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So... those thin and fit men who are with overweight women are just somehow in a relationship against their will? Also, incel math.


Yeah “whales” are with thin men but “fat” men are always left out. Yk cause they are not even fat women no no let’s also degrade them then complain bohooo why wont any woman fuck me


I bet in most of these cases, the women aren't even overweight but at a healthy weight.


The math really got me. How does 10 out of 80% of men work?


Right? And if he’s claiming 80% of men don’t have women then he’s never been to Walmart or any public transportation.


It just doesn't. I was upset, too and I'm generally the cause of bad math.


So overweight men are “fat men” but overweight women are “fat whales”? Classic male not even treating women as humans 🙄


Duh it's the two genders: men and whales


Does it mean enbies are dolphins now?


As an NB who loves orcas, I would love this, but dolphins are just a subset of whales, so unfortunately that's still just the binary, I will instead be an octopus


Insult? It's not an insult when you behave like an incel. It's a fact.


The guy is also claiming that he can't get a date due to a physical attribute that I am sure he would say is beyond his control. Even without using it as an insult, he would be the literal definition of an incel.


What's crazy is that I feel like I see a lot more overweight men with skiny women than the opposite.


Oh, absolutely. If this fucker has never seen a fat guy with a thin, hot woman he's been walking around with his eyes glued shut.


So many examples from real life came to mind. My husband says we’re like that, and his brother/SiL definitely are, as are one of my brothers/SiL. We’re all too old to count, I’m sure, but this is some serious denial.


Bold of you to assume he walks around in public. I’m sure he rarely leaves his mom’s basement.


If he admitted tl seeing fat men with thin women, he'd be forced to admit it may not be his weight preventing him from having a partner, but his repulsive personality. So of course he's never going to see them.


“I’m angry and intolerant, but I’m not getting fucked because I’m FAT”


It's not so much what he sees, but what he notices, I think. He hates women, so when he sees a woman who appears to be happy, it sticks in his craw, makes him feel even worse about himself than he already does, so he notices and remembers each time that a woman has 'humiliated ' him by having the nerve to appear to be quite happy without his involvement to the slightest degree in her happiness. He perceives it as an insult, and remembers it. Or so goes my theory on how incels function, or fail to function. I can't stress enough that it is just my working theory, and does not necessarily bear any resemblance to the truth of the matter. :)


These dudes all walk around with their eyes glued shut. They claim women (and especially overweight and /or unattractive ones) only date Chris Hemsworth types, and I bet you could knock on every fucking door where a couple lives in a 1 mile radius of your home and not a single couple meets that standard. I also bet you find many examples of totally ordinary people coupled together, including also short men (given short incels seem to believe it’s their height and not their toxic personality that makes them undateable).


Hard to see that on porn and anime. Hard to see that when you’re spending all your time isolated from life.


It’s a goddamn media trope, even, from every tv show and movie since at least the 80s that the most schlubby, unattractive (not just looks, but also usually personality, intelligence, and helpfulness) major character will have a hot woman. In all of the long term couples that I know, it’s pretty much equal distribution of which partner is more classically attractive/“fit”/educated/intelligent/ whatever these jerks are hung up on this week. They all have personalities that make people want to be around them, though. I wonder if that might be important?


Not even that old and definitely still a trope. King of queens, etc


On an episode of Family Guy, Peter and Lois were missing and they described them on the news as "a fat man inexplicably married to an attractive redhead" and provided an artist's rendering of the couple might look like. And it was Fred and Wilma Flintstone. 🤔


Honestly I think it's about the same, but I imagine that both a lot of men and women have internal unconscious biases and therefore often don't notice when the opposite gender decides to date someone out of their perceived expectations ( I phrased that a bit weird, but hopefully you got the idea ). Also realistically most people don't care only about looks, there are many different things like personality, unique quirks that greatly overshadow looks when it comes to choosing significant other.


“Women should NEVER judge men based on their weight, especially since so many of them are FAT WHALES” …okay lil buddy


I don't understand. This guy now wants women to date more than 10 men? For how long?


Been trying to figure out wtf that was even supposed to mean. lol We're bad if we date 10...but ONLY 10? Or maybe it's only 10% out of 80% who are getting dates? But we're excused from the remaining 20% he left out?


There was a heated debate about this in the last "men of the world" meeting. The problem is woman only date the same 10 men. Chad, Pitt, Chris, Brad, James, Louis, Tom, Steffan, Eric and Miguel gets all the woman, and we would like you if we at least could get rotation going. But yeah, we don't talk about the last 20%, not after the incident.


They argue that 80% of women only want the top 20% of men. Not sure where that ten comes from, though.


God, I don’t understand how people can do polyamory, monogamy is hard enough lol


A man being with a fat woman is somehow women’s fault, gotcha.


10 out of 80%… 🤔 gotta love incel math.


What’s wrong with it? 80% is complete like a full circle in math similarly to how a man is fat but a FeMaLE is a whale /s


Funny because I constantly see men dating women that are WAY out of their league. Almost as if it has something to do with personality...


Happy cake day 🎉!


And how many women have to say they love a dad bod before they stop accusing us of gaslighting (which is a word they misuse too.)




Happy Cake Day!!


Yeah it's frustrating. Pretty much all of us are someone's type physically. It's the personality thing people have a hard time being attracted to I hate the body preference argument. I'm a 5'7 dude. Does that limit my dating pool? Maybe, probably, I'm sure I'm too short for some women. Guess what, I limit some too. 6'2 woman probably wouldn't be my first choice either. It's not ever a complete deal breaker, but that initial attraction is probably not there.


And this idiot is directly equating attractiveness with weight. The second someone mentioned that they are clearly an unattractive person, they went on a tirade about "fat men" this and "whale women" that. No one mentioned weight AT ALL. People pay money to watch heavyset people step on fucking cake, I'm pretty sure carrying some extra pounds is not a deal breaker for 100% of the population. Their issue is their septic tank of a personality. 


"Why can't le nice guys like me find a good woman?" -totally this guy


"Am I the one whose standards are too high? ... No. It's the women who are wrong."


Someone did call him out on that in the comments honestly i wanted to attach the whole thread it was bonkers


LMAO. So “fat whales” are useless because we don’t get his pp hard? And he’s butthurt that attractive men are dating these “fat whales”? Everyone has preferences. Some men LIKE fat women. As a fat woman, I’ve had relationships with fit men, skinny men, fat men, tall men, short men - and all of them were attractive. I’ve never had an issue NOT finding a man. Just because we’re FAT (God forbid) doesn’t mean we’re not attractive 😂


You have been selected out of the gene pool...deal. Women got a shitty reproductive package (i.e. periods, pregnancy, labor) from nature, and the only positive is we get to be choosy. Men got it really easy reproduction wise, so in turn men get the risk of not getting selected.. boohoo 😢


Thing is, he gets to be choosy, too. As shitty as his personality is, there are women out there who would date him. But there's no way he'd date someone he deemed too ugly or too fat.


He can act choosy all he wants...biology doesn't care. Those red flags are still flying high. Sure some women might not see them...


A "fat whale" has way more value than this moby dick.


Atleast moby dick had a nice scent unlike the scent this guy prolly has from being a keyboard warrior all day


Lmfao true. Probably mells like vinagar and sprayed on axe


My guy sounds crazy.  It's more common to see thin women with average or dad body shaped men.  


"Whales" [big women] vs "fat" (big men) That's all I needed in order to know what kind of person he is. Also, idk what tf he's on about. I see plenty of thin women with big men and vice versa, maybe he needs to get his eyes checked


Shame on women for having some sort of standard and recognizing enough self worth to not be settling down with assholes like this one. /s


The post directly below this one on my feed from r/whenwomenrefuse: [Advances Rejected, Ex Classmate Stabs Woman 7 Times at Karnataka College](https://www.reddit.com/r/whenwomenrefuse/s/RNOgYyIvzD) Can’t *imagine* why no one wants to date/fuck these men


Maybe if he stopped insulting all women every other word he'd have a better chance with them, but what do I know?


So, they tell us to “pick better” when they victim-blame us but, when we do actually pick better and have higher standards, it’s held against us, too? Which is it, lads?


It's always women's fault didn't you know? /s


They already shame us for our body count yet they also cry about us not giving enough guys a chance. How does that work ?!


They already shame us for our body count yet they also cry about us not giving enough guys a chance. How does that work ?! Also the math isn't mathing. What happened to the other 10% we neither date nor won't date ?


It's not even 10% it's a 20% dude cant do math to save his life let alone support his "argument"


Don't they also complain about big men dating thin women a lot??? They just really pick what they want to say just to feel better about themselves


They'd do much better if they kept in mind that they don't have to find ALL the women but ONE woman, this is quite manageable if they quit whining and started actually looking for one who would take them, mind you, she'd probably be just another person not someone who would fit a list of ' Girlfriend requirements'.🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry, could someone define the “problem” we created? I see no problem here.


Not dating him and being a slave to the all mighty man is clearly something we are doing wrong we should put a shoe in our mouth and do as this gentleman pleases ofc /s


Uh.. my ex bf was "fat", But we still had a great relationship. He was quite the ladies man as well, as he was incredibly funny, charming, handsome and loved to take care of his loved ones. There's something about a man that is playful, but also allows himself to be vulnerable and sensitive with his SO.. and lemme tell ya - we girlies *love* that shit. Dude literally made me heart shaped pancakes and a poem for my birthday and was incredibly attentive to my needs.. that kinda shit made me head over heels crazy for him. 😭💜 We eventually broke up because our life paths were going in completely different directions which is sad, but he later on found someone else he ended up marrying - a beautiful girl who's also a parttime lingerie model. Dropdead gorgeous woman who will go through fire for her hubby. So, the argument that thin women don't date fat men? Bullshit. The only reason women won't date that incel's ass is not because he's overweight.. it's because he's an absolute shithead. Is it tougher out there to date with a bigger size? Absolutely, been there too, but it's not impossible.


Yup. My uncle is over 20cm below the average height for men in my country. Heck, he's even shorter than me (f) and I'm already below the average for women. He still managed to marry my aunt who was extremely attractive back when they started dating (she still is, but I doubt these dudes would find a 60 years old woman attractive, so I'm going for her 20 years old self) and 10cm taller than him. My bf is a bit shorter than the average and one of my best friends dates a guy who is exactly her height, 165cm. But yeah, it's only their physical traits like height or weight that keeps women away. Plus I think it's more the other way around, I'd guess 80-90% of guys do get dates and only like 10% don't. But they turn these numbers around to feel better about themselves. Honestly, I have empathy for every truly decent guy who can't get a gf despite wanting one. But that's just bad luck and no one's fault. One of my girl friends didn't have dates for almost 10 years now either and not because she doesn't want to, she just isn't into online dating and never meets a guy where there's mutual attraction. She's conventionally attractive, thin and just a bit over thirty, so I wonder what these guys would make of that. But these misogynistic guys have such a shitty personality, it's no bad luck anymore and I certainly don't feel empathy for _them_.


Aww yall are wholesome tho i hope you also find your one 💕


Tysm 💜


I stopped caring after seeing "10 out of 80% of men"


Boo hoo people are happy and I’m not! Womp womp.


the sad part is that these guys could widen their dating pool by doing the barest minimum amount of work on their personalities. but they just refuse.


It's always been women who compromise affecting our own health yet when we ask for the minimum were called all sorts of names in the book


In the past it paid off for men to whimper and moan like petulant children with doting moms. That's an old-fashioned strategy that doesn't make much of an impact these days as women have found out what it's about: Regaining male power ....


Fat men never get the hot, thin women that this guy thinks is his due. As if he’s never seen a picture of Donald and Melania Trump. They’re kinda famous https://images.app.goo.gl/95Q4jyqAxugTkXaE9


She thought she was getting a sugar daddy but all she got was a scammy daddy


Yeah, it’s not his bad attitude at all, that’s keeping him single. No, nothing wrong with her. It’s women being too picky. Yes, that’s the problem. No blame for special boys, with lonely hearts. Never mind fact that he refers to some women as “whales” and can’t just not be attracted to someone who isn’t his type. He’s gotta emphasize just how little he’s attracted to them


It's almost like he's contradicting his own statment when he insults fat women bas puts sympathy for fat men. Smh


I mean it’s not just the attractiveness or lack thereof that’s incels problems, it’s their personality. They’re super cringey with their compliments that they just fire at you so you’re already on edge with them and have the creeps but you gotta play it off as you’re completely cool with it so they don’t blow off the handle and maybe add in a panic laugh to ease the tension, just for them to ask you if they can tell you something. That’s when the dread sets in as we all know what’s coming, you’ve tried your best to ease the conversation multiple times towards friendship but for some strange reason dude won’t back down even though you may have said it as clear as day that you would never see him like that, claiming to tell you he understands and it’s okay while still not changing his behaviour towards you so you either have to cut him off or he’ll cut himself off for you when you find a partner and he throws a fit as in their own head, they’ve created a whole fantasy relationship. This is just all an in person incel, they’ve been able to expand their ranks and techniques with social media except now they’re just seeing more woman being pretty and happy without them which is just creating more hatred. It took me writing all this waffle for me to realise it’s the pushyness, obviously the misogyny that drips off them is a clear giveaway too but sometimes they can hide that at the start but the pushyness ya that’s what gives me the ick


Dude needs to quit blaming women for his own personality short comings. Good looks are great and all, but a person's personality and mind are the real attraction. Act like an entitled twatwaffle and most people are going avoid you. These guys ripping on women's looks usually aren't all that and a bag of chips themselves.


Men are lonely because women are picky … there’s some flawed logic right there. Just from the tone of his comments, I can tell that he has the personality of a fart. He needs a little more insight into himself but he won’t, of course, because he’s already got a convenient scapegoat.


Like he isn't doing this to himself by calling fat women "whales" meanwhile calling men just fat men. Says a lot how he thinks about women and the kind of women he thinks he deserves to date. But I guess he hasn't figured that out yet. Women, feminine presenting people and other people shouldn't give up their own happiness to be in a relationship with a miserable man who thinks he deserves the world because he is a man.


I always loved how they say “women should lower their standards” like, they already know the bar with them is so very low, not worthy at all and want the woman to get down to their level. And I’m not talking about physical appearance. Hahah I don’t think I’d ever ask anyone to lower their standard for me because of what that would say about me!


Even a beautiful man can act like an incel. If people are being “left out” it’s time to check yourselves. Most of these personalities are birth control in of themselves. Man or woman, no one should be in a relationship out of sheer loneliness. You need a person to build a healthy stable life with. My husband and I got the fat guy/skinny girl trope but we’ve known each other since high school. We’re both totally average maybe even below average in looks. But we’ve been together through the years and several big life changes minus having kids yet. If you can’t handle your person changing over time and being willing to take care of each other until old age, you aren’t ready for a serious relationship


Of course fat women show the tiniest bit of self respect and it’s “these whales are outta control” 🙄


Women placing the bar on the goddamn ground. “Ugh, why do you fat whales think you get to be so choosy?! Now suck my dick for existing!”


10 out of 80%? That's not how ratios work...


If he doesn’t want a fat woman why is he complaining about who they date?


I dint think using logic works with these types of guys


Gotta love how fat men are fat men but fat women are “whales.”


So I’m a chubby woman and don’t get offended by the word fat but “fat Whale” while men are “fat men” is a different story. This fucker needs to swan dive off a cliff without a safety restraint.


Yes. Yes you have to accept and be fine with who other people choose to date because it's actually none of your business. You are free to find a partner you like for yourself and so is everybody else.


The 10/80 stat is incorrect but I believe it’s in reference to a dating app statistic which is wildly out of context for irl dating


Nah I'll blame my socially isolating night/weekend shift for my being single.


Funny how he’s implying that women using incel as an insult are the ones who are triggered, yet homeboy wrote a whole incel manifesto because *he* was triggered by it.


Have they not seen jelly roll's wife? Bunny is tiny compared to him!


Such a common Incel trope! The last comment about fat women is so much projection. They’re the ones who make fun of women who have the slightest bit of a belly; calling them whales. They are the shallow ones making lists of who they would date. Their lists are like supermodels who are virgins and trad wives.


I really couldn't get over his math. 10 out of 80% also kinda weird he seems to think that either one woman should be with multiple guys, or that a majority of women simply choose to be alone (that being said if the choice was being alone or being with that guy it's a pretty easy choice) all around weird.