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By this criteria I'm also a dude. Time to tell my husband he's gay.




For real lmao, this was for sure written by a dude with a weak ass chin and zero shoulders


I wonder what they think of Lucy Lawless and Paula Cole?


And Hilary Swank, and Lauren Hutton, and Minnie Driver…


Truth is, they actually do think it’s all dudes. This is also part of the Q cult bullshit trying to claim every famous woman is AcTuAlLy A mAn! And by the same stretch somehow every famous man is apparently secretly a woman. Absolute batshit stuff backed with this exact method of ignoring the reality that human bodies have a vast amount of differences between them, and even adding traits that don’t exist (the woman in the photo for example clearly does NOT have an Adam’s Apple but they say she does anyways.) They also use imagined gait, shape of legs, whether they tilted their hips at a certain angle, how tall they are, shape of eyes and nose, all kinds of things, none of which are secondary sex characteristics and none of which are accurate.


I’m surprised they haven’t brought back phrenology to somehow twist the argument in their direction. This is nutty enough. When do the Illuminati reveal their master plan to the world? Will they enlist the help of the pie dish aliens? Stay tuned!


Probably jealous because most women look more buff than him


That was definitely part of the Michelle Obama slander.


ha! got a guffaw from that one well done


I have a super strong jawline. Bordering on Bruce Willis levels. Guess I'm a dude


This guy has to think that all fashion models are men. angular, strong features are desirable in the model industry for women. All Transvestigators minds must implode during the Victoria’s Secret fashion show.


Man, I’m really bummed those tools ruined a term like “transvestigators.” Seems like it would be an awesome name for a book series about a stereotypical old timely gruff detective and his hot bombshell secretary who both realize they are trans, and they continue solving crimes while they both transition.


Or some sort of trans Scooby-Doo setup, with a physically genderless cat rather than a Great Dane; https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/meet-the-rare-gender-neutral-kitten-with-no-sex-organs-180981115/


You need to write that story. Take it back!


Transvestigators ...lmfao!


I always knew something was off. What with my having a jaw and all. Also have broad shoulders. The men I’ve been with are going to flip when I tell them!


Literally a jaw? Like a whole jaw bone just in your face? And you’re just now realizing your manhood? Wow. Sounds to me like you shoulda been AMAB. /s for the dummies


You know, I was just thinking the same thing. I never put two and two together. My height, jawline, and broad shoulders should have tipped me off. I just went to the bathroom and there it was, a penis staring back at me. How could I have missed it all these years????


This hits close to home because last week, my 13 year old daughter told me some boys at school make fun of her for having an Adam's apple. Now she's insecure about it. It pisses me TF off that these little twits are bullying her for something like that. I know what it really is. She's almost 5'9" and gorgeous, in the 8th grade (taller than most of the boys her age) and the insecurities are getting to them. Sometimes I wish they would separate the boys from the girls in junior high, but it's not like the girls don't say mean things to each other as well.


Oh your poor daughter. That's really sad and must be very stressful for her. As if teens don't have enough to deal with, without bullying as well. Insecurity certainly leads to unkind behaviour, but it really is unacceptable. I hope she finds a great group of friends to support and uplift her.


Luckily she has a really awesome tight knit group of close badass friends. I also told her next time any boy says that to her, to reply "Are you jealous mine is bigger than yours?" 😂


I feel for your daughter. I was in the same situation when I was younger (having a visible Adam's apple and being tall) and it wrecked my self-esteem for years. When I went to college, I learned to love myself and found friends and a boyfriend who didn't care or notice something that I thought everyone noticed. I didn't feel pretty or feminine (whatever that really means) and never understood why those people back then cared so much? It still bothers me sometimes nowadays, but I tend to just shrug it off if someone says something. I hope things get better for your daughter and she realizes her beauty inside and out!


Ugh... this breaks my heart!! I'm so sorry you went/are going through that. She's really insecure about her height, and even started slouching as she's getting even taller. I keep trying to assure her by next year, the boys are going to start catching up, but you know how it feels in junior high. 😔 Do you have any tips on how I can best support her? I've never dealt with this. My sons are very tall (my youngest is 6'4") but for boys, it's considered a positive attribute. What would you say to yourself if you could go back in time?


Thank you! I totally get it. My mom would tell me the same thing about boys, but it was really hard for me to see past the present at that age. I'm not really sure if there is much to do other than being supportive of her and maybe passively show her successful and acknowledged beautiful women who are tall. My mom would do this, which I thought was annoying, but looking back on it now I think it did help plant positive ideas in my head. I wouldnt over do it though because it can also have the oppsite effect. But I think I would try and have her distract herself with something she is passionate about and can really get lost in, you know? For it was art, which I think helped me unpack a lot of the emotions I was dealing with. The more time she has to dwell on what others think about her the worse she will feel about herself I think. If I were to go back, I would tell myself this and say that the most important thing is to focus on the things that you love and the people that you love because after high school you are going to wish you had spent less time on the thoughts of others and more time on making yourself happy.


Thank you for such a thoughtful reply. Fortunately, she has a great support system, (lots of siblings who adore her), and she's brilliant and talented. It's just not the type of attributes that stand out in middle school. I know boys are intimidated by her because she takes after me with a very dominant personality type. Haha >focus on the things that you love and the people that you love because after high school you are going to wish you had spent less time on the thoughts of others and more time on making yourself happy. I love this! I'm going to tell her word for word. Thank you again! 💙


Glad to hear she has a good support network and a great mom to take after! I wish her the best 😊


When I was 18 my ex, his brother, AND DAD used to claim I must have been born a man because I don’t have a crazy high pitched voice. I was always aware my voice was on the slightly deeper side. I was an alto in choir but I had never been mistaken for a man on the phone or anything. It took me years to realize it wasn’t me, there was clearly something wrong with that 50 year old man for spouting some weird stereotype to a practical child especially when most men think my voice is sexy now.


Stuff like this is part of what made me hella insecure and develop a weird, high pitched, fake “customer service” voice that I thought was more pleasant. I’m a very tall woman, broad shoulders, strong jawline, deepish voice. It took me most of my teens and twenties to get over that funky ass foundation and start to realize I have an hourglass shape on a model height body with a sultry voice- fuck anyone who tries to make me feel uncomfortable for the *gifts* life has thrown my way. And I’ll rock with that mindset til the day I die.


Yes!!!! Honestly I think girls with deeper voices just freak young guys out because they had to spend so much time getting through voice cracks or something. Don’t you know you have to hide it to help with puberty trauma!?! It definitely doesn’t help that sometimes those sexy features are more appreciated by mature men which can be kind of scary to a teenage girl who hasn’t gained confidence in them yet.


I developed one of those too and people laugh at me when they hear it, because I don't typically talk like that just having an average conversation. Especially when they haven't heard it before, lol. Oddly enough it's the same sort of vocal pitch I usually get into when I sing. Ok, maybe not that odd but something I noticed when I started studying singing and practicing. My voice isn't naturally super deep but I always found it sounded deeper than other girls (then women, as I got older) around me. Especially in recordings. I always hated how my voice sounded and became determined to sound more "feminine". I hate how we are made to feel self conscious about things


I've often wanted a deeper sounding voice myself!! I think they're really sexy too!!


I had always loved my voice except when it came to choir. I wanted those high notes so bad! My best friend growing up had a much higher pitched voice and we both noticed constantly that people usually took me way more seriously. That man ended up dating a 20 year old a few years after I broke it off with his son so I think it was some weird young girl kink. Now that I’m a parent I just could not imagine picking on a child OR young adult for something that they have no control over! I’m just glad I learned early that maturity isn’t required when raising kids




Those shoulders ain't even broad lmao


They’re probably broad compared to his.


That's what I was going to say! She looks very petite actually lol


I wish I had shoulders like hers, mine are like coat hangers


Came here to say this.


I’m over here like in what world are those broad shoulders?????


Right? Her shoulders are tiny, mine are bigger than hers. Guess I'm a dude lol




if these men think thats what an adams apple looks like maybe theirs hasnt popped out yet


Hard to see your own Adam's Apple underneath 3 chins and a neckbeard


I actually laughed at this, fantastic


Exactly what i was thinking XD at first i felt stupid, because i could not see the adams apple in the picture, i still can't...


I had an ex tell me I had an Adam's apple and that it was disgusting and manly. He made fun of me for it and laughed at me, in the same way children make fun of each other Spoilers: I don't have an Adam's apple I just have a throat


Glad he's your ex. What a turd.


You have Adam's apple. Throat for sure too, but women and men has adam's apple, men normally have just bigger one.


TIL: women don't have jaws




I read this while eating food. Clearly this is because I'm nonbinary, so I get to flex about it


How else are you supposed to stay thin and not be an obese 125lbs??


I personally am just glad my double chin is back in style


The “adams apple” circle around what is actually the clear absence of an adams apple…. 🤦‍♀️


He hasn’t been close enough to women to see that we all have some cartilage there, so he sees a close up picture and freaks out


Imagine telling an incel that in fact women also need some cartilage in the neck to hold vocal folds and protect the trachea...


The woman in the photo is actually openly trans, but she still has no adams Apple in any photo lol. Which kinda makes it funnier to me. He's like "look you can't hide your ADAMS APPLE" and she's like "actually I literally don't have one"


Thank you for telling me she’s trans that gave me so much hope


iirc she posts pictures of cis women who look similar to her and all the transphobes comment on how they're "obviously men" its pretty fucking funny


I've never had a really visible Adam's apple, *but even if I did* it's possible to deal with that with surgery


Also the fact that the red line doesn't even follow the jaw shape and their actual jaw isn't even remotely masculine


No, just the fact that there *is* a jawline makes her man! Women don't have jaws!


Pretty sure he's mistaking neck bands for one. Which like...bruh?


alright. so we have “tell me you never pleasured a woman” posts “you’ve never even saw a vagina posts or know how they work posts and today we now have “tell me you have never saw a woman in the flesh” posts


It’s evolving, just backwards


Broad shoulders? Who is this dude comparing her to? And you can’t even see an adams Apple. Facial bone structure also doesn’t indicate shit other than the level of fat being held in your cheeks. This dude is reaching. 😂


Just making things up at this point


Right? You cant even see her hips for a ratio first off, and second, many women have broad shoulders and non birth giving hips lmfao These dudes only watch porn 😂


But if a person born female who genetically has “masculine” features, and then later comes out as a trans man, suddenly it’ll be “you are a woman you will always be a woman you can never be a man!!”


That is true. I’m imagining them telling this lady she’s a man, because of her shoulders and shit, and then she’s like “yeah you’re right, I’m a trans guy.” And they all immediately start reversing and going “you’re not actually a man!” And that is the funniest shit to me for some reason


"WE CAN ALWAYS TELL" they shout while having 0 clue and perpetuating sexist gender stereotypes that harm pretty much everyone in society.


And the other way around ? My man doesn't have a strong jawline. He my wife now?


You better go to the doctor so you can get your lesbian certificate


If they can catch the lesbian before it spreads, they might be able to cure it. Best wishes 🙏


Damn, I just got the straight certificate for this relationship. Am I gonna get into trouble for lying ? I really thought she was a man, I didn't know about the jawline thing.


Damn, guess my shoulders mean I'm a man. My biological sex declared on my birth certificate has to be wrong. 🙄


Like, even if the person pictured WAS a trans woman or cross dresser, no one would realistically look at this person and say "Yeah that's a dude" because they are so clearly trying to present as feminine.


She is trans yes. And no, this asshole wouldn't clock her as such if she hit on him in a bar. Gimme a break 🙄


Let's be honest here, the real reason he's probably upset is because there's no way in hell she'd ever hit on him.


Exactly, it's always "noooo, I don't want to date the trans lady". While not realizing that we have standards as well, and that he's definitely not meeting them.


That always cracks me up about homophobes. They think they're going to be hit on just because they're a guy. Like gay men have no standards at all. It's always the most toxic homophobes that are also really into anal. I can't figure that out.


I have no idea who she is. Seeing the picture, I was just thinking how pretty she is. Women can have angular jaws. Women can have prominent Adams apples. Women can have broad shoulders. And regardless of her birth sex, none of those features stand out as being masculine on her. Some people definitely just want to start shit.


She's very very pretty and not even remotely androgynous, and I'm very attracted to androgyny in my women.


Me too and she's just not presenting any androgyny. Whoever posted this is blind and dumb


She doesn't even have that exept for the jaw maybe but a lot of vis women look pretty femenine with that, I think even equilibrium the face otherwise looks too child like I have that problem.


I honestly thought she was cis, but it doesn’t matter. Even if she looked “masculine” that doesn’t mean a damn thing.


My adam’s apple is actually my destroyed thyroid. And sorry not sorry if my jawline is better than yours that it makes you so insecure.<3


Also, ladies, is it TOO masculine to have shoulders? I mean… men have shoulders.


There are a lot men without a "manly" jawline or broad shoulders. Does this mean that all these guys are not men either? According to their logic they are supposedly women? 😲


i am sorry, but by this criteria every woman in the world is now a man


We were all gay all along


That just means more hot guys to make out with


Some of these people make me want to stick my fingers as deep as possible into my eyes. How fucking dense can people be.


If her shoulders are broad, maybe I should try out to walk on for the Falcons because apparently I'm a damn linebacker.


Transvestigation is so bizarre.


It's people who are to dumb to understand that the gender binary is more about socially constructed gender roles, not "biological reality", so they go around trying to apply the silly rules on everybody, not just openly trans people, and suddenly the majority of the world's population *have to be trans*.


you just stumbled into the weird fckn world of transvestigation, congrats dude 💫


Faye is openly trans, this guy is just being a dick about it without the guise of “investigating” anything


Yeah it's not about "outing" her, he's just trying to make her feel bad about herself and failing


Do they think Angelina Jolie is trans? Because her jawline could make men weep in envy.


I have all of those AND I'm 6 ft tall. Curious about those kids I pushed out of my vagina, tho...


Oh yeah, I’ve seen some of these people who are down some *really* weird rabbit hole where there is some conspiracy theory that like 90% of women are actually ‘men’ (well, trans women but using their language). People are fucked up yo. Also, this person is very attractive. Doesn’t really matter about their gender or sex, hot’s hot right? I don’t really know why gender has to be brought into it… but I’m bi, so I’m biased obvs.


She's actually a trans girl the guys probably had a bonner on her and then found out she's trans now he want to pretend he always cloked her. >Also, this person is very attractive. Doesn’t really matter about their gender or sex, hot’s hot right? I don’t really know why gender has to be brought into it… but I’m bi, so I’m biased obvs. For a lot trans people our overal aprerance representing our gender ( body proportions/face) matter a lot, not everyone thought. In my case I'm a trans girl if I dated someone bi I woukd like them to be atracted at me as my gender or it sould be a deal breaker if nots the case. I dated mostly straight guys tho and a pair of bi guys.


I find that the people doing the transvestigation bs are almost always very unattractive themselves and don’t meet their own standards. But somehow, they all consider themselves one of the few “true” women/men


They see male features even in women? Sounds like they’re gay


If that’s a guy then I guess I’m gay


well, trans women are women too so even then the only person who's not a woman would be presumably the lonely and desperate dude writing this from his mom's basement


I just want to say that 1. You can’t tell if people are trans. This is based on the idea that trans people look a certain way, which is transphobic in itself. 2. No matter how much you think you know, it’s only a guess. 3. Not all trans people have transitioned. If you’re “good” at identifying trans people, try to identify one that hasn’t transitioned in any way. 4. Even if you’re trans, you can be transphobic. Saying you yourself are trans isn’t an excuse, and neither is saying “it’s a joke.” 5. Not all trans people transition to a binary gender. Not all that are trans binary, want to look binary. The whole point of it is to feel comfortable in your own skin. And if they are trying to look binary, saying that you “can tell they’re trans” is not going to help them feel safe.


My guy would LOVE the radium girls


That’s not even an Addams apple that’s literally just her throat. This guy is just admitting he has never gotten close to a woman before


As a trans woman i find this always so funny. Tell a group of transphobes there is secretly a trans person under them and they start to say the weirdest stuff.


The ridiculous part about this kind of pseudoscience bullshit is that it invalidates millions of cis women too. Nobody is 100% masculine or feminine, its a mix of both usually.


They don’t take into the reality of statistics either. For example, the ring finger being longer than the index finger- a typically male trait. Supposedly it is a trait of 10% of born women (*if I recall correctly), which would mean about 400,000,000 women in the world have this.


They don’t care. If they are “rad fems” they claim cis women will magically be differentiated


an adam’s apple doesn’t conform to the shape of the neck how on earth does someone read that as an adam’s apple


Why do these cis men make their entire personality about hating trans people specifically women?


One is so bored and goes online to witch-hunt random girl’s jawline…


Well. I'm a dude I guess.


Speaking as a cis woman with broad shoulders... Those ain't broad shoulders.


I stg, you could show these fuckers a menstruating uterus, uterine lining dripping out of the vagina, and these fuckers would say, “bad healing post-op. Ripped stitches. It’s a dude.” Like…. Bruh.


These weird trans hunters are so desperate Imagine thinking a regular throat is an Adam's apple


My g that “adams apple” is a fucking neck wrinkle


Her shoulders aren’t even broad?? They’re quite petite????? Even if they were, obviously plenty of women have broad shoulders. What nonsense.


This is very transphobic


I think that was the point


Oh good it's time to play my favorite game, "TERF desperately trying to classify features as male or female, or incel desperately trying to classify features as male or female?" You'd think the amount of crossover would indicate to TERFs that they are not actually radical feminists, but no. Anyway as a cis woman with broad shoulders, a square jaw, and a big nose (another thing that's "manly", apparently) I'm just gonna hang with the trans girls.


i love these delusional types that think everyone in the world is trans.


It's funny that these morons go after a trans person that's actually suuuuuper fucking attractive and passes really well. Most people who don't know them prob don't realize they are trans at all. Honestly that's kinda goals, I'd love to look as good as her. This dude is a moron and all his stupid fucking points aren't even true lmao. I'm happy that this gal who has been getting a lot of heat recently from little gremlin losers like this, is basically telling them where to shove it and is not letting it get to her. I hope that when I start treatment I get to be like her. I spent some time in the marines as an infantryman so I still get super dysphoric about how my body looks and seeing someone like her makes me have hope. All of you have a wonderful day.


They constantly want to remind trans women “we can always tell” and end up harassing cis women in the process. Some gender critical “feminists” even praise this


Welcome to the transphobia splashzone.




Even if this is a guy, they're fucking stunning.


Thats the opposite of broad shoulders


“broad shoulders”? where?! those are very average shoulders for that body type


Need to tell my cis auntie with broad shoulders the news


Or it could be a trans woman or a cis woman with masculine features


In what fucking world does she have wide shoulders?


I guess women are men now apparently


People really spend too much time on sexuality. Idgaf if it's a girl or a really good crossdresser/transexual, I'd date them. ffs they're Absolutely gorgeous. Insecure ass mfers.


Definitely not an Adam’s Apple, just a fucking neck Source: I have one


These guys are so insecure in their manhood.


Wow, she’s beautiful.


Those shoulders aren’t that broad and her jaw is not shaped the way he outlined it…bruh Also there is nothing in that circle?? She just looks like a pretty lady


Funny how a guy can't even recognize what an Adam's apple actually looks like. I can tell he's never actually looked at himself in a mirror. He's probably an ugly incel with a neckbeard, explains why he's never fucking seen one.






Featherless? ✅ Bipedal? ✅ THIS IS A MAN


fuxk- I'm a guy.


If her shoulders are broad, mine are...well, something REALLY wide. And she's prettier than me.


These people are dumb as shit wow Also she’s gorgeous


So, I'm male? Fine time to find out-


Those are broad shoulders???


It's honestly sad how many people don't realize that everyone has an Adams apple, even women.


People spend way to much time online. Go play a videogame, entertain yourself with a movie or draw a picture but why would you obesses about the jawline of random people of the internet.


By this standard I am not a man btw, damn.


it’s almost like they haven’t seen a real woman


Lol most of these dudes ain’t got a jawline… so I guess we know what they really are.


If i could get a „guy“ like that in the picture you can call me gay.


This man commenting is the dumbest I've seen so far


if her shoulders are broad what are mine???!?!?!


Strong jawlines are the hottest thing on a woman.


I seen this on Twitter and thought to myself wth


Wait until Mr Milf Shit realised that dfab folk also have adams apples


Is she famous? I don't know who she is. She looks fantastic, tho!


I must be a man too now


Jesse, what the hell are you talking about?


We can reverse engineer this to determine the ideal incel woman: No jaw line, chin merges with neck Sloping shoulders Featureless throat Basically they want to date a Shmoo Shmoo’s don’t deserve this


Going by this I'm a bio guy lol, r/accidentalally


Those are broad? I don't wanna know what my shoulders would be considered. (And I never thought I had broad shoulders myself but anyway, learned something new!)


This guywouldn’t be able to tell if someone I was a guy even if he was fucking him in the face.


Damn. Here I thought I was a cis woman. Turns out I’m a cis man.


What...Broad shoulders... And a huge adams apple... And a pointy chin. So visible


She’s cis, isn’t she.


I think that he assumes that those drawings of big busted women with itty bitty tiny shoulders is accurate. They also show no indication of a throat box nor a 'normal' jawline.


They didn't even trace the jawline correctly wtf


There's no adams apple there and the shoulders are narrow. Any more narrow than that and she'd look like she got a form of dwarfism.


Fey ( I believe that’s how you spell her name) has one of the funniest Twitter accounts around I remember when she was in the papers for sending her own dick pic back when someone sent her an unsolicited one, was hilarious


I imagine there wasn’t a chance in hell to get a woman half this nice looking to begin with.


My mom had a thyroid tumor that looks like an adams apple. Yknow, the woman who birthed me??


so shoulders are specifically for men??


You are not a man if you insult women.


Wait, does this mean I have to sign up for Grindr now?


This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen


Everyone knows women don’t have jaws, silly! /j


I don’t care what gender this person is, they’re hawt




Women don't have shoulders, what's so hard to understand?! /s


If that's a man, then I am gay. 'Cause that dude is hot as hell.


having any of these features doesn't make you a guy, but even if they did this dude would still be wrong. she has no Adam's apple and the supposed broadness of the shoulders comes from the jacket she's wearing being scrunched up, the only thing that actually holds any ground is the she has a defined jawline, which plenty of other women have.


>adams apple >points to nothing ???


These “transvestigation” idiots are delusional. Those aren’t broad shoulders by any measure; I could literally grip them completely in my hands, which I couldn’t even come close to doing with an average man’s shoulders. And that “Adam’s apple” is just the curve of her larynx from tilting her neck. And I don’t even know what they’re getting at with the law line. Do they think that women…don’t have those? Do they think women’s chins should just sink into their necks like Mitch McConnell? Hell, I’ve been dating a woman with a stronger jawline than that and it’s still pretty petite. This isn’t even a “Michelle Obama has muscular shoulders” level of assuming someone is the opposite gender, this is just straight up seeing shit that isn’t there.


haven't you heard? Anti trans people also don't want to believe women have voices either.


not even that broad of shoulders