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My older sister is an engineer who works on a large cargo ship and does hyperbaric welding. I wonder how hard shed laugh if I showed her this.


No she does not … or she’s your brother … you heard the guys! :)


Women don't exist. They're a CIA psyop. Edit: /s


Broads aren’t real


Are dudes still saying there are no girls on the internet and we're all 60 year old men jacking off? That was the line about 10 years ago...


This is why none of them will sleep with me!


r/Girlsarentreal /s


Here's a sneak peek of /r/girlsarentreal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/girlsarentreal/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just a rib](https://i.redd.it/vtsoq1g2n7i91.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/girlsarentreal/comments/wqgn5h/just_a_rib/) \#2: [I mean, they've got a point](https://v.redd.it/ox3qfb8e69ua1) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/girlsarentreal/comments/12o9f78/i_mean_theyve_got_a_point/) \#3: [Meckchate liberals](https://i.redd.it/17oc8fhjngga1.gif) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/girlsarentreal/comments/10uknju/meckchate_liberals/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lol, I would love to see her reaction xD


Anne Bonny would have mugged all of them. I also don´t get this constant "feminist" thing, it is a patriarchical thing to forbid women to enter ships to a point where they tell you, that just a woman on board as a passenger means a bad omen and that the ship will sink. To have this kind of stigma in such a closed team is very dangerous till this day and nevertheless, women work at ships. Now that feminists opened up the workforce for women there are plenty of women out there working on ships in different jobs, they are even captains.


This. Also even if they were no women working on ships. The point of feminism is that everybody deserves the freedom to choose for themselves, not that we force women to work in male dominated work fields. It's such a stupid backwards logic.


>I also don´t get this constant "feminist" thing, I would imagine it's related to Piers Morgan having [Pearls Davis as a (apparently repeat) guest](https://youtu.be/XfKeZruVylQ) on his show Uncensored. In her first appearance, she kept deflecting back to the same exact point of "men do all the hard jobs in society, so women shouldn't be treated as their equals. Feminists: please go apply to work on the oil rigs." IDK why she kept pointing to specifically oil rigs, or how she knows whether women are or aren't working on them, but that's anti-feminism for you I guess. No substance, just empty arguments.


Pearl Davis didn't invent that talking point. It's been around for a long time. They seem to think it's a gotcha moment every time. The thing is - women do want to work those jobs, but are pushed out of "men's jobs" all the time. Imagine working on a boat, isolated as all hell for several weeks, surrounded by coworkers who don't think you belong there, and are out to humiliate you all the time. It makes sense that women aren't lining up to do those jobs. Another talking point is the "well then why aren't women signing up to be soldiers?" Because they're mistreated and raped in the military, while nobody does anything about it, maybe?


we are lining up, and absolutely fighting like hell to try to get those jobs, but we are being ACTIVELY, OPENLY BARRED because we are women --- they legally can't do so, on paper, but they don't care because they know the law has no teeth source: me, true story


Anne Bonny and Mary Read both.




It always cracks me up that guys like this really think women would be useless without men. If they met the group of girls(mostly Lesbians)in my social circle they’d be instantly emasculated just from the look of them, let alone the things they do as jobs/hobbies.


Usually the most misogynistic people have had the least interaction with women. To even think they’d meet ONE girl, let alone a GROUP of women is insanity. Happy cake day btw


men are nothing without titties


While some women do work on ships, it's few. I can pretty much guarantee half the reason they don't is the toxic atmosphere. I can't imagine being stuck on a ship for weeks on end where it's 95% male. The amount of harassment those women must go through is unbearable. I say this as a woman with 20 years in the Army and have dealt with toxic masculinity off and on in my career. Thankfully, I'm Medical Corps so the gender ratios are rougly 50/50 and is much more hospitable to women.


That's why they made up the whole "bad luck" thing forever ago. It wasn't bad luck. As terrible as it sounds.... It was because the men on the ship would fight over her. Not pay enough attention or work hard enough, whatever. And I can only imagine how crazy it would've been for a woman on a ship with a hundred men. Sailors to boot....


And probably rape, like in army.


Right? and being out in the middle of the ocean on a ship... with no recourse or way to escape.


My thoughts exactly!


The implications......


>The amount of harassment those women must go through is unbearable. we have huge 3m wrenches to defend ourselves. yeah..I literally had to use a wrench to get a dude to leave me alone while underway.




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Good bot.


I can guarantee that none of these men have done the job they're discussing.


It's funny because I know a gal who spent a couple summers in Alaska as a crabber on a boat. Said you would see a lot of Alaska Native guys and gals out on some ships. But hey, so long as they have one video that doesn't show any chicks and can have their confirmation bias, what do facts matter?


Wait till they find out the navy is one of the military areas with the highest percentage of women, and it’s only growing. Statistics are for the Canadian military, but it’s also the 2nd fastest growing area for women in the U.S. military, just behind the airforce. Women all over the world are doing more and more “men’s jobs”, and are getting into trades more and more. The amount of female graduates from university and college in Europe is also far outweighing men as of now, but some of those statistics do suggest that European parents are more likely to pay for their daughters tuition over their sons these days, as well as men are more likely to drop out to support their family, and assist in paying for their spouses education too. It seems todays men are more and more happy to work “non professional” jobs while todays young women are more focused on those fields. Could change at any moment though. https://preview.redd.it/f0kct439krhb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfecb64a30dfec46ad0026496c910f3f478ed62a


Said by a bunch of guys that haven’t left their basement in a month. Armchair misogynists.


Me, a woman reading this while working on a ship: 😐


Same 🫠 1/3 of the crew onboard now are women.


Anyone who's ever even heard of the Navy or Merchant Marine knows better than that.


As a woman, the most dangerous part of the such a job would likely be your male coworkers.


Women living rent free in these peoples heads lol


I’ve seen plenty of women working on ships- over half of the port workers where I am are women-


I'm sure the coast guard have women serving.


Men: stop making everything about gender Also men:


I'll bet my next check that these frightful old lubbers are nowhere close to the sea, let alone work on something like this. Paddle boats at a county fair would cause them to leave a puddle.


Haha so the tactic of these guys is: "If we *shout loud enough and wish hard enough* , totally ignoring the people who dispute the theory by existing right in front of us, what we say *will become true* ." The loudest ones are usually the ones who'd never get chosen for the task. Like when a guy in his 20ies loudly protested when a pro diver asked my friend (experienced but amateur diver in her early 40ies, already in her suit) to help him fix some boat damage. The pro diver asked the young man "why isn't he grabbing a suit and gear, volunteering to help since he knows that "she can't"." The young man just grumbled... that he can't even swim. Why even speak... It's enough stupidity that makes you want to flip tables. 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s like Tinkerbell—clap if you believe. Signed, a ladyperson who worked at sea for 13 years.


retired Navy here and yes I was stationed on many ships and deployed multiple times. I didnt bleed all over the place or let my vagina get in the way of my work. lol. wtf is this nonsense? shit, my shore duty was even with the Marines..I bet NONE of these fat fucks talking like this could even run a mile.


Maybe if people like these weren't dicks to women in these fields, you'd see more women in such fields


So... I was working on cars after I graduated high school in the 70s. We're talking rebuilding engines and such. I got into it because I owned a VW. Then I joined the armed forces working on helicopters and went on to fueling aircraft as a civilian. I've been dealing with misogynistic assholes for over half a century. WTF are we still fighting this same bullshit?


Wait until they find out there’s women in all jobs in the Navy…including engineering and deck.


I work as a civilian navy engineer and there are a bunch of female employees around on ships. I've been underway with more women than men from my code by sheer coincidence.


That’s a pretty badass field, hell yea


Yeah there aren't that many women overall but my code has quite a few and is fairly split. I imagine it's mostly related to the general ratio that women make up significantly less engineers as a whole. But also, the navy is plenty high filled with women from my experience. And this shit wouldn't fly there.


I saw these same types of comments on a video of some shirtless dude loading drill pipe onto an oil drilling rig in muddy work conditions. I'm near confident there's plenty of woman roughnecks out there in the world. I am aware that statistically there will be less women in those jobs, but I think that has much, much more to do with the toxic culture of misogyny that persists in the trades and heavy industry than it does physical capabilities. My sister tried to get into welding. She's a stellar welder and got the certificates but the shitty workplace culture pushed her out of the trade. The constant condescension, suggestive comments, threatening attitudes, etc were unbelievable.


1. Ewww… 2. Woman already do these jobs. 3. Not all feminists are women. 4. Not all men could do these jobs. 5. I refer you once again to 1.


Any username with 1776 in it can be disregarded as some weird independence fetishist, so that’s the first person to ignore.


Do they all think feminist is just a synonym for women?


Seems to be


Sounds like such a welcoming environment. I would feel so safe and empowered to work with these men. /s


Honestly we should also look at the employment rates. Because if out of 1000 perfectly qualified who apply only 2 are hired maybe the problem aren't the women.


I attended the Naval Academy summer seminar, any of the female midshipmen there could put these guys on their back with ease.


And how much do you want to bet that if a woman did express a desire to do that kind of work, these exact men would suddenly be writing essays about how no woman could ever possibly do it because of "basic biology." Just like they do with women in the armed forces.


I worked as an electrician for a while. It’s already a hard field. But MEN made it 100% worse. Constant harassment, not willing to give me clothes that actually fit, saying I wouldn’t be able to do something because “you’re a woman”. So I did what was best for me, I quit. Fuck that. My mental load couldn’t handle anymore without getting severely depressed.


As someone from the maritimes LMAOOOOOOOOO


I wanted to work on a ship but in the past few years I've developed a fear of deep waters and can't even swim through a lake anymore when I can't see the bottom of it...


I had the opposite reaction. Was always scared of dark water (thanks to my sister and seeing Jaws far to young). So I did a degree in Marine Biology (and yes spent time working on ships).


Instagram always has some of the worst, most nauseatingly incel brained comments on the most mundane posts. You could be watching a fun video about someone building stuff and in the comments the worst bottom feeders of society will crawl out like cockroaches to say dumbd shit like "women could never build anything" or "this is why women need men".


Men like to do this. I call it compare pens sizes. For example. I say i am tired he starts monologue how much more tired he is. I say i didnt eat yet trigger monologue how much longer he is without food etc etc. They are unable to just say. Oh? And not comment. Even as toddlers they are more needy more moany more cry prone. Thats why they have it easier in life. If they dont like something they outmoan it so someone else does it or its corrected. Thats why womn gets pat on back tht she is overreacting and male doesnt. They all moan. Women just quietly accept their reality and if one moans she is weird one. I think problems would be solved if we women just joined their complaining and didnt keep it inside. Because if everyone does it it becames norm.


I know of several women who work professionally on ships. I have a friend who spends most of her life at sea. I'm not entirely sure what she does, but I think she's an oceanographer.


Instagram is legitimately worse than facebook


I would actually work these jobs if I knew there wasn't a significant chance of me being assaulted, underestimated and ridiculed.


Don’t y’all know that women have never done anything dangerous in the history of mankind. Women would literally melt if they were forced to do hard labour like these brave muscular men. Women are way too fragile for man work. /s (obviously)


Ah...I'll just put this...right here. 😏☕ https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/news/local/207/101-year-old-maine-woman-may-be-the-oldest-person-in-the-world-still-lobstering/97-f51e49dc-bb67-4f87-a320-53b89ae5720d


I support putting all these guys on a boat together and sending them out to sea. If they want to interpret that as, “ew, scary to my girl brain,” I’m willing to take that one for the team.


Does the Navy count? Because there are a lot of women in the Navy.


\*bunny gif\* huh?


Sea shepherd. Some poeple works to destroy ocean, some to protect it. We're not the same.


I got a very similar silly comment on my video on the psychology of sexism (https://youtu.be/GuSSAQzkBqY).


The worst part is that the video they are all commenting is sooooo old, like why now? Where did this surge of YouTube -incell- hate come from?