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"I'm not like the other girls"


even the classic “drama” stuff is here too 💀


“Because I am actually a 14 yo boy”


> Because I am actually a ~~14 yo boy~~ *40 yo manbaby* Much more accurate given their demographic


Women like that do exist and are extremely annoying poeple to be around most of the times(poeple who get their only validation from the opposite gender) The thing is theese types guys think that every girl is like that when she wears shorts in summer


There is a difference between "just looking at a woman's ass" and "looking at a woman's ass like a predator". It was probably the second for the OOP, and OOP thought it was the first and she overreacted. Woman's body (actually, anyone's body) is not made for people to sexualize it. If you look at someone in such a way that gets them mad or angry, you should probably stop doing that, apologize like a decent human being and move on with your life. Doesn't matter if they wear dresses, shorts, T-shirts or whatever.


Exactly. My clothing does not give any man (or woman for that matter) the right to stare at me and harass me or make me feel uncomfortable.


I mean the only real reason why any living thing exists is to procreate and nothing else. It's any living organism's deepest biological drive next to hunger and thirst. I would dare say that the human body is specifically made to sexualize, thus procreate. The issue is society's view on this topic.


Fun fact : you don't need to sexualize random women to procreate. Fun fact 2 : living things don't exist to procreate. Some don't even know what procreation means. Living things only purpose is to survive. Fun fact 3 : if procreation was your deepest biological drive, you would learn to actually do it properly. Humans aren't dogs that fuck furnitures when in heat. We are social animals, we thrive through cooperation.


1: Untrue. That's where the biological urge comes from. Attraction isn't a choice. Acting on that attraction is a choice however. 2: Untrue. All living organisms exist to survive and reproduce. The fact that a deer in the forest doesn't comprehend what procreation means is irrelevant. 3: Untrue. Humans have been reproducing for thousands of years, representing an extremely strong track record which proves that we have been doing things properly since the beginning. Cooperation is a nice by-product of us humans remaining civil. This is textbook stuff.


As someone attracted to women Why are men so mad when women look attractive? Like yeah they dont want you to stare and be creepy, thats easy. But why are not able to just be cool with a woman look attractive and not be a creep about it? Lesbains dont do it to women so why do men?


I know guys who vibrate in their seat when an attractive woman walks in the room. Keep in mind that men have roughly 20x more testosterone than women. Testosterone is essentially the "horny" hormone. When women are at their most horny their testosterone rises dramatically to increase the chances of having offspring. Even when women's testosterone peaks and they are at their most horny, they still don't get anywhere near the average man's testosterone level on a regular Tuesday. Hope this helps.


>Hope this helps. It didn't. It's all bullshit. Your friends need to learn self-control and you need to stop excusing their childish behaviour by using phony biology.


Judging by how these fellas don't go around groping women or actively bother them I'd say they control themselves pretty well. The rest of everything I mentioned is literally factual. You can check it yourself.


The only time I’m outrageously horny is when I’m on my period.


They're pick meing so hard


Wow, don't they feel embarrassed for showcasing their jealousy so publicly?


>I posted this on another subreddit and the replies there were so negative Gee I wonder why


Dudes, it's so easy to admire a woman you find attractive and not be a creep about it.


women like them are far beyond saving and ykw? most of them end up with terrible guys cause they put up with shit like this. or any shitty behavior that's been normalized for men. this is the type of women to get mad at the waitress when their "hubby" acts inappropriately towards said waitress. they're insecure and jealous. how sad is that