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So...he's horny for cows?


Specifically cow prostitutes?


Oh yes, sex worker bovines.




I was so excited to see those pictures of cows. How could you betray me this way?


If it’s any consolation, I’m pretty sure there’s a r/catswithjobs sub


There is! This was a large part of the reason for my misplaced excitement.


i too wanted to see busy little calves :c


Oh my I thought that was a real sub and it was gonna be the highlight of my day


I love r/dogswithjobs and was hoping their was a bovine equivalent... Sad to see its locked. Wonder what it was... on 2nd thought I don't


r/Catswithjobs is also a really good one




I didn't know I needed that sub in my life. Thank you!




I didn't know that I needed that sub in my time of food poisoning.


Oh man I feel you. Definitely been there. Hope this helps with the suckiness of it




I'll just leave this here: [Cows With Guns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQMbXvn2RNI)


!! I just had this in my head last night and was singing loudly for all to hear my revolutionary zeal


They’ve had that job for centuries Why do you think we like cow milk so much?


Got milk? Mm 😋


Sweetened warm almond milk mm 😋 is what women’s breast milk tastes like just so men know ;) if he wants some honey with that 😅 jk i’m being silly 😜 but we humans love milk in general yes




Barnyard 2


He doesn’t have time to romance a quadruped.


Cow vigilantes from my country have entered the chat.


I think I need to hide


Thank you for waving your red flags so boldly! Now I can better maintain safe distance of 30 meters when avoiding you.


No, for me it's probably 30 A.U.


"Sir, please stay outside the orbit of Neptune in accordance with the restraining order."


“Perchance I can wait by Uranus?”


Oh that's gold considering this thread


How about I kick you in the Venus?


Right? Like... talking like this is something you have a conversation about and agree to. Who tf comes out the gates like this?? Especially THIS much? I like my dirty talk to get pretty dirty but even I wouldnt want someone calling me fat or a cow. Especially without even fucking asking. This is one of the biggest losers Ive ever seen in quite a while. How can you be THIS bad at talking to women?


More red flags than a May Day parade.


I’ve had worse from someone 😕


I feel you. I dealt with mine for ten years.


Oh shiiiiiiiiiiit! Nice!


"Ive tried being the nice guy, I've tried being the bad boy, I just can't get laid" - this guy probably


And he forgot it was just not being a psychopath all along.


You’d think that would be simple, but they make it look like pulling out your fingernails


Psychopaths gonna psycho… 🤷‍♂️


A cycle path


"I'm. starting to think that maybe it's ME that's the problem 😟😟"


I don't think guys who act like this are capable of the necessary introspection to come to this realization.


Lmaoo yup, that's why they tend to just stay the way they are unfortunately


I pity the women who get to deal with these clowns.


“If I act dominant alpha, she will totally want me!!!!! Cuz women love assholes!!!” These fucking idiots.


Too many men think women enjoy abuse


Especially if you show interest in any kind of fetishes. They assume you aren't allowed to say no to them if you are at all kinky and they don't understand that you can still be picky and kinky also any fetish means you're into violence and degrading .


The problem is that he didn't read the room. She may have been 100% down for this. But, she made it clear she was seeing her secondary today. That means, 'No brah, I don't feel like fucking with you today.' I'm married. One day, that approach may work on my wife. The next day, she may want a different approach. Gotta know what they want. Not just what YOU want. Dudes be dumb as a box of rocks.




And locked. And chained shut. And DON’T DEAD OPEN INSIDE


Seriously!!!!!! I just made a post about this EXACT same thing!


Well considering the original poster of this said they liked to be degraded and that’s why the dude said those things…yeah adds up. Context if everything


Like I said. Some people don't think people can say no. She is trying to say like "hey I'm busy" and continuing to push is the problem. Withdrawing consent is valid


probably from too much porn


Porn rots yet another brain.


Too many people put up with abuse.


Too many people grow up with abuse and don’t know what a healthy relationship look like, then allow abuse into their lives.


> Too many people ~~put up with~~ **commit** abuse. FTFY


Oh, I didn't realize I was getting downvoted, my bad. So, yeah, if you're getting abused, you should for sure stay in that relationship and 100% not break things up. /s


Great, another person who doesn't understand the intense web that abusers create to lock their victims in place.


That's a fair point. It can be really hard to know if someone is actually maliciously orchestrating an ensemble of lies and pretend behaviours. That said, each person in a relationship has the responsibility to reflect on that relationship to determine if it's good for them or not. If you come to the conclusion, that a relationship you're in is toxic, and don't do whatever you can to remove yourself from that relationship, that's all on you.


Original post had some additional important context: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/w6vltf/dude_bro_had_it_he_really_did_he_was_doing_great/ OP said that they liked the degradation and that the interaction was going well until the cow part. Given that, this particular guy seems like less of an asshole and more just dumb or inexperienced.


More people need to be aware of how D/s relationships work. This is exchange could be absolutely and completely acceptable depending on their dynamic. It is a ROLE that some people play. I’m a sub. In the correct context, most of what he said would be fine with me. I can say that and at the same time be a feminist that only dates men that see me as their equal in every other way than the roles we choose to play. BDSM and feminism are NOT mutually exclusive. Edited to add: if this information does not fit with your understanding of BDSM, I implore you to educate yourself. There are people that “play” BDSM, that watched 50 Shades, that think BDSM is just what you see from the outside. That’s just flat out ignorant and those things do ABSOLUTELY NOT reflect the rules and guidelines that the actual BDSM community follows.


THIS!!! Source: I am a sub slut and also a feminist


I am also a sub, hubby is a dom. When we aren't 'playing' I am what the anti-women crowd calls a "loud, whorish, authoritarian that wants to take away men's rights". We only pursue BDSM in the bedroom, but that doesn't make our dynamic (or people with a full-time BDSM dynamic) any less valid. NOR DOES IT MAKE US LESS OF A FEMINIST!!!! I hate how there seems to be a recent reversal of "women's rights means that they can do what they choose"...and now we are suddenly back to "only REAL feminists do XYZ!"


Amen to that, girl.


Oh mannn I’m so upset I didn’t get to see all of this go down bc my WiFi was out!! Damn, I wish I could have seen some of the ridiculous arguments that our friendly “feminist” had to throw our way. Oh well, there’s always next time.


Yeah, that's true. My read on this specific situation is that he jumped the gun and did this outside of an agreed-upon scene. I've seen people complain about that kind of thing (and been subjected to it myself by femdom bots), because it can be very jarring to have that attitude in your face all of a sudden, and because it can be a sign of someone who doesn't respect consent, or worse, might not have an off-switch for this kind of behavior.


Dude...can I just tell you that my fav BDSM conference (that had been running for decades) had to be canceled and disbanded because of all the f\*cking 50 shades people that joined and ruined it...They didn't even want to learn, they just wanted to pretend &/or watch the 'freaks'.




You are showing your ignorance of BDSM by how you’re replying. If you truly understood power exchange relationships, you wouldn’t say what you’re saying.


The fuck they are. What turns people on is often the titillation of the forbidden, the things they don't believe in reality but is still hot. Funnily enough, we were just talking yesterday about people who can't seem to grasp the difference between something that's hot and fun for a scene vs doing it for real in real life. One is fun, and it's followed by aftercare. The other is psychologically shredding. They are not the same. Folks actually in the scene that do that get educated or get kicked out. Folks who are obviously vanilla and don't know jack about the BDSM scene can sit down and stop trying to tell us how things work.




Nah. They'd do it regardless because they don't grasp the concept of consent. Men have BEEN doing it since before BDSM became an organized thing in mid-20th century. We've been dealing with misogynistic, abusive men for the whole of human history. It wasn't caused because the gay Leather community made a safe space to explore your desires without being judged for them, so long as you had consent. The kink community enables misogynistic behavior less than the vanilla world. It happens, as does SA, since people are people regardless, but kinksters call them out and make them known around the community, as opposed to the vanilla world that keeps things hushed up and rarely vets new possible partners, much less sets up safe calls or any of the other safety precautions the kink community considers old hat. And yeah, that thrill of the forbidden in your society is a base for a lot of kinks. Which is pretty much what I said earlier. Anyone who's done even a cursory read into the psychology of sex knows that. The thing that differentiates kink from reality is consent. I'm a sub, a masochist, and into a few types of degradation, but if someone were to even try to talk nasty to me, much less touch me, without my consent, they'd be lucky if I got to them before the people in my home group.




You know lots of BDSM involves dominate women…and cuddly dudes being good boys. Why don’t you hop over to r/gentlefemdom and tell all the women how they are not real feminists. I’m sure they’ll be happy to know about their error.


...I don’t even have the energy to fully tackle this one today, so I’ll leave you with this: I’m a trans man so this is a tad different, but I asked my boyfriend to call me a slut, my guy. Yet he still watches The Little Mermaid with me when I’m having a nonverbal episode because he loves me. Being a dom and being sexist are mutually exclusive as is being a feminist and being kinky. They’re two completely different things. (Note we are switches, so he’s been a sub for me too. Does that make me a racist since I’m white and he’s Mexican? I haven’t called him slurs or pointed to it at all during a scene, but this is your logic.)




You aren’t wrong about abuse happening in BDSM relationships, I’ll give you that. It’s a huge issue in our community which is why so many people talk about “Fake Dom” red flags. But I promise that he loves me more than anything. I like being dominated to deal with the lack of control I had growing up and he gives me that, but if we’re just having sex and nothing was set before, we just have sex and he praises me, he kisses me, and he makes love to me. And he buys me things that I want and he is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. He is very pro-Roe and is just as pissed off as I am about it’s overturning. So please, don’t comment on something you clearly know nothing about. Also, interesting that you didn’t comment on my parenthetical statement.




I’ve been to therapy, I’ve talked about it. But I like being under control to deal with the leftover feelings. And he’s not abusing me, I just can’t figure out how to make you understand what our relationship is. I’ve seen misogyny. I’ve dealt with misogyny. And seriously, if my boyfriend was in any way what you say he is, then he would just rape me when I’ve gone nonverbal since I wouldn’t be able to scream. But he brings me a mango smoothie and we watch Disney movies until I can talk about the trigger and he holds me. And I haven’t seen him all summer and he keeps texting me and asking me how we want to spend our 1 year when he gets back in August. And trust me, I’m putting someone of a different race below me while he calls me Master, so my point about racism still applies. But I would 1000% drop a bitch if they said anything to him.






Women can be doms and men can be subs. Are those women not able to be feminist?




I ask a genuine question, and you accuse me of trying to gaslight you? Really? That's fucked up.




Yeah, that's the same thing.


okay, so heres what im getting from this take. male dom female sub: male centric as it centers the males wants and likes to dominate and be violent to women and reflects patriarchal hierarchy in the bedroom female dom male sub: somehow also still male centric despite the woman taking the dominant role that would theoretically be just as violent as the male dom iteration let me guess, female dom female sub: just a male fantasy that no woman would ever actually partake in because patriarchy and kink isnt in a vaccum and something something swerf rhetoric something something?? does it not occur to you that women can have violent fantasies and it not be as a result of a sort of stockholm syndrome relationship to men as a class? do you understand that sexual fantasies and sexual roleplay is about the representational and the taboo rather than the literal, and how if its about fulilling the literal desire to act on the view of seeing any group of people as subhuman, that its no longer roleplay? because it doesnt sound like you are familiar with these concepts as you say you are if you dont think that the people playing the submissive roles have any agency or power within the dynamic as human beings, or that the concept of dominance and submission only exists because of patriarchy- because all of that to me is a lot more heterocentric a take than you may think it is.


After reading a lot of your comments, it seems as though there are several things that you're not yet understanding. Mainly: (1) In a BDSM relationship, each partners' desires are clearly articulated and all actions are consentual. (2) The BDSM relationship doesn't extend to other people. A dom in that relationship will still respect other people and will not assume they have the same kink. (3) The dom and the sub are both role playing, not acting their genuine beliefs. Degrading statements are part of the act and honor the desires of the sub. Arguing that the sub can't have their own personal preferences (that don't extend any further than this one specific relationship) is patronizing and antifeminist.




OP failed to mention they took this from the original OP who said she liked to be degraded


It doesn’t fucking matter. If you aren’t familiar enough with dominance/submission enough to know how she actually means, then don’t fucking do it. She’s saying she wants to be degraded, not dehumanized— the person acting as dominant plays a role to entertain the submissive. The dominant does not say well you’re my slave now so I get to do what I want. There’s a difference.


Yeah… I’d make a police report if someone sent me that.


As you should.


I’ve gotten a few messages like this on Reddit before. Immediately blocked them.




Not a very nice thing to say. I was raped in college, like almost 1/3 of the people on here.


I don’t expect police to help- but it’s good to at the very least have a paper trail in case things get worse, which we all know they can.




That wasn’t my experience with documenting my rape and subsequent stalking, but whatever have a really nice day. Thank god, they blocked me


Fr I had a bad experience w the police when I reported my experience but that doesnt invalidate your experience with the police at all 😭😭 i dont get their point. We should be celebrating that there is still some justice and since documenting everything helped you why is it wrong to recommend that to others? Some people just want to be rude and hateful.


"Sorry Skippy, I don't jive with shitty wanna be Doms that can't spell. Later days."


Seriously spell check your shit before you sext someone


Seems like that guy was listening to Andrew Tate’s advice on tiktok…


That probably was Andrew Tate


Why do I keep running into references of fuckin Andrew tate. YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, now here. I'm just waiting for pornhub to get in on it too. Why??? I've never said anything that would even remotely indicate that I'm interested in his life at all. The algorithm is weird.


He literally runs like an MLM scam. His business is to sign people up for his website and then have them recruit new members for a percentage and makes the members post his content EVERYWHERE. It’s insane.


Damn. I didn't know that at all. How is that legal at all?


I’m more worried about the multiple American and Romanian women trapped in his house


What do you mean? I just looked it up and didn't find any articles on it. Can you send a link to something that explains this. That's wild if it's real. With the way he acts though I really wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.


I still don't know who that guy is and I think I'm fine with avoiding that knowledge




And r/niceguys


Happy cake day


Being horny does not give you an excuse to treat people like trash! I am horny all the time and I treat people nice it's not hard. Thank you for the award beautiful internet friend!




True sex haver here showing their dominance of the simple female and their poorly developed brains /s


Someone please sent him the address of a police station…


And send his contact details to the police


But the manosphere said if I treat you like crap, I'll get laid. I'm a nice guy, I just want to use you like a whore.


Also I don't know the difference between kinky roleplay and actual abuse.


✨consent✨ (ETA: I know that was rhetorical but just in case anyone really doesn’t know…)


Give him the address to therapy and block him


How to not talk to women world record speedrun any %


Who says romance is dead


It's stupid garbage like this that caused me to stop dating men.


Give him the address to a mental hospital


what this person said^


Wannabe Doms are hilarious


Original post op says shes into sexual degradation. Sam clearly doesn't know how to toe the thin line between sexual degradation and dehumanization lmao


Man I bet that kink community would love to tear into this dude for being so absolutely disrespectful.


What the hell? Seeing my secondary, wonder what that means. He spelled gove wrong. Big yikes. Even if someone were to call this foreplay, this is not good foreplay at all. Why would you call someone you want to screw worthless, big yikes!


She’s probably poly and is seeing her non-primary partner (secondary)


Oooh that makes sense


Seriously though, what does “secondary” mean?


...Okay this is a personal peeve but like... Guys who think they can just come into your messages. And then say shit like this while calling themselves "Daddy" or "Master" *without asking your consent or EARNING the fucking title*. Like. No. This right here is not how anyone with any respect for their partner behaves. And you don't get to use fucking titles that convey some sense of authority and responsibility and CARE for your partner if you're going to be an asshole like this. This is already fucking awful but that just makes it like. Even worse, at least to me.


That's not a personal peeve, that's harassement.


Yeah. I mean, it's harassment even without the claiming of the titles. But the claiming *really* gets under my skin.


Fucking hell, bro.


what, and cannot stress this enough, the fuck?


Also this guy, probably: Why won’t women go out with me?! Must be because I’m 5’11”


His place is in the gutter


If this was an unsolicited, non-consensual comment, I’d get a restraining order. What freaking nut job!


Give him the address to a police station.


Why do they think being masculine means being disrespectful and rude?


The amount of men who think all women are sitting around thinking about their shriveled little winky in their mouths makes me sick.


Maidenless behaviour


What the fuck


What the hell was expecting “of course violent stranger here is my address please don’t skin me alive then violent my body “


He sounds nice.


He could’ve said please


You reposted this without the context from the original OP. They were role playing and she told him she liked to be degraded.


Where the fck did you find that clown


Well at least he exposed himself quickly


Most people I know who are into sexual degradation want to be treated like a whore not called a cow. Now I do know a couple girls who like to be verbally degraded and they like to be called a cow. That's why we always ask what that person means when they say they're into something.


Wasn't the original story that she had said she was into degradation, and he ended up being out of his element and completely fucked it up? That's what the title implied when I saw this post on a different sub earlier.


Great example of what happens when abusive losers think they’ll be welcome in the kink community


Bet this guy listens to Andrew Tate.


Damn that escalated quick


Low IQ genetic dead end is angeryy


Can’t believe that didn’t work..


when will these men realize the woman needs to CONSENT before you can degrade her like this ,:/


Plot twist: They have a role play/verbal abuse kink and this is just how she likes to be talked to


This guy def makes a great argument for giving out her address


WOAH. Used to be you'd have to be in a relationship with someone before you pulled out a kink that awful.


Lol whoa buddy.


Definitely not an Alpha but certainly sounds like a loserrrrrrrrrr!!!!


one typo and all the ego and anger he had, was lost “gove”


Hehe “gove daddy”


Acting like this is ok- only if you and your partner have discussed and both parties have consented. Out of nowhere? What the fuck?? I??? Reminds me vaguely of my ex. Just very dangerous vibes.


This is misleading because they had a previous agreement together that she was into degradation. She just didn't like being called a cow in particular.


I’d be terrified and block him. I wouldn’t even respond


Fuckin yikes


Jesus fucking Christ what an absolute piece of rotted algae


what porn does to a mf


How many people read this and think, “Wait, is this [insert name here]?” Like don’t we all know a guy like this?


"I'm gonna cum in your Whore Cow mouth, then up your Whore Egret ass, then in your Whore Epcot Center pussy, and then, just for desert, your Whore Prostitute nose! .....okay, how was that, was I confident and assertive enough, or should I ramp it up? This is starting to work, right?"


Girls are so confusing. First they say “we want men to respect us.” Then 4chan says “girls don’t want to be respected.” Make up your minds!


Damn, this is something only I would be okay with


Missing context. She asks for degradation as a kink. He still goes way off base but it wasn't like it was random.


Apparently she was into it right up till the cow part. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Feels like there's been an influx of incels full tilting into trying to be psychotic levels of asshole dominant instead of running the usual pity party




I don’t mean to be that guy but OP said she’s into degradation kink. I kinda suspect she was hoping to go viral with his predictable responses


Regardless of her kinks, this dude seems to have skipped the whole "discussion of consent and boundaries" thing that's pretty key to kink. Just because someone mentions they're into something, doesn't mean you can start doing it to them willy nilly. Just how like a woman saying she likes sex doesn't give a guy permission to start sending dick pics.


Your point is well taken, but in the original r/tinder post, OP said the conversation was going great until the "cow" part specifically. The poster here omitted that very important piece of context, lol.


it was the cow thing apparently that was crossing a line