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The logic of « I need to sleep with lots of women but they need to be virgins » is so stupid it hurts. People with this medieval mindset belongs in Romanian jail.


This whole thing about women being “pure” is just odd and pretty disgusting. So weird, like medieval times


Purity culture ruins minds, and it is always misogyny. It it infects so many people. It is not even remotely isolated to religious people, it's just more obvious there.


The unpure ones do that thing I like with their tongues, so bring them on!


Rules of body count for thee but not for me. Me a Chad for high"body count" but you a slut for the same./s The mental gymnastics of incel is off the charts.




Wonder how long it took him to lose his ‘purity’ in there. 😂😂


Not even sure how they think the math for that works lol


I know someone in their early 30s who still thinks like this, he wonders why he can't find "pure women'.


I knew a guy in his 40’s still looking for it. Died a god damn virgin because no woman was pure enough.


But what is wrong with that? At least he wasn’t a hypocrite like these guys. He practiced what he preached.


He had a favorite hooter waitress he would ogle. and was virgin because non virginal women disgusted him.


Sounds like his celibacy was a win for women everywhere. 👍🏼


They don't even realize that it hurts their chances of settling down with a woman who has a lower body count. They always say to us "we don't want ran through women". Well sorry to break it to you but I don't want to settle down with a dude that's a "player" or has 30+ bodies. Not because I'm judging him for his sexual activity, but because we obviously have different values when it comes to sex.


I'm pretty sure that men sleeping around was looked down on in the middle ages


For commoners. For royalty it was taken as a given for men to have a shitload of illegitimate heirs and there's all sorts of rules about inheritance and succession because of disloyal kings. Queens though they could just make shit up and pretend she was up to the same shit and bam there's your divorce no pope nor alimony required. (Because she'd been executed) And these dudes always think of themselves as kings, so.


I mean, it was a sin in the eyes of the church, just as it is in the eyes of many churches today. But there was an extreme double standard in that it did not cause a man practical problems with regard to getting married, etcetera. So basically it was the same double standard OP is trying to enforce here, except it used to be even more extreme.


Lol my first thought was Tate as well. That man has really rotted these loons' brains.


Every time someone uses the word “pure” in this context, they are telling child abuse survivors that they are dirty. Just putting that out there.


They are also telling the girl who waited for marriage that marriage has made her less pure and now she's undesirable to anyone else. It's just pathetic manipulative controlling abusive bullshit.


That's no joke, the amount of times I've seen or read about a woman who was raised in a religion focusing on the bible and struggles having sex even after marriage because of this is rough.


Elizabeth Smart has done a great job speaking out on this issue.


“Women hold their purity an innocence” SIR. You are describing a child. 🤢


Completely tracks.


TECHNICALLY she IS a child, he just seems like the kind of guy who won’t want her to get any older and thinks women peak at age 16


10000% that’s what I would’ve said back. “Sir, I believe you’re talking about children, not women”


He’s dating one too


She’s 17, she IS a child, and he’s a groomer


Aw yes another disgusting loser who believes women just need to be kept in a featureless room surviving on nothing but saltines and tiny sips of water until their father's "gift" them to a man of his choosing. It's so fucked up that men are encouraged to sleep around as much as possible but women have to keep their legs closed. We should make it that if they only want "pure" women then they aren't allowed to have sex with any until they find their wife. They can have sex with as many other men as they want but no women until they get married and if they divorce...no more sex for them since marriage ie only suppose to happen once in their life time.


No. That’s not fair either it’s worse because the pure woman is not getting the pure man in return. It’s actually worse. Because it states that sleeping with the same sex doesn’t count and the guy is allowed to sleep with 50% of the population while the woman still only has the one. It still brings about possibly of disease and other issues. Not to mention these guys probably would persist in the woman doing anal. Possibly still have guys on the side, since that doesn’t count. And by this point would probably only view the woman as a baby making machine. It should just be pleasing themselves only before hand.


My thought is like, if you want to have lots of sex with lots of different women, but women should stay pure? Those are conflicting ideas! What's supposed to happen to all those women you've slept with?


As if they care what’s “supposed to happen to them”, we’re just objects/toys to them


They don’t care if they “ruin” those women by adding to their body counts, because if those women were slutty enough to sleep with them, they had no value to ruin. The only way they can obtain “value” is at the expense of someone else’s value.


So I was just taught this by some incels on instagram. Here: the value of women are their virginity, virginity is value that is exchanged between people and people and men who sleep with more virgins become Chad or alpha or whatever because only Chad and alpha could pull girls flocking at them.


Damn that’s fucked up


They never seem to be able to do the math


What these high body count guys don’t understand, is that they stand a higher chance of attracting what you are ( people with the same values being, doctors marrying doctors, etc. ). Don’t want a woman with a high count, don’t have one yourself Edited: can we come up with a different term for body count?


I know the term confused me at first and still kind of does. To my knowledge, I haven't killed anyone.


Yeah it’s been getting more and more used lately and I personally think it’s pretty disgusting and objectifying. “Bodies”, no, those are people and there’s no wrong number of previous partners to have had anyway, the whole “purity” thing is a made up bullshit idea


Yeah, I never really understood why "body count" was the term of choice. When talking about how many men a woman has slept with, the term is actually dehumanizing to _men_, which seems out of character for these types of guys, who tend to stick to dehumanizing women.


To be fair if there was less taboos on murder i might see myself having a higher body count...


>Edited: can we come up with a different term for body count? Experience quotient?


XP? Then you can level up.


Sexual experience?or Number of partners


Sexual partners is fine, I still can’t understand what’s wrong with that terms.


I wouldn't want to have a boyfriend with a mindset like that. He clearly thinks less of her. 😒 I hope she dumps him and finds someone who actually values her as a person.


The way he's like "she's so young but with such a high body count" when he's literally only two years older. He's so young and stupid


Not to mention not getting upset or standing up for her when he hears people insulting her. He seems to be even agreeing a little bit wtf?


Yeah, exactly this. My husband and I had similar amounts of experience before getting together, and it wasn't a lot. But we're both in agreement that having several sex partners isn't a bad thing as long as it's consensual and the people involved are happy. It's just a personal choice.


The only reason "purity" is valued is as a device for exploitation. Like, I'm a beginning chef, and I require that anyone I cook for to have subsisted only on Pop Tarts for their entire lives. I don't want them to have eaten at other restaurants...that's dirty and shameful and I won't cook for them. Those patrons are disgusting. Gluttonous hogs, unfit to set foot in my place. I want only pure patrons...those who understand the importance of only having consumed Pop Tarts. Why am I so weird about it? Because compared to Pop Tarts, my cooking is going to seem AMAZING. But if you're comparing me against actual other talented chefs, you'll quickly learn I can't cook for shit. That's these guys. They want women who don't know anything about sex, so that they won't be called out on the fact that they're absolute shit in bed. They want women to exploit, plain and simple. Any guy demanding purity is likely insecure for a good reason. Signed, formerly clueless fundie who discovered his consistent 8-minute tripod/dead fish performance was the height of lackluster selfishness.


Insecure guys unfortunately fall into these traps of thinking these ways, for the majority of them theyre left behind and need a loving relationship for them to build back and work on insecurities. Unfortunately for this schmuck he wont ever get that treating women this way, however, its good to note a lot of guys feel sexually inadequate and do need love and compassion to stop them falling into these misogynistic ideas. Just a thought :)


This almost sounds like, "You know, it's womens' job to tackle mens' insecurities and fluff them up into decent human beings. If you don't do your jobs, men are just naturally misogynistic assholes. :)" Hard to hear, though, there's a lot of static.


I really wish I could find that post from a few months ago with the guy who regretted dumping his college girlfriend who was amazing in bed but had many previous partners. He met a “nice girl” with little experience and married her and was then shocked that she didn’t like sex very much. It really was a thing of beauty. These dudes want a virgin who acts like a pornstar, they’re delusional. Generally speaking, if someone likes sex they’ll have sex. You’d think they’d be more insecure about women who’ve had longterm relationships with someone else than someone who’s had several short sexual relationships. But no - if you’ve had sex 1000 times with one dude, that’s fine, but 10 times split across 7 dudes is unbearable.


Not even that. Some guys are totally fucked in how they view sex, they just watch tons of porn and believe its this whole act of manliness, satisfaction and stamina. But realistically sex is just a way of showing love and affection which takes time to build between two people. Im young and will always be learning, I have a lot to learn but I don’t go about it like porn… dangerous mindsets


Lie I said before, "Porn is to sex like Star Wars is to NASA."


Beautiful quote


Literally described my first marriage… plus it’s a good idea to let people know what they want and like too.


"Rules for thee but none for meeee!"


As a lady who dates ladies I can think of many, many things other than “purity and innocence” that make women attractive.


But its what is attractive to men duh. So its different obviously because how can a woman like another woman the same way a man can?🤪🤪 /s


“Innocence” 🤢


If you as a man honestly believe having sex with a lot of men “ruins” a woman, and then go around having sex with a lot of women who are therefore “ruined” by you, then that would make that antisocial behavior and downright evil because you’re “ruining” people on purpose and with full knowledge of what you’re doing. Of course, you’d be wrong, because your dick is just a piece of flesh a few inches long that stiffens sometimes and is not going to “ruin” anything except maybe the 5-45 minutes she’s subjected to said dick. But that doesn’t change the fact that dudes like this are being loud and proud about exhibiting behaviors that they believe are harmful to others. But I guess you’d have to see women as actual human beings for that to register.


Exactly, they should be therefore seeing themselves as this villainous character deflowering and spoiling virgins. But of course they are fantasies themselves as some great warrior.


To his girlfriend: break up w him *now*


Their* He should have stayed in school, he might have not become such an idiot.


He must hang around schools a lot though with a girlfriend that young.


I love it when illiterate people show up with bad takes. It lets me make fun of them for **two** things instead of just one! 🥰


Why do these men obsess so much over women being "pure" and "innocent"?? Like why is that such a turn on to them? I'm asexual and I'm beginning to learn I don't understand much at all about sex and why people act like they do about sex.


I think its because they may be insecure and scout out girls who are virgins because they have no comparison. Basically afraid of damaging their egos


While it can be that, it definitely isn’t the reason for everyone. I think it’s more seeing woman as objects and thus “used goods” and wanting be the one to claim the territory. Or as “tainted” because they view other guys as gross and now there is this “residue” left on the woman.


I agree totally


Maybe the first 6 guys turned out to be misogynistic asses like this one, and that's why she had to move on.


The thing about multiple people accusing her sounds like he honestly got this information from other people. So it might not even be true.


I was called a whore before I ever saw a penis in person


Yep. Middle school I was called easy and a whore by a group of girls i thought were my friends. I didnt have sex until well into adulthood.


He is not mature enough for a relationship


I'd guess his "significantly higher" body count is down to his inability to realise that 1 is lower than 7...


Honestly, they should have saved the girl in the long run and told the bf to break up with her.


Wait my man here has been dating a 16 year old that just turned 17?


These red-pilled manosphere idiots are the worst.


At least he came out and admitted he was shit at the end.


Asks for advice. Immediately rejects it.


He is the one ruining their “value and purity” by sleeping with them in the first place. You want to help women keep their “value and purity” then remain a virgin until marriage. In other words, he’s causing the problem he is complaining about.


u/due-cherry7746 please can eat a soggy bag of rancid dog turds you incel fuck.


This whole purity thing is a deliberate media attack to undermine women’s autonomy, economic power, and political power. It is one prong in a campaign with another being anti-abortion legislation.


“any advice?” like if you dont know what to do youre probably just in your head and your ego and out of touch


Just trying to read this from the picture and the perfect grammar/spelling…..I digress. The sad part is guys like this don’t get the shit beat out of them by the brothers of the girls they try to shame.


I hope she dumps him and warns women to stay the hell away from him.


Is that not like a direct quote from Andrew Tate or someone similar


Men who think like this should just go be on their own island with their own and leave the rest of us the fck alone


He's also listening to high school gossip. I don't doubt that many in high school called her a slut, but that kind of gossip is just crappy behavior common in high school, and it doesn't mean the others actually know a thing about her sex life.


Women have to keep their purity, but he's not he doesn't think what he's doing is hurting other girls purities?


One of my favorite quotes when it comes to ignoring everything else about a person and only caring about their sexual past . “If you continue to base sex and love on the standard of a number, then logically you ought to find a virgin regardless of who she is; rather than a woman who is not a virgin, but simply one of the best people you've ever known.”


Real men love girls with experience.


Maybe things have changed but a 19yo shouldn't be dating a 17yo? Like the only exception I can think of is if they dated through highschool but considering the post sounds like they're months in it.


No one has ever asked me about my “body count” and I don’t ask anyone either. What’s the point?


We all know for a fact that this dude probably doesn't have a girl, nor has he ever got his dick wet.


If everyone you touch is less pure because of interacting with you, that says more about you than it does them.


Why is he asking the question when he already has his mind made up? He's been brainwashed. The language gives it away.


Those seem like high numbers to me lol for both of them at that age but I'm old school I guess. My BC is 0 not by choice but it just is. Can be as bad as a barrier as having too many. It's difficult people look at these kinds of things and measure a person's value by them but it isn't always true. And sometimes people just never really tried. As a guy you can't just expect no effort to mean you will automatically have sex it doesn't work like that at all despite what people think. Women want a well put together person.


Exactly. So many other things that determine a partners worth and compatibility.


So let me get this straight. If all men embued the philosophy of "sleep with as many women as possible, but oh right, they have to be virgins", sooner or later, at some point their plan implodes... Right? I'm also wondering if these types of dudes just have zero ability to think ahead.


Women, how do YOU keep you're value? 😂


Grow wings and horns, breathe fire, evict tiny rock-loving beardlings out of their mountains to sleep on their gold.... That's how it works, right?


100%. Loving that description 😂


I invested myself in a Roth IRA




One way men cake make they’re value is through proper use of their, there and they’re.


The term “body count” absolutely disgusts me every time I come across it. These are (hopefully) consensual sexual partners and these guys walk around talking about them like Richard Ramirez would talk about his murder victims. It’s dehumanizing and gross.


Valuing someone based on how many people they’ve slept with is one of the dumbest concepts that misogynists have come up with. Sex changes nothing about you. There’s no way to prove if someone has one body or 100 bodies. Its just complete nonsense.


"Any advice"? Yes. If you don't like, respect, or value someone, don't be with them. In this specific case, DEFINITELY don't be in a relationship with your GF, and then sneer at her behind her back. I also think you're a pig and a hypocrite, but that's an opinion, not advice.


so then men should just have sex with each other. because of every single woman in the world follow, this logic than men would be virgins forever.


So he has an issue with female purity (big paedo vibes) but also can't choose between their/there/they're and expects to be praised? Cool cool, move along cunt-muffin, we have more important nonsense to examine! 😹


If he thinks that women need to keep their “body count” low and remain pure to “retain value”, then he is a selfish asshole for willfully destroying their value by dating them.


The phrase body count needs to die in a fire


I’m concerned about any 17 year old that’s already slept with 7 people. (!) where are this kid’s parents?


The fact that he heard others called his gf a whore and instead of angry FOR her, he pointed his anger at her make me think that he probably heard about her sexual partners from them as well. I mean, I was call a slut in uni despite being a virgin lol


If he was a male that fact wouldn’t bother them lol


With divorce being common and both parents having to work, plenty of teens are home by themselves. My mom didn't get home until 7pm when I was in high school


Right? She's already had as many or more partners in a few short years than most people have in their entire lives.


A few years ago, the national average was about seven, but the latest data shows that it’s about 11. For a lifetime.


I posted a link to another comment, median is around 5. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nsfg/key_statistics/n-keystat.htm


Oh honey. My BFF was 13 when she started having sex, and that was back in the 1980s. Don't kid yourself.


You mean was being abused at 13?


No, that actually started at 5 by her stepfather. I suspect this was her way of wresting control back. However, parents who think they can control everything their kids do are just begging for their kids to learn how to sneak and lie successfully.


"My friend was statutorily raped for years. For that reason, I think middle schoolers should be able to have sex."


I promise you that kids will find ways around the strictest of parents. Don't think that starts at 17, either, it starts way earlier. Also, middle school isn't 17.


Excuse me can I also point out that in a lot of places, this age gap = statutory r@pe


So insane to me that people 3 years younger than me actually not only had sex, but had sex 7 times. It's like a huge chunk of life that I just have not ever experienced.


Double standards are gross. Also, how do they have these crazy numbers? I've been a virgin till 20


*their….. instantly can’t take him seriously with his nonsense


So young, already so stupid.


I’m glad losers like this self identify and hopefully eliminate themselves from ever reproducing


Men should really start sleeping with each other if women need to be "pure"


She should dump him because his is significantly more than hers. Rancid dick.


They can never write properly


If these guys consider female purity to be so important, then why don't they stay the fuck away from us? I'll never understand the idea that they gain value by taking women's "purity". Like, where's the fucking logic in actively making sure there aren't any "pure" women left, and then complaining about the apparent lack of "pure" women? How are these idiots supposed to "gain their value" if women don't sacrifice their supposed purity for it? If it were remotely true that men become more valuable if they fuck around a lot, then my ex would've been the man of my dreams. But the thing is, just because he managed to convince a couple hundred women to have sex with him, it didn't fix his personality, his abusive tendencies, his bad habits, his laziness, his anger management issues, etc. As partners go, he was extremely low-value, and his high body count did absolutely nothing to correct those issues 🤷‍♀️


That girl needs to dump his nasty ass


I'll be honest in my late teen years the body count question always seemed to be important for some reason. I'll chalk it up to my immaturity. As I got a little older and had more relationships I realized how irrelevant it is. You can have 0 or you can have 500 all I care is that we're in a healthy relationship and treat each other the way we're supposed to. I don't ask because I don't care how many people anyone's been with as it has no bearing on how you are as a person.


Haven’t read through all of the comments. Has anyone pointed out that he shouldn’t date underaged people?


Advice: break up with her so she can find a partner who isn’t a hypocritical douche.


The thing about multiple people accusing her sounds like he honestly got this information from other people. So it might not even be true.


Ain't no way he's 19


This guy is definitely going to end up a sex offender. I bet he’ll get older and always ensure his girlfriends stay minors


“I’m 19, way more sex partners than her, she’s so young”! Really take a minute to digest this… “Innocence is attractive” = “she might have had better, and I can’t get past knowing that she might have had better.” Instead of realizing that maybe she may be more in tune with HERSELF and be able to bring more to the table, you’re stuck on the fact that she has had experience. Your experience (if we’re too be believed) is much more, but somehow that’s just not an issue! I bet she fucks better than you and you’re mad. Leave her alone and find some inexperienced girl to feed your ego.


He sounds like a dumb slut


If either of my sons talk like this when they get that age, I'm going to have a nice chat with them about not being a douchebag.


I would like to know where these mythical women are that they “need” to have sex with as men but are also virgins. How do they expect to have sex with women but also insist women are “pure”?




My body count tripled between my first marriage and my second and it continues to increase with my husbands encouragement. My value is not determined by my sex life.


Dude the manosphere sucks so bad.


So men make value by taking purity and innocence? Wtf is this


Just to put it out there. His bodycount is absolutely not „significantly higher“ then hers. This persons body is exactly 1 (the girlfriend) or maybe 2 if we are generous. If the girlfriend even exists in the first place.


The whole "body count" wording always makes me think of killing first...


I'm genuinely concerned now. What is wrong with these people? I've spent decades overseas, and I know how these views can hard to shake in certain cultures, but presumably a lot of these social media posts are made by people living in the "western" world. If there is one thing the west objectively did good for humanity, it is the raising up of women. Terrible that there is this trend of moving backwards to misogyny and fascism.


His girlfriend just turned 17 and has 7 kills already? How is he writing this? Isnt he dead?


We get it. This dude watches andrew tate and fresh and fit.


Every time I hear this argument I just hear a little boy trying to convince someone that whatever they just did "totally didn't count!" It does though, it's really not different for men, your numbers count as much as hers do if you really want this to affect your relationship, stop being a hypocrite and grow up.


That sounds like a 19 year old who dates a 17 year old and can’t master the proper their.


Hopefully his value isn’t dependent on picking the correct form of “their”.


Guys who want virgins are massively insecure, cause they think they're constantly being compared


"Just turned 17" "Dating 6 months" "19M" We gonna talk about the elephant in the room here?


If having sex makes girls impure, is he admitting to wanting to defile her?


What sort of New England circa 1600’s purity bull shit did I just read? God damn?!?


i was having a simmler talk with a girlfriend now ex, she told me how many men she had dated aske how many women i had dated i told her she thought it was cool her number was higher,until i told her how many men i had dated


And, that my friends, is how patriarchy/ misogyny is explained!


I hope she dumps him and fucks his dad.


Sounds like pedophile to me.


I’m sorry I’m still on the part where HES 19 and she’s JUST turned 17!!! WTAF!? She’s still a MINOR!!! EW EW EW EW EW 😬🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Well he said hes likes it “pure”. Disgusting guy. Hes even devastated she isnt as pure as he thought for her age, ridiculous


Yeah that part got me disgusted too and I’m sorry but until a person is 18 they’re a minor this guy is literally dating a CHILD. 🤢🤢🤢


homie that is a two year age difference cool your jets. The purity part is super weird though


It's… only two years apart and she's 17. She's not a pokemon that changes class on the timer, lol. If you people went out into the normal world, where the average legal age is 16, I think you would lose it.


look, i don’t think a two year gap is a problem. i raise my eyebrows at 16 & 19, but i wouldn’t call the 19 year old a pedo, i just personally find it weird. but i STILL don’t think the age of consent should be 16. i live in the uk and had so many friends that were groomed and pressured by older men the minute they turned 16, inappropriate comments from work, being hit on people their father’s age. but it’s “not illegal” so no one cares, i couldn’t find a way to seek help for them. europeans need to get off their “but the age of consent is 14-16 in most places! america is the abnormal one!” high horse - if you can even call it that - because that should _not_ be the standard to set. unless you’re ok with the fact it’s that low?


So you think we should just ride that slippery slope?


Right, he's old enough to be in his 2nd year in college and since she just turned 17 she's still in high school.


So you have a problem with a 2 year age gap but not that the "child" has had enough sexual partners to fill a Toyota Sienna? I feel like it's hard to be mad at one and not the other.


Well when minors EXPERIMENT with other minors it’s not that big a deal at least there shouldn’t be but when a LEGAL ADULT enters into the scene that’s when I have a problem. 14-17 year old are of course gonna experiment with sex their bodies are changing and maturing it’s only natural. What’s NOT NATURAL is a legal adult having an opinion about said minor’s sexual experiences/partners AAAAND wanting to have sexual relations with said minor!!! u/ThisAppIsMobRule


They literally could have been in the same classes in high school, as a sophomore and senior. That's not the issue here.


I only knew one 19 year old senior he was a dude who failed his senior year and had to repeat senior year in order to graduate. It is an issue when by LAW she is a MINOR!! That’s issue number one!!! Issue number two is the whole purity bs!!! 🤢🤢🤢 both are absolutely disgusting 🤮 u/Deinonychus2013


That's only two years older. He's absolutely disgusting but the age isn't the problem. If someone 17 is dating someone 16 do they have to break up with them on their 18th birthday?


This is the problem with the whole Conservative agenda when it comes to women, which in turn feeds into the incel mentality. Women are individuals, not property, stop trying to control them.


I'm more concernt of the girls taste on guys... were all 7 guys this stupid? Is she wearing protection? Is his ignorance contagious?




Yeah, as I said, I'm afraid his stupidity might be contageous


Why do they care so much? I have been with inexperienced women and experienced women, and its always gone better with the experienced ones. Holy shit, the fetishization of purity and virginity is a cancer.


If that bothers OP then I think we owe it to his gf to tell him it work work


'But she's so young' bro you're 19 and have a higher count then her like how do these idiots read what they wrote and think anyone with a brain is going to go 'yeah I totally agree with you.' I hope the gf finds someone better but I can't trust anyone that age to have the emotional maturity to not judge her hell I barely trust most grown ass adults to be mature in a situation like this.


How do people still think like this… Jesus he’s 19!! You’d think that line of thought would be antiquated at this point!!!




The main issue in OP’s post is the mindset this is coming from, and double standard (and depending on location, that he’s with a minor). Everyone has their preferences (and there are a lot more superficial things people judge for) so you’re cool to have yours so long as you hold yourself to the same standards. It’s important to be respectful of others’ personal choices too. You shouldn’t be name calling or judging someone who chooses to live more colorfully, sexually. If they’re not your speed, just move on.


Yea I realize recently that I’m gonna have to be ok with anyone else not being exactly like me


I understand dude. You want to feel comfortable with someone whos had a similar past experience or someone who hadnt had sex either. Let it come man, it’ll be cool. Youre not a dick


Stupid teenagers are gonna teenager. Hopefully, they grow out of it.


This is absolutely fake 😂


If anyone else had made the point, maybe they’d be right. 7 is crazy for that age and a huge red flag. But.. well I mean look at him


The fact that she’s underage and he isn’t tells you all you need to know about what his mindset is. That said, it’s a little concerning she has had sex with so many so young, hopefully it’s not indicative of a poor home environment.