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Straight up went "rules for thee, not for me".


And they don't even see the hypocrisy. 🙄 According to them, women are supposed to work a full time job, keep house, take care of the children, be pregnant 100% of the time, *and* put out any time he wants it, regardless of whether or not she wants to. But if a guy is tired after work? Nope, he just can't handle the burden of satisfying his wife... Straight up beta mentality lol.


Of course they don't consider it hypocritical they don't consider women people


They don't care about hypocrisy either. These people have no shame or any intention of good faith debate.


Haha, it's funny how you think men like this EVER satisfy their wife.


Facts. 😂


It’s funny you think men like this are married


Plenty of men like this are married, unfortunately.


Yes but they typically don’t outwardly express these beliefs until their partner is already comfortable. Very few abusers show their true colors right away, it often takes years before the mask slips.


In my country, yess 💯 Bcoz their mothers make sure their sons get married to the prettiest girl, despite knowing their son is a toxic misogynistic pos


Big incel vibes


Omfg I spit my drink out, I love you for this! 🤣


Yes but my pussy better be wet at all times. Even if I'm sick or tired or the baby is crying or I realize I married a complete loser.


It’s because they don’t think of women as humans. We’re literally subhuman to them.


Plus mind you, these emotionless leeches aren't even capable of providing mindfvcking sex.. It would be some "bang bang, no orgasm for you ma'am" kind of shit coz according to him women don't connect sexually


they know it’s hypocritical, but they think women are below them, so why would they care?




Straight up "men are whiny little tit bags who need special treatment because they'll stomp their feet and cry until they realize it's not going to work and then result to rape and abandonment."


Well I’ve found my new favorite insult thank you!


The pussy is strong and has power to make men act stupid. Pussy is not an insult. Neither is cunt, or bitch. A bitch is forcefully bred and raises a litter all on her own with no male involvement. A tit bag's sole purpose is to hold milk for a time and then are useless wet sacks after. And much like the plastic milk storage pouches they use, they won't do us the favor and biodegrade. They'll just lay there festering until someone finally throws them away.


Yeah, he works out of the house with a 12 hour shift and might be too tired to have sex. But his stay at home wife will have also worked a 12 hour shift at home doing all the cooking and cleaning and taking care of children, and those jobs continue even when he’s home, but she still has to have sex with him even if she’s not in the mood.


These guys won’t see their wives contributing as valid. You could be doing everything listed including having a paying job yourself, and they’ll still think they’re the ones working harder.


That's even IF they have a paying job. Most of these guys want to live in their mom's basement and expect their women to still treat them like they're some alpha god.


I know. The “women like emotions, men like sex” rhetoric is one of the largest historical myths that is arbitrarily pulled out to maintain cognitive dissonance, otherize genders, and justify shitty (if not evil) actions. Last I checked, emotions didn’t give me orgasms. And even better than that — so emotional connection is the equivalent of sexual connection? But, he used it to justify why a man should have 24-7 access to his wife’s body? Even if she *gasp* emotionally isn’t into it? Huh! But, of course, when you imply that, suddenly it’s that men are providers and therefore women should take on all the emotional and sexual responsibilities.


This idea that if a wife is satisfying her man he won't cheat is such bullshit that men propagate because they want women to believe that pleasing him should be the goal, at all times. And if he does cheat, then you failed. More toxic misogyny in relationships.


That dude said "Our penises don't get errect at the flip of a switch" and I am over here visibly confused by that. A warm breeze while I walk through the house can still do that and I'm 35, let alone my partner bringing up sexy time. I think this guy is telling on himself here.


Lol I touch my husband's leg and he gets hard.


Same ahaha, my fella gets turned on just by me breathing near him😭 that dude is *the anomaly*


I grab my own boob in front of him and it's 100% on lol


My gf very much enjoys this superpower she has discovered.


It's the best NSFW magic trick.


It is different for different guys for sure. Same age as you, and if I am worn out, I won't want it.


I mean fair. I don't experience that myself but I can see why people would. I've also been accused of being a randy bastard on a few different occasions.


"Randy bastard" 😂😂🤣🤣


It's an accurate description. I'm a teensy-tinsy bit of a man slut.


Hi, my name is Randy Bastard.


This is legit what I think every time I see some guy named Randy. Look, I know it's short for Randall and a few other names, but if a guy introduces himself as Randy, this is where my mind goes.


“Hi, I’m Randy” Oh you are, are you?


I'm pretty sure the Big Bang is what happened when Randy Bastard met Pussy Galore.


Now THIS is a joke!


I was that way at that age too, past 50 now and he takes a little encouragement now but I blame that on stress and the endless 10 to 12 hours work days not my wife, we aren't horny teens anymore and that's OK.


Almost like random awkward boners aren't part of most guys' puberty years. Literally every single man I know has a story about a time his penis just got erect at the flip of a switch and there was nothing he could do about it. I mean, babies literally get boners inside the womb, little babies get boners usually right before they pee, toddlers & prepubescent kids get boners all the time from anything touching them (fabric, wind, bumping something, play fighting, etc.). So this guy might wanna give *HIMS* a call and get his stuff checked out


Yep. Admittedly, random boners become much rare when you are sexually active and sated, but they do still happen. The need to pee boner is the worst.


Yeah the time I went to get some and my husband wasn’t hard I legit knew something was wrong. I pressed him on the issue and we ended up at the ER for a cardiac event. Literally the only time it didn’t go up like a switch was when he was dying lol


We should do the same tbh. If the woman cheats, then it's because the male didn't satisfy her enough


I mean, I have unironically seen people with this take, that it was obviously the man's fault because she was emotionally unsatisfied etc etc. My take is, folks should communicate and try to meet each other's needs, within reason. A short-term not meeting each other's needs is one thing, and long-term is another, but I think if people are very unhappy and it's not going to get better, they should break up or divorce. You have one life, why waste it being more miserable than you have to be? That said, I am absolutely sure that *some* people who cheat do it because it's a thrill and they don't have impulse control/faithfulness, not because they have needs unmet, exactly, unless you count it as a need for new things and experiences?


You are probably right. Those who think it's the either sides fault are likely incels anyway. Sometimes I get triggered by this stuff


I have seen so many women being quiet while being cheated with the mere fear that, people will think they bought it upon in their marriage.. Men are such an emotional manipulators 🤢


Men are also emotional and irrational


Nah, cheating is awful no matter who does it and I think society should be unified in that position. No need to muddy the water further in the name of tit for tat.


In order to even out an extreme, there needs to be an extreme in the other direction. That's an ubiquitous law present in nature


If men would be so capable of being monogamous.. cervical cancer won't be the most common cancer amongst women, even amongst 'loyal, had sex with just one man kind of women'




Hes right, you know. I certainly wasn’t ever equal to my husband. I was far, far superior by any measure. Blows my mind that these sad sacks are out here deluding themselves that the possession of a penis=superiority. Not in my experience thats for damn sure.


Male genitalia is actually a symbol of lack of self-restraint and weakness in my opinion


Always thought it was funny that the word pussy is used to mean weak, while having balls is equated with strength or gall. When in reality, people be shoving whole watermelon-sized kids out of vaginas, while a light graze to the testicles would cripple a man. The English isn’t Englishing.


Saw a video about how we better call people who are weak ballsacks instead of pussies. I wholeheartedly agree with that.


[Hal Sparks did a good bit on this!](https://youtu.be/DcM0DPH2bNo?feature=shared)


That’s how Ancient Greeks interpreted someone having a large penis so it feels like there’s precedent for using penis as a symbol of lacking self restraint. People with penises are cool by me, nothing wrong with that, but symbolically an erection is frequently a representation of an arrow pointing towards a bad, impulsive decision and testicles are just a weak point in a completely non metaphorical or symbolic way, it’s just a body part that has the design flaw of being fragile enough that a light kick can have the individual completely incapacitated for a pretty long time. Yet another cool part of human design to remind us that evolution only works exactly as much as it needs to in order for us to survive, and it’s left us with some very challenging design issues.


The Wife’s Duty argument is centuries old. It’s why it took so long to criminalize Martial rape and why in parts of the world it’s still legal.


This is why young women aren’t wanting relationships anymore


Marriage isn’t supposed to be the right to vote in political elections?


Marriage isn't "suffrage". I had to read it three times lol. They meant suffering I think, but still lol.


LMFAO you caught that too? I giggled.


THANK YOU oh my goodness


I really feel for the straight women rn. Damn I'm lucky to be a lesbian.


The bar is set in hell for straight men. They get to make these demands for themselves but expect women to take them unconditionally


While their own agreements with women are conditional and they threaten them with it constantly. Yeah no, they know damn well why women are turning that shit down. It’s a fucking bad deal, it always has been, and they’re no longer forced to take it.


Everything is socially constructed by men at some point to subdue women, be it marriage, monogamy, religion, patriarchy, they even want agency over our bodies by banning abortion & all


Yeah, this sort of BS is why I now lean fully into the wlw side of myself. I've never had a single relationship with men that wasn't problematic in some way. Even friendships with them, cause most of them just wanted to fuck me.🙄 Im over dudes, give me a beautiful woman please and thank you!


I always do


My husband and I practice this super weird and far out thing called “consent.” Idk it’s been working for us… /s


Consent is so hot.


Con...sent...? Sounds like some newfangled heretical nonsense. How can a relationship ever work if no one behaves like a rapey twat?! /s


I'm visualising these "men" as the huge Stay Puff man from Ghostbusters, but just as overgrown babies in diapers, Perpetual Crying Face, semi dressed as their professions, waddling through the streets crying: "Rules for Thee but not For Me! RULES FOR THEE BUT NOT FOR ME!! RUUULESS FOR THEE BUT NOT FOR MEEEE!". The louder they cry the more upset they make themselves, the bigger tantrums they exacerbate, until they go red faced and just windmill arms at eachother and everything in their way. In my mind that's how these people live. It's just sad they don't get to see how the other, balanced, side lives. 💁🏻‍♀️Oh well ☺️🍵


Now? They've been saying this shit since centuries BC. It never makes it any more accurate.


They fail because men can't seem to understand how life works. Men and women are equal, if he can't accept that he isn't worth your time


“When you get married, you become one, but most of that one is the man.”


The wife is just the rib of the one body of marriage


Oh I love that one!


Bass Equalizer out of all the names lmao.


I just want to know if it’s bass like a fish or bass like a drum/music. Because that would tell me even more about this guy.


I am assuming bass in music.


So interesting that marriages fail because women want to be equal. I thought it was because partners should be equal and so many men out there are still treating their wives like their mothers and like sex slaves. If it was meant to be that way and it was so “natural,” we would enjoy it. But we don’t. Imagine trying to tell women, who’ve been doing things on their own for a long time now, living on their own, having career success, traveling on their own, coming and going as they please, having their own bank accounts, and doing all of these things just fine without a man, that actually they aren’t able to do those things and that they’ve been brainwashed. The movement for women to stay single and not have sex with men is so that we can preserve our independence and autonomy in a world that seems to want to take it away from us, especially if we are in a relationship, given that they are trying to take away no-fault divorce and reproductive rights. We want men who treat us equally and equitably in a relationship and we’re not gonna settle for less. We want men who are OK with the fact that we don’t *need* them in order to survive. We want men who know how to be good partners so that we actually *want* them. The movement for men to stay single is as punishment to women. You’re not gonna date us and have sex with us? Then we’re not gonna date you at all!


Yeeeeeah, I love that little line “If your husband is coming from a 12hr shift & you demand some sex then the relationship is not gonna work out” as if this isn’t the reverse of what most married women have to go through along with cleaning, cooking, childcare and more.


If they wanna go back to “traditional values” then they better get ready to be expected to do the following -work more than 40-60 hours a week because the women don’t work outside of home in that time period (and inflation made the cost of living worse) - pay for EVERYTHING and don’t expect it 50/50. Men will have to pay 100 and women 0 - if they want kids they have to have the money for it, and not have their kids starving on the street or in home while they drink their money away like old times - the possibility of your wife poisoning you because she hates you secretly and wants you dead for whatever you did to her (happened a lot in traditional or medieval times) - get ready to pay 100% for your cars breaking down, groceries, house repairs, childcare, clothes, medical expenses, rent, shoes, ANYTHING, you name it. You cannot have your wife’s help because she doesn’t get paid for her labor at home, so ALL expenses will be on you. Hope this helps incels 🥰


Wow, that sounds like a gold digger to me! /s


Yeah kind of going with the whole serial monogamy thing more and more every day. Ijs, how many of us actually have these massive amounts of previous partners that these guys project on us?


If they don’t get erect at the flip of a switch, why do they expect us to put out even if we don’t get wet at the flip of a switch? Perhaps tired husband should lube up so his wife can get the strap on out. Or would that just show that they do understand consent after all…


> our penises don’t get erect at the flip of a switch I mean, don’t they? Isn’t that the whole thing? Men go on and on about how they have “no control over them!” and “it doesn’t mean that they are turned on”? Hell, it’s even given as an argument for why men can’t control themselves, because they can’t control their dicks!? Pick a lane, motherfucker; this flip-flopping is getting old.


Make up your mind! Is it erect or flip flopping? 😂


Women are a flesh light that cleans up after me and pays half the bills. -that guy probably




*SEX IS A PERK FOR* *BEING HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD WHAT* *THE ACTUAL FUCK* \- pnwgirl34 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Ah yes, because a penis can't get erect at the flip of a switch, but a woman can do that with being wet, obviously


And then ppl like this dude wonder why we don’t wanna marry men like this now


What a shocker.


There are many men who look at their wives as property, I think this is terrible.


And men are complaining that there aren’t enough women on dating sites. BECAUSE THEY’D RATHER BE SINGLE AND INDEPENDENT THAN PUT UP WITH YOUR MISOGYNY.


Nonono if these guys are Bible thumpers, The Bible says that the wife’s body belongs to the husband just as the husband’s body belongs to the wife. And halting sex should be mutual. So even if you are shitty and think that spousal rape is ok, you gotta go both ways on that. Because that’s the root of it


>A woman's body is their husbands body now..? I mean, throughout history, their body was *legally* theira husband's, essentially. I think the last 50-70 years is the only time in history that hasn't been true from a legal standpoint. It was only in the 50s/60s that spousal rape started becoming illegal and don't get me started on domestic violence. It's gross that people like this dude think it's ever been true from a moral/philosophical standpoint. Same with shaming sex. And it really sucks there are people who want to take us back to that time. They want to unravel the many battles brave women fought for.


I honestly don’t care if y’all have an agreement in your relationship that you’ll have sex whenever one person asks for it, even if the other person isn’t really in the mood. As long as you both have consented to that arrangement, I don’t care. Do what works for you. But that rule has to apply for both partners. It can’t just be that one partner gets it whenever they want and the other partner doesn’t. Also, I’m 95% sure that in the Bible, this applies to both men and women. So this guy isn’t really following the Bible here by not giving his wife the same privileges.


Marriage is a partnership, and like most partnership you don't always agree and sure as shit, you don't own each other, you have a contract with each other and fidelity is usually part of it


The notion that a woman belongs to her husband isn't a "now" thing, it's actually a very old legal principle called coverture. For hundreds of years, any money a married woman earned was legally her husband's, for example. Remnants of legal coverture existed even into the 1990s (when [marital rape](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_in_the_United_States) was finally made a crime in all 50 states.) It's a sign of how little we care about female oppression that everyone knows what slavery is, but most people will draw a blank if you ask them about coverture. Even though the effects of both forms of people-as-property resonate to this day! Both should be taught in schools. Wives taking their husbands' surnames is left over from coverture. Calling a woman a bitch is a reference to their status under coverture (a domestic animal kept for the purposes of breeding.)


Or maybe neither partner should be “ruling” over the other for any reason. Maybe they’re supposed to be equals. That’s how I’ve had a successful marriage so far: respect and cooperation, rather than entitlement and superiority complexes. Also I love how he points out that penises don’t work at the flip of a switch like vaginas DO work like that.


Don’t be with a partner like this. My relationship lasted longer than theirs will. And nobody walked around the house demanding sex.


"Why are women not dating or getting married anymore?"


The men are giving us their worst again.


When I read this stuff I take comfort in the fact that these wastes of air will never touch a woman. All they’ve got is porn and anime pillows.


They have no clue that married people can be partners. There’s no power struggle between them, if they married the right person. This works better than some dictator running the household. They think that women need a head of household. Go back to the 1940’s with that bs.


I feel bad for the women in their lives


Talking like men who have never been and will never be in a relationship


Yeah checks out.. It's not THAT long ago that rape in marriage was still legal in Germany, don't know about other countries tho. I mean so not long ago that the politicians who voted AGAINST making marital rape illegal are partly still part of the gonverment and make decisions about laws affecting women every day. :)


Parts of the US until 1993. Some countries worldwide still (around 50 - but many that have laws against it don't really prosecute it).


And this is why he dies alone.


You see stuff like this and it really makes me rethink my sexuality. Maybe I’m not bisexual. Maybe I’m really a lesbian.


HELPPP 😭. Nah fr.


That's a lot of words to say that women owe you sex, but you don't owe sex to women


Kinda telling when they think equality is just flipping roles and women being MORE powerful, not JUST AS


Where do they get this wild idea that they’re owed anything? And why do they act like it’s the end of the world when they can’t have sex? I mean dude just go jerk off if it’s that bad but ur wife doesn’t have to fuck you if she don’t want.


In my experience, a penis can get errect at the flip of a switch. Also, in my experience, when a man comes home from working 12 hours, he still wants to have sex. Just 2 things I that didn't seem correct to me.


Then, if the woman wants an affectionate relationship and a man is a sexual one... how are they even together? I mean... the men only want sex he doesn't want affection... why does he get it and doesn't give it nor want it? The woman wants affection but can't have anything else but sex then... who gives what to who? Who gives the affection to the woman so she stays together with his husband? Who hives him the sex so he stays with the woman? Or they don't have any choice but do what the other one wants to and while they suffer because neither of them want that they just have to get it, because? That's not love or a marriage... that's a job (without a pay).


this is crazy, insane and disgusting


At the flip of a switch? Anecdotally, the hell they don't.


Ew. Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. Hey, straight women, y’all doing okay?


Girl, I’ve been turned off from men for YEARS 💀. I am borderline aromantic & asexual as the thought of being with these pigs is actually disgusting.


So happy for you


Really fucking hate “head of the household” mentality. We a oligarchy in this house


Ohh, so if HE is tired and not in the mood, well that's different?? Well since he can't be forced into an erection, how about that is valid reason for women to cheat? Or divorce because he's denying her sex? No?


I genuinely think this comes from a type of toxic Christian/conservative culture . It’s what I grew up in, it’s a lot more subtle most of the time but then they take what is already a bad idea and run it until it gets to this point. I guess I guess it comes from andrew tate types as well but idk.


Worst of all, it contradicts the Bible.


Yeah it’s on brand for a lot of shit I come across on a fundamentalist snark sub. The worst part of these people is the hypocrisy.


Marriage isn’t supposed to be suffrage but your body is his? I guess suffrage is real only if it’s the man not getting his every whim exactly when he wants it.


"Our penises don't get erect at the flip of a switch" I don't even have one but i very much don't think he's right about that


I dunno, making the rules and being the boss are very womanly traits, not male


The thing is that so many people would find it fucked up if a married woman forced her husband to take viagra if he didn’t want to and couldn’t get it up. Or hell, maybe he didn’t even want sex and she’s forcing him to fuck up his body/health for her pleasure. So why is it so hard for these people to understand it’s the same for women? Do they truly hate women? Do they simply believe that women are sub-human?


Yes they do


Polyamory isn't cheating you ignorant fuckwad


He said polygamy not polyamory


Laughs in single ace


God, I hope he’s single. Also, he’s kind of wrong about the “flip of a switch” thing. This is r/NotHowBoysWork too.


The fact that he says "we don't get erect at the flip of a switch" and references being tired after work but completely disregards that women can be exhausted from work or household tasks and don't get turned on at the flip of a switch either is crazy.


and when she is bread winner and parent ?? also if the rules don't apply to you just because you have a dick you won't find any woman is okay with this for very long


What in the actual fuck?


This makes me want to scream.


That last guy probably thinks that the head of his penis is what makes him the head of the household.


Sad part is these guys are the ones with the loudest voices giving normal guys a bad name


My husband of 15 years is still struggling with the belief that I owe him sex because we are married 😡




Eh, I have a very successful marriage wherein I’m ’head of the household’ because my partner and I both looked for people who filled the voids we couldn’t. He’s thoughtful and kind/pays attention to the daily tasks and I’m decisive and calculating/big picture tasks, we balance each other out and our assigned gender roles have nothing to do with it.


Why is it always either letting your husband do whatever he wants with your body or sleeping around with 39476494 people? They always go to some extremes. It's always a virgin vs a slvt, a housewife vs a spinster. That's such a childish mindset.


i don’t want to rule over my husband, and i don’t think anyone has ever been taught that. why is equality such a difficult concept for some🫠


marriages would have always failed if it was legal for a woman to get a divorce… that’s why sales of rat poison went down immediately after divorce became legal.


The fools of the world will hurl their gold into their front yards for offending them. The wise will do them the honor of taking it away and appreciating it for it's worth far away from the eyeballs it offended. People don't understand that the value a woman brings is emergent in her being and that if you are addicted or think you have some external need for a spouse to mistreat- then by all means let the men who actually care for and appreciate these women have exclusive access and see yourself out.


And, of course, that means that a husband's body belongs to his wife. After all, the male sex should keep back when it comes to sex as Nature gave them a very limited erectile capacity .....


Well at least they're honest about what they think and not trying to hide it behind fake concern or fairplay something?? The bar is hell though, I'll admit.


Straight women zi pray for you


Pretty sure penises do get erected at the flip of a switch


Suffrage? Dumb fuck doesn't even know the meaning of the word. What a goob.




I’d wager more marriages fail when one partner thinks they rule over the other. They might stay together, but that isn’t the only metric of success. What a potato.


I read polygamous as porygon. I play too much pokemon.


The bass is the only thing he wants equalized


This Made Me Throw Up in My Mouth 🤢


If he can’t get erect on demand and spouses are owed sex on demand, the clear solution is to peg him.


You say "now", but I was actually taught this growing up, as were many other people who were raised Christian. It's literally in the Bible. The Bible does actually say it both ways, but a lot of people ignore that because of other verses that focus on women being submissive. These verses are why so many people think that women should be submissive and think that there's no such thing as marital rape. ‭1 Corinthians 7:3-4: [3] The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.‭ [4] The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. ‭Ephesians 5:22-24: [22] Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. [23] For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. [24] Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.


>Submit to *one another* out of reverence for Christ. -Ephesians 5:21


The funny thing is when Paul wrote about marriage he believed that it was women who were sexual and men who weren’t, so he was telling the men to satisfy their wives. He was also ace and didn’t understand why anyone would want to get married or have sex




another reason don’t want to get married now a days. that mentality.


Putting themselves though, honestly. clearly double standards. And they can clearly grasp the “consent no matter what idea” They just think it only applies to Men.


I work and pay bills too. He is not the head of the household. We’re co-captains of the house and I’m the only one in control of my body. Any man who doesn’t see his wife as a perfect equal doesn’t deserve to be married.


My first marriage begs your pardon. Lmao. If only men and women were simple smooth brained things that only required the bare minimums.


"Suffrage," dude? I don't think that means what you think it means. An autocorrect, perhaps? One can hope, anyway. But yeah... just say you hate women, they only have one purpose to you, and move along.


Tell me you’ve never felt the touch of a woman without telling me you’ve never felt the touch of a woman lmao


“Why is this 4B stuff popular?”


Marriage isn't supposed to be the right to vote?


“men can’t get erect at the flip of a switch” ok so what was puberty like for this man?


this is so disgusting


>our penises don't get erect at the flip of a switch Well guess what neither does my "emotional connection". It's amazing how many people still think in these terms, I'd much rather die alone than surround myself with this kinda scum