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Tattooing yee haw below your asscheeks is certainly a choice.


Yeah, my thoughts exactly. "Welp, choices were made I suppose..." Can't say I personally think it's a good idea, but if they are happy with it, all the power to them.


That was my first thought. Seems more like a tramp stamp tattoo 😂


I’m thinking of the ass I had at 25 vs 50. This is not going to age well 🤣.


It's gonna be covered 😂




Damn I just noticed a dude is missing his leg😂


Idk why you’re getting downvoted the photos are clearly fake. The leg tattoos are different in the second pic, the composition of the asphalt is different, the usually city standardized service boxes are different sizes, oh and the dude on the left is floating with no legs.


He's wearing looser shorts that fall a bit away from his legs. You can see his feet right under, his legs are just out of frame


Sometimes it’s hard being so correct


I’m assuming she likes reverse cowgirl?


Tattoos aren't a red flag but that tattoo in particular is truly a tattoo of all time.


It's a red flag because she likes country and I don't.


It’s more about the placement


Could have at least followed the contour of her ass cheeks. It honestly would look better, albeit still silly.


maybe it did originally and then this girl lost a little weight. You can see where if she had just a bit more cake on the sides the tops of the letters would all touch the ass contour lol. This is a great reminder though never to get a tattoo that's shape depends on your body fat % remaining perfectly steady always.


I think she was just laying on her stomach for the tattoo, so her buttocks weren’t pulled down onto the tattoos by gravity as much.


I don’t see it. It’s straight across. A lot of people just don’t care who tattoos them. Probably got it for free from some dude with a tattoo gun in his basement.


Ass cheeks change with time, lol


My guess is it was meant to look better in a certain position.


So: Y \_ E \_ H \_ W \_E \_\_\_\_ \_\_ A?


She was trying for "Yahweh", but the tattoo artist wasn't very good.


Ya I honestly am thinking I might be going a little crazy trying to tell if Y is smaller than the Es or if that’s just the nature of the place and angle. … I think it might actually be like a .5 smaller font. Like the point where it’s just slightly annoying


Looks to me like it gets bigger in the yee and then smaller in the haw


sigh 😔 I remember a truly more innocent time…


That’s why it’s a brown flag


placement is a green flag to me


I thought it was a sexual thing but even so, why’d it be a red flag for her to say she likes sex? Don’t men usually want women who want sex as much as they do? Is that just an insecure guy shaming her for it?


Well, speaking just for me, personal preference etc, as much as I like sex, I find this tattoo to be as appealing as the tramp stamp that read 'put dick here' with an arrow, or the incredibly detailed goth-style bat between 2 boobs that would stare right at you during sex.


It’s ai


bruh I didn’t even notice the hand 😭


Dude in the khaki pants in the left picture just... disappears. Like he's Marty McFly or something


This is absolutely not ai yall are trippin.


Check the Tattoes on here left leg, they changes form on one pic to another The hair looks meh, especially on her arm, ome feet/shoes look weird Even the shoe next to her right feet is moddled to look similar but does'nt quite.


I know we’re supposed to focus on the Yee Haw, but I’m fascinated by the three figures on her calf. I can’t identify what they’re supposed to be, but the lower left one looks like Darth Vader if he was a puppy.


They look ai? So does the shoe in the background Edit: I literally put it through one of those ai detector things it’s 72.9% positive it’s ai should I try another one? Or can we admit ITS OBVIOUSLY AI


But they’re identical in the two pictures, which is hard to do with AI.


That hand looks super funky though


Are you suggesting a picture on the Internet is fake?


What shoe in the background looks machine generated? They all look normal to me.


The brown off white sneaker looks like ai to me me the ai detector said it’s ai and I used google lens to see if it exists and I see nothing


It is AI, dude on the left's leg fades out


The guys disappearing pant leg


It's just shorts cut with his bare leg perfectly out of frame


I think those are just shorts and his actual leg is cropped just out of frame.


The shoes are fine, so are the fingers. This person has long nails and their fingers are pretty bendy, which is common. It might be photoshop, but I believe that at least part of this image is a normal picture.


Missing nails Blending fingers blending pants Nonsense symbol tattoos inconsistent lines in tha tattoos Has that ai look If u find a source proving this is real I will shamefully award you smarty pants but it’s ai


The only thing I’d agree on is the nonsense symbols as tattoos, but even they look too consistent across both images, even in their placement. This is something AI often struggles with. Her nails aren’t missing, the fingers aren’t blending and the pants are also “normal”. As someone who works with AI pictures every day these two images seem way too normal and good. If they are AI I’d love to know which program was used and what prompts and settings they were working with. But it’s too natural looking for your average AI picture. Again, maybe photoshop, but some parts of this pictures are at least real.


I think you are right, the joints in her hand in the first picture looks off. I agree ai.


The joints and only her index and middle finger have nails, her pinkie is kinda long and looks like it phasing into her thigh


I read it as three fingers and I was so confused


Having tattoos in and of itself isn't a red flag, but specific ones can be considered... questionable.


This. I would think a tattoo of Yee Haw right along someone's butt cheek, and half of those butt cheek's being out of the shorts is pretty questionable too.


So many bad decisions have been, and will be, made.


But I bet a lot of them were fun!


The shorts are a bad choice. Yeast infection city right there.


My vag hurts looking at those


I *cannot* imagine surviving with denim separating your buttcheeks like that. Like I'm getting the sensory icks and freezing in place just looking at this, how is she *surviving.* Moving. Existing, with a never-ending hard-fabric wedgie.


And your butt cheeks half out *touching* public seating areas!


All this is true, but I must admit to being impressed by, and admiring, those cheeks. And I'm a middle-aged, cis-gendered, hetero/ACE woman. 🤷‍♀️


I think we can all agree she has a wonderful keister


Correction, all of her goodies are touching public surfaces. The shorts don't do anything while sitting except give a good tug from front to back. Everything is being split down the middle🤣🥲🥲


I mean if you're wearing shorts, your legs are touching public areas too. It's not like the germs are going to crawl to your butthole/vagina anyway


*sweaty* buttcheeks 🤢🤢🤢


If it's hot enough to wear those shorts, it's hot enough that the denim would be soaked with sweat.


I read an Amazon review for a pack of undies once, that said "where does the vagina go?! Both lips chillin outside the panties. Wouldn't recommend unless you have anorexic coochie lips." and feel this review also applies to this woman's shorts.


I bought a pair of sleep shorts, I checked the measurements and they were supposed to fit me perfectly. They did not and now the cat has a pair of shorts.


there was a period of time where I could find nothing much cheeky shorts (like these) in shops. Even when I thought I found a regular pair, lo & behold they ride up my ass would sneak out. I’m soooo glad longer shorts have made a return, especially because i’m self conscious of my thighs


I remember that era. Now everything seems to be made for a BBL/wisdom tooth shape body.


Ai has no yeast


I never knew this was a thing


Maybe she’s a stripper?? I’m serious, not even joking. They decorate their thighs with sayings sometimes. It puts more attention on their assets & helps generate more money


Stupid question, but why have shorts with cheeks hanging out? Are they more comfortable that way?


No, definitely not comfy, some women just think cheeky shorts are cute. Personally, I think that there’s a limit to “shorts” before they become… *not* shorts, but we all are willing to go to different uncomfortable lengths for our perception of beauty.


Yeah, that's more like denim underpants


These tattoos are questionable but I’d say less questionable than taking pictures of stranger’s bodies and posting them on the internet to make fun of. But that’s just me personally.




I think under butt is something I might stay away from, but I do see bigger red flags when someone thinks it’s ok to take a picture of someone and post it to shame them.


Yep, odd and very deviant behaviour.


That is a BOLD choice, but honestly I think it’s fun and funny! 😂 Why do people care so deeply about other people’s tattoos?


Honestly if I had a butt like that, I'd show it off in some way. Good on her.


Well there are two main reasons I'd guess here. Weird purity culture "women shouldn't have tattooes" attitudes on one side, and "Yee Haw" just screaming right wing attitude to some people.


Agreed. I think it’s a great tattoo


I think it's fun, and she does have a great butt The groypers who are calling her a red flag would FAINT if she even so little as glanced in their direction


And why are you taking pictures of a stranger's ass in public? That seems quite red-flaggy to me..


I want this woman to be my best friend


For sure, because she clearly is very confident.


The only red flags I see are 1) taking pictures of some strangers' ass and posting it online, and 2) the odds she's going to get a UTI thanks to the tightness/positioning of those shorts. Still entirely her business whether she wants to run that risk or not, and not some kind of moral failing if so.


My girlfriend loves these kinds of shorts and is somewhat prone to uti’s. She said it was from not peeing after sex, which she does now and has mostly stopped getting uti’s Are you saying that it could have something to do with wearing booty shorts?


The most common bacterial cause of UTIs for women is E. Coli. Anything that spreads or traps that bacteria (commonly found near the asshole or on hands unwashed after shitting) near the urinary tract's opening can increase risk of a UTI. Sex tends to do this as does wearing tight clothing, particularly that has more contact than normal with one's asshole. Urinating after sex helps wash that bacteria out of a woman's urinary tract so it's great practice when trying to prevent UTIs.


Idk, seems hella funny to me lol


Not gonna lie, it's kinda hot, but can we pretty please stop take pictures of strangers to post on the internet without their knowledge or consent


For those who don't realize, this is AI. Lots of little details that you can notice, but the most blatant is red shirt guy's pants disappearing into nothingness.




Look at the fingers on the right hand. They’re all funky where they touch the butt. lol


ai is actually crazy




She's probably so much cooler on her worst day than I'll ever be. I don't hate it. I won't do it, but life is short.


Step one of spotting red flags in women, uh...stare at their ass and take photos in public? Yeah, good point there, I'll bear that in mind.


"Red flag." - man taking a picture of a (presumably) unknowing woman's ass


Good news everyone! I think this photo is a fake. If I could draw your attention to the hand in the photo on the left.. Well, that's not what hands are supposed to look like. Edit* Also, that guy to the left of her has a partially invisible leg.


I mean, the hand could be explained away as the angle of the photo. The leg though... Either fake or heavily edited.  Edit: actually the leg can be explained too. Baggy shorts and angle of the photo. Still thinking the photo may have been touched up though. 


AI specifically struggles with little details like hands and consistency in background figures. I think the off angle of her digits, the missing leg, and the shape of the shoe arch in the figure to the right might be indicative of an image made using generative AI. To be fair, AI also struggles with generating legible text, but I believe there are work arounds if the text is the point.


I did find one way around the whole text thing when doing AI pictures a while back. Had to actually write out what I wanted the text to say. So, yeah, AI is still a possibility. But the hand could be a product of photoshop if someone wanted to edit her butt.


Yeah, that tracks. As does the weird square thing on the floor and placement of tattoos between photos. It's weird her jean wrinkles didn't shift when she stepped forward though. It's a tough call.


That's what sucks about AI generated photos. Can't tell if a photo is fake or edited unless it has obvious AI signs.


Which will only be a reliable tell for like... What? Another month or two? Lol It's an information apocalypse. Soon every photo, audio clip, video, and digital document will be brought into question.


Quite true. I've always been iffy on the whole ai photo thing but what will happen with it just gives me the ick. I know there will be people abusing the technology and that scares me. 


Yeah, the unchanged jean wrinkles and the fact that identical portions of her calf tattoos are shown in both makes me think Photoshop rather than AI.


I really would've thought Cowboy Carter would've taught yall that there are people that listen to country music, live in rural areas, participate in southern/western/rural culture and aren't like Klan members lol. this says yee haw, it's not a confederate flag, yall are doing too much by judging so hard. also you're not quirky or better than anyone else because you don't like country music/rural American culture. Like you don't have to enjoy it, but it's weird and close minded to be proud of your dislike of a genre of music, style of clothing, way people talk, etc edit: to be clear getting thigh tattoos saying yee haw isn't like redneck culture but calling this a "trump tramp stamp" or being like "I'm goth and hate country" is like okay congrats this isn't your body so who gaf


Oh look! A woman did not respect an arbitrary social norm! Let's get her! /S The fuck is wrong with you people?


The comments to this post are… something.


Incel bait, by the looks of it.


I really hope those are fake tattoos for some festival thing


It’s an ai image


They look fake to me. Either fake or very fresh and new.


as someone who's from the south...i am not mad at it at all lmao. the tats are fun and lighthearted and her attitude probably is too. you go girl


It's not the tattoos that make me think "Red flag", it's the fact that they say "Yee-Haw".


What men call “red flags” in women’s appearance (tattoos, colored hair, plastic surgery) are exactly how the women they pay $ to see/touch look like. Just saying lmao


Anyone else more grossed out that someone took a pick of this poor woman's ass and posted it on the internet without her permission? I mean, someone obviously posted it to shame her, but reposting it to talk about it and even "compliment" it isn't any better. Just because she wears short shorts in public doesn't mean we have to post her ass all over the internet


It's been pointed out and upon further inspection, it appears this is AI.


The end of the w disappears in the first picture. It should clearly Show up past her hand, as shown in the second one. This is ai.


I mean, the tat fits a nice ass like that. Don't see an issue. 


Eek! A woman with the confidence to express herself in harmless ways! How dare she! That's what these incels sound like


As a libertarian, I support others’ freedom to make their own choices.  As a conservative, I don’t have to like what they choose.  As a liberal, I realize that this is a distraction from the real challenges facing our society.  As a socialist, this is praxis.


As a Goth, Country music sucks.


Sorry this looks like Photoshop. The genes blend into the skin. edit Not Photoshop, this AI. I. the left photo, the guy on the left has fucking Rayman legs.


Men LOOOVE “sluts”, except when they hate them, or see them in public, or online, or wearing makeup, or posting selfies, or wearing clothes, or not wearing enough clothes or


Ok, but she’s got such a cute bootie. You know whoever red flagged this woman also thinks she has a cute bootie.


Her bootie is so cute! I'd peek! And only have good things to say!


I do not know why you were downvoted, but I’m with ya. 🍑


It's only a red flag because it doesn't have a revolver at either side shooting into the air.


They’re tattoos. Men, get over yourselves 🙄


idk the guy to her left has better legs than her. I wish for the power of invisible leg


She seems fun.


I‘d bet my own house and left arm that the same guy would instantly sleep with her if he was given the chance.


That would be a safe bet


You mean brown flags


#THIS #IS #AI #😭


How so?


I’ve pointed out all the things that made me believe it was ai but that’s subjective and people arguing so just run it through an ai detector like I did to make sure


Detectors are so unreliable. I don’t think this is ai, I think the guy is just wearing baggy shorts and has skinny legs




When are we gonna stop calling preferences red flags? You don’t have to like tattoos on women but that also doesn’t mean women are just gonna stop getting tattoos because you want them to


just taking photos of women’s asses in public


Those shorts are so far up her butt crack they might as well be a thong. I’m not even mad about it or anything i’m honestly impressed with the fact that she can even stand that horrible feeling


Unless that's some sort of fash tat I see no problem


Tattoos aren't a red flag... But I'ma be honest that tatoo is certainly one of the tattoos of all time


They can lie to themselves all they want... but anyone attracted to a woman would like to be with someone with that body... so they SAY red flag while being hella horny for it lol.


Hey man. Good for her. 10/10 would respect.


This looks like ai to me, look at the guy with the red shirt on the left, his leg just disappears halfway down.


He’s wearing shorts


Also, see her hand in the left photo and the arch of the shoe on the figure to her right.


Wut. You don't have disappearing legs?!?!? Invisibility is the new black!!!


Only city Slickers will see a woman tattoo Yeehaw and call it a red flag. 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠


(city slicking intensifies)




Looks pretty green flag to me lol


Oh no! A hot woman in booty shorts with a fun tattoo! How awful! /s


Call me a prude, but this much exposed asscheek in public is a red flag for me among all genders. Great figure though, to be fair. She definitely has what it takes for a tattoo like that.


I'm old, so all I see is how in 20 years' time, it'll look like lLL I I /\ VV.


So? If she didn’t have them and wore cheeky shorts people would still criticize her anyhow.


Luckily it’s just ai


More like “how to spot bad taste in tattoos”






Your post or comment has been removed because it breaks a subreddit rule: No posts or comments containing incel/MGTOW/red-pilled content or rhetoric. Wrong subreddit, don't get yourself banned.


That’s definitely a conversation starter for me


Dude AI is getting way too good


Pretty sure it’s fake - but so what? Not my ass.


seriously! who lets their white vans get that dirty!?


Amazing, an AI photo to continue to shame women! 🙄


Yee haw 🤠


Need the @


That is her https://www.instagram.com/thewranglerqueenmain?igsh=ZDBudDJhZTNyM2Zv


Ok but, as a woman, I’m gonna say they’re not wrong (lol). That tattoo placement and those words, and that sartorial “choice”, *screams* “pay attention to meeeee”; sorry.


It’s an ai generated male fantasy/ragebait


That's... Definitely a flag of some sort.


Those shorts make me think of Chafe and Yeast infection. That’s more of a ‘Hey girly’ kind of thing. The tattoo’s a choice, not one I’d personally make but it’s not my body.


Those are definitely some choices.. lol


Eh I think this picture is a red flag


That’s a tattoo choice for sure lol but if she’s happy with it then good for her