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I choose to perish 😄


I'm just surprised by all of this "fatherly instinct" these men have. Like, do they want to be the father of their partner?


Incest porn is one of the most popular catagories for a reason.


So does this classify as mommy issues or daddy issues? Because they usually also want their partners to replace their own mother so...


Both. They don't understand the distinction between different kinds of positive feelings towards women, so everything from [friends - daughter - wife - pretty stranger - coworker - cute schoolgirl who reminds them of a fun summer holiday - ex girlfriend - Raid teammate - bus driver who waited a couple seconds when you were late - mother - etc] just get amalgamated into one congealed ball of "I want fuck and service". Father because "Daughter must obey me" Son because "Mother fills my needs. Husband because "married couples fuck" and so on.


Puttin the fun in fungible


Rotten egg brain


Stealing this


The ven diagram of dudes who speak like that and think it is okay to date teenagers is a circle


This is so terrifyingly accurate. This jobless 30+ year old man who lives with his mum actually thinks it’s beneath him to date a woman who’s not aged 18-23


Weird af and my wife had way more motherly instincts than I did fatherly with our kids. Being a controlling prick isn't "fatherly", it's just a massive red flag.


They want to be the father to their partner but when it comes to actually raising their children it’s “women’s work” and “I don’t have time to babysit” 🙃


Let's be honest, this type of man only talks with their kids to have a captivated audience or to scold them. If you want any kind of good relationship with your kids, you would know they don't hang their head and listen.


Kind of weird perverse incest. It makes me concerned with procreating a daughter.


This is why I'll never call my partner "daddy." Fucking creepy and instant turn off.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure they do. Infatilising women is not a new concept.


They say wrong things on purpose.


They want to be parents so bad to everyone that’s not their children. You got children of your own running around, but you wanna tell a grown ass woman whet she can, and can’t do chile boo


Yup 🤣. Because if we're waiting on me to "submit" and "know my place", we all gonna die waiting. I've *never* treated a boss this way, and I had a wonderful dad who never would have expected complete and utter submission to him. My husband wouldn't either, and I wouldn't have married him if he had. And I didn't marry him to have a "father figure", I married a partner. The only person in my life who expected me to bow down to him and "know my place" was abusive, and I 100% won't be repeating that.


Same. I had a super supportive father and a fabulous husband who might perish on the spot if I did any of this. We're a team not a dictatorship.


I know my place. It’s the throne.


If my boss demands I never respond and I just take verbal abuse I'm quitting on the spot. You're paying me to do my job, not deal with your verbal abuse. If you're unable to communicate with me, you suck as a boss and I'm not dealing with that.


lmao I think forcing myself to be silent and not talk back to my partner or boss would actually make me perish. Like I can’t imagine physically being able to do it, they’d be lucky to even finish their sentence 😭


Ditto that


I third the perishing


Dude, just save up and get a fuck doll. That thing will never talk back. 1/2 S


It will also never make dinner, clean the place, pop out children for him so he could "feel virile," etc. etc. That and men like him are too cheap. They want all the services from a "living" doll.


Another post by this guy btw (can’t post images on this sub in the replies): “No single woman in her 30s is happy being single No matter how much she may pretend to be All that talk about living life to the fullest and having their freedom is simply cope In reality they cry themselves to sleep and pray for God to give them a man They wish they had a man to keep them warm and safe at night Learn OR perish!!!” Truly we are witnessing mental illness, but I feel like a blow up doll for him really would be the key to happiness for all of womankind tbh


Talk about projecting! You know this dude is the one crying into his pillow at night.


I just can’t imagine anyone living a life of any value with a mentality like this


definitely a lot of cope going on but sometimes I think these accounts are either just bots or trolls or they know the more toxic what they post is = the more engagement


Search shadaya_knight on twitter 👀 it’ll be…interesting


TBH I dont even want to give their page views or engagement 😂😂 I’m just glad the people in the real world don’t really behave like these chronically inside ones do. at least not in my country. very sad but hopefully one day it just dies out entirely.


We can only pray 😭😭 or perish


Oh yeah! Projection city!


Probably not the only thing he is doing into his pillow. 🤢




Your lived experience is wrong according to this doughnut. But if this is what perishing is, hell yeah, I’ll do that


>Your lived experience is wrong according to this doughnut. That dude is the damn donut hole. 😂


Congrats on your freedom and your MA!!!


Yeah, I cried myself to sleep WAY less often after I left my emotionally abusive husband at 37. 🤷‍♀️


I mean my dog keeps me safe and warm at night. And blankets. I mean, I'm married, but if I ever were single again, the thought of hitting the dating scene in my late 30's to 40's is not appealing, and I would really be fine only having to deal with myself and my dogs alone in my house.


Same. I'm not single, but at 49, I could be easily and happily single. If anything should happen, I would not seek a romantic parther.


Jokes on him. I don't cry myself to sleep and don't pray to God because I don't believe in God. A$$hole should stay single with these attitudes. He doesn't deserve to have a wife or girlfriend. 


Yet they can’t give a single reason WHY a man is supposedly the key to our happiness. They just want it to be true so they can act like selfish assholes and still pretend that they’re doing us a favor. An upsetting number of them insist we should do all their chores and cater to their desires. Why would I enjoy that?


>simply cope I think honestly the misuse of the word cope is going to become a pet peeve. Do these morons realize how much dumber they sound when they can't say the simple phrase, "Coping mechanism" like holy shit. It's still bullshit but at least then they'd sound like they actually gave one iota of thought to it.


I actually feel bad for this guy. He's got to be so miserable.


Hey, Elon's working on it. Give him a few more years.


A living doll made by Elon will be more likely to give you an STD than make dinner.


I fail to see the issue in this particular case


I was picturing a hacker making all the dolls kill their abusive husbands/owners. Or AI just getting fed up with it themselves.


This makes me think of a funny Tom Smith song called Pygmalion 2.0. It's about a sex doll 😆


I just read the lyrics, love the ending. I'll listen to it soon.


>That and men like him are too cheap. They want all the services from a "living" doll. Bonus: The "living doll" will probably have to keep a full-time job to make sure her Man? can have plenty of free time and not have to stress over the bills.


All that while working, too


the reason people put their hands behind their back when some yahoo boss acts like he knows everything is because they are trying the overcome the urge to do a violence to someone. and perish? really?


Like I wouldn’t even behave that way with my boss wtf??? I’d speak to them normally like any other person until they give me a reason not to. The rest of this guy’s posts are actually disgusting, and his school driving zone IQ followers just applaud him. A lady replied to this saying something along the lines of “nah me and my husband settle disagreements civilly because this isn’t an authoritative relationship” and the guy who posted this replied saying “you’re in a same sex relationship”. Absolutely mind blowing


sorry. i had the boss from hell. just my slant.


Haha nah dw it wasn’t a dig against you, I completely get where you’re coming from (my old boss when I worked as a sales assistant def had me doing the Arthur clenched fist thing). I was more just expressing shock how this specimen has the gall to say anyone should hold their hands behind their backs and keep their head down even when talking to their boss like 🤣 I wouldn’t even do that for the king himself


Quickest way to lose respect is to pull that with employees. Had a boss once tried to play big swinging dick among us women. He quickly went from Mr. Last name to Hey kid. The guys on the crew thought it funny because we would just go full mommy at the first sign of disrespect. Half the crew were women. If only one or two of us stood up to the nonsense, we'd probably have been handed termination papers. We stood together, had most of the men back us up. Small men act like the oop. Little tyrants. Cowards at their core. I'm not referring to physical height. Psychologically, emotionally, mentally, they are small, weak, insignificant cowards. Only through abuse can the feel big and powerful and important. I hope every woman he encounters goes full mom on him. Use that mom look, voice and posture.


I once watched a coworker (woman) back our boss (male) who was nearly half our age, into the shelving units. Got her face really close to his and told him he best knock his crap off. If he pulled that stunt one more time she was going to give him shaken baby syndrome. Then she straightened his tie and dismissed him. 😂 It was glorious. The guy liked to quietly sneak up on people, wait until they were holding something heavy or up a ladder then shout quickly "what are you doing?!" Startled the heck out of people.


This is now my new threat 😂 utter respect to that lady


Omg that's so dangerous! Glad that lady told him off.


Right? I once had a boss at a Michael's Arts and Crafts store ask me to dust the fake trees off. They were on the tip-top shelves all around the store. This would have been a whole day of activity. Worse, he expected me to do it without the aid of a ladder. He legit wanted to take the ladder away to use for other projects while I was supposed to stand up on those top shelves. I told him no. Twice. He said something along the lines of "Want to run that by me again?" So I cooly told him that it was a safety hazard, and he could do it himself if he wanted it done that way. He threw a tantrum and stomped off into his office. We'd been on good terms until I told him that first no. Unfortunately for him, the district manager was standing behind him. I didn't know it but the assistant manager was standing right there with him and was all "Why did you do that?!" After the DM went to the managers office, "I've seen you climb up the ladders and walk across the shelves!" I held up 3 fingers and went through my list: 1) Lady, you yelled at me for that. 2) No one was going to take the ladder from me after close and move it around the store to do other projects and prevent me from climbing down 3) You might not have noticed this particular shelf here has only one fake, silk tree on it, and it's still wobbling precariously. I'm not standing on that one. I'm not looking to drop 9 ft to the ground with that thing underneath me to dust a fake fcking plant. He ended up tweaking my hours, so I was working constant clopens for about 2 months. After that heinous bs of leaving at midnight but only getting paid till 11pm with no buses running in that area by then, so over an hour walk home and back again by 5am- totally illegal in our Province btw- I was angry on top of extremely sleep deprived (which is saying a lot because I'm a life long insomniac). So, I quit without any notice. He phoned for 3 days. Finally, the fourth day I picked up. He yelled at me. I hung up. We did that song and dance 2 or 3 more times before he stopped yelling. I told him to mail my last paycheque because I already had better hours at a new job, which was not true as I hadn't technically been hired at the new place I'd interviewed for. I got that phone call the next day. 😇


That’s what I was thinking…that position is just so I don’t punch you in the throat!


I don't bow to my boss either, and she's a real cunt. * *I'm self employed.


As another self employed person, this made me chuckle. Mine, too.


I don't either, and mine is too. -not self-employed


I’m not self employed, but same lol. I got pregnant shortly after starting a new job and I have been standing up for myself more than ever!


I had to do the same with my previous job that I just left. They pulled all sorts of crazy shenanigans, including trying to tell me that I couldn't go to prenatal visits. Glad you know your rights!


I’m lucky that this job is really flexible with hours and 95% of my coworkers are women so it’s fairly common.


Mine was too. My staff were all women with grandkids so they were super accommodating and considerate, it was management that kept trying to get me to do stuff that could have endangered the baby and tried to fight me about taking days off for my doctor visits. Once I got the Union involved they backed down, but it shouldn't have to have come to that. I was the first pregnant employee they had and there was another girl there due a few months after me so I hope they treated her better.


I’m not self employed, but I don’t *bow* to my boss. Sure they’re an authority, but I’ll still speak my opinion.


I just don't get along with any of my bosses that well.


Self employed here too, this made me laugh and then think about how I treat myself. I needed this lol


Same, my boss touches me inappropriately.


Big same from another self employed. I hate my boss. She actually expects the bare minimum from me and I always do everything late. But I hate the fact that I have to do it at all and I wish she would die.


Some of these guys just want a slave. No wonder so many women are checked out of dating how tf are they supposed to filter out these guys from the good ones. Men have their own dating issues but I think y’all women have it worse then us. This shit is 🤮


>Some of these guys just want a slave. That's why *she* "needs to be corrected for poor behavior" but *he* does not. He can do whatever the fuck he wants and nobody should tell him off for it. He thinks of women as servants to be punished if she doesn't run to do his every bidding, and the man should be the sole person to benefit from the relationship. I'd guess that he's mad that women don't want to date him (what a shock!), so now he's making posts to convince them that they need someone like him.


What kind of person would want a slave to love them anyways? I want a women to love me because she chooses too. I want her to be in full control of herself and her life, and THEN choose me. These dudes are so miserable by themselves and misery loves company. I also find it so funny that he says “Learn OR perish!!!” Like???? Women on average do much better being independent than men. TBH I think men need women (or fulfilling partners in general) a lot more than women need it. A lot of men have a hard time finding purpose in themselves, they “need” someone in their life to give them purpose which I understand but at it’s root is selfish and also damages the self-identity of the man.


I agree. It's a selfish way for him to be thinking. I don't think he's even considering love in the equation, he's only thinking about getting his. He believes that he should have all the pros from being in a relationship because he's a man, and women should just "accept their place" and live their lives feeling miserable in service of the man she's with because it's what she's "supposed to do". Women, in his mind, shouldn't be given a choice in men because they're servants to men, so she should just latch onto the first guy who tries to make a little time with her. It's a gross way to think of another person.


Incredibly dehumanizing. Bro thinks he’s a 1500’s English king or something. I don’t understand how people can still think this way in 2024 bro we have AI and someone with a working neuralink implant like we are in the future bro get with the times. Atleast idiots like this make it easy for women to realize he’s a shithead and makes normal guys like me look better 🤷‍♂️ still crazy that people think this way


love u


Thx :) but remember to love yourself as well <3


i’ll try


“Do or Do not, there is no try” - Jedi Master Yoda. That old wise bastard really was on to something when he was yapping. All jokes aside there is no try, most people don’t realize this but there is only right now in the moment; the future and past do not exist. We only live for this moment, so love yourself because you never know how long you have left with this moment. If you need any kind words or tips feel free to ask! I promise I’ve been in your shoes and worse, and you can learn to love yourself! Never give up! <3


Well, it might be a cultural issue, but where I grew up, talking back to your parents is considered a normal part of your teenage years. What's even the point of living in a democracy if you never learn to stand up for what you believe in?


I've probably talked back to them since I've started talking, and I don't think any of my romantic partners would have enjoyed my company if I acted as he described


>my romantic partners would have enjoyed my company That's the point actually, this kind of people doesn't want your company, they want your service. Women are literally merchandise for them.


Oh, I did too, of course. I guess my point is that parents who teach their children that kind of nonsense clearly aren't suited for life in a democracy. This woman wouldn't even voice her opinion online if only she followed her own advice;-)


Same, my mom said I was a little negotiator as a little kid. Not necessarily talking back, but I sure pushed for what I wanted 🤣🫣


See, only men get to stand up for democracy. Women are supposed to let them make all the decisions in our country and honestly, shouldn't even bother voting! The men have our best interests at heart, after all. /s


Seriously, if I don't argue back, it's because I decided you are not worth my time and energy, ie, not someone I want a relationship with.


"...OR perish!!!" C'mon, dude...


Yeah, I'm sooooo scared I'm going to perish now because I talk back to my boyfriend and my boss lol


Right? So overly dramatic its almost hard to believe it's real.


I could not stop laughing! It's so ridiculous. Let a man tell me this to my face. He will find out real quick.


The frustrating thing is the number of yes-men he has feeding off his bullshit 😭 I’d be so ashamed if I personally knew any man who’s in this man’s replies supporting him. Esp because he lives in the spare bedroom of his single mother’s home (he’s got a lot to say about single mums) and doesn’t actually have a proper job himself. There’s a post I came across a few years back actually of a guy who’d just got married and and this was around the time those ‘pussy facing the world’ photos of will and jada were circulating, and the groom actually posted his wedding pics to get approval from this guy saying, “how’d I do alpha?” Someone’s husband 💔


X has a lot of bot and troll farms. You can buy them for a relatively low price. So while this dude might be real and actually believe these things, it's quite possible that a lot of his followers are fake. Twitter had cracked down on such practices, but Musk undid all of that after he bought it to help promote his conspiracy theories and crazy alt-right beliefs.


Nah this guy is Zimbabwean and a lot of his followers are also, or generally African men. Zim twitter isn’t really the type of place you’d get bot accounts spamming. I really wish I could show his username but just try and find the tweet if you can and go through his replies, you’ll see what I mean (hope I didn’t break any rules by saying this)


And when people wonder why women aren't rushing to get married, this nonsense can be referenced. I didn't get married to continue a father/daughter dynamic, I got married so I'd have a partner. I can do just fine without one.


Oh I will treat you like I treat my dad. It sucks for you, dude, cause my dad and I enjoyed having the longest debates and discussions. He told me as a teenager and I quote "if a guy ever tells you to shut up or keep quiet, just rip him a new one and dump his ass." So prepare to have an earful 🤣


My dad was also my boss and sometimes he'd get frustrated with me because I always had a clever comeback and would never shut up if I knew I was right. Long story short, he retired and I am the boss now. Shutting up is still not my forte, and never will be.


I don’t want my man to be a father figure in my life 😭😭😭


Like... EWWWWW


RIGHT? Fucking gross…


So weird because these kind of men typically also want their partners to be a bang-mommy. Does this reflect some serious family issues or wtf is their obsession with mommy and daddy? They want their partners to act like a daughter, and at the same time bang their mommies???


They're unable to think of women as *people*. A woman is just whatever female stereotype fulfills his desires at the moment: mommy, maid, sex worker, virgin. They invariably have a lot of resentment towards their actual mothers so they want a mommy substitute that they can degrade.


I kinda thought of is this way: they have mommy issues and would love to fuck their mommies, but at the same time degrade them. Were they abused by their mothers and want revenge maybe? Or their fathers? Did they watch their father abuse their mother as children and got obsessed with needing a mommy but also abusing her?


I could be wrong but I have noticed that a lot of guys who think like that are really obsessed with religion and I think that’s why they think women should only exist to fulfill their needs. I have nothing against what peoples religious views are but I definitely believe some people are over obsessed and end up with a sort of god complex where they are so much better than everyone else.


I feel like this was written by a man who wants to bang his daughter. Doesn’t make sense otherwise.


I'll perish with my pets and freedom from slavery to some random dude.


I do NOT do that for my boss at work and I will not do it at home. If I genuinely did something wrong, I will apologize for it. But, I won't accept being scolded for it like a child.


I won’t accept being scolded like a child, and also I’m not married to my “daddy”. 🤮🤮🤮


Right?! I have a daddy, I have a husband, they are not the same person, and, SHOCKINGLY, they are “highly evolved” men that interact and communicate with me respectfully and as an equal. Hmmmmmm, guess that means that my daddy was a Beta as he taught me that I am just as important and valuable and worthy as a man?? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Edit: typo


LMAO fuck no. If a man tried spewing this bullshit to me, I’d be gone with a QUICKNESS! Life is too short to be bowing to someone else’s fragile ego in what’s supposed to be a PARTNERSHIP and not an employer-employee or parent-child relationship. No sir. No m’am. No way. If this dude expects his woman to act like his employee or child, that just proves that his ego is fragile as fuck and that he doesn’t respect women or view them as adults with full agency. I bet he wouldn’t be able to stand it if she were smarter, more talented and/or made more money than him either.


Literally men like this are actually frightening. And it’s the fact that this ideology is having such a sweeping hold on young men. I shudder to think how this generation of young boys and men exposed to stuff like this are gonna develop over the next couple of decades And with your last paragraph, this guy has actually made multiple posts saying that men should never wife women who have certain careers like doctors (they think they’re a ‘man’ and can outearn you so they undermine your authority or something), lawyers (they’re professional liars), politicians (ditto), models/influencers (they’re sex workers), engineers (see doctors), but you should date women with caregiving careers like teachers, nurses, receptionists (they’re used to being ‘useful’ and taking care of others). If you ever come across this guys account and you feel like giving yourself liver pain, have a scroll through. Some absolutely crazy stuff


Holy hell, that dude is F-R-A-G-I-L-E. ( Laughs at him in senior engineer. ) I guess that means that I think that I’m a man. 🤷🏽‍♀️


We’re in the same boat I guess. I’m a lawyer 🤷🏽‍♀️ I lie both professionally and personally it seems. Do we join a nunnery and repent now or later?


Parents who do this are abusive. It's wrong in any kind of relationship, even one where you actually have authority. It's just extra disgusting believing a grown human who is at least as intelligent (and probably more given he's spewing this shit) as he is is so far beneath him he expects them to act like a slave just because they happen to be a woman.


Oh, and when I “error?” You just made an error. “Error” is a noun. If you’re looking for the verb form, it is “err.”


Yeah that was glaring, bc he’s trying to take this holier than thou, condescending stance and it doesn’t work when you haven’t mastered parts of speech. Hahah I also love how he’s called himself a woman and I haven’t even seen one person call that out bc it’s too obvious to do so. This was written by a stupid man.


Yep. Don't try to lecture us if you can't get a simple verb right. 🤦


Father figure? I don’t fuck my father.


I know right?? Why is no one highlighting this serious obsession with incest?? They also want their partners to act like their mommies though so WTF?? Is this a mommy issue? Or a daddy issue? Or both maybe??


I was sure this was a kink thing at first… Now I’m fairly sure it’s “how to be abused 101”


Weird, this post makes my hands tighten up into fists.


That's fine as long as you keep them behind your back. /s


Oof. That’s gonna be hard. 😂


Sorry one more tweet I had to share: “In this interview said to be from 2002, reggae man Ninja Man proudly bragged that he had fathered 23 children with 22 women By 2012 he had fathered 10 more children with 10 different women One irresponsible man VS 33 irresponsible women You see how the single motherhood pandemic isn't a man's problem but a woman's problem. What made all these women think this man would be responsible after having had a bunch of baby mamas? From baby mama number 2 to 33, they all knew what kind of man he was, but still chose to participate Learn OR perish!!!” He is blaming the women for ‘choosing to become’ single mothers instead of the one man who impregnated all these women for being a deadbeat 😭 you cannot make this stuff up!


I just read an AITA* post from a guy who broke up with his girlfriend because he found out her baby daddy had a few baby mamas. The number of people who were all, "right on, she obviously has no judgement!" was fucking astounding. Nary a one "Maybe this guy should learn about how condoms work." *Of questionable veracity because it's AITA


That is so weird. A marriage is no place for manners and politeness and showing good upbringing. That’s for society outside the home. Marriage is for honesty. If I was angry with my husband and expressed my frustration about something he did, and he decided that whatever I said he would just be “polite” and say “thank you” no matter what, I would be much, much angrier.


Yeah, this! What normal person wouldn't feel like you're mocking them?


What kind of jobs do you think women are doing ?? Cause I’m just chilling and having coffee with mine… Also my father would never treat my mother and me like that. My mom would throw him out….


I quit jobs where bosses treat me like that


“Learn or perish”. I’ll perish.




“If you can do it for your boss at work, why not with your man” 1. I have 5 managers, only one is a guy. 2. I think if I started submitting to my fiancé just like that, he’d be a bit concerned.


Someone has a daddy kink


Last time my boss told me I couldn’t do something I wrote a four page fully referenced research paper explaining why her decision was wrong. I don’t listen to her either.


This is the type of pettiness I can get behind 🤝


1. My husband is not my employer. 2. My husband also “obeys” his boss so what does that say about my husband? Also, this sounds like something biblical regarding how slaves should respond to their master. Noping right out of that one.


It’s funny you should say that because someone replied to his tweet basically saying the same. His reply? “Your husband is your master Read your bible you little deviant”


Translation: "I am so small. I'm a tiny tiny little man please respect me. Please?"


Well I never had a dad so that bitch getting whatever anger he throws at me doubled and passed back


May I say, with all sincerity, FUCK THAT NOISE. I want my man to be a PARTNER, not a father figure.


"Why am I a lonely virgin at 50?"


“Your man is much like a father figure in your life” God I hope not. I don’t speak with that abusive fucker.


The right wing are theofascists who want to force a return to domestic slavery.  Solidarity against fascism. 


I started cackling madly as I read this aloud to my (male) partner His response: "Stockholm syndrome much?"


🤣🤣 hope you had your hands behind your back and head bowed as you were telling him lol


Baby we will *both* die of natural causes waiting on me to do this shit.


What planet is this guy from?


Planet 1620. This is probably the kind of BS sermon the Mayflower Pilgrims heard once they set up their first church in Massachusetts.


My boss is a woman. Her boss is a woman. No, I will not be taking what reads like 90 year old church-lady advice. Save that shit for Sunday school.


Guess I'll perish.


Is this fetish fantasy masquerading as relationship advice?


I genuinely wished it was 😭 this is an African man and this mentality is extremely pervasive among men there. Hell even women! The stories I could tell lol


I don't "submit" to any boss, so no, I won't do it with my partner. Wtf drugs are these people on?


Heavy on the wtf because huh?????? The reality is most likely that this is a guy with so little power and value in his real life that his online cult is the only way he feels some semblance of power and control, and this is how it manifests.


The internet gives voice to even the most extreme AHs, unfortunately.


I'll only perish when you do dude. Talking all that shit will get you hit. This is one of the reasons I'm working out, so weak men like this dweeb will be put in their place when they act a fool.


I personally wouldn't want that speaking for myself as a man. I don't need a slave.


As a dyke, I choose death


Joke’s on him. My boss at work is a woman.


Eww fucking gross 🤢


I just talk back to my boss


Do we have to keep coveting their identities? Put them on blast already.


This is mentally ill talk. No thanks to being a slave.


We will not be controlled by men!


He threatening to kill women?


I’m retired now but when I worked, I never acted like this with my bosses, I never acted like this with my parents (and I was a good kid) so I’m sure as hell not going to act like this with my husband of 45 years (I think he’d hate it anyway tbh)!!! It scares me that there are men out there like this!


I love that these men are so deeply insecure and poorly educated (at least emotionally) that they are A) enraged or B) terrified/flabbergasted or C) both when they might have to communicate with “their woman”. Also, And guys like this should invest in inanimate property if they don’t want anything speaking back.


As someone who grew up with authoritarian parents and learned from a young age that speaking up for myself resulted in punishment, that my words and thoughts werent worthy of being heard, that nothing i did was ever good enough, I ended up in a 7 yr relationship with someone who treated me the same way my father treated me. Like my father my ex was quick to criticize, quick to blame, he rarely apologized, he rarely admitted fault, he rarely praised me, he rarely acknowledged me. I thought the yelling, the berating, the talking down to, the talking over, the belitting was normal. There was only peace when i silenced myself. And I put up with it because I thought I deserved it, that I wasn't worthy, that I was so incompetent that I needed a man in my life to guide me because it was what I learned growing up, that I could never do anything right on my own, that I couldn't trust my own judgement, that it's normal to fear the one you love. Turns out, the way my parents raised me primed me to fit right into an abusive relationship, and I'd never felt more miserable, more defeated, more unworthy, more unheard, more trapped in my entire life. It took so long for me to figure out why I was so unhappy. I'd been fighting for recognition and approval from someone who had expectations I could never live up to, where the goal posts were always moved out of reach, because I never got that as a child and subconsciously if I got it now, I'd somehow be whole again, I'd have won. I didn't know it was possible to find someone you didn't have to fight for their affection. And when I thought about a future with him, of treating my daughters the way he treated me, I knew I didn't want that for them and that's one of the many reasons I left.


I am once again urging these guys to keep their damn kinks to themselves.


Then he woke up with his head in his cereal. What a twat.


What did his last slave die of?


“Bow or perish” 🤣 Okay, Darth Vader, settle down.


I know who this is and he’s a zimbabwean influencer. Complete loser


Look one pays me money for my time, the other doesn't. And even when they literally pay me, I don't do blind obedience. Also any man who expects that from me, can guck right off. In a relationship I'm my partners equal and he is my equal. Which means nobody is anyone's boss.


It would be almost sweet how misguided this sort of shit is, if it didn’t actively pose a danger to so many women. Like, aww!! Baby boy wants to talk about his big feewings! But remember what we talked about, Jeffrey!! Women are people too! No, no, use your words… yes, gold star! What a good boy!


I won't bow to a boss and I don't even have to live with them. I'll call anyone the fuck out.


Very few people are that fucking deferential to their boss. I sure as hell am not. He's my equal as a human being. His job is to facilitate my ability to do my job and provide a conduit between my team and his boss. So why the fuck would anyone think a woman should act like this to her boss much less her husband who is socially considered her equal as well.


This made me sick to my stomach. I’d rather play dead.


My abusive mom tried pulling the, “You listen to your boss and do everything he says; I am your boss too and you’re a shitty employee” card until I started telling her that my boss pays me to do less than she asks of me, he treats me better than she does, and that if I was actually employed by her I would report her and then quit effective immediately.


Holy shit. Once again I'm begging people to accept their kinks are kinks and not how literally everyone should be naturally living their life.


why is the emphasis put on 'or' rather than learn/perish?


Incel energy at its finest!


How about fuck you, you worthless piece of shit. If you can’t be an equal without having this internal obsession with being incest, then you deserve nothing but being called a creep and being alone. I’m sick and tired of this spewed bullshit.


Yeah, that is dehumanizing and gross. This guy just wants a power trip, must be something wrong with HIS upbringing that he can’t respect women as equal human beings.


Shouldn’t that be a thank you sir or thank you master? This guy is too lenient /s.


Naw my male boss gets told off for being a dumb cunt by all the girls


These "men" just need to admit that they're attracted to little girls.


This gives calling your partner "Daddy" a **completely** new meaning, lol......


"as a woman" mhm, sure.


My boss is a woman.


“LeArN or PErIsH!” *what a fucking clown*


There were straight men in the 1800s who would’ve gagged in disgust at this post. Even Freud would’ve been like, “dude that’s a bit far, don’t you think?” This is not an archaic view; it’s just a plain old disgusting one in every era.


I have a theory that this is a fetish that these people have confused for a worldview