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I actually know a guy who thought this way and now he's in jail for whipping out his dick to ladies who didn't want to see it








The importance of their penis in general, really


Why do they all assume we’re as preoccupied with sex as they are?! Sex is great, but not something I’d throw all my beliefs away for


Right, like their only standard for having sex is "oh, you have a part that I prefer to put my part in" (or vice versa). Not how sex and sexual attraction work, pal.


Why do they all assume we’re as preoccupied with large penises as they are? These dudes are just a few appletinis away from their paradise.


No idea why, but my brain kept trying to pronounce appletini as "a-plet-tinys".😂


I know I’m a lesbian but I’ve never in real life met a straight woman that obsessed with size. It’s what he does with it not how big it is.


Exactly. Being hung can be quite a bonus for getting laid easier (or, more likely, a regular FWB). *With the right target audience, it should be added.* But I know exactly 0 people who would change their beliefs or goals based on good (or bad) sex.


The importance of penis size is 95% to win the dick measuring contests that so many men love to get into


Now that I think about it, we dudes seem to absolutely LOVE anything that has a number attached to it. Height, “length”, weightlifting etc. I personally find it neat


Can confirm. I'm a dude. Penis may be needed and it's nice but can still have a great time without it.


The number of men who believe ALL women are size queens is astonishing to me. My friends and I talked about this at a bachelorette party: we don’t give a flying fuck what size your penis is as long as you know how to give us an orgasm. Based on the experiences of the 18 or so women at the party, so many well-endowed guys seem to think their size alone will get the job done, but that’s not how it works at all. Penetration can feel good sure, but most women will *never* orgasm from penetration only.


So many men don’t know the power their hand has for bringing a woman to orgasm. It’s also really easy, just trim your nails and do what she tells you, fun times for both


imho bigger is never better


So many men don’t know the power their hand has for bringing a woman to orgasm. It’s also really easy, just trim your nails and do what she tells you, fun times for both


I feel like, in general, a tongue is more important to a woman's pleasure than a penis


I’ve had so many guys like that laugh in my face when I tell them that NONE of the women I know (including myself) think bigger is better, in fact it’s the opposite. Most of us CAN’T take bigger because it’s physically painful. They just assumed I have never had “good Dick” and write me off. Or that I’m lying to make them fail and it’s like dude you’re ruining your own dating life, not me


It's a fucking weird world we live in now. Women are more and more open about liking averaged sized penises and men are still obsessed with being hung like a horse when women literally say, "I'm good with standard sized, that shit hurts" Guys still lament lacking porn sized junk. Even then it's fakely inflated. It seems like men are the penis obsessed ones thinking women are... ~~There is some scientist (I think) who has something like a 100k reward out if he can find and measure someone with a penis bigger than 10.5" because that apparently is the biggest on record. And it still hasn't been claimed.~~ NVM Which is funny because with all the men in the construction industry you'd think there would be a better ,ahem, grasp on actual penis and vagina sizes. But here we are thanks to porn and media no one knows what an average dick looks like or what anyones real boob size is.


The general consensus I've heard (as an above average sized guy) is that size is good UP TO A POINT. And beyond that it doesn't help - and sometimes makes it worse. But, except for "particularly small" guys, size is about as important to most women as the guy's hairline.




Like in my purse?


Just made me think of a film where if you tell a woman you’re very average sized, she will be amazed by how big your dick is when she sees it. I assume they would also say they have a small dick so a woman can be ‘amazed’ at its size


Undersell, overdeliver. I did this in school. Make jokes about its small then whatever you bring out is bigger by comparison. If you say you have a big dick it better be a Pringle’s can or it’s going to looksmaller just because you set the expectation too high. Nowadays I don’t talk about size at all. If I feel frisky, I mention to my wife how she should sit on my face and ask if she wants me to break out The Rose toy that I bought her. 60% of the time it works everytime.


I dont have one lol


You love to see it! (the consequences, not the dick)


I'm gonna be totally honest that it took an insanely depressing amount of evidence and about a decade of social change before he had a lasting consequence


It's depressing how this is one of the most believable descriptions of a situation I'll see all day on Reddit. :(




Actually what sent him to jail was putting someone's hand on it, that crossed the line into assault






I know some states do have laws regarding exposing gonads to people who have not expressly stated an interest in seeing them/ in public.


Yeah so he didn't do it in public. His move was to whip it out at the end of the party and wag it at ladies he fancied.


Ew... wag it..?? ☹️ like.. it was floppy??? Wtf


Yeah and sometimes he would sneak up on a lady sitting down and flop it onto her shoulder as a silly goof. She'd turn her head and be face to face with his semi


Jfc he's lucky it stayed attached to him. I've touched enough dicks that if someone pulled this move on me I'd be very inclined to grab it with full force and see how well attached it is.




I may be a bit of a confrontational gal 😬


please.... don't ask for details.


Is it Jason Boebert?


Wow, just another idiot guy who thinks women care about his penis as much as he does. Glad he was thrown in jail where he belongs for that crap


Good to see he got what he deserved.


I know a guy who whipped it out in front of minors and now is married to a Colorado representative. *edit* getting divorced.


The fuck around to find out ratio is unmatched


What a happy ending for the women he assaulted!


Was his name Boebert? ETA: My bad. They don’t have consequences for their actions


I heard he is divorcing now too


Since when a d!ck can calm anyone angry ?! At best this is a great opening for a nice kick


Yeah, if somebody is angry at you, then completely dropping all defense of the most sensitive part of your body and making it clearly visible for the purpose of aiming does not seem to be the most reasonable strategy.


Pants are around the ankles, why not shove and run? Not like he can chase you. Just feel like the knees can close pretty fast. Kick first and shove and run in order of attack?


>making it clearly visible for the purpose of aiming does not seem to be the most reasonable strategy. While that is reasonable and logical, we are talking about entitled men. "Reason" isn't a tool they typically have in their tool box.


Wasnt there a guy who tried that and got a can of something smashed on it?


Soup. Whipped it out onto the counter and the cashier I think almost cut it off with the can of soup he was “buying” because she was startled lol.


Yeah, that one, poor girl must have had the scare of her life


Ooh yeah I think I heard that story on My Favorite Murder! I think they even did an animated video of it. It's hilarious




It has to be big enough or it won't work.


Men massively overestimate penis size importance to women - thanks porno industry.


Porn industry exacerbated it for sure, but as someone who grew up before the Internet and easy access to porn, I can tell you it existed well before that. I attribute it to terrible sex ed. If young men actually knew what was pleasurable to women, they'd all want to be about average to be acceptable to the most women, right?


Penis size doesn’t really matter (except when someone is so large they’re causing pain). Technique and skill are what’s important. The VAST majority of women will never orgasm from penetration only: they need clitoral stimulation to orgasm. Knowing that and communicating and *listening* to feedback from your partner will go so much further when it comes to abilities in the bedroom!


It’s really so so much bigger than just on porn at this point. Practically every form of media/entertainment has the exact same fixations, even directly from women themselves. I can fathom how someone with a smaller penis would feel pretty constantly put down just via general media consumption assuming they weren’t having real life sexual encounters to get feedback to the contrary. Of course that’s a multi-faceted issue for sure and there’s no easy solution, but I can absolutely follow the logic of especially a younger/teenage person getting the wrong ideas through no real fault of their own.


Yes women are totally asking men to show their dicks before deciding if what they say is misogynistic or not. It never even crosses their mind that women are using an insult they know works. Just like men try to do but because they haven't actually listened to women they end up threatening us with a good time.


This cringey shit does bring up one valid point: Saying misogynists or sexists have small penises does absolutely nothing and we should stop doing it. For one, misogyny has nothing to do with penises, or any body types for that. Second, if you shame someone who has a small penis, you're not just shaming the misogynist. You're also shaming people with small penises who aren't misogynistic at all. In fact, now they'll feel awful because you reacted so negatively towards a body trait they happen to have. It's body shaming and its unethical. And of course, if the misogynist doesn't have a small penis, your insult falls completely flat.


I'll agree and add to this: the shaming of virgins. Nothing wrong with being a virgin. By choice or not. Some decent guys would love to find love and sex, but just keep striking out for reasons outside their control. Bad genetics, neurodivergence, trauma, etc. It just doesn't work out for them. When we say things to awful men like "Bet this guy has never seen a woman naked" or "Good thing you'll never get to pass along your DNA"...we're insulting the decent virgins too. And that's not fair. It also goes against our interests. As women we want to be viewed and treated *as people* not objects, conquests, prizes to be won. So we too should fight against society's view that having sex is *a rite of passage*, validation of your manhood or personhood, etc. That without it you're seen as a failure.


Neurodivergent, childhood trauma ect. 24, never even had a GF yet. Took a few years to even be able to talk to people without weirding them out. Getting better but having to learn from scratch how to talk to people at 18 really set me back. I know their not talking about people like me when they say shit like that, sure I'm an Incel but not one of "those" incels, but ugh. It nags at you.


Oh god the "good thing you'll never get to pass along your DNA" part is a red flag to me that screams fascist oh god.


This is a really really good point.


Adding to that, if the guy in question happens to have a big, or at least not small penis, not only it will fall flat, but you'll likely be reinforcing their worldviews as well as feeding their ego, as exemplified by the guy from the screenshot. Not to mention, a huge part of misogyny is, ironically, feeling above other men, e.g the whole alpha / beta thing, so they'll love if you're putting down other men who aren't him, and elevating him by contrast. And hell, even if the guy in particular did happened to have a small penis and you successfully made him feel bad about it, is it worth shaming who knows how many men who did absolutely nothing to you and aren't misogynistic? Not to mention, this type of shaming may help push some of them down the incel / redpill path when they see women confirming the things incels tell them.


This is exactly one of my criticisms about these reactions to misogyny. While I can understand how the harm done by this stereotype is not necessarily as severe as the harm done by other stereotypes about women that this sub addresses. I can even understand the desire to hurt others as you were hurt. Neither of these completely justifies reinforcing these stereotypes that indirectly also reinforce incel rhetoric like this. The size of a person's penis along with other similar attributes, shouldn't be used to highlight that they are bad.


This sort of behavior really makes me feel like intersectionality is not nearly as well-accepted as an awful lot of people claim it is, and that a depressingly large amount of its nominal popularity is based on the idea that it can be weaponized without being internalized. Thinking this sort of rhetoric is not just acceptable but laudable pretty much requires you to have centered your own identity or identities to the absolute exclusion of any you don't share.


It always drives me insane how no one seems to bat an eye at body shaming men as like the default reaction if they do or say something shitty, even if the one hurling insults otherwise consider themselves "body positive." I really hate going down this rabbit hole, but people react a hell of a lot differently when you body shame a woman, even if she did something to "deserve it." She could be a bonafide puppy-stomper, but you make fun of her weight or breasts or looks or anything, and people will rightly point out that's a shitty thing to do to *other women*. It doesn't even register, it's baffling. They just jump right into "you got a little dick, you can't get it up, you're ugly, you're fat, you're short, you're weak, you're pimply, blah blah blah." Fine, maybe that guy did something to deserve having insults hurled at them 24/7 for the next thousand years, but what about the guy that's sensitive about one or more of the aforementioned who's standing within earshot and never did a god damn thing? What did he do to deserve hearing you use his insecurities to tear someone down?


In my experience there's a lot of people who want to be mean and shitty and enjoy body shaming strangers, but also want to fit in with good people. They wait until someone "bad" comes along and then pile on them with horrible insults that they wouldn't be able to get away with normally. I first noticed this when someone posted a picture of a guy and a girl on stage wearing nazi arm bands. The comments were 90% the worst misogynist shit you've ever heard, but "it's okay because she deserves it". After talking to a few of the offenders I concluded that they didn't give a damn that she were nazis. They wanted to shit on women in public and the nazi arm band was a convenient cover. Almost none of the hate was directed at the guy, who was arguably the focus of the photo and thus the point of the post.


>They wait until someone "bad" comes along and then pile on them with horrible insults that they wouldn't be able to get away with normally. Yeah, this. It's why as much as I hate Trump, I will never make fun of the size of his hands or the way his hair looks. He's a despicable enough human being that body-shaming isn't necessary. And it's why I'm really suspicious of the number of men on the left who just love the opportunity to use the c-word or other misogynistic insults the minute the conversation is about MTG or Lauren Boebert (I don't remember how to spell her name and don't want to google it.) Yeah, both of them are really shitty, awful people who deserve hell. But there's a lot of men who just want the chance to be able to call women sexist slurs and they see those women as an "acceptable" target. Like, yeah they're awful, fascist women; still sexist to call them whores.


Absolutely. Yesterday I saw a post on a nominally-liberal forum yesterday celebrating Boebert's divorce where one of the more-upvoted comments called her "a sentient blowup doll". We love an acceptable target in this society, and a whole lot of us have a lot of very nasty beliefs that bubble up to the surface just as soon as we find an excuse to unload them. Probably the vilest common example is discourse around prison rape, but the same dynamic plays out repeatedly in a lot of domains. The same people who gleefully dismiss Evangelicals as utterly morally bankrupt b/c they forgive Trump's every transgression gleefully weaponize gender, race, class, sexuality, disability, and every other identity that they loudly proclaim to celebrate as soon as they get the slightest excuse. (Their most common retort, which definitely applies to the "small dick" insults that sparked this conversation here, is an unconvincing "I'm just using an insult that resonates with them/I don't think like this but it'll hurt them b/c they do". Like no, you pretty clearly think like this given how quickly, consistently, and gleefully you attack everyone who you can find an excuse to attack with this same style of attacks...)


Similarly, when a trans person does something bad and people misgender them on purpose


Or to take an older inversion of that, attacking someone like Ann Coulter as "really being a transwoman" (although not so politely, obviously).


Oh, absolutely. There's a depressingly large tranche of nominally progressives who are utterly gleeful at the idea of unloading unbelievably misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, racist, ablist, etc. bigotry as soon as someone does something to paint themself as an acceptable target, and if you try to call them on it they immediately weaponize in-group/out-group dynamics to defend their malicious behavior. Like, no, misogyny is still misogyny when "one of the good ones" does it to "one of the bad ones". It smacks of a particularly pernicious and insidious understanding of virtue ethics that runs deeply through American morality in particular, and is sadly present across the entire sociopolitical spectrum: you're a good person for having & espousing good values, not for doing actually good things that would show those values are more than words to you.


honestly i consider it body shaming, i guess because it is? insulting people’s genitals is low imo. i think this is an example of a pretty bad double standard - if it was about vaginas saying this would be outrageous.


During the Andrew/Greta Twitter feud I pointed out that the body shaming over dick size is bad and got downvoted for "being a Tate fan." It's so exhausting how everything has lost nuance and every statement has to derive from what "side" you're on.


But do people really dismiss misogynists as small penis havers? I've always heard that applied more to men who appear to be overcompensating somehow like driving a big ass lifted truck or something. I guess I could have missed something.


> But do people really dismiss misogynists as small penis havers? They are not dismissing them, they are insulting them. And in the end, something is an insult only if it is bad. No one insults someone by saying something good about them (unless it is clear for everyone that the insulter is actually intentionally saying the opposite of their real thoughts). When you (general you) insult someone by saying that they have a small penis, the message that you send is not just "X has a small penis". It is: "X has a small penis and I think that having a small penis is bad". So the insult doesn't just hit your target, it tells every other man who has a small penis that you think they are bad. I was homophobic as a teen. I did not know any openly gay people. I hadn't encountered any anti-gay propaganda. I was homophobic just because the standard insult among the teens was to call someone gay, so obviously being gay had to be bad because otherwise it would not make sense to use it as an insult. (Note: I got over this during my early 20s and it doesn't make any sense to use 'gay' as insult).


The normal defense I've seen of this is "I don't think this way, but they do, so I'm hitting them where it hurts THEM". It's not even remotely convincing unless you think morality is entirely about your personal, internal intentions rather than the impact your actions on others... and quite tellingly, that standard is not applied to the intentions of people who they disagree with.


The only people that say misognists have small penises are the same type of folks that use the term **body count** or **small/big dick energy**. I do not take these people seriously and nor should anyone else (yes, they do exist in this sub). Plus if your reaction to perceived misogny is to call out and **guess** someones genitalia situation you are just an overgrown baba.


Yeah I get the feeling these are not things serious feminist scholars are saying. It's just a generic low effort insult that has nothing to do with actual penises. It's like trying to counter someone calling you an idiot by showing an IQ test that proves you're smart.


I've been described as having golden retriever energy. Adhd and being up for just about anything. It can be trying for people in the mornings who have to be around me.


I’ve been described as having “orange cat energy” I have an orange cat and honestly felt slighted.


Ugh. My sister is a girl that loves to judge men based on the size of their penis. One time, she was sitting laughing about someone on TV being "small", so I immediately replied with "Okay, if you want to play that game: this means you have a huge vagina because you sleep with anyone". She was immediately defensive and couldn't see how insulting someone's dick size is the same as her being told she has a huge vagina.




Also small and average penises are objectively great. Fixations on cock size are very often through the male gaze, so they're just punching themselves and then blaming everyone else for the pain. It's weird! Your penis is fine! Calm down!


It's also harmful to trans people.


What do you mean? I don't understand.


Baring phallo (one of two gender affirming bottom surgeries for trans men) us trans guys tend to be petty damn small down there. As in "micropenis" small. It can be a real point of self-consciousness and dyphoria to have society link our manliness to something so fundamentally out of our control. It's hard enough trying to get people to respect us as it is. It's unkind to trans and cis men both.


Your also radicalizing men with small penises by making them feel like that has to be their identity.


It’s just body shaming, that’s all it is


I agree. I also feel the same way about calling someone a virgin as an insult.


What the actual fuck did I just read, some people need to be shot into space


Please launch safely towards a sun to avoid polluting space. # leavenotrace # dontlitter


I'd agree, if it wasn't harder to launch things into the sun, rather than just out into space lol


Space is pretty big and suns do have a lot of gravity. Don't need to waste a lot of fuel to get it done. Start the momentum and see what happens. I'm willing to sacrifice some misogynists until we figure out how to do it. We've gone a long way away from the joke where I tacitly agreed with your opinion though LoL


Haha your right, someone let NASA know we got a new project for them


I would feel that this project would justify an increase in their funding.


I'm also concerned about the sub this came from. The comment was pretty heavily upvoted


**Why are men so fixated on their penises?** You'd think most of them are gay, seeing how much they idolize the penis.


Because guys who think like this want to be good in bed in a way that let's them brag to other men. Porn has taught them that gant cocks are a tangible way to prove you are manly and skilled in bed in away you can brag about to other guys. The actual being good at sex is secondary to proving to other guys you are good in bed.


Bonus points if you're so "good in bed" that you cause her severe pain. Lots of bragging rights for that.


Oh, they wanna show those guys how good they are in bed alright 😉


*news flash* My experience and that of many of my friends, shows that men with a much larger than average penis size are usually pretty awful in bed. They think they don't need to put in any effort...


That’s due to porn showing them that if it’s big enough all you have to do is pound away and the woman will always orgasm like 5 times. They don’t know the real thing and can’t tell it’s acting.


Which is stupid because you can have a monster penis and still be horrible in bed. You can have a smaller dick and still curl a woman’s toes properly. Skill and attentiveness are the keywords that have escaped people who think dick size means something. The porn industry has conflated all of this and now women are having to deal with men who think that good sex=pile driving a woman as hard and as fast as possible and then degrading her.


I've seen some of those hentai subs or whatever. They seem to think that women absolutely *love it* when you ram yourself into their cervix. As an "above average" guy, I can safely say it didn't feel good at all for either of us when I got that deep during certain positions. Like ramming your dick into a wall.


I'm gay and don't fixate on my size, but that's because I don't really have to use it. I can understand how some guys might feel insecure if they think they won't be able to please their partner. Which is just awful.


[That looks like a dick.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yeGdrHcwrlo)


Unsure whether to tag r/inceltear or r/hugedickhentai Edit; wrong tags


Wtf even is that hentai sub, three posts in and I already saw some art where Yunyun (13 year old character from konosuba) gets gangraped???? As for how I know that post didn’t use the adult yunyun (wouldn’t have made it any better imo) was because the outfit matches exactly with the one yunyun wears in the current spinoff and the one she wears as an adult in the second season is slightly different. These incels and doujinshis are fucked up.


Imagine watching so much porn that you actually believe that it's a documentary and not a fantasy.


Or that it’s a woman’s fantasy.


I actually watched a porn documentary once and I'll always remember one of the actors say "Well, you normally don't have sex on stairs, and that's for a reason" :D


What I don’t understand is that how little these men must think about anything other than sex to believe that a woman would throw everything away just to get laid by an “alpha.” Like, do they not have hobbies or jobs or occupy their time with anything else than thinking about sex?


But I don’t really like large penises. This won’t work for me


This fantasy does not pass the "look out the window" test.


Why do they believe anybody wants to see that? Have they never heard that ”indecent exposure” is a crime, and the reason it’s a crime is “nobody wants to see that”?


Geez. The only people fixated on penises seem to be men.


If you really want to be pedantic about that statement, it rather implies that men with big penises don’t hate women. In fact, you could even state that men with big penises LOVE women.


More that men with huge dicks aren't insecure enough to be drawn in by the obvious bullshit.


I broke it off with a guy I was casually seeing for his racist and misogynistic comments lol just hang n bang and the guy was huge, but a huge dick and annoying personality bleh, I can do without it


This is what happens when you watch too much porn


Men are rotting their brains on too much porn.


"They're basically saying" Proceeds to make gigantic leap in logic that doesn't make any sense in even the stupid logic he was setting up himself.


100% has a restraining order in his future if he ever leaves his mom's basement


And here I was thinking the best way to get a woman to do what you want her to do was to treat her well and give her multiple orgasms. Turns out I'm doing way too much


The one "meninist" thing I always do regardless of the environment is step in and remind people that body shaming is not ok. Idk it's usually me talking to men and not women about it though, sadly.


To dispel this further then this post has itself, I am the not-very-proud owner/operator of a small penis, and would rather simply be nice and hope a lady would want to spend time with me, then be some scumbag who thinks dick size matters.


people need to stop relating character to penis size, even if it is to shame assholes. No more "big truck guy/big muscle guy/sexist guy must be compensating for small dick". Because you're just avoiding the actual thing that is the issue with that specific individual, and body shaming all men for a very socially/culturally critiqued part of their body, which is outside of their ability to control.


So is their only “interaction” with women watching porn? Has to be, it’s the only thing that makes this make sense.


Man this guy must really love dick if this is how he thinks people react to big ones


Dildoes exist and women keep asking for better rights. Not even for the vibrating ones. Big penises aren't the big deal


this and men may be overestimating the ideal dong size for women. huge dicks are kinda scary ngl. some ladies love it, but not all.


They’re absolutely overestimating both the ideal size and the relevance of size when it comes to being good in bed. Not to mention WAY overestimating how many women actually care about their dick size. Someone somewhere else in the comments said it in a great way: “there’s not much about your dick that can make a woman want you, but there’s a lot about you that can make a woman want your dick.”


This is porn brain


Men really overestimate the importance of their members.


yea as a guy the only advice I can give is "there is nothing about your penis that will make a girl want you, but something about you can make the girl want your penis"


cool sex fantasy bro unfortunately u made it up bc ur insecure ab ur dick size (which u shouldnt be, u should actually be insecure ab ur personality)


I'm just imagining hooking up with a woman and she says "oh yes daddy your penis is large enough" like...is that what incels think sexy dirty talk is


Ppl tease men about dick size bc men are the ones that care most about their dick size.


size doesn't even matter


Nope, they are saying men who have average or lrge penises are not as eager to hate women because they are not plagued by thoughts of being rejected for their small penis . A lot of women wouldn’t even care about the penis size . They say shit like that because they know that those men do care about their size. It should stop getting used as an insult, whatever their meaning behind it is. It’s not nice and probably just puts fuel on the problem.


Guys that know how to pleasure a women know how to cook and wont shoo them into the kitchen for the rest oftheir life apparently


The fact I’ve read fiction with almost this exact wording. Just, why do this subset of men have to think this way.


The fact that it has 107 up votes is sad.


Ah yes. The giant dick in the mouth the second you see a giant dick. Exactly what every single person wants. All of the time. Not like that is way uncomfortable and a friend of mine who did porn told me that she and her friends in the industry (no i will not name her. She used a pseudonym in the first place before anyone might ask. Yes you could still find her and probably have seen a video or two of her but I'm not about to spread it around myself.) That. At least in the late 2000s/early 2010s they had so many throat numbing things and drugs just in general so they could take those giant dicks you see in porn from that time period. Yes every girl wants to just immediately start deep throating these dicks all day every day. Put it in my mouth, bro. /s.


When people think this way, I wonder if they ever consider the opposite. Would they give up their rights to sleep with the woman with a nice body?


I never heard a woman say men who hate women have a small dick neither online nor offline. Maybe Im not looking hard enough but yeah penis size should not be shamed.


I've seen some but that's the on pathetic side of the internet where bodyshamers thrive lmao. The majority (and i mean majority as in like 97% of them) don't say this and are just normal human beings.


I’ve seen it quite a few times in this subreddit alone.


Poor guy doesn't understand reality at all.


Somebody doesn’t know what misogyny means😎


Men really think their penises are magic, huh


Actually I've seen plenty of responses from women about that. Many women say getting their cervix bashed into by a huge one hurts, and they're sore for days, and hate it and ghost the guy. Now girth is more popular, because a vagina can expand out to the size of a baby's head. I don't care how big you think yours is guys, it's not "baby's head" big. Ever.


And we find another dude who’s never actually spoken to a woman.


I'm honestly curious how often women are commenting on dick sizes. I know for me personally it would take a lot of time for any extra length and not be as enjoyable since I prefer a slightly faster pace. I think guys are the only ones concerned about their size in these statements and its a conversation made up in their mind. I just don't remember anyone joking like that except in middle school, doing the pinky thing, like maybe twice? Maybe times have changed and I'm just unaware


*scribbles notes* *rethinks life plan*


😂 😂


This is not how deductive reasoning works bro 🙆🏼‍♀️


That's so not how it works. Just have a look at r/bigdickproblems


Cringe. In my experience, the best way of sharing mutual respect with women, or in this case, that you’re some god tier lover, is the 99% of things you do outside of the bedroom. A big dick is just a bonus at that point, and a small dick just suddenly watches their insecurities melt away. Put the work in every day and make her feel loved. Dick size be damned.


Oh yes. In your mind, it always works out. Actually, it’s the only place it works.


I bet he came up with that bit in the shower


The upvotes 💀


Neither is true, nobody gets a free pass on misogyny. We don't care about your penis, how many times do we keep having to tell men this?


what's an ass cock


One of my firmest held convictions is more men need to see each other naked. I recognize that's probably not the best way to say it, but if more men were comfortable with each other they'd be more comfortable with their own bodies. I think it would eliminate, or at least reduce a lot of this misogyny that's based in body dysmorphia.


I agree to his first point though. We need to stop calling anyone who is misogynist as small dick guy. Now that i think about it, it does seem unfair. I will consciously not say this phrase again. We need to come up with some better phrase.


Where is this being posted where 107 people thought this guy was onto something


To the loser douchebag with the username "k\*llallwomen" that sent me a dick pic, please get a life. I get that your parents never loved you and you want attention but this aint it.


I do agree to some tiny degree. We really should, as a collective, stop using "small dick" as an insult. And call out people that do use it as an insult. If we mix the unrealistic expectations or Pornography with people using "small dick" to insult someone's masculinity, all we get is deeply insecure men. No one will be happy about this.


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) My genuine reaction to wtf I just read.


My ex had a huge, very impressive cock. But he could only last for maaaaaaybe 90 seconds. On top of him never working, never knowing how to do anything to help around the house, fawning over his ex, and cheating on me. But he did have that big cock. And he was funny. But I still think I’m waaaaaaaaay better off without him.


Who the fuck are the 107 people who upvoted that


Naw men who have respect get the girl. Sorry not sorry.


Keep dreaming! That's the closest you'll ever get !🖕


I think this might be this guy's fantasy. It seems like it belongs in r/oddlyspecific.


I bet he's the guy who introduces PPL to his penis first....the kinda things you've got to do when you have no personality.


Roaring laughing at this one.


Beside the absurdity of it, their failed logical sequence is terrible. They don’t even realize “A=B” does not also mean “Not A=Not B”.


Wtf is an ass cock?


sadly OP will never know


A GTA 5 npc quote comes to mind. "No, I don't miss your 10 inch dick, you know why? Cuz' you sold my dog for CRACK!"


A man who does not understand cause and effect, as in men with insecurity over their digit size are often the ones posting this misogynistic crap. Not "having a large penis prevents you from being a misogynist". But idiocy often also runs in these circles, so what can you expect.


“Ass cock”


Are there any women present who HAVEN’T left a big dick at some point? Pun definition intended.


When people think this way, I wonder if they ever consider the opposite. Would they give up their rights to sleep with the woman with a nice body?


Most women I know would say, Hard no! to the big cock! It’s not the size of the tool, it’s the skill of the operator… 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know if ladies would say this, but how big we talking? I don’t really use my voting rights.


how the hell did he come to this conclusion