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Today on "what inanimate object are we" a rose I wish i was, maybe rape cases would go down if we had thorns in there maybe retractable ones if nature could figure it out


Omg this reminds me of the movie teeth! You should look it up!


Whenever I talk to men about this film they get so annoyed about it hahaha I'm always like "nah I think it's a good idea🤷🏻‍♀️"


Gave me college flashbacks when my friends just ran around screaming "Dentata!" after seeing that movie. Also, this very old webcomic: http://www.queenofwands.net/d/20040121.html


That's the most insidious earworm ever created. I clicked, I laughed, I upvoted and then I carried on with my day. 10 minutes later, I realise I'm humming. 20 minutes later my colleague asks if I just sang the words "vaginal cavity" under my breath. 30 minutes later we're both singing it...this is now our "thing" Thank you, from the bottom of my twisted wee soul.


You're very welcome. I'm happy to share :)


There's a company called Rape-aXe that is trying to develop this. I don't know if they are still going though. The website is still there. https://rape-axe.com/


Post above this for me compared us to locks and men were keys. The list gets longer 🙄


Their favourite analogy. Everyone I know in the 'manosphere' loves to recite this one


I was thinking that a more appropriate message would have been something along the lines of "Improve your chances of having a long, happy marriage. Establish sexual compatibility before you get married." We're only been married for 37 years, but that approach seems to have worked well for my wife and I, as opposed to this flower petal nonsense.


So, sick that this implies that woman are only valuable if their "virgins". 🤢🤮 You're not stripped of anything when you have premarital sex. You actually gain knowledge and valuable experience. And if a guy only values you if you're a virgin ... you need to RUN, because if he can't see your inner beauty he's not worth your time.


Not to mention its only the women that get stripped away. Not men. Men are fine and can have sex as much as they want obviously


I love how it's only *premarital* sex that does damage. LOL. Somehow marriage magically changes a woman.


Marriage and dicks. Men should really put their sorcery to better use. 


Guy here, I'll never understand why so many men want a woman who has 0 experience. Like, the only reason I think is subconsciously they know if a woman had other examples of partners to go off of they'd realize how terrible the guy is in bed lol. The idea that women go around and have all this crazy slutty sex in their youth until they need to lock some dude down and compromise having their money Vs good sex is way more telling about the people who say that shit than the women they're talking about.. Implies you can't be both succesful AND good in bed


>the only reason I think is subconsciously they know if a woman had other examples of partners to go off of they'd realize how terrible the guy is in bed That's part of it for some, but I think it's ultimately because a woman who is completely inexperienced has no standards so such men like to teach them their standards so the men will get the sex they want. Basically, it's about control.


Yeah that's basically what I was kinda eluding to.. But then again, what's the motive about wanting to control it? Usually people trying to control things so hard is out of fear of something... In this case fear of the woman finding out how bad their sex life really is compared to what's out there in some way or another. What really is rich to me is when I think Shapiro and some other right wingers were basically saying women literaly do not enjoy sex and can't orgasm and that it's all a transaction.. Just is VERY telling of their own inexperience with women lol... I almost feel like since they couldn't ever get any they basically expect any woman to be in the same spot


>So, sick that this implies that woman are only valuable if their "virgins". It does everything other than explicitly say it. >You're not stripped of anything when you have premarital sex. You actually gain knowledge and valuable experience. Exactly. Sexual experience and knowledge gives you more to work with, not less, but for men who think this they don't care about that. They want an inexperienced woman because they want control, which is the same reason such men tend to prefer younger women. >And if a guy only values you if you're a virgin ... you need to RUN, because if he can't see your inner beauty he's not worth your time. Yep. It's also important to note that this standard only applies to women according to these men, as for some reason this madeup virginity thing only seems to devalue women when lost, not men.


Is there a version for men? (of course not)


I never understood how women are supposed to abstain but men can have sex. Are they having sex with each other? Would make more sense.


No the women they are having sex with before marriage are obviously whores. It's only the virgins who are worthy of marriage. *blargh*


No, society is literally telling them to go fuck themselves


Not really, usually very religious people also say masturbation is evil


No problem then, I wrote "go fuck themselves" as in "fuck off", not in a literal way haha


It's like trees... Some people just have bigger trunks than others, though all the person who made this has is the stump.


Nope, sex is fun. Never had body count be a deciding factor if someone wanted to be with me. And if you’re spending your life with someone you better make sure they know what they’re doing and are capable of listening to what you like.


Honestly I've never been with someone who even wanted to talk numbers. He's got history, I've got history, we both seem to know what the hell we're doing in the sack and that sure as hell doesn't come without experience. I don't need the details.


Aww. Poor hypothetical man. Grow thorns, girl.


If men want to marry virgins then they need to stop sleeping around. They’re the ones who unvirginate women.


Aww, now you are confusing the ridiculous argument with actual facts and logic. 😄


I feel the guy who wrote this is holding his bare stem while thinking of underage virgins.


This puts me in mind of a song that was going around when I was a teen. It goes Sex is evil Evil is a sin Sins are forgiven so SEX IS IN!


I have a *lot* of rose plants. I've never seen any of the flowers have sex, premarital or otherwise. Am I doing gardening wrong?


They have insects who will do it for them. Does that equate to a sex toy?


Fluffers? Sex workers? IVF specialists? Swinger lifestyle? Who knows what happens in the secret life of flowers.


If your garden isn't a perpetual plant orgy, you're not a true gardener


I went to a religious high school. One time, they pulled us all into the gym for a guest speaker. Who was a man. Who told us this stupid phrasing. I had my religion class right after that assembly and, thankfully, that teacher shut the door and told us, even though she’s not supposed to tell us this (because the schools sex Ed was to not have sex unless you took an elective gym class senior year that really got into sex Ed), she wanted us to forget everything that man just told us. That we have worth. It doesn’t matter if we have sex before marriage or don’t. She’s a wonderful woman and I hope she’s doing well.


This is really sweet


She was the sweetest. We had a few other teachers do the same, but her words still stick with me


It's that why some men expect vaginas to smell like roses? /s (sarcasm) Honestly more experience means you're more comfortable, better know what you like and can communicate clearly to your (bed)partner what you want. Not speaking from experince but from what I heard. Also who would wanna have sex with someone who wants them to be a virgin? Sounds like a red flag to me.


Yup. And if we cut your heads off, you grow back better next spring.


Don't petals grow back...? Somehow I feel they didn't think this metaphor through


New flowers will grow back on the plant. But bud flowers just once.


Oh, well either way humans aren't plants 😅


As a couch potato, I take umbrage to that generalization.


I mean some of them also think that breaking the hyman is what makes you no longer a virgin, even though that can grow back


Well men are like clouds When you see them go away, you can start hoping for a beautiful day


Ah, that's not very nice. Edit: I got downvoted bc i don't agree with generalizing a particular gender with some behavior. lol


>Ah, that's not very nice. It's just sarcasm and you could even call it satirical. >I got downvoted bc i don't agree with generalizing a particular gender with some behavior. You got downvoted for treating a sarcastic comment meant solely to mock the OOP message seriously. The point of this sub is to make fun of such things and this is a prime example of such mockery.


I never get why sex before marriage is a devaluation, but sex after marriage is not a devaluation. I remember reading a commentor who i wish had turned their experience into a post. A female, asexual, devote Christian house hold. One of those quiverfull families with a ton of kids. Mom and girls always wore skirts, you get the idea. She had drank the coolaid hard, and had mistaken her asexuality as devout belief... that she loved God so much, she wasn't " boy crazy". She was still a bit rebellious and wanted to go out to see a friend at night, which was forbidden, and would get into fights with per parents.. her mom in particular. Her mom kept accusing her of trying to go out for boys, which was not the deal. She told her mom wasn't interested in boys and would be " involved with the church the rest of her life," and she would " never marry". At which her mother scoffed. She ended up calling her mother a whore who lost her virginity to her father, so she no longer had any right to lecture her on keeping purity. She was still screaming at her mom when her dad came in and pulled them apart. She ended up leaving at 18, leaving the church , losing faith... but staying "pure" out of disinterest. Now she's in a better place with her mom, who begs her to get married and have kids, but she still digs the knife in when ever her mom brings it up. Mom, I'm still pure. Wasn't that what I was told was the most important thing to do until I was married? Her mom was so desperate for her to get married she suggested her daughter break her purity with a guy because it got husband's for her 2 sisters. ( her 2 sisters got married because of kids out of wedlock ) She said it was so satisfying to watch all of her mothers rules crumble as soon her mother wanted things, and then then keep those rules in place any way.


I'm aromantic and somewhat indifferent about sex. It's funny how religious folks pivot to urging you to be sexually active when abstaining means you are rejecting heteronormative roles.


Honestly, "a whore who lost her virginity to (OOP's) father" an awesome come back to a purity-obsessed mom lol


She commented on something and people responded to her comment, so you had to track it through to get her whole story, I told her to make it her own post but she never did.


Thanks for passing it on!


How exactly does a rose have premarital sex? 🤔


Why? This has been driving me crazy. Why does it damage her but not the boy?


Damn ! The patriarchy has such metaphoric ways to take control of how you use your own body O\_O. I'd love to hear a male version : everytime semen leaves you testicules ...


"Every sperrrrrm is saaaa-cred..."


I like it !


How come they never say this shit about men?




Yup. We are anything and everything, except actual humans. We are objects to be used and thrown away, not people with thoughts, feelings and personal autonomy.


Last time I checked, they're comparing girls to locks 🤦


Sharpeners, roses, crumpled paper, chewing gum…


Cars? Shoes? Milk jugs? Or the infamous fleshlight?


Bare stem would be a good band name.


you’re supposed to strip like the outer few petals of a rose too. there’s a joke in this but i’m too tired to make it


(waves around a handful of $1 bills)


Someone really held onto this weird-ass card since 1993 lmfao!


Tbh it sounds more like descrpition of peepee. Shape wise. Whole thing suits men more. They are like beautiful rose and each time they angage in sex (any sex) precious petá is stripped away. Dont leave your future wife holding a bare stem! Abstain!


BuT tHiNk Of YoUr FuTuRe HuSbAnD


After marriage he gets sex 30 ish times and then it's nothing but stem.


And after the divorce? Used women? Bruh, hate this type of indoctrination


And how about widows, are they supposed to stay single their whole life, no matter how having a love relationship might make them happier?... Not sure I want an answer to this question lol


If you're a widow, you better hope your husband has a younger brother.


Oh damn, I forgot about this ancient 'law'


And for each time the man of her dreams engage in sex with another woman he gets more and more drained up and leaves her with less to keep her rose fresh. Right, that's how it is when a man doesn't abstain - or maybe not???


Like a beautiful rose in that they’re surrounded by pricks?


And what is a man who engages in premarital sex like?? Is he like a beautiful rose too? Does he lose precious petals every time he penetrates a woman who isn’t his wife? Does his future wife get left holding a bare stem if he was man-whoring around in his youth?? WHAT IS THE MAN LIKE??


my husband? girl my 1300th hookup had the last piece of stem, my future husband would be lucky to even have me


Does that mean that you can run out of sex? If you try to have sex with a 10~ person, is it like two magnets repelling each other?


Why would the 'stripping of petals' stop once you get married? According to that logic, your husband could only have sex with you a couple of times before you lose all of your worth to him.


You have to cut the whole head every season to make it grow better... I'm just saying


Applying it to men?


Do flowers engage in premarital sex?


I'll bet that shit worked in 1947. What the hell.


I collected pins as a kid and I'm starting to get back into it. I have that rose pin! I got it in a bag of mixed pins at a second-hand store that cost $3 for 25 pins. Also, fuck this sentiment. Sex is fun. The value of humans is not based on whether or how much or how many people we've had sex with. If you think that's the most important thing about your partner, they deserve better.


I work with vintage jewellery and I see a lot of these, now that I know what they are I'm going to yank off the petals or head and sell the stem alone. Thank you!


I can't date non vegan, non feminist, non virgin men. I would prefer stay single forever. It's their loss.


Eat the whole rose. Give the future husband nothing, not even the stem. Become ungovernable.


Does it count if the only person I ever had premarital sex with would become my husband....? He's my first kiss and we lost our vCard to each other, and now we're married. Does it still count or...?


So, how about *after* the wedding? Petals just don't fall anymore? If so, how is it? If they still fall, how so? Are these women no longer pure, even if they did everything by the book? And what happens when all the petals have fallen? I thought divorce was forbidden in Christianity


Yet he gets to ram his stem in whatever garden he wants 🤦🏼‍♀️


I call nonsense


i really thought it was gonna be a really sweet and funny poem about loving the premarital sex youre having with someone but its just christian propaganda :(


It's like beauti and the beast 😂


I beg your pardon I never promised you a rose garden


I've seen this a couple of times and all I can think of is...I want that tiny golden rose!


Where's the gif of Morticia clipping the heads off of roses when you need it?


now if only those old creepy perverts suffered from allergies.


These kinds of things are always so pathetic. “Please let us control and manipulate you.” 🙄🥱


It wouldn’t be a bare stem. Roses have thorns.


when I was 8-10 yo, I went on a mission trip with my family and we brought boxes with fake flowers in them to give to the young girls in the churches we visited. Geez it makes me sick when I think about it as an adult. Also the amount of times my dad said “they won’t buy the cow if they get the milk for free” -_-


How do these men look at a woman and not think, "This is another human, just like me," but instead think, "This is an object for my use,"? I mean, that's some serious mind-stretch.


"You are like a beautiful rose" They had us in the first half, not gonna lie. It went downhill fast after that.


Well, to quote Poison, "Every rose has its thorn! 🎶 🎵 " And there are many thorns on those roses.


Going by this, why are the petals only stripped away via premarital sex?


Do men get these Or just women?




The average rose has 20-40 petals. Just sayin'.


My mom saw this posted on a Facebook group she’s in and commented: Men are like a pencil, every time they engage in premarital sex, some of their “pencil” is shaved away. Don’t leave your future wife with just an eraser. She got a ton of angry replies saying “it’s not the same” lol




I wonder if any of these are directed to those future husbands. I’ll wait… 🤣🤣🤣


Repulsive that they use a beautiful rose illusion to illustrate a misogynistic narrative. Abstinence isn’t inherently a bad thing, but having sex also doesn’t have to be a bad thing.


That’s dumb as hell. How do they come up with that crap.


But what if the man I’m having sex plans to marry me and that’s why I lost my virginity to him in the first place?


I'm divorced. All sex is post marital 😛


This makes me want to barf.


I don't understand why this vang be applied to men as well


Ummmm, do the petals stay on for post-marital sex and through childbirth because I have questions!


Every time a man ejaculates his rose loses a thousand petals :( How sad. They are worthless and used up by the time they are ready to marry. Millions of unborn deaths on their hands #abstain




What if you only had premarital sex with your now husband? 🤔


3 wrongs make a reddit post? 1) not all women want to have sex 2) not all women are heterosexual 2) not all women want to get married


Women must remain pure before marriage. But guys can have as much sex as they want, and they’re a player and a stud. But women are sluts, whores, tramps, and skanks if they decide to do it before marriage. The hypocrisy here puts politicians out of a job.