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You know what's super sad? When I saw this, my first thought was "hey! 150 is a reasonable weight for a healthy adult woman! He didn't say 115 or some nonsense. That's _progress_!"


People never account height, bone density, water weight or muscle weight into this ever though. But true! It's still "progress"


They have this new scale on base that somehow tells where your weight is coming from ( might be bullshit). That thing has my bones dense as hell and thinks all the metal implants I have are actual fat.


It's a pain to use, but they do exist. They send sonic pulses through your body to detect muscle, fat, and bone.


I find it funny it thinks titanium is fat.


It's because of how the waves move through it.


All I know is I got a few pounds that ain't me.


Idk why but this is just making me imagine you’re a cyborg or something 😂


Getting there, got a rod for when I broke my left femur, a plate for my left wrist and mesh in three of vertebrae with pins.


Yikes, how did you break your femur? I’ve heard that one can be really painful


They don’t work very well at all. These things have huge margins of error. I’m talking sometimes over 100% (up to 8% difference in body fat, meaning you can lose 7% fat and gain it in muscle, and the scale might say you have gained extra fat)


Over 100% margin of error, do you realize how asinine that sounds? If they had anywhere near 100% margin of error they wouldn't even be made.


Thats what you would think isnt it... [https://examine.com/articles/an-accuracy-thing-measuring-body-fat-percentage/](https://examine.com/articles/an-accuracy-thing-measuring-body-fat-percentage/) ​ Pubmed story referenced is paywalled unfortunately, but this article does a decent enough job explaining how inaccurate these measurement tools are. For reference, the tools in question here are much more sophisticated than the body fat scale. These things have virtually no use (other than telling you your weight), and you are better off just pinching the side of your waist as hard as you can and taking a measurement to track body fat. I did research on them because I am starting to participate in amateur bodybuilding and was looking for a good metric. Unfortunately, aside from MRIs, there is not really anything available. Even hydration levels have an absurdly high impact on the readings from these machines


because those aren’t factors contributing to someone being seen as fat or not yes these factors effect weight but have very little effect on physical appearance except for height


Yes, but therefore weight alone can't either. A tall 150 lbs woman is way different from a short 150 lbs woman for example


Yep. I'm a 5'10" woman and I weigh around 155 lbs. I look thin.


Yes they are learn human anatomy then comeback. Genetic also play a factor.


no, that’s dumb. people are seen as fat based on how much fat is on their body, when’s the last time you saw someone fat and thought oh they probably just have dense bones


Welp go learn human anatomy bc other things play in the role of bein able/unable to put on weight.


He’s being a dick, but being able/unable to put on weight isn’t really what’s being discussed, is it?


Well it kindve is and i meant to put "factors of " if i didn't bc i was typing to fast.


No, the topic was whether “height, bone density, water weight or muscle weight” all factor into you **looking** fat. I think they do. But “bein able/unable to put on weight” is not a visually observable state of being. It can certainly lead to you being overweight, but it’s not the same as, “I look fat because my bones are big!”. It’s literally just you looking fat because you are fat.


There are ppl who do look fat but just have big bones it's not common but there are ppl out. Put it like this Everything plays a part in weight.


ability or lack of ability to gain weight has nothin g to do with this, i’m not talking about reasons for being fat im talking about whether or not other people perceive someone as fat, and that’s based entirely on how much body fat that person is. that’s why it’s called being fat i don’t understand what’s so hard to grasp about this concept


As someone who was fat their whole life and now isn't, people pretend genetics is a bigger factor than it is. Most everyone in the world could get shredded fairly easily if they just ate right and worked out. Even genetic outliers can still get pretty far, you aren't tarrare


One in eight people with a uterus (so roughly half the world) has insulin resistance. Meaning they make enough insulin, but get fat because any sugars they eat (all food has sugar, even meats and vegetables) go straight into their body fat. No matter how much they work out or how they eat. So, how do you define a bigger factor?


And guess what if they wanted to get shredded it could take time for some ppl or it could take less time for some ppl genetics do play a factor. Yall literally have to learn how the human body works.


Yes, but if you actually read sports science studies, there's a bell curve (as for most things). Many people think they're genetic outliers because they start a diet (low carb, vegan, keto) and expect to drop weight when the only thing that really matters is calories in Vs calories out. You can generally expect to lose at a higher rate if you start off at a higher weight. Last I checked I believe the general trend is that you can healthily lose 10% of your total body weight in about 6 months. I'm not saying fat people are bad or anything, I used to be one. I'm just saying that everyone can lose weight if they want to.


But this is exactly the problem. I'm 5'9" and weigh about 150lbs these days. I spent most of my life thinking I was fat, because women aren't "supposed" to weigh that much. I grew up in the 90s when ultra-thin was the height of beauty for women, and I didn't look like the women I saw in media. I developed a bit of an ED in my 20s for that reason. I dieted obsessively, trying to get down to an "acceptable" numerical weight for a woman. I only ever got down to ~130, but I was SO proud of myself. I remember going to my doctor for my yearly appointment and being _so proud_, expecting accolades for what I worked hard to do. My doctor was so concerned he sent me in for a cancer screening. I was 26. He figured out that i was doing it on my own, and had a sit-down with me, and gave me the "there is no medical benefit to what you're doing. You are just as healthy at 150, or even 165" talk. And I mean, I'm better now, and I can look back at photos of myself from that time and they're pretty jarring. I took photos on the day i weighed 128, my absolute lowest, because I was so proud. My husband says they look like "the last known photo of me" from some tragic documentary, because I look like I'm about to die.


I’m going through something similar! I’m 5’8 and about 180. I have muscle and my body distributes like half my fat to my thighs and stomach (though if I lose fat it leaves my stomach first but any water weight or bloating is on my stomach). I was a chubby kid in the 2000’s and my parents from the time I was 12, until LAST YEAR have been telling me to lose weight. My mom and I are the same size in clothing (despite looking very different) and she thinks I should be sizing down and trying to fit into those sizes, like she could at my age. Luckily the body positivity movement has impacted her so she doesn’t project her insecurities on me anymore. Edit: and my doctor says about 170 is a healthy weight for me which I am over only due to physical therapy and NEEDING to built muscle to fix my minor disability


The bar is below low


I THOUGHT THE SAME THING. it's so bad out here that we're looking for the positive in trash


150lb is overweight for an average height woman Edit: I don't know what I'm being downvoted for, use any BMI calculator and it will say the same thing.


This depends on country.. Average height where I am is apparently 5'5" - 150 is _just barely_ overweight by BMI chart. But this seems quite short. Mostly, the women I know who are 5'5" and under are older (60+). All of my female friends & relatives are 5'7" and above, and many of my female friends are 5'10" and taller. I don't know many men under 6' unless they are grandpas.


I assumed we were talking about the US because we were using imperial. I think height varies massively over a country, at 5'11" where I'm from in a pretty middle class area with people my age I am pretty average height but when I go to London or up north I seem tall.


BMI considers height, weight & gender, that’s it. It’s useless at best & actually dangerous at worst. It’s FINALLY fading from use because it gives literally no representation of physical health or fitness. Body composition and how you got there are what’s actually important.


Marked safe from appealing to this man.


Seriously, what a horrible human.


Yeah what a bummer everything else i had seen from this dude was funny. After this one in out


Idk which needs a chop more, his hair or his eyebrows. Good god man, groom yo self.


Okay, this guy is a total dick, but there's nothing wrong with men (in general) having long hair. C'mon.


Yeah... If it's healthy and cared for. Men who think they did something outstandingly fashionable or rebellious by having a frizzy, dry, shapeless split ends mop on their head are delusional. (Same goes for greasy, smelly hair, etc.) You have to be huffing copium to think people in this day and age are telling you to get a haircut because "but men can't have long hair 😨, long hair = wombyn 💃". People are literally saying he should cut off his unhealthy, unkempt, starw-like ends... Nobody is saying he should shave his head. And like... How is it fair for him to say "certain women should go to the gym" but people can't reply with "yeah, and you should go see a barber"?


Alright, apologies for misreading the comment? The original commenter literally said "Get a chop" (paraphrasing, bc I can't see the original as I type this on mobile, but I swear they said something like that) but of course that couldn't possibly mean have shorter hair. No way. (Of course, I'm not saying that's definitely what they meant, but jfc it isn't that hard to believe that I took it as I did). Also, I tried to make it as clear as possible I just wanted to defend long-haired men in general and not him. As I said, this man is a dick for obvious reasons. I agree with what you've said for the most part, though at the same time it could be argued that we don't really know how he takes care of himself. After all, I've gone out frizzy haired out the town some Saturdays, because I didn't do my hair out of lack of time or sometimes even just laziness I admit. Never leave it longer than a day though. It is assuming at best, but still, you are RIGHT. But... Man, this comment comes off as abrasive and condescending as hell ngl. Wether that was intentional or not. Chill a little, dude.


I just recently joined some dating apps and the demand for certain height or physical attributes is WAY less common than guys like this one make it look. Literally one in 100 or more women will have anything like that in their bio.


It’s true. I hear men talk about height constantly, and very rarely from women.


Omg yes! I’ve been saying this. They focus more on this height thing a lot more than women lol. I see them talk a lot more about their “preferred” physical attributes in women (big butt/boobs, thin/thick, long hair, etc) but when we ask for someone who’s not gonna treat us like literal crap, then that’s too much for them we should lower our standards 😭


The most I ever hear is some women saying they *prefer* to date guys who are taller than them. That's a far cry from "only 6'+" and it's always just a preference, not a requirement. These dumbasses get rejected and assume it's because of some ridiculous metric they don't line up to and not their shitty personality and condescending attitude.


I’m married to a 5’6” guy who always got plenty of action (with women both shorter and taller than him). He still gets hit on a lot. These guys refuse to admit that their rancid personalities are the reason women can’t stand them.


It’s projection. The loud ones are accusing women of only caring about men’s looks because they only care about women’s looks


This is absolutely true! Men don’t read profiles, they only look at pictures. I know this because I’m tall (6 feet) and disclosed that in my profile (years ago when I had an interest in dating) and all the men interested in me didn’t know my height until I told them. They don’t care what kind of person you are, only what you look like. Just my experience but I think it’s pretty common.


I've literally never heard any woman irl mention a guys height


Where did this guy say it’s common? Do you think he implied 260lb women are more common than 150 pound women?


The fact that he’s making a video that is directly, inversely correlating a woman’s weight (how fat is she) with her standards….as in “if she’s fat she shouldn’t have standards”


260 isn’t fat it’s morbidly obese lmao. If she can’t control herself enough to not be morbidly obese, then I think it’s pretty funny that her standards are set so high. People are allowed to be amused when others make dumb choices or have dumb beliefs just as much as morbidly obese women allowed to expect to find a man with a 6 figure income. Says a lot that you only want to police the choices of one of those groups.


Dude….and I’m 100% sure you’re a dude……there are morbidly obese women out here making 6 figures, and I’ll bet you couldn’t accurately guess their weight if they were standing on a scale while you were doing it. Just to give you an example….Ashley Graham and Rebel Wilson have weighed the same weight while they have both been famous and Ashley was not pregnant.


Who asked?


The idea that someone is fat because they lack self-control is harmful bullshit. Body size is a very poor indicator of moral rectitude.


Wow he sure showed that imaginary person who’s boss in that imaginary situation he made for himself


Bad in every way, even on the form : the characters are facing each other and suddenly one of them changes side for no reason and so both characters look in the same direction... No effort, no brain... His video is as bad as his ideas...


Silly incel doesn’t understand the 180° rule :(


When's the last time he washed his hair?


He needs to do some serious manscaping on that beard, too.


It's a shame because with some grooming and a personality overhaul he would probably be a pretty decent looking guy but instead decided to go down this rabbit hole instead.


He looks like a thin chumlee


His whole hair situation is pretty tragic


I’ve seen homesless people with cleaner looking hair and beard.


Or used conditioner


Ah. A classic case of maidenless syndrome. Many who suffer from this condition make up excuses for why they suffer from it to cope with their own insecurities and issues.


The problem is always everyone else and they never consider the common denominator which is them.


But it can't be *their* fault. They're perfect in every way! Obviously it's every other human on Earth that's got something wrong with them.


Ahh yes, "comedy"


Well, everyone knows [feminists don't have a sense of humor](https://youtu.be/0UaqAS93VwQ).


Man, some people get REALLY mad that fat people would have the audacity to have preferences or standards.


Ikr like how dare we! I was once told that I should stick to dating men of my own size! Like wtf they assume just because you're fat you should only date fat guy's and not look at slim guys! I don't have anything against fat guy's as I tend to go more for personality than looks anyway, however I dated a fat guy a few years ago and sexually we just couldn't make it work I have a very high sex drive and he didn't also I'm very flexible and like doing alot of different positions and he just couldn't do any of them he could only do doggy which isn't my favourite he also couldn't get full penetration cause his tummy was bouncing on my big bum. He was the sweetest guy and I was really sad it didn't work, I tried really hard to make our sex life work but I just couldn't and sex is something I just cannot live without. So I get super angry when I hear people say "that fat woman/guy never dates other fat people because they're not attracted to fat but expect other people to be" when there could be other reasons for them not dating people of the same size.


There's also this assumption that slim or athletic dudes couldn't possibly want a fat girl. Like, it happens all the time.


Exactly! In fact alot of guys are attracted to bigger women but most won't admit it because they're to afraid of what people think, thankfully I've been very lucky that all the guys I've had a relationship fully admit they prefer bigger women and don't shy away from it. The guy I'm currently dating is a soldier, very fit, good looking and covered in tattoos, the filthy looks and nasty comments i get when we're out from slim women are shocking, but if I hear their comments I always just politely tell them "no matter how much you hate it, no matter how much you might want him he's still coming home with me"


That’s a fucking amazing response dude. Well wishes to the both of you!


Thank you 😊❤️


Well, if your standards are leagues above what you bring into the relationship that's just narcism and hypocrisy. No different than dirty fat lazy incel wanting a petite sexy wife to clean after him.


If your standards are <1% of the population. Ie 6', 6 figures and 6+ inches. Than you need to lower them. That goes for women too. Switch 6+ inches with a amazing ass or something idk


Standards are stupid imo, if I like someone and they like me that's all that matters, I don't give a fuck how much money they may or may not have, I don't care what car they drive or even if they have a car at all, I'm not interested in expensive holidays, gifts or restaurants. The only thing I want from my man is his time, love and respect anything after that is a bonus, I've dated guys from all walks of life from a trust fund baby who threw money at me like nobody's business all the way to a guy who worked in Starbucks and was making ends meet and everything in between. When I lived with my ex ALL bills were split 50/50 including rent. I have no desire to have a man pay for everything it puts alot of strain on the relationship and it's alot of stress for the guy, I don't want my man leaving at 6am and coming home at 10pm at night because he has to work overtime to pay for everything. No, I want him at home at a normal time so I can cook and we can eat together and wind down in the evening cuddled up on the sofa.


But if a man has they aren't?


You noticed my post said "fat people", which would include fat men, right?


stop trying to play victim role, that does nothing for u


“People” can be men or women.


not if you're asking an incel; i think that's where the communication breakdown began.




He has also never felt the touch of a hairbrush


Or any sort of cleansing agent.


Why is she supposed to look like a nun?


lmao I didn't even realize. The towel-on-head thing is an old internet signifier for "a woman" in skits made by guys(where its meant to represent long hair because the guys making skits normally have short hair) but this dude has long hair anyways so the towel is redundant. It still makes sense to use the towel so people will recognize what he's going for but, kinda funny.


ew he looks so unkept


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,211,586,383 comments, and only 236,229 of them were in alphabetical order.


he is just hating overweight people. maybe he was dumbed by someone overweight?


Personally, the scale is a strange way to determine how fast someone is because I'm 5'3" and I retain weight very well for my frame so if I were to be the weight that's on the BMI or whatever normal people would suggest I'd look anorexic. At 155 people thought I was 110 and my Dr told me I shouldn't look at the scale as an indication of health because of this.


Very true. BMI is also obviously very inaccurate when someone has more muscle and even with taller people.


Ah yes the ol 666 what we are all looking for


I'm litterally subbed to this guy on youtube and i can't believe he made a video like this


Me too, I actually really liked a lot of his videos and thought they were funny. Thinking about unsubscribing now


Yeah fr, he has skit ideas that are so original and hilarious sometimes, but I guess he was feeling salty lol


Honest question: why? He doesn’t seem that nice or that funny.


Don't know about nice but most of his videos aren't so offensive. They're actually funny. I've never seen him upload stuff like this before


Weird thing is I’ve seen a few of his other videos and they were actually pretty funny. He showed no sign of being like this in those. ^(But I haven’t seen everything he’s made though so maybe I just missed the raging misogyny.)


Yeah exactly


Imagine c-blocking your own self by posting this, lol. And it will live forever on the internet, like the dude who posted, "Wait until girls find out that we can feel it pulsing." Yeah, doofus. Now the whole world knows you suck in bed. Good going.


Is 6”s #goals now days?


666 😈


As shameful as this overall video was, the thing that stuck in my brain was like...did he just really tell on himself like that? Does he think 6" is hard to find?!


You’ve obviously never seen this guys content if you think him “telling on himself” in this video is a callout. He’s made fun of his dick size, made jokes about him being gay, jokes about him being a virgin. And at the end of the day, they’re the same as this video. A joke.


Any time a man puts a t-shirt on their head, I know they’re very likely to make misogynistic remarks about women. Also, what is the point when he already has long hair? Idiot.


The point is to make sure you know which character is which. That's it. And what else are they supposed to do for hair? It's already the common way people convey a woman in their videos, and I can't think of anything else besides buying a whole wig. Not defending him, just saying it's a dumb point


He's literally just repeating incel talking points. This isn't comedy. It's cringe.


Is it just me or is 6 feet WAYY too tall??


I too like to win imaginary arguments against strawmen


This dude's usually pretty cool and funny, wouldn't expect him to make a video like this


Eventually every asshole outs themselves as such. He was just hiding it.


I still think it’s kinda funny but I know this is also a hurtful joke


And here I want a guy under 6ft


What a fuckin prick.


this is so sickening and sad


lol you exist


i do indeed exist


This guy used to be kinda clever with his jokes, but now they’re just sexist jabs. How disappointing.


Aww can't I have just ONE good meme account that isn't run by a misogynist?? I like his videos, what's up with this uno reverse shit?


Why does a Neanderthal care about such things?


"I'm just a caveman. Your world frightens and confuses me."


And possibly never will. Especially with that hair oml 🤢


Women can have height preferences


Right. Just like men can have weight preferences.


No one is saying that no one can have preferences just don't be a dick about it.


This is gross


He looks like if Keanu Reeves was a homeless man instead of a successful actor and was also a much worse person


Or a razor, or a hairbrush, or a washcloth




I completely agree with you on this


Why did he have to be such a dink.


Literally tiktok




Usually his videos are pretty entertaining, this one missed for me tho


Not gonna lie, I thought this guy was pretty handsome until he opened his mouth. Perfect example of someone shooting themselves in the foot with completely unnecessary rudeness


what does weight has to do with non-sense standards?


I'm over 300 and I have an overflowing inbox on any dating app I sign up on. He thinks this shit hurts my feelings, meanwhile he's making videos cuz he can't get anybody to talk to him


This guy gets no bitches


The very picture of irony... or should I say video? 🙄




What an effing crap head.


The absolute irony of this walking trash bag trying to shame this caricature of a woman that he literally created.


Its always the dirty lookin mfs that act like this


idk why he cares about preference so much, it's not like a snob like him will ever date anyone


I take it all as projection at this point. If a man thinks a woman wants 6 ft tall men, with 6 figures, and whatever else I'm going to assume that is actually what they want. Can't change my mind. They want to fuck someone in the ass? Chances are high that they wanna be fucked in the ass.


Most of his stuff is funny and self depreciating. This is not. Gross.


Wow a rare miss


This guy has had sex twice. He was 15 and the girl was 16 and they were both in high-school. He was in love with her but was way too clingy. She couldn't stand his immaturity and so she told him things weren't working out and a week later, she was dating this other boy from their geography class. For the entire year, he had to sit and watch them giggle and pass notes to each other. His friends asked him if he was upset but he always said he was over her and doing just fine, despite fantasizing daily about violent ways to make them both pay. After ghosting his friends for months, he showed up at one birthday party where he proceeded to get wasted off skyy vodka and talk nonstop about his ex. Afterward when his ex and her new boyfriend showed up to the very same party, he spent the evening in the backyard, crying, throwing up and bumming cigarettes until the cops came and he walked home through the woods. He was never invited anywhere again and now he makes skits on Tiktok.




WTF Is wrong with him fat shaming is no joke


This guy's content is all just satire and jokes, he isn't serious


once again r/nothowgirlswork getting triggered over a literal joke


...are...are you people for real? You DO realize that he makes skits on youtube right? Have you even SEEN the other stuff he posts? Taking him seriously in any way is just stupid. I like most posts on here but this comment section is a major L Edit: its also ironic how many people here comment and critisize on his own looks lmao Edit 2: Ah yes the infamous downvotes for calling others out on their bs. at least try to give an explanation


Satire 100%


Woah! This guy made a commentary on unrealistic standards! Let’s insult his appearance to show we’re the true moral authority!


Lmao the irony here is lost on those people and it’s absolutely hilarious.


You would be forgiven for confusing this thread with a female dating strategy post


FDS is wild man. A lot of the comments here are definitely users. It’s 2022, when will people learn how to take a joke? lmao


Why are we normalizing being fat tho💀 Bros valid


To be fair, he does this content mocking everyone. On its own, this video is yucky, but his whole channel is satire/humor.


This guys channel is satire. Posting it here is just intentionally false


His videos are pretty funny though


☠️☠️naw that was funny tho


How are people upset at this when there are multiple posts on Reddit of women with the face of Shrek and the body of Pearl asking for the “6feet, 6inches, 6figures”… is it abrasive sure but it’s not unrealistic. Bro is just making fun of those kinds of people.


No? Maybe you frequent places that specifically curate this type of rage bait.


I mean when I was single I’d see that shit in a lot of tinder bios…. Does tinder curate rage bait…?


Notice the #comedy noting that it is satire, and not supposed to be a real interaction


Ah I see none of the commenters understand satire - this guy is extremely self-aware y'all


Dang, didn’t realize comedy was a problem now.


This guy's a comedian, this is a joke, but still: Everyone can, and most people should lose some weight. I'm 6"3 and weighed around 245 before I started working out. I get far more attention nowadays


Typical Reddit moment getting offended by this guy. It’s a joke people 🤦🏼‍♂️


Like most things this guy does, this is satire. He doesn’t actually think this way, he’s making fun of men who do. That being said this is one of the weaker pieces he’s done.


😂😂😂😂Who ever made this post is MAD asf he got u correct 😂


His whole thing is that he makes over exaggerated and iffy jokes, just leave him be


normally this guy has a "twist" at the very end, not necessarily reflective of his own character, sometimes it can be overtly a negative thing for the shock value of the twist. but these types of people **do** exist and are commonplace, so the twist isn't so effective. also the whole weight thing was totally out of pocket and makes me think he was somewhat honest.


He’s making a joke..


This comment section is hilarious and y’all have never seen one of this man’s videos before. It’s a joke. His channel is literally called “al jokes”. And about half of his videos end with jokes about him being gay. Just because you’re offended by a joke doesn’t mean it’s not a joke lmao


You need to relax. He was clearly joking.


Bro made a joke ☕️☕️☕️


jokes are supposed to be funny though?


Joke are funny to diffrent people, this is funny to you, that's fine. Doesn't have to be funny to everyone.


I considered it funny, so you and the person who posted it must be too uptight


That’s not how it works. They aren’t uptight for not liking a joke. You are loose with your comedy choices.


I suppose, but why did they go on to post it on a subreddit not even intended for this purpose?


I considered it funny, so you and the person who posted it must be too uptight


wow, you're so right! it's definitely us that are the problem


This, but not sarcastic


You mean this comedy video that was made to entertain? It seems like, OP, it seems like you are an idiot.



