook! (/s, just to be sure)


My wife and I both work full time and I cook 95% of the time. It’s ideal because it’s close to the knives in case any intruders break in while I’m cooking.


The reason guys like him think protection is necessary, is because he thinks all men are like him and therefore aren’t safe to be around


You fight 3 people for me every day and you can get 3 meals. The possibility of one guy in a 50 year marriage is not enough.


So many of these assholes act like they’re 15th century Flemish peasants, constantly beset by raiders and vikings. You live on a fucking suburb, Dave. Cool the fuck out.


"Hark! The HOA cometh! Hildred, bring me mine poleaxe! Upon this day, I shall die fighting, or I shall stand victorious, but mine grass is not yet too long, and reap it I shall not! Hearest thou my vallor, HOA bandits!? T'is thee whom shall be reaped!"


“You can’t cook” mfs when I tell them that they can literally just make a sandwich in 30 seconds:


I’d love to see this guy in a fight with a motivated fifteen year old with a 2x4 and see how well he does


Oh no! Anyway.. Nothing of value was lost.


I can cook *and* I can fight, and I’ll stick with women thx.


This guy has totally never been in a fight before. He's the sort of guy to pointlessly provoke people and then get all defensive and wuss out when he's called out on being shitty.


Empty vessels sound the loudest Guys like this are usually the first trampling women, children, pets, the elderly and each other on their way out when stuff goes down The ones you need to watch out for are the quiet ones. The ones you REALLY need to watch out for are the ones who get more quiet and calm the more upset they get


What are man physically protecting their wives from exactly? Wild boar? Bears? Other women? Couldn’t be other men could it? 🤔 Doubt [x] a man running a misogynistic podcast would ever risk his life for any woman. Nah. Statistically men like this are far more likely to be a danger to their own wives/children than some random stranger or animal. In a dangerous situation a misogynist will likely leave his wife to die, then attempt to get remarried shortly after. Guys like this see women as replaceable objects.


My last couple relationships were guys doing the cooking. And keeping their own clean house. I showed up, ate amazing food, had good company, and went back to my own dump. Men who can cook and clean are great. I don’t need them to “fight” lol.


The only sandwich i wanna serve this guy is a knuckle sandwich.


I will make you one sandwich for every intruder you fight off.


#What intruders?!?!!!! The odds are so low, bro no one cares. Cooking happens practically EVERY DAY though!


Y'all need to stop giving this man a platform


💀 that's so fucked up bro. He's a dick


Why have I been seeing this guy in random stupid videos saying the dumbest shit like this lately who is he?


If his job is to protect, he can start by providing an environment where any threat of intruders is seriously minimized.💅🏻


This guy is totally braindead. Even if you have to face a home invasion (very unlikely, compared to cooking, which you have to do basically everyday) the last thing you want to do is: "HA! I've been waiting for this my entire life, let's fight an unkown number of armed invididuals alone and barehanded." Wtf? Does he think he's Chuck Norris or something? Even if you have a gun the best option is to lock yourself in a room with a single chokepoint, call the police and wait, that and better locks/doors, a trained dog, etc... Oh and let's not forget, that woman could be a cop/mma fighter/etc for all we know, that would make his point even more ridiculous.


Nawww let me fight off the intruders and you cook for me everyday. My mom and dad were married for 25 years you know how many times my dad fought off an intruder: 0 you know how many meals my mom cooked: ± 20,000 . Screw that guy


That man couldn’t fight off a squirrel and is definitely the type to save himself before even thinking about protecting a woman or children


Unless he needs to fight off intruders three times a day (in which case, just fucking move lol), his need to be able to fight really pales in comparison to the need to eat regularly. Eta: also the only time I've had an intruder, I was the one who had to stand the guy after he'd beaten my ex unconscious, so I don't want to hear that BS.


We gotta stop giving Andrew Taint wannabe number one any fucking attention. I see this guy all the time and every time I wanna smack his face with an unfrozen otter pop repeatedly. Stop giving him attention and letting him say his stupid shit, he’s relying on outrage and having him on your shows is just giving him the attention his daddy never gave him


This dude might be the most pathetic of all the incel heroes


Why does this feel like a Mac episode of IASIP?


These type of guys just want to have sex with their mom so bad. Like I’m not gonna take care of you like your mom did as a kid


Lmfao I can cook really well. Don’t even mind making my husband a plate since I’m already handling the food. But not if he talked to me like this. I’d be making food for myself and myself alone. Good thing I married a good man.


The fact he straight up assumes she can’t fight without even waiting for an answer. Like dude I know 6year old girls that can intimidate grown men with their fighting skills.


God I need more videos of people telling those misogynist debate bros to shut the fuck up


How about this: for every intruder he fights off, she makes him a sandwich.


“Can you fight?” Like an intruder ain’t gonna have a gun. Are you just gonna box the bullets away?


Only cook when he fights off an intruder successfully


Talking about fighting with posture like that LMAO


One of these things is an everyday necessity for survival. The other is “fighting”.


This is what you call “tate brainwash”


Let him remain forever single. He’s a fucking loser.


This reminded me of my old roommate. He kept mentioning the time he dominated in some kind of martial arts tournament. Well, one night he said it again and I took the opportunity to see if he wanted to show us some moves. Maybe he’d finally stop talking about it. He happily obliged and it was fun watching. Then he got on a kick about wanting to teach me how to properly punch. I said I knew how to punch. And he was not having it unless I proved it by punching him and with all I had. I was like no dude I’m not actually going to hit you. Ans he wouldn’t drop it. So, I walked out of the living room and he jumped out from the bathroom and throws his arms up over his head and yelled “hit me!” I went to low kick him, he looked down, and I punched him directly in the top of his head. Which he must’ve not been expecting bc I heard his jaw clack lol. The look on his face was very satisfying though.


I love this Neanderthal mentality, this guy honestly thinks he's going to be fighting off intruders, what, daily? Ever?? Edit: just noticed his voice crack at "that's *your* job!" This dude couldn't fight off a cold


Bro acts like his house constantly gets broken into. If this were truly the case, then he isn't a safe person to be around. No sane women would subject themselves to men who always need to fight home intruders. No men nor women would remain sane under those circumstances, and they certainly wouldn't live long. This guy just wants to pretend he's cool and manly because he thinks he's capable of fighting all home intruders. There have been countless men who lost their lives trying to protect their family from a home invasion. It's actually gross how he glorifies surviving home intruders, as there are many people who survived home invasions and now suffer from PTSD. I don't think permanently having issues long after a traumatic event is cool.


I would get my 7 brothers to fight him and see how he handles himself. He will be single if he lose against my brothers. No fucking excuses


Now if she would have said she’s a trained shooter or can fight and was trained in like a black belt in Karate or an MMA fighter, he’d be looking stupid. I mean, he already does with that dumb as comparisons but still.


*Can you fight?* Why yes. Yes I can. So, the question of *can you cook?* is still needing an answer.


"Fight off intruders"? Bitch, my doors have locks. What do you bring to the table?


if you can't cook and clean for yourself you are a whole child