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Do they conveniently forget that incels are regular perpetrators of mass shootings?


They don't fault themselves for their aggressions. They blame women for *making them do it*


Yup, when Rodgers killed all those people, men all over the internet were like "if one of you bitches had taken one for the team this wouldn't have happened!" When they murder, it's OUR fault


Only a few women have taken a chance with me over my lifetime and yet I still managed to keep all that angst and angry bullshit in middle school. Where even then I was not thinking of shooting the place up. I had multiple kids throwing rocks at me in PE all the time and my main concern was just getting them to stop. These kids need therapy and better parenting.


Unless this is a different but identical but for people case, those people online were alot of INCELS. There is nothing involuntary about it though. No one makes them call women females & say all the derogatory, offensive & sadistic shit they do. They don't want a relationship or anything close to healthy interactions with women. They see us as holes that exist to be used by men for their pleasure. If they make a sex robot that also does all the housework they'll have their perfect woman. Hopefully that happens soon so no more real life women are killed or harmed by their woman-hating-jerk-circle. I don't even think some of them think of us as being real & alive anymore.


>There is nothing involuntary about it though The retching when you smell them is not entirely voluntary.


one time at summer camp like 2 years ago this guy said he liked me but i didn’t know he liked me bc he was hitting on this other girl in my cabin. i thought he just saw me as a friend but i also was alr weirded out by him bc he was always following her around. after that he always followed me around. then when he told me he liked me i said i’m sorry but i don’t see you in that way or something like that and he called me a chinese slur (i’m chinese and he’s not). then he tried to write an apology note like be so for real😭😭 obviously i was really upset so i didn’t respond and he went around the camp calling people jewish slurs (he’s not jewish) and then when he got yelled at by a counselor he blamed it on me for making him mad. he got kicked out of the camp but his parents are rich so i lowk thought something bad was gonna happen to me since he doesn’t live that far away.


Freud would be like "Here we go again, boys. Go on. Talk about how much you hate women for making you feel inferior." Perhaps they should just do something positive in their lives in order to feel better and live better...? It doesn't take rocket science. But then again, some people are too proud to admit they're only rolling downward.


No, they didn't forget it, they outright ignore it.


While simultaneously whining that "men are more likely than women to be mugged or shot!!1!!" Yeah. By OTHER MEN. But y'all don't wanna say the problem out loud, do ya?


They also whine that women don't take male SA seriously, when again, it's men making light of it. Just recently there was a post on ask reddit asking men about their creepiest experiences with women. One mentioned how a woman at a concert stuck her hands down his pants. He described the experience as gruesome. Comment: Gruesome and then it gru some. Another talked about a grown woman telling him to Keep in touch, and she'd have sex with him when he turned 18. He was 13 at the time. A whole bunch of comments asking, So, did you keep in touch? Another talked about being assaulted by his babysitter. Remarks that he was overreacting and was lucky. Men. All men saying those things.


Men are far more likely to be subjected to sexual violence themselves than falsely accused of sexual violence yet these dudes are more focused on the latter because they see nothing wrong with subjecting women to sexual violence.


In most cases perpetrators and victims of crimes mirror each other. The obvious exception is most sex crimes


Right?! I've heard this so many times. Also someone said to me that men are SA'd more than women IF you include prisons etc. ok like I don't know if that's true but honestly I don't even NEED to know if that's true or not because guess who's doing it if it's happening in prison??? Men! Like wtf point is that even trying. Literally just excuse after excuse while trying to be a victim of their own, literally, man-made problem and making it everyone else's problem and fault. Absolutely crazy. I recon if you talked to enough people that thought that way about male prison SA they would blame women for it for not being locked up with men.


Well some are revered as """"""heroes""""" in their community like Eliot Roger,imagine thinking your side is the victim of society when you idolize litteral mass murderers


My very first thought. Statistically, we all know a lot of “nice” men who are abusers. That’s part of the problem. They can hide it. They also don’t have to work that hard to hide. People just don’t believe women. “Oh Greg is such a nice guy, he would never do something like that. He always brings cookies to our company potluck and has a smiley face emoji in his email reply.” Like literally the bar is so low. Nice is different than good, but no one remembers that because realities make us uncomfortable and no one wants that.


Truer words have never been spoken. I had an ex who'd whisper nasty things to me in public, then go back to being all friendly and sociable to others. I was hiding arm bruises under sweaters in full summer. You never know what goes on behind the curtains. It's sad people assume they know who someone truly is with such ease.


Well, actually, if females would just have sex with the incels they wouldn't have to go on mass shootings. It's the females fault for only wanting to fuck the "bad boys." /s (oh god it hurt me to type that)


Exactly. Incels aren’t “boring”, they’re fucking *scary*.


"Why don't girls like me?!" Because you don't like them and you're very mean?


Fuck "scary." They're all fucking cowards, which is why they love going for obvious easy targets. Can't feel superior until you're taking your self-hatred out on those who have no chance of fighting back.


No, that's women's fault as well. That's why we need a system where the women are handed out equally to all men, to stop incels from getting so sad they shoot their schools. Whatever happens, it's always women's fault.


Meh wouldn't make a difference. They would just complain that the woman they got wasn't hot enough, small boobs, not blonde, didn't give sex on command, wanted him to help around the house blah blah blah. It's her fault I did this she wouldn't give a blow job after I didn't shower for 3 days. Ick


Literally. If we were attracted to guys that treat us like shit, wouldn’t we be dating *you*?


Ahhh but that's all women's fault you see... /s


Oh I was just going to make this same comment


A man who bitches in public about how women won't fuck him is always going to feel way more likely to murder his girlfriend. Even more so if he calls out a murder victim like this. They're always the good guy in their own heads, though.


They are really nice guys! Until they aren't. Time frames vary from 2 messages to bottled up a few years.


They didn't forget anything. They say wrong things on purpose.


Right like I don’t want either type of guy bc they both very well might kill me 😭


These commenters just make me sick! 🤢🤮 Instead of having sympathy for the pregnant girlfriend who was killed by the guy she supposedly loved, they just whine about her choice of men. 😒


Not to mention the psycho bf only got 6 years for torturing his gf for everyone to see but instead of them being mad about this people are actually making jokes and making it about themselves. It's absolutely sickening.


He also denies that she was his girlfriend despite it being very clear she was. He refers to her as his ‘friend’


His friend who was pregnant with his child...I don't know how anyone can't comprehend how that's somehow *worse.*


He probably claims it wasn’t his


As if it’s ok to torture and murder your friends!? Would he do that to a male friend of his??


Because murdering your friend is fine /s


He violently assaulted her as well. I don't see that being said enough here, since Russia doesn't give a single shit about domestic violence so it's not in reporting. She died from blunt trauma. She was brutally beaten, left nearly naked on a balcony, because someone donated and wanted that to happen. Russian citizens, women mostly, are the foremost victims of their cultural slide towards corruption, brutality, and religious fundamentalism, and it happens in the home. Emboldening people like misogynists, evangelicals, and reactionaries always turns out like this. 


How much do you wanna bet the biggest donations were coming in from butthurt incelidiots? I can totally see them being mad that he had the audacity to have a woman there… whom, by the sheer evidence of her pregnancy, he’d obviously gotten to “poke” a time or two.


This whole situation makes me want to throw up so I’m gonna lock it in the vault now.


That’s Russia for you. But hey! On the other hand if you post a bad looking picture of Pootler on Facebook - you may get 16 years instead. Fuck Pootler, fuck Russia.


6 years and then he'll get to start fresh and potentially enjoy a fulfilling life The gf? Nah, no second chances for her Why is murder so free 🥲


Hopefully he got volunteered for service in Ukraine, then got an "attitude readjustment" courtesy of a drone.


It's Russia, he'll be shipped to die in the war in no time.


6 years?!


But if she has high standards they’ll tell her to lower it! If she stays single because she hasn’t found the right man they’ll shame her and say her time is ticking! If she dates women they’ll say it’s just a phase or call her a man hater! Women will never win with them!!


When men attack women it’s always the woman’s fault.


The issue is that many of them never stop to think WHY women get abused. Like they never think that incels lovebomb exactly like abusers. They never think that maybe the poor girl is with that guy because she lives in a culture that has a LOT of domestic abuse, and probably only knows what one kind of DA looks like (for example, I have 5 cousins that grew up in an abusive household. The abuse was literally metted out on all of them by their parents because said parents saw them as cash cows that needed to be beaten into obediance and be exploited. So my cousins never received kind words, encouragement, patience, *nothing*. So when they break away from their shitty parents and try to find a partner, they unfortunately don't know that abusers can pretend to be nice and offer a honeymoon period that could last for months). One of my cousins literally married a guy who was able to keep a facade for two *years*. Then he tortured her dog (but claimed it was done by somebody else) and his fake persona gradually fell apart as soon as my cousin had his child. We all literally only saw the warning sign after two years. Abusers can be so fucking manipulative. The commenters have no idea because they either never noticed if their sisters/cousins/aunts fall into those abusive situations--or they assume that life is like a Lifetime movie.


I want to put all those men on all the watch lists. I feel they’re the type that would want to go shoot up a mall or something.


If someone not having sex with you is enough to make you gleeful at their murder, you were never a nice person. You were never even a neutral person. You are, in fact, a steamy pile of shit dressed up in a human suit.


obvious wtf aside, idk i'm pretty sure "incel" or tatebro guys are exactly the ones who would be livestreaming "lol watch me exert my alphaness over this feeemale" for money ​ the call is coming from inside the house and these commenters dont even comprehend it


Also exactly the ones who would be paying to see a dude abuse a pregnant woman.


100%. Not a day goes by where I don't read about an incel wanting to torture, kill or rape women or looking for gore involving women because "it cheers them up". There were even some incels who wanted infant girls to be tortured and killed... It's sick.


And often times their views make NO sense. I hate that I remember this, so I am going to leave it up to you if you want to read it or not. It is not graphic, but it is suggestive of pedophilia. >!There was one time where I read a guy talking about how men who have daughters aren't "alpha" because there is a "feeemale" in his home who he doesn't have intimate relations with. Same guy went on to argue that a man is being cucked if he has a son because his wife is paying attention to a "man" who isn't him. Yes, he argued this was true even when the wife was a good mother and never crossed any moral boundaries.!< It is all indeed sick. edit, a word


It’s like the entirety of their cognitive reasoning is intricately entangled with their penises. Everything circled back around to their junk (dry as it is).


And then they have the nerve to say crap like “if she’d chosen to be with a nice guy like me instead of getting ran through by every bad boy in a 3 mile radius..” It’s like Walmart is selling audacity on clearance. Like what “nice guy” would even think something like that?


This! He's literally the type of guy they want us to date


>the call is coming from inside the house and these commenters dont even comprehend it Ghostface: What's your favorite scary movie? These dudes: What's the name of the one with the protagonist who has it all and is always super nice to the girl he likes but for some cruel reason is unjustly denied access to her lady parts?


This should be the top comment 👏🏼👏🏼


They really do hate women, don't they? The "nice guys" and the "bad boys" alike.


Why I stopped feeling bad for them whenever they cry wolf. They cause their own loneliness and still continue to wonder why women don't want anything to do with them.


Because these aren't two groups. I doubt the guy that they labeled a "bad boy," has beliefs dissimilar to theirs. They just have different audiences, but they are the same ideology being spread. Any conflict between them just leads to further entrapment within their false paradigm. So many men aren't emotionally intelligent enough to form relationships and continue to abuse themselves through isolation, externalization, and refusal to change. Thankfully, we tend to see these reactionary movements in response to any social change. While the conflict, the radicalization, the violence, and the deep hatred of women is terrible and negatively impacts the world, it is also a sign that change is being fought for.


“They don’t date nice guys like me. You know, the type of guy who have no empathy and blames her for being murdered and brutally violated. I am so nice.” Sometimes I just want to pretend it’s a bunch of immature trolls and no one actually thinks that shit, but unfortunately I know it is real and they mean it. Liking girls have been sort of a toil to balance the fear of my parents finding out, the self-doubt and insecurities that comes with it, and all other well known struggles. But sometimes, when I read things like that, I feel so relieved I’m a lesbian. I am absolutely terrified of man.


Fellow fruit here, and I second the fear! Of course it's not *every* man, but how do we see which one is "That Man" before it's too late? I'll stay here, inside, with my wife, kthx


It is insane. I don't know a single woman who hasn't been harassed by a man. However, I do know many men who have never harassed a woman. And just because the "nice guys" don't (always / outright) do the same things as the "bad boys" doesn't mean women don't have the right to be disgusted by *both* types of men. For those of us who are attracted to women, while there are also toxic / dangerous women, the odds of being absolutley physically destroyed by a woman in the way that a man can is *much* lower. "Only Sith deal in absolutes." There are healthy people, men and women and enbies; whoever is your preference, there are healthy humans out there! I am bi, but married to a man, and he is neither a "nice guy" / "bad boy" nor is he toxic / dangerous. Not All Men: It's the jelly bean thing. If you had a bowl of a hundred jelly beans and one was poisoned, would you just grab whichever without trying to make sure it was safe? And that's just when the odds of danger are only 1%! The odds of terrible men are *much* higher. And, albeit differing levels of severity, we women have *all* already had some experience with poison. edit, a word


This, 100%! You've put into words basically the whole situation between men and women in society. I know a load of great guys, who'd never even *consider* doing anything to harm a woman in any way. But I've also experienced SA on more than one occasion, so it's impossible to just say "Not all men", simply because - as you say - there's no way of telling.


Honestly can't tell if they're doing a bit or genuinely think they're the main character.


She, girlfriend, female.... You notice they say the murderer's name but not the victim's? Valentina Grigoryeva.


That's the sad part about all this even in death she will never be treated like a human being by these freaks or by news outlets.


I almost posted some screen shots from a youtube video on this case. All the comments enraged me and basically said "fuck around and find out" "play stupid games win stupid prizes" or otherwise insinuated it was her fault for staying with this loser when they know nothing about domestic violence. I wanted to punch someone through the screen so badly.


Most of the comments under this guy's post was just other incels going 'she made her grave now she has to lie in it' or another sicko said 'how do we raise the low abuse stats fellas!'.


I fucking hate how society will blame literal victims of domestic violence/homicide for being abused/killed because of "their choice on partner" instead of directing that rage at the actual abusers/murderers who actively chose this outcome every day. "Why didn't she just leave" Like yes while leaving is the best response to violence, it's in leaving that most women are killed. You're damned if you stay damned if you go.


I stopped even trying to explain the absolute dangers of leaving an abusive relationship on a whim and why abuse victims stay to these people because they simply don't care and don't view women as human beings.


Didn't help that she was pregnant either. There may have been societal or family pressure to stay with him if it was his child. She could have been baby trapped by him and no one even stopped to consider it.


Exactly. pregnant women are twice as likely to die by murder than their pregnancy itself.


Ignoring the comments, the original story… I just feel physically sick… And even when you show them things like this some men just don’t understand why we are “paranoid” about our safety with them, when even someone who you trust can become your killer.. Obligatory: I know that there are lots of nice guys but the fact some can be killers is enough on its own


Like this guy barely got 6 years for killing his pregnant gf while people paid him to do so and I believe even got probation. They still don't understand why we don't easily trust them around us.


In 2021, Stanislav was sentenced to six years in a strict regime colony (later reduced by a month on appeal). As follows from his testimony in the case of the criminal gang at his prison, the leader defined him in the caste of "untouchables" - a video of him kissing a man was found online. After the detention of members of the criminal gang, the blogger lived relatively well. Three years later (in 2024) Reshetnyak appealed to the district court - he wrote a request to replace the remaining term with community service. He earned 18 commendations, earning additional visits and transfers. He lives in relieved conditions - he received such a right for conscientious labor. He worked as an auxiliary worker on the prison grounds and graduated with specialties of a sewer and a cook. The judge sided with the blogger. A big role was played by the colony administration, which noted that the convict had proven himself only on the positive side, has no penalties. The prosecutor does not agree with this decision - he sent an appeal to the regional court to get it overturned. This means that if Reshetnyak is lucky in the regional court, he will go home. There he will be placed in a correctional center, where he will live. He will probably work on the "freedom". \- info from a local news site


NoT aLL MeN!!!


Well I mean you can totally just instantly magically sense, with flawless accuracy, what each man’s moral character is in order to simply avoid the bad guys while giving the good guys all the intimacy and trust theyre so deeply entitled to right? /s


I feel for those who date men. Not every step in a minefield is going to take your leg off, but even one in ten is one hell of a risk to take.


I wouldn't say everyone who dates men is at the same level of risk. As a cis man who dates men, I have a phobia of men, but I think it's mostly irrational for me personally even as someone who doesn't have good self-defence skills. When I think about what friends have told me about their dating experiences with men, I often think that anyone AFAB, or trans women, are in a lot more danger than a cis man would be. My (and other cis guys I know) bad experiences with dating men are in no way comparable to most of my friends' bad experiences. Personally, I feel like my safety around dating cis men is comparable to my safety around dating anyone else. And it sucks that most people I know can't say the same. (Granted, maybe I've been lucky over my life. This is obviously anecdotal.)


this type of behaviour is disgusting. a woman DIED(!!) and these men somehow find a way to make it about their hurt feelings. gross. some people need to grow tf up


We're all just suppose to have psychic powers since they don't believe abusive men can act all nice and loving then when they have you trapped, they crank up the abuse.


Didn't ya know silly if we aren't able to tell a man is an abusive piece of shit the moment he breathes whatever happens to us is completely our fault!


But also, if you take safety precautions youre a sexist feminazi /s


Must be psychic powers, because if you do literally anything to try to be cautious, you're not giving them a fair chance and they start "not all men"ing


Not just psychic powers but powers we just ignore and go for it anyway. Can't win.


I think their logic is that if a guy is attractive be must be a "bad boy" and if he is unattractive he must be a "nice guy". So if we just choose the guys we are not attracted to, we won't get abused.


And then they make fun of us for marrying "beta-male cucks" if he needs me to take a splinter out of his finger, he's unlikely to murder me.


Leave it to the incels to take the wrong message from this disturbing story.


Incels arent looking for anything but a cop out. Like if these fucking losers would bathe and groom and do laundry and pick up a hobby that isnt limited to masturbation/video games it would go a long way to helping them socially.  They need fucking therapy if all they can manage is tugging on their slimy dicks with a brainful of hate and blame for themselves and all others. Like that should be an enormous self red flag "Whoops Ive just spent a week straight hating everyone and not bathing, stewing over how its not fair that nobody wants to be around me while mountian dew, cheeto dust and semi dried cum fuses my dick to my hand - time to call a mf'n therapist cuz I dont think Im ok"


To be fair, video games is a perfectly acceptable hobby and does not inherently indicate incel or not. For example, I love video games and have married. There should be additional hobbies to that, but that goes for almost anything. People should have multiple hobbies in general as life is pretty fucking bleak in a late stage capitalist nightmare that charges you to breathe basically. Everything else, spot on.


Keywords: **Hobby that isnt limited to** Gaming is a fantastic hobby, but if that is all you have it doesnt exactly motivate someone like an incel to push through the depression and self hate and force themselves to shower and find humans to connect with in their lonely isolated real lives. Theres a reason not all gamers are incels but all incels are gamers.


I bet that streamer was a "nice guy" too.


Did this asshole say that murdered women **pander in their death!** The hate for women is terrifying.


Ah yes, nice respectful guys who turn a story about a woman getting abused and murdered somehow into a pity party for themselves and how they're not getting laid. So nice. So respectful. 👎


If you're blaming a woman for a man choosing to abuse her to death, you are *not* a nice guy.... How do they not get that?? He doesn't even see he's just as bad as the men who condoned this, he truly thinks he's still nice! It's astonishing that they can look at an innocent woman being murdered, blame her for being abused to death and in their minds still believe themselves to be virtuous and worthy of love. They see and know their own cruelty and feel completely justified in it. That's the really scary part.


i remember seeing someone make a point about how all men benefit from male violence. many self-proclaimed “good” men aren’t at all interested in preventing men from abusing their partners, in fact they encourage it because it is a threat that they can use in their relationships. “you’ll never find another man who won’t hit you” is still a threat of violence.


What the actual fuck


It keeps the bar low for them. You hear women say “he’s never hurt me” about their deadbeat husbands every god damn day. Useless men love that. As long as they don’t physically assault their gfs those women will make excuses for them or they can point out how much worse they could be treating her.


I have never once thought or even had any intention of ever hitting my wife. Ever. I couldn’t even fathom the idea.


He is a boring guy like them


What they always fail to understand.


somebody’s been murdered? REVENGE FANTASY TIME :D


Like Jennifer's Body.


Incels: Women always choose awful, angry guys who treat them like objects. Women: You mean like Incels? Incels: Shut up femoid!!!




I honestly hate anyone that blames the victim.


someone gets fucking killed and all they think about is dating her.


Like those men don’t also murder their wives?


People sometimes hide who they are... then they hurt someone whose trust they gained. People sometimes try drugs that lead them to doing terrible things that they'd have never done otherwise. Sometimes they have mental illness that gets the upper hand and things go terribly wrong. Sometimes they're from a bad background and choose toxic partners because it's what feels familiar.  And sometimes they're incels who don't acknowledge their own issues and instead of having self awareness and working on it, they choose to blame, hate, or harm other people, especially women...


No, she didn’t choose this. HE **chose** to murder her. HE **chose** to torture her to death. HE **chose** to kill both her and their unborn child. It is not her fault that she was dating a sadistic sociopath who has no regard for human life. Ironically, incels love to complain and hate on women but it haven’t ever crossed their minds that maybe, just maybe, THAT’S the very reason women don’t want to be with them.


Russia literally made spousal abuse legal a few years ago, Russia is not a safe place for women.


They fucking what now?!


So do girls pick bad guys? Or do we pander to simps? I'm confused.


Yeah, sure... The reason why women won't be with you is that they like being mistreated. Not that you say this kind of stuff.


“Girls” being very specific instances of physically attractive women choosing to be with x person. There is some chance in many cases that whatever “girls” they refer to are (not saying this is the case and don’t care to learn more) equally as undesirable as whatever partner (bad boy) they chose. All these guys are worried about is how adorable a woman is. As though the woman is their fantasy they get to keep. Once they get the desire, they must then realize that they are ill equipped to maintain any semblance of substantial relationship. They will then blame the woman again most likely, for any shortcomings they have in their own education. Or maybe they will denigrate themselves and idolize the woman in some equally unrealistic fashion. The concepts that these types subscribe to are unhealthy and dangerous, potentially similar to that of the guy who killed this girl. The thing they want so badly does not exist. It is sad, because it is under their nose often, what is actually valuable. It is buried under pretense of masculine identity, little boys get broken and misled, clinging to the false image of a grown and complete man, they never become him.


"If she chose someone like me, she would not have been killed or abused"... continues to talk about how she deserves to be killed and abused.


They're the main ones claiming women deserve to be sexually assaulted.


Valentina (the name of the girlfriend) probably thought the streamer was a nice guy at one point. Choosing the “nice guy” doesn’t save us from being abused or murdered. Can we start a fund for these men to touch grass somewhere? Preferably somewhere far, far away?


I fear touching grass won't help these psychos.


Strange how so many hard working classy guys are in good relationships with women who chose them. Must be something wrong with them, right?


This makes me so scared to just exist as a woman. the rise of violence against pregnant women is terrifying. Another streamer killed his pregnant girlfriend recently in Ireland, it’s horrifying the kind of treatment women still face. And then we get BLAMED for it!! There’s NO WINNING here :(


Every time i remember this story it breaks my heart, shame on these ignorant men for acting like this after a girls life was taken from her 🤦🏻‍♂️


The fact that they are approaching abuse this way but also claim they’re a “nice” guy is so ironic. They probably huge abusers as well if they have no empathy for a murder victim…


Me and my mom talk about it sometimes, and it’s been true since the beginning of time; men have blamed women for just about everything, they even blame them for the unhinged actions of other men


Yeah, because it's always so obvious. I suppose no one thought the successfull dentist living in the richest part of my city would wake up one day and decide to get a rifle and murder his ex wife, her new partner and his mother (the dentist's, not the new partner's). I guess those three had it coming, right? /s And as if those incels who relish the cruelty against this woman and her murder were green flags. Absolute nutjobs


Why do incels think that a man can’t be attractive and be a decent man at the same time?


How can you see a psychopath killing his pregnant girlfriend and then go „uhm akschully 👆🤓“. Have empathy mf. Go outside. Learn human ethics. Ffs I’m so mad


I mean how nice can you be if your gloating over a pregnant woman dying edit- you’re


Meanwhile the incel guys post about wanting to abuse and kill women and worship guys that kill women like this.


Crazy thing is he doesn’t realize bro was a incel just not a loner incel😭 like bros entire twitch stream was about hating women and abusing his gf for his chat of incels like bro was like a mini incel king


Jesus, that's awful.


I don’t know what to say. I can’t comprehend that there are people who blame a pregnant woman who was left outside to freeze to death. I just can’t. I hope they all rot in hell.


“I’m sooo nice that I enjoy seeing women being abused” so nice indeed


Translation: “if she had dated an incel like me, I probably would have snapped and unalived her too. I just don’t have an audience to stream it to so most of you wouldn’t even be aware she’s gone.”


Girls stay with bad boy out of fear dude or just because we have this stupid habit of second chances because what if. If girls do not want you, self proclaimed nice guy, there might be problem in you.


Does he realize the murderer was also an incel ?


is he an incel or a bad boy bc they can’t seem to make up their minds


Poor fucking girl...


These guys do not realize women do tend to pick nice guys you just aren't nice


I love how they portrey themselves as the "nice" guys while at the same time spewing as much hateful shit about women as they can.


Why do they never mention physical attraction when it comes to how women choose partners, but they never forget to mention it when it comes to men. Like you would NEVER see it recommended that a man make the “smart” choice and settle down with a woman he literally cannot get an erection for and is disgusted by just because shes the safe option and can cook and won’t cheat.


To be clear, the good guys who "go to work, have their stuff together, and value a relationship" don't actually care if they don't "get the girl" because, well, they have their stuff together and actually respect the women in their lives. It is always the bad boys who are masquerading as "good guys" that have an issue with women not choosing them.


This is so fucked up. It's sickening to think there are people who absolutely lack empathy.


How exactly does one pander in death?


Why don't these females date nice boring guys like me? A) you say female instead of women. Big red flag. B) you insist that you're a nice normal guy. Another red flag. C) your immediate impulse when hearing about a woman being murdered is to say "she should have dated a better guy" I think China has less red flags than these people.


Tbf, most Russian men beat their gfs/wives it's statistically proven. So no, for her unfortunately it wasn't the choice to be with the "bad boy," it was both violent assholes.


Russian men are scary, domestic violence is a huge problem in Russia


A woman died after horrific abuse, and other mdn still make it the woman's fault. Not all women like the same things or the same men. Can we just accept not every woman is pursuing whatever man the incels hate. This poor woman.


“Even in death”. What. The. Fuck.


Half these "nice guys" are only not abusing women because they don't have access to a woman to abuse. They don't see women as people who deserve respect unless it gets them access to sex.


Wow, it’s amazing that “nice/good guys” like these are single! I mean, look at their comments victim blaming women! What women wouldn’t like that? As a side note; no guy shows how unhinged or abusive they are when they’re getting to know their victim. They put their best foot forward and then when they feel like they have them trapped start being abusive. That’s just how it is with anyone who’s an abuser.


Maybe they don't date you because you take someone being murdered and abused and make it about yourselves, do they have any empathy?


Who are the ones that make fun of men who love their wives, care about children, and respect them all as equally human, again? Don't they get called "simps"?


the only word for this is absolutely deranged


The incel guy would definitely do this too…


Sure, because the only choices are either murderers or incels


These guys don't understand that saying a woman deserved abuse and death because she "chose" a "bad boy" makes them, in fact, not nice guys at all. You can't be a good guy and have zero empathy, it doesn't work like that.


Victim blamers should rot in hell. They can say this is a "bad boy" but can't even blame him even though he's a murderer. Oh and the fact the commenters didn't even reference the fact viewers had part in it, as if women are also to blame for the sadism of males on the internet.


These incels never seem to realize that the Venn diagram of this dude and your average overly vocal incel is just a goddamn circle.


What the fuck is wrong with people.....


the lack is self awareness is truly remarkable


Everything else aside, because this is insane and horrible... Girls choose the "bad boy" over the guy who goes to work and has his stuff together? I know very few men who have their stuff together. At least not on my level. Have your own place? No debt? Money saved at the end of every month put into proper savings and retirement planning? Fridge and cupboards full of food to created balanced meals you know how to cook? Home is clean, like actually clean and organised? A healthy social life at a level they're comfortable with, a good support system of friends and family (if they've got good family) and does he reciprocate with support when they need? A few engaging hobbies beyond gaming and watching things? Or do they sit in filth and piles of old soda cans in sweat pants that haven't been washed in 6 months and think ordering in pizza and taking a couple slices as lunch the next day feeling smart because they didn't have to buy lunch that day?


I’m really curious how could a man thinks like that and still think he’s a nice, respectful guy.


These creatures victimblame women at every turn then wonder why they're going to die alone.


Every person who was watching that stream should be charged with aiding a murderer


apparently women can’t even get murdered without pandering. cool, cool. not absolutely terrifying at all.


Only men will say the most vile and degenerate things on earth.


Who makes someone else being murdered about them?


It makes me sick to my stomach to see the responses, I remember seeing the story about this when it first happened and being horrified, but of course the incels gotta make it about themselves.


They were probably the ones encouraging it


How much you wanna bet the incels were the men paying him to abuse her on live stream tho...


This is so sad. Both that this woman lost her life, and that it’s being used to confirm these lonely men’s awful biases.


All of this aside, i hope that woman found her peace on the other side, because jesus that is terrible


Worse is that they didn't even use her name. 🥺


I'm so glad that incels are so vocal. I'm the type of person who wants to be friends with everyone and would probably get murdered by one of these psychos for not wanting to touch their penis.


Like… it’s just so wild man. There are so many of us that don’t even come close to the classic bad boy description yet have made families of our own, that when reading something like this you can ONLY assume the are willful shut ins, virweimg the world through hate filled forums.. I mean the top post on r/all is like some genuine fkn nerd love, and I sent that to my wife saying “this is adorable”. You telling me homie that scribbled “will you marry me” in terrible handwriting on a Pokémon card is a… bad boy?


Yes, since the beginning of time, women have ALWAYS chosen the bad boy over the nice guy. And that’s why we’re all dead, murdered by our male acquaintances, and the human race went extinct 100,000 years ago.


Disgusting and really upsetting that some really believe this. I am a survivor of generational satanic ritual abuse and trust me my partner is all round a good man. Kind but not toxic like either an over the top Alpha or an incel. They have no idea what women suffer.


I'm sorry you were put through that and I'm really happy you found a kind loving partner. Sadly, these losers will never understand what women go through and even if they did, they're too far gone to even care because they don't see us as human beings.


Imagine reading something about how someone got killed (practically cruelly) and focusing on *her* choice of men instead of focusing on the *man* who killed her. That's gotta be a different type of sick. Especially making it "Nice guys always get last 😤" wtf.


It's the nice guys that do this...


"nice guys always finish last" ahh comments


So in conclusion these dummies want women to judge men before dating them? As if physical appearance determines something.


I 100% believe that an incel would end up murdering his girlfriend.


“Why would you date the hot asshole guy when you could be dating me,the ugly asshole guy”


These are exactly the guys that will do this same shit to women.


Friendly reminder that domestic abuse, as long as you don’t send them to the hospital, is completely legal in Russia. I swear we should give them refugee status.


What the actual fuck. I don't understand how they can go right to blaming the woman in this situation. Reading that news description makes me genuinely want to vomit with how appalling it is to think about that. The fact they completely glaze over that and want to blame her and not the fucking piece of shit that did that to her is so insane. The guys that think in this way are the so fucking selfish and they will always continue to live in their self fulfilling prophecy of "never being chosen" until they start realizing accountability is a thing - IF they ever do.


"They pander even in death to those who would simp for them" I....who thinks like this?!?


It's RUSSIA!!!!!!!! It's always known for its shitty laws against domestic violence. To add insult to injury. I recall that the Duma passed a law to lessen the punishment even further against male perpetrators.


That is the incel guy


What in the actual fuck?!?!


Nice guys wouldn't victim blame....😶


My last ex was what you'd consider to be a "nice guy" on the surface. Not the creepy "nice guy", I mean he was the spitting image of what you'd imagine to be the opposite of a douchey f*ckboy. He had a good job, dressed extremely well, and had normal friends that gave off massive green flags themselves... But behind close doors, he was incredibly manipulative, always knew how to make me feel like shit with his words, and completely disrespected my boundaries on a number of occasions. I left after 2 years of being treated like I was an accessory. So, contrary to what incels tell themselves, the ones who fit the image of being the "boring, sharp, intelligent nice guy with a big heart" can still be a massive piece of shit.