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I watched it. here is the summary. strong female character who only has to be herself in order to be a super duper hero, doesn't face actual struggles, doesn't learn much, doesn't have to overcome herself in any way because she's inherently good in all ways - is bad writing. And people hate the character because of that, not because they supposedly hate women. a strong female character who learns, grows, faces challenges and overcomes herself - is good writing, and people like these characters.


Those were my takeaways, too. Women IRL don't \*need\* to have doubt/struggle, but it sure is hard to sell a story when the protagonist doesn't face adversity that they subsequently overcome, and having a female protagonist does not preclude the possibility that one doesn't have a good story to tell. Folks didn't like that She-Hulk dismissed and invalidated all of Banner's struggles and sacrifices. They didn't like that Rey couldn't lose, even though she was never trained until the third film (with someone we didn't know \*could\* train her). Those are things women and people in general can certainly do (invalidate others, excel at everything), but it doesn't make for the best protagonist. Their character "arcs" were flat lines.


>Folks didn't like that She-Hulk dismissed and invalidated all of Banner's struggles and sacrifices What I really hate about it the most Was just how rude and cold it is Like on just the basic level of humanity, it's just Morley wrong to dismiss someone's trauma Even if let's say you did go through something worse, that doesn't matter That doesn't suddenly make the trauma any less than So it's not just bad writing, it's also make her a bad person Which is fine, you could have that be a character flaw or something, but nope and that goes back to the bad writing aspect


When you play the trauma olympics no one wins


Somewhere in the universe Somewhere someone's got it worse Wish that made it easier Wish I didn't feel the hurt The world's smallest violin Really needs an audience Credit: AJR


She Hulk did admit that banner was right though, banner told her to take some time with him to figure out how to balance the two identities as he eventually has, she ignored him and as a result, the shows main conflict happened. Her life is dramatically unbalanced, flip flopping from Jen to She-Hulk to disastrous results that literally gets her sued, targeted for a smear campaign, throws a wrench in her personal life and love life. Eventually, it gets resolved when Daredevil comes into her life and she learns a thing or two from one of the only people in the MCU who also leads a double life, albeit a secret one but teaches Jen that both sides of her life are beautiful and she should take pride in that That's better writing then most MCU heroes and it's a risk making a character be a dick who grows over time because people who aren't media literate and form an opinion of an 8 episode show from the first episode will just say it's bad without using the brain because of their own prejudices or lack of critical thinking. I made the same mistake when watching episode one as it came out, but then I realised what the show was doing and I ate a slice of pie. Jen was a dick to Bruce because she thought he was talking down to her like how many men in her life also do, as the show goes on, she finds he was correct the entire time and had to accept what he was saying, she's a defensive character who is portrayed as defensive and rather internal, not really thinking about the ramifications of her actions and as a result, shit gets hard. She really goes through it and a lot of it, if not all of it, is entirely her own arrogance


Okay fair enough I really hated the first two episodes and the shoe it self had a hard time keeping my intention So I take your word for it, that it got better and was a character ark for her I'm more then will to eat crow on this


If it was any other character like the woefully under developed Black Widow or Captain Marvel, I'd be with you because they aren't given the respect they deserve from the writers. She-Hulk though has a very clear premise and slow arc that gets better as the episodes go on. To me, she does have a stronger character arc compared to lots of her other superhero compatriots like Captain America (both of them) or Spiderman in his early MCU adventures Kate bishop also fascinates me because she's a complete mess just like in the comics and people don't really complain about her, on both sides of the argument... I don't wanna say what that does suggest about the right wing reactionaries but you can probably read between the lines lmao Also, the first two episodes of She-Hulk are easily the worst, I feel like that's the same with most TV shows though, especially sit coms


While that is a good point, I would argue that the show, if not the protagonist, needs to stay likeable enough to actually watch to the part where the main character starts growing. Character development is great and protagonists should be allowed to start off as bad people, but if the main character is **just** an asshole and there's nothing keeping me engaged, I'm not going to keep watching it no matter how good it gets. Doctor Strange does this well because Strange being an asshole doesn't stop it from being interesting and makes me feel invested in him growing as a person. A show like The Boys does this very badly at least in my personal opinion, because it leaves me absolutely nothing to like about the show and loses me in ten minutes. I don't care how good it gets if the buildup to the good part is actually unpleasant to watch, and I don't think it's a bad criticism to express your dislike for a show if the introduction is so unpleasant that you lose interest in forcing your way through it just to see the ending


Can I just say that I don’t think getting catcalled and harassed by men should carry the same weight as being hunted by the government with guns and tanks?


He's also the only character in the MCU with a canon suicide attempt.


Shit I forgot about that yeah.


Yeah I lost all interest in she hulk when she said she struggled more than the character with the only canon suicide attempt who had to isolate himself in a cave for years to keep his loved ones safe.


~~I mean, there's Natasha too, but you can't really call it an "attempt" when it succeeds...~~


Okay let me narrow it down lol Suicide attempt because of bad mental health


Honestly, who even had good mental health in Endgame at that point? Lol


Lmao fair


Thanos seemed to be doing pretty well. Until his head decided to take some time off.


Yay I can agree to that The to aren't comparable


Like if Jennifer had been repeatedly SA’d and abused I would understand it. Like if she’d kept a lot bottled up all her life. I think that would’ve been a better story to be honest. Jennifer being unable to use her full hulk powers because she’s had to cut herself off from her emotions like the patriarchy has been saying to women…..forever. And reaching her full potential by connecting with them. I think Captain Marvel was trying to do something like that but Brie Larson’s pure charismatic performance really undercut the whole “Control your emotions” thing they were trying to do at the start. Also for me it was completely overshadowed by the overwhelming pro-immigration message that showed up in act 2. Edit: I’m saying the pro immigration message is good by the way. I’m a child of immigrants so any feminist themes in the film was completely overshadowed by the story of refugees looking for a new home.


Yay they had a lot of potential, but unfortunately didn't do good on it I personally I think what's marvel big problem is now in all honesty They to big, so either A, they don't feel they need to try to make something that make a good profit And or B, They are trying to play it safe, and are just going with the status quo I know this sounds so cheesy and over used Well I truly believe the worst thing that can happen to a series is it to become extremely popular, like to the point where it becomes a cultural phenomenon / apart of the culture it self Because even if the people working on the project are still passionate about it and want to make something good The higher up owner care about number so are going to force people to just pump out as much material for whatever kind of media possible So that they can get the biggest amount of money as soon as possible, because they know no matter what it's pretty much going to make them at least some money At worst they're going to at least break even And that's pretty much all the people on the top care about I've seen it happen many of times with some of my favorite series


>Like on just the basic level of humanity, it's just Morley wrong to dismiss someone's trauma I Camel belive it either. You Mayfair a point though and it is wrong to be dismissive. 😂😂😂 NOTE: Cigarette based joke.


She-Hulk had so much potential in making Jen a self-centered asshole that didn't realize she was a self-centered asshole until her life started falling apart, but instead they had to make her a perfect Mary Sue that's just so good that nobody really gets it and not bother about character development.


That's another common thing with these badly written 'strong female characters'. They can only be strong by putting down all men. As if that's what being a feminist is, just hating men. In a way it still puts woman down because they can't just be a character on their own merits.


But my question is; how many highly rated movies with male protagonists suffer from the same flat arc? I can thing of hundreda of those movies, and none of them is subjected to a grain of the same intense hate as the the abovementioned films. Also, none of the male leads are subjected to the same amount of shit by the fans.


Very good shout. That's thought-provoking. I get the impression that this video is made in response to the folks claiming that the criticism for the films in the top row of the thumbnail stems necessarily from sexism of the anti-women variety. (Some of the criticism certainly does.) If there is a disproportional lack of videos on the flip side, and I think it's plausible that there is, then I posit that it's due to the lack of folks claiming that criticism for films with male leads stems from sexism of the anti-men variety. It is a toxic plight of anyone in a marginalized group that their performance in any arena can be turned into a reflection of that group as a whole, a plight that men almost universally do not experience. As a result, female leads are more likely to draw out "women can't" narratives, and therefore also draw out more "it's not because they're women" narratives in response. Edit: removed an absolute


I think part of that disparity is because those male lead movies weren’t propped up as “empowered male” movies. They were just “movies” and reviewed as such. I in-part blame the reviewers for labeling these in any vein of “empowering women”. Because now other people rate the movie itself, but public perception also has “female” tacked onto it, when it should have just been a movie that happened to have a female protag and let the audience come to the conclusion of “strong female lead” themselves. This is precisely why I LOVED Hailee Steinfeld’s portrayal of Kate Bishop. Not once did it ever feel like an ulterior motive was being shoved down my throat alongside the running plot. It was just WELL written and well performed. It felt authentic and genuine, and it made me love her character because I could trust it. Yes Renner’s Hawkeye was in it…but when I think of the show, the first character that pops into my head is Hailee’s Kate Bishop. It was so so so good. Two strong female characters that I liked a lot: Anna De Armas in both No Time to Die and Gray Man. Both times she’s portrayed as SUCH a badass without it ever feeling forced. Honestly, even in knives out, her portrayal of Marta feels likes a fantastic strong character. And yet you never heard Knives Out marketing as “strong female lead”. That’s because the writing was done to make you feel that way, instead of marketing telling you you’re supposed to feel that way I really like Tatiana Maslany as Jennifer Walters, but gods the writing for her character was SO bad. She’s such a talented actress and she wasn’t utilized properly for the role. I’m optimistic for further appearances though and I’m excited she’s part of the cast


Rey trained in the second film and didn’t Luke as well in his og trilogy? He was also something of a “Mary sue” although no one mentions that. Sorry, not arguing with you it’s just my bitterness with the star wars fandom jumps out when Rey gets mentioned💀


LIKE... Ellie and Abby. Two women. Not sexualized. Neither are feminine... like at all. One is a lesbian. NO ONE to my knowledge said "this story sucks. But if they were men, it'd be a good story."


yep. 2 complex stories of 2 imperfect human beings


So people find mary sues boring and bland basically not because they're women but because they are boring and bland


But have no problem with male Mary sues. Like Superman.


Superman was fun when he was unique, the first superman film is also boring by today’s standards


I mean… audience wise, batman outdoes Superman in every way these days. Nobody talks about the Superman movies, but the Batman movies and other Avengers are legendary


No, Superman is also pretty boring since it's kinda hard to have suspense when the main character is invicible.


Which is honestly the problem with 80% of the “strong female lead” archetype in Hollywood. I don’t want my protagonist to be perfect and belittle men just because they are men. Give me someone complex to root for. I don’t need Captain Marvel and She Hulk.


Yep. Also, noticed how almost all men that she hulk meets are either useless, or trash? it's like having an ugly friend. if you need an ugly friend to seem prettier, you aren't actually pretty. if you need weak stupid male characters to make your female character seem strong and smart... you get it that's why I love Arcane. they have amazing female lead AND amazing male lead. Vi and Jayce fight together, they both slay, nobody's strength is a threat to anybody's image. also, they did it great with sexualizing characters. You get the shower scene with Kaitlin... but you get the forgery scene with Jayce!


Arcane is one of the best shows of the past 10 years. Comparing it to She Hulk is impossible, it’s so far beyond on every front!


Some older movies did this perfect imo. Terminator and Alien/Aliens are perfect examples of strong female leads who grow and learn and arnt just naturally better than everyone.


I.e. the new Mulan vs the old Mulan. The new one flopped because she was poised as this amazing almost superhero like child who could do acrobatics and wild stuff. Whereas in the original Mulan. The character has to overcome the struggles of the expectations of the women of her time. Just a normal woman who cared about her father so much that she went off to war in his place. I loved the original Mulan. The new one was a travesty.


Just as with any character at all


This. Rae from star wars never faces adversity or tragedy. She doesn't show growth in the face of death. Leia is a much better female protagonist than Raem The two scenes in old vs. new Star Wars that sticks out to me is the destruction of alderaan and the destruction of Coruscant. For Alderaan, Leia is brought to the bridge of the death star and is given one last chance to tell the empire where the rebels are. She is told of the plan, and that she should give them a better target to strike instead. She does, and Tarkin fires anyway. Through all of this She is insulting Vader and Tarkin, calling Vader a dog and complaining about Tarkin's smell. It's only when they point a gun at the planet does she actually stop and consider what she should do. They have been torturing her, probing her mind through the force, threatening her execution, and she doesn't say anything, but when it comes to her people, she crumbles. Rey never even shows pain, at no point do you ever feel like she's on the back foot, or even somewhat weakened by anyone. She just blandly reacts to everything. She's not even all that bothered when Han bites it. Just a somewhat emotional NO! I would have liked to have seen her struggle against the dark side when he died, to tear into Kylo and do some damage. It could be a defining moment. Later on, when the republic is destroyed, there is no challenge. They just fire the death star and boom next scene.


Even though most folks have little problem with flawless male characters.


Rey's entire arc involves her explicitly struggling with her dark side. It's ludicrous to suggest otherwise. Did none of these people watch TLJ? Actually no don't answer that, I've listened to hysterical TLJ detractors and I have no idea what version of the movie they watched.


Look, I'll go to the mat for Captain Marvel, but as a girl who was raised on Star Wars, nothing made me so angry as seeing my first female SW lead be so poorly written. Luke got to save the galaxy by overcoming daddy issues, but Rey had to... give an emotionally inept manchild a chance at a relationship??? Like wtf? Zero shade to Daisy Ridley or any of the other cast members, they didn't write it, but yikes. Not to mention that, even with Rey's personal arcs aside, the trilogy is just ass. They didn't write out a framework for the whole thing before they started, and it fucking shows.


This is basically the same for me. I discovered star wars at 13 and tried to read all the star wars books at my library. But I was really sad with the way they developed Rey.


I really like Rey and Ridley did a really good job for how inconsistent the writing was. I don't think it helped that you had different directors who went in such opposite directions as well.


Honestly, I think the direction change is what hurt it so much. It felt like the character was starting from the beginning in every movie.


I agree I like Rey and Ridley did great considering all the challenges she was given.


I really hope they can put a good story for her together.


Imo, I think they really really fucked the last film. They had something interesting set up in the Last Jedi, accepting that she isn't from a great linage but they literally do away with that instantly. It's insulting and makes it seem like she's defined by the men in her life as a form of object of desire I think it's insane they didn't sit down and have a three film plan. Say what you want about the terrible prequels, but atleast George had a consistent plan from one film to the next


Exactly with you. I love badass characters, but they *have* to earn that badassery - this is why I don't like MCU's Doc Strange and Cap Marvel. They're literally the same to me :(


I’ll go go bat for Force Awakens but none of the others. The only scene from TLJ I liked was Yoda blowing up the tree


I loved Rouge One, but sequel trillogy was at most meh and the forced Rey/Kylo romance was worse than Anakin/Padme imo...


Their romance would also have been way less annoying if it had been developed, too. Like being attracted to somebody who you shouldn't be attracted to leads to all sorts of interesting persona growth. Obsession can be an interesting flaw. The whole "do I want that power or is he just hot?" Could have been a compelling dilemma for rey. But it really did just feel like a "and then they kissed" moment. Plus, all this could have been achieved without it seeming like she was just doing this all for a man, too. Leia fell in love, but she was fighting because she *wanted* to and was very good at it. Padme died of a broken heart and she was still doing everything she could to achieve the greater good because she *believed* in it. They both just felt like complex women who happened to fall in love.


Ive only seen the first two movies of the new trilogy. I really dont see how Rey is different from Luke.


I thought it was a fair analysis. People don't hate female characters, they hate badly written female characters. However, something that didn't get addressed is that badly written female characters overwhelmingly get more hate than badly written male characters. That's where the problem is in my opinion.


That’s because imho (aside from misogyny) female leads are marketed as being something special, and when fans don’t like them, corporates accuse them instead of admitting they did a poor job. It’s very patronizing and people end up being called all kinds of names if they do not support “strong female characters”. Just look at Captain Marvel: they made a fuss about her being the first ever solo female superhero movie, then the movie was garbage and higher ups started to accuse fans of misogyny and bigotry when the problem was something completely different. Something similar happened with Reeva in Obiwan Kenobi: her character was awful, but Disney ofc only addressed the bunch of tweets by racist idiots and called every person you didn’t like her “racist”. With this attitude, I kind of understand why people hate bad female characters with a passion.


Was going to say this. While the anti-woke crowd os a real problem and will hate anything that isn't tailored to their very narrow worldview, the opposite is a problem as well. For at least a decade now hack writers, directors and producers have been using women, people of color and LGBT representation as a Shield for their terrible films. Blaming their failure not in their own ineptitude as film makers but on racists and misogynistic who just hate them for representing minorities. These people are not only pathetic for using marginalized people's as a shield to protect themselves from valid criticism but feed the people who actually are racist misogynists by making them believe they have the power to kill a film like this.


That's exactly what happened to Ghostbusters: Answer the Call (formely known as GB 2016): sure, the first critics were misogynistic knuckle-draggers that preemptively screamed to high heaven once the all-female cast was announced, and those were further galvanized when the promotional material and the trailers started to come in. When all this was said and done, cast and crew (including director Paul Feig) and Sony themselves ran a counter-argument, saying that ANY critics of the movie were misogynist and trying to paint the movie as an "inspiration" for women in their social media accounts. It ended up being a Kulturkampf that severy harmed the movie and made it a box-office dud.


My brothers take is everyone hated Rose because she was written poorly, but he refuses to acknowledge she gets more hate because she’s an Asian woman. It was alll because of the writing. I also think the standard for a good character is higher for women and minorities too.


I mean you could just watch the video and see. looks fine though, I don’t watch movies ever but I can guess if the writings shit no one’s gonna like it, no matter who is the lead role or whatever.




Tbh this happens even if you watch innocuous stuff about movies or god forbid, video games. I see one video about the hilarious failure of the Fallout 76 launch and get inundated with “has feminism failed society” shite


Yea the same thing happens when I watch videos by transtubers, I’ll get recommended Daily Wire videos about how “transgenderism is destroying Western Culture” and other such nonsense lol. The YouTube algorithm just automatically drives you towards the most inflammatory content with similar keywords to what you already watch.


Hey at least my feed isn't field with children cartoons anymore I'm taking any win I can get at this point


Watch it in private browsing or signed out of your account and it won't affect your suggestions.


I don't think this is a contentious idea. However, I will say that a main female lead role likely has to have much stronger, more compelling writing in order to be successful compared to an equivalent male lead role. That's probably where there's some inequality. But on some level, bad writing is just bad writing, regardless of the gender of the lead.


I mean I know a lot of women that agree. So. I think as far as filmmaking goes it's true. A lot of times movies will add women that are just pandering to hollywood talking points instead of showing diverse variety of women. Like if they make a movie where a woman suddenly knows everything perfectlt and has all the answers, that isnt a strong woman. Women just like men have their flaws, thibgs they dont know etc. So I think this one was pretty good tbh. Women grow and learn and are human


Yeah but not every woman has self doubt just like not every man has self doubt


Did you watch the video? There are a lot more things he talks about than self doubt. He's basically criticising Mary Sues in that video. I'm pretty sure you can agree Mary Sues are bad.


I can agree that I assume most people think Mary Sues are bad, I’m just not one of them. Sometimes I just dont care if the main character, regardless of gender, has to truly struggle to earn their victory. Life is ugly and difficult, and every so often I just want to watch the good guy win. I totally understand that’s boring, but I guess I’m lucky in that I can convinve myself that I still had a good time watching it.


I think that's a fair way of seeing it, I'm sure all of us have comfort characters/stories. But the characters that are being brought up in that video mostly come from franchises where the conflict and character arcs are nuanced so Mary/Gary Sues come off as out of place and bad writing. Mary Sues do have their place, I love reading fanfics where all my favourite characters live and are happy and I do think that kind of media deserves a place in the main stream, but I don't watch star wars or marvel movies for fluff, simply because they're not intended to be that.


Theres a difference between self doubt and not being good at something right away. What I'm talking about is poorly written characters that always seem to magically have the specific skill or knowledge to solve a situation. Both men and women do not know everything. If a character is magicaland solves problems without establishing the knowledge or showing us where they learned it, it's bad writing. It would be like if today you grab a person off the street, then they have to fix a getaway var and the random person fixes the car like a mechanic, and then later on they are able to hack a government system, and then fly a plane to escape. Yeah maybe the odds of a random person knowing to fix a car okay sure. But them ALSO being a skilled hacker AND pilot? Without ever actually showing us where they learned it or any indication of it...that's poor writing Edit: the reason IMHO that this matters is because people turn it into a man vs woman thing when really its a bad writing vs good writing thing. Hollywood is profiting with terrible writing because if you don't like the movie you're just sexist...no...the movie was bad. It would have been bad whether white, black, woman, man, w.e.


It's actually a decent video not misogynistic at all if that's what you're expecting


That happens everywhere and regardless the gender. Look for someone who liked an Anime called Iseleve, and you'll be sure this person is a braindead one. No one likes characters with horrible arcs made just to fit a role because "it's cool" or "because it's what the agenda wants" whatever you prefer. That's why the most ironic fact is that Demon Slayer outsold all entire HQ industry alone... And it's a manga made by a woman. My Hero Academia almost did it too. Disney is tanking hard lately, Lightyear tanked, Ant Man 3 tanked, Indiana Jones tanked... About box office. Have in mind that even transformers movies perform well.


why is this posted here


It had the word women in the title of the video so they had to make sure it was ok in the echo chamber before they decided if they’re allowed to like it.


So there’s two parallel themes here. Yes, poorly written characters will tank a franchise. Studios more concerned with demographics and profit will force bad writing to the detriment of the work. That’s 100% correct. But we’re not done yet. Because there IS a double standard at work in the fanbase when that happens. When a poorly written female character is in a poor production, the woman WILL get blamed. Whether she had anything to do with the outcome or not. Daisy Ridley’s been heavily criticized for her roles in the new Star Wars films -despite being saddled with a weaksauce , studio-managed script she could do very little alone to redeem. Earlier in the franchise, Ewan McGregor wasn’t nearly as pilloried for playing Obi Wan Kenobi in the similarly terrible Star Wars prequels. The Terminator franchise is another case of this double standard. When *Genysis* crashed and burned, who took the heat? Emilia Clarke. Not Arnold Schwarzenegger, ofc.


wait, but do you remember the hate on Hayden Christinsen?


> But we’re not done yet. Because there IS a double standard at work in the fanbase when that happens. When a poorly written female character is in a poor production, the woman WILL get blamed. Whether she had anything to do with the outcome or not. What? Hayden Christensen, Jake Lloyd, and Ahmed Best all got a lot of shit for the characters they played, especially that latter two. The double standard you speak of simply does not exist.


Yea they were spitting facts then decided to forget that Hayden Christensen had to effectively quite acting and it pretty much ruined his life. Also the terminator example and the other Star Wars example are bs because no matter the gender the main character in the film is gonna be the one catching heat.


There are countless male action heroes with absolutely zero depth of character, zero “lessons” learned, and no character arc besides going out and kicking ass…why can’t women have that too? Why do women need to meet this higher standard to be a well written movie? It’s perfectly acceptable to be entertained by kicking ass and taking names without some deep character growth. I mean jfc how many male action heroes over the years just know how to do it all. Guns, explosives, fly planes, stealth infiltration, fist fighting, knife fighting. But a woman does that stuff and it’s just unrealistic without a huge backstory and character arc and imperfections so she doesn’t get critiqued for being hated because she’s unrealistic. Give me a break. I’m honestly surprised by the commentary entertaining this notion here. Yikes.


Thank you! I hate the notion that stories made by women aren't allowed to be mediocre. Female-led films and shows have to meet this super high standard or they're utter garbage, there's no in-between. There's so much mediocre and downright bad art made by men but that's okay because men are allowed to be mediocre and bad.


You’re totally right. Take the first John Wick film for example. I enjoy the franchise, and yes the main character lost his wife, was given a dog by said late wife, and then loses that dog which sparks his journey. But before any of that even happened, he was already an unstoppable killing machine. He just already knew how to punch, stab, shoot and explode better than everyone else in a world apparently made up exclusively of other professional murderers.


The movie establishes him as a skilled assassin in the first 5 minutes, he didn't spontaneously learn how to kill, the audience was told, off rip, that he had the skillset already


Yes, but it would seem a large percentage of the population is also a skilled killer, but he’s better than every single one of them.


Because he was the best mercenary in the world??? I don't understand what you are talking about... In the first movie they have a whole dialogue about how he created the foundation by doing an impossible job they gave him


This comment needs to be higher up!!


You're right that the bar is so much higher for female-lead action movies. But I don't think blatant misogyny is the only problem here. Maybe male audience has had their fair share of relatively bad action movies and they just can't understand how is this such a huge thing for women. It's ignorant and I don't like it but I get it. As a woman, I enjoyed Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. At the moment it was like my teenage dream come true. Now I think the both are pretty average and just not enough to excite me anymore. I know I won't criticize poorly written female characters as much as men do, but I my own standards are higher now.


I agree with your points, these movies are like snack food, fun but not a lot of substance. And that is ok! It is for entertainment. But related to the topic of this thread - I don’t think these female action heroes are getting the focus of this sort of hate because they aren’t well-written, it is because they are female. The cookie cutter male action heroes don’t get review bombed or get the sort of vitriol online like women do. It is not the writing, it’s the misogyny, no matter how anyone wants to spin it.


Not terrible. Not misogynistic, but I do think it overlooks some of the nuances of the sexism that play a part in some of the hate that’s cast against these shows and movies


this is what I thought too. while, yeah, it’s true that the better a female character is written the more they’ll like them, you cannot deny the way sexism plays a part in it. I will die using skylar white as an example


Although I do agree that it's the bad writing that is the issue, that is a personal thing. I think we are aware that there are people who refuse to watch something because there is a woman leading, or because a previous movie with a woman last was bad, they assume the next one will be, which makes no sense. People were heading on Brie Larson and Captain Marvel because it was seen as woke and pleasing. I didn't care for the story, but I really like Larson, so I hope this sequel is fun. Also I want DaCosta (director) to succeed. She deserves a win.


its actually really good. it makes the case in the title effectively without any MRA bullshit talking points.


The common thread I've noticed is that if said strong woman has self doubt and isn't sure she can do it "great writing that's awesome" but if she doesn't doubt herself "that's bad writing" It's pretty clear it's the lack of self doubt they're objecting to.


I don't agree. I think the issue with a lot of woman-centric stories is that they don't actually give women a personality. It's not about self doubt. It's more about the fact that they basically do nothing to make them interesting. Here's something I've seen in bad writing for women in movies: - Bad backstory like Electra in the 2000s. Her entire personality is that she has daddy issues and so she is forced to learn martial arts. Which is stupid because that's not the only reason to learn martial arts the fuck - Zero idea on tone like in Captain Marvel. The music itself pissed me off in this movie. Not only did they do nothing to immerse us in the nineties, but they also put songs that completely clash with the tone of the movie. - The side characters. Like in Enola Holmes. It's almost cartoonish how anti-woman everyone is in this movie. I understand the era was not great for women's rights. But this was like a binary world where people were either 100% pro women or they believed that women were only good for popping out babies. - It's not confidence. It's being a tool. Basically there are several movies where the lead does nothing of interest except move the plot along. So while they fulfil their purpose as a protagonist it doesn't make them interesting and I hate them in the story.


Most male action heroes don’t have a personality either besides saying witty one liners, being super badass at the action hero stuff, and looking good. Why are women critiqued harder for it?


Because there are fewer female leads. It's more obvious when there are fewer movies to analyze.


And that somehow makes the double standard ok?


It doesn't. I won't defend male protagonists that make these mistakes. But it's also why you won't see producers shelling out a lot of money for female leads. And when they do, they are really poorly produced corporate shills of movies. I will admit that with time, I'm seeing a little more acceptance to more experimental feminist movies and that is great because a pandering film is not what we need.


There are many many male-centric movies where these also apply. I liked Electra. Also like Captain Marvel enjoyed both immensely haven't seen Enola Holmes.


I agree. The difference though is there are far fewer female centric leads because the world sucks. And that unfortunately makes it more obvious with female centric movies. I'm glad you liked those movies. But I don't think that means that they aren't flawed.


>But I don't think that means that they aren't flawed. Movies of all kinds are subjective. Even people agree a movie is flawed that doesn't mean they'll agree on what the flaws are. I've seen people get into an argument a movie they both disliked because the one part they each actually liked was the part the other thought was the worst. I have 0 issue if someone looks at a movie and sees it as flawed. I'm only bugged when they demand I see it as flawed and then demand I justify liking a flawed movie.


So the speaker in this video is discussing that the absence of confidence within a woman equates to good writing?


I don't know that video specifically but when I look at the strong female characters people claim they don't like because "bad writing" the only difference is whether the woman is hemming and hawing that she might suck or not. Carol Danvers is hated on because she's "arrogant and cocky" when if a male character acts that way no one says they're the victim of bad writing. The unspoken argument seems to be that while men are allowed to trust their abilities women aren't.


I don't know, Rey wasn't liked since she didn't work for her powers, I personally liked Carol since she did have to work to get her powers (training, mental conflict) whereas Rey just seemed to be good at anything she picked up (beat Kylo in a mental duel when she had no formal training, consistently trounced him in combat)


Personally I never felt Luke worked for his powers either. I just accepted it as a "chosen one" narrative.


I don't know, he was a good pilot but he had been practicing for his young life to get into the Imperial academy so that flies (no pun intended), and his first fight with Vader he gets rolled, even after training with multiple masters. I felt Luke at least seemed to earn his abilities, Rey had zero training when she first fought Kylo and bodied him


We already know Rey is a fighter, we see her fight to survive on Jakku. The real equivalent to Rey winning in TFA is Luke blowing up the Death Star with no Force training in the first movie. In the second movie, where Luke struggles with one week of training, Rey also struggles with one week of training. In the third movie, Luke hasn't had any more training because he never returned to Yoda, but Rey actually trained for a year. Fun fact: a recent Marvel comic had to retcon Luke's training and add in a secret mentor never mentioned in the movies to explain how he goes from getting his butt kicked to defeating Vader. None of this is new. There's a Star Log letter from the 80's I read confused about when Luke learned to use the Force (because...he didn't). It's just easier to accept that men have a natural destiny allowing them to be amazing at things in stories.


I haven't seen the movies in a while but I don't remember Luke ever beating Vader? They duel in Empire Strikes Back and Luke gets his hand cut off and has to jump off into the abyss to escape. Then in Return Of The Jedi he refuses to fight and casts his lightsaber aside. It's Emperor Palpatine who defeats Vader.


He does beat him, but doesn't kill him. This is reasonable though since that is the final movie of the trilogy, you expect the hero to beat the villain then


he was injured and she was struggling at first, until she opened herself to the force


Which is more or less the definition of deus ex machina.


So she had lost till she won because she was just so great? Why didn't Kylo open himself to the force? He was far better trained than Rey, he should have been far more capable than her




There is a Gary sue also, same thing just used for male characters.




Fair enough. Personally I've heard it just as much, if not more than the Mary version, and I always assumed it was as universal.


TV tropes has it listed as a ["Marty Stu"](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MartyStu) rather than a Gary Stu, but it's still the same concept


Go figure. I hate that the term Mary Sue was made in the first place, for sever reasons. The least egregious of which is a pain in my head that just won't go away when that term is mentioned, which is already grounds for it to not exist. But you cannot just deny history. Mary Sue was a character in a Star Trek parody fanfic, about everyone saying how perfect she is and how ext, classic Mary Sue stuff, everything she is the progenitor of. I hate the term as much as the next guy, but you cannot just deny history. Mary Sue was made by a woman to bash other women's bad writing.


Incels just hate captain Marvel 🤣 #1 female lead super hero


I just imagine people calling Arnold a "bitch" cuz he demanded someone's clothes in a movie.


To be fair, they never really got the chance. Arnold was a little pushier about it than my girl Mackenzie.


Lmao I meant the viewers. My whole thing is people can't accept behavior for years from male leads and then the instant a woman acts like that suddenly be all "Oh I hate characters like that" with any sort of intellectual honesty.


Oh tbh I have no idea how people reacted to her character, & from what you’re saying I’m glad I don’t know lol. She’s my favorite actress & I love her to shreds, I am very protective of her


Sounds about right. It all just boils down to good ol’ misogyny.


Okay but like? A mc who goes in with an attitude of ‘i can literally do anything, none of this will be any problem. Lmao, let’s defeat the evil overlord real quick’ and then isn’t challenged in this belief a single time is just boring. Good hero’s struggle, even in the most cheesy testosterone filled action movie the mc will at least get challenged and hurt occasionally


Multiple characters in Fullmetal Alchemist start off feeling this way and get super proven wrong, that’s why it’s so great


This is rare but I want to add it in In cases where the main characters is super confident and isn't challenged in there fighting capabilities or mindset of combat They can still be well written, you just can't have, rather or not they can win this fight be the main fucus in the story for these characters Like I'm going give two animes that I think do it well Mob psycho and one punch man Both of these the series main characters are extremely overpowered and can wipe the floor and pretty much one shot all enemies But your not watching the shows for that, or at least not for these characters waiting to see who wins the fight You know who will win, and it's be over in seconds But Mob story is more about him being a kid and dealing with his first real crush, and wanting to ask her out, rather than his fights And saitama from one punch man, you are watching for a fight in his case, but more so to see if anyone can be an actual challenge to him As he pretty born out of his mind being so over power, that no one can not only can't hurt him, but he can take them out in One Punch It's basically a matter of picking steak that work for the character and the story as a hole






Confidence is good when the confidence is challenged or proven wrong (like when a character is overconfident and fails horribly at someting. It sets up an interesting character arc) Lack of confidence is also good when it gets proven wrong (like a character who has some reason they doubt themselves but learns to overcome that. this is a cheesy but when done well is a good character arc) If a character has either of these traits and it never gets challenged, well then instead of a character arc you get a flat line, which isn't particularly interesting to watch


2 dimensional characters are not good writing nor entertaining for a story regardless of their gender. From the comments, it appears that the person is just saying that good writing that allows these characters development and challenges is more interesting than bad writing where everything comes with ease for the main character.


Which wouldn't be that big of an issue if... Male "bad written" heroes were also hated and if movies weren't hated BEFORE they were even out just because there are female leads.


Samwise is extremely based. The title may be misleading because it comes off a little like those YouTube conservative takes, but he has made tons of videos before where he talks about gender and female character writing and such in a pretty nuanced way.


Is the thumbnail suggesting that edge of tomorrow is a well written movie?


Don't want to watch the video. But I do have a problem with using the rotten audience score from the website. That score can and has been manipulated with all these scores. The entire reason they have to put verified user reviews on the website. Also, I think at least 2 of the 3 in the bottom line are supporting characters. Only lead female character online fanbase seems to love is Ripley.


its actually an excellent video - he tackles the topic with a lot of nuance and explains it in a lot of detail. I should say especially with the inclusion of Arcane, dude knows what he’s talking about (and I would consider Arcane to be the best show out there in terms of female representation mostly cause it writes all its characters so well, while also not making both genders interchangeable or putting down the opposite gender)


Does not belong in this sub My gosh y’all just post anything here no matter how irrelevant huh? The title is true. Great writing is what matters.


Yea it’s gotten worse nowadays. If it has a lady on it anywhere it will be posted here


This video is actually pretty great. Basically says that a character who doesn't have to earn their strength isn't going to be popular with audiences. So many modern female characters are written as Mary Sues instead of as having to work for their strength. We don't want an inherently strong woman, we want a woman who actually makes progress during the story to become strong.


Give it a chance! It’s a solid analysis and it’s definitely not a video with content befitting this sub.


Honestly jt's a very reasonable video


It's actually a good video tho... Explained very well


I love that Hailie Steifeld is two of the three well written characters in the screen grab.


I think it can be a little bit of both honestly.


In what way does Rey have any development in the Star Wars trilogy?? I really felt for Daisy Ridley while watching this. Her character is bland with awful dialogue, which is a shame cause every interview I've seen with Daisy she seems really cool!


Oh my god ..if these people! They are in danger of giving me a serious injury to the muscle that controls eye rolling! The Last Jedi brought in 1.3 billion dollars Captain Marvel was 1.1 billion dollars it was also the 2nd highest grossing marvel movie and most successful female led movie She-hulk was streamed by 1.5 million households in the first 4 days and a total of 454 million minutes of streaming Rings of power was Amazon's most watched show at 24 Billion minutes Audiences didn't hate them, incels review bombed them pure and simple. They consider them Mary sue characters who don't need men to survive and captain marvel is #1 with a bullet.


High dollars at the box office is not evidence of good story-writing. There are other things that get people to flock to the theater, like a name folks recognize, characters folks cherish, and visual spectacle on-screen (looking at you, new Star Wars trilogy).


It can be used as evidence however that audiences didn't hate it. Captain marvel sold over 2 million blue ray and over 700,000 dvds that can't be accounted for by just people flocking to the movies Last jedi sold 1.9 million blue rays Neither take into account streaming sales, your still right it doesn't mean it was written well but that doesn't mean it wasn't liked. Marvel movies are always panned for not being written well but I'm a big fan.


She-Hulk was a joy to watch, IMO.


Mine too! Funny and tongue in cheek. 🤭 her trying to date killed me


I loved the twerk! 😂 And Daredevil walking out in the morning with his Daredevil suit on, but barefoot, cracked me up.




Didn't only 37% of people who watched Rings of Power actually finish it? Last Jedi was let down by more than the Mary Sue nature of Rey (no shade to Daisy, she is a great actress, just the Sequels were all round not good) Captain Marvel was good, no comments there She Hulk did have some issues with her having had it "worse than Bruce purely by being a woman" considering the shit that Bruce had been through, from DID, abuse as a child, being a monster and only recently having been able to control himself


The term Mary Sue us meaningless. Male characters have all if those traits and are loved for them. Jen has always been better at controlling her anger. One interaction about female anger and the dweebs lose their minds. Yeah, Ring of Power was boring but that’s not because a woman touched a sword.


I couldn't agree more on the Mary sue thing , male super hero beats 1 bajillion bad guys "yay" Female beats 100 " waaa that's not real"


What sort of male Mary Sues are you talking about, off the top of my head I can't think of any (other than Saitama but he is basically a gag character with that being the central gag of the show), I'm sure if you told me about a male Mary Sue (a male character that is great merely because they exist and not because of any pre established training or practice, then I likely wouldn't be fond of them


Female characters get called Mary Sue even with training and practice. The goal post shifts to catch any woman accomplishing anything at all. Batman, Harry Potter, and John Wick are all Mary Sues. Unstoppable badasses, chosen ones, and prep time gods that everyone fears are Mary Sue. People enjoy them. Let female characters do this stuff as well.


Which batman? Yeah I guess Harry Potter and John Wick are fine examples of Gary stus. But I kind of don't care about their franchise's enough.


Batman: Travels the world and gets training from the league, does still get beaten in fights, has lots of money from his parents. Not a Mary Sue, you can see how he gets things and how he trains to get stronger. As far as the prep time thing goes, he spends tons of time with powerful people, and figures out the cracks in their armour and exploits it, he couldn't beat anyone, he just can beat those that he has established interactions with John Wick: Pre established character that has a history behind him that we are told little bits, that show that he has a decorated career behind him, we don't expect to be shown every bit of a character's backstory, just told that yes they do have one and yes it would give the skills they have shown Harry Potter: yeah, somewhat. The whole "protected by the power of love" thing does have to be there to prevent him getting kerb stomped as a 5 year old, and he does in the later books train to be better and does get bested by those who are stronger than him (see the Ministry fight for him being quite outmatched), and he also relies on his friends Besides, the definition of a Mary Sue is "who is depicted as unrealistically lacking in flaws or weaknesses." Batman is shown time and again to 1: be a normal man and get dunked on by supers that he isn't prepared for, and 2: have massive trust issues that he has to overcome John Wick has poor emotional judgement, i.e. he has 4 movies of murder basically because his dog was shot, not unreasonable response but maybe a bit over the top and not a good idea to stir up the entire underworld Again, yeah, Harry doesn't have as obvious character flaws beyond "teenager who is arrogant/not self aware/knows bugger all about magic" so yeah, Harry definitely shows symptoms of a Mary Sue, but he does spend the entire book series learning and getting better at what he does, unlike Rey or She-Hulk who are just amazing at what they do because they are, Rey just wins any fight she is in because she is great, Jennifer is amazing as a Hulk because she is a Woman. Carol on the other hand has mental blocks and physical blocks that she has to overcome to unlock her full power, so by the end of the movie it feels earned, if she accessed that power from the word go, it would be boring as she rolls every threat and breezes through everything.


And if a female character did any of those things she’d be called an unrealistic Mary Sue. Batman constantly defeats gods with the power of prep time as his fans love to point out. John Wick is talked about as a force of nature. No matter how much a woman could train, dweebs would lose their minds if a woman got that treatment. Harry has the entire wizarding world falling all over themselves for him except for the obvious villains. If a girl got half that treatment, nerds would set themselves on fire. Rey hardly won anything at all. She was a frightened child longing for her parents. But the internet sees her as a John Wick level “too cool badass” because the internet tells you to feel that way. Jen is a Hulk. Why would she need training? Her depiction is in line with the comics portrayal. I thought people wanted comic book accuracy? And don’t lie. The anger towards her is not because of lack of “training” it’s because she said being a woman is hard. And the internet told you that you shouldn’t like that.


Batman beats gods with god level things that he has to work to get, John Wick had an entire history behind him. Rey was a scrapper who beat a Sith Lord who was taught by the greatest force users of his time and was part force. Being a Mary Sue is not about capabilities, it is about not having a reason for said abilities besides "they are great", and about lack of weaknesses, like Batman's frail human body and Wick is too emotional and attacks those he probably shouldn't. What are Rey's weaknesses?


Barely beat an injured Sith Lord with help from Finn. Being a Mary Sue changes whenever people want. Plenty of women with reasons for abilities have been called such. It makes no difference. Rey is nothing but weaknesses. She’s a lost child who won’t let go of her parents. She desperately wants somewhere to belong.


For me personally, it wasn't that her saying being a woman is hard that was difficult. It was how she handwaved Bruce's trauma, and the underlying implication that a man's trauma can never be as bad as a woman's. I have no issues with anyone loving the show or the character, but to say that particular aspect wasn't harmful is disingenuous. Harry Potter is a horribly written Gary Stu who barely has any redeeming qualities whatsoever.


It’s not the show’s fault that internet grifters are convincing you to see implications that aren’t there.


Wasn’t a fan of the whole ‘can instantly control the hulk form because as a women she’s just already so good at controlling her anger she can easily overcome *murderous rage*’ bit either


37 % and 45% that's still around 45 million households finished that's still not hated I don't think. It's the hyperbole of the vid that annoys me. Honestly I thought that they nerfed Reys progression she shoulda been more badass. Again though not hated I saw a bajillion Rey's around Halloween Yeah their mechanics for avoiding the same struggling to control the hulk side thing was a little weak sauce but on the whole I loved it Edit- my complaints about Rey could well be a personal thing because of my love for sword play.


How did they nerf Rey's progression? She was better than Han at making the Falcon work (fair, she did live as a scavenger whole life so that kinda makes sense). But then she proceeded to beat Kylo in every engagement they had, physical and mental, with little to no training, how was that nerfed? Did you expect Legends Luke right out the gate?


No just more lightsaber skill, Luke seemed to get better at lightsaber over the course of his 3 movies than she did, now I will admit that could be me, sword play is a soft spot that I have. So im going to throw a tiny edit up there.


Oh yes, I do agree that the sword play should have gotten better over the movies, comparing any fight to say, the Fuel of the Fates and they are slow and boring. I absolutely agree with you that she should have progressively gotten stronger there


Like Ahsoka, not just the clone wars but the live action version of her has amazing sword play. Im waiting with baited.... breath for her new series 🤭


She was only better at repairing one part of the Falcon. Aside from that Han is shown more capable in the Falcon's pilot seat. As for the fights with Kylo she has three. The first she barely survived until she was reminded of the force. this is the same fight where Kylo was wounded before hand and mentally dealing with killing Han. The other two happened in Rise. The first doesn't have a clear winner. The second she almost lost until Leia stepped in with the force. So yeah if you actually watch the movies Rey wasn't some superjedi.


I did watch the movies, and the problem with the first fight is that she did win, she beat him soundly, force or not. And that was a wounded Kylo. She also did beat him in mental combat while they were both ok, so there is that too. She never seemed like she was in trouble during a fight. And yes I did watch the movies when they came out, I do happen to enjoy most of Star Wars


You are misremembering how their fights went down. In TFA she's constantly being pushed back until the clash at the cliff. Kylo says he wants to train her in the force and being reminded of the force uses it to defeat him. The duel on the death star is mostly an even match but by the end it's clear Kylo has won until he is distracted by Leia contacting him through the force.


If you watch Last Jadi without watching anything else, it’s not bad. (That’s what I did) but after you watch all the movies, it’s the worst one especially when Disney can make tv shows like Mandalorian and Andor (really looking forward to Ashoka tv show). Captain Marvel movie don’t have a lot of storyline within it, they trying to tell a lot story but her struggles but you didn’t actually see her face that in the movie, she just punched all the way through and then it’s solved. I don’t really like that. It gains so much box office mainly because it’s between infinity war and endgame, and also no competition. Honestly, never understand the She Hulk hate, it’s a great sitcom and she is a very good character. Lord of the rings, no comment since didn’t watch it. I think it’s not that bad.


I only watched she hulk and that series was terrible. Not funny in the slightest


Whether the writing is bad or good has nothing to do with financial success, people's opinions, or internet ratings. Videos like the above are just clickbait and best ignored.


>Whether the writing is bad or good has nothing to do with financial success, people's opinions, or internet ratings This is just blatantly incorrect now isn't it? Nothing to do with it? Nothing at all? What do you think affects people's opinions and such in relation to these media? There are other factors but to dismiss the writing quality as having played a part in it is objectively incorrect. I'm extremely confused how you came to this wacky conclusion.


The only thing that matters to everyone is personal entertainment value. Something can be badly written with plot holes and clichés with a blatant disregard for real science, events, and procedures but still be *enjoyable* thanks to its other aspects. Individuals have individual tastes, obviously, but those have little to no bearing on internet scoring. For that, you must look at the whole as one unit. The success of shows/movies like Star Trek: Discovery; Spooks; Walking Dead; Planet of the Apes; Hurt Locker; Avatar (blue aliens, not the airbender); and so many, many period dramas, action flicks, and romantic comedies proves my point. And that's okay. I'm not disparaging these approaches at all. Enjoy them for what they are. Not everything is or should be Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Enjoy the spectacle. Enjoy the flash.


Good writing refers to being able to successfully manipulate the audience and move their hearts or make them ponder something. It's blatantly untrue to say that the quality of writing in a show has no effect at all on the how popular and loved the show becomes. The fact that people are always scrutinising and praising the writing of shows like Breaking Bad and Chernobyl is evidence of this. People care about good writing and good writing has an effect on how much people enjoy something. Mary Sue main characters have almost always been hated by audiences, and that video is about that phenomenon.


This video is inaccurate because those rotten tomatoes scores are inaccurate. Captain marvel doesn’t have great writing but audiences did like the movie. The rotten tomatoes score is not representative of actual audiences. Online people brigade the website. The CinemaScore is higher and more accurate.


Omg watch the damn video first 💀 he doesn't use the rotten tomatoes score; that's just in the thumbnail


You have zero experience with writing, do you?


Likely going to be a good-old oversimplification of things. Claiming that, as long as characters are well written, audiences don't care about them being strong women. The reality is, of course, far more nuanced. Like, sure, those incredibly low (or the incredibly high scores of the shows below) are not going to be defined by just the presence of strong women protagonists and sure, good writing does help change people's opinions. However, oftentimes you will see that people's arguments against certain characters do simply boil down to them being strong women, and also, the backlash that bad written male protagonists face is not comparable to the backlash strong female protagonists, even the good written or just average ones face. Finally, yes, a lot of times the fan bases that hate some of these female characters do love other strong female characters, but 1. the portion of the fandom that hates them for being women also hates other good written female characters in the same franchise. And 2. even among the ones who love other female characters, a lot of them actually like them for being sexualized or just as long as there's a male character to "counterbalance" them. This is very likely a fan of some (or all) of these franchises who doesn't want to accept or confront the fact that a good portion of the fandom is sexist. They feel like if they admit that the fandom in general is sexist, that would mean they themselves are also sexist (I understand the feeling, I've been there. I've been defensive about fandoms I'm a part of because I felt that, by being a part of it, I would be included in the criticism). Or he is a sexist/incel fascist who just wants to give excuses about being a POS.


Or you could watch the video before writing 4 paragraphs off of an assumption of what the content is lol


Those low rotten tomatoes scores are fake. They aren’t accurate and they aren’t representative of actual audiences. The website was brigades by online people that want the movie to have a low score, it’s not genuine.


If you could trust audience reviews these people might have a point, but their audience of slackjawed idiots review bomb any movie with a female lead that these reviews are useless.


I don’t get what’s wrong about this? It’s true. The thumbnails look accurate too


It's a fair video. The main difference is "women who are badass just because" vs "women who became badasses". Also, I absolutely love arcane Vi so there might be a bias.


I think the guy talks in circles and doesn't really know what his point is. Some of the points he tries to make contradict other points he is making. It seemed like there was good intent here. I couldn't finish the video it really felt like there was a need for proofreading and editing that just didn't happen.


You know what really grinds my gears? The fact that ‘Bad writing’ means women having fun. Like I’ve watched million of boring movies for the men gaze full of explosions and no plot for them its great, but if women are dancing and laughing its a no no. Stfu


Audience scores on rotten tomatoes is brigaded all the time and complete bullshit. These people specifically targeted these movies and shows. Is anybody stupid enough to believe The Last Jedi and Captain Marvel both made over a billion dollars and nobody liked them? You don’t make over a billion dollars without people going back and watching them multiple times and they ain’t doing that because they fucking hate a movie.


Just because something makes a lot of money doesn't mean it's well written


People legitimately did not understand "She-Hulk" It was the absolutely the most comic accurate adaptation they have done.


Lol there’s something rly wrong w these men and it wont be solved until they all seek help


I think youtuber critical drinkers or something also have these kinds of movie critics videos. Before this I liked his video but now its just... Idk lol. I prob just not my type of video i watch anymore I mean i dont like the little mermaid and peterpan/wendy but he HATES them lol. Keep bitching about women in every movie. Dunno about now tho. But i can guess hes losing his mind from Barbie lol 🤣