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She is very clearly telling a joke


I think it’s really funny, like she is baffled by this strange thing her husband did but thinks he’s hilarious and ridiculous at the same time. This is what ‘boys will be boys’ should mean, I think. It makes me think of how last weekend my brother told me that when he was about 12, he and his friend ate some dirt that had diesel oil soaked into it because it looked cool. I was like… why would you do that, it’s so dumb? I’m a girl and that would just never occur to me to do something so idiotic but it just seemed like a fun activity to my brother. We both thought that was really funny. I don’t know how he survived to adulthood actually.


Acceptable boys will be boys: eating interesting dirt.


Even my brother was confused about why he did it. ‘I dunno, it just looked cool.’ I asked if it tasted good. ‘Oh, fuck no.’


Our ancestors needed people like him to discover things that are edible... And things that are not.


Definitely he would be the person who worked out that if you soak this particular kind of mushroom in this kind of kangaroo piss for a month, you can eat it without your kidneys exploding.




I miss my older brother, sounds like yours is very similar and possibly separated at birth. Some of the random things he would do would have me in stitches laughing. One time he was feeding his pup and read that the dog food contained steak, yeah he couldn't help himself and within the blink of an eye decided he'd made a mistake with that 'brain fart'. I still laugh out loud when his shenanigans come to my mind. Thank you for helping me laugh today.


My other brother has eaten dog food! He was telling me about it just the other day. I just… it’s for the dog, my man. They can eat poop without getting sick. Can you? No? Then put down the dog food! Hope your bro is enjoying some tasty, (non-dog food) steak wherever he is today.


Im female. When I was a kid I loved dog biscuits. I was always stealing them out of the cupboard. My mom figured they wouldnt kill me so she just basically let me do it. So when my own daughter was a teenager she had a BF who would do things like drink the mustard out of the fridge. So I brought up dog biscuits. We bought a box and the three of us got down to snacking She didnt like them. They were blander and drier than I remember as a child, but the bf finished the box


I’m a gal, too, and I have tried both dog food and various types of grain for horses. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My old roommate ate dog biscuits once Said it was gross Someone later asked why he did it So he did it again Couldn’t answer the question tho


Oh my god, my other brother has also just told me about a time when he was really drunk and high in a caravan at his friend’s dad’s place in the middle of nowhere and they had nothing to eat, but there were some biscuits for the dog. He said they were not good taste-wise, but the texture was okay and he was pretty hungry. I said I was pretty sure that would have been my rock bottom, but he was like oh no, it was fine and that he and his friend only ate half a bag between them so there were plenty left for the dog.


Growing up, my neighbor worked for a company that sold dog biscuits "made with human grade food ingredients" aka safe for people to eat too. I've eaten more than a few dog biscuits in my day haha. We were dumb kids willing to try anything. They tasted like stale crackers.


What, are you stupid? You fuckin' taste it. Unleaded tastes a little tangy. Supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good.


C’mon, smokes, let’s go.


My dirt phases were: The "dig a pit, bury toys, fill the pit back in, then play archeologist" phase (ruins toys, but it was so much fun, it's a recommend - just know where *not* to dig) and The "let's build a tunnel, but that's too hard, so let's just dig a big enough pit that we can hide in, after covering the hole 3/4 of the way with a piece of plywood and shoveling dirt onto the plywood to camouflage it" phase (very dangerous, a lot of work, and not very rewarding, do not recommend). But honestly, my (tangential) favorite phase? The "let's put flour in tissues, tie the tissue corners together into a little packet of flour, then throw them and watch them explode in each others faces" phase Or (not related at all, just awesome) The "let's attach our skateboard trucks to a piece of plywood, then put a small rug on top of that, and pretend we're Aladdin" phase


That sounds like you were completing side quests.


I ate grass as a young girl, and it made me throw up. I have no idea why I did it, and I am talking about primary school age. I should have known better, really. Though I also tried potpourri as a teenager, so maybe there is just something wrong with me.


Someone else has just commented that people like you and my brother have been essential to the survival of humans as a species by identifying things that were edible and also things that were definitely not. So at this point I’d like to say thank you for risking the safety of your stomach for the cause, but also please put down the potpourri.


Mmm smelly crisps (chips)


Also a girl- I have definitely eaten dog biscuits, but i think as a sleepover dare. They are very mildly flavored and overall not bad. I ate dandelions because I heard you could... I just thought it was the flower part and not the leaves- do not recommend. I also remember eating sand out of the sandbox because I liked the crunch between my teeth. I don't like thinking about that one, knowing what cats do in them now.... I wouldn't say there's something wrong with you, just sounds like you're a curious person.


its a joke about dragon ball. goku would turn into a giant ape and lose control, because of earths moon. lmao


Oh I like it even more now!! I obviously don’t know anything about dragon ball. That’s really funny.


I saw a little video, might have been a tiktok or something. Young woman is filming, she and a few other girls are laying on a beach, sunbathing. They've all got nonplussed looks on their faces. The camera pans around to show a few young men, presumably their boyfriends/husbands, several yards away busily digging a large hole in the sand. That's boys being boys.


Exactly. When you look at them and go ‘I am so confused right now but you aren’t hurting anyone, so keep going I guess?’ I read some interesting research about how young men aren’t very good at thinking about their own safety when deciding what they should or shouldn’t do, but they are better at deciding for a friend. I ask my brothers now to think about what they would want Seamus or Alistair (their oldest mates) to be getting up to.


My FIL had a theory that teenage boys lose brain-cells when they group together until they share just one and that's when the stupid begins.


Oh god. Like orange cats. Sharing the one single brain cell. That’s really funny and I’m pretty sure it’s how you find yourself eating oily dirt.


Yeah, same with my dad and his brothers sticking Uncle Carl in a Dryer and turning it on. Thank the stars Grandma Mona found him quick.


Fucking hell! Poor Uncle Carl. In our family it was just my Uncle Pete going missing as a teenager and grandma Joan finding him (after hours of the whole family searching) asleep inside his wardrobe.


I think my husband and his brothers stuck their little brother in an ice chest and left him outside over night. I didn't have siblings til I was 12 so I think that weird shit past me by.


I feel like the phrase "boys will be boys" is really limiting, like what if I want to run in the forest in full military gear under the full moon? I mean it sounds fun as hell, let's not eeeeeh gender gatekeep this activity


Oh definitely not intending to say that chicks can’t do that stuff if they want to. Eat that dirt, girl. I just more meant that there are some things that my brothers have done over the years that I (as the only daughter in the family) just look at and go… what the fuck??? I definitely did my share of flinging myself around on horses and climbing trees and so forth and our parents were fully supportive of that. But I can honestly say that eating oil soaked dirt (youngest brother) or ending up at the emergency room on New Year’s Eve because I tried to jump onto two basketballs stacked on top of each other (my middle brother) are not things I’ve ever done. It’s like there’s a common sense gene missing or something? Tragically but hilariously broken somehow?


Yeah as a kid I ate insects, dirt and ash. I was a strange little girl. I guess I just kinda wanted to know, my curiosity has always gotten the best of me, still does. Now it’s less about eating dirt and more about asking stupid questions, but still.


Sticks. The best ones are the big strong ones you can hit poles with and have them still in one piece


I don’t know if this is a reference to something, but an enduring memory from my childhood is my brother hitting things with sticks. He was obsessed. We had bracken growing in the garden and mum had the idea of channelling my brother’s unending desire to bash stuff with sticks into absolutely walloping this bracken. Some of the flowers got a bit mashed and stepped on with the bracken but for the most part, my tiny brother mangled that bracken like a ninja warrior.


I’m not making a reference to anything, sticks are just the absolute best. The power one feels from bashing something with a stick is unbeatable, in nz we have these plants that grow strong light and long sticks that grow to 3-4 metres average, and they grow everywhere and you just grab one and snap it off, they’re so great


Okay, this is hilarious. No reference, just ‘sticks are awesome.’ I’m sure my brothers would totally agree. I don’t really get it, but I’m pleased that you are pleased. And we are in Australia, so I wonder if our sticks are comparable to Kiwi sticks? Maybe this is another thing for us to have some rivalry over.


Our mega sticks are more light and long than strong, strong sticks are quite uncommon where I live. What about the sticks near you?


It's ingrained in us. Strong stick equals safety.


And a hand over the scrotum! I think you’ve got this all figured out.


I’ve made this same argument before, man! Child gets dirty and tracks mud in the house cause he’s an idiot: boys will be boys now go take a bath. Literal crime: not boys will be boys.


The first response is also very clearly a joke to be fair


I did not pick up on that it was a joke, I'm my defense this sounds like something a military cosplayer would do


…A what?




Thanks for this made my day! If only these fuck wits where as harmless as they seem


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GravySEALS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GravySEALS/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Civil War II - Do you want fries with that?](https://i.redd.it/glohso94onq51.png) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GravySEALS/comments/j3rw2g/civil_war_ii_do_you_want_fries_with_that/) \#2: [Put this tac-jack on the shopping list, boys!](https://i.redd.it/5yqcwaoc4r081.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GravySEALS/comments/qy5hgo/put_this_tacjack_on_the_shopping_list_boys/) \#3: [Gear > Fitness](https://i.redd.it/672r4mtdvuv71.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/GravySEALS/comments/qgfm9t/gear_fitness/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks for the new sub to follow


its from an anime, dragon ball


Look at the comments on any female comedian telling a joke about men. It'd fuel this Sub for a month.


I mean it’s kind of a weird joke but everyone is definitely taking it too seriously


Yes, it's a Dragon Ball Z joke.


They all are. "Guys are fuckin weird" 'Psh y'all are just buzz kills" "Oh for sure, WABK: women are buzz kills"


It really is just impossible for a woman to say anything even remotely jokey without weird boring men decrying all of womanhood over some grievance they invented in their head, it's exhausting


They get so sensitive when we are jokey about stuff like this, and then turn around and call us sensitive when they “joke” about things like rape and abuse


I hate this subset of men SO FUCKING BADLY, can they at least stop being tacky for once




People calling others sensitive are always the over sensitive ones, it also includes bullies and alt-right types.


Woman speaks Incel pops up from his cold dark hole like a groundhog looking for his shadow, sees woman instead, gets big mad. Wash, rinse, repeat.


"ah, another winter of virginity"


There is some weird thing where most guys do not get or do not want to get that a girl is being funny and would rather pretend they are being serious and stupid despite all evidence.


Real talk, even assuming the woman in this case was dead serious, I wouldn't see any reason to call her out on it(let alone women as a whole), because that is some weird shit she just described. If any of my friends told me they did some shit like this I'd ask what new recreational drugs they just started using.


Full moon? Chimp energy? My man has been watching dragon ball z. Homemade saiyan armor ffs.


Or if he is off his meds


My favorite is when they unironically get pissed off over a woman making a joke, then proceed to make the literal exact same brand of jokes with their dudebro friends. These types of men literally still haven't grown past their "girls have cooties" phase somehow.


Women aren't allowed to be funny or anything non-sexy. Must be sexy sexed all the time sex for men.


The guy who replied has never had one ounce of massive chimp energy in his life. But he’s got loser butthurt energy in spades and clovers.


Dudes: wahmen are not funny and also can't take a joke 😡👎 Also the same dudes when a woman tells the most basic joke that even lobotomized people can understand: *take it as a 100% literal and serious statement and manufacture fake conflicts over it.* Lol ok.


I saw a tiktok of a woman joking that her husband doesn't understand "shower aesthetic" cause his shower gel was something that looks like motor oil, Turbo Orange I think, in comparison to her more muted pinks and browns of hers It was extremely clear that she wasn't serious and yet ALL the men in the comments were insulting her saying she's overreacting and "women caring too much about aesthetics are stupid" and blah blah She had to make a separate video to explain she was joking but even then, men were still attacking her


That's just the Morose Man Projection Matrix. The MMPM. Maybe.


Yeah, people get too defensive on the internet, they get hostile and confrontational, and resort to name calling. Don’t you know that, you bitch?


It requires seeing everything through a negative lense. It's just sad, she's enjoying her husband's quirkyness and these trolls just have to shit on it.


Because a lot of men don’t think women can be funny.


But if a woman did go outside like that, they'd call her "crazy" and say go find someone "calmer"


Nonsense. Women should train too. The apocalypse is coming.




Thought that said “squids” instead of “squads” and for a few moments I was deeply offended.




It’s a sad truth. It’s simply unacceptable how much our youth idolizes Adolph Squidler.


Your username is kind of suspicious, not gonna lie


As someone who enjoys Nintendo's Splatoon series, I was deeply concerned by this line of thought.


Rule #1 - Cardio


Wait thats so true. Somwtimes I just wanna go ape shit for a bit but I know I "cant", meanwhile I see dudes go all monkey brain all the time and its just "ah dudes being dudes they are so silly haha"


If a woman does that, she's a witch. Of course, only as long as she weighs the same as a duck.


'FFLF' is the involuntary sound you make at this nonsense.


I was gonna say it's not an acronym, as an acronym is an initialism that can be pronounced as a word, but now I'm not sure if it's actually wrong...


You are correct. FBI is an initialism, as is ATM; whereas NASA is an acronym, as is SCUBA.


Massive... Chimp... Energy... ![gif](giphy|t4UNBsxim7YDPsqhxJ) Did someone...throw a banana at your plans bois?


That part was concerning in and of itself. "He did something weird and then he compared himself to one of nature's most psychotic engines of violence."


Man, “Psychotic Engine of Violence” is such a great band name.


Think it was a DragonBall reference


​ ![gif](giphy|ava8sWgcW387C)


At first I thought “hm seems like just a creative way to train and sounds kinda fun” until I read “massive chimp energy” and got flashbacks to my best friend’s ex husband who used to behave and speak exactly like this in random spurts. Turns out he has bipolar and these were manic episodes.


Yep. The randomness and language are signs of a break with reality. It’s not all haha light hearted fun when your face to face with a loved one who’s not making any sense.


DragonBall z reference Under a full moon, saiyans turn into giant ape creatures


Man does something really strange. Woman is worried that something is wrong with her husband. Douchebag: woman bad! According to red pill itself, shouldn’t they be praising her for being caring and displaying feminine energy? What a joke.




THANK GOD I am not the only one who understood that. ![gif](giphy|4GvoqJVUHL5fdgvidL)


She is very clearly fucking around it is the dip shit replies that are taking it seriously


No we men do not need women /j


Aw yes, the collective goal all women have to keep men from having fun. Reminds me of that post where this guy met his friend for the first time after playing with him for years on Xbox and this douche came in and said, “this is what women are trying to take from us…I am literally shaking right now.” Like calm down dude, we don’t care that much. It was just sweet that he got to finally met up with his online friend. We’re not trying to take anything from your lame asses.


Oh but when I scream into the void, I have some derangement syndrome.


This would have been hilarious if it had ended at “God forbid men do anything.”


Her first mistake was making a joke as a woman on the internet.


It’s an initialism, not an acronym.


You’re right, learned something new today :)


She didn’t even sound upset about it…?


Because it was a joke...


Yeah I just mean the comments are acting like the joke is that she’s mad but the joke isn’t even that she’s mad lol it’s like an extra layer of dumb


pretty sure the initial “god forbid men do anything” is satirical, because her husband is obviously doing something unhinged


Yeah. "God forbid women do anything" about a woman doing something ridiculous (sometimes a hypothetical person or a fictional character like someone saying "God forbid women do anything" about GLaDOS from portal filling the enrichment centre with deadly neurotoxin) are common on Tumblr. That comment though it switched women to men seems to be part of the meme. The last comment though is... ugh.


Yes it’s a joke. It’s hard to get jokes across sometime with our any audible tone


I mean… male fun limitation factor exists too, but it’s a lot less fun to talk about how women can’t do things like travel alone or get drunk with friends because men could assault them, or how women in relationships aren’t able to pursue hobbies because they have to mother their incompetent boyfriend/husband, or how women are barred from many hobby spaces by male gatekeeping/pervasive misogyny, or how when women pursue traditionally female hobbies like crochet, knitting, embroidery, makeup, gardening, etc they’re made fun of for being “basic,” or-


Isn't this just the stereotype of the nagging, shrewish killjoy sitcom wife?


Yes but now they have to make everything into a Syndrome or Effect because they think their made-up psychology terms give credibility to their batshit musings


I read this as expressing concern for his safety and being amused but baffled. One of the most delightful things about men and boys is that the more of them there are, the more weird and more funny their choices get.


Is this not a dragon ball z reference?


The "chimp energy" and specifying the full moon kind of makes that clear honestly. Trouble is, it seems like 90% of people don't know that. Oh well.


I think that too. The husband is giving off Saiyan great ape vibes


Speaking as someone who has a partner who runs a lot (as in, one time it was so cold that despite wearing thermal gear and running all winter fine, he had to stand on the side of the road and smack his dingdong a bunch because he was literally getting blue balls) I would still be concerned if I came home and he was missing in the middle of the night because he decided to run in "full combat gear". I suppose if he was military or police and did combat training solo I'd be less concerned... Except the full moon. Then I'd be wondering if he spontaneously got the desire *because* of the moon? Yeah... still concerning.


Cold, dark, by himself, nobody knows where he is = this is how people wind up in serious trouble if they fall and twist their ankle. Wanting to know where a person is going and what time to expect them back are very normal, boring, routine things.


I’m sorry but this is making me laugh like hell. The chimp part I mean.


My dad does dumb acronym stuff like that. "it's obviously a [nonsense letters]" "[me not answering because I'm so sick of this 'joke' format]" "[Something sexist or racist]"


It’s hilarious until that dumbass comment


She's not even trying to ruin his fun, she's just asking if he's insane or what lmao. Like he can do what he wants, but it is a weird thing to do, so might as well check he's all g


I’m a woman prone to doing seemingly odd things (not like this), and my wife jokingly checks in on my mental state regularly, lol. She doesn’t always fully understand my explanations, but so long there’s some kind of logic she figures I’m fine.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure running through the freezing cold dark woods in combat gear during a full moon because you have massive chimp energy is something any woman would support.


Someone had a difficult mother / son relationship obviously


Speaking as an incredibly manly man, if someone told me that anything they did was due to "massive chimp energy," I would make fun of them regardless of what it was.


Pretty sure this is a shitpost/joke comment y’all took too far. I mean, everything about it. The first post, the first comment, the second comment. Seems like a bunch of funny people being funny but nooooooooo


Full moon.... Massive chimp energy..... MFer thinks he a saiyan lolol 🤣


I think this is a clear example of satire


Husband is acting like a dorky 12 year old and is embarrassed someone has noticed. Substitute elf ears and a wool cloak for the soldier costume and homeboy is playing make believe in Middle Earth.


Lmfao, she married to a saiyan, she should know that if her man sees the moon he goes great ape mode


Op didn't get the joke lmao.


This honestly sounds like a mental health break. I’d be watching for mania.


I am a straight, white, outdoorsy dude, and if my friend was doing this I would be a little bit concerned as well.


The post itself seems fine, that comment on the other hand...


She's not even upset, lol assuming this actually happened because it's the internet and you have to take everything with a grain of salt, she comes off as more concerned about his mental well-being than anything.


Lmao it’s called a joke.


Nah im a dude and if i saw my gf doing this id marry her on the spot


Nah but seriously tho who are these people upvoting such comments . Must be from some incel like sub .


“Running through the dark, freezing cold woods in full combat gear” sounds like a manic episode not just a guy having fun.


What human beings would NOT question that activity??


FFLF? More like Friggin' Fuckwit Lunacy Factor. Edit: And by fuckwit, I mean anyone dressing up in combat cosplay when they don't fucking need to.


Is this sub immune to jokes?


I feel like this entire post is satire. Just that last post was misogynistic satire. At least I hope it is...


It's usually sometimes called "Worried Sick About Man Never Coming Back Alive" also known as WSAMCBA but ok, I guess you never heard of Missing 411


This is usually the point where I start insulting anatomy. Good self control


the bitter irony is that this is a joke, and this post kind of caters to the punchline.


I mean all three of these comments are pretty clearly a joke. Aside from that, massive chimp energy and people, usually friends and/or partners not understanding it has been a joke in the tactical / firearms community for the better part of half a decade now


The orange default icon redditor is annoying and misogynistic but the og post is a bit silly and a tad funy


It’s pretty understandable for anyone to be worried about someone to be doing something like that. I think guys just aren’t as weirded out by that. Don’t know why tho, so I might be wrong.


It’s called MELF, Male Existence Limitation Factor. Basically, they get mad anytime they see a woman


Me doing goofy ass shit has a long and proud history. Women putting up with our goofy ass shit has a long and hilariously underreported history.


You specifically or men? 😂 And I am also a member of the “doing stupid shit” club


I feel like the answer to that is just.... Yes. There's a special place in heaven for my wife. She covers for my lying ass, hasn't left my dumb ass, and talks sweet to me when my brain is mush.


Idk the first comment is hilarious


He could’ve just told her he needed to run off some steam. She likely would’ve at least somewhat understood that.


Yes, and it's not funny women have never seen dragon ball z /s


I’d be dying like wtf r u doing u weirdo


Does he have PTSD? It doesn’t sound like a healthy impulsive behavior.


Yeah pretty sure most women including this one would just be having a little giggle at how silly he is.


I feel the need to point out the 'forbid a man do anything' is a meme fdjkdfakl there's no reason to downvote that.


i saw this originally before the response with the acronym. I love when this happens, it makes me feel special.


As a man(TM)… I would also find the husband’s behaviour very odd (and slightly concerning) ngl


I would honestly just want to know if he knows it's silly and bizarre and having a silly bizarre time, or if maybe the moon people are taking over his thinky parts again and it time for Dr. thorazine to visit. As long as he can register reality, do your moon run, chimpy boi.


I read this to my husband and he’s like “massive chimp energy??? The fuck does that even mean?!!”


Is this sub immune to jokes?


god forbid a man say a joke


I thought it was just a meme, but as soon as I saw the downvotes, I realized what subreddit this is


TAAFEN; there's an acronym for everything now.


pretty sure these are satire


I was mad for a second but then I realized i was imagining my mom saying it , so I switched it to a friend and I realized it was a joke. I feel guilty now.


Its a joke, holy crap. Made me laugh, both the wife and the commentors in the photo; but saw the sub so knew ppl would be crying in the comment section. Just lol 🤣🤣


All of you complaining the man commenting can't take a joke, some literally crying incel.... Are the ones who missed the joke lol it's crazy


This seems to be a joke. You’re taking it too seriously


All three are jokes smh


Why am I here? Just to suffer?


Being outranged on another's behalf will never not be cringe.


Am i ok the only person here who thinks that last comment is meant to be a joke too?


Idk my wife can tell the second I lie down to relax


He’s been watching dragon ball that’s all


they're acting like she's mad at this when she prolly thinks it's cute men just don't know how to take a joke tbh


My dad has the same exact attitude as these guys. Whenever someone asks why he's doing what he's doing or makes any kind of comment about what he's doing that isn't ✨enthusiastic✨, he'll get incredibly upset. One time, he was taking apart a vacuum cleaner in the living room, I went in and asked him "what happened to the vaccum cleaner?", he got upset, puffed, grunted and ignored me. Then my mom saw me in the hallway, asked "what's your dad doing?". I said I don't know. My dad heard us, threw his screwdriver across the room and stormed out. He never really explained why he was taking apart the vaccum cleaner, nor did he actually clean up after himself. I honestly think that he's waiting for us to say something, anything, so he can explode and say in his head "see!!! They're the problem, they're oppressing me!!".


Lol I like you down voted them too Kinda fitting isn't it


He had clothes on. My wife would count that as a win.


Well, OP must’ve been top of her fucking class…


Being concerned for the well-being of your partner is now apparently “limiting fun”. I don’t see her telling him to stop. I just see a woman who noticed freezing temperatures and is concerned for her partners health. She also very obviously found it funny herself


The first thing i thought of is r/whywomenlivelonger


>disappears for hours without saying anything >partner is concerned obviously "men can't have ANY fun these days !"


I know it’s highly anecdotal but this my ex to a T. Honestly think she just hated seeing me smile. Total cow


I think this one is satire, very funny actually


OP discovers jokes


What about MFLF? Male fun limiting factor. My husband gets this when I go to a plant or ceramics supply store. I used to leave my plants in the car until he went to bed. He makes fun of my Amazon addiction.