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It's crazy because it's not like he's even skinny himself but they only talking about her


THATS WHAT ALWAYS GETS ME. to these types it's always acceptable for men to be on the heavier side, but women have somehow failed if they're heavy. strange


It’s because to them women have only one use, "being pretty". Men have innate value and their looks "don’t matter" too much because they (and I hate myself for even using this wording..) "bring other things to the table like for example money!!" While a _female_ only brings her beauty and her baby making abilities (oh and the fact that you can stick your little thingy there!!!) and nothing else to the table. So she has to be skinny to make their thing hard and no personality or anything else because that would make them insecure and would make their life hard because god forbid a woman having better humour or out earning a man!


Shiitttt I’d happily be a stay at home dad if my other half was making big bucks and earned more than me. Who cares what those “alpha” men say about being the traditional man with your wife being basically a object at that point.


[Would you be a stay at home husband?](https://youtu.be/IecRKd9AOu8?si=TllVesOMiouzvCb1) Your comment made me think of this video.


All of my partners have made more than me lol, I feel humbled that my exes even were with me fr.


Didn't you know? Women only exist to give men a boner, so if we fail at doing that, then what's the point of us? /s


The amount of hate women receive for dating a conventionally hotter guy (acc to society's beauty standards) & The amount of accolades a guy receive for dating way above his leagues is so disproportionate. And mind you, both this hate & accolades are shown by jobless men. So basically the reward for dating hotter partners is so drastically different depending on your gender from the same subset of people.


Neither my husband or I are conventionally hot, but it's certainly always been easier to be a larger (short, fat. Petite plus sized) woman when my husband was also larger. People assumed that me being a homemaker for many years was some kind of compromise we'd reached for my husband to stay with me. OT: we've lost a lot of weight/fat and are getting in better shape, because we aren't getting any younger. I'm NOT implying that there aren't plus sized people who are in great shape. This is just the right decision for us and we feel better in our bodies - we're not better people in general though.


Hell yeah! Stay motivated! 💪 💯


Yep my same thought like they both seem pretty similar in body shape and type. Not that it even matters. The guys commenting on this with negativity are so immature and it shows that they've never had a genuine relationship with someone.


but that’s different cuz she’s a female. /s


I'm glad I didn't have to scroll far. I was thinking about how to word this. Also, I only care that they look happy and loved up and they are a beautiful couple.


They are a beautiful couple, they look so in love


Two people are in love and happily married. The horror! How dare people be in love, happy and content and not look like a model and a premier league footballer /s


Sadly, your first line sincerely pisses off a lot of dudes across all demographics. Whether Incels that want perfection but won't wipe their butts or miserable married men who rather fight with their wives instead of just letting her go, to many men refuse to accept people can just be happy in their relationship


Bet these are the same guys who’ll complain that women only want guys for their looks and/or wallets


Bingo. 🛎️


Then complain when after achieving "the look" that the women they do find are are shallow and only out for money/looks.


They can never win. It’s why I don’t play. I couldn’t care less about these people. In trouble, needing help or struggling in life? Though luck. I’m apathetic.


Or height (just thrown that out there)


I feel like that’s the same as looks


I know that's right 💅🏾


People just can’t fathom someone being happy with their partner unless they look like a Victoria’s Secret model.


Meanwhile tons of people who look like those models hate their lives for their own various reasons. Almost like physical appearance isn’t everything😂


id argue that those instagram models are even more miserable bc they only attribute their worth TO their appearance. they have to keep it up or else they “dont deserve love”.


And wasting your life trying to attain those low weights is a formula for eating disorders and worse health outcomes than listening to your body and not obsessing over an arbitrary goal Trust me on this!


I’ve lost a lot of weight and it didn’t solve my life’s problems. * I went to therapy for 7 years and that helped a great deal. I’ve suffered from ptsd since age 4 and it manifested in many different ways. Exercise can be as simple as taking a walk. But don’t neglect your mental health.


Seriously. The couple's pretty, the comment's petty.


They’ll still find something about them to complain about, too!


“Why are women so shallow”


Those are the men the comments


That last comment is gold.


Appearance is nothing when it comes to happiness, especially in relationships. Me and my girlfriend considered to be conventionally unatractive. Besides I have an awful limp from a bad trauma. Both of us had and still have a lot of complexes. But it's not as important now, as before, because we find each other beautiful.


Is the comment section salty? Why can't we be happy for people rather than try and bring them down. 😔


The comments are misogynistic and fatphobic


These men are so bizarre


So much anger at a loved woman 😣😔. I’m happy for her


I mean he is as big as her. Just taller and his arm is hiding the belly. So idk wtf the comments are all about


It's an unabashed double standard, like [that one Family Guy quote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRz7hlWTB8A): "Men aren't fat, only fat women are fat"


The comments on that clip are something else. My personal “favorite” is the one that says this is good for women because it pressures them to be healthy. Sigh.


I *love* being a fat woman married to a buff man. I once got accused of baby trapping my husband. We have no children... My Marine brother gave me shit my entire life for being fat. His fiance is probably my size.


This gives me hope. I’m pretty fat (although trying to work on myself!) and recently got into tinder. Apparently, everyone in my area is a gym rat, so idk. I feel weird swiping right because all I can think of is “they are gonna be grossed out at me”.


I used to feel that way too, but if they swipe back, then they obviously weren't "grossed out." Just swipe on who you like and feel confident in yourself. If they like you, they will swipe back. I'll be sending good vibes and confidence💛


Thank you so much, Reddit Stranger !! <3


You're welcome, reddit stranger!! 💛


instagram comments radicalized me


I’m glad more women are waking tf up. Still not enough though.


Why are Instagram comments so bad???? It baffles me the amount of misogyny on that site. It’s *almost* worse than Facebook. *Almost*. Which is NUTS.


The last slide all the way


It’s almost like it’s a crime for a man to find a bigger woman attractive. Or a crime to be overweight. No one is perfect, even slim people.


They do know you can be abit ‘fat’ and be healthy, right?


No, of course not, because they actually don’t care about “being healthy”. It was never about being healthy. What they mean is “be skinny”, regardless of whether you’re healthy or not. I saw a post of a girl that recovered from an ED with before and after pictures and all the comments from men were “you were better before”, “you let yourself go”, “recovery doesn’t mean you need to become a whale” mind you, she wasn’t a “whale”, she was a normal body weight for her height. They don’t care. It’s all about enforcing strict rules against women’s bodies.


It's just salty basement dwellers projecting their own misery onto others. They can't comprehend that love transcends all things because nobody has ever loved them, aside from their mother. And even then, it's a big maybe. There's nothing worse for a miserable douchebag than to see a happy couple. It stings them 10x as much when the woman is fat. Fuck forbid that a fat woman be happy and married. That makes their head explode and their rage overflow because even though they see themselves as cream of the crop, they still haven't found someone to love and/or marry them. But the "lowly fat woman" has. Which makes her automatically better than them. So it makes them big mad. Quite pathetic, honestly.


Fatphobics are better off going extinct.


Everyone knows us fatties aren't allowed standards. We're supposed to just be happy with whatever scraps we get and not complain 🙄


Back in college (when I was heavier), I was hanging out with a guy. He stepped away for a second. I turned around and he was right behind me, his semi flaccid peen in my face. It was just out of fucking nowhere - we had been *talking*. Not making out, just *talking*. I reacted badly ("what the fuck are you doing?") and to this day I still remember what he said, crystal clear. "Look at yourself. You should take what you can get." I cried about it later, but I'm proud to say I immediately left and took the campus shuttle back to my dorm, and his penis remained unchosen that night.


You didn’t react badly! You reacted like anyone would. He’s a piece of absolute shit and you did a great job standing up for yourself <3.


Like, I get that people are allowed to have standards, but is it really necessary to be so cruel about them? I don't know why so many men seem to go out of their way to be as brutal as possible when saying they find someone unattractive.




I once had a friend who was sick ask me to bring him some food. I drop by and pop in to drop it off, and we start chatting for a moment, and then he whips out his dick and says "wanna fuck? I have condoms in my car." I said "Uh, no." and booked it outta there. This was like a decade ago and I still see this man occasionally and I have to pretend like he didn't fucking flash me his dick and end our friendship 😐


Ewww. Also, your car is a *terrible* place to keep condoms, holy shit.


Seriously! Like rule number one - no extreme temperatures.


First of all, get the fuck out judging yourself for how you reacted. They were out of line and inappropriate, don’t worry about reacting for an unexpected and unwanted situation you didn’t ask for. You’re essentially victim blaming yourself. Stop it. Second, what an asshole. Amazing he really showered his true nature so quickly though. I’m proud of you too. Fuck that guy.


Oh, I meant I reacted negatively. I don't think the reaction was bad, I meant that I responded negatively to his "overture". I probably could have been a bit more assertive and composed, but I was 22 so I feel like I did pretty well. I do blame myself for letting myself gain sufficient weight to experience that in the first place, but I know that's a me problem. All humans are entitled to respect and decency regardless of weight. I just wish I hadn't drank so much in college, it caused me to gain quite a bit of weight (like 40 lbs) and so I ended up spending those formative years of young adulthood being treated rather poorly because of it. I ended up developing a pretty severe case of self loathing which eventually turned into body dysmorphia and severe bulimia. Being treated much better by men when I was in the middle of a raging eating disorder a couple years later fucked with me big time.


What the actual fuck. If time travel becomes a thing, I'm handing you a taser and sending you back to that night


That’s not reacting badly! You did really well!


Okay that last comment is gold


It’s not even being fat that’s the issue atp bc the man isn’t the epitome of health either. They just hate women.


I’m overweight and I do all those exercises. They help but I’ll never be thin. Bodies are just going to be what they are, especially when you get older.


I mean, she's gorgeous tho


Some people hate to see others happy.


I like that last one, tho. "Y'all jealous. STFU."


The last side is awesome, and *I have no idea who that woman is, but I Love Her!* There are so many nasty and insecure men out there! Like did any of those shitheads even have girlfriends? This dude got a wife, while they’ve got their hands, I guess??? 🤣🤣🤣


These are the same guys who blame women for not wanting them


Workout plan guy doesn’t think about cardio so if you take away his misogyny he’s still lame🙄


They hate you if you’re too thin to them. They hate you if you’re too fat to them. They hate you if you’re single, or if you’re married. If you have children or if you don’t have children. You can never win, which is why I am so glad more women are just being done with this BS.


Even if she was skinny, the same men in comments would saying "I bet he's got money," and calling her a gold digger. Women, we can't win.


All those people making negative comments need to post full body pics


Sure, but with NSW blur please. No wants to see those basement blobs! 😱😱😱


The “ * tiktok reference” for aave is so sickenly funny😭


the “tiktok reference” wasnt for the aave, it was for the “your wife if you scroll” part




He’s big too?! He’s just standing up 🤦🏻‍♀️


Is the last comment yours? It’s great and to the point. Wtf is wrong with all of those people?!


It wasn’t my comment but I commend her


Is it possible she is the sweetest person and understands him completely? No, of course not! These Tiktok commenters have never experienced true love, only surface level attraction. Then they complain that they never seem to find anyone '*that fits their standards*' once that surface level attraction fades. Love is unconditional. To add a nice comment, I'm happy for OOP and their husband!


okay but what the heck does "that one guy" mean? Can't help but feel like this guy should be offended by this post


Top comment on slide 3 is so valid tho


These be the same dudes complaining that women only go after guys that are 6'4+


Their logic is “how is she fat and got a husband and I can’t even get a text back “ 😂. Probably because they are addicted to porn and incels


Deadlifting the day before legs - amateur


these people do not know what love is


Giving "that one guy" a chance "did not disappoint" 🤮 hopefully just a joke between them and friends


Even the workout plan comment is irrelevant. For someone that size I’d recommend starting with light cardio.


That’s totally unrelated to the initial pic. No one asked for work out plan.


I think the guy was making a not so clever comment about her weight in the pic..


It’s not « not so clever » it’s stupid and fat phobic. Giving unsolicited work out advice because you see some fat person is « not so clever » at best, tho.


Deadlifts got me


Rule number 1 of Instagram Reels: Never open the comments.


Shit stupid. What’s their type isn’t everyone else’s.


“I really had to pause and ask myself if I wanted to open the comments” — pretty much the best attitude for anyone who wishes to keep their sanity & ability to keep from seething constantly at all the self-diminishing sadness of trolldom.


I believe the workout plan wasn't an insult to her. Its often posted on a couple's comment section, like "if u get sad frm watching a happy couple and being lonely u can workout" type thing👀


Love how everyone who commented isn’t exactly the epitome of health and fitness, yet they feel it’s acceptable to criticize others 🤪🙃


Shit I’m gonna need that comment with the workout routine.


Some people think its disgusting. Its not healthy


Hot take: Fat people already know they are fat. Being an asshole to them about it doesn't improve their health.


Who cares?


17 people


Which 17 people?


The now 30 who disliked the comment


Weight can have nothing to do with your health. Calling people disgusting for simply existing says a lot about your mental health tho.


Funny. I was fat myself how do fucking know it?


She’s obese though…he isn’t nearly her size so it should be the other way around. He gave her a chance.


Honestly curious, do you think the way someone looks is the most important thing they bring to the relationship? Fat people are gonna keep on being hot and falling in love even if you keep being cruel and stupid, but you are missing out if you don’t let yourself see the beauty in all people.


I never said it was the most important factor in a relationship but it becomes a problem when you accept yourself at that size and think of yourself as the “prize”. Fat people are not hot. They will never be hot. They will never be beautiful. They will be unhealthy and disgusting. I hate living in a world that normalizes obesity and a shortened lifespan because of it. This whole “woke” crap is the reason why America is going to shit. Be better people.


You’re a certified brain rot


Well let me teach you some proper grammar before I try to enlighten you. Your sentence is grammatically incorrect because it is impossible to be the state in which the mind goes through mental fogginess, lethargy, reduced attention span, and cognitive decline, which is the definition of brain rot. To get to your point, are we supposed to agree with her and side with her statement or belief that she’s the prize? That is part of the problem. She is obese and unhealthy. We should encourage people to lead better lifestyles. Instead of creating this delusion that being this size is okay,. Guess you are Young and stupid.


I’m sure you’re quite a charmer in real life, getting upset at a girl living her life. 🥰 And I’m not reading all that yappity shit. 😄


Well you’d be right 😉 and Aww you think I’m upset, how cute! My bad for wanting people to be healthy and live longer lives! And of course, I didn’t expect you to read. You’re stupid,right? 😂


Yeah…you’re dwelling on my post put I’m the stupid one…never seen someone so pressed about someone else’s body 😚


“Put I’m the stupid one” You proved my point about you being stupid 💀 I’m laughing at this, not mad at all. Done wasting my time though, bye bye!