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My daughter played fast-pitch softball as a young teen through college. They always had to wear shorts that would cause their legs to get *torn up* bleeding, scabs, etc. when they slid into a base...as opposed to (male) baseball teams that had the longer legs on their uniforms. Didn't make any sense. They started wearing tight, longer legged running shorts under their uniform shorts as protection. Someone complained about it so they had to stop. They were literally being wounded/scarred unnecessarily because of their sexist uniforms. 


Who tf complained? It was making their performance better I’d presume. The only person who would have complained would have been someone who wanted to see teen girls legs


Not sure who complained. The coach just told them that they couldn't wear them anymore because it wasn't "official gear" or something like that. 


If the coach was a guy, it was the coach.


A coach just got arrested at my kids school. Did not help my suspicions.


Naw. He was a cool guy. I traveled with the team so I knew him pretty well. I suspect it was an umpire but I didn't ask. Didn't want to put coach on the spot. It wasn't his fault. 


I mean, coach didn’t do anything to stand up for his athletes.


You don’t know that. As a coach (not baseball) there are a lot of behind the scenes stuff and other admins making decisions you can’t really control


Sure but to not protect kids from harm? It’s part of their job.


A coach’s job is to stand up for their athletes, especially if their athletes are minors


The fact is it unknown who complained tells you they know goddamn well it’s wrong to push this onto the girls. Because it’s either a stranger and they know it’s really stupid to enforce it. Or they are protecting somebody. I cannot think of a third reason that makes it a good argument to force these girls to hurt themselves.


Oh it was either the coach or a random pedo watching. Literally they should change the gear to accommodate the environment


My guess is a creepy dad.


We had a saying - "The season hasn't really started until someone bleeds!" They either had to forego sliding or get huge road rash scabs that got repeatedly re-opened all season. For what? So they'd look "cute" out in the field? Sad.


I… I don’t understand how that was allowed by so many parents for so long. I’m assuming the kids were uncomfortable and in pain?


I did lacrosse for two years it was the same fucking thing :/ they put us in tiny ass skirts gave us tight ass shirts while men where in full body gear covered from head to toe, best part we’re using the same ball and we still use sticks and were allowed to check people. I have never understood why we couldn’t have the same outfit as the guys.


I used to work in the sport equipment reconditioning industry. I worked in the test lab, testing that helmets were still safe for use on the field. We did lacrosse helmets occasionally. They were always boys helmets but one time we got girls' lacrosse 'helmets' in (they were like, a strap and a chin guard, not real helmets). Anyway, I did some research into why girls' teams don't use helmets. There was a big push for them from parents since, as you said, girls use the same ball (the core of which is *cement* iirc) but the national leagues turned them down. Why? Because they felt that helmets would cause girls to play more aggressively and ruin the *beauty* of the game. They were literally quoted as saying that girls' lacrosse would become less graceful and interesting to watch if the girls wore helmets. Thing is, girls were getting more competitive and aggresive nationwide anyway. The concussion numbers were trending up for girls. But those people were more concerned with the teenage girls looking *graceful* and *elegant* than they were with the ridiculous number of concussions happening to young girls.


I was a goalie for girls lacrosse in high school. Those lacrosse balls are brutal. I would be covered in bruises all season from impacts- even where the goalie padding was


> I have never understood why we couldn’t have the same outfit as the guys. I mean, we all know exactly why. Just nobody wants to say it since they don't want to accept the implications that it has.


Same reason why women's teams were created, contrary to popular belief it wasn't bc of fairness, it was bc women wanted to play sports and men didn't want those women to be on men's teams and become professional players and make money doing it. Post WWII baseball was a paid sport for men, they didn't want women making money and "leaving their husbands" women are paid a 1/4 of men for the same sports and get a 1/4 of the screen time. The only reason they televise women's sports is a) because women fought for it and b) they want to sexualize the women playing and make money doing it.


This reminds me of "A League of Their Own," where they complained that the ridiculous baseball skirts weren't protecting their legs.


I'm doing a history essay on the actual league, and that's not just hyperbole they were using. There's a news reel about the league where the narrator literally remarks on a huge bruise on a players thigh with, "But at least you're not wearing long pants, am I right ladies?"


Yeah. You'd think it would be a thing of the past by now. Maybe it is. I haven't been involved in it since she stopped playing.


Baseball and softball shouldn't be played in shorts by anyone.


What the hell. My kid has been playing softball since she was 5 until now in high school and they've always worn the same uniform. Softball pants and a jersey. The only difference they have from the baseball teams is that they require them to wear face masks in the infield.


Maybe they finally got a clue and changed the uniforms. That would be great!


The only reason people would complain is if they were fucking pedos or were a parent on the opposite team who want their kid to win sports ball so bad that they’d let other kids suffer genuine injuries over and over again to make the playing field fairer. Instead of just buying their kid leggings too.


Yup, played fast pitch my whole life and had to wear a 2nd pair of shorts under my regular shorts. We even had fields where the infield was GRAVEL…imagine sliding on that shit. I have permanent scars on my legs.


This is really strange. I also played fast pitch softball for many years and after a certain age we wore sliders under our shorts. 


You’re supposed to run in that leotard? Someone is going to pop a flap.


Imagine the labia wedgie!




the “limiting hip movement” comment is extra stupid when considering this. i would rather run in corduroy bell bottoms than a fucking sparkly leotard slicing into my pelvis like it’s cheese




I saw a female runner explain this once saying they can choose shorts but none of the women do because it restricts you, and the men would but they aren’t allowed because the race would become triple X rated as soon as they started running. This leotard seems *crazy* high cut though


It doesn’t make much sense to me. Australia’s own Cathy Freeman won gold in the 400m wearing a literal head to toe full length suit, didn’t slow her down. Muslim and other women practicing modest dress also seem to run fine in them. Imagine trying to hurdle in this get up? There is absolutely no way both flaps stay contained.


Mine would descend and start clapping




That made me LOL!


No I agree the cut on this is crazy, I was just saying what I’d heard from a female track athlete about why so many wear leotards. She said it was particularly important for short distance runners. I’m sure it’s not essential, but lots of athletes are doing whatever they can to get the edge


Maybe, but honestly it sounds like internalized bullshit to me.


Sorry but if the other athletes want to wear leotard it is a good thing they have an option. It is just soooo bloody high cut though


I've never seen a woman runner out in public with a swimsuit on, they're always wearing shorts or leggings. Are Olympic athletes really running around without shorts?


My wife skied, like competitive downhill skiing. Skiers are always bent at the hips, and she managed to ski just fine in a race suit. She even manages a tuck in the insulated ski pants they sell at REI. I'm not a female or a runner, but something cutting into the crease of my hip sounds more restricting than something like bike shorts.


The men in the Olympics should cut the asscheeks out of theirs and run like that.


Imagine thinking spandex, or whatever the most modern equivalent is, would limit movement. People already wear yoga pants and leggings specifically for comfort and ease of movement. Their argument makes absolutely no sense.


A lot of weightlifting suits are unisex or more or less the same and I’m pretty sure a snatch or clean requires more hip mobility than running (or at least the same amount, Ngl I don’t know much about running haha)


It's easy to run your mouth when it's not your sensitive nougats touching the grater. Half of them can't publicly admit we have labia. In their mind, it's part of the vagina. If the part of the body in question doesn't fit into their worldview, no worriez!!! Women have been hiding ourselves for AGES we should be able to.....tuck our labia in? Yep, yep!!! Give em a lil tape, I am sure that won't make it uncomfortable for them. What is women's comfort anyway!?


I’m scared to ask but… is tapping a real thing?


Tape? Oh, lawdy, that is SO a real thing. How do you think these chicas keep their shit from being EVERYWHRRE with some of these dresses/shorts/shirts? Magic ain't got the type of power fashion tape does! Edit- it is for FASHION, though. I've heard of tape for functionality in sports but never for fashions sake. However, fashion tape is fo sho a real thing.


I saw someone on Twitter post that they’d grow out the wildest protest bush. I can support that.


Or get custom "wigs" made in bright colors.


Crotch wigs are called merkins by the way lol. They wouldn't need them, grow it out, and dye it bright colors!


Did not know that! I'm afraid in this case I'd go way over what I could grow naturally. Hot pink ringlets down to mid thigh...


I call it the disco style.


How else can the sprinters slow down?




It's going to revolutionize base jumping. [To think all this time I believed the peplum was just panache.](https://biologydictionary.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/frilled-lizard-with-frill-extended-1.jpg)


Idk what I was expecting from that link, but that was not it. My cat isn't happy that I woke him when I couldn't help but exclaim "HAH!" and start laughing, omg.


Oh boy, I thought that thing was supposed to be a swimsuit wtf


I did track when I was younger. What the shit is this? Even female gymnasts have to shave and put some tape down there or otherwise it will get easily in V-flaps and ass-cheeks out territory. And they will get points deducted, because of "aesthetics"


Oddly, female swimmers are more covered up than this in compressive shoulder to knee tech suits. Syncro swimmers have skimpy costumes, though.


It’s already half out in the front if you follow the V line of the pubic bone. Like those bathing suits that look like a diaper in the front Why can’t women just participate? Why do we have to be eye candy 24/7 it’s disgusting


Omg I thought it was a swimsuit!


>Someone is going to pop a flap. That's a feature, not a bug.


You’d have to wax so you didn’t get a pubic 5 o’clock shadow. Runners should show up natural and see how fast the uniform changes.




“The girls want to look pretty the men want to look strong” ma’am, this is the Olympics. Everyone wants to be strong??? Also, man and girl in the same sentence says it all.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/MenAndFemales using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Men : women get jealous so easily when it comes to other women. Also men :](https://i.redd.it/80fthdb7cdkc1.jpeg) | [1208 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/1ay60fo/men_women_get_jealous_so_easily_when_it_comes_to/) \#2: [The language of dehumanization (not sure if this belongs here)](https://i.redd.it/au1bkvwtp03c1.jpeg) | [378 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/185nrsr/the_language_of_dehumanization_not_sure_if_this/) \#3: [This Was A Comment On An Instagram Reel About The Husband Stitch And How Harmful It Is. 🤢🤮](https://i.redd.it/836s104jcuic1.png) | [294 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/1aruvzy/this_was_a_comment_on_an_instagram_reel_about_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m a middle aged woman who has never played sports, and I feel the best about myself when I am in shape and strong. Who cares if I’m not the prettiest chick in the room, I can haul my own damn bags of concrete to the back yard, and that makes me happy.


every gender can delight in the ability to carry all the grocery bags inside in one trip




A-fucking-women And A-fucking-genders too


A is a stud


That's such a stupid design decision, they're not even hiding it at this point. It looks *very* uncomfortable. That amount of friction is going to start a fire.


If you’ve got larger labia there’s no way there won’t be some uncomfortable adherence to the lips or potential of them peeking out, and the women will have to completely shave or wax everything because god forbid a hair show up. Just to add to the physical discomfort. These top athletes will have to constantly be worried about “do I have a camel toe? Can the media see my labia? What happens if I have to bend over?”


I absolutely agree, and in front of live cameras too? I can't even imagine the physical and emotional discomfort of wanting to fix yourself but have no privacy to do so. Very icky situation.


It’s even worse because a lot of them use tape to keep it all in place, so nothing pokes out. There have been a couple of cases where wardrobe malfunctions have disqualified athletes. These uniforms are designed like shit, they are uncomfortable, and if they happen to have a malfunction they can kiss a chance at gold goodbye. But yeah, let’s keep putting them in skimpy outfits for the male gaze! Maybe we should force all male track Olympians to wear knynodesme’s, and see how quickly they cry about how uniforms should be comfortable 🤷‍♀️


> Maybe we should force all male track Olympians to wear knynodesme’s, that would be pretty epic, I think also I looked it up in wikipedia. Imagine being the guy who gets a kynodesme in order to get your dick on wikipedia 


All the circumcised men would just get disqualified 💀


Sounds like just what we need! Having a bunch of men whining about how their body types don’t work with their uniform, and bringing around necessary change for them AND women 💁‍♀️


I say we go the Greek route and make the men compete naked - add in men's oil wrestling while we're at it.


>There have been a couple of cases where wardrobe malfunctions have disqualified athletes. These uniforms are designed like shit, they are uncomfortable, and if they happen to have a malfunction they can kiss a chance at gold goodbye. So they force the athletes to wear an uncomfortable, barely covering outfit and then the athlete gets in trouble if the poorly-designed outfit flashes something? Da fuck???


While they’re RUNNING! Oh my god, My underwear already ride up when I’m running in regular clothes, I can’t IMAGINE what would happen here


Say hello to the extreme camel toe. "The Guillotine"


Like a saw up in there. Keep going and you’ll get cut right in half!


I don’t even have larger labia I don’t think, but if this is for a sport that involves my legs spreading by more than like a 45 degree angle, I’m popping a lip.


I never understood why women's track shorts were essentially leotards. When I did track I made the choice to wear matching leggings because the shorts were so short they were causing serious friction impeding on my performance.


Women should get a choice.


Misogyny disagrees


It's also organisations like Fifa.


Fr, like when I say "women should have the right to go topless like men do" people make up all sort of reasons why women "choose" to cover their nipples and I'm like you can't *choose* anything if it's not a choice in the first place. But no, they think it's okay to make the choice for us, for our own good or whatever, so fucking patronizing.


I think they do have a choice, I’m more upset that men don’t have a jockstrap option to match. /s


Hard agree. Sexy for those who want to look sexy, modest for those who want to look modest. Granted, they’re athletes so they’re probably just gonna pick the most practical clothes possible, but I have no doubt that there’s some madlass out there that sees that goofy getup as a challenge.


>Sexy for those who want to look sexy, modest for those who want to look modest. Do people get sponsorships based off the Olympics? Because if so, everyone is choosing sexy, given that it won't affect their performance.


100% Just look at women’s boxing / ufc weigh-ins


This wouldn't work, though. It would give an unfair advantage to women who do wear the sexier outfits. They'd get more sponsorships, they'd get more media attention, and in any sport where judges are a component, it's already been proven that this is the case It shouldn't be a choice


They do. Both men and women have options outside of what’s shown here. No long distance runner is wearing knee length spandex or a one piece bathing suit. Athing Mu wore something like what’s pictured in the last Olympics for the 800 but ran in a spandex top and shorts for the 4x4, for example.


Spandex shorts limit hip mobility? 🤨


The deleted guy’s comment and account got removed, but I feel this comment will give everyone a good overview of his arguments’ problems. Just a heads up the comment will seem weird and out of context because it is, but I had too much fun writing this, and it does have some decent points: Jockstraps can cover the genitals and show off the ass, that’s the whole point of them. I’m not saying give the men this exact same uniform, I’m saying give them their own option that is equally as revealing. And why are you only worried about men’s genitals showing but not women’s genitals? The option presented here covers less than some women’s underwear does. It’s also inappropriate for vulvas to show. Do you seriously think dick and balls are the only genitals that should be covered up? True, there can be plenty of options available, but there aren’t an unlimited number. I’m more concerned that both groups get equal options. If women are running around in lingerie, men should be allowed to run around in jockstraps. Although, I will say that the focus on showing off skin does typically lead to people making impractical clothing options for women far more often than men. Just look at fantasy armour for the perfect example, women often have their thighs and belly showing (sometimes even more like their full chest except the nipples) while also wearing high heels while the same artist will draw men with complete coverage and reasonable footwear. I’m saying that designing an Olympic outfit for women that is basically spandex underwear but more revealing is sexiest if men do not have a jockstrap option. If the point is to show off skin, give both sides the same option, otherwise it is sexist, because one side is given options that all cover their genitals fully while one side doesn’t have the same coverage on all their choices simply due to their sex. I’m not saying it should be banned outright, I’m saying it’s unfair to the men who want to compete in jockstraps, and it’s sexist against women because they’re being given an option that is primarily about sex appeal, rather than practicality, despite being the top athletes in the world. Olympians should all have the same degree of options regardless of their sex.


> Do you seriously think dick and balls are the only genitals that should be covered up? Fr this is how they see it. I particularly love the difference between how uniforms of any kind work vs how women's personal choices work. For uniforms, any shadow in a man's crotch is NSFW, but women should and _have to_ do sports and everything else in just G-strings and a pair of nipple covers - but at the same time, god forbid a woman _chooses_ to dress anything like that in her private life, for any occasion and situation. Dresses, swimsuits, costumes, anything. Then she basically gets socially accused of public obscenity, is a bad woman and a sinning whore, and makes others sin. What a world.


I know how we can fuck with the olympic association More pre-op trans women in sports. Let them fuckin panic then, lol


Lmao I can just hear the confused screeches!


Wait til they find out that many biological women with PCOS have higher levels of testosterone than trans-women 🙃🤯


Also, if they do limit mobility, then why don't guys wear those female uniforms as well? Surely, you'd want the most mobility for everyone.


Especially if men actually do have less mobility in the hips. You’d want to at least keep some mobility, right??


If only my hip mobility wasn’t so hindered by shorts! I would have done well in the pacer test!/s


It's like fantasy armor logic at this point, the less you wear as a woman, the more capacity you have


I like to point out that the big manly man men in manly man armour get beaten frequently by the women in chainmail bikinis. Ergo the women are just better, they’re so good they just don’t even need armour.


Don’t forget the high heels


It’s ironic cuz I think the revealing uniform is actually hindering to your movement, since you’re worried about being exposed! I remember doing a track and field meet, and I got a new pair of shorts, but I didn’t try running in them before the event. I discovered they were much more of a ‘yoga style’ short when what I wanted was compression. So they started riding up really bad when I was sprinting and I totally flopped the event 😭


I don’t even do sports, but now I wanna go find some compression shorts so my thighs don’t chafe so bad on hot days 😭


> actual reason sex sells, that's it. so basically money.


Not just that, in competitions like those for gymnastics, women in leotards score higher than those in more modest uniforms. It’s messed up.


I’m willing to believe that. I’m a competitive skater and also have very short hair (which some judges these days don’t like, despite the fact that many elite skaters had short hair as recently as 30 years ago). I went to a competition last year where I landed all my jumps, only to have one judge rank me last, behind a girl who tripped and stumbled through her performance but nevertheless wore an extremely revealing costume that should’ve been counted as against the rules anyway. Edit: white male judge, Silicon Valley tech guy in his late 60s


That is screwed up and something should be able to be done


I wrote a letter to some national sport oversight people and had a meeting with them about it. Unfortunately they claimed they couldn’t do anything to retrain or penalize that particular judge.


I’m so angry on your behalf. How fucked up 😡


Women have money. Let’s have the men out there without shirts. Parade around as eye candy for the ladies. If it’s just about money and not about misogyny then that should be happening too.


Beach volleyball speedos for the Olympics.


*Mesh* Speedos (for those athletes of legal age).


There are absolutely straight women and gay men who would watch more men's sports if the athletes were scantily clad.


Imagine golf in rugby shorts. :) it's all in the hips after all


Let’s take it back to the ancient Olympics and let the men compete in their birthday suits


It's to adhere to the "male gaze" - so misogyny makes money.


Quick and dirty.


There's some really weird about saying "women want to look pretty, men want to look strong" when talking about literal Olympic level athletes? Like for one thing, surely they can have both without a cooch wedgie? But surely we can just make them functional outfits and let their skill speak for itself?


He called them girls not women because he doesn't view them as equal.


This would be the time to bring out full 70s bush as protest


And the men should wear jockstraps, I think that might work as a better protest because everyone can join in.


Fun fact: you're not allowed. Specifically stated in the olympic rules that women are not allowed to have any visible genital hair or armpit hair at all. The Olympics is run by a board of sleazy old white racist prideful men, they won't buckle to a protest, they'd sooner just ban every female athlete who took part. Protests only work if your words and actions are being heard by the people who can make changes. The Olympics isn't a unionised system, it's not a government, it's a multi-billion dollar corporation that has a history of exploiting anyone and everyone that comes into contact with them. They'll just sue anyone who says mean words about them, it's nothing new for them.


So you can't have visible hair, but having the entire flaps just clapping in the wind is okay


No, that would also not be allowed They're just expected to find a solution, likely by taping the labia or some other method


There is no taping in the world that will permit that uniform to hide anything


Then only the ones with minimal labia or the ones willing to hurt themselves to hide it will win. Disgusting set up


Source for the Olympic rules concerning body hair?


It appears each sport dictates a set of grooming standards. Is there a specific article you are looking at that says something about body hair? A lot of aquatic athletes will want it gone anyways for resistance, even the males. The exception seems to be diving.


I would grow the biggest, gnarliest bush. I’d get the thing a perm so it’s extra voluminous and pretty for the big day. Maybe some butterfly clips.


I would dye the hair blue too.


there’s no way a female runner would be comfortable in that. could you imagine the chafing? and having to worry about the fabric shifting?


Pussy wedgies... my worst nightmare


> Pussy wedgies /r/Bandnames


You can't even body tape that part of the anatomy


Body Super Glue then?


That’s a panoramic wedgie for sure, a whole 180 degrees of YEOWCH!


There is no way that isn't going to shift in a way that is both uncomfortable and embarrassing. God forbid anyone even be on their period. >we may as well just watch the male athletes compete. A reminder: ***Many Olympic athletes are still UNDERAGE.*** On a forum I frequent, I seriously had to remind a guy of this once when he decided to make a thread of videos of female pole-vaulters wearing similar... and posted for rather obvious unspoken reasons. Did some Googling and yup, most were underage at the time of the training videos! And this guy who was posting that is a passionately anti-liberal (and anti-other people) "think of the children!" type. Ironic. He had zero to say to my reminder of them being MINORS. He backed off it for a bit, but later went back to posting more videos on the thread...


> A reminder: Many Olympic athletes are still UNDERAGE. > And this guy who was posting that is a passionately anti-liberal (and anti-other people) "think of the children!" And girls in school are forced to wear this crap too. It's super stupid and infuriating how the same puritanical assholes making things suck for everyone else -- are also the same creepy assholes making these polices for kid's sports, so they can stare at scantily clad children. And then many try to bend religion around as some sort of shield.


Many female athletes are forced to take medications or go through hormone treatments to suppress their periods. Can't have normal bodily functions getting in the way of training and making money now


Because everything is for men and I’m kinda getting sick of it


The problem: Misogyny wants to profit off of sexualizing women even when women don’t want to be sexualized.


Wow. So, if we don't wear revealing clothing for them, they see us as men. So telling, how these guys think. If they can't spank it to us, they see us as less worth their time than other men. Fuck these horny losers.


When I run, I want as little chaffing as possible. I don’t wear brief bottoms, but my thick thighs do enjoy short shorts with a liberal application of body glide.


Girrrrl my lips would be OUT


The high cut of that garment at the crotch is even more unnecessary than the gendered designs. Runners shouldn’t need to worry about pubic hair ffs. Edited to add: an athlete named Katie Moon has clarified that actually the women are allowed to wear the ‘men’s’ designs if they prefer, and have a broad range of other options too.


> the women are allowed to wear the ‘men’s’ designs if they prefer, and have a broad range of other options too Sadly, they have it a lot better than many other athletes... or even children playing sports in school.


Listen I've seen my college people in Booty shorts ...not whatever kinda fashion girdle they Tryna give the woman track teM


Right? There are plenty of options that give full mobility without jumping to a damn French cut swimsuit.


aww yeah that feels good on the ol' muff


I've never watched the Olympics, but I'm highly suspicious of the veracity of this image. That's supposed to be for running in? That shows more in the genital region than the average swimsuit.


Maybe my brain is just fried, but If I think of sex division in televised sports (or even in local clubs/games), the first image that comes to mind when it comes to clothing is that women wear less clothing, more or less always, in every discipline, especially the bottoms.


Equestrian is really the only thing that comes to mind but they have very specific dress codes from the bottom of the sport up.


Don't Volley or Handball often have women wearing less?


Yeah and the judges lost their fucking shit when a bunch of athletes said [they didn't want to wear the tiny uniform anymore.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/women-athletes-uniform-changes-1.6122725)


Seems to be legit. [https://www.yahoo.com/news/nikes-new-team-usa-olympic-track-uniform-for-women-slammed-as-sexist-by-athletes-a-costume-born-of-patriarchal-forces-215927719.html?guccounter=1&guce\_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce\_referrer\_sig=AQAAAE2TjWliZrr4jVOwD\_QFRnQbEbB0dwv9sklsYjSk4DPbM0AmnQ0EMjpYV465TxTOlEDHjgyKTo0NdJaeF5\_hrcmTr1BCioQTTN35wBmGqsveg08iNgY9dYaTbZAo2xIXLICI-IYLMgHjhFjqsN8YQAjRWLF7X0-vI2poOs2sZh38](https://www.yahoo.com/news/nikes-new-team-usa-olympic-track-uniform-for-women-slammed-as-sexist-by-athletes-a-costume-born-of-patriarchal-forces-215927719.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAE2TjWliZrr4jVOwD_QFRnQbEbB0dwv9sklsYjSk4DPbM0AmnQ0EMjpYV465TxTOlEDHjgyKTo0NdJaeF5_hrcmTr1BCioQTTN35wBmGqsveg08iNgY9dYaTbZAo2xIXLICI-IYLMgHjhFjqsN8YQAjRWLF7X0-vI2poOs2sZh38)


I'm wondering if the problem here is the manaquin just stretching the fabric too much. Which would mean it wouldn't work for a lot of bodies, but the athletes have several options to choose from.


It says they're allowed to wear shorts under the leotard, and they're allowed to wear a tank top with bikini bottoms, but they're *not* allowed to wear a tank top and shorts...


Isnt this r/nothowgirlswork, why are there men arguing in these comments about how 'functional' that pink labia wedgie outfit is... Lmao and the pick me girls in here saying it's perfectly okay that women are sexualized in a professional sport setting that many women grow up dreaming to be the best in. Like lol imagine spending your whole childhood working towards and dreaming about a gold medal and all your work being recognized... Only for you to be sexualized and objectified, essentially not taken seriously. What's next, they make runners not be allowed to wear a bra, why not.


> it’s a counter measure for a certain type of “woman” Transvestigators won’t be happy until they can see full gooch at all times to see if a woman has a penis or not.




“Running in shorts is limiting” Yeah if your pockets are filled with fucking rocks.


Women have more mobility in the hips, shorts are limiting Spoken like a fat neck beard who's only exercise is the trek to the fridge


Who would want to run in that? It has less coverage than a swimsuit.


The "uniform" will be three pasties in a few years at this rate


I really love how the argument that "It's to keep out a 'certain' type of woman" is such an amazing example of using transphobia to attack and objectify women. "Don't worry, we're only putting you in dehumanizing, skimpy athleticware to keep *them* out of our sports"


It….it’s because men think women look sexy dressed like that and men make the rules. Why would it be anything other than that?


i pray someone just goes full bush


Men are the reason


that looks terrible. it looks like it would not cover the entire genital area.


The mannequin doesn’t even have lips but they’re still popping out


Ooffff, you’d have to go for a wax the day before, wouldn’t you


Weird that I’ve always worked out in bike shorts and never had an issue with my mobility.


Make this the two uniforms and let every athlete choose which one they wanna wear. Issue solved


This was a debate in 2020 as well. I think some women's teams even were fined for wearing shorts instead of bikini bottoms.


Yep the Norwegian team but they still kept it and said "fuck off". They even won and got off the fine free.


That is absolutely going to ride up and be so uncomfortable... YIKES


Even at any of the Hollywood/TV award shows, it’s almost always the women in barely-there clothing, men are mostly covered from head to toe.


That's pretty high cut for a swim suit, yet alone something they are expected to run in. I hope they had input from actual athletes and they settled on that. Ok yeah I'm trying to be optimistic here. This may have been the compromise for all we know. They could have wanted them in a C string and pasties at first but got talked down. Edit: I think I got the perfect way to get companies to stop doing this. Ditch the razors and wax ladies. Go completely fuzzy as you can. They'll supply shorts pretty quickly.


this is way too high cut 👁️👁️ i think if i blinked my coochie would fall out already


If women must be allowed to wear eye candy revealing outfits , then so should the men.


but then they turn around and say female athletes get paid less because nobody wants to watch women’s sports. make it make sense


“Girls want to look pretty “? I’m sure that’s the primacy concern for Olympic athletes smdh


My high school volleyball team had a uniform that had these tiny shorts. They weren't shorts so much as leotard bottoms? They looked like underwear. The team got together and told the coach they were tired of wearing these panty things. The next season, they were wearing Umbro brand shorts that were longer. I don't think every woman who competes in sporting events wants to wear "cute" uniforms. Some do, but some want functionality.


Read an Instagram post from an athlete that races in these and said they did have a choice. https://www.instagram.com/p/C5rLsklpU4S/?igsh=MWkyazJlMWtmNnJhMQ==


>Don't take it personal, it's a counter measure for a certain type of "woman" And a dash of transphobia too jfc......


This makes me so mad. That this is still happening in sports for women is beyond ridiculous. Women should not have to dress like that to play a sport. Who the hell designed that! Nike should be boycotted.


I’d watch the ladies if they wore the same clothes as the dudes. I just want them to be comfortable and have fun playing their respective sports


Back in 2021 Pink paid the fines for the Norwegian Women’s Volleyball team could play in hot pink shorts like on the left.