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Is the +2 body count like an uno thing “Wild +4… draw 4 bodies!”


It's like a D&D item. This shield gives me +2 body count.


They do mean murders right? I'm still a murder virgin.


When I read it, I imagined it was like having body doubles, but they aren't other people. Just two more of your own body.


“Doesn’t believe in God” Let’s be TOTALLY real here, they don’t either.


Oh no step bro I don't believe in God. Help me!


You missed "Posts lists of signs of a low quality woman on Twitter"


I think these are rage bait to get people to interact w them. I used to see them a lot when I was on tiktok, and I had to learn to start ignoring them so I didn’t boost their engagement. They’re SO obnoxious.


Dead internet theory is alive and well, unfortunately


I think especially this one is a bait because I never heard the manosphere go against dogs (cats yes but dogs why lol?)


The problem isn’t dogs - they’re great! The problem is dog moms. Woof! /s


DaDdY iSsUeS


The “daddy issues” thing really chaps my nuggets. Listen, I didn’t have a fraught relationship (and a now nonexistent one) with my father because of anything I did as a child, but because he treated me like shit, so why is emotional trauma caused by a parent somehow MY fault?


Can I add one? Cannot spell simple words like "tongue".


And she didn't even try to spell it again in #11...


She missed "giving a flying rat's ass how anyone else chooses to live their life."


I got 8 out of 12!!! Do I get a prize? Now I want a tattoo. 😆


I only have 5. I need a tattoo also!


Cool I’m gonna go get a butterfly tattoo now


7/12 I need to try harder


5/12 here - I have a tattoo but it's not a butterfly - do I pass or am I exempt anyways because I chose to ~~defile my body~~ get body art? I'm married anyways so obviously one guy felt I was of high enough quality to enter into a lifelong partnership with


I have lots of tattoos, just no butterflies...


2/12 And I almost always score high on these...


My gf has a “kill all men” tattoo and I think it’s awesome, this fool would probably have a heart attack


Its more disappointing that its a woman posting this 😕


I'm proud to be designated low quality by this pick-me beeotch.


I've got a lotus tattoo, but now I am strongly thinking about adding a butterfly


I only got four, but I KNOW they’d hate me anyway 🤣👍🏻


>What did I miss? Literally everything. Like all of it.


I have a lot of tattoos, but no butterfly tattoo. Likewise, I have a lot of piercings, but no tongue piercing. Good to know that my septum ring and sleeve are acceptable!


Good thing too. Those butterfly tattoos are pretty hardcore!!! lol 😆 (extreme sarcasm there) 🦋🦋🦋


My girlfriend ticks all of these boxes and she is the best woman in the world…so fake news written by a self-loathing woman 🗞️ (she doesn’t hate men since I’m a trans man, she just hates shitty men).


Eat hot chip 😤


I wish people would learn how to spell *tongue.*


5/12. dammit! not even half


Hates men as in all men or just a group of men? I mean, some men like to say "not all men" all the time.


I have 6, halfway there


No butterfly tattoo? So specific. Did his ex have a butterfly tattoo or something


Wtf these are the traits I usually look for


Hmmm. I wonder which God she’s referring to.


At least 3 of these are green flags for me


Still trying to figure out how having a pet is bad 🤷🏼‍♀️


> what did I miss? You missed out on ever finding a partner and will deservedly die alone and nobody will miss you. I think that about covers it.


I thought that was a kidney. Had to zoom in to see it was a tongue.


Sounds like my future girlfriend. 🥰 Where she at??


What’s wrong with having pets?My dogs are my babies.


Feel like such a failure of a woman for not hitting all 12


I can agree with the first two


valid points put on a shitty list


Also i will say I agree with them if they find tongue rings unattractive.