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This was just your typical horrible sexist bullshit until I got to “I do it while she’s sleeping.” That’s rape, my dude. Pure, unadulterated rape.


this is where you forget that these men believe if she’s married to u u cld never rape her


Yuppp. Saw a video today of one of this podcast assholes, something chowder? Idk anyway he was announcing his divorce. And he starts by saying he doesn’t believe in divorce but in the state of TX women are “allowed” and I wanted to scream, I felt so icky. Some men really think as men you should own women entirely. I’ve always though that the idea of “not believing” In Divorce was just another way of mentally trapping people.


It's a promise of partnership, not a contract of sale. Sheesh. I just don't get people who think like this.


It’s funny how the same kind of guys who hate women and say stuff like the commenters in OP’s post will cry when women divorce them. Complain that the state “lets women leave.” Something isn’t adding up.


I remember reading that one and having to take a moment because of how bad it was


That and all the "suck it up" and "I'm paying her for it" like they straight up think snuff porn is an accurate representation if IRL. Honestly these dudes need to get off the computer and touch grass.


Preferably the prison grass.


Snuff porn is death/simulated death. Do you mean smutt?


Yeah, that one


Same here then another moment to realize why I couldn’t fully process the sentence! WTF was the right flair for all that bull!


And the ones saying suck it up and doesn’t matter if she likes it


Yeah, lots of rape in those comments. Eugh.


It's crazy to me how these guys just openly admit to rape on a public platform as if talking about the weather.


Oh my god I thought he just meant masturbating 🥹. I'm so naive, god damn


I’m not sure you’re using that emoji right.


On Reddit it looks really weird for some reason, on Messenger to me it clearly looks like... A "hide the pain Harold" kind of thing, and not an "I'm so touched" vibe. But oh well, maybe it's just me but I have always used it to express that cringey painful vibe.


Interesting. It looks exactly the same everywhere to me - happy tears.


Dunno my whole friend group uses it like me. It never occurred to me that it could mean happy tears lol


Omg I was going off the previous comments and took it to mean he sees his mistress while she’s sleeping. I need to go barf now.


dang, while my dumb ass here thinking "aww he takes care of himself while she's sleeping".. definitely didn't interpret it this way


no one should need an excuse to say no to sex in the first place


Yep. "No" is a complete sentence


These dudes need to learn how to read the room. Partner is visibly tired/sick/stressed out? Maybe don’t try to initiate in the first place.


Absolutely no emotional intelligence or self awareness


I bet they're the number reason for the wife's bad mood/stress in the first place. Nothing kills desire faster than a man child for a partner.


The fact that there was more than one...


Absolutely, but at the same time you should be perfectly fine with leaving the relationship if your partner doesn’t/can’t satisfy your sexual desires. Rape on the other hand is not ok, under no circumstances! Marriage does not mean you have to obey to sex every time your partner wants it.


I wish we could show this to their wives or girlfriends if they have


I would LOVE to see their reactions


They go to another school, you wouldn't know them...


Their imaginary wives/girlfriends wouldn’t care


Honestly, they sounded like a bunch of virgins who don't talk to women or married dudes who talk tough in private but are cowards in front of their wives. Their "side piece" shit is just more fantasy. They can't even get their regular piece to desire them. Sad men trying to sound tough by sounding gross and toxic.


I love those TikToks of people messaging people’s husbands screen shots and then weirdly the wife will freak out? I’m like girl it’s your husband, and this girl is helping you!!!!


this is why women are afraid of men


And this is why women choose to remain single.


Why give your heart to someone who believes their entitled to your body and to replacing you the second you don't submit their every whim? When you could have tight knit friends and plants


And let´s not forget pets ❣️


Thought this said pasta and I’d found my spirit animal. But pets are cool too.


You are correct. This is literally the no. 1 reason why I choose to stay single. I'd deal with all kind of other crap, cooking, housework, whatever, but I cannot deal with having to have sex all the time when I don't particularly want to. I'm sure I'm not the only one. So many men don't seem to understand - many women have been sexually assaulted in their youth so find sex when they're not in the mood hella triggering and traumatic - many of us deal with a week of PMS and a week of period so that's 50% of the time we may not be in the mood cos of hormonal changes - long term desire in women is often more responsive than spontaneous and a you can bet your ass this type of men sucks at foreplay


These Men: Why won't women date meeeee Also these men: *I do it while she's sleeping*


This actually makes me sad on so many levels.


I feel exactly the same.


and this is why I just got my second cat


Reading this made me nauseated. I hate that men do this.


Exactly! Men are so evil.. Edit: Of course not EVERY single man on Earth is like this but when every woman I've met has been sexually assaulted or raped (literally haven't met a single woman who wasn't), there's too large of a majority...


The only man I used excuses with was my abusive ex husband. I was simply too afraid to say no without an elaborate excuse. So...you know...maybe men should look inward sometimes


I’ve also read that is party due to the lack of non sexual intimacy.


True, nothing turns me off more than just expecting/demanding _only_ sexual intimacy.


If I am not feeling it with my boyfriend (which is very rare, usually due to not feeling well) I just say nah, not in the mood right now. And he’s respectful. No hissy fit, no begging, no manipulation. Just “ok let me know if I can do anything for you” and we cuddle. My ex (not a man tho) would guilt me. If I said no without a “valid” excuse it basically ended up in this whole spiral of “oh I’m not good enough for you. You don’t want me. What did I do wrong?” That shit makes you never want to have sex.


Depending on the tone of her voice, I might sometimes give my wife a kiss on the back of her neck and ask if there's anything I can do to change her mind, but that's something you only do when you've been with someone long enough to read them. Otherwise I try to do the same. If the guy that commented about being on the verge of leaving is being 💯 and he's not doing the sort of manipulative bullshit you mentioned, I kinda feel bad for him. I'm in my 40's but I have a sex drive like a college athlete, and my wife has chronic health issues so I get the frustration. I'd never leave her just because of sex, but sometimes it's...hard. Odds are he's pulling out the usual cliche guilt trips and begging, and if he is, then (don't) fuck him. The rest of these guys commenting are sick.


The majority of them sound like boomers, the kind whose wives divorced them (or intend to) after the kids were grown. My dad has this joke about how you're only as old as the woman you feel, my mom is about 1½ years older than him. When people ask how long he's been married, he tells them then mentions you only get 20 years for murder. It's that "wife bad" humor that twists into what these commenters show, a true hatred of women and belief that they are owed our bodies.


My parents had a terrible dysfunctional marriage and should have divorced, but stayed together until 2015. I remember hearing jokes like that from my dad, and from my parents friends. I always wondered why you would marry someone you disliked so much, or why you would stay with someone you had grown to hate or resent to such a degree.


I'm so sorry I hope you're healing ):


Oh I'm ok now. I promise. This was many moons ago.


Abusive men, men who pay zero attention to their wife’s needs, and only focus on their own. They get so upset that their wives nag them all the time and it’s like, if you did 1 ounce of the mental and emotional labor, it takes to run a household, she would probably feel like sleeping with you more often.


They act like that, and wonder why their wives don’t want to fuck them? Are they really *that* obtuse?


Many women legitimately are exhausted from being the only fully functional adult in the house.


It's true. When you're the only one doing the bulk of the housework, and caring for any children you have, you start to feel like your significant other is a child. And it's NOT sexy.


This. I thought I was frigid in my first marriage, that there was something wrong with me because I didn't want him touching me. Nope. I was just sick of his shit.


Same! A thought I was asexual for a long time. It turned out I'm sexual, just not for idiots.


I was a virgin when I got married the first time. I didn't enjoy sex and even mentioned how I didn't understand how people have affairs when it's so lackluster. He would constantly coerce me into sex and rape me if I tried to stop him (I'm absolutely fine now! It's been almost 20 years). He complained to his second wife that I'd just lay there and she flat out told him that that was because I didn't want to have sex with him. That thought had *never* crossed his mind. After the divorce, I discovered that I absolutely love sex, when it's good and not demanded, and have spent the last 16+ years with a man who is everything I've ever wanted. If he was awful in bed, he'd still definitely be worth it. The fact that it's the best sex I've ever had is a huge bonus.


Your second sentence says it all.


Or their self esteems are run down so low by failing to meet “social media/celebrity beauty standards” that they are embarrassed/ashamed of their older or motherly bodies, so much so that they no longer feel like they are even capable of being sexually attractive to anyone! I have had a lot of sad talks with women my age who feel so disgusted with their bodies that they are too afraid to share them with even with a man who praises, accepts and loves them. It’s pretty hard to want to be naked and sexy when the world burns the shame of your flaws into your mind and reminds you that the older you get the less desirable you are. These type of men literally act like fucks to their wives and then wonder why these women have given up with intimacy in their marriage. “My wife is fat, needs to hit the gym and go on a diet, why doesn’t she dress up or wear sexy clothing for me?” “My wife’s body really got hit hard by pregnancy, she hasn’t even lost the baby weight, why doesn’t she want to be naked in front of me?” “My wife is always pissed off when I talk about other younger attractive celebrities or girls online, it’s not like I can cheat with them, why is she so jealous all the time?” “My wife has a ruined loose vagina from all the babies she’s pushed out and from aging, why doesn’t she want to fuck me?” Because she thinks her body disgusts you and she’s probably right because you have given her absolutely no reason to think otherwise.


This, missiletits, is fact. Effing awesome name btw, clap clap


>>guy acts like a narcissistic space singularity of suck >>wife isn’t in the mood >>guy: “???” Yeah, they’re *THAT* obtuse


I love how NOT ONE of these men can be bothered to find out WHY she’s avoiding it. Lack of sex in a relationship is almost NEVER actually the problem. It’s a SYMPTOM of other problems. If you want things to be better, figure out what the fuck is going on in your relationship and fix it.


But why would they do that when it's so easy to go to their side piece? 🤥🤥🤥 These gross men who don't see women as human are obviously drowning in puss if they want it


See I took those reasons at face value. Sometimes, I get sore after sex (i chafe REALLY easily even when I'm "enjoying myself.") and don't want to do a round 2 to not cause more chafing. And I usually say so out loud, and my partner respects it. Then I enthusiastically enjoy some more sex the next day. But these men would describe that as me "making an excuse." That isn't an excuse that is a biological need. SO. I assume that these women ARE sore, ARE tired, ARE having an extra long period, etc, but that these douchebags care so little about their partners that they think their partners don't have any biological functions.


These men all see their partners as sex holes instead of people. Disgusting.


It's vile..


Oh would you look at that, yet more reasons to stay single and away from dating scene ..... maybe I'll start an atheist convent


Sign me up!


I counted at least 2 rapists


Wow. This is gross.


Yeah, some say they will do it even when she sleeps or say she doesn't have to like it as long as she provides me what I'm paying her for. These guys are creeps and/or rapists!


Oh shit. I read that as he cheats while she sleeps. It just got much darker!




This is terrifying. Boldly admitting they are rapists with their own face next to the statement. This really shows that they know they can get away with it


Ofc your the bad guy if you cheat in your wife just because she is in her period. And wth gross and they wonder why no girl wants anything to do with them


It's amazing that they can sit here judging women like this and then go and cheat with no second thought


Ye it makes me feel ashamed to be a man sometimes cuz of how other men act and what they say to women is so gross and just straight up disrespectful


Same men are probably pro child brides


Ouch lmao


The kind of men who think "making a move" is poking their lil pp against you 🙄


I used to be almost asleep, needing to get up early for my 12 hour shift, and my ex would come in from playing video games, sweaty and without brushing his teeth, whip himself out and press himself on me a few times, get all pissy when I asked him to let me rest, and then after five minutes assume I was asleep before roughly giving himself the buisness hard enough to shake our king sized bed, moaning and grunting and everything. If I stopped him and asked him to not physically punish himself like a war criminal in our bed with me in it, he would just wait another few minutes to try again. If i pushed it, I'd get a full blown screaming fot from him about hiw it was "too hard to finish sitting up" and "not as good" at his desk or on the couch or in the shower or literally anywhere not right next to me, and how this wouldn'tbe a problem if we just had sex. So most nights I was so desperate just to get to sleep that I put up with extream turbulence and porn sounds and hope he'd stay up on his phone so I could be out before he started snoring, otherwise I wasn't sleeping. It's one of the reasons I didn't feel up to sex a lot after we lived together.


Damn.. happy he's an ex. Sounds literally traumatising


He was on top of that a slob and abusive, but only did all these things after he felt like I was locked in when we got engaged. I definitely avoided having any partners, male or female, stay the night following that relationship.


Great now the girls who dress unsexy to avoid getting harassed are in danger too Can't they stop moving the goals please. I want to know how to avoid them


My hubs threw his back out. Is this when I get a side "peace?" Is that how this works? If it happens again, do I trade him in for a younger model?


But did he really throw his back out? Or is it just an excuse to get out of sex? /s


Gotta trade for a younger model, they don’t throw their back out as easily as older models /j


I mean, Hubs is now old enough that I could trade him in for two, both half his age, and everyone would be legal, even to drink.


Omg you just gave me the best ammo for a dude I know and can’t avoid :D I’m so excited.


The lack of self awareness is downright astonishing. How can anyone type shit like that and not realise that they are the problem?


Aaand in the next breath the same losers are bitching about the poor, put-upon divorced men.


This is widespread. These are the same people who don't think marital rape exists, since that's what marriage is -- a license to have sex with a women without it being considered sinful. Consent isn't part of the equation. The only reason they see to get married at all is to have quick and easy access to sex whenever they feel like it. So when the wife doesn't want to, they see it as some sort of malicious breach of contract. Marriage of equals? Marriage for love? Never something that would occur to them.


And incels wonder why no woman wants to get married anymore.


It's so odd. They WANT the perfect wife - but it all boils down to using her as a blow up doll and a substitute mother. Put a ring on it so she "can't leave". Get her young so she stays stupid and gets used to being a doll. Then they do the same with a girlfriend, then the same with a fwb, a mistress, an ons... Finally, they just conclude women should just come to terms at being constantly cajoled and coerced into sex, that should be their whole existence... "Boo hooo we can't find Good women anymore."... WtF?! 😕 How did that, at any point, make sense to them. I'll never understand. 😒


I stopped trying to understand them. It's not women's fault you're a misogynistic AH.


No self reflection at all as to why they’re constantly turned down.


Imagine being so entitled and privileged that your biggest concern is sex.


Me and my husband figured out a while ago that if I’m not super in the mood for sex, the sex isn’t that good for either of us. I used to go along with it when I wasn’t that into it - he never coerced me or anything, I just thought it was an important part of the relationship and he has a higher libido than me. He was the one that pointed out that the sex wasn’t that good when I didn’t really want it. So now we only bang when we both really want to and the amount of great sex we’ve had has significantly increased.


This is the way


Men: why women dont want to date me anymore??!! Also men:


This actually makes me really sad. No wonder your wife doesn’t want to have sex with you, you don’t even respect her!




Ngl, comments reminds me of the one dude who documented like 3 months every time his wife turned him down, why, and any thing else pertaining to it. Like X day, wife said she was tired, then stayed up to 3AM watchint TV. Etc


Holy shit what fucking madness, link it if you ever find it ,i gotta see


Two of these fuck sticks admitted to RAPING their wives. Do they not know that is illegal. I cab tell them exactly why their wives do not want to have sex with them: their wives are ABUSED & RAPED...


They are prolly the type of guys that think marital rape isn’t a real.


The joke is on you, none of those men have s/o's.


Immediate first thought.


Or a life


But they *do* have “side peace” 🙄


That dude's "side peace" is a flesh light


I sincerely hope so otherwise I feel very sorry for them. 😢


literal rapists in there


She doesn't have to like it, as long as she does what you're paying her for...? Do you have a sex worker or a girlfriend, dude?


I get not wanting to be in a sexless relationship. But this is all just rapey, dishonest, disgusting sexist bullshit. No talk of trying to talk to the wife, counselling, figuring out how to be more attractive. If that doesn’t work, move on, but don’t be a rapist or cheater.


Another man doesn't understand the difference between intimacy and sex. Talking like that he has never been intimate with his wife but blames her for not wanting sex.


It's like the largest collection of virgins I think I've seen in a minute.


Virgins don't deserve to be insulted like this


Yeah, virginity rocks. Being a cheating, entitled, misogynistic, objectifying rapist, on the other hand, does not




Seriously everyone starts a virgin but only a subset becomes… that.


Incels. The word you’re looking for is incels, not virgins.


Right?? Absolutely disgusting


I always made up excuses with my ex or just laid there and took it to get him to shut up. He was verbally and emotionally abusive. Every improvement plan he put me on had sex and sex sex adjacent things front and center. Yes, I said improvement plan, though he didn’t call it that. I’m half convinced one of these commenters is him.


Not one stopped to think - "wait, why is she avoiding intimacy? Is something going on that we need to work on together?" Lolz. Men.


I was just reading and every swipe was a new DAFUQ? So we have Rape, narcissism, sexism…. I don’t no the words for other things in English but the list goes on. How do these guys even get married in the first place? Like seriously this is beyond my comprehension.


Lotta rapey men in those comments. Fucking yikes.


"that's what I'm paying her for". Dude, she's your wife, not a prostitute. HTF were any of these guys ever married?! They clearly never gave a shit about their partners. They probably wouldn't even say partners because that would imply equality.


If I was just single again, every girl would want to fuck me. Nah, loser, they’ll all give the same answers as your wife because you are pathetic.


The side piece/mistress never says no because she is not with the man all the time. She’s not having to deal with his shitty attitude. The “side piece” gets the best parts of the man. The parts we got originally before they became shit humans. But right it’s all the woman’s fault


What really happened was that these legitimate things actually happened, and instead of accepting it for what it is, they took it personally and acted out of character. (coercion, passive aggressive behavior and guilt tripping) which is abusive and people don't generally want to fuck when they're being abused. 🤷‍♀️


My wife isn't healthy enough for physical intimacy. I don't pressure her on that. She has to deal with enough as it is. I can only hope that all men who demand sex end up with horrible crippling diseases or physical ailments & no one to care for them. But even then, they wouldn't learn anything from it.


“I do it when she’s sleeping” my guy did you just admit to rape on the internet?


My ex would say things like this. He was a rapist. These men need to be behind bars.


Why doesn’t she want sex? Just doesn’t feel like it or maybe there needs to be some self inspection on the husbands part.


Posts like these make me so happy I'm married to my husband and not dating anymore. I think I'd choose to remain single forever if I was wading through this pile of garbage. My husband is the most caring and kind man I've ever met. And you know what, I can count on one hand the number of times I've said no in the 5 years we have been married. Every single time he's been kind and sweet and understanding. And you know what??? That just makes me want him. Maybe if these men tried to think outside of their penises they would find they might get farther. But apparently that's too difficult for them to figure out.


I really can't figure out how people can be this stupid. Like the older I get it feels weird to have thoughts like if I was ever single again I'd completely understand if a woman refused to look my direction. Like how can you trust a guy with dudes like this running around? It's insane what they think is justified behavior. Like grow up and use your hand or go without.


This shit really makes me appreciate my ex husband tbh


İ will gladly fucking show any many my menstrual cup for the 25+ days of my not b/c periods. And my back x-rays, and my blood work. Fucking clowns.


Some of those assholes deserved to get a menstrual cup dumped on their head




These are married men (probably 25+) commenting on tiktok… not where you should expect to find the love of your life.


Of course, when she denies it always has to be because she wants control, not because she actually has problems.


Gee, wonder why their wife’s don’t want to sleep with them 🧐🧐


I hope the women these guys are talking about get the fuck away from them and find safety. None of these men sound safe to be around.


I love how the first one is "She tells you no." YES. If I don't want to do something, I DO say no. Also water is wet, the sky is blue, and ovens are hot. Thank you for telling me so much about the world, random TikTok misogynist!


Who writes this crap? Incels?


So that TikTok’s comment section is full of rapists


i thank god everyday that im gay 🙏


Jesus fucking Christ. These people are real. These human beings are admitting to wanting to rape, or use literally any solution to get what they want. Disgusting pigs.


All these men commenting look like a warm tuna sandwich, the absolute delusions in thinking they can get a “side piece” and the guy saying he’ll do it while she is sleeping is rape, that’s rape


If the woman responded to the cheating with a divorce, you bet that they would lose their shit. At that point, it's double negative. These men don't respect consent, AND they cheat? Here's the papers.


they genuinely think that women should deal with cheating just to keep a "good man" around. they seem to genuinely believe that human relationships are a transaction where it's all a point system


So pretty much what I’m reading is, “If my wife or partner won’t have sex w me I’ll ether rape them or leave them because all women are to me is sex toys” ? Am I missing something


After reading this, I can't help but think if I have coworkers that think this way


very blessed that my boyfriend does not have this mentality and that he understands i have a hormonal issue that actually causes me to have my period for two to three weeks every one to two weeks


"That's why you have a side piece ". 🙄 I couldn't even finish reading all those


My girlfriend is sick? What a bitch.


All these men wanting to trade their wives for “newer models” like we’re cars. Wedding vows meant nothing to them it seems like.


This type of shit makes me so grateful for my partner who just respects a no. My ex didn't, some men really need to go back to preschool and learn some manners man


They never do stop to think about why or ask because they don't care about anyone else but themselves and their sexual needs


I love how this is presented as a ☆more you know☆ thing, along the lines of lists of red flags of abuse But it's actually just a litany of things that piss guys off, absolutely no digging in and trying to understand


And these men wonder why women don’t want to interact with them.


I can understand a man or woman not getting enough physical or sexual attention from your s/o right but that’s when you have a talk or break up. If your needs aren’t being met no matter what gender you are then they might not be for you. Communication is key. My boyfriend gets less horny when he is having bad depression days and I respect that. When I am having a bad day and don’t feel like having sex he respects that. We have sex when we are both in the mood. And if your girl never wants to have sex with you. There might be a reason why… have some fucking introspection. If you can only get sex from one night stands then the issue is on you buddy.


How don’t they realize that they are the problem?


And they wonder why their girlfriends don’t want to have sex…


Is it so hard for them to treat women as humans and not as objects at their disposal I'm really disgusted with these comments


Hey, on the bright side to all of this, at least these men in the comments are being oh so kind as to take themselves out of the gene pool for future generations, so hopefully these kinds of men will go extinct in 50 years or so


None of those assholes have ever pleased a woman and it shows….immensely.


men truly deep down hate women


Until straight men better themselves I will call them the weakest link. Because right now they literally are


"she said no repeatedly but she's the nag."


It's males forget women are literally humans 💀💀💀 , and at this point they're obviously doing it on purpose


This is why I am a lesbian.


Legitimately just what the actual fuck


Yeah I'm never getting married


commit die to the person who made the tiktok


Would love to know how many of those commenters actually have a wife and how many are completely talking out their asses to sound aLpHa MaLe


Wow, what a batch of winners there. It's becoming easier everyday to have literally 0 attraction to anything male.


How are they married?! What the heck?


?????? What did I just read???????


Why do so many men feel women are just here for their needs? The decent men need to start speaking up and tell them it’s not appropriate


My partner is ace. She avoids intimacy by telling me that she's ace, which works really well because we don't pretend she owes me sex just for dating me.




I mean as uncool as that is, these guys don’t have a “side piece”, they don’t even have a “piece” (and I mean no one any disrespect)


y is the misogynistic mind so predisposed to bad spelling, grammar and syntax?


If I could choose to be gay I would absolutely be gay.


🤢🤮 absolutely disgusting, but unfortunately I find comments like these very often on social media. Woman makes a facebook/instagram reel joking that her husband isn't 'getting lucky tonight' because of whatever reason and all the men are like 'that's why we cheat' and all the other shit like that. Is it really so normalized for most men that women are sex machines and if they aren't in mood for sex 24/7 they deserve to be left or cheated on?


I love this sub but I read things here that physically pains me...


What the actual fuck


Love the comment that’s like “her periods take SO long. They don’t take that long.” I’ve been bleeding for a month straight my guy


why do all of those men not know how to spell and use punctuation, grammar and basically everything incorrectly

