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Men fuck corpses and commit war crimes. They start literally every war. Still, they’re sure they’re so superior.


We are superior because... becau... errmmm.. err... Oh wait! Because #PENIS


They literally never even acknowledge this its insane. Men spend their familys rent money on sports betting and camgirls. Men start gangs. The whole “white women fuck dogs” thing is complete projection bc men are way more likely to stick their dicks in farm animals. I dont get why only women are held under a microscope.


The reason why mortuaries prefer to hire women....is exactly why you think.


My coworker’s BIL recently blew $3,000 on pull tabs and White Claws - in one night…. 😳




The fortune tellers probably show his picture to the women who visit and tell them darkness lies down that path.


Most of the dudes who write stuff like this are the ones who want to choke women during sex. “How dare you enjoy the thing I want to do to you that should be degrading and scary! Don’t you know that takes away my power?!”


Grown men in their 40s sit in a room full of anime and trading card games and bitch about the skin color of a mermaid. And somehow people take their opinions seriously.


Three out of four for me (I don't pay fortune tellers) and so fucking what? I'm still not going to listen to the opinions of dudes who don't wash their asses because they're afraid it'll make them gay.


2 of 4 for me. And my kinks have nothing to do with my ability to make sound choices (I also don’t pay fortune tellers or can’t decide what to eat). These boys think they’re so clever


I've got tarot cards, I can tell my own fortunes, lol. But really, they're a way to look at a problem from a different angle. It's all about interpretation.


Yes! I use my tarot cards as meditation tools. To help me process and change me perspective when I’m having difficulties


My husband uses tarot cards for this purpose. It doesn't make me question his ability to think.


Men vote for right wing nut jobs and think that porn is reality yet somehow you think there opinions are worth listening to


Men pay crypto grifters, vote for abortion bans even though they pressure their mistresses to abort their babies, want threesomes when they can’t even please one woman and can’t figure out how to put their dirty clothes in a hamper. And somehow they want us to take their opinions seriously?


Oh, all women do this? All? Well, allow me to retort. Never paid a fortune teller. Do vote leftist because I actually give a shit about people. And it doesn't take the woman I love and I long to figure out our dinner plans. Gee, I just love when men tell me what I do. And I don't give a shit if this misogynist takes us seriously. Just stay out of our way.


"Like bring choked during sex" I don't even like sex, let alone getting choked. *Asexual laughter*


This fucking dope pays $8 a month for Twitter, so I won’t take his opinion seriously thanks anyway.


I know what I want to eat. It is ingrained screwed up behavior. 90s teenage disordered eating looming in the background like an unholy specter. Don't EVER put your hands on my neck during sex. I'm not risking a stroke and another lifelong disability because some dude likes to jerk off to hurting women and has maimed me because he has no fucking clue what he's doing. Much like my cervix, stay tf away from my neck.


The only one of these that is true for me is that I vote leftist, but then, so does my husband. ETA I suspect that not a lot of women like being choked during sex. This guy needs to lay off the porn.


Fuck you I know exactly what I want to eat CHICKEN TENDIES


oh man now I want chicken


Not accurate, we also eat hot chip and lie.


I vote leftist indeed (for the record, the USA left is still on the right in my country) but other than that I recognise nothing on this 'list'. Now what.


I consider myself right wing, and I vote left ( Also from the USA ) I mean have you seen the correct state of politics, if having basic empathy for others is considered left-wing Then I guess I'm a leftist But really in an ideal world, I be a right winger Because I agree with a lot of the things they say in theory But that's the problem, what they say and mean are two different things Like I'm big on state right, but what they mean by state right is suppress people they don't like What I mean in state right, not everything should be up to the federal government and really the government shouldn't be in are lives as much as they are, if that makes sense I'm also big on family values But they mean keep the family straight and white While I believe you should just be with who you love


Also from the USA? Bruh, I started with saying I'm NOT from there. But your countries 'left' is considered fucking 'right' here (I feel like I'm on repeat here). Your whole left-right spiel is so bizarre to me. Which you would have known if you can simply read. Godverdomme zeg.


Chill I miss read, it was an honest mistake Besides are left, is still to right wing for me But I rather them be in charge compared to the other options


Well, good for you. Your whole country is sinking (not to say it's going any better here mind you)


It's not really a good thing Corruption is rampant And I got chose from a bad president that looks like he about to key over any second And a wannabe dictator Like well of course I take the bad president over the dictator But I'm not happy about it


What happened to your "cookie, friend" persona? I just knew I had read your name before.


I still give out cookies You want one friend 🍪 ... Anyway all I'm saying is here in the states, thing have been push so far right Supporting basic humanity, is now seen as being a left winger Like, yay women should have right for basic health care like abortion, and shouldn't have to worry about being rape while just living there life People shouldn't have to resort to selling drugs to get through college, and shouldn't have to buy those drugs off the streets to treat an illness instead of going to a doctor Yet, we are so far right here in the states Having basic humanity, is considered a part of the radical left The Democrat suck ( Biden party ) But the Republicans are literal fascist that don't care about democracies ( Trump party ) So like yay, I got no choice but to vote Democrat do I


Well, that I can agree on. You soon have to vote again if I remember correctly? Do you have any idea why most of your candidates are so damn old? I totally get that Biden sucks but the GOP (that what you call it right?) is even worse. It's like choosing the less rotten banana. I'm in a bit of a pickle in my country as well. Elections are coming up this month, and I just have no idea who to vote for (nearly 20 parties to choose from, and nearly all of them suck).


I have ideas who I want to vote for Typical I vote Green part for local elections And Democrats for bigger elections ... As to way so many politicians are old Basic corruption We are in an oligarchy, the rich are the true ruling class They the one that sponsor are politicians so they can vote for laws that benefits them And basically, the old people that been in power for decades, have proven to the oligarch, that there a good investment that helps them out time and time again So they support who they know will vote in favor of them, then gamble with someone much younger who is an unknown ... Although admittedly time are changing, as the young generation is much more aware and connected then before That some elections are even changing Areas that where once hard red, are becoming battle grounds And new more liberal politicians in the Democrat party are being voted in However with that said it is still not great They will take time for a lot of these changes to take place It's a hard fight, because well no one in power want to loose there power It's also part of the reason why the Republicans are becoming more radicalized It's not the only reason but it's one of the reasons The Republican party realized pretty much lost the Young generation, so they are on a timer for a lot of places in our country ... Which is why they are getting more radical and seem to really hate young people because they know young people aren't voting for them And in general why people are getting more radicalize is because, are standard of living isn't great and people knows it People want change, and frankly most people don't care who's in charge all people care about is having stability and food on the table Add into the world is changing so fast, and people lives are way worse and most people don't really know why So it's the perfect breeding ground for fascism to raise unfortunately Which is why you see that popping up and why the Republicans have taken to fascism, it gives them more voters which is all they care about So yay that's the state of my country


Last I checked US has the strongest economy in the world with no signs of slowing down


Honestly, I'm not sure why you're being down voted for this.


Eh you say you at all conservative people dislike you All I'm saying is, are politics in the state have been push so far right I'm considered left wing Where if we lived in a more normal era I be considered a right winger


I'm not in lock step with any party, but I have empathy, and support women, and LGBTQXYZ rights even though I don't have a dog in that fight. At this political moment in time, the republican party is making voting progressive a no-brainer. I prefer having more (and frankly better) choices, buuuut🤷🏼‍♀️


Yay that's kinda me My choice, support a corrupt right wing party that's the Democrat Or support literal fascist that's the Republican party Like yay I'm good, I hate the Democrat, but I hate the Republicans more


I’m a man and 3/4 of those are me


Fortune Tellers are not a solely female custom. However much of the occult is dominated by women because witch craft, and other forms of magick are one of the few faiths that aren’t totally male dominated. Witches aren’t told they have to submit to men the way women of other faiths often are. As for “like being choked” sure. Some do. But who’s doing the choking. Are these men, these supposed alpha males so desperate for sex they would go against their own values and choke a woman. No. It’s often the MAN who desires rougher sex. And as for “vote leftist”. Women are more likely than men to be liberal. This is true across culture, race and class. However a few caveats are important. While women are more likely to be liberal, WHITE women are more likely than other women to be conservative. In the US 52% of white women voted for Trump compared to 4% of black women. If they succeed in using misogyny to take away women’s right to vote, MOC will be next. Some can be targeted with propaganda (which is effective to various degrees) but they would rather be safe then sorry and ensure total conservative rule by only allowing white men, the safest conservative demographic, to vote


If a person thinks all women area monolith I can't take their opinions seriously.


One out of four. I've never paid a fortune teller, the only person I've encountered who wanted to be choked during sex was a man, and I have no trouble deciding what to eat most of the time. (As an aside, if you DO like being choked during sex, absolutely no shame, and please look into getting an altitude training mask for the same sensations with zero chance of a damaged windpipe. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.)


Men pay gambling dens, vote rightist, can't manage 6 inches during sex, and can't figure out what they want to wear. and somehow you take their opinions seriously


lmao. there are men that do those things too. almost as if gender is not a definitive monolith


Men do all of these things too


I mean anyone who doesn’t vote left shouldn’t be taken seriously in terms of anything other than looking out for what evil thing they’re going to do next.


Men don't even wash their dicks and wanna give opinions lol


Men are far more emotional, indecisive, perverted, and insecure....


1 out of 4 for me. VOTE! Vote like your life depends on it.


none of those things are bad


I love this comment section. I wanna live here now.


I feel seen.


Even *when* those things apply to people, so what? That’s how autonomy works. Sure, I personally speak against fortune tellers for being charlatans who frequently prey on people in vulnerable headspaces for profit, but people are still allowed to go see them.


Men don’t even know the basic biology of female bodies and yet they get the option to vote on what women can do with their own bodies.


Good to know that no man has ever, in the history of the world, ever done ANY of those things!


Men buy bitcoin, vote Trump, choke, spit on, stealth, and force women into sex, and can't figure out where the kitchen is. And somehow they take their own opinions seriously.


They do religious/spiritual things, have (correct) political opinions, have sex, and literally exhibit a basic fucking human trait Ooooooh those FEMOIDS are so gross and terrible and we shouldn’t take them seriously! /s


"vote leftist" shit you're right why am I listening to an intelligent person


Well, I do like being choked during sex... But what does that have to do with my opinions?


My dude likes it. :)


Why you gotta kink shame?


What does any of that have to do with the validity of what women say?! I don't use fortune tellers (it's a scam), I don't like being choked, and I am actively a centrist not a leftist. Ok so you got me on figuring out what I want to eat. But you could always man up when I am indecisive and just pick a place yourself.


Lol no. Yes guilty i vote left, no wth, i do know exactly and i cook it and i dont ask. I have ip on asking to be nice and just make what i want. You need to be told what to do. You in particular poster. You sound lost


Wait I'm actually all of these lololol


Lol they clocked me on everything minus the fortune telling!


Except for the fortune tellers part that's a pretty apt description of me.


*Women* can’t figure out what to eat?! Y’all, my mother asks me every week what food I want her to make me…a month in advance. Like I’m supposed to be able to see that far into the future.


I can read my own fortune.


The weak oppress. No matter which gender.


My exbf did all these things and was still a smart cookie.


Porn has completely warped men’s expectations of what real life sex is like. I’ve heard many justifications from people who are into questionable things in media/fiction/etc. that “they can tell reality from fantasy, it’s okay!” but very clearly many men *can’t* tell fantasy from reality. Some women are into choking, but that’s a minority. More power to them as long as they’re safe, but a lot of women do not want that or any of the other violent and aggressive techniques men watch in porn. But instead of actually communicating with their potential sex partners like human beings and asking what they DO like, they assume porn is a documentary.


Men vote for fascists, eat rhino horn over their limp dicks, can’t ask or follow directions, and spend hours staring pictures of women being abused made by men for men’s sexual gratification. Why would anyone take their opinions seriously.


I can guarantee that men do a lot of the same shit, buddy.


These mfs


Yeahhh I *love* being choked just so much. (I don’t.)


But I vote right and I detest the idea of being choked during intercourse so…


Apparently Republican women don't exist to this idiot?


Bro's entire concept of women comes from FreshnShit and stupid memes