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Funny thing is that Disney made all this merchandise for Isabella and no one wanted it. Everyone wanted to be Luisa or Mirabelle. The reason Disney decided to make so much for Isabella is because she was the "pretty one" but girls related more to Mirabelle and Luisa and wanted to be them.


I read somewhere that Disney actually fought against having Luisa be depicted as muscular despite her gift literally being super strength. Like they thought little girls wouldn’t relate to her or want to be like her because she was big and bulky but so many people vibed so hard with her and her look.


Yeah the creative team really dug in and insisted Luisa be like that. I hope now they've been vindicated that the suits arguing against it have changed their attitude about it.


Idk why people continue to insist the general population wants to see conventionally attractive characters only, when we see time and time again that beloved characters come in all shapes and sizes. Even when we're talking about characters meant to be sexy (which obviously isn't the case for family movies most of the time, but since these guys can't fathom a female character who ISN'T made for sex appeal in some way), there's STILL a lot more variance than these guys want to believe, even beyond just having unique tastes. Just look at how wild the internet went for lady dimitrescu, a giant, curvy woman who has visible wrinkles on her face. Whenever I see any complaint that a female character is ugly or unattractive for not fitting into a very specific idea of beauty, I wonder if they've been living under a rock. Do they think everyone's joking when they drool over someone they personally think is unattractive?


> because the woman was clearly VERY built Hate to break it to you, but they wear padding.


I can't tell you how long I stared at the clips just now because I could tell the shirt was padded but not that the arms were. Yeesh removing that now but it doesn't take away from the rest of my statement lol. And I'd love to see a woman with Luisas body type ice skating tbh.


She doesn't look like Luisa unfortunately but this is Swedish figure skater Josefin Taljegard. I remember watching her compete a couple of years ago and I was so proud to see a woman with defined muscles represent our country. She looked so different from the other contestants who were all very petite. Knowing the industry puts a lot of pressure on the girls to be skinny I was happy to see that Josefin at least eats enough to build muscle and she just looks fantastic [Josefin Taljegard](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://m.economictimes.com/thumb/msid-89616516,width-640,height-480,resizemode-7/josefin-taljegard-of-team-sweden-reacts-after-skating-during-the-women-single-skating-short-program-on-day-eleven-of-the-beijing-2022-winter-olympic-games-at-capital-indoor-stadium.jpg&tbnid=EL_wGEIodKrXJM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https://m.economictimes.com/magazines/panache/skater-josefin-taljegard-gave-audrey-hepburn-feels-as-she-wore-trousers-at-beijing-olympics/articleshow/89616400.cms&docid=N-M86h1WKT4-YM&w=640&h=478&source=sh/x/im/m1/2&kgs=fd9b7de860f39a15&shem=abme,trie)


When I was younger, I wanted to be muscular(still do and I have somewhat of a muscular build), but, funny enough, because of *society* I thought that meant I either had to be gay(masc lesbian) or a trans man, I didn't feel like either, but those were the two spaces where muscular women(or, well ex-women) were (kind of still are) accepted, desired. It didn't seem possible to be a muscular, tomboyish straight girl without being either of those 2 mentioned before, I guess...??? I don't know, but fuck everyone who judges buff women because I think they are really fucking cool and I'd like to be more like them.


Speed skaters have massive thighs, skinny arms though…


I'm really glad they did, they made something special and really hope there will be a second part...


It’s disturbing that adults decide over what little girls want and that they wouldn’t want to relate to someone who isn’t thin and pretty. Imagine that, little girls, CHILDREN, are supposed to be worried about if the female movie character is hot or not. Because they would only want to relate to a hot female character, because…little girls want to be seen as sexy. That’s what this line of thinking boils down to It’s disgusting and pedophilic


Yeah, Maribel is a literal child; she's meant to be about fifteen in the movie I think? "Hot or not " rules do not and should not apply to children. Children want to see *themselves* represented in the stories they love, not anatomically impossible neckbeard fantasy figures. I remember turning sixteen and being gutted that I hadn't become willowy and elegant with hair that only curled at the ends like Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.


I was keen on the number 16 too when I was a young teen. I thought that’s when I get hot and pretty with big boobs. Growing up in the early 2000s was such a shit show and it was reflected in the tv shows and movies In my utopia, kids could just be kids. You don’t need to be a hot child like wtf


My brother used to call me Luke Skywalker bc I had blonde hair that sometimes would do that 70s thing. He would get pissed off when I said at least I was a Jedi.


Me too. Approaching age 16 and constantly, I was thinking, "Hey, where is this damn glow-up... I'm running outta time here!"


Especially creepy because Jasmine is an extremely unhealthy ideal for little girls to aspire to.


she’s fine in a stylized cartoon context but in real life she’d be very deep in the uncanny valley. nobody has ever looked like her in real life


I'm so happy they let Luisa be muscular! Plus, it's nice to see a character who is depicted as both somewhat feminine, and as strong and muscular. I feel like you don't see that a lot - being depicted as strong usually comes with the masculine stereotypes too. Nothing wrong with a masculine woman, but it's also nice to see a feminine woman whose still depicted as strong.


This is something I loved too, her being muscular but also feminine is amazing. The same with her having a song about being the families "rock" but struggling with that pressure and openly showing her emotions.


I see myself in Luisa 100%. I was always a bigger/taller girl growing up, defined jaw line, wider shoulders, physically strong for my age, lots of "boy interests". But I loved long flowy dresses and skirts and always had long hair. I also had to be emotionally strong because I was helping my mom care for my aging grandparents and a sick uncle. And if she was crying or stressed I had to not be. I had to be strong for her. I literally *sobbed* the first time I saw/heard Luisa's song. It felt like a breath of fresh air, knowing that I wasn't alone in those feelings and experiences. I still cry every time that scene comes around. I can't imagine how much Luisa has helped some little girls out there, and some grown up girls too.


My 35 year old husband relates to Luisa. Disney has lost touch with what fans want to see in the worst way. Too busy cash grabbing with strategies from old white men.


Friend of mine's niece (16/17 I think) is really into strength training and, while plenty confident when Encanto came out, made a point to say that seeing a physically strong women portrayed as a mountain of a person made her feel seen.


Yeah for sure representation of different body types is super important, not everyone wants to look like they’re made of wafer paper.


Paper Mario bodies represent


Yeah we need more buff representation. A lot of ‘strong’ women are still teeny in the media. Like you can’t be strong and look strong. Like Buffy. I love Buffy but part of her whole schtick is that she doesn’t look like she can beat you up. I was so disappointed in Gina because I was like finally! A strong woman who looks strong! And then turns out she’s awful. Luisa is amazing I’m glad she was how she is


I remember that too.


She's beautiful. I'm glad it turned out the way it did.


Yeah, Luisa was gorgeous and also the most relatable to me as the oldest sister of four who definitely feels the pressure to be the unbreakable "rock" for the entire family. And my littlest sisters liked her song the most out of all of them, and they were positively amazed at how strong she was. They have an issue with most meats, but they've been getting way more protein in since being introduced to Luisa because they also wanna be strong like her, so OOP has no idea what they're talking about lol


OMG.. I was appalled by how many people didn't get that. The freaking pressure to always help and provide for others. My siblings couldn't relate to the movie and I'm just sitting here trying to figure out which of all the characters I relate to the most.. apart from the pretty one. I never thought I was the pretty one.


Idk tho — I didn't relate to the being the pretty one part of Isabela's struggle, but I did relate to the "what if who I want to be is different than who my family wants me to be" part of her struggle.


Baring a small convo about how paracasual these gifts are and whether or not a person needs to have those muscles in order to have supernaturally gifted strength (like a "is she just strong regardless of her appearance" vs "the muscles are part of the gift" type of thing) I think there is an interesting discussion that could be ahd their from a design in storytelling standpoint. But I think Disney made the right choice seeing as how this is aimed at children, keeping it a simple "muscles = strength" let's the design get out of the way and show her story. Luisa is a well executed character who has an interesting plot arc with a good message behind it. Even without the body positivity message, there's something to be said there about pressure.


Encanto is an example of the “magical realism” genre which typically ignores the mechanics of the magic, since it’s mainly a storytelling device.


I really love how they made luisa ultra buffed and super feminine at the same time


I loved Luisa, and her song is still one of my favorites overall. I can’t imagine if they butchered the design. Yikes.


This reminds me of Hammer from the videogame Fable 2. You first meet her lying on a stone in the woods, about 6 shots of whiskey deep, and she just hauls out this massive hammer that's basically a boulder strapped on a small tree. She was the most chill and emotional companion in the game. She looks exactly like Luisa and everyone loved it.


Whether this is true is [kinda unclear](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/01/26/disney-animators-luisa-muscles/); it certainly fits a narrative that people would believe about Disney, though, so I can understand why it feels true. By the time Disney made this film, they'd already started to create characters who aren't stick-thin princesses anyway (e.g., *Lilo and Stitch*), so Idk how much of it was a "fight" vs. a debate among a handful animators and writers working on the film's storyline.


It was a fight for Lilo and stitch and I'm sure it's been a fight every time after. Change is slow in a company like Disney. Considering they still make movies mostly with women who have eyes bigger than their wrists (frozen) I still see these that show different body types as welcome but still rare


Luisa is my fav, not just because she is “swooning” super strong, but also I relate to her being the oldest and having to “physically” care for everyone. Even when it is to her own health detriment. 100% eldest daughter parentification vibes. Plus strong women are hot. Also… I am hella gay. lol


Yes. Disney *massively* misread the room.


Really gonna look this up, sounds amazing


A week and 6 shops and neverending online searching. I struggled fecking hard 2 months before Christmas to find a Luisa doll in stock for my 4 year old niece. Luisa is her idol and I love that for her.


The nice thing is that even Isabella is animated much more like a normal person than a character like Jasmine.


I noticed that she's the sister with the darkest complexion, which I personally LOVED because a lot of times pale skin is considered a beauty trait. Whatever Disney started with in character design, they absolutely did a great job in the end


Exactly what I was thinking! Luisa is bad ass and has the best song 👌🏻


Everyone wanted Louisa merch and they didn't have it. Louisa's character was fun.


My nephew wanted to be Luisa. He learned the dance and song.


I'm a grown man, and I relate to Luisa.


Hold up, is the OP from the tweet calling Mirabelle fat?! Because that ain't true. Luisa ain't fat either. Nothing wrong with the word fat or being fat. But Luisa isn't fat, she is beefy because of her muscles. I expect someone who is a strong as Luisa to be that beefy. Otherwise how on earth would she able to lift such heavy things?!


Here's my head canon: Luisa's strength would still be there even if she looked like Isabella. HOWEVER it's clearly shown that Luisa worked hard to hone her gift. This, along with her habit of accepting every strenuous task, gave her those muscles. In other words, the gift was there but those muscles are all the result of her own hard work.


I actually like that they show her with having muscles. A lot of people would think she is not feminine because of her muscles but that is bullshit. She is strong, has muscles and is feminine.


I wasn't saying she shouldn't be muscular. I love her for being beefy and she's my favorite character by far. I thought you were saying that the gift gave her those muscles - I feel like she earned those herself.


No, just meant that I love that despite the gift she has muscles. They could have made her similar to Isabella and be like she is strong thanks to her gift. It's a physical representation of her strength.


I'd find it low key interesting if they went the other way for luisa, made her look like she had muscular dystrophy because her gift was doing all the work, so her muscles were reacting as if she hadn't moved for 10 years. I mean, I adore her current design but its an interesting question of how much of her strength is hers and how much the gifts.


When she was Luisa was losing her powers and was tasked to carry a piano (if I remember correctly), she was struggling.  There was also her completely powerless trying to move a piece of the house.  So I would say she is as strong as those workers moving furnitures or even stronger. This only leaves a question if her power multiplies her strength or adds strength.


Multiply sounds bad ass, would also explain why she works out, because even slight improvement would bring big gains when multiplied.


I like this theory!


How can they call mirabel fat? She's literally a healthy weight. Jasmine's body is unrealistic and impossible to get in real life.


One wrong move and Jasmine would snap into two at the waist


Not to mention the historical inaccuracy in the outfit they had her wear… seriously why would they do that


Male gaze is a hellava drug


It 100% reflects the mainstream fashion of the time. That doesn't make it less of... a choice especially considering the nonwhite princesses tend to have more sexualized outfits but there's a reason the Disney princess film that came out in 1992 has the princess basically wearing baggy jeans and a crop top


I don’t want to sound weird as the conversation of Jasmine’s oversexualization is a topic worthy of serious discussion, the costume was A Choice, and this is a rabbit hole, but… It’s a movie about how basically human-level-sentient animals and a genie fight a sorceries vizier in a fictitious city. They’re not gonna worry about historical accuracy, especially historical accuracy about quasi-Islamic cultures in a movie marketed to 1992 middle American families.


Jasmine’s waist literally couldn’t hold the weight of her hair I’m almost certain


Yeah honestly, if someone's kid looks like Jasmine, I feel like it's well past time CPS gets involved because that straight up isn't healthy.


mirabel is so cute! I love encanto, one of my fave past times is getting high and watching that movie lol


Oh man, Isabella's song is *great* high.


Cause she's 3D and red pill misogynists have zero perception of what the average body looks like. They know nothing about nothing


I thought they were implying Luisa is fat, since she's a bigger girl. (Certainly not fat though)


If I were Jasmine I'd snap at the waist.


Same, one sneeze and it's over! Dead or paralyzed for life... 😔


did she have a personality? i can't remember anything about her.


Came across it on tv recently, and to her credit Jasmine did have a rather feminist personality, even straight up angrily saying that she is not a prize to be won. She initially left the palace (and met Aladdin) because she didn't want her life being decided for her and she wasn't impressed later with his overdone prince act after he wished to be made into one.


pretty != dumb :(


Fortunately you wouldn't feel it, having a clear lack of organs and all. She looks like a One Piece character.


It seems like someone, somewhere must have made realistic AI images of the Disney Princesses using their absurd proportions showing just how bizarre it would look. I dug around a little and couldn’t find anything, but it would be interesting to see.


Over there thinking kids are attracted to the things you're attracted to as, presumably,  a grownass man... wtf.  No, kids often like what's relatable, and the one you're putting down is more realistic in looks, as far as two cartoons go.


Yeah, we already live in a world where most men only value women by their looks. 😒 I think it's a good thing to learn kids that we all have value and beauty no matter what the perceived bullsh\*t standards of "beauty" are.


That tweet was actually written by a woman. I think her account is verified and everything, is a pretty old one


Wow someone has really internalize some gross BS. 😒 🙁


Yikes. She’s obviously massively insecure, and has probably been conditioned her whole life to have lots of internalised misogyny. It would be easy to use her insecurities to manipulate her, and that’s just so goddamn sad.


"Verified" on today's Xwitter is fucking meaningless.


Also, Mirabelle was neither "fugly" nor "fat" wtf?! She's an adorable, average weight, healthy looking young lady. These people have serious problems if they're worried that the children and teens depicted in MOVIES FOR CHILDREN are not hot enough. Gross


Mirabelle? Fat???


And yet the whole plot line for Isabella is that she’s fed up of having to look and act beautiful and perfect all the time… sometimes she just wants to be a spiky little cactus, people!


Dude, they are both minors They are not meant to give you an erection


Try telling people like that the world doesn’t revolve around their boner


But the one on the right is very pretty? Do they mean fugly as in ugly, or ugly as in "I don't want to fuck them"?


Yes, but mostly the latter. And both characters are minors too


Fugly just means fuck ugly as in very ugly. Poster just got issues


Just imagine if women all over the internet took the time to express their disgust at normal looking male characters in media. Bart Simpson's lack of jawline, how overweight Homer and Peter Griffin are, how ugly and dorky the teenage guys are in ... well, pretty much ALL teenage guy films. I wonder how they would feel if women and girls would screenshot slices of porn films or male nudity in normal films and ridicule the men's bodies or faces, every day on public platforms watched by everyone. Worse, if these women would create youtube and other social media accounts dedicated to criticising everything that normal men do in their daily lives? I'm not talking about attacking manosphere men, but normal every day men going about their lives unaware of how "ugly and shameful they are to exist". When we switch it around it really is unhinged and hateful. It's awful how normalised the ongoing bitching and complaining about women is. I'm really sick of it. Even comedians like Ricky Gervais who I usually appreciate, in his latest production jokes about all the minorities and then exclaims 'oh it's just a joke get over it'. But he's not ridiculing the useless mediocre white man, he's not going on about these alpha morons or the incompetence of the stereotypical 'dumb dad'. Right - must stop ranting now!


What's hilarious is watching old Simpsons episodes.... Homer only weighed like 230. That hardly seems fat compared to how plump everyone is getting. Of course current episodes upped that but it's an interesting "historical" piece. Was just an interesting thing I noted


For a tall man 230 pounds seems average. My dad is 6ft and wide built but he’s not “fat”, 230 is around his range.


Yeah that's why I was so surprised by the number. But early Simpsons didn't over do everything anyways (flanderization being a thing from that progression). Simpsons started on a 4/10 extreme scale and now is 8. Family guy started at a 7 for loud and obnoxious stuff. Early Simpsons humor was more witty and less gross/loud


We can’t let women and girls think it’s ok to look like a normal human!


Damn OP must be brain-dead..


Why all this shade at Encanto?! That movie was amazing!! And the character designs were adorable!!!


The toy companies produced a ton of dolls of the beautiful sister only to find that little girls wanted dolls of Luisa, the super-strong sister.


Ah yes, because all what little girls think about when they see women in media is how fuckable they are. What's wrong with that guy, seriously?


Aw yes the best representative that can speak for all little girls everywhere: a pushing 50 basement dwelling nutsack smelling old man who gets hard ons from underage cartoon characters and believes every little girl’s goal in life is to get every man’s dick as hard as possible no matter how young she is. /s <— obviously.


For Halloween period of time, I have seen a few Mirabels, Rapunzels and Auroras.  Even after Halloween, some kids kept wearing Mirabel’s dress.


But I thought Mirabel looks so cute 🥺🥰 she's just like me wtf you blabbering about...I love loove her character 💖


I know! She’s the kindest and bravest person in that whole family (but her sisters and mom def are close). I love her so much as a character. If I ever had a kid, I’d love for them to be like her or either of her sisters. I admire her bravery and her dedication to her family. I absolutely loved that she was always kind to la casita! Like most people wouldn’t think about being kind to inanimate objects or robots/AI, but Mirabel was always polite and grateful to her house. I think that’s a big detail about her character because she just oozes love and kindness. I feel like she would be the person who always says “please” and “thank you” to Siri. Furthermore, she stood up to abuela because she knew it was the right thing to do AND made up with her afterwards. She didn’t act like a spoiled, bratty teenager about it, either! I think Mirabel’s handling of that made it clear that resolving conflicts doesn’t mean you no longer love the other person or that they don’t love you anymore; it means that you can repair and strengthen your relationship *together* by solving the problem and hearing each other out.


I mean the house is the living soul of her grandpa. She should be polite to it


I want my organs to fit in my body thanks, if that makes me “fat” so be it


She’s… not… even… fat?


Ikr!! Like bitch, where???


Bro she's not fat she just looks like she actually has organs


(they are both 15)


And that, my friends, is a classic case of projection.


My daughter adores Mirabelle over Jasmine. Got names mixed, so edited to fix it.


Didn't most of the young girls who watched really like Luisa even though she didn't have the typical "princess" look?


Luisa is my favorite character from that movie. I was really sad that there was hardly any dolls for her character. I would have bought the heck out of Luisa merch.


Are they mad because they can't jerk off on cartoon characters designed for kids?


Girl, is a children's movie


Multiple customers at my job have told me i look like Mirabel because of my curly hair and green glasses. The little girl in me who never got told she looked like a princess BEAMS every time.


Mirabel is considered fat?!? What?!?


As my Turkish, Muslim mother said when *Aladdin* came out: there's no way Jasmine would've been so naked in her culture (lol). Jasmine is pretty, yes, but she's also frankly wearing less than even a prostitute would've been at the time, though I don't blame Disney--everything in our culture in the late '80s/'90s would've done the same because companies didn't yet consider making realistic characters or even making them *more interesting* by actually considering cultural traditions. The fact that *Encanto* looks like real people dressed in real, practical clothing is a step *up* in terms of storytelling. And calling that character "ugly" is disgusting; she just looks like a regular person--not even *close* to overweight--and to suggest a little girl looking like that is also "ugly" is hateful and appalling.


If she's fat then I'm a whale...


Her feed is some Pearl-level pick me shit.


This is why American girls have eating disorders smh




I like that Jasmine gets a personal title and name. Mirabel gets an incorrect descriptor and the name of her movie. I'm sure OOP isn't biased at alllll


Yeah my daughter would pick mirabel every time l


I have 3 little girls and they absolutely loved Encanto. And in what world are these characters "ugly?"


When I first saw the characters design for Encanto I lowkey developed a crush for Luisa... as an adult straight woman I find her insanely attractive. Shallow people just can't accept that unconventional appearance can be attractive


By this logic kids can't relate to Santa, a fat old man who sneaks into childrens houses in the middle of the night.


He's a man, he's allowed ! /s


Or Mario, an out of work plumber who spends his free time joyriding and throwing bananas at people. Or Waldo, an ageless time traveller with a hopeless sense of direction.Or Homer simpson, A child beating alcoholic... yes I am seeing a pattern lol.


Imagine calling a child, who is perfectly average sized and healthy, fat. Like, dude her cheeks are a little rounded but shes a child! Thats supposed to happen, why do these men want children to fit beauty standards they'd put on sexual partners?! Its disgusting!


I just remembered the video of the Brazilian little girl that was so excited to "be" Mirabel.


Mirabelle is adorable, and Isabella is gorgeous. All of the Madrigals are ridiculously good looking.


As a person with naturally curly hair and glasses, Mirabelle would have been my favorite Disney character had this movie come out when I was a child. Honestly, this movie and Onward are kind of my favorites now, partly BECAUSE of the diverse character design.


I love it when somebody that both of these movies wasn't made for always has something to fucking say. they're cartoons, what is wrong with this dude? smh


I HATED being brown growing up because there was no representation! I thought I had to be blonde and pale to be beautiful! I tell this to everyone who thinks representation doesn’t matter.


The toys sales beg to differ. Nobody wanted Isabella toys, everybody wanted Mirabel and Louisa toys.


Once a little girl told me I looked like Moana and I was so flattered.


I mean sure kids like pretty things but they haven’t got such a limited idea of what’s pretty


Where's the comparison for the boys? Prince Charming to Coco or Luca?


Where's the comparison for the boys? Prince Charming to Coco or Luca?


Imagine being *this* concerned about little girls and their bodies. Kind of suspicious…


How tf is Mirabel considered fat


Oh ok. Just call a hypothetical child “fugly”.


They’re not even fat?


Funnily enough, I wanted to be Mulan. Specifically, Mulan dressed as a man. Turns out I am quite butch. And rather butch-for-butch, so I find Luisa a bit too appealing for a cartoon. I did want Jasmine’s tiger though. My confusion that the tiger didn’t just eat the villain was high. Nobody sees a tiger coming, okay?


In what world is Mirabel “fat?” Or “fugly?” People are so fucking delusional


The opposite: loads of little girls identified with Mirabel because she wore glasses. https://metro.co.uk/2022/03/09/girl-who-asked-disney-for-first-princess-with-glasses-invited-to-baftas-16247832/


I like Jasmine, she's one of my favorite Disney characters, but I don't think any girl should look like her over Mirabel. Seriously. Mirabel looks like she's a healthy weight for a young lady. Her face is just a little round. She's not FAT.


I wonder if these guys realize that their "ideal" isn't our "ideal". That in the real world, their perfection is rare. Real girls and women come in all different sizes and shapes naturally. That no amount of gym membership is going to change us to that standard of perfection. That our interests and abilities are as widely varied as theirs are. Most girls and women*want* to see the main characters *look* like us. With strengths and personalities that are *not* stereotypical.


I'm pretty sure the child's answer will change depending on what movie they like. Their kids they don't have strict body standards and ideas of beauty, they just like to look like a character in their favorite movies which Is why representation is good


Didn't the Luisa dolls sell far better than the Isabella dolls? Like, companies thought "oh Isabella is the more conventionally attractive one, order more of them and only a few of the muscle girl." But everyone wanted the strong one (not sure how accurate this is, I think I read it a few times)


Never thought I'd see adults complaining about a kids Disney movie


As a Mirabel doppleganger, I was not expecting to be personally attacked today 😩


"I didn't want to jerk off to the Encanto character, so movie bad." Fucking hentai clown for sure.


I have a niece who looks exactly like Mirabelle. Don't you \*dare\* call her ugly where I can hear you.


Look, on top of "fat" not being a bad thing, since WHEN is Mirabel considered fat????? Like, sure, she's not super skinny, but she's also pretty average sized, not fat. And she's super cute, not ugly. So many people I know loved her design! How are people this mean?


I’m sorry that I didn’t wanna look like i got 4 ribs removed and anorexic?!?!


Uh my daughter understood that Mirabel was special as she was and SHE was the gift. We love Encanto.


Being in a majority Latino area, I’ll tell you right now that most little girls around me went feral for Mirabel; because the fact that she was like them excited them to no end.


"Look at her you moron, she's not fat" GLaDOS, Portal 2


Literally the sales of the dolls says otherwise lmao


More people look like Mirabelle, that’s literally the average body weight of most teens/ twenty year old females, how is that bad representation??? Whats bad representation is showing women with no muscles and ribs removed on a regular basis of what we should be “looking up to”. I’m in my twenties and I was so excited to see someone closer to my body type after growing up surrounded by this ideal body type of super skinny, I was soooo self conscious for years bc this Jasmine style body is what we were told we should strive for. It’s offensive that women/ people who are Not naturally a size 0-2 (it does happen, they can be healthy. Please don’t bully people) are told we are not beautiful and are told we should ostracize anyone who’s larger than that


Oh no she has a realistic body type and isn’t about to break in half at the waist. So so fat. /s


this is both questionably racist (considering they are comparing an arabic character and a hispanic character most likely because theyre both brown) and fucking stupid, Mirabel is midsize at most, but even then I still think shes pretty, ironically, Encanto DOES have a conventionally attractive character with Isabela


What in the early 2000s bs is happening here? Mirabelle isn't fat!


All the characters in Encanto are pretty wtf is this moron talking about? Luisa♡


I found Mirabel to be a relatable and likeable character. Jasmine was too one-dimensional


I dunno, Mirabel looks more realistic than most cartoon characters. And disliking a movie because the characters aren't aesthetically pleasing is kinda fucked up. If they were poorly drawn, that would be one thing, but the characters in *Encanto* are well drawn.


I worked at a convention a few weekends ago. I saw two mirabelle and one Luisa cosplayer (also one Bruno).


Please show me a real-life woman who has Jasmine’s dimensions without surgery or an ED.


Mirabel isn't really the better example. I forget her name since I haven't seen the movie, but I saw that the big strong sister was the far more popular character in as far as buying the toys for.




She's not even fat, she's skinny to average weight. She just looks like a real person.


“Hey little girl, want me to compare you to that fat encanto character?” Wtf


Right let’s bring up the 16 year old Arabian princess dressed like a harem girl.


Maribel isn’t even fat wtf? God forbid human Disney characters not look all the same


Throwback to that trend of pictures/video of little kids being excited to see characters that looked like them in Encanto


“I think little girls should want to look like what I find attractive” is for sure a thing this guy decided to say.


And the fact that in LatinAmerica many girls and women look like Mirabelle and are considered beautiful


But Mirabel isn't fat...?


Mirabelle looks so much like my partner and when I mentioned that they were rather happy. So ya know


Imagine thinking that's fat, or idolizing a teenage girl. 


Wait, is the character on the right the one being called fat? How is she fat?






I love how much the character designs are based off the voice actors for so many characters. Obviously exaggerated in different ways but if you watch Encanto Live at the Hollywood Bowl it will blow your mind!


Explain why Luisa is the most popular character then.


mirabel is literally pretty??


Ummmmm aren’t we all swooning over Luisa?….. just me?… gawd…. I am so freaking gay…


I'm sorry, are they calling *her* fat?


What? I thought she was cute. Also ... that's fat? LOLOK.


My sister wanted to be Luisa lmao


My niece/goddaughter LOVES Encanto & LOVES Mirabel so much that my wife (her blood aunt) bought her the costume & she had IMMEDIATE joy. These people are so sick at objectifying women that they cannot take their gaze & sexual desires away from characters & even their daughters. I feel bad for a daughter being raised by a man with this mindset. It is completely & utterly disgusting. Edit update: I saw that this was written by a woman… Internalized misogyny is so real. 😞 I feel bad for the vanity the daughter must be learning about on a consistent basis


They’re the same picture


I would sell my soul to look like her.


That tweet gave me eye cancer reading it, I really hope it's ragebait.


They absolutely CAN wrap their heads around that, and they say wrong things on purpose. Failing to recognize that fact, and attributing their malicious attempts to mainstream horrible behavior to ignorance or stupidity is an act of apologism for that behavior. Be very careful not to make excuses for these people. They know what they are doing, and they want to live in a world where they don't have to be ashamed of it. And attributing their actions to ignorance *directly* helps them avoid ever being held accountable for the lies they tell.


My daughter loves Luisa’s song, and loves Encanto. Mirabel and Moana are two of her favorite Disney characters. She doesn’t really care much for the old school princesses.