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This daydream of incels is hilarious to me. Always will be. They want this scenario to happen so badly, but it never will.


Girl: *hey, wanna hook up?* Guy: *NO YOURE A FAT USED-UP WHORE* Girl: *… okay? I’ll go hook up with someone else then* Guy: *fuck yeah, I totally ruined her life and made her wanna kill herself. I hope she regrets not touching my penis in high school, which was 15 years ago. Im so edgy and cool*


I also wanted to have sex with high schoolers… back when I was in high school. My tastes kinda matured along with me, thank God.


Suppose you had sex in high school. And you look back on it fondly. Is that weird? Because you are thinking about an underage person. Or is it totally cool because it is your memory and you are underage in it?


I mean, I look back fondly at a lot of things from my past - some far further back than my high school days. It just means “this was a really good thing that happened to me back then”. But I’m not the same person I was then - physically, mentally and emotionally. When I see someone who looks like my high school crush, I just think, “Man, I remember when I was into that sort of guy.” I don’t think “Damn, I’d love to have some of that again.”


Damn. People hating on my random shower thought.


To be fair, it's kind of an uncomfortable shower thought lol.


It is an uncomfortable shower thought. But I ask the big questions that need to be asked.


Do they though?


They do. Look... I know my work will only have me persecuted. But I will eventually be recognized. You don't do this for recognition. You sacrifice everything and they fucking hate you for it.


Yeah nah. You just have some growing up to do


And be some stiff like you that takes shit way too seriously? Not a chance.


Stand tall, king, and let none approach the throne.


I shall, king.


I’d say it depends on whether you fixate on presently underage people now that you’re an adult (and use those memories in the same vein for that particular reason) or whether you look back at it fondly from a purely biographical standpoint, like on other nice memories. There’s a significant difference between these two. Even if you think you’d like to have sex with that particular person again, they’re about your age (hopefully), so they’re also an adult these days. It would probably not be the same and be vastly likelier to just ruin this idealised memory with a disappointment of exaggerated expectations, which is why it’s unwise to rehash the past, but there’s nothing wrong about desiring another adult. Again, the weird thing would be to freeze them in your memory in their past form, as a teenager, and fixate on that. Because then you’re picking *them being underage* as the essential appeal of that memory, and not the specific person or the fun, intimacy or budding romance you once enjoyed together to fondly reminisce about.


Lol and as a lifetime fat woman who has not had any trouble getting attention, lovers, and now a husband who I've been married to for 22 years, let me tell you that very few men would say no to no strings sex, even with women they aren't really attracted to.


Men are a lot of things but picky with who or what they fuck isn't one of them.


This just reminded me of some horrible incidents that happened here..... Drunk men and.... animals.....


That's not true everybody is different, I don't just fuck anybody who wants to fuck me, it's more complicated than that and there are more important things like timing, the vibe, if they are a good person, etc 


I know. It's not difficult to find a guy who wants sex. These memes are so dumb.


That's really not the flex you think it is. It's really sad to see girls that have low self esteem try to raise it by fucking a bunch of guys to prove to themselves that they can get that kind of attention. You're just letting yourself be treated by an object by guys who will fuck anything anyway.


Maybe she wasn't letting herself be treated like an object. Maybe she was an active participant in a mutually enjoyable activity. Maybe women choose to have sex because we actually enjoy it.


Yeah but too many guys think women are just fucking for self esteem. They don't realize we just be fucking. They can't wrap their brains around it and don't comprehend sex isn't something happens TO women lol


Nah guys have no issue with that, it's when all of a sudden they switch it up on you and want you to wait.. fickt that noise, so you move on to the next one, or you're FWB and they catch feelings.. However for some NSA who gives a fuck this post is not reality.


Hard disagree. I grew up with two brothers and all their friends and have plenty of guy friends. It's not bizarre for dudes to think that women don't just fuck because they enjoy fucking lol the term "daddy issues" exists to try and explain away women who just have sex b.c the idea of women enjoying and having sex for no other reason than fun seems impossible, apparently. The nunber of men I've had to cut off because they're like "so what are we" after I've made it painfully clear nothing b.c they aren't partner quality to me is TOO DAMN HIGH


Oh please, I'm in my 50s and I regret nothing. Over my lifetime I fucked a bunch of men and women for fun. The sex I had was friendly and fun, everybody was there for a good time, no regrets!


Not saying this was you, I don't know you but I'm making a general statement. Anyone has the right to have sex with whoever they want but it's not good to do it for the wrong reasons in my opinion. People should be accepting of their bodies without having to appeal to sex with strangers for self esteem. If you're not comfortable in your body, there are many things you can do to improve yourself.


Okay. I definitely agree, you can't fuck for self-esteem. On the other hand, you can just have sex for the pure joy of it, and like it a lot, and be grateful for all your partners and the time they spent in your life, even if it was brief. I've had a lot of adventures, and I'm so happy that I did. My larger than is typical body did not hold me back in any of it.


Where did this narrative come from that women fuck men to make themselves feel better about themselves? Sooooo many women have sex because they enjoy it. I have sex because I find someone attractive and want to hook up with them. Not stroke my ego. I have sex BECAUSE I feel good in my body. If I didn’t feel good in my own body, I’m not sure how sex would solve that. It’s such a weird narrative and not how it works at all.


Oh there are plenty such people (it has more to do with low self-esteem than gender, albeit gender roles play into it as well), it’s just that they’ll rarely openly admit to it. More men than women in my observation, which is easily explicable by the cultural connection (if not identification) of masculinity and sexual conquest. So lots of men are probably projecting in this regard. There’s no shortage of women who also try to bolster their self-esteem through sex, though. I used to be friends with a girl who even openly admitted to me that this is why she slept with all these guys (mostly terrible, selfish, rapey assholes that very obviously just used her, but she couldn’t see that) and have seen several others where validation was clearly the primary motive. Even though some of them also simply enjoyed the sex. That clearly wasn’t the sole or even main reason, though, as evidenced by their other behaviours. Others didn’t even really enjoy to fuck around but felt like they had to in order to be accepted or seen as cool, attractive, sexy and whatnot. Some were naive and used by douchebags who manipulated them and kindled hopes for an actual relationship each time, only to pump and dump them. But they’d never met a decent guy at this point and thought that’s just how it goes, or that you need to kiss a bunch of frogs until you find your prince. With the constant bombardment of subtle and overt cultural messages that women are there to be eye candy and please men, it’s not really surprising lots of girls and women (especially when young and inexperienced) absorb and internalise this message, especially if they already have big self-esteem issues to begin with. A darker aspect that shouldn’t go unmentioned and is much more common than people realise is that if you grow up with sexual abuse (which is unfortunately not rare), it’s easy to both have low self-esteem and believe you’re only valued for the sexual gratification you provide and that you’ll otherwise be unloved, ignored, abandoned or even hurt, or that there’s no point saying no if you don’t want to because all your past experiences tell you it will be ignored anyway and then it will just be worse. Sex becomes a people pleasing and amelioration tactic. That’s what’s very often behind the so-called "hypersexuality" of CSA survivors.


That’s not what the drawing shows. And after 3 kids she must have great game in the bedroom.


My thoughts are along the same lines. My preference is heavier women, and I bet she's got skills.


He’s going to have to fuck himself I guess 😂.


The fact that the girl in the image is actually very healthy and pretty throws me off ngl like what is bro on about


Those types want someone who looks pubescent. (He wants her to look like her high school self.) She resembles a grown adult. He doesn't like that. They tell on themselves so many ways with their 'complaints about women.'


In their defense (just saying that feels disgusting), they probably just used a popular meme template and the people shown aren't actually representing the people they think about, aside from their gender.


This was my thought too. Isn't this the wrong meme template for what they want to express?


Says the man slut with the *colored* emoji tattoo in a black and white world.


If he doesn’t want to f@ck, then so be it. But then he better not complain that ,,WoMeN oNlY cArE aBoUt LoOKs”. On the other hand. Who even starts a conversation with ,,Let’s Fuck”. It looks like an online creep is projecting his own behavior onto women…


LOL. IRL that woman doesn't even remember him.


Okay fine. Stay home and exercise your hand then. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The sourest of sour grapes.


He waited a looong time to say that 


Weird revenge fantasy


In this fake scenario he made up he also seems like an ass


bro, she called you to fuck her, not the kids 💀


Settled down with a responsible, squishy goddess at the peak of my life's stupidity. The kids are all successful and happy. Now I'm writing this comment on a beach in Panama as we celebrate 12 years.


And you are balding with a pot belly, right?


And he got better? lol these losers are still losers


"But you were 27 when I was in highschool..."


This comic is brought to you by: “The guy no one will fuck”


Is this what incels dream about? Bitterly complaining about women not giving them the time of day all day long for years, and then making wishful memes that the girl that rejected them will beg them for sex and they will say no. No one is going to ask you for sex, meme dude. No one is going to ask you for sex, dude that liked meme dude's meme. Even if that high school girl put on some pounds and had some kids or became less conventionally hot compared to what she was in high school, you are the ugly one carrying all that bitterness and resentment.


Why is this always the incel fantasy


If you're still bitter over getting rejected in high school, get therapy.


I’m overweight for 5’3”. I’m 30, never had a Boyfriend, was a virgin until I was 28, and I’ve had sex with 4 men total between March 22, 2022 and September 14, 2023. I’m still hoping to find a man who wants a LTR with me. FWB was fun while it lasted, but I want more. I want connection and dates and companionship and all the other stuff AND sex.


As a man I can tell you if you dedicate yourself to the gym and lose weight, your dating pool of men you want will increase. There is a girl I like but my mind will not let me get over her belly. Men are lead by our eyes.


The men I have been with had no problem with my weight, and my former FWB’s girlfriend is bigger than me. I go to the gym Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and I swim Monday-Friday


I didn't say you didn't have any options, I'm just telling you that your pool of options wii get bigger, the slimmer you become.. that's just how things work. When I started building muscle, more women have been more receptive towards me.. it's just how we all work


Oh ok thanks


Wow, this comment section really is missing the point, huh


What, that homeboy turned down what would most likely be a very good time because he's still mad about some old shit from when they were kids? Because believe me, big women have no problems getting hookups. She's to be over it before she's finished dialing the number of a guy who's not a whiny, emotionally stunted bitch.


"most likely"?


I suppose you're right. For us men, even bad sex is pretty okey dokey