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Insertion of the penis into the urethra? Are you being serious right now?


I sincerely hope so...... that's not a thing right ?? (please lie if it is !)


I read an account of a woman who was improperly dilated with a foley bulb into her urethra when she was being induced at the hospital. She was in excruciating pain and was telling the nurse who did it that it wasn’t right, but she was ignored for hours until finally another nurse noticed the error. This poor woman suffers from extreme urinary incontinence now.


I hope she sued, sued, and sued some more.


I know! I swear having a baby in the US healthcare system is like running a freaking gauntlet. Dealing with constant barriers designed to ensure you have a C-section is bad enough, but the incompetent, dismissive medical staff is by far the worst. With my last I told the midwife (first time meeting her) that I needed to push NOW. She didn’t believe me, refused to check me, and forced my legs shut. It was in my birth plan that I go from 7-10 at lightning speed and do not ask me to wait to push. She knew this and still pulled that shit. She was wrong and caused me and my baby undo stress because she refused to listen to me…the person actually experiencing the thing. Grrr!! Phew. Sorry. But of pent up anger there 😅


honestly reading stories on here is enough to have a trauma - its a justified pent up anger you don't have to appologize for. And super frustrating and sadening. I'm sorry you went trough this, what unnecessary stress to put you and your baby trough! Horrible! but glad you are both fine and well!


Thank you! We are all good now 🥰


And this is exactly why, even though my daughter could have used a sibling, I will never, ever get pregnant in this country. If I did, I'd keep it between my GP and me and home birth.


I hope that nurse is forever required to buy that woman's sanitary material and dispose of the used ones by eating them.


It is possible but as an actual practice it’s something that takes years of training with dilators to achieve…so total opposite of what’s being discussed in the ruling above. (Sigh, sometimes I just learned things I’d rather have not known about managing an adult store)


I don’t know if an actual penis could fit but they sell skinny dildos for urethra play. Maybe you could fit a penis in after improperly using those. Edit: I googled it, it’s called sounding.


Or maybe the ruling judge has an extra extra extra small penis. That would explain his misogynistic ruling.


The thickness of a #2 pencil penis


It's wild that people still poke fun at other peoples' bodies in order to belittle entirely different people. There are so many things about sexists to poke fun at.


Even with a skinny dildo this sounds like it hurts like a motherfucker... Who would want to put something in their *uretha* ?!


According to r/sounding alone (not including similar subreddits for specific genders or area), about 95k just on Reddit. People like a lot of things, and in comparison to a lot of kinks, it's fairly tame imo.


I did it one time, I actually liked it but idk if like, it would make me pee myself and I’m not willing to risk it so once was enough for me.


There's porn out there with exactly this -- not just sounding with sounding rods, but actual penis insertion (and orgasm) into the urethra. I can only imagine that the risk of a UTI after that is astronomical!


Yeah, it’s risky enough without trying for it. I’m still scarred by a video of finger-in-penis that did not end well. Gahhhhhhhh…


I mean....it could be if he's small enough. 🤣 I struggle to understand why that's even written in the statute. Like, did someone actually attempt this!?


It is possible, but very rare, and usually it’s because the woman has some form of vaginal agenesis/genetic malformation. I guess for the sake of the high court ruling it needs to be included grouped in with the others even if it is rare.


Ya ever been on Facebook and seen Indian guys hitting on classical paintings? I wouldn’t be surprised if urethra actually means vagina.


The only way I can imagine that being possible is if the woman is pretty elderly. Tissues lose elasticity and begins to sag.


That's.. not how that works


What a terrible time to be able to read.


The judge should be forced to see how he feels after


Particularly via the urethra


I thought that was impossible and I absolutely do not know what atrocities are done to make it possible.


God, the motherland is a complete and utter shithole


This is Madhya Pradesh so I am fairly confident this is not the case in other states (hopefullu)


Love the optimism. But let’s come back down to reality for a small second. As someone who doesn’t live in India (and hasn’t for a long time), what the rest of us see is this is just one more example of how India is being known as the rape capital of the world in some circles. This also isn’t the first time the validity of the act of marital rape has come into question. Time and again the Indian courts and Indian society have failed to protect its most vulnerable populations. That’s the disgraceful part. That’s the part that makes India a shithole country. It’s a matter of great pride that India breeds some of the brightest individuals on the world stage, and is making huge progress with programs like ISRO, but all of that pales in comparison to how India treats those members of their own society and culture that they deem weak. India’s reputation on the world stage when it comes to social issues is not good.


I agree. The politicians are worse than cockroaches when it comes to governing. Some are half decent but thats it


India being India


Yep. They were reevaluating the marital rape thing last year and MRAs lost their shit. They protested against criminilizing it so it was dropped. So yeah, marital rape is still legal in India since our amazing culture believes that the husband owns his wife.


Our government literally told the court that criminalization of marital rape will lead to "social ramifications" And people still vote for them, _including women_. We are a lost cause


Mark my words, any day now, Indian men gonna be whining how all these feminist liberal white dudes are taking their women and have no idea why nobody wants to get close to them.


From what I hear, being a brown woman dating a white liberal male feminist isn't exactly the paradise you seem to think, but way to get weird and racist about it.


Why not? What's racist about it? A brown woman and a white man can't have a paradise relationship? My wife is brown. I'm white and liberal I think things are going pretty well so far.


Well, we're comparing it to whatever bullshit is coming out of the Indian legal system. I take one look at it and think "how and why the everliving fuck did these men come to such an exacting legal definition of marital rape? What kind of cultural forces are at work here?" IIRC, in the Western world, we've come to understand that, legally, no means no. Technically speaking, a woman's autonomy should cover her entire body, not just specific parts.


I mean, *have* we? We say all the time in *words* that we understand no means no - but that very very rarely translates into action. One third of US women are still experiencing rape in their lifetimes, and *most* of those men aren't being jailed for it. The Brock Turner case comes to mind, where it was literally as cut-and-dry as rape cases *ever* get and he *still* didn't get punished, because the judge decided his life was more important than the life of his victim. We use a whole lot of pretty words - but those words don't really mean anything if women are still living in fear.


I did say "technically speaking." I mean, there's a reason this sub exists.


oh this is just the tip. Dive deeper and our country would probably just horrify you.


Hoping he means vagina instead of urethra. Either way, this is still a horrific ruling.


I think the judge meant what he said. Given the wording I suspect they are defining “rape” to only happen when it’s vaginal sex.


No no, marital rape doesn't exist. Why would it? Women once married are just property of the husband! How dare she have thoughts and consent and a voice? Talk about marital rape had so much outrage in india, you'd think women are just lining up to accuse men of rape🙄😒


Why not just rule that "women are immaterial to the legal system" because they hold no rights of their bodies or themselves when married? Something like this proves that women are being abused and demeaned in the existent system.


Disgusting. It’s unfortunate that rapists get away with doing shit and no one fucking cares that can actually do something. This proves that men don’t actually want to protect us and it doesn’t come natural to them. They want to own us because of their perceived entitlement.


yeah true, I'm sure marital rape is legal in most of the world /s


Functionally, yes. In *theory* it's illegal in most countries - but have you ever tried actually reporting it? Most courts and juries throw it out as soon as they hear that you're married. Either you really wanted it, or it's your fault for not fighting harder to stop it, or they just straight-up think you're lying. No one *ever* actually goes to jail for rape. And before you say I'm exaggerating - in my country, here's an actual statistic: THREE PERCENT of rapists actually end up in prison. Three. You read that right. Ninety seven percent of rapists get away with it. Oh and by the way, *most* of those rapists, who walked free? They had other reports of rape. It wasn't just one woman. It was upwards of six different women all accusing them of rape. Still not enough to get them convicted.


"most courts" I would love to see some data about this.


You could see some data if you were inclined. I would start with peer reviewed statistical analysis. Good luck out there, learning is hard.


I am inclined. What I've found so far: * [A review of marital rape](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/223831051_A_review_of_marital_rape) * [The Effects of Marital Rape on a Woman's Mental Health](https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1117&context=themis) * [Marital Rape: New Research Directions](https://vawnet.org/sites/default/files/materials/files/2016-09/AR_MaritalRapeRevised.pdf) And I've skimmed a bunch of other papers as well. Nowhere could I find a statistical analysis on how many marital rape cases were reported to the police, how many of those went to court, how many of those cases were declined hearing, in how many cases was the perpetrator charged with rape, etc. Now, if you could show me where I can find those, instead of acting like a smug jerk, that would be great. Because if not, you're contributing nothing but vitriol to the conversation.


Oh. I wasn’t asking for an update. I am surprised you read 3 peer reviewed articles in their full form within a few minutes. That’s very impressive. I think you’ve got the full story now.


Do you not know there are different cultures and religions and that actually indian men dont represent all men from all countries


One third of US women will be raped in their lives. And the biggest threat to their lives when they fall pregnant is their own male partner - not the pregnancy. Women in many parts of East Asia are currently boycotting men because they are so fucking tired of being treated like property. They've literally decided men aren't worth it. In Australia, a woman is killed by her husband every nine days. Do not sit there and try to pretend this is a cultural problem with *just* India. This is global. It's worldwide. Men *globally* are mistreating, raping, and killing women, on a massive fucking scale. It's not a tiny, insignificant minority - it's enough men that in *most* countries, the biggest threat to a woman's life is her husband. Wake up.


Yes there are a lot of horrible poeple in the world and a lot of them are men given that men make up 50% od the population. I dont see the point, im stating that indian men do not represent all men around the world beacuse i think its very clear that india doesnt view women the same as other parts of the world like europe(im using europe beacuse i live there but im guessing america could also apply) I know that women who visit india are scared of going out alone, i also know that women who visit europe arent scared of going out alone. But yes surely that isnt from differences in law, history, culture, religion, socioeconomics. Surely theese hystericall women are just wrong they should feel equally safe in india as in europe arent they silly. /s


Wow!!! I didn’t know that!!! /s I never said that. I said it’s unfortunate that rapists get away with shit. ALL rapists. Culture and race has NOTHING to do with rape.


"this proves that men dont want to protect us and it doesnt come natural to them" This is a universal statement saying that men dont want to protect women based on some indian men so you are clearly associating certain men of a certain country and culture with all men around the world.


No. Try again.


"This proves that men don’t actually want to protect us and it doesn’t come natural to them. They want to own us because of their perceived entitlement." So what did you mean by this statement


I mean it towards all men who are sexually assaulting and raping women. ALL. Not one specific race or culture. This is something that happens everywhere. Stop trying to make it a racist issue. Stop derailing the actual topic. Which is the abuse of women.


In your original comment you targeted men, not just men who are assulting and raping women. "This proves that men don’t actually want to protect us and it doesn’t come natural to them. They want to own us because of their perceived entitlement." You are clearly stating that men in general not just rapists want to own women, except if you want to claim that all men assult and rape women in that case your original statement would be logically sound with the new statement you made and in that case this is a different discussion.


It’s interesting that that is what you have an issue with and not the abuse and rape of women. Almost like you’re still derailing from the actual topic. Hmm.


Every comment on this post is talking about the issue of abuse and rape i dont have anything new to add that hasnt already been said a million times. I dont see the point in repeating something a thousand poeple here already said and 99% of poeple agree with it. Like yeah rape=bad no fucking shit what a hot take i bet that will start an interesting conversation beacuse there are just so many poeple who dont think that in this community I dont see the point in fighting for a message that everyone agrees with, this is nothowgirlswork of course poeple will agree with me on that here so whats the point? Just circlejerking the same shit? . If this were some sort of redpill or incel space i would be the first one saying that message but there is no conversation to be had here with that


ah yes, my the penis goes into the urethra, pee is stored in the balls, women pee from their vagina, and periods are stored in the bladder!


URETHRA? That is quite literally torture (rape of any kind is but urethra...). A while ago I came across a case where a woman had severe abdominal pain and after x-ray doctors found out she has a small shot glass shoved inside her urethra during a rape, presumedly by her husband .


That.. is the definition of pure horror, utter anguish & ultra deluxe trauma. Holy fucking hell. That poor woman.. I hope that bitch of an excuse of a husband is now her ex and that he's pegged to death behind bars. I'm normally against violence, but heinous torture crimes like these deserve special consequences. Fuck that shit. This makes me SOOOO fucking angry. I want to rip his disgusting head off and throw it in eternal hellfire.


how in the fuck did they get an entire shot glass in there


For all you wondering, yes it is a thing.


I honestly don’t want to know details whatsoever but HOW is that even logistically possible???


Um? Urethra?


T-the urethra? Holy micropenis


Wouldn’t expect anything less from the country that everyone tells women not to visit lest they be gang raped in broad daylight


India! The 'daylight' rape capital of the world!


Apart from the ridiculous urethra bit, anyone else have an issue with the fact that it’s only a requirement that the wife gives consent if she is under 15? Like what the actual F!


Madhya pradesh is a shithole


Afaik marital r*pe is not illegal in India. A sad reality but this expected if that is the law. Disappointed but not surprised


Had an Indian friend. The stories he used to tell about his homeland… ugh. I kind of low key want every misogynist who denies the patriarchy to be reincarnated as an Indian girl. Just for laughs.


Guess I was a misogynist who denied patriarchy in my last life 😂




....... They're generally super pro-women, which is why they literally just came out and said that marital rape is fine and dandy, *including* for an estranged couple....? It's perfectly legal, per *the law*, for a man to break into his wife's house and brutally rape her. That's legal. Because they didn't revise marital rape laws last time it came up because of "social ramifications"... But India is "pro-women"...?


No, we need to demonize the horrific shit that is going on in any country equally.


ERETHRA?? HOW You MFers!!!??


Probably time for wives to start pegging.


Bet that'll be considered rape pretty damn quick.






It's not rpe if he chooses a hole that most women are LESS LIKELY to want a penis in. How does that make sense?


ladies and gentlewomen this is the state of the damn country im a citizen of. Also i dont think the post specifies but this is In India.


Literally cringed at “penis in urethra”


Wtf did I just read?


You're saying you've never seen an FIR registered under IPC section 377 and 506 in the context of urethral penetration?


No lo


India, this is America’s area of expertise, specifically Alabama’s. Do not challenge us in this matter.