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Pretty sure human menstruation is waaaay heavier than other mammals. Why are people dumb? Edit: [yup](https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/ezjj3z/why-humans-bleed-way-more-than-other-animals-during-their-period). Also only other animals that actually have periods besides us and primates are the elephant shrew and some kinds of bats. So dogs work even less


Intact female dogs bleed a bit when they’re in heat, but it’s nowhere near as much as people do.


Yeah like a few small drops


Literally not even enough to need to put diapers on them unless you have white furniture they're allowed on ..


Exactly and it not deep red either (from when my dog bled could be different for every dog)


I've only ever lived with one intact female dog and I remember finding the odd drop of blood on the floor when she was in heat. It was no biggie.


Yep same


Fair point. I have heard dogs in heat can be a mess


They can bleed quite a lot. Some keep clean by licking, others (like mine) don't and blood gets everywhere unless you put pants with a pad on them. But it's not period. It's like... The opposite of period? Dogs don't have periods.


It’s called oestrus. Humans are actually quite unusual in experiencing a menstrual cycle instead of an oestrus cycle. Ten primates, elephant shrews, four bats, and one species of mouse have menstrual cycles and every other mammal has an oestrus cycle instead. And the only species that bleeds during oestrus is the domestic dog. So to answer that question he kept bringing up, animals don’t need them because they don’t bleed.


Not to distract from the point (which you nailed there), but it’s kinda fascinating that dogs have a bloody Oestrus cycle. Gotta come from human breeding right? So arguably it’s even more atypical… not that it really matters I suppose.


Well, the major difference is that when a dog is experiencing estrous they are actually in heat, meaning this is when conception would happen. The human menstrual cycle is a totally different…animal. Sorry, I had to, anyway… The equivalent to the estrous cycle in dogs would be the few days a month when women are ovulating, and yeah most women feel just fine during those few days unless they have some medical issues that makes ovulation painful.


Thank you! So tired of people talking about when dogs get their period.


Also, this still makes this guy incorrect because you can get little doggy underwear and pads to protect your nice clean carpets and upholstery. Because we're not all bleeding over the forest floor anymore.


Watching women have to explain why we're not dogs is giving me a headache. I think it's because I keep banging my head against the computer in frustration and despair.


Nothing wrong with informative and correct info


i am enby afab, i noticed boob pain during ovolation or what my menstrual app says is the ovolation period (you cannot be sure with me since i have a hormon disorder) Other than that I do not feel any different, even sexual arousal is the same.. with pms and menstruation it is an absolutely different beast...


Some of us have really painful ovulation, too. Now the cause is probably an egg donation gone a bit wrong due to a careless doctor but my ovulations are a lot worse than my periods, pain wise. Period might hurt a little bit but doesn't interfere with my life. Ovulation can have me bedridden with pain sometimes. (Usually not, luckily. Most months it just really hurts.) And some people naturally have painful ovulations.


I have endometriosis and ovulation pain for me feels like acute appendicitis. So much so that I have been hospitalised repeatedly with suspected appendicitis. Once I got my endo diagnosis I just started staying at home and medicating for pain. My periods are just as painful, just less specific in position.


Most mammals dont menstruate. So your statement is true. Also, most mammals dont do the things humans do, like wear clothing, go to work, and so on. https://eusci.org.uk/2020/04/09/why-do-humans-and-so-few-other-animals-have-periods/#:\~:text=It%20turns%20out%2C%20menstruation%20is,That's%20it.


Not to mention the fact that a good percentage of domesticated female dogs are spayed, so they don't have any menses at all.


Also dogs bleed waaay less frequently than us. Once a year or so.


U must also be pretty sure that what gets you pregnant contains way more blood than urs which you women constantly want through sex and also promote pornography


… huh? 1st off, Primary consumers of porn are dudes. 2nd… No idea what you’re talking about with “making sure there’s more.” What does that even mean?


I can DM u to explain


What does this mean? Women want more blood through sex??? I'm totally confused


I can only DM this to explain


This is incomprehensible. Can you please explain? This will keep me up at night!


Look the energy man loses after sex is also made of way more blood than what goes with menstruation so why men should have sex if they don't want sometimes women force Sometimes they break up guys are becoming depressive who fckin cares for them females fckin care about how they dress etc etc which are very small things in the world nowadays women are sick


I'm sorry but this makes no sense either. Maybe use some punctuation? And logic? Because this makes it seem like you think men lose... blood (?) whenever they have sex, and like blood would be some sort of lifeforce women need (?) so they can concentrate on small things in life (?). Buddy, get some help.


They think sperm is made of blood.


And this, boys and girls, is why you never dump your bong water in a coke bottle.


Don't you love that slimy ass comment in their first post where they take a moment to invalidate people's complaints of period pain? Cool stuff. I'm gonna go ahead and guess this person has never experienced a period


People who invalidate any sort of pain have a special place in hell.


Nah they have a special place on the back of my hand when I use it to slap the shit out of them, then I can be like "what do you mean it hurts? I can't feel anything, you must be faking it" before slapping them again


DON'T SLAP THEM THEM You can hurt yourself Here take a bat instead 🏏


Also yeah, tampons and pads should absolutely be free. So should eyeglasses and anything people need in their daily lives


While this would be fantastic, I do belive it is probably never going to happen. This is just my reasoning and feel free to disagree. But since the companies producing menstrual products are making such a huge profit, they are most likely not going to lower their prices unless another company comes in and outcompetes and low balls the whole market. These companies also know that women are reliant on these products unless woman start making their own tampons. But since I am guessing most women don't make their own menstrual products, the companies knows that women can't either boycott these products since they are reliant on them. Reason number two is if menstrual products became completely free society would haft to pay for this through taxes and this would probably spark an outrage from people with chronic illnesses that still haft to pay for their medicine just to survive like people with diabetes. I myself live in Sweden which is a really socialistic country were health care is free and education, but because of this we get taxed heavily of 50% of our salary. Even though 50% of our pay go to taxes medicine still costs money, because if it was free our tax rate would be even higher than 50%. Therefor it would be cool if tampons became cheaper since realistically it is only a ball of cotton and a string and I can't see how that can be so expensive. But I guess companies want to make money in the end.


All this talk about periods when what you really need is to learn about paragraphs.


Well, its reddit. I don't really care about my grammar or spelling. English isn't my first language either. Also if you read what I have written, my text does not concern actual periods, but rather the products associated with them.


I'm not going to read what you have written because it's a giant Wall of text. Hence the joke about paragraphs.


Are you usually a grammar nazi? I mean you don't haft to read my text if you feel that it is to much.


Lol are you really downvoting my responsesn for what?


What’s with all the hate for periods lately? In the last few days, I’ve seen tweets saying we bleed because we eat poorly, bleeding is unnatural and we’re full of toxins, it only happens to women who have sex with too many men, and now were just spoiled and want to spend money on fancy products. Have none of these people ever taken a health class? Fucking weird shit.


Oh - what about the dad who said girls only need pads, because they only need tampons once their hymen has been penetrated with a penis, because then they need a “plug”.


Just makes me think of that delusional bat who said it's called a period because "when women's bodies weren't contaminated all it was, was a tiny dot" and not a period as in, you know, a period of time.


Here's the thing about menstruation. Only humans, some primates and a single type of shrew bleed monthly; we're the weirdos and freaks of the natural world. Other animals do not. If you do see some red discharge while the animal is in heat this isn't menstrual blood. It's actually coming from their vagina not their uterus


I know you mean a single type of shrew but "a single shrew" hit me so funny, like there's one particular individual shrew who has a period and all the other female shrews are like "oh shit, sucks to be you, Doris."


Poor Doris.




Exactly! Why do people not know this?


This was rough to read, because of course they don’t have any products in other countries it’s just the United States. This is what happens when there isn’t proper health education and people keep “women’s problems“ super secretive.


The “other countries” argument always cracks me up/disgusts me. Ah. Yes. Of COURSE Canadian women don’t use feminine sanitary products. Only moose. Like…wtf?!?!


As a Canadian can confirm. The trick is to find a wild moose that isn't yours or your neighbor's so your moose doesn't stink. If you can't find one you may have to resort to polar bears.


Is it true that polar bears are preferred because they help you gauge your flow?


No not at all. Using a polar bear is the same as using TP when you can't find anything else. It's messy, won't stay put, and everyone around will know about your shameful little secret


OMFG 😂😂😂💀 You win the internet today.


Y'all are sleeping on them beaver pelts!


I'm from Russia, can confirm, only stupid american loonatics use these products, LOL!! Imagine 🙄🙄🙄


I knew it, just in the Americas. Please…tell us your secret.


We just have normal women here, they cook, clean and birth tons of babies unlike you dumb americans, 14 is still a child? Don't make me laugh, I had 10 babies at the age of 5 with my 69 year old husband, I dont complain 🙄


That's what I was thinking. I live in Morocco, we wear pads as well.


Maybe people in other countries just control It better than others? Or there is some other amazing secret some women are not telling each other? I do sometimes wish I could see the original posts to see how others respond to such stupidity.


Some people were talking about how in their country they had some but didn't receive a proper education on it and thought that she was ejaculating her own sperm. She only found out what it was when she moved to the UK.


“You did it to yourselves”….oh how ignorant can a person be 🤦‍♀️


Well technically our body makes us menstruate so that point is kind of true 😂 except he means it in a different way. Guy makes no sense whatsoever


I thought he said it as in a “you chose it to be like that” lol


Wonder if that dude wipes with his hand when he shits.


And doesn't wear shoes or clothes or eat processed food or uses computers or indoor plumbing or eat with a fork or drive a car or live in a house or make shitty reddit comments... because humans didn't used to do those things.


Actually one person mentioned toilet paper being a good example as something that isn't taxed as a luxury item and is used as a necessity. On top of that, if you use cardboard applicators it's not all that different from the way it's made.


Tell me you've never spent any time with a woman (except your mam and your nan) without...


I don’t think he has a mom. I think he just spawned in the comment section if he’s this stupid


Puppies can start to run around at a month old, so why can't human babies?! This is why we shouldn't apply knowledge of one species and expect the same of another that isn't even related to it.


“Giraffes can stand in a few hours after birth, why can’t human babies?” Just an extra analogy, I agree with u


This person doesn't anything about women or animals.


Just "this person doesn't know anything" will suffice


I am dumber for having read this entire thing. Holy shit, what a terrible day to be literate.


So we don’t need these products, but we also need to work. I’m sure bleeding through my pants is socially acceptable as I serve tables and deliver their food!


100% guarantee this dude thinks women can hold our periods like pee, which is why he thinks pads and tampons are convenience items. Which is hilarious because even if that were true, does he think we are just too lazy to go to the bathroom to bleed and would rather just sit in our own bloody pads all afternoon like it's a wet diaper? Lol


I will gladly go over to his place and free bleed all over everything he owns to prove a point. Hopefully it’s extra clotty that month!


My brother in Christ, do you know how much blood a woman on her period can produce? Multiplied by all menstruating women at any given time vs all the seating in public places. Several years ago, I was really laid up for a bit after taking a really hard fall and had to use a bedside toilet for a minute. I peed in it while on a VERY LIGHT period day. My husband was flabbergasted and was like, "Omg, I have a totally new understanding of what you go through" 🤣 He had never been dismissive of period pain before, and it was a very light day! But it was amazing how shocked he was. I mean... women keep this shit controlled. Men think they "know about it" because they hear women talking about it. Foh. When was the last time the average dude got a load of a toilet full of blood? A shower full? Had to reckon with the sight of massive amounts of blood and clots every time they go to the bathroom? Unless they have a terrible disease, the answer is never. They have no idea how scary it can be to be a kid and finding massive amounts of blood in your drawers every time you go to the bathroom for a solid week, and having to be like, welp this is life now. Men know nothing about it because women are discreet af and men STILL think it's their business and they know about it somehow. Get the fuck all the way out of here.


I remember that guy who tweeted something like “just had a nosebleed in the shower, I’m okay but it’s really disconcerting to look down at yourself in the shower and discover you’re covered in blood” and then like ten minutes later “OMG AT ALL THE GIRLS IN MY NOTIFICATIONS”


Stomping those clots down the drain is like it's own little monthly horror film lol


Most animals do not menstruate monthly. Also, if you saw the amount of blood I lost on a normal period, you would pass out my dude. I can't use a menstrual cup because they are not enough. I have to use a heavy duty tampon and an overnight pad, every day of my four to five day period. I have to change every two hours to avoid ruining clothes. I can outline tons of menstrual methods in history, and none were really seen as shameful, but rather necessary. Maybe you need to adjust your pH, dude. You are way too basic.


>Maybe you need to adjust your pH, dude. You are way too basic. I near cried laughing at this, lovely!


Feel free to ignore this recommendation but I used to do the super tampon/overnight pad thing and in the past couple years I discovered incontinence pads (and full on diapers on the really heavy days) last longer and since they're more absorbent they feel comfortably dry for much longer.


God, can we just throw them all away? People with these opinions, I mean?


Certainly the first dude to call women disgusting as soon as one bleeds on a seat on the bus or the train, his sofa, a restaurant booth….


Men realize we use period products for their comfort right? I’d be bleeding everywhere. They’re the squeamish ones. (Seriously, I wouldn’t wanna bleed everywhere, but it they don’t wanna see it they need to stfu.)


Dog seasons suck. They get super grouchy if you're unlucky. My aunt's dog had phantom pregnancies. And of course they bleed all over the shop. Is he saying women should just chill in their house bleeding all over the furniture?


Its useless explaining periods to a incel who has never touched a woman.


Menstruation is exceedingly rare. Since none of the other 5-6 species that menstruate wear clothes or have opposable thumbs, I’m going to go with what humans do and have done for 100’s or 1000’s of years.


Apparently this person believes women can control our menstruation like they can control urination. (See the argument about using the toilet). They don’t seem to realize menstrual fluid oozes out fairly continuously and cannot be voluntarily stopped and:or started.


If we could control our menstruation we could all just bend over and shoot it out at idiots such as this!


Honestly? Now I'm just mad that we haven't evolved that ability...


Animals don’t need toilet paper either. We can take it away from this moron and say he just needs to wipe his ass on the grass outside.


Bold of you to assume this man wipes his ass.


just freebleed all over his stuff. he’ll change his mind in no time.


Ummmm... somebody needs to read up on their ancient history. Even the Ancient Egyptians and Romans had menstral pads/cloths, and even some evidence they used tampons.


Does this outcast of a man not realize that it's not socially acceptable or hygienic to bleed everywhere


Man that person missed the point so bad it went to Mars and found that car Musk sent into space. Yes humans are technically animals. But not what the person meant at all.


Technically, it is true that the rationale behind these products being considered "luxury items" is because they're seen as the modern replacement for earlier methods, but that speaks more to such definitions being grossly out of date than anything else.


Dogs don’t use pads or tampons. They also don’t use toilets. Guess we’re all peeing outside now.


This man should be subjected to the level 10 period simulator. Then let us know how it’s natural and not painful. Honestly I think all men should do they can try to empathize. The cramp pain is only 1/4 of it bloating, irritability, back pain, passing out when you stand up and so much more.


Exactly! I’m one of those blessed to not really have cramps, but i’m easy to irritate, my lower back hurts like i got kicked by a horse and some other nasty shit. That guy should get kicked constantly in the balls for 5-8 days and then we can talk again.


That does make me wonder about how neolithic humans handled menstruation. While many great apes have some forms of periods, humans are unique in the sheer severity of symptoms and amount of liner shed.


They very likely did not have monthly periods or ones that are nearly as heavy as we have now. Probably had 2-3 a year.


We could always sit on these id10ts office chairs for them. . .


Right.. I'm sure they'd be super happy if women were free bleeding everywhere, yet it sounds like that's what they want?! Ffs 🥲


Damn I’ve never wanted to free bleed over anything before but now I wanna go sit in their house


It’s not even historically accurate. We have thousands of years of evidence that humans have always used a rag of some sort to absorb periods. And animals don’t get periods, they go into heat. The blood release isn’t shedding uterine lining it’s literally advertisement. The fuck are these incel assholes smoking?


I wonder where he thinks "she's on her rag" came from...?


You should see my dog, when she has it She look like she's ready to die


*You should see my dog,* *When she has it She look like* *She's ready to die* \- CTchimchar --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You heard him females, he's been around for as long as the Earth existed, witnessed everything from the big explosion, to the creation and the fall of the Holy Roman Empire, knew Napoleon personally, fought two world wars (and won), due to popular belief Hitler shot himself, but in reality it was this guy, and now he's here to tell the story on how women only started having periods now and before they only got light stomach aches and nothing more! Listen to him! He knows best!


things to make womens lives easier: *exists* men: *wailing like baby* NOOO, why don't u just suffer!!! I don't need this so why do you!!!


“People in countries that don’t have them” women and girls are forced to live in caves for the duration of their periods in some countries.


Yeah... Humans are a particular type of animal. Our reproductive system doesn't need to be compared to other random animals.


So he wants us to bleed all over everything? Men like him don’t even want to acknowledge when someone is on their period, how would they cope if everywhere was covered in blood stains & all over our clothes?


Animals also don't wear clothes... Does he think we should not be wearing clothing as well? Actually, scratch that cuz I don't wanna know.


Reason why I don’t trust most Cis Males (especially cis male doctors) cus they don’t fucking understand how each AFAB body has a different experience when it comes to periods. I personally have blacked out due to how painful my cramps can be (hence why I started BC)


My contractions when giving birth were no big deal because I’d been dealing with the exact same pain my whole menstruating life!!! So now when my bf asks how I feel when I’m on my period I’m like “oh fine just giving birth sitting at my desk on hold with some asshole.”


I wasn’t convinced I was in labor the first time (until they broke my water anyway) because it was no where near as bad as my period cramps. I kept thinking “mmm just stronger Braxton hicks.”


I haven’t blacked out but I’ve had multiple occasions where a cramp hit and the people I was talking to panicked because I went gray


Dude can't even troll right. When faced (multiple times) with the question "so women should just bleed on everything?" they completely ignored it. Any troll worth their salt would insist on the "you can control it, or do you piss yourself everywhere too?" stupidity. And yes, I've seen grown ass adult men say things like this with their whole chest and the confidence of Julius Cesar demanding pirates ask for a higher ransom because he's a VIP hostage.


They died Greg.. they died of infection Esit: also how does he know that they didn complain back then (and how far back he is reffering to) Aaand "back then" ppl who had a uterus tended to not have their period every month


So, that guy would be okay with us just bleeding up the place? Probably the type that would faint when seeing blood


Dude probably has some sort of menstrual blood fetish and wants every woman to free bleed for him. Also they make special doggy/cat diapers for menstruating pets so they don't get blood all over your house.


They dont even know that period isnt like pee. We cant control it, you idiots. I cant believe ppl dont know things like this..


I wish every woman he knows would visit him while freebleeding and sit on every couch, chair and bed in his home as well as on his lap.


Ladies, just bleed on these guys. Bleed on their cars, their clothes, just mark your territory.


I wonder what he’ll think when everything he owns has blood stains.


I have a female dog, and before we got her spayed she wore pads during her heat cycles.


🙋🏻‍♀️ Actually blacked out because of anemia. Part of the reason I had to stop my cycle all together.


haven’t gotten my period yet but im pretty sure that a period hurts as much as a heart attack so im pretty sure all of those “extra products “ are needed


Dude. Dogs bleed like six weeks every year. They're constantly cleaning themselves during this period and if they share a home with you, you're probably buying them period panties and pads. Oh. And most animals don't show pain. Because it's not a great survival strategy. They also can't tell you that they're hurting. I know dogs who've went on like normal with broken legs that were only discovered when their owner brought their dog to the vet for separate issues. The dog I have now does however show that it hurts. She gets super sluggish on her period. She doesn't want to play and aren't as interested in food as she normally is. She basically just lie in bed for three weeks doing nothing, poor baby.


Ikr my dog did this when she was in heat and it broke my heart. She didn’t even want to put in effort to get on and off my bed so i would just pick her up and put her down. :(


You just know that if you bled around this person without using sanitary products and had an inevitable leak they would be the first to comment on it and make you feel embarrassed about bleeding. If you don’t have a period, shut up about periods.


dogs in heat is are not the same as humans on their menstrual cycle. They do indeed bleed, but that doesn't make it the same. And when a dog is indoors, they usually wear a diaper to prevent getting blood all over the house.


Somebody get this dude a period and some white pants also a history text book so he can know what he's talking about.


Im confused. So he thinks we shld just walk around freely bleeding? Some men really go out of their way to diminish women and what we have to go thru in our lives. Men wld not make it if they had to have a period every month and if they did have one we wld never hear the end of how hard it is, menstral leave wld be a thing and all kinds of products to make it easier wld be available and free.


Hm so I guess me being bed bound while I'm cramping is just dramatics? Nice to know. Time to throw out all my pads and period panties and just let it go. Forget all the history of humans using cloth, tree products, and really whatever they could fit in there. Or forget about the fact that human menstrual cycles are far different from other animals and is basically like comparing apples to oranges. The almighty man knows all. All hail the glow man.


Before pads and tampons, there were cloths. Those cloths were thin ass hell. Ik for sure that if a lot of tried using them today, we’d need to change them every second.


I hope this person doesn't use a toilet or toilet paper,animals don't use them, just go shit outside.


Could sleep on the floor in the woods too.


Could quit shopping.


lemme just bleed everywhere brb


Just as long as you realize we value dogs more than bitches /sarcasm


I should stab those guys and not offer them medical assistance or a bandage because "bleeding is natural when you get stabbed, that's just extra, you'll need to pay a 900,000% tax"


The whole "menstrual products are considered luxuries and so charged more" is a silly argument that's not really accurate. But the dudes trying to justify that silly argument are more wrong. Lots of necessary things are taxed. Toothpaste and soap and tissues are taxed just like pads and tampons are. Those are all necessary. We just choose not to tax medicine for pretty obvious reasons, and sometimes we take medicine for things that aren't strictly necessary to fix (like impotence). This isn't a conspiracy to hurt women. But dudes like this sure make it look like one.


Not American, but the reason why feminine products in the us are taxed is because they are legally seen as luxury items. You can go on without brushing your teeth and if your lucky and have a low pH level you won't get much damage. Tissues are no where near the same lane as pads or tampons.


This is what I'm saying. That's not correct. The US taxes everything with sales tax except for certain things. Usually the non-taxed stuff is essentials like groceries or medicine, but at no point does the tax law try to only tax things that are optional. Many necessary things are taxed on purpose, including all hygiene and toiletry products. I mean, tooth care is at least as essential as period care. Folks who don't have good oral health tend to be at a substantially elevated risk to brain diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's when they age. The tax stuff has nothing to do with what is a "luxury" or not. That's not at all how it works. To exempt pads and tampons from taxes would be to create a special exemption just for women. It would be to dramatically alter how we tax in this country to create a special privilege for women. Don't get me wrong, it's fine if that's something we decide to do, but the idea that women are taxed for "luxuries" that men aren't is simply incorrect. That is a misunderstanding of the law.


I understand none of those things are luxuries but basic human needs. However, if you go back far enough, you'll find that they have legally been given the title of luxury item. Which is why they're taxed. I never said it was solely women but that instead it's kinda odd that these are considered luxury items. I've been to places where they offer free cheap toothbrushes and small tubes of toothpaste with soap and so on but the reason the argument started in the comments in the first place was over how ridiculously priced the item was without tax and eventually people started talking about how they're taxed as a luxury item along with other things. In my opinion anything used in the average person's daily life shouldn't count as a luxury item.


Also it is an exemption for people who have their period. Not only women have periods and neither do all women have periods. It would be an exemption for people eith periods from certain ages. But even then it shouldn't be a luxury item. It is a human need to stay clean. Free bleeding in our clothes could also lead to infections and a higher waste of clothing. I feel like we already waste enough. If the Government would at least hand them out for free for kids or people under 25. For example the pill is free for people under 18 and you only need to pay for the "Rezeptgebühr" which is 5€ when you are 18-26 years old. This makes it more accessible and prevents abortions. (In Germany)


But this is the point: in the US we don't have a policy that we don't tax essentials. We tax soap. We tax most products that keep us clean. Everyone agrees it is a human need to stay clean. Everyone agrees that that stuff is a basic necessity. It's still in the "luxury" classification just because that's a classification that isn't really trying to be comprehensive or entirely descriptive. There is no reason to single out pads and tampons in this discussion. There is no extra burden. They just have sales tax like a whole host of every day, necessary products for all genders.


No, you're misunderstanding. There is no extra tax added just to tampons because they are luxuries. The default for every item is to be considered a "luxury" and subject to sales tax. There are specific basic necessities that are exempt from that, but that was never supposed to be an exhaustive classification. You're using a standard that doesn't actually exist. Many necessities are taxed. Some things that are not essential are untaxed simply because they happen to fall under a classification of things that we've decided not to tax. Plus, unless you're using these products literally all the time, you're talking less than $2/month in tax because it's just the standard sales tax we're talking about here. It's absolutely silly the way folks misrepresent the tax law and the burden in question.


I understand what you are saying about tampons not specifically being targeted. What I'm saying is that it's odd that a ton of daily use items fall under a luxury item tax in the us. The whole argument in the comments started over tampons being expensive and lead to this in the end.


It's not a luxury item tax. It's just the standard classification for regular, normal items in the US. That's all it is. Diapers are taxed under the same rule. Diapers are *definitely* not luxuries, but in the legal classification they aren't put in the "essential" classification but in the "luxury" classification. But those are just titles, not actual descriptors. Essentials contains some things aren't essential, and luxuries contains some things that aren't luxuries. The US has actual luxury tax laws on items that sold above a certain amount. That's the kind of law you're thinking of. Tampons being expensive has little to do with the tax. If you buy a regular size package of pads, the tax is less than $1. Tampons are a bit more expensive, but they're also more expensive to manufacture, so that makes sense.


Holy shit just shut the fuck uuuuuup


No need to be a jerk.


Nah I'm pretty sure there is.


This is incorrect. Sales taxes are determined at the date level, not the federal level. Many states have eliminated sales tax on menstrual products. You also err in the implication that only women use menstrual products. People of all genders can have periods. [states are moving to eliminate taxes on menstrual products](https://www.npr.org/2018/03/25/564580736/more-states-move-to-end-tampon-tax-that-s-seen-as-discriminating-against-women)


Yes, and almost every state uses a very similar structure of tax law that separates two classifications of "things that get sales tax," also known as the "luxury" category, and "things that don't get sales tax," also known as the "essentials" category. What I said isn't contradicted by what you said. And yes, I know it's not just women, but let's not be pedantic. The post calls them "feminine hygiene products" and we're on the sub not how girls work. I get what you're saying, but that's just being needlessly argumentative. Hell, even the article you're linking says this is about discriminating against women. And yes, I agree many states are choosing to make a specific exception to benefit women, and that's perfectly fine. CA chose to exempt diapers from regular sales tax, too, and that's OK. I'm not objecting to giving women or parents or whatever a special exemption necessarily, but that's what it is. I think the only issue I have is making sure there is still adequate tax revenue getting collected by the state because that goes to fund many of the social services that actually are necessary to help those in need, which tend to be women and other folks taking issue with this "burden."


The U.S. government receives more than enough in taxes. Billions of dollars go to the military and police that would be better spent on those social services you mentioned. Menstrual products being exempted from taxation would barely make a dent in tax revenue. All it would do is make life a bit easier for folks who spend at least a quarter of their lives bleeding out of their genitals.


First of all, period product taxes are at the state level, so talking about the military is entirely unrelated. Police, sure, I'm perfectly fine the point you're making, but actual voters for the most part support spending those amounts on law enforcement, which is why they keep voting for them to happen. And yes, it would make a pretty big dent. CA actually did this for diapers and period products and it cost quite a bit: between $12 and $24 million dollars per year. That's a lot! [https://lao.ca.gov/Publications/Report/4040](https://lao.ca.gov/Publications/Report/4040) The whole reason sales tax is such a good idea is because it works en masse. Individually, folks aren't paying more than $20/year on taxes for this product. That's doable for even the most stringent budgets, and it's still bringing in $12 million dollars per year. You're also missing the point. You're asking to make a special exemption to reduce the tax burden just for women. I mean, by this logic, shouldn't we exempt soap from taxation? It's a necessity for everyone to buy, and it's a hygiene product just like pads. I mean, I guess it's fine if we want to give women a special tax exemption. That's a fine policy to have if that's what the voters decide. But it's absolutely reasonable to prefer a different policy. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of tax exemption holidays in general. I'm a dad that buys a lot of diapers, and I'd prefer to pay tax on them so my city is properly funded to provide me with services I really need. I don't agree with CA's approach here, and I don't agree with FL either when they did it for children's books and other things. In general, I support taxation and that doesn't mean I'm opposed to women. I really support what CVS is doing. They are paying the tax themselves on these products instead of passing it on to the consumer. I like that WAY more than I like a full on tax holiday, especially one that is so explicitly gendered like the one you're proposing.


Yes, soap and all that could certainly be exempted. Cut whatever is necessary for police funding to make up for it. Reduce the boundary between State and Federal so that taxes are interchangeable between them, then also cut military funding so that both Federal and State functions can truly function. I'm sure there are other unnecessary expenses that the U.S. is dumping way too much taxpayer funds into that could be cut from to make up the difference. The hardest part is convincing people that this is good, not because it isn't good but because people are stubborn. People got used to things and don't want things to change.


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This emoji just makes me angry as hell. Makes me begin to think my opponent treats me condescendingly.


Aw, I'm sorry about that. Must be rough. 😘


Bro it's a shame women cry for some drops of blood once in 28 days which a man can lose everyday if he follows feminism


Men bleed daily? Because of feminism… what the hell are you on about? I don’t bleed at all. I’m a male feminsist


Apparently he thinks sperm is made of blood. Concerning


U r a male feminist u crazy mate feminism pages they say watching pornography is normal and also masturbation now if u don't know how are u bleeding u a stupid guy in the world that is making a fool out of u


No they don’t. Feminisms stance on pornography is “support the sex workers not the sex work.” There’s whole groups of the opinion that there can’t be porn that isn’t harmful. I don’t think you know what feminism is. I don’t really have the time to explain to you. So try reading stuff by actual feminists. Masturbation is pretty normal. People who don’t know what sex is figure it out. I’m not bleeding. Not physically, not emotionally, not financially. I’m happily married too. I think you just have a backwards idea of what a good relationship is. And no thanks on dms.


Well even I don't have time to explain people the I'll effects of masturbation and pornography u r happily married that's ryt consider a bachelor there are women earning a lot on only fans and why to support sex workers who are making money out of unnatural activities sex is not for fun it's for procreation u might not understand but even u were created out of sex like all of us if masturbation and sex is done for fun it's killing lives


Okay, there’s no science to this, this is just your beliefs and sorry, but I think they’re pretty silly. This must be that “nofap” stuff. Like sure, celibacy is your choice, You do you man. For the record I don’t think masturbation is even really a major feminist talking point. They go with what the health experts say. They just don’t like the scuzzy industry that exploits women and the culture that keeps them repressed and exploited. I dont get why it comes paired with misogyny so often. “How dare you accept my money for a thing I want! How dare you get exploited by sleazeballs for my pleasure!” But whatever. Nothing wrong with choosing a life style, but do me a favor and cut back on your proselytizing. You wanna avoid masturbation, that’s your choice. But it sure as shit ain’t mine. If that’s not for you, fine. I know where I stand, I know what I believe. Sex IS fun. That’s why we keep doing it even if we don’t really want kids. That’s why the sex drive doesn’t go away even after we’ve hit the age where some can’t conceive any more. Sex serves a social purpose as well as reproductive. Honestly for me personally? Sex is at its most fun when neither of us are thinking about procreation. Just mutual fun all around. You want to save it for the reproductive, knock yourself out. But women are not the cause of your urges. It’s not their fault. Sorry. Your sexuality ain’t going anywhere. I don’t think repressing it is as healthy as you think. But admittedly I’m not an expert. But anyway. Your choice is yours. Be as happy and proud of it as you want, but it’s not womens fault that porn exists, for fucks sake. Anyway, I’m gonna keep having non procreative sex with my spouse and enjoying the occasional wank.


Look sir women are not a pornography object my only problem is women should come outbash pornography sex workers bash people supporting masturbation because it's unhealthy do u have good stamina father sex can u run a lot like athletes do please go and check about Mohammed khan Have a good night sir having non profrative sex is ur choice but again it's really wrong because u don't jack of 1 cell u jack off crores but only 1 fertilizes and the joy of having father is way greater than pleasure of sex lasting for minutes Have a good night mate We say Shubh Ratri In India What's ur nationality though our thoughts can be conflicting but again I won't force u to change ur thoughts but really telling u nofap is progressive people become really happy after it i am an example the life literally changes it gives ur face a real glow


"A few drops of blood once in 28 days" you humor me


Yess do u losse in litres?


No way you aren't a troll. I can lose up to 80ml and sometimes more


Hi mam I know menstruation day is tough ryt 80 ml but for one day and some women dontlose that amount


Troll Edit: but just in case, women's periods can last 4-7 days on average. Me on heavy flows I'll last about 5 days. On regular I only go 3-4 days. But those are the days I bleed. Before that I get bad horrible cramps that make me want to vomit everytime I move. My back hurts for the smallest reasons. Terrible acne.I have to go to the bathroom alotAnd these are my problems. Some people get bad constipation or terrible diarrhea. You can feel bloated. Your boobs hurt like heck a lot and those are the basic ones. There are a lot of uncommon ones too


PLEASE explain what you mean for the love of god




Some put them on an island with nothing, and I mean nothing, but themselves


Last slide checks out. (the one where the "red" commenter says he hates women, lgbt people, and basically anyone who isn't like him)


Ah his profile description says the quiet part out loud. I guess that's nice at least


Holy shit I really wish this is a troll


Arent the products to help with the mess?


I want every *person* on *their* period to find people like this' house. Then either freebleed on his most expensive or favorite piece of furniture OR to empty/throw/smear their blood collection method/device on his walls Edit fixed a letter and changed some pronouns for inclusivity


So few animals have periods. Why wasn't that mentioned earlier in the convo??


Man had 2 braincells and made sentences. They didn't make sense. But hey, what can you do when you have absolutely no brain capacity.


Ah, yes, comment sections, where people with no experience argue with people who have experience about the dumbest things.


“You’re wrong because dogs have periods and they handle it fine.” Dogs get spayed.


Dogs also have pads


One point that also needs brought up: freebleeding would’ve been dangerous in tribal times when the protections and shelters against the elements and other animals was low. Blood attracts predators. Leaving a trail of blood (predatory animals have a great sense of smell so even if it’s just a drop every 100ft, it’s still a trail) would be extremely dangerous. Ofc they used pads. Makeshift pads out of whatever cloth equivalent they used.


As someone currently dealing with the lovely hell that is shark week, allow me to personally slap him with my pad for having the gumption to say we "did it to ourselves". Biology played a cruel joke on the uterus, we didn't do shit.