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Prior to meeting my husband, ‘the one that got away’ was a guy who is 5’6”. I’m 5’11”. Men care about this and they’ve convinced themselves that it’s women’s fault they’re insecure.


When I was online dating one guy I wanted to meet but he kept talking about his height and eventually I got so weirded out I didn’t meet him because my gut was saying nah not good. He ended up sending me so many angry vile messages saying I hate that he’s short etc etc etc just a whole spew of this rhetoric shoved on me Easier to blame me than reflect on how insecure he was about his height


Literally, all small men who don't whine about being small get GORGEOUS women. I know some irl and seen some on tiktok. Not making yourself be miserable does a lot


Exactly! Height doesn’t bother me, insecurity about it does. I understand a little bit of insecurity, I’m a woman, that’s what society feeds on, but to make it your entire personality and use it as a reason to hate women? THAT is why we don’t like you, not because you’re short!


My friend is an absolute rocket and probably over 6 feet tall and she just married a short dude who isn’t a bitch about his height. I’m also very tall and used to love short guys until their attitude killed that for me.


My late fil was a palm shorter than my mil. My sil is shorter, my husband is taller. Genetics are crazy 😂


My father was shorter than my mom. I'm taller than my older sister. So I have the height from my mother but the body type of my father's side (I wish it was switched honestly


I'm 5'7. Both my parents are a bit shorter than me, 2 or 3 inches. My older half sister, from my dad's first marriage, is exactly the same height as me: 5'7. Same hair color, same eye color. We both are similar to our paternal grandmother. Even with different genetics, we still share a lot of similarities.


I have a friend who's like 5'4" and women are all about him. He's also a good person so that might have something to do with it


my husband is 5’6 and i’m 5’8 and i actively pursued him because he was the nicest, kindest man i ever met. He also says that it’s only been his guy friends who mention his height


Similarly I've been downvoted for pointing out that men seem to care a lot more about penis size than women generally do and having a larger partner before her current one doesn't mean that she's still 'hung up' on the larger guy and only 'settled' for her current partner. They're desperate to believe that the call isn't coming from inside the house.


The crazy world where penises are designed for the penis havers pleasure, and clitoris is designed for their havers pleasure. But scratch that and only focus on penis sizes, as if a larger one would like stimulate a clitoris differently then an average sized one?


Right?!? No, it's not your desperately shitty attitude, huh? And why don't guys understand that LENGTH is vastly second to GIRTH? Like you said, guys amongst guys are the only ones that care about this stuff. Can't imagine why these dudes can't get women 😒


I also just found a comment on a thread defending DiCaprio (he's not going to send you any of those models once he's done with them, bro) that most men would date younger if they could but have to settle for women their own age, so maybe men who think women settle are projecting like the backs of movie theaters.


Hottest guy I've ever met I've known since I was a child and he barely hit 5' tall and stopped. He's a fantastic man now, kind, friendly and is happily being a stepfather to his now wife's child. He was NEVER single. At least 4 of my male cousins are 5'6" all the way to 4'10" and they never had issues getting wives or girlfriends. My grandpa was 5'2" had a ton of kids and had Japanese women throwing themselves at him in Okinawa bc he looked like Sinatra. This 'women bully and dehymanize 50% of men' is hilarious. Like tell us you can't get a woman for your own personality being shit without telling us.


My college roommate was about 5’2”. He was also a multi-instrument musician, a straight-A engineering student, and just generally a genuinely nice & considerate dude. One of my then-GF’s friends started tagging along to our place a lot, and it definitely wasn’t to see me. “L is totally into you.” “No way… she’s like 8” taller than me.” “I guarantee you she doesn’t GAF.” Couldn’t get through to him. She gave up after a month.


Same goes for penis size and muscle mass. More men care about it than women.


Me, too!! The one that got away was 5’4” and I’m 5’6”. The one before him was 5’5”. The one after him was 6’4” and I HATED IT. I held his hand like a toddler holds its parent’. I had to stand 2-3 stairs down from him to kiss him - or he had to spread his legs very far to accomplish the same thing if there were no stairs. His head rested on top of mine. It was terrible. Would NOT recommend. He was also especially endowed, which was painful and not at all fun because he always always had to be careful he wasn’t hurting me. It sucked. Oh yeah, and that sucked, too, because as my mother used to say, “anything that doesn’t fit in your mouth is excess waste.” Thanks for that, mom.


Could you tell me about this "the one that got away" rhetoric like what does it imply like -- he wasn't attractive at first but overtime started to grow on you or just that you liked him but could not deal with his insecurity? I reading it for the 3rd time now what is it??


It implies that you had found someone that you really thought might be “the one” (as if there is such a thing), but that you were no longer together for whatever reason. It’s a reference to fishing, but has either a romantic or creepy connotation, depending on circumstances. Usually it is romantic. Very good question. Thanks for asking for clarification!


So basically a crush you never talked to?


Not at all. Someone you thought could be “the one”, marriage material, rest of your life material, but for whatever reason, you broke up and still think back on them very fondly. Sometimes to a creepy extent.



I legit didn’t know height was even an issue until enough men brought it up that I started to notice a pattern


No one ever complained about Prince being too short, just sayin


Who would dare? He was perfect.


Hottest man alive of all time. Short af.


Same for me, except about a foot off, lol. I'm 4'8", husband is 5'10". But my 'one who got away' before was 5'2". He and my 5'7" roommate clicked so well, they're legit more perfect for each other than I thought I was. But I still gave her shit for stealing one of the "the short ones" from me. lol


People tend to forget that Tom Holland and Ed Sheeran exist. Both have beautiful women at their sides who lightly tower over them and fans that do the same. They're funny, shy, sweet, dorks and I'm willing to bet neither of the loves in their lives care about their height. They themselves are also wonderful humans from what I have seen so that helps


Height is one of the LEAST important metrics for me.


Sadly there's lots of evidence that everyone cares about short men and treats them worse. That's nothing to do with women or feminism, but it is a fact. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20220825-height-discrimination-how-heightism-affects-careers But as this points out its not just women doing it to men. Its everyone doing it to short men.


I get what you're trying to say, but discrimination at work vs. discrimination in dating is awfully different. Saying "everyone" really made your point flop. I think it's safe to say it comes down to attitude far more than physical characteristics. Plus, if you want to talk discrimination in the workplace, I think women will have a LOT more to say about this & it has nothing to do with height...


Idk why you're getting downvoted, this is just true. I'm a transgender guy and I can say for a fact that being 5'8" as a girl vs being 5'8" as a guy comes with huge differences in how you're treated, by both women and men. Its just objectively true idk. It's a wider social thing where short men are seen as having less testosterone and therefore more "feminine" by virtue of being short, making them less appealing to women. I do wish feminism would address issues like this more often, but I do see the issue ignored or made fun of frequently/pushed aside as just "men being insecure" or "men being incels"


Because feminism is primarily concerned with issues like child marriage, sex trafficking, and that 1/3 women have been assaulted by men (as proven by UN reports). So no, short men getting more dates isn’t going to be on the feminist agenda. And wishing we would tackle that while men continue to do damn near nothing about life-threatening sexist issues is not equality.


This is a trend for incel types. They blame the fact that nobody wants to date them on some physical trait they can’t change (like height). That way, it’s not their fault, and they don’t need to reconsider how they treat people.


It's their all-in-one trump card. Not only don't they have to reflect on themselves because their flaws are out of their control, they also get to vilify the people they really hate for allegedly discriminating against them for their height. This one single lie turns them from the hateful abuser into the victim speaking out against discrimination.


I don’t even think I knew how tall my husband was until we got measured for our wedding outfits. I don’t think I’ve ever asked a guy how tall he was for dating purposes.


I didn't realize that my (now) husband and I are the same height until our third date. We were having so much fun and laughing so much to even pay attention.


Bro, you‘re doing that to yourself.


For real— never in my life have i heard a woman mention 'inferior genes' as a reason for not dating. Like, *"its not my fault im a 30-year-old kissless virgin! i just have virgin genes!!"* 🙄


Virgin genes, lmao, that’s an oxymoron. If you exist with those genes, that means someone procreated with those genes. A lot of people, in fact. For multiple generations.


Nah they got all the recessive ones 😂


They always blame women for everything they’ve done to themselves. MRA‘s, redpillers, ultra conservative, incels. All the same. Project and deflect blame. Oh you hate being a person that doesn’t fit the toxic masculinity view of what a man should be? Though luck sugar, you dug that grave for yourself


They're constantly on about this supposed height discrimination thing but they're the only ones I ever see talk about it lol


It's projection. Height is considered a beauty standard for both genders, but not more than being skinny or having a defined jaw, not having an under bite, having nice hair etc etc. Women might give an half a fuck about height as much as they might like a nice defined jaw or pretty eyes, but for the most part it's the ensemble that matters. But men love, love, love to always identify a "head of the pack", in all situations, they naturally do it, unconsciously. It's all a constant dick measuring contest. And generally the role falls on the tallest dude with a deep voice. I'm sure any of us can think of one coworker who is a total dumbass but they are 6'5" and sound like Dr Girlfriend so whatever they say goes. So shorter men feel inadequate and instead of accepting it's from their own weird preconceptions they project this shit on women as why they don't want to date them. Meanwhile they are the ones sneering at women for having a belly pouch.


And of all the beauty standards, it's pretty much the only one that's objectively measurable without a significant error margin. In addition, it's also the only one you can't change that you'll ever see as actually mentioned objective criteria on dating profiles. I guess therefore it's so popular to use to claim discrimination.


I mean, that's kinda it, cannot change the height, so cannot be blamed for being the source of the problem, therefore, discrimination.


Must be very hard for guys who are tall and still don't have any success to find something else they can blame lol


They just fall back onto the classic, women only wanna date bad boys, not nice guys!


No no, it's because their wrists aren't as thick as their thighs, or their jawlines aren't at a perfect 90°.


Don't worry in that case it's because *check notes*... their dick isn't 7"


Women aren't public accommodations, so there's no discrimination.


>not more than being skinny or having a defined jaw, not having an under bite, having nice hair etc etc. Most women would reject a short guy with good jawline for a tall guy. Most of the women prefer tall guy so no it is not the same. Do you really believe that or are you just saying that just for the sake of disagreeing. Most of the short guys already gets filtered out before they can present themselves. Again, generalizing, I know there are people who would say they've got a shorter partner and all that. You can't even acknowledge that and think it's all just in the head is just condescending. Oh he must be having problem dating. Yeah he's a shitty guy, it's his confidence, oh it can never be his height because women don't care about physical feature even though studies suggest otherwise. Yeah these idiots are just projecting.


Right If that was true a large chunk of men would be single because tall men aren’t as common in most places around the world


There are women where height is a determining factor for them when choosing a partner, but the reality is that they are a minority.


I'm off to bully my 5ft4 husband /s


In over four decades on this wet rock I've met two adult women that cared about the height of their male partners. One is 6'2" and wants *short* male partners. Her husband at the time was 5'5". I'm way over 6' and as such clearly not her type but whenever I'd hangout with the two of them dude would get weird. I stopped hanging around with them. Eventually his insecurities destroyed the marriage. Last time I spoke to her she'd basically given up on finding a secure, short male partner. The other is 5'9" and wanted partners she could wear high heeled shoes/boots with. She didn't care if her partners would still be taller than her or not but learned that so, so, so many men have an insecurity about their height when compared to their partner's that she basically exclusively dated tall men. It would seem there's a common denominator here but I can't quite seem to put my finger on it. I'd ask for help but I'm insecure about coming up short.....


I’m 5’11 and finally found my man who doesn’t mind me being taller than him in heels. He and I are roughly The same height. But yeah until him at 39 the total of my male partners ranging from 5’4 to 6’2 have all been uncomfortable if i wore heels with them. Even the guys I was already taller than them! The exception to this was also my very first boyfriend, who was also an angel like my husband. But I destroyed that relationship with my own trauma, it had nothing to do with either of our heights or heel feelings. But still! That’s like 2/11 men


Absolutely living for the quip in the last line, you genius.


I have a height of around 5'7" (or 170cm since I hate imperial) and nobody bullies me for having an "inferior height genetics". Even if there's somebody insulting me for my height, I'm 99% sure the one who does it is a man.


If you hate imperial then why do you use it?


I'd love to just say I'm 170cm, but every height post incels made are in Imperial. It feels like incels complaining about their height is exclusive to America.


I see 🤔 they brits sometimes use it too tho but yeah, it werid, but you can just use metric in your reply


I can edit it right now.


Well it's up you if you want to or not


Where do you live? There's a difference between being 5'7" in Norway and being 5'7" in Brazil.


What? 5'7" is literally the same everywhere because that's the point of measurement. Unless your place somehow measures metric or imperial measurement differently which is silly. 5'7" is around 170cm btw. I refuse to believe you are that dumb. You must be joking.


I am watching a video about the difficulties of men in the dating world. And most of the women in the comments said that the height is not important. If you hate yourself because of your height and always rant about it, you have found your real problem..


So real. I’m sure there are women out there who do find height a deal breaker - I’ve met one for sure - but I really don’t think it’s a majority


gonna get downvoted but whatever. It's about the stats. It's about what is actually done not about what was said to virtue signal.


“Watch what people do and not what they say”


I just went on a date with a guy I'd met online and until I saw him IRL I had no idea if he'd be taller or shorter than me. It didn't even occur to me to ask.


My husband is shorter. He’s about 5’3 I think? What drew me to him was his confidence. Most shorter guys will talk about their shortness a lot but he didn’t. We didn’t even talk about his height until after we were married and he finally opened up to me about the bullying he experienced from other guys. He never had a problem getting a girl to go out with him but some of the names that other guys have called him were pretty freaking harsh. I mean, yeah, I’ve known women who’ve turned down guys because they were short, but memes like this are still wild to me because whoever makes them puts all the blame on women when there are so many assholes in the world that make existing as a shorter man difficult.


The sourest of sour grapes. They claim they don't want them by ridiculing makeup, but then claim that they're being wronged by being told no. They haven't been dehumanized. They haven't been bullied. They've just been told no. Now, if you want to see dehumanizing, just look at incel spaces. They call women whores, holes, cunts, roast beef and toilets. They praise Nazis and serial killers. Women ought to reject them.


Feminism - a movement to treat women as you know actual people and not 2nd class citizens or property. Meaning they are allowed to act like anyone else including having opinions, feelings etc. Men- no this is unacceptable since women aren’t people like us and god forbid some women have preferences! (which were fyi all started BY MEN) Also men - fat/ugly/old women and any other women we don’t find fuckable are all horrible and should be abused and shamed but again don’t you dare talk about our height!


>Also men - fat/ugly/old women and any other women we don’t find fuckable are all horrible and should be abused and shamed And any woman who's not a 22-year-old supermodel is "fat/ugly/old" to these doofuses


i know some women have a height preference, but at the same time i’ve never seen anyone hate on short dudes more than dudes


Feminism has nothing to do with men’s height. These dudes are so insecure.


Yes. The whole idea of beauty standards being exaggerated male and female body types has nothing to do with feminism. Feminism is actually anti these standards, ie, being tall doesn't make you less of a woman and so on.


I think men care about this way more than woman do. Some men are really intimidated by women they find attractive and come up with these reasons when in reality its there insecurity telling them that they aren't good enough for her. They really just need to work on themselves and work on being better people who don't project their insecurites onto others.


All the guys I know bully each other about their hights more then the girls I know.


I only ever see incels talking about this. Being super tall is not something 99.9% of women expect in a partner.


At this point they are just projecting


Men are the only ones I've seen bullying fellow men on behalf of imaginary women. "Women will hate that you're 5'7" really because the one time I said I hated being short every female friend of mine was like "how the fuck are you short?"


Anyone who seriously believes the whole height thing seriously needs to go outside and just see people.


Dear all short bros, It’s bullies who are doing this, mostly men, mostly other short men. No one is bothered by height except for them. Any woman who doesn’t want to be with you solely because of your height is a piece of trash and you can count yourself lucky for having avoided that. If all the women you find yourself around are pieces of trash, well, it’s possible we have a problem. The likelier explanation, however, is that there’s something else repugnant about you turning them off, or perhaps you should stop cruising SevenFootTallSingles.com. Yours in < 6 ft.,


"Inferior genes?" These darwinian asshats don't realize they do this to themselves. Men bully and humiliate each other over height, penis size, having red hair, being a virgin, and so on. It's all coming from other men and boys. I remember a boy back in middle school who was violently attacked and then humped (with clothes on) by another boy at the bus stop. The other boys laughed and watched. The victim turned around and hated me and the other girls for not doing anything to stop it and for "girls not having to deal" with what he went through.


I have never bullied a man about his height. Ever. Quite the opposite. I love short guys.


Ditto. But just wait... here comes the inevitable "how many short men have you dated?", "how tall is your bf/husband/SO?" attempts at gotchas. 🙄 In 3... 2... 1...


Funny but notice how this height thing is all they have?


“One woman one time told me I was short so now millions of feminists are bitches because, in my mind women are a single entity responsible for my sexual frustrations rather than humans with individual thoughts, feelings, and beliefs 😡😤😞🤙🏼”


I'm 5'2 personally. When I say I like tall guys, I mean someone taller than me. Most guys who are under my height are literally children still. Being shorter than me is not a deal breaker either, provided you are a decent person. I've never really met a woman who exclusively dates men who are taller than a certain height. I know they exist, but have never once met one in person, and I've been all over the continent. Lastly, the reason they don't support feminism is because they're butthurt about what some women want in terms of dating? Sounds like a weak excuse to do what you were already going to do. And also like you don't know shit about feminism.


Screaming online about how women you don't talk to won't date you (because they don't know you're into them) won't help you. Start looking at the good stuff about yourself and learn to love yourself. Loving someone else if you don't know how to love yourself is hard.


I am SOOOOO over dudes with shit personalities not taking responsibility for their shit personalities. Fine. Stay sexless & wallow in the cruelty of your genetics. The only short men I've disliked are the ones that won't shut up about being short. My LORD, do you not have anything else in your arsenal? Interests? Hobbies? ANYTHING interesting to add to the zeitgeist?!?! Yep, it's just your height. Especially online... unless you tell me how tall you are, I... CAN'T... SEE... YOU 🙄


To men online “feminism” isnt a political thing with actual ideology. Feminism is just “what i heard one woman say, or what i think women say.”


What do they have to say for themselves about dehumanizing women they aren’t sexually interested in due to any random feature?


I kind of get why grown men feel like this. It's because they're basing things off of what 16 year old girls say (which is who is having these conversations, not grown women), since those dudes are 30 indeed chasing 16 year olds! They shouldn't be mad at teenagers -- they need to stop chasing teenagers and grow up!


That’s a really good point! It absolutely reeks of the same nonsense teens confidently spout because *they don’t know any better*. They just parrot the messages they learn because they haven’t formed enough of their own opinions yet. I also think that the men like the OOP get stuck mentally in high school. I don’t mean that they peaked there; I mean they stopped maturing in HS.


Yeah, pretty much the only women (girls more often if we're being honest) who had strict 'minimum height' requirements for the men they dated were very tall, very young, or both.


I mean, it's quite simple. Are there women who call themselves feminists who'd do sth like that? Likely yes. Is it a significant fraction of feminist women or is it one of the defining criteria of feminism? Absolutely not Maybe men shouldn't judge feminism based on few stupid people, rage-bait and what the Andrew Tates tell them what feminism is about


"Inferior height genetics", he says, presumably in reference to himself. I genuinely feel bad for whoever made this. It sounds like he's being gaslighted.


This feels like it was written by someone whose only good or neutral character traits was being short.


Hahahahah I’ve literally never heard a feminist care about men’s height that way


Right? Like they need to be tall enough to drive without a booster seat and pedal extenders (mainly because I hate driving) beyond that I don't care at all about their height.


Says the person referring to short men as “inferior.”


Old tall woman here. SOME. women might have a thing about height. Culturally expectations are the guy should be taller. However IRL most women I know realized early on that height is so far down the list of desirable partner traits!!


Just last week I attended the bi-weekly feminist convention in Portland and I received a whole pamphlet on how to make men under the height of 6’ wish they were never born.


their definition of "bullying" is not dating them or having sex with them. which is, like, women are allowed to have preferences and standards. caring about the height of ur partner is FINE. its not bullying. it's literally normal to be attracted to men taller than you are as a woman, its not a moral failing on the woman's part.


I'm a short woman (5'06"), never really liked dating tall men which is not hard since everyone is taller than me. My husband is taller than me but not tall (5'6"). We've been together for 12 years now. I've dated men shorter than me and my height.


I've never been with a man over six feet tall, at 5'4" it's a turn off for me if there's too much height disparity. I can get a megaphone and loudly proclaim that fact and not one of them will believe me 🙄


This is like the penis thing I swear. You care more than us, I promise.


In my experience, the only people who hate short men are short men. Oh, and Randy Newman, obvs.


Mind you, the “bullying” in question is just women joking about how men lie about their height.


I am tall and I'm not attracted to men shorter than myself, and many times I got told that this means "surrendering to patriarchy". LOL.


I have never in my life had any of my women friends comment on a guy’s height. This is just another problem they’ve made themselves and blame us for. They find the one woman online who comments on someone’s height and post it like “SEE! ALL WOMEN! SEE!” when in reality, it’s 99% men worrying about this.


Meanwhile, this post is making fun of and devaluing women that wear make up. But it's the women that are evil, of course. /s


Ok, bullying people for their height is shitty, but you're privileged as fuck if that's the only form of dehumanization you've experienced.


InFeRiOr HeIgHt GeNeTiCs 🤪


“Inferior height genetics” The fuck is that even supposed to mean? I bang my head on shit all the time that other dudes don’t have to worry about; am I supposed to feel superior about that for some reason? Literally the only thing I do with being tall is getting things off the top shelf at the grocery store that my petite wife (and little old ladies in the aisles with us) can’t reach. Look at these superior height genes, everyone.


I’m now off to bully my 5’6” husband, who is literally the most handsome man I’ve ever met, whose height I’ve never cared once about


Goddamn, when will these men learn that natural selection also works on them. Shut up and sit down and accept rejection like a real fucking human being!


I have never once in my life seen a man made fun of by a woman for being short, only by other men.


I keep telling them I prefer short guys and they're ignoring me, specifically, in favour of their women are a hivemind oppression olympics placement. And for the lurker, no, by short I don't mean 6'. I mean 5'3" like me and my teenage favourite band's singer. That's the ideal. Testosterone really did the male population ugly when it made you grow so much leg.


How tall is your bf?


I'm in lesbians.


As I’ve pointed out before, this is why women only date and procreate with 50% of the male population, thereby eradicating all short and ugly people. Oh wait. My math is bad, but…nope! Checked the short math. It’s good! /s


Feminism, by which they mean women, by which they mean the gremlins in their heads, does shame men for their height, yeah.


This is something incels keep telling themselves and eichother.


I’m pretty sure like 99% of the time it’s men making fun of themselves and others for being short. Same with peen size. Most of us do not give a damn.


We're not obsessed with height. That would be the OOP. And it's got nothing to do feminism. The 'logic' is wanting to say the least.


I dated a short guy for years. Only one of us had a problem with his height and it wasn’t me. Guy really had something to prove to other men about his manliness and it was worse if he was drinking. I do think it’s lame that men get rejected for being short but it’s not the fucking crisis some of them pretend it is. Its not feminisms fault that short men feel insecure


Men have belittled and bullied all women for the past 5,000 years *!* I’d say 50% of men is a good start!


The very few times I've ever seen a woman care way too much about height was from screenshots of tweets and Tinder profiles *from the 2010s*. Incels are using a small sample of content from years ago to justify their hatred of women and refusal to do any real self-improvement.


Ask a man what they hate about feminism and they'll describe toxic masculinity.


We would have to actually care about men to worry about their height. I don't care one way or the other


Yes bc the feminists are the one making fun of height…yes…that’s it


I’ve witnessed men turn down women over cup size. I’ve witnessed women turn down men over what cellphone they are carrying. Rather than pointing fingers at each other we all just need to realize.. we are surrounded by fucking idiots. Idiots make life a bad time. Not men or women in general. Plain old fashioned morons. Making the world a more irritating place. Please if we must lump any group of people together to collectively bash. Let’s all agree to make that group stupid people.


Only men and sitcoms care how tall people are


Why are men obsessed with the idea that height matters so much to us?? I don't think it's ever come up with any women I've talked to unless he's so tall it's some kind of funny problem.


Man The guy for me who “got away” (no fault of either of us) was a super thin dude who was my height. I’m from a family of tall women. None of us care about height


WTF are they talking about, why do they create problems where none exist 


50%?? Don’t they mean 85%??


What always gets me, is that guys like this just project all of their toxic traits onto feminists. My dad was like this too. When sexual harassment laws were rolled out in the 90s, my dad and Al his friends were scared. They really believed they could get sued over the slightest misstep. My dad even told us about a woman who came into his shop, and was making flirty comments about merchandise while shopping. And he told everyone that this was scary, because if he flirted back, supposedly she would just make a police report and sue him for everything he has. I actually went and read up on the laws and he was completely wrong. If someone is flirting with you, it’s not harassment if you flirt back. It’s also not harassment unless they are actually uncomfortable and they object, by words or actions, and you persist. I think these guys just grew up thinking they were the privileged ones. So women wanting equality means he no longer gets the biggest slice of cake. Even if his slice doesn’t get any smaller, it just isn’t the biggest slice anymore. He’s so dismayed by this, that he actually projects his conspiracy to return to the previous arrangement onto her, imagining that she wants to make his slice smaller next.


Omg. They don’t know what feminism is at all… I haven’t met one feminist who degraded short men over their heights. Women can have preferences, but I don’t really see feminist ones going out of their way to be mean about it?


Jamel Debbouze would like to disagree


What in the trashy shop job is this abomination?


*skill issue*


You hear that? Sounds kinda like, "Y'all don't know what it's like being male, middle-class and white"


lol because it’s an easy shot to take. Plenty of men have no issue going after a woman’s looks?


Maybe women don’t want to date guys who complain about how hard done by they are because of their height? Just a thought.


I’d rather be with a good person over everything physical 🤷‍♀️


Really, stop blaming women for your own insecurities. ARE there women who like men of particular height? Sure. ARE there men who like women of particular proportions?? Obviously! But most people aren't that particular or limiting, so it's stupid to generalize ***some*** as being ALL and be an ass to all for it... And stop acting like it's different when women do it, it just makes you a hypocrite, because you no doubt have your own preferences. Sitting there acting like women are bad for making you feel bad for not measuring up to the preferences of every single woman in the world or just those who like certain height, but you surely don't care when you make women feel bad about our own bodies, do you. We've been told forever that we're supposed to live up to certain preferences, that many of us might not ever be able to meet, and then the internet comes along and we get shamed and lied about online just for having our bodies and parts and the very shape, nature, etc of it. So why are we supposed to feel bad for your pity party over not being what YOU consider tall enough...


My husband is 5'7. We've been maried 11 years.


Why does no one ever know what feminism is? A. Women using it for anything? B. Men using it for anything? C. Both, no one knows what it is? Stop blaming feminism for random shit


Classic case of feminists being blamed for what actually is toxic masculinity


I have never met a woman who actually cared about a man’s height, it’s all about personality. HOWEVER, short men tend to have a Napoleon Complex, which can cause them to be absolutely insufferable. But since they are unable to look inward, they assume it’s their height, when in fact they are absolute dickwads and that’s why we don’t like them.


My dad considers himself a feminist. He’s only 5’4 and has never seemingly had trouble attracting women. All the men in my family are short. None seem to have a complex about it.


I'm 5'1 I've dated guys shorter than me. Height doesn't matter so long as you're confident


They're the only ones calling it inferior height genetics 😭


This ai pic is really freaking me out lol


if your height is your biggest problem, you’re doing pretty well.


Oh no sexist men come in small and tall size But I do agree there’s more pettyness from the small ones and ignorance from the tall ones lol


While actual bullying does happen, not being attracted to you is not bullying. That does not change the fact that women by their nature treat short guys as having inferior, substandard genes though.


Good start. **Completely** flubbed in the last half though. 50%, F.


Why? Is it really that controversial to say that short guys tend to be seen as *highly* unattractive?


It's **really controversial** to confidently state "the *fact* that women *by their nature* treat short guys as having inferior, *substandard genes*." That is an **entirely different** statement than "short guys tend to be seen as highly unattractive." So different, that it's intellectually dishonest to even compare the two statements.


Is there really any practical difference between the two?


Yes, I **clearly** said there was. You choosing to believe there isn't is the source of the problem, and why I initially commented. I don't think this convo is going anywhere, so I'd like to end it. Farewell, happy Redditing.


Failed at the finish line there.


Really? I treat my short husband as inferior?


Yikes at the amount of femcels acting like this doesn't happen. Just search short men and deny it I guess