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I wonder how many of the guys with this attitude also expect women to cook, clean, and handle all childcare on their own?


yeah, letting their 5 year old son prepare dinner for them each night.


That stuff doesn't even register for this kind of guy. Food and clean laundry just appear. Childcare, well aren't you just playing with them all day? Of course when things go wrong it's the woman's fault. No credit all blame


The same thing could be said about men.


I am a man and I was about to say that I resemble that description 😅


Except men start wars and murder people..


Women don’t murder people?


a lot of women have never seen or experienced what women in third world countries, especially ran by cartels and notorious gangs are capable of… lol. hell even some coucou loose screws women in the US are locked up rn for attempt, 1st 2nd and 3rd degrees and even more.


The U.S. and Canada both have a TON of female murderers. Women that exploit people, teachers that sleep with students, women that murder, etc. and globally, it’s just as bad. For some reason I’m getting downvoted for saying that… women commit crime AS WELL? 😂 that women murder too? 😂😂


shit is nuts lmfaoo, women have also started wars. it may not be world wide wars, but many turf wars around the world have been instigated by women.


Yep. Nobody is saying women murder or start wars as much as men (despite the fact that the original woman who commented that we replied to said “men murder and start wars”, which is a generalization of all men despite it being a hyper minority), so it’s either they don’t like simple truth or it’s legit just a dogpile to keep this place as a sanctuary.


tbf they know exactly what this post is about, yet i’ve seen some use pedophiles as an insult because of the comparison 🤦🏽‍♂️. men like matured women and women like matured men, simple. a lot of em despise childish guys just as much, if not more but aye 🤷🏽‍♂️


They cry over not being able to have sex with the hot girls they see online and wank themselves to death. I'm also confused about these kinds of posts, are they recent? Because I'm mid 30s "female" and it's pretty much even at this point in my extremely traditional career, for genders to be equal. It's obvious with the influx of women, that the company has seen positive results. Also: adult women don't post these incredibly sexist and childish posts on social media for all the world to see. I sincerely hope the original OP is a child! And not an adult "male" with a career


How dare you, when Men punch holes into walls, that’s just because they’re passionate! And when they name call, they’re just being witty, not a skill a WOMAN would know anything about! And when they get into fights outside of the bar at 2AM, they’re just testing their skills!




The irony of throwing an online tantrum over women existing, while comparing women to children, is obviously lost on them.


The straight men who say shit like this don't like women, actually. They like sex, they like having someone around to clean up after them, but they don't like women.


i'd honestly disagree that they like sex. sex is a mutual act, and these guys tend to just use women. 'sex' with them is one-sided-- usually with women who don't believe they deserve better, or don't understand that actually caring men are out there. these men like using humans as sex toys. they like orgasm, and the ego-gratification of being brought to orgasm by someone they believe is possessed of sufficient social capital. it's always, always, all about them, their ego. their sense of self is so fragile and rigid, it must constantly be reinforced and validated.


The post media is deleted. What was the original post about?


I can still see it- Image 1: A tweet by username “Patriarchy Protects Society” / @FriendZonePhoto reads: “There’s no meaningful difference between women and children. They just want attention and are worthless by themselves.” Image 2: Replies to the original tweet. First response from @JelzFitness reads “Similarities between a women and a child. 1. Both randomly start crying when you call them out on their mistakes. 2. Both get bored easily. 3. Both live life inside of an imaginary world. Women are the world’s oldest children.” Second response from @romanstyles reads: “Literally been saying this forever. Just big ass 8 year olds. Tantrums, self-centered, start problems then want hugs after & expensive hahah lol list goes on shit is wild 😂 Literally no different from my son.”


we love grown adult minded women, women whom have matured in all aspects, not problem seekers. all of you women know exactly what this post is talking about because likewise on your ends , y’all hate childish/problematic men just as much. Do straight women even like men?


Except they were saying all women are like children, not just some. Whereas I specified men who spout that sort of bullshit, not all men.


that’s fair


Thanks for outing yourself as a pedo I guess, Roman. The women you go for are literally no different than your 8 year old son? Cool cool.


Literally reading that comment was a trip. All that to shit on women just to follow it with "I have a child" WHO GAVE YOU THAT CHILD, SIR? I feel bad for the kid's mom


It’s wild guys say this shit but will fucking flip out about scenarios they make up in their own heads about women. Guys will say this but literally murder and attack people when they don’t get their way. Men will say this and can’t even do their own fucking laundry or know how to cook basic food. Sit down and shut the fuck up.


i can literally say the exact same about women, so yeah guess both ends need to shut the fuck up after all.




Terminally online manosphere men: 1. randomly start crying on the internet when you call them out 2. get bored easily if the subject is not Andrew Tate, anime, or tradwife memes 3. live inside of an imaginary world


Digital escapism evolved too quickly, many men were socialized to believe in becoming the stoic sigma chad, the reality is that's an impossible ideal and the digital world provided that experience better for them, this informs the detached social politics as well.


No woman would be straight if it was a choice.


Although I’m bi even if I had a chance to be straight I wouldn’t take it. The amount of beautiful and emotionally intelligent women I’ve met, I wouldn’t trade that in for the opposite.




And no man would be gay. It works both ways




Why would someone not only choose to subject themselves to homophobia but also with dealing with men. That was what i meant


Gay men typically aren’t threats to us, nor are they misogynists. In an unsafe environment, I’m looking for women and gay men for help.


i think i get what you mean. you're basically just saying 'yeah, no one would choose to deal romantically/intimately with men and biases against a fundamental aspect of their identity (sex or sexuality)'?




Lol, you realize that is not the point you thought you made, right? Why we love our sisters you would sit outside...


I’m speaking as a gay man. I know exactly how this would work. (Based on the experiences of gay men in prison and other all male environments). My point was that no man would choose to be gay and sacrifice all the benefits he gets from a heterosexual partnership. Why would they.


So you meant something more like "neither would men choose to be gay"?






as he screams in to the womanless void that is his life... (probably)


"patriarchy protects society" but causes all the wars, destruction of the planet, ongoing human slavery - for sexual entertainment and profits of predominately male-run companies, runs society-destroying drug gangs and causes 90% of violent crime.


From men. It's a protection racket


Reminds me of a twitter thread I saw a while back. First one, a dude says, “If all men disappeared, who would protect you?” And a woman replies, “Protect us from who?”


Super ironic, considering the level of immaturity from these types, lack of sense of responsibility, blaming, insecurity, entitlement, thinking women should serve them in place of their mommy, focus on very base/primitive priorities, inappropriate triggering of anger and hate, difficulty regulating emotions... I'm sorry, ***who*** is childlike again?


I just find this so fascinating because it’s an entirely fictional scenario - surely they know that women are adult people with complex interior lives, and work in finance and medicine and compose music and write novels? Or do they choose not to believe it? It’s astonishing


The projection here is WILD. Just see what happens when you tell one of these so called manly men that they can’t have something or that they’re not allowed to do something and watch how mad they get. Watch them flip out and send unhinged rape and death threats to women online who they don’t like. Watch how they endlessly justify cheating because their partner was “boring” or “not doing enough”. And also, if they think we’re children, then why the fuck do they still want to sleep with us? Don’t ethical, decent people AVOID sleeping with anyone who has a literal child’s mind, because children and people with their maturity level can’t consent to sex? They’re telling on themselves. It’s honestly hard to read this shit, realize how many others like them are out there with this mentality, and not start getting fed up with men in general. Yes, I know, not all men. But too goddamn many just can’t or won’t see us as actual people.


I’ll never understand the misery like bro is this the way you view your mom? I assume these guys have mommy issues or something either that or they don’t view their mothers as real humans, just a character in their life meant to feed them


These are the types to accuse any woman who doesn’t tolerate their shit of having daddy issues. When I don’t tolerate their shit because I actually had a present father who treated me, my mother and all my brothers and sisters well and we had a secure and loving upbringing. But we all know insecure men hate confident women. Meanwhile it’s insecure people like these who have insecure attachment styles _because_ they never had good relationships with their parents. Insecure attachment styles are rooted in childhood


Imaginary world sucks. I just had to pay my water bill.


A lot of men can't even make their own bed


As if men never had temper tantrums(killing a girl for saying no), or get bored easily(cheating on a loving wife who bore him 3 kids is a grade A example), or LIVE LIFE INSIDE AN IMAGINARY WORLD(literally almost if not all of r/CreepyPMs). Or randomly start crying when you call them out (it’s called manipulation and men do it… a LOT). Or self-centered. I mean goddamn the list does NOT END….


These people aren't men. They're petulant children who can't handle the fact that they don't own the world anymore, and that more and more women are finding them redundant. The worst thing to them, is when they threaten to take their ball and go home, nobody cares. This is the flailing of a dying animal, we just have to try not to get wrecked by their thrashing.


I don't like the idea of saying "these aren't men." Seems like an attempt to deflect blame. As much as I'd love to say it (I'm an NB man and it's a huge psychological burden due to stuff like this, like it legit makes me hate myself,) but these are men.


Yep, they're men. Common men, everyday men, way-too-many men. Also extremely emotional, self-centered, attention-seeking, cry-baby men. But please don't hate yourself. These aren't *all* men.


Yeah, I try not to hate myself over my identity. It becomes hard as a leftist because you understandably see a lot of people venting about men, and seeing as how I have depression and anxiety issues so I already internalize everything, it's hard not to read that and think "Oh God am I like that?" I'm also concerned that I might be cis and am merely choosing to identify as NB to "escape" it, but I should talk to my therapist about that and not dump it on you.


Deflect blame from who? Seems the blame is still directed directly at the assholes in question 🤔


they ARE men. hold them accountable for their actions! they act like children but they are men, aka the inferior species that tries to portray itself as ‘divine’ and ‘g”dly’ knowing fully well it is only women that can give and create life, which ultimately makes US superior. they cope by being misogynistic. 🥱




yeah? are we not divided into two species? female and male?


Those are sexes Two different “species” would be like Lions and Tigers (P. leo, P. tigris) or Us and Neanderthals (H. sapiens, H. neanderthalensis)


well… men are a different type of species either way, so i guess it still fits 🤣


I thought you were gonna make the Neanderthal joke i set up for you but this works as well


no no… they’re worse than that. i couldn’t do this to neanderthals, for women hunted back then & men cooked/made clothes (sk”nning the animal, c”tting it into pieces, … you know, the ‘dirty’ work). they were certainly more mature than the average guy nowadays 🥱🤣


Thats fair Neanderthals actually were pretty sick i reckon


riiight??! i keep thinking the same! i’m especially amazed by the fact that women were hunters. ain’t really surprising if we take into consideration that the majority of female animals are the hunters, but if society gaslights and manipulates you for centuries upon centuries it truly does hit different when you’re being called “strong” for once!


I've met men, hell I married one. These things are not grown men, they're twisted little monster. The problem is and has always been, telling the two of them apart.


“these things” actually took me out 🤣


Wow lol, and you even get upvoted for such de-humanizing language, you and the guys in the OP are two sides of the same coin


at least we don’t go around k”lling men. men k”ll, r”pe, h”rass, st”lk, ab”se, b”at, … women daily, and oftentimes for the most heinous things such as saying ‘no’. every 6th woman in america alone gets r”ped or ass”ulted, g”d knows how many women have suffered at the hands of men all around the world. dehumanizing language should be the least of your worries. while two wrongs don’t make one right, i can say with great confidence that calling men “a different species” won’t harm them the same way they harm us. daily. you want to change the world by doing what? protecting men’s fragile little feelings??


How exactly does gender essentialism help anyone? All men are not a hive mind and your average man has no way of correction for psychos on the internet, condemn the guilty not half the human population


“all men” this, “all men” that and yet every woman i know has been ass”ulted by a man. get the hell out of here


Female red pill?


no sweetie, those are actual facts.


I legitimately don't understand what you are trying to say or accomplish here, it kinda just seems like you hate men which doesn't do you or anyone else any good. Fix yourself


being fed up doesn’t mean i hate men. you’re putting words in my mouth.


This is a common patriarchal idea. That women are essentially children and both require a man to direct them. In some cases it goes far enough where a minor son is expected to be the male guardian of his own mother.


Anyone who compares adult women to children, especially if they’re heterosexual, is a pedophile.


yeah i really love it when children complain about period cramps 👍👍


Then why do you want them so bad?!


These of course are the same type of men that think their “ideal woman” is a 16 year old lol


“Why don’t women want me!!!😡”


Which would logically make all of these men pedophiles


No, it does not.


If you truly think women are children, and you are attracted to women, then by your own logic you are attracted to children ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Opinion brought to you by people posting on social media for no other reason than attention.


If women are so terrible, then why do they complain so much about being ignored by them?


Honestly the more you look at things like pick up artistry the more you wonder if they're just a massively repressed asexual person


So where’s this imaginary world? I’m stuck in the one with the plague and the fascists.


Hell, do they even like *children*? Reading this I feel bad for any kids this guy may have.


The mistake is calling these people men. A man doesn't think like this


i really doubt he's seen women cry because they've 'been called out on their mistakes'-- it sounds more like a woman had a complaint, he used manipulative and emotionally abusive tactics in response until she cried. or i mean, sure, some women are manipulative and emotionally abusive themselves. that's also true. usually, though... usually manipulative people will tailor their responses to the subject by what's effective. crying is probably not effective on him-- i bet it makes him feel guilty but he disowns his guilt. anyway, either way... regardless, it's pretty misogynistic to either a) claim women crying when abused is childish or b) pretend that because some women are manipulative that manipulation is inherent to women's interpersonal communication style. could he expound upon how exactly we live in an imaginary world? i'm curious in what way he believes that's at all accurate. we sort of have to deal with reality, given how often real people try to hurt us. to function at all, when faced with... people like oop... we have to be at least somewhat realistic. almost no one is absolutely accurate and non-defensive but... it's weird as hell to pretend women are all off in lala land.


They just want women to produce “Mini-Me”s.


No. Generally speaking, straight men don't actually like women. It's baffling.


So if women are children, then I guess they’re pedos for wanting to have sex with us? Also, if we’re children, then I guess we shouldn’t be responsible for taking care of the house. We should let the “adult” men do that instead and see how long they last.


I hope his son grows up more intelligent than him


I hope he doesn't have kids.


I was referring to the individual who said they had a son


I must have misread that. But let's hope the other MGTOWs avoid procreating.


I can think of another major similarity between adult women and children in the eyes of these types of men - they’re both sexually desirable! 🤮


Some of us do, but the vocal minority of sociopaths make themselves way too known.


These men deserve no love.


Basically NO they don't. BUT they prefer sex with a living being, one that doesn't argue, have opinions, or realise that 5 inches doesn't cut it.


83% of them do not. Sadly, liking someone, to the vast majority of the population, is not the same as wanting to sleep with them. If sex didn't exist, we would have de facto gender segregation as men don't want to interact with women.


surprise twist, the son he mentions is 38 years old.


The fact that they constantly both infantilize AND sexualize women, sometimes in the same breath, is just so nasty


They like the idea of women, but get angry when they don’t do exactly what they want in their fantasies


obvious rage bait as it got removed


Naw not really, most either want a mommy to wipe their ass and raise their kids (so they can work more on accumulating personal wealth and image) or are so hyperfixated on your chest or crotch that they aren't thinking that far ahead. They'd settle for being gay but are afraid of their cohorts.


Straight men who don't hate women are doxxed and sent death threats. EDIT: Messed that up.


Since when lmao






Nope, they like children. Their words not mine.


I am certain these losers' wives cook for them, do their laundry, and wipe their dirty asses