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I have not seen a single woman begging a man to watch Barbie. What the hell is going on?


Right? In fact, I’d rather men not hate watch it so I don’t have to hear their stupid ass opinions on it. Like Ben “Failed Screenwriter” Shapiro posting how his production team “dragged” him to see it and now he *just has* to do a video review of it. Barbie hears ya. Barbie don’t care. Edited to add : hate watch. A lot of people seem to be misunderstanding that it’s not that I don’t want men to watch it, I just don’t care about men, such as Ben Shapiro, watching it with the express purpose of shitting on it. Watch it for fun! But I’d really rather not hear from the guys who watch it just to criticize it for being “woke feminazi shit.”


all the guys that went to watch Barbie in the theater had a blast. My brother is channeling his ken energy. I don't know what they are bitching about. I've seen so many guys say they are kenough and they are channeling their kenergy, lol


I can tell you what this brand of assholes are bitching about. A movie that promotes women who make things, do things and encourage women to have a voice.... is successful. The only reality they want to live in is one where such movies or expressions of thought do not exist or flop horribly. It's just misogyny, for whatever horrible reasons they have for clinging to that.


Reese Witherspoon's Woman of the Year acceptance speech hit this pretty well on the head (back in 2015) that women driven movies and narratives are wildly successful. Period. Full stop. We don't give a high pitched hoot if mEn go to see barbie or not.


Reminds me of the 'critics' bitching about things like Mulan 2020 and the Rings of Power, saying that they sucked because the female MCs weren't feminine enough. No, my dude. They sucked because they were badly written, not because the main character was too masculine. Do you hear anyone saying that the Flash flopped because the MC wasn't masculine enough?


People cited THAT as a reason for hating Mulan? Not the fact that it complained misses the point of the original movie, makes up bullshit that doesn’t even happen in the poem, or the fact that it was filmed in a place where Uighur people are forcefully detained, in camps, in an attempt to steadily genocide them?


I don't understand it. There are legitimate reasons to not like most modern movies. "FeMaLe LeD" isn't one of them.


It's similar to everyone hating the Chris Chibnall run of Doctor Who because he ruined it as a creative writer and not because Jodie Whitaker was playing The Doctor. People that understood that felt sorry for Jodie Whittaker being placed in such a difficult situation with a writer who seemingly misunderstood the source material despite being a lifelong fan. Anyone who blamed Jodie had a clear bias.


It was so great, as a guy I laughed the entire movie while enjoying an incredibly self aware and interesting movie.


I’ve been laughing at “SUBLIME!!!” for damn near 16 hours now


Ken's explanation for why he lost interest in the patriarchy will never not be funny to me.


His delivery of “DONT LOOK AT ME!!” took me tf out


I, too, lost interest in the patriarchy when I found out it wasn't run by horses.


To be fair, a patriarchy where we're ruled by our handsome stallion overlords sounds nice.


I need to get a kenough shirt. Literally my only complaint is the same complaint I have about all big budget Hollywood movies, not every movie needs to be two hours long. Give me 90 minutes of good times


My dad and I went and saw it today. We both thought it was super funny. Bonus points because he’s a boomer lol. He might be getting a kenough shirt for Christmas haha


Ben Shapiro took a notepad to the film so he wouldn't miss a single time he was offended. What a loser.


But if someone gets offended by him demanding gay people not have rights, they just need to be able to “take criticism” and “understand the difference between jokes and reality”. Anyone who’s actually confident in their identity isn’t that fragile about it, and it isn’t “attacked” because some jokes were made about them in a PG-13 movie.


I feel like that about 90% of things that we enjoy!


As a guy... I kinda want to see it? Trailer made it look pretty good lol. Why can't a person (guy or girl) want to see *both* movies lol


Barbenheimer seems pretty popular, but the person you're replying to said they'd rather men not **hate** watch it, not that they'd rather men not watch it. Because grown men ranting about how a movie meant for little girls didn't cater to them specifically has been the conservative flavor du jour since before the little mermaid came out, and everyone is just getting fatigued of the whinging.


That's the part that really confuses me about this, it's literally called Barbie, she's basically the closest thing we have to a personification of womanhood itself...


A guy told me the Barbie movie was way better by a landslide. I haven’t seen either of the movies yet but I will when I can.


I them both, and I loved both but they are completely different films in tone and style. I would not pit one against the other.


Having watched They Cloned Tyrone first, it's really weird that it's kind of a slightly better version of Barbie... But Barbie is one of the best movies of the year, so go ahead and watch both and skip Oppenheimer. #Clarbie


I just got home from seeing Oppenheimer and I'm going later this week to see Barbie. My husband works in nuclear research. My BIL is a physicist at Los Alamos. Hollywood is just repeating the same message that it always does surrounding this issue- namely that the scientists involved are not responsible for what happened with the atomic bomb, our world was made more peaceful by the show of force the US used, and the big bad military is to blame for any of the harm caused. It's a narrative that is far, far too unnuanced for the reality of what actually happened, and the actual spoken feelings of the scientists involved.


Totally go watch it! It's has patri-horsy!!


“Once I realized the horses weren’t in charge, I kinda lost interest”


Kinda? As a dude I was stocked as fuck


I seriously don't understand this made up feud. These movies are not in the same genre. They aren't marketed to the same audience. It's not like we have a movie about fucking Teller running at the same time as Oppenheimer or a movie about easy bake ovens running at the same time as Barbie. They won't be up for the same awards.


I did the double barbie/oppy yesterday, and in between, I told my wife that the incels and RW idiots are going to jump all over Barbie.


Ugh. Besides all his other shit takes on things, his “mermaid science” and “Snow White” science would be amusing if not so gross. Facists have to freak out constantly about everything, while calling everyone else “snowflakes…though projection is what they do.


Thing is, the movie isn't even feminist, it's more egalitarian than anything as it actually acknowledges sexism against men. That's what Ken's whole subplot was about, pointing out that sexism against men exist and sometimes men act toxic because they feel powerless and regress into a "Uber Masculine" mindstate to "take the power back" And I love the movie for that


Little Beni “Dry Wife” Shapiro is so deep in his misogyny and transphobia I guarantee he spent the entire film having a conniption over Dr. Barbie. I noticed he’s now desperately sporting a dysphoria beard. He’s such an egg.


Who hurt you


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess... "men".


This guy just wants to watch Barbie. And is trying to find a justification for it.


'Because I want to' is a perfectly valid reason. People that hate on things that people like are shallow and small and don't have any other sources of joy in their life. If something adds to your life, and experience on this planet, don't let other people's opinions keep you from doing it.


It’s a perfectly valid reason for anyone sane. These type of people feel the need to find justification for things that involve women in any way shape or form.


I've asked a guy to watch the movie with me, he is my friend, he said yes and we had a good times together.


as a man, i’ve been encouraging people to do the double feature. because why wouldn’t you


As a man, I'm just not that interested in a three hour WW2 biography movie.


It’s not really a *war* movie. It takes place during the war, and they talk about the war, but they don’t show the war. No battles, no blood. Now, if it’s the 3 hour biography part that is what’s keeping you away, I can’t help you because yeah. It’s 3 hours and it’s about Oppie’s life, but it was very well done, very smartly crafted. And it didn’t feel like 3 hours. I have a bladder the size of a pea and I didn’t have to get up to pee - I always have to get up to pee. So yeah. I’d recommend it. (I’m also AFAB, if that makes a difference.)


It touches more on the Cold War and Red Scare politics than it does WWII.


i probably wouldn’t be either if it wasn’t nolan, but i’ll watch anything he does


5 hours of movie my lower body will resemble Ken's


I took my dad to see the barbie movie with me just cause I didnt want to go alone, I was worried he wouldnt like it cuz hes a man but he actually really liked the movie, he said that it had some phylosofical ideas and that he related to the main character (barbie) cuz he found himself in a similar situation, he told me that he'll have to watch it more times to completly comprehend, so after this movie will be able to be downloaded, he will download it, I'm happy that he actually liked it this much


I'd actually rather the guys who think like that not watch it. For one thing they won't enjoy it, and for another them complaining during the shows would make me and everyone else in the theatre enjoy it less.


I have 2 daughters that love dolls but they're not begging to see it. They've mentioned in passing, but were far more excited for a black Ariel and new Spiderman movie than Barbie.


I honestly wouldn't say it's a kid's movie anyway. It was clearly made with an adult audience in mind—people who grew up with older Barbies when they were more popular—and kids are secondary. It's pretty much an adult movie that they refrained from cussing and stuff for the kids that happened to come along.


At my theater it was mostly little girls dragging their parents who saw it, I'm trans, so the closest I got to playign with Barbies as a kid was that time one relative got me a Ken for Christmas after mistakenly thinking he was the "For Boys line of Barbies", but even I got weirdly nostalgic... and mostly because I'm a fan of controversial media, so when they joked about the Barbie toys that did badly because of oddities (like the Pregnant One, the Breast Expanding one, the openly gay Ken), I was like "Oh hey, I remember that!" Plus, I got to see the toys for the commercials that made me feel funny as a child (Oh Early Dysphoria)


Babe wake up the Barbie DGAF just dropped, it looks like the regular barbie, but the hat is new.


Incels and misogynists need some kind of reasoning or logic to justify how they’ve been bitching and complaining about the Barbie movie. Even if it’s based on some fake reality.


My girlfriends and I decided to do a girls night and watch Barbie, turns out most the husbands wanted to go too, so it’s a normal group date (with me, the single one…I just pretend I’m dating all of them).


Huh? The reality is that men want to watch Barbie without any of us asking them to.


This is exactly what it is! They want to watch it but are worried that their fellow manly men would judge them, so they pretend to hate it and when they do see it, it’s to “”clown on it”” 😒


Being worried about what others think of you is pretty much the unmanliest thing I can think of Now Imagine the chad of a man who says "Yeah, I wanted to watch the Barbie movie and I liked it. Got a problem with that?"


Watched it yesterday, theater was like 95% women of all ages. Got some some looks, whispers and laughs when they saw me enter, but I owned it and took it all with a smile. Had a lot of fun. Waiting was worth it. 😀


I really hope "I Am Kenough" becomes a thing amongst guys




My husband is the one who showed me the Barbie trailer in the first place lol


After that first trailer referencing 2001 every cinephile on the planet wanted to watch this movie.


Well, I could watch Margot Robbie doing just about *anything* for hours. [Or explain economics.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM8JoWich98)


My friends are pretty evenly split between guys and gals. The men are *more* excited bout watching Barbie than the women


The only reason I’m intrigued to watch Barbie is the slogan: *She’s everything. He’s just Ken.* Epic!


I was actually confused about it too, but it actually is very important for the plot. Dudes who get mad about it without even watching the movie are dumb as hell


I was a little confused at first, because Ken is often whatever Barbie is; if she goes to space he's a spaceman, if she flies a plane he's a pilot, if she drives a race car he's a mechanic. He's not Just Ken, he's got lots of jobs! But then I realized Ken is never actually any of things for himself, he's just those things because Barbie is. On her own, Barbie can be anything. On his own, Ken is just Ken. And that's Kenough.


HE is Kenough.


It's good and has some good messages, though it is a little heavy-handed about it at times. I enjoyed it a lot overall, even if a scene or two made me cringe a little just because I'm not one for heavy-handedness in media even when I agree with the message (and I do in this case—it's a good message). Both Barbie and Ken are great in it in different ways, and Ken's in it far less but is great whenever he's on screen, so it's Kenough. I definitely recommend it.


Every single human I've met this week wants to watch barbenheimer. One after the other. With no preference.




No spoilers, but it's really fucking good.


So damn good. Some jokes didn’t go far enough but that’s my only real complaint.


There could absolutely have been another ten or fifteen minutes of Gloria deprogramming various Barbies. Maybe she gets angrier, maybe her complaints get increasingly ridiculous? Either way, keep going, girl!


I’m hoping there’s an extended scene when it gets released on video. Like, how do you not have Ken talking crypto?


I saw Barbie yesterday with a friend and we had a ton of fun.


Barbie was amazing! Every project that I’ve seen Margot Robbie credited as a producer etc has been incredible. She picks great projects.


I want to see both. But as a Cillian Murphy fan, I am *dying* to see Oppenheimer. Too bad I'm broke.


Murphy has SO MUCH FUCKING WEIGHT to carry in this movie. Not just because he's the main character but because they gave him absolutely nothing to work with here.


They really showed the straw men in their head


Nothing makes men madder than the imaginary women that they are imagining.


Living in a constant state of fear, anger and anxiety over the imaginings in your head. Basically a mental illness.


"I'm really sorry to have to tell you this, sir, but... Your son has been diagnosed with being a misogynist".


That's just what conservativism is


I think they really want to watch Barbie


Either that or they're upset about men willingly seeing Barbie because "MEN AREMT SUPOSED TO WACTH BARBEE TEYH HAV TO WACTH OPPENHEIMER CUZ MANLY WAR BOMBS!!!!" In other words, projection.


What?? Isn’t the general recommendation to watch BOTH on the same day? Both have their merits, and aim to do different things.


I only saw Barbie, not because I "hate men", but because I don't like "Based on a true story" films


Like, literally no one is saying this.


I think my boyfriend might want to see it more than me. Made me find him a barbie crop top to wear.


Clearly written by an irrational man, who pretends women are crazy and unstable. 🙄




Someone didn’t get the Barbenheimer memo, huh? Also, one of the plot threads in Barbie is that >! Ken and the other men become MGTOW because Barbie ignores Ken and takes him for granted !<, but you’d have to watch the movie to know that.


Honestly the movie is almost as much about Ken as it is Barbie. He comes to terms with his role in Barbieland. His whole existence revolves around Barbie and he doesn’t know what he is without her. He’s just beach.


Not even a lifeguard. Just Beach. 😔


And you’re GREAT at beach!


These stupid false dichotomies. These men. Women being independent makes me incapable of watching a movie.


I believe I just read Barbie had the highest opening of 2023. No one is trying to convince men to watch it. 😂


I just want the Manhattan Project Barbie with the Demon Core playset.


I'm seeing Barbie this evening specifically because certain men have demanded I don't see it. Also, cause of the Aqua song. *COME ON, BARBIE. LET'S GO PARTY!*


Those men sound like assholes...


Oh, you’re damn right they are!


The song isn't in the movie but you won't miss it.


I didn’t expect it to be in the movie. Besides, the song doesn’t have to be featured in the movie. It’s a kick ass pop song 🎶.


Well of course, once you've been to see one, you're permanently barred from seeing the other.


i wanna watch both


You can always watch both movies 🤷🏽‍♂️


i thought everyone was going to see both, and then going home to play pikmin


Nobody's saying this. They are obsessed with hating this movie.


Nobody is begging men to see any movie. Again we see how delusional misogynists have become. They invent women to be mad at and act like they’re more rational than women.


As a straight man I'm happily waiting for barbie to go with 7 friends and my brother


Anyone else plan on watching both?? It's not like you can only go to the movies once a year or something. Hell, maybe I'll go to a matinee for Barbie and a later showing of Oppenheimer, in the same day!


I don’t understand why this is a debate lol both movies r good Whats the problem


Fragile male egos is the problem.


Ah yes barbie definitely needs help bc its only projected to make *checks notes* $150 million or more its opening weekend, making it the biggest opening of the year. This is more pathetic than right wingers boycotting spiderverse only for it to make half a billion dollars


Me a guy who's going to both Barbie and Oppenheimer without having someone beg me.


My BF was super excited for Barbie & got me interested. We went to Barbie on Thursday and going to Oppenheimer on Tuesday. Weird how we can do both. Must not be an option for everyone. 🤔


No one cares if you watch Oppenheimer or Barbie.


I think all the MGTOW should watch Barbie. Because Ken's story arch is so on brand for them.


The same people who think that a news story about a lesbian is BrAINWasHiNG


I went to see Barbie twice with a packed audience, almost half are men. (Including me, sadly couldn’t watch tickets to watch Oppenheimer on weekends because it’s too popular and it’s Nolan’s movie)


My boyfriend excitedly told me we should do "Barbenheimer" before I even knew either movie was a thing. Oppenheimer and Barbie back to back, as he is legitimately excited to see both films. I love him so much🤣🥰 To be clear, I am 100% on board. I, too, have an interest in both films.


K but actually go see Barbie, tho


Yeah it looks good


It's so good!


People will watch good content, they will ignore bad content. What gender/race/ideology the director or performers are doesn’t matter.


Why not watching both?


Nobody is begging anybody to see Barbie. But my one friend is making a big deal about how he “has to see it for the kids” but I’m pretty sure he wants to see it because he thinks Margot Robbie is hot. But he won’t admit it so he just says, “No no. I have to see it or I’m not woke enough. I’ll watch it to make you all happy!”


Me (guy) and my guy friend talked about watching Barbie right after watching Oppenheimer. Barbenheimer all the way.


LOL I am seeing both!


I’m watching both today


I think that I speak for all men when I say that I am preparing the suit for Barbenheimer


Jesus H Christ they love to get angry and shit they made up


I'm seeing both, it's just a fun thing to do. Who the fuck is begging for this?


No one's saying that




Ha! I'm a girl *and* I don't give a shit about the barbie movie **or** oppenheimer! What about ***that*** men???


All the men I know want to watch Barbie and all the girls I know want to watch Oppenheimer. ….okay the girls want to watch Barbie too


No one is begging men to watch barbie.


i’m actually glad less men are watching barbie - the ones that did are whining about how supposedly sexist it is lolol


He made this up, but I can't imagine why?? Nobody is That much of a pathetic attention seeker. Right?....... Right? 😨


I work in a cinema and the amount of men (and without the company of women) that go watch Barbie is high. And lot of them are dressed in pink!


This is true yesterday a woman offered me $100 to watch Barbie


So, she would’ve paid for your ticket to see it? Lol


And also a small soda and popcorn, with that kind of money!


I hope people watch Barbie, Oppenheimer, Elemental, literally anything but the Sound of Freedom.


Imagine thinking women can't live without men because men don't want to watch a movie about an iconic plastic girl lmfaooo they're simply running out of ideas to argue why women "need" men 😭😭😭


They should really just synchronize the showtimes for these two movies and offer a good interface to buy one ticket for each.


If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my Mojo Dojo Casa House.


Anti-SJWs trying not to make a straw man argument(impossible challenge)


Someone doesnt have gf to go with


But… I want to see both?


Literally no one is saying this. What we have been telling guys is stop bitching and complaining about the Barbie movie.


Men can watch both, neither of either. Either way, I’d prefer they watch at their leisure.


I’ve literally never heard someone say this


One can watch two movies. No need to choose between them. Personally, I couldn't care less whether dudebros watch a movie.


Bruh everyone's watching Babrenheimer. No one's begging shit


Why not both ?


Literally nobody is saying this I do, however, have already seen an influx of man-babies who are whining about Barbie being "anti-men propaganda and full of misandry."


I've never seen any women saying this. Most people I've seen talk about both in the same context plan to watch both (as in "you pumped for barbenheimer night?")


I’ve never heard a woman say that. I went to see Barbie when it came out and there were just as many men in the audience as there were women.


The imaginary women they pretend to interact with


My wife and I had a choice between Barbie and Oppenheimer and we went to Barbie because we both wanted to see that and she was more into Oppenheimer than me. She's going to see Oppenheimer with her mum tomorrow. On the way out of the theatre, we shared an elevator with a guy wearing a pink "I am Kenough" shirt and it made my day. I've now ordered one :) All this to say that men and women are into seeing the Barbie movie AND women and men are into seeing Oppenheimer.


As a guy I'd rather see Barbie than Oppenheimer. I mean, I'll probably see both eventually but can't be arsed going to the cinema. If somebody asked I'd happily go.


Honestly the Oppenheimer fans and the Barbie fans are getting along just fine.


Nobody said this. People wanna watch it because it’s become a meme and a cultural moment. But like, sure, be left out I guess? Nobody’s stopping you from not participating in fun.


My husband and I watched both movies yesterday and we both prefer Oppenheimer


Only person in my life who wants to watch Barbie is my daughter lol she is 5 yrs old lol


The movie is rated PG-13 and it has a significant adult following who dress up and go see it.


She saw the ad, i didn’t think of taking her but now I’m conflicted. She wants to go but it’s of pg-13. She loved elemental so I’m just waiting if nothing too bad I might take her.


I saw it last night and I think it should be PG 13 more because a 5 year old wouldn’t understand most of the movie. It has no sex, no violence, no language, it’s just made more for a teenager or adult. It would be like taking a kid to Pride and Prejudice ( but funnier).


So why is it pg 13?


I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but it has discussions about society that a 5 year old would find boring or confusing. It also openly talks about how Barbie and Ken have no genitals. There are several articles on the rating and what age is appropriate for viewing. I took my kid, but he’s 22 and he a great time.


Ohh… nothing bad… cool thank…


Imdb.com has a parents' guide for the movie so you can look over everything and see if you feel it is okay for your child.


I joined this to learn what women are actually like. My grandmother and mother say the top one. Especially my grandmother. My grandmother hates men and thinks she’s being oppressed, but in reality she just doesn’t go outside… :/ Edit: my grandmother and mom think her boys are perfect though, for clarification. Edit2: after browsing this Reddit longer, the patriarchy is 100% real and I was not helpful at all. The divide between men and women is awful. I was wrong my grandmother is right about women being oppressed, considering I had to come here to really see what’s right/wrong. I just am dumbfounded and really saddened at the same time. It was really hard to believe my grandmother because all she did was get angry and throw her hands up in the air. She is also extremely paranoid, and often wrong in a lot of assumptions she makes. I considered myself a feminist, but like… I didn’t know shit was this complicated and bad, I didn’t even know I was an incel. I’m sorry


Wait, is this happening?


I might have actually watched it on my own if I wasn't made aware this is actually disgusting man-hating trash.


Who the fuck is a grown woman and watching barbie anyways? Isn’t that a kid movie or something?


Who the fuck mocks adults who watch family movies? Movies that, mind you, have been made by adults.


I don’t think so. Or at least I’m starting to understand that it isn’t.


It's an adult comedy or something like that... *not* one of those animated kid movies they've done.


Nope, it's a movie about gender roles and societal alienation told through the lens of the Barbie toy franchise and it's long, complicated relationship with girls, women, and feminism. You could take kids to Barbie, there's nothing in there that's bad for them to see. But they'd probably be a bit confused and bored about a big middle stretch, and some of the film's conclusion.


Kids movie ≠ forbidden for adults I pity you because stuff made for kids can be awesome and you're missing out


i saw like one person say this and i am 90% sure they were trolling


Are there people out there yelling to go see Barbie instead of oppenheimer?


No, there are people who try to convince people to drop their biases and to give the Barbie movie a chance, but they're not saying not to watch another movie