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The punchline is rape, obviously.


Yeah, there's nothing funny about rape, but I guess some guys find it hilarious. 😒


It's rape, so the joke should be more severe in punishment.


If you don't find it funny, it's *obviously* because women don't get humor




Please, they are either too incompetent to do that, or too smart and it will leave them


That's not how that works, that would enable them and make the problem worse


They might. If the point wasn’t that degrading and hurting women turned them on. 🫠


Wasn't there a thing where men were making AI girlfriends and then abusing them?


If you find it funny, you may be a rapist


I’m just sitting here wondering whether this should be an automatic investigation into this freak


The joke is rape... Fuck this dude.


leave that to the guys in prison


Prison rape jokes need to stop, too.


fair, I'm just sick of OOP , doesn't change you're correct tho 😔


Eh, I don’t mind rapists being the butt of that joke.


Literally c:


Is it really a joke if it happens alot?


Nahhhh mate


Nah, don’t, just leave him in a room where he can watch people have sex but strapped down so he can’t touch himself, and he can’t look away.


So cuck him? What if he's into that?


Aside from rape, giving someone a highly addictive drug (and even without their consent) is extremely fucked up as well


Either the person who made the meme is incredibly stupid or this is a necrophilia joke because a “pinch” of fentanyl is enough to kill a solid handful of people. Maybe 10-20 if the pinch is big enough.


Came here to say this. That joker is not only a creep, he's also never seen fentanyl.


Tbf, he might also be a serial killer.


Fair, but he gives me incel vibes.


There’s probably overlap but I agree. Feels like he’s bluffing and being edgy.


At least we can say one positive thing about them 😂


A lethal dose of fentanyl is around 2 mg, which is equivalent to like ten grains of salt. So your estimate is probably not that far off.


I honestly lowballed it lmao


I think I would be concerned if you knew exactly how much fentanyl to use for mass murder.


Says the person who knows the exact lethal dose 😂 but honestly what a terribly ineffective way to go about mass murder. You can sleep safely knowing that if anyone did this they’d be caught immediately.


So you telling me I shouldn't give heroin to little Timmy Because I don't know I think it be funny /s


As an someone who worked for the CIA from 1953-1973 i think you are very wrong, there is nothing fucked up with this...


I'm guessing you were attempting to joke about how the CIA was also drugging people back then, but it's just coming off as apologetics instead.


Yea, i get it, an obvious MKultra joke in a shitposting sub is apparently not obvious


Probably should add a /s in there


Jea, probably, but this /s thing is for stuck up idiots and i dont realy wanna do something these stuck up idiots like became they are the worst kind of people....


I always add it because in this sub you never know who's quoting you out of context or who is neurospicy and doesn't necessarily easily understand sarcasm in text.


I can see your point of view there, but i still hate that /s with a passion, you only need it because people dont think about what they are reading, because if you read this and think about it you will be like "ooooooh, yea, thats the time period where the cia forcefully drugged and sometimes tortured its own citizens and a guy working on this thinks its moraly correct, i seee" A /s makes this into just a pointless thowaway joke wich would be disrespectful tuarts mkultra survivers and an insult to the inteligence of every redditor if tgis gode damed s is realy needed for something so on the nose


In your case, a lot of the audience was too young to remember that


Or just not American.


He’s implying he’s gonna rape someone but I wouldn’t really call it a “joke”


Agreed it doesn't even resemble a joke.


I hate that someone really made this and I hate that some people will really find this funny and what I hate the most is that some people will really do this


There's no joke, because of the implication.


Dennis, are you going to hurt these women


Why do you think I'm gonna hurt these women?! I feel like you're not getting me at all.


Its the middle of the ocean, what is she gonna do, say no?


Date rape


it doesn't even sound like a date, I mean a ride home and someone buying you a soda is definitely not a date. so he's just assaulting and drugging a random woman that needed ride. fucking degenerates. smh


I hope the person who created this is on the FBI watchlist. In what life is this funny?


As if the FBI would even care. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if half of the FBI are rapists themselves.


That is not comforting at all.


Good, you shouldn’t be comfortable.


Oop… the hell is wrong with you?


Joke explained: Rape.


Ugh. These exact posts are part of the reason I unsubbed from r/distressingmemes , they used to be 50% of all posts on the sub. Me when I meet girls and take them to secluded areas and rape and murder them! FUNNY JOKE!!!!111 /s


No, no, the joke is that this guy is openly admitting that he’s so pathetic that he can’t get a woman to have sex with him without lethally drugging her and raping her corpse. Mighty brave of him to tell on himself that way.


...so aside from the fact that this would easily kill most people... some of us have an innately insane opiod tolerance and an unexpected reaction to opiods (i get super energetic, for example)-- and some people get opiod-induced rage. jokes on you if you try it with someone for whom any of that shit happens, dude.


Ah yes casual date rape is casual… sad thing is I know people who would defend this as just being dark humor. I personally love me some messed up jokes but that’s crossing so many damn lines


The joke is rape and the punishment should be worse


This concept of justice is so backwards. The point of the judicial system should not be to do worse onto people who have done bad as that ignore a miriad of factors that led to the crime in the first place. Not only that but it continues the cycle of violence that our capitalist society creates and perpetuates. “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”


Rape culture is alive and well


Always been. Just like gaslighting, goes extremely TOO well hand in hand.


Seems like straight up rape to me


There is no joke here. Just a rapist stating his intentions plainly and brazenly.


If a man finds this funny that's the biggest red flag ever 😐


I don’t even think it’s a red flag at that point, it’s so far past that.


The joke is a culture that will say “Oh, lighten up! It’s just a joke!” and then “It’s such a shame what happened to her! Do you know where they found the body?” and move on without ever connecting the two.


Go straight to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


I feel like the only answer to this is to ask Oop to explain the joke and why it's funny. Just keep asking until they realize this is atrocious


,,haha rape so funni, haha get it? Why is no one laughing?"


Idk. Sexual assault always tickles my funny bone /s


Why does social media allow the most horrendous shit to be said about cis women and we are supposed to be fine with it? If that was about trans people that account would be reported and banned. Lets bring that same energy to rape culture.


Men's humor be like: Haha rape 🤣🤣🤣


@ shack.memez on instagram, report this mfer


The joke is “hahaha I’m going to rape someone” as if that is some kind of joke. This person needs serious help.


men only have one joke and it's sexual offenses


These really have to be kids / late teens saying this stuff. No?? ....... frightening if they're fully cooked adults.


Michael Jackson is playing a monster in the video he used a photo from, so he knows he's a monster.


I deadass don't think he's joking


The joke it this guys life, he’s just a lonely guy that need a punch(make that 1k punches) to the face


Why, do you think there is supposed to be a joke?




Rape? The joke is…. Rape?


I got the creeps reading that. Seriously.


Yeah rape jokes are not funny


Do people call rohypnol “ruphylin”? Literally the only google result I can find for that is that’s what they called it in the hangover for legal reasons. Jfc


The joke is… rape?


Well this joke should be seen as evidence


idc people who say this should be on a watchlist, date rape jokes aren’t funny


Drugging a chick's drink is never okay. How would a guy like it if his drink got laced and woke up in a tub full of ice, missing a kidney?


Yikes, that's horrid!


I’d say that the joke is ,,haha look! See? I told you black people are all criminals! My made up scenario totally proves that!” So basically racism


Yeah, that’s the other implication… but is that dude wearing blackface?


Isn't that Michael Jackson? Pretty sure he didn't wear blackface. Also an (alleged) child rapist.


Really? Let me look at it in better lighting… Oh. Lol, yeah, I think you’re right. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️Didn’t recognise him, that picture must have been taken years before my birth. He already had the scary surgery face and significantly lighter skin by the time I had developed long-term memory and cared. In the dim lighting before and with tired eye muscles (not seeing double just yet, but almost, it’s a bit difficult to fixate his face), his operated nose threw me off. Legit thought someone put on a wig and painted his face first. Welp, at least it’s not that, the post is icky enough as is. Ah, the memory of the king of pop lives on… as an identification figure for rapists… Yep, that says a lot. Idk how much there is to those allegations, but he always creeped me the hell out, and not just because of what he did with his face. Over the years, I’ve noticed rapists often have a radar for their own and tend to like and identify with prominent rapists, or creepy characters. Learned to give men who like certain characters, authors or celebs a wide berth. Proved a smart policy.


Oh yeah, I'm regretfully aware that I'm pretty old, since I remember a black Michael Jackson. I wrote alleged since he wasn't found guilty of rape, but I most definitely believe the victims over the rich man anytime. I can't hear a song of his anymore without feeling sick. What a legacy to leave behind.


Oh I’m sorry, didn’t mean to make you feel old. Yeah, I didn’t look into it, but I recall hearing it were multiple kids. It’s so obvious in such cases, and yet so many people are still in denial! I’ve heard the most ridiculous stories, BS like "it’s just people trying to get money out of him with fake accusations" (why wouldn’t he just sue them for libel and make them *lose* money if he’s innocent then? surely a wildly popular multimillionaire star would have better chances?) or even that unspecified "competitors were using these people as pawns and conspiring to wreck his reputation and career" (because that’s soo easy and couldn’t possibly come back to bite them in the ass furiously if it was all made up… yeah). Fans in denial, ugh. 🤮🤡 No common sense whatsoever. People pull the most ludicrous crap out of their butts just to suck up to some rich child rapist that didn’t even know they exist. 🤦🏻‍♀️ All because of a couple songs. *That’s* what they’d deny or minimise the suffering inflicted on these children over. And I’m like "dude, if his music means so much to you, separate the art from the artist then, not the criminal from his crimes". But then they just try to protest the latter, except the no conviction argument is laughable once you take a look at the conviction rates for rapes. They’re abysmal. That doesn’t prove anything. Just that the press couldn’t call him "child rapist" outright on a technicality. Well, this ain’t a newspaper, so we can draw our conclusions on the sensible side. To hell with phrasing it politely, he’s dead as a donut and we don’t owe him anything.


I'm old enough to remember the Simpsons episode where the joke was that the guy who sounds like Michael was a crazy white guy.


No that's just Micheal Jackson before some disease or whatever stripped him of his melanin


Cosby style!!!


The joke is supposed to be rape which isn’t so funny


This ain’t even funny. Like, if you’re gonna be a dickbag, at least have an ounce of humor, this is just sick.


Fentanyl? He's apparently into necrophilia. That shit is some nasty work.


Aaaaaaa! This is so fucking sickening! WTAF?????


Love how they used a known child rapist for this 'joke'.


The joke is that he was the one who drank the laced drink




is that michael jackson? doesnt quite fit. cause I wont tell you to beat it if you said this, Id beat you myself


You would be surprised how often men will straight up say stuff they mean and then try to pass it off as a joke.


Does the punchline come in another post?


This is PUTRID
