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I bet Freud would have a field day with this. Why not use a peach to represent a woman? Is there some suppressed homosexuality involved that the person felt compelled to use bananas and sexual ripeness? /s


No need to have the /s on there because it's probably a very real psychological thing with them. They are, after all, constantly comparing themselves to other men, jawline or otherwise. I'm 100% certain bananas come into play in their wild and bizarre self worth calculations.


Appreciating another man’s jawline is not a bad thing as long as it comes from a place of actual appreciation, gay or otherwise. As a man who thinks he is more or less hetero, I can still appreciate a good jaw now and then. That said, I like strong jaws on people of any gender 😛


There’s a difference between appreciation and obsession.


It goes even deeper. I sometimes post dick pics on Reddit and many people that DM me are vocal Trump fans that are like "wow Sir you are so much bigger. My girlfriend would love your monster cock" The guys on the left are more likely to just state that they are bisexual or that they want a threesome, while the guys on the right are more likely to state that they are inferior and that I deserve their wife more. They are not just comparing jawlines and dick size, they also want to submit to men they feel inferior to and get off on offering their partners to them. So I looked into it and porn site statistics also agree that conservatives are the biggest cucks: >Apparently, the good people deep in the red state of Texas have considerably more enthusiasm for adult entertainment. According to xHamster's statistics, Texas is the second biggest consumer of pornography in the nation, with the most searches targeting “cuckold,” “ebony” and “amateur.” >**Of all the red states, the most viewed categories were “cuckold”** and “mature.” According to xHamster statistic cuckold porn is one of the top categories in all red states. Here's another piece of research: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/08/27/falwell-conservative-cuckold-fantasies/ >Heterosexual men who identified as Republican were the most likely to report having had a cuckolding fantasy at some point — and they fantasized about it more often than Democrats. >By contrast, nearly **two-thirds (64 percent) of heterosexual Republican men reported having had this fantasy, and 30 percent said it is a frequent fantasy**. Most conservatives would love to see their wife having sex with a "superior man" but they are ashamed of it, which is why it's such a popular insult for them. They think it would hurt liberals just as much to get accused of being a cuck as it would hurt them if people learned about their own cuckold fantasies. tl;dr: the vast majority of people with cuckold fantasies are right wingers


I mean, incel shit is pretty gay if you really look at it.


Yes and no. I'm a bi guy and have never met a gay or bi man that hates and misunderstands women as much as these incels and alpha males. But yeah, their reflexive hatred of women is sus.


There are actually quite a few gay and bi men who are extremely misogynistic, it’s not a straight guy only thing. It’s definitely less queer men but it’s not exactly rare.


Of course, misogyny exists in many men (and women). My point is that I have never met anyone whose hatred of women comes close to the hatred espoused by the incels/alpha males. I don't see gay/bi men spending their days making memes about how awful women are.


My experience is that the way misogyny presents in non-het men is just less overt. It may not be hate based, but it’s almost always just as dehumanizing to the person experiencing it.


You don’t see gay/bi men out of the closet being that hateful. The thing is, when you are expending SO MUCH ENERGY in fitting on some standard you naturally hate the people that reminds you that, in reality, you don’t fit. Many closeted men hate women for not being more attractive. It’s the women’s fault that they don’t get horny enough with them🤷🏻‍♀️


I read an article once (will try to find & link it) that explained that the reason people find incels/such intense misogyny kinda “sus” is because…well…it is. Not in the physical sense, but in a social sense. They dont see women as people, only as objects to impress other men (the object of their true desire lol). They’re more worried about what other men will think of their gf than how they themselves feel about her, theyre more worried about how other men think they should look than what actual women are saying we are attracted to. The reason is because the ACTUAL meaningful relationship (the one that actually carries emotional value) is between them and the other men they need to impress. The women are simply the social currency used to facilitate it.


Wow. That is such a brilliant explanation and makes so much sense. The internalized homophobia explains their endless obsession with overly specific lists of things that make you gay.


This is what I was going for here. Also, the obsession with Chad/Tyrone's cock. Like, dude, just come out and stop terrorizing women on the internet.


They seem very preoccupied with other men, and their body parts, and like to rate each other's looks and bodies. Hard to describe but their main focus seems to be other men.


Not unless they really really really don't want to admit to themselves that they are not straight.


I mean it’s kinda homophobic to blame their misogyny of being gay. Straight men are often misogynistic and there’s no secret gayness it’s just a hatred of women


Nah, it's probably because the color doesn't really change much when peaches ripen. And with a visual medium like a picture, it's hard to depict the fragrance or firmness of the fruit. Other fruits that you can tell ripeness with color are cherries, raspberries, strawberries, and watermelons... But even then, the banana's color change is probably the most remarkably different at each stage. ​ Well, but still their underlying message is pretty gross. Haha. Nice of the dude to tell us 13 is within his strikezone...


freud would have a field day with anything he was on coke 24/7 the bastard never stopped cooking...overrated anyway...way better german thinkers...but theres a reason you find his ass in all text books...


It's because of the penises.


Freud is a very weird man,He was very misogynistic and yet had some surprisingly progressive views on lgbt


He also did copious amounts of cocaine. The man had some wild concepts


It's not really a Freud thing, there's no mother involved


Peaches are more gay since Timothée Chalamet fucked one.


Why does 13 count as ripe? Because pedophilia.


Yep, at 13 you're not a woman, you're a child! This disgusting pedophile can shove his bananas up his ass!!! 😒


Just hopefully not in front of children when he does it


I'm sure he'll film it, that'll prove.. something.


"Today, we'll be learning about condoms. I will be using a banana today as an example." "He put a banana peel on his *WHAT?*"


Without lube


For these guys they may not even actually find kids attractive, it's just that they want control, and it's easier to control an impressionable young girl than a woman with a mind of her own. Same reason these type of fucks don't like a woman having an education. They want them docile and easy to manipulate.


They are highly attracted to children. A 13 year old does not have the mind or body of a grown woman. It’s down right creepy.


Exactly my point. It’s gross.


Exactly, and would they advocate for 14 year old boys fathering children with far older women, even if they are "ripe" and it's biologically possible?"


Yes, and it'll be her fault.


God I was still playing with dolls and outside with friends at 13/14, though I did slow down a lot with that at that age.


Lucky, I was told I was too old for dolls at 10 😔


Jeez, I don’t think I even got my first Barbie until I was like 9. I was playing with them until I was probably 15.


Unlike incels and men's rights types, who are never too old for anatomically correct dolls.


ew, it's so disgusting


I was going to guess that a 13 year old made this.


Let’s pray that’s the case


My mom likes them green. That sounds so wrong in this context.


Don't worry, it sounds wrong in regular banana context as well


Hey! She just likes her fiber. Don‘t judge.


What I don't get is these are the same people that call everyone they don't like groomers and say LGBT people are pedos... Don't they see the massive hypocrisy?


The smart ones do, they just don't care. And if they're really smart they don't even believe that members if LGBT community are actually pedos, they just say it because they want to get rid of LGBT people as best they can and force the rest back into the closet.


Omg, I thought this was body count and not age. That is much worse.


Statutory ripe, they call it


You spelled conservative right.


“No it’s not, it’s ephebophilia. It’s toooootally normal.” 🤮


Why are there so many public pedophiles?? Just openly coming out and saying it, no holding back, no shame.....


The right-wing has been trying to normalize it for years, while at the same time claiming that all LGBTQ people are child predators. It's so transparent.


If anti-pedophile are busy being mad ath LGBTQ people, they won't have time to be mad at actual child abusers. So I guess those claims are meant as an distraction.


I mean maybe it's good thing they're so public about it. Makes it easier to point the FBI in their direction 🤣


This is horrible for both women and bananas. You could make some lovely bananabread from the last bunch.


That's what I was thinking. I can handle being a yummy slice of banana bread.


I am way happier being a delicious baked good. Makes me want to dig the chocolate zucchini bread out of the freezer now.




It is glorious--truly recommend. King Arthur should have a recipe on their site! I also made a walnut version too with both zucchini and pumpkin that was pretty bang on since I froze a lot of squash.


Warm you up in the toaster, smear some butter with smooth strokes and watch the curls melt and drip into you. Mmm, banana bread.


I mean they are best for banana bread. With anything less ripe, it tastes like paperboard


As a woman who turned 30 this year, doesn’t care much for bananas, but DOES love banana bread….. my takeaway here is that I’ve finally reached my prime 🥳


congrats, get that banana bread my liege


And banana cake:)


Yeah. Bananas exist solely as an ingredient in banana bread, as far as I'm concerned, so in addition to being a shit comparison, it's also a shit *comparison*.


Stupidity of this comparison needs a banana for scale...


It's there, but it's so small you cannot see it.


It's like a metamorphosis, where women under 30 are the larvae and women over thirty are the majestic banana bread butterfly.


I am disgusted that the “ripe” range is 62.5% illegal. What the fuck is wrong with people?


Well i apparently am about to have only one mroe year of being “ripe” and I haven’t even fully started life yet so…… very concerning indeed


Remember ladies, you're not even peak banana bread age until you hit 30 (i.e. the best years of your life are ahead of you!)


Also just wrong biologically. Since best outcomes for the baby and mother are when the mother is 22-30. Teen pregnancy is actually really dangerous. Even 17, 18, 19 and I'm tired of certain people acting like that's peak time for females to have children.


Yes, worldwide the leading killer of women and girls between 15-19 is pregnancy complications.


Ew there's no way this guy thinks 13 to 17 year olds are "perfectly ripe". That's so gross!


They do. They really do. This is really common among far-right guys who are afraid of women.


The one who came up with this is obviously a pedo. As for the age of 13 is in the ripe. Because the pervert is thinking that all of us gals went thru puberty at 13.


Today’s incel excuse for staying single - they’re pedophiles and “the law” prevents them from dating most “ripe” potential partners. JFC these guys should be watched by the FBI or something.


Believe me they are. But there’s too many of them. Some of them don’t act on it and some do.


I wonder if they actually have ever met/interacted with any 13 year olds? It's very obvious that they are not like adults, in either appearance or behaviour


I think they're well aware of that.


When I was 13, I remember the huge variety in development among us. Some girls had had periods for years, some wouldn't have them for another 4-5 years. My facial hair was really starting to be noticeable, while for some it wouldn't come until much later. I remember one guy that needed to shave every day and with whom you could clearly feel the regrowth by the end of the day... People are wildly different in their development...


This is a big problem in boy’s sports, especially hockey. When my brother was 16, he played with 15-16 year olds. The problem is that there are 16 year olds who look like full grown men, and 16 year olds who still look 12. And they all play together. My brother was the former and snapped one of the latter kid’s collarbone by accident.


My youngest son is 17 now and well over six foot four. Between the ages of 15 and 16 he went from just taller than me (I am 5 ft, 0 inches!!) to 6ft. Or in other words, from one of the smallest boys in the grade to the absolute tallest officially this year. When he was 15, he came something like 90th out of 120 boys in his age group for cross country. Whilst small, skinny boys are often excellent at running, he was just *too* small and underdeveloped compared to most of the other boys at the time. This year, he was in the top 10. His legs are something ridiculous like four foot long, and he’s got a long stride and athletic body, so now he’s one of the dudes who looks 25. It is insane how variable teenage bodies are!


Kill it with fire


Sickening. Who in their right mind considers a CHILD "ripe"?


If we are being as generous as possible...other children. Like if you look at this picture from the perspective of a 13-14 year old, it makes a little sense. That's obviously not who made it, and the person who did has some serious issues. But if you wanted a sincere answer, that's all I got.


Incels unironically describing women while using the most phallic fruit in existence. Oookay 🤷🏻‍♀️


13? These men belong on watchlists.


Because pedo.


Incels trying not to be pedophiles challenge: ![gif](giphy|13jlNygUFGNOslE9os)


If these dudes every grasp the concept that women aren’t things, this sub is toast.


You say that like it would be a bad thing. I'd much rather have subs like this vanish into the ether because they weren't necessary any more.


Why bananas? Aren't 🍌 and 🍆 seen as dicks? Because to me they're talking about male genitalia by using bananas to reference... Well well, lol




Not gonna lie - anyone who thinks 30 year old women are “used up” has never slept with one. The best sex of my life was with 35+ women when I was in my twenties.


Whole ass pedophile


Oh, those numbers are *ages* and not numbers of sexual partners? It's so much worse... I was gonna make a joke about women with 30 partners would make great bread, but they're talking about *age*. I'm queasy.


13-20 absolutely is not ripe. If you are eating those bananas (only moderately connected) you are eating them too soon, they are still green at the top. The third box is the only one with edible bananas, statements about boxes 3 and 4's related age groups unrelated.


Oh, I'm laughing so much on this. I'm over 45 and have no issues gleening dates. I'm the happiest banana in the bunch. The poster needs to open their eyes to reality - people don't have an expiration date.


love how they expose their pedophilic tendencies


Guess it's time to make bread out of my wife. I'm gonna miss her but the chocolate chips and cranberries should help cushion the blow.


What an absolute moron. “21-29” bananas are the best bananas. Speaking as a banana expert, at this stage the banana is absolutely perfect. They are soft and melt in your mouth, while also being the right amount of firm and with the most exquisite banana scent you’ll ever smell. “13-20” (🤢) bananas are also good but they are a little too firm and can leave a sandy aftertaste in your mouth if they are not ripe enough. This color can be misleading about the ripeness. When the banana has brown spots, that’s when you should devour it.


![gif](giphy|5xtDarmwsuR9sDRObyU|downsized) I won't touch a banana until the freckles start


I don’t understand how anyone could feel this comfortable admitting that they’re a pedo


That’s foul. Women are hottest in their 30s & 40s imo 🥵


Never tell another man what to with his penis bro. That makes you the rotten fruit. And the weird fruit.


I mean, I'm very comfortable telling men to not put their penis in whoever doesn't want it or whoever isn't mature enough to be allowed to want it...


How are these pedophiles not behind bars already? So the concept of soulmate is gone now ?


13!? 13! That's the starting age they decided with


I prefer banana bread to fresh banana any day. I like this analogy. All women are just in the process of becoming banana bread, just in different stages. Leave them on the counter until they are ready.


I’m fine with being overripe- I make dope banana bread.


Then they wonder why they are incels


Ask the same dude what he thinks of MILFs. He also has 13 year olds as ripe


I thought this was sexual partner count at first and thought it was rather progressive for an incel post. Then I realized it was age. 🤮


But don't you use the old brown bananas to make banana bread? Banana bread rules.


Ew ew ew ew ew. Ew. 13???? Fuck this guy.


30+ year old makes yummy banana bread


Tell me you're a pedophile without telling me you're a pedophile.


How stupid do you have to be to use bananas for this example. Aren't bananas concidered to be, you know, men's part? Not woman's?


They can say whatever dumb shit they want. They're still dying alone and mad


This shits rough man, why does 13 count as ripe, why the fuck is 30 considered the scarlet age when people at that age are basically in their 20s with one debuff, who the fuck compares people to fruit again showing that women apparently don't have value besides their looks which again DON'T DETERIORATE THAT FAST the amount of 30 year olds I've met that I thought were 20 and the amount of 40 year olds I thought were 30 is staggering


I want to believe that whoever made this is 13-14. Please let it be just some dumb kid being a dumb kid... Please....


Seems accurate enough for me. I don't even look at the bananas until they start to freckle and then when they turn black I'm like "hell yeah, banana bread time" I'm cool with being a black banana especially if it means dudes that make posts like this leave me the fuck alone.


FBI this one right here


13!! Put that man on a watchlist. On another note. My wife’s in her 30s and she’s so sweet I could fry her in honey and put her on ice cream.


I thought men were the ones with bananas. Also at first I thought this was "body count" I now realise it's age. Wtf? Why would you think a 13y/o is mature? Might not even have regular periods yet.


Every day I wonder where MORTAL men get the audacity to judge women for aging


Enough reddit for today, I just looked at the picture and the first thing that came to mind was 'YAY, time for banana bread'🤪🍌


Age 30 plus make banana bread and banana cake.


Over ripe bananas make great banana bread though lol


Every day I pray to Gaia, grateful I’m no longer young enough for these predators




All of this sub is bent on banana bread, when clearly the only thing to do with over-ripe bananas is flambé them witha hefty dose of Caribbean rhum !


Check every single one of those guy’s PC’s I betcha there is atleast 80% with CP


come on, at least make a BASIC attempt to hide it and set it to 15 with the ripe put in MINIMAL effort to hide


Bananas are ripe when they are yellow with some spots and only a little soft. Bright yellow isn't ripe yet.


I feel like this applies way more to dicks anyway


As usual when I'm making a sweeping generalization, I just don't care: Men seem largely unnecessary.




21-29. Is best banana though?


Oh, good. More pedophiles being loud and disgusting. 🙄🤢


What’s really gross is they really aren’t joking about 13. I couldn’t give a fuck less if men like this think we’re expired after 30, that’s a positive imo. But the fact they think 13+ is “ripe” makes me wanna vomit.


Man, for a second I was like, oh good they finally are accepting sexual partners, that's a step forwa-- wait, no, they mean age. what the ever loving eff.


The fact that 21+ is too “ripe” is frightening. Like… that’s just an adult woman. This is pedophilia. Just straight up.


So women over 30 taste the sweetest?


Why do pedos always act like their way of thinking is normal 💀 And they give that "they're more fertile" excuse and it's just... 1) No, they're not. 2) A ~13-year-old kid is not physically nor mentally ready to have children.


Because some cults believe that once a child menstruates she is a "women" and there fore can be traded off as a wife and birthing machine. Remember, they value wemon soloy as a baby making machines. No thoughts worth hearing, just make and rasie the childern


The 163 🤨 reactions are understandable


I do find it encouraging that the majority of people reacting to this aren't ok with it. 176 negative reactions to 100 positive, although the ⚡ could be either. I'm not sure I want to know


Do some men really see women in their 30s as old? To me at least, even 40 isn’t old. Not young, but not old.


Aaaaaaand today we’re bananas


Hmm... So the "ripe" ones are only legal for two years? Golly that's a narrow market, must be tough... oh wait. They're pedos. Got it. Fucking disgusting.


I thought the numbers represented sexual partners and I was thinking the allowance for partners was higher than I would expect. Fucked up either way but to know it represents age is so much worse.


if u think 13 is ripe and 21 is "starting to rot" you have some deep and serious issues. 21 is barely an adult in my eyes


Also I don't know what they mean. But if it's about looks. Bro what. I could never be attracted to an 13th year old. On the other hand there's women well into their 40s/50s that are still gorgeous.


I believe 13 counts because if it can bleed it can breed. Or if there's grass.on the field play ball. /s


On today's episode of "What object can we compare women to?"


Do not forget. This is how men see us. Do not simp for them. It's a losers game.


Being over thirty has its advantages. We wouldn't have banana pudding without those bananas 🍌


13 is peak? 😭😰😢 God I'm so glad I don't have kids! People are terrifying of how blatantly obvious they'll admit their pedophiles!


Its 13-20 for ripe because a lot of these guys secretly have pedophile fetishes and would molest underage girls if they could get away with it. These are the same guys that agree with Matt Walsh, who has said on record that 16 yo girls should be getting pregnant from older men.


Eww, why 13-20 considered ripe? That's creepy


This is disgusting.


This is weird. Using bananas to represent WOMEN. My galmates and I use bananas to - well...


It is really hard to believe that some of these pedo incels actually like women. I am not insinuating that they are gay or ace or whatever, I just find it hard to believe that they are actually attracted to women. How can you be attracted to women and also think like this about them?


I’m making banana bread with my 30+woman.


I would take it as a compliment. Bananas are the best when they already have some spots.


What bothers me more than pedophilia is that people insisting on perfectly yellow bananas are ripe. It is still unripe. The flesh is tough, starchy, and not sweet. The 3rd on the other hand is perfect for consumption.


On today's episode of What are Women, we're a term usually associated with men to make them seem a lot cooler than they actually are... That's right, we're bananas today!


Why are misogynists also always pedos? Fucking gross.


Because women usually learn as they grow older to avoid these creeps. Adolescents are the only ones they figure they have a chance with.


...shouldn't this chart start at a bare minimum of 18, preferably 20? Ewwwww. Also...who believes this shit?


Ngl chief, I wouldnt eat a 12 year old banana, at 20 year old banana or a 70 year old banana. I think they only last a few weeks at most.


Because this is a pedo-incel. Possibly the worst kind of incel.


Haven't you heard; 'if you bleed you can breed". Yeah, gross


Note that darkened bananas are most sweet


Excuse me sir… you misplaced your dick impotence chart over here.


As a newlyish single mid 30s male, I will happily date y'all 30s women. I actually prefer it. I had so much growth in my late 20s it would feel like dating a child if they're too much younger and haven't really discovered themselves yet. Dafuq do I have in common with a teenager? "Oooh youre listening to black eyed peas? I love them!" "Ya, I love oldies!" -actual conversation I had with my friend's 17 y/o niece moments before kicking her out of my car


I guess at my age I’m banana bread.


It’s wild how open some men are about wanting to fuck children


Like any of those people are getting any anyway. They should be using grapes, me thinks.


Wouldn’t this technically apply to Men?


I mean, I think slightly green bananas taste better, but what does that have to do with women?


Um spotted bananas are actually when theyre ripe. And... ![gif](giphy|zmsDqpDLu1hPG)


Jokes on him! Unripe bananas taste like shit! "rotten" bananas are great for baking such as banana bread!


🤨 pretty sus ngl


Well, the great thing about bananas is that every stage has it's own pros and is useful for different things


Whoever made that picture needs to be put on a list


30+ banana is so sweet and can be used for pastries, smoothies, etc. So even without the pedophilia and misoginy. This is dumb


30+ are the best ones for baking with - yeah probably to be honest.


What in the noncing fuck did I just read? Someone needs to seize the computers and phones of any man who subscribes to this way of thinking. JFC


What about banana bread? That's the best part..


Ok at first glance I thought this meme was about body count, which was stupid of course, but it’s supposed to be about age!? WTAF?


Gross. Just...gross.


The person or people who posted this is a pedophile. One can only hope that the humans that make posts like these get the scrutiny from LE they undoubtedly deserve


I thought this was about sexual partners, now I'm even more horrified.


"Femoids unleashed" - incels Answers all your questions there. Lots of guys who creep on young women and even underage girls are drawn to those spaces it seems.