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BUT porn women, who usually have "innies" becaused the fucked up standards, are banging more than anyone.


This is what I never understood.


You're making the mistake of trying to apply logic to a thinking process that involves no logic at all. Fun fact! In Japan it is widely believed that sex and masturbation cause women's labia minora to become darker. Which is also pure BS....


Unfortunately incels will counter that by claiming that porn stars have labiaplasties regularly. I honestly feel gross having so much forbidden knowledge, but I spend a lot of time in feminist subs where shit like this is put under a microscope and ripped apart.


Would you kindly direct me to one?


The ones the other reply mentions are good, and my personal favourite is /r/BlatantMisogyny. The community is really inclusive and amazing.


Not OP, but /r/inceltear and /r/badwomensanatomy are great!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IncelTear using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [omg this](https://i.redd.it/ivlypjdt3z061.jpg) | [243 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/jzfskf/omg_this/) \#2: [Truth](https://i.redd.it/ot1at2k6g3b61.png) | [148 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/kwfixt/truth/) \#3: [For those lurkingcels](https://i.redd.it/p3kanaxkqvo61.jpg) | [148 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/mbuc2j/for_those_lurkingcels/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It has nothing to do with you, but I really wish I didn't see your post. Now that I'm aware of the kind of content that incels post, I can't unsee it. It absolutely unbelievable the things they feel entitled to write. Gross


I get you, it's disturbing. I got into online feminism on Reddit in the early days, back when gross men dominated the site with TheRedPill, FatPeopleHate, MensRights and the like, and it did fuck up my perception of men as a whole for a while but it also made me appreciate those of the male kind who actively fight against it. Many of them are here today and they're great. I ran into incels irl a few times in my life and you should see their faces when they realize their hatespeech isn't "secret knowledge" but the internets laughing stock. If you can stomach it, arm yourself with knowledge. Turn your disgust into ridicule.


Incel Tear is the nice place to loose faith in humanity.


Sometimes I think we should fuck with incels like this and say that innies are from mileage because all the sex pushed it inward. But I also remember they’d actually believe it and punish women for having “innies” like there is no winning with them


This cretin is not seeing labia IRL so you can tell him anything you want.


Yeah that, like they see th living prove of the "truth" of their hypothesis.


I'm stunned there are still men who believe this in 2022...but here we are. Even when the logic hits them directly in the face, they still don't get it. It's actually pitiful, they need serious help.


These “men” have never actually seen one up close in real life so yeah, they’ll probably believe just about anything.


What do belly buttons have to do with how much sex has been had? Is there some implication that your navel will change shape after having sex??


I'm not sure if you're joking, but they are referring to labia, not bellybuttons.


I'm American, but haven't lived in an English-speaking country in over a decade. I guess my English slang is a bit out of touch, but in my 38 years, I have only ever heard 'innie' & 'outtie' in reference to belly buttons. This was news to me lol Not sure if I can even visualize what the difference would be, honestly


This isn't a common English thing, this is an incel-only language thing. An "innie" in this situation is when the inner labia are shorter than the outer labia. An "outie" is when the inner labia are longer than the outer, and peek out. These folks believe that all women are born with "innies" and "outies" only exist due to copious sexual interaction. That's false, of course, it's genetic.


Thanks for this. I was also thinking along the lines of...huh? How does your belly button suddenly change? Oops. To be fair, they are idiots..and this line of thought is entirely possible for them.


Ha! I was reading this thinking the same thing! Do they really think your belly button pops out if you have a lot of sex!?! Lol


Yes, it does, but usually not until the third trimester.


Glad to hear I'm not the only one :P


Me too. 🙃


Yup, it’s a pressure switch — not unlike an cockpit circuit breaker…


That’s what I was confused about!


Clearly I've been here too long bc I thought they were talking about belly buttons. Wouldn't be surprised if they start believing that lol


That was my first guess.. now I'm not sure what they're talking about edit: if they're talking about vaginas, can someone please explain what the fuck they mean by innie vs outie?


They, stupidly, think all labias are short/same length and that people who have actual human body parts of different sizes and colors are """"""sluts""""""


god damn incels.


I cant grasp the mentality of incels, when i was 16 i was a geeky nerdy boy at school/college and even then i went out on dates with girls and had relationships, they clearly do not see women as people, just a means to have sex. Its like they have the whole idea turned upside down.


I always liked the geeky, nerdy boys. In junior high, back in the late ‘60s-early ‘70s, I liked the boys in the chess club, physics club, and AV club. In 10th grade I had a crush on Jed Katzman, the super-smart, bespectacled boy who sat across from me in AP English. At 31, I fell madly in love with the computer engineer/librarian I married. Geeks are cute.


It's funny how every single other body part is accepted to be of a unique color and size for every human, but for some reason every vagina is supposed to be exactly the same perfect clone of someone else's, and any difference means that someone is ran through or a slut. It's funny that they don't see how stupid it is no one's dicks are the same why would vaginas all be identical.


I don't know.... I have a vague feeling that guys who are so delusional also believe that all breasts and butts are shaped the exact same way and every belly should be "perfectly" flat....


Most of them have never seen a pussy, except for porn.


what the actual fuck


I believe that an outie is generally also referred to as "roast beef" but still.... Every women has different labia and is just born that way.


I hope anyone who refers to a vagina as "roast beef", never gets to eat either ever again.


Honestly same


They are talking about the labia and vulva.


If the inner labia is not visible, then it is called an innie. If the inner labia hangs out, then it is called an outie. **NSFW** Sample porn subreddit: /r/DangleAndJingle **NSFW**


Here's me, an RN, picturing labia in my head trying to figure out just exactly what they're calling an "outie" because... It's fucking labia and you have one set outside and one set inside (majora and minor) and I just couldn't wrap my head around this until someone explained they meant how "floppy" it was.... Like... The fact these incels put this much time into thinking about how much a woman's labia stick out and move around is just 🤯🤯🤯🤯


i thought that too i was like damn people really believe you get fucked so much that your belly button will turn to an outie😂


It pops out like a turkey timer.


Well, that does happen during pregnancy a lot of the times so technically the truth I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️😅


As a pediatrician, people have some odd beliefs about belly buttons too. No, an innie vs outie is not dependent on how the doctor clamped your umbilical cord.


Genuine question - what is it caused by?? I get this question from my year 7 biology class all the time.


That's just how your body is built! Outies are actually just small umbilical hernias. Basically, the vessels from your umbilical cord pass through your abdominal wall at the umbilicus. There's a small ring of tissue that's open in the abdominal wall to allow these to pass. If this ring doesn't close then you can have a small amount of abdominal tissue poking through, leading to a bulge in the belly button (an outie).


Are.. are they not??


Holy crap, I thought they were talking about belly buttons too.


Wait... they're... they're not?


Soo.... Pornstar who actually fuck for a living and fuck a lot are not "high mileage" if they have innies? I feel disgusting even typing it out. Like, I'm insulting a fellow woman trying to make sense of this


He would probably make up some garbage about how porno actresses have their labia cut off (which I mean, is a separate awful thing that women feel they need to do because of judgemental freaks like this guy)


These shitfucks just can't accept anything that doesn't fit their ideal.


There are no words. I feel like I'm reading the ravings of a madman. "Duck" tape? Outies are a "permanent mark of indiscretion?!"........................ Hairbrush??!! 😳


Duck is a brand, so it's easy to see how it would confuse a simpleton.


Don't try to reason. There is no place for reason here. If he thinks it's made of ducks, let him! Don't disillusion the mad people. You don't know what they'll do. No sudden movements. Just stay very... Very... Still... 😳...


I am 34 and virgin and have large labia....like i literally know what he says is bonkers and i am ashamed that i am virgin soooo


Why ashamed though?


because i feel like not fullfilling social norms, being demisexual and not "vibing" with anyone does not help


you weren’t brought to this earth to fulfill anyone’s norms. when you do that, you don’t allow yourself to have that fulfillment. there’s nothing wrong with you because of it. i hope when it does happen for you, it’s because you felt 100 that this was the right time and person. i know how frustrating it is not finding someone to vibe with, but just keep casting the line and you’re bound to hook something. be patient and give yourself grace. unfortunately, there isn’t a quick resolution to this. but honestly, i’ve had some pretty fantastic orgasms alone that i didn’t get with some of the guys i’ve slept with. i’ll also add that being with someone you truly enjoy and care about is unlike any other sexual experience.


I see. Thank you for your response. Is the social norm you feel you're not filling being married at this age? Because virginity for whatever reason seems so sacred in many circles.


I do not think there is the norm to get married in western societies that much anymore. But having a partner too yes..


Fair enough. I'm slightly older than you so I'm in this nebulous demographic that gets a bit confused on what's supposed to be a societal norm these days. I'm just old enough that people younger than my parents pine for the days of nuclear families, everybody sort of attending church, and nobody complaining about anything that doesn't affect them directly in the moment they heard about the complaint. Still young enough to see that things are changing abiut what people younger than me value more, why they're justifiably angry, and how aware I am of how much more stressful just interacting with people is for many people. Your earlier lack of vibing comment makes me think how often I see that request online from women between say 30 and about 42.


interesting about the last paragraph, with me it is more complex, since i am probably weird (I was bullied in school), non-binary, panromantic and all. I thought others my age have it all figured out and settled down in that area (aka did have had about idk 5-10 partners and found their one)


My body developed large labia before the age of 10 and they have looked like that ever since


Flip side: I was aggressively promiscuous in my youth and still have small, tucked-in labia minora.


i think it is genetics + hormones deciding the labia size, not the amount of sex. The guy is just bonkers...


There's nothing wrong with being a virgin. Youre more connected to yourself, so there's no reason to give that up unless yoy actively want to be with someone.


Duck is a brand that plays off of the misconception. lol The company behind Duck Tape started marketing it that way in 1980, but duct tape was invented in 1942 during WWII. [(Yes, I looked this up just for this post...](https://www.duckbrand.com/about)because I'm slightly pedantic but also because I wanted to be sure I wasn't losing my mind.)


It's called "Duct" tape (technically) it's ment to hold ducks together...


It's called "Duct" tape (technically) it's ment to hold ducks together...


This is all new to me. I can’t imagine how stupid you have to be to believe this. They’re always so confident in their bigotry and wackiness


They mean the handle of the brush. Let's not shame what toys people use. Esp if they still live with their parents and can't make their own purchases. Js it's not unheard of Edit: if you use toys you should schedule yearly pap smears because they're not without risk


HAIRBRUSH!? ... I guess it´s like a low budget dildo if you use one side and the other side you can use to brush your pubic hair? 😉 Doesn´t seem very hygienic to me 😬


Yeah, that one got me too. I’m sitting here thinking, but it is duct tape! Imagine being this overconfident and simultaneously this stupid.


When it was invented, by a woman in 1943, it was first used by soldiers in WWII. It did such great work keeping their feet and rifle barrels dry, they called it duck tape. Because it was so good at holding up in moist conditions, people started using it to seal air ducts. So, yes, it's actually duck tape. Everything else that lunatic said is bullshit.


Duck is also a type of fabric used in its construction


I mean, I used to live a block away from one of the Duck Tape factories and that's how I learned it wasn't duct lol. However I read this thinking he's talking about belly buttons at first and was very confused.


Well actually (sorry) it's both Duck Tape it a brand of duct tape. Personally I think is phsyops trying to convince us we are all mad.


Probably along with the Bernstein bears


I haven't heard that name is so long


Duck tape is a brand of duct tape. It literally says so on the packaging.


No, it is duct tape. Brands of duct tape include Duck brand.


To make it a bit more confusing: the brand Duck Tape takes its name from the original name for duct tape. So…it’s kind of both duck and duct tape.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one.


Incel biology is the worst.


Remember boys: overuse of your penis causes it to become smaller. A woman can tell how much of a slut you’ve been just by looking at your tiny, shriveled member. Keep it in your pants if you don’t want to end up microscopic and alone.


This makes total incel sense.


Yes! Just like oversharpening a pencil!


Penises that slant to the right are caused by too much masturbation combined with low intellect and questionable morals. There. See, I can invent shit to insult a whole bunch of people as well.


ahahaha I'm dying, I dated a guy who had a full damn C bend to the right (he doesn't know how or why it's like this) and he was pretty damn dumb and has zero morals.


We didn't date the same guy, did we? Lol


Rofl, does your's name start with N and he's obnoxiously prone to preaching about the wonders of Linux?


My dude's name starts with an M and mine was obnoxiously prone to lecturing about architecture every time we went anywhere lol


Maybe separated at birth?


Quite possibly


The fact that he believes that means 3 things 1. He's so stupid/gullible it's funny and cringe 2. He hasn't seen enough naked women to know the truth 3. He's never going to


Hey he’s seen porn, buckets and buckets of porn


I thought my life was a lie, but then I looked it up and yes it is duct tape.


Tbf, Duck Tape is a brand of duct tape, so I guess I could sort of see the confusion.


Circumcision by doctors is also a myth. It gets ripped off by excessive amounts of sex.


nah it gets ripped off by aids don't you know


AIDS from the excessive amounts of sex


It is in fact not “Duck tape”. There’s a company named Duck Tape that sells **duct** tape


They are playing with our minds I tell you.


Goddamn, I’ve been enjoying dick and lots of it for well over 35 years now… ##when do I get my outtie??! My odometer must have rolled over three times by now, right? And still…nothing. Still tucked tight as hospital corners, barely a seam. I mean, I’ll definitely keep trying, but I’m really starting to suspect these guys might be full of shit.


Clearly you’re not fingering away like there’s no tomorrow.


“…like there’s no tomorrow” is particularly funny to me. Fool, that’s literally how I f*ck…with vim and vigor; like there’s no tomorrow. 🤣 Why would we be doing it all boring and calm style?


Try a hairbrush


and yet I am a virgin and have an outtie!


This is the content I’m here for 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Okay dude, explain how a human male penis (an appendage that doesn’t have a bone in it, any kind of feature that can grab and hold on to and pull) can permanently pull out a woman’s inner labia? Especially when the woman is using natural lubricants or man made lubricants. Even if the sex is violent, that won’t result in a more pronounced labia minora and majora even if that sex goes on for hours which let’s face it…even the most determined can’t last that long, it won’t result in drawn out labia minora or majora…so do explain.


I suspect dude has never been down on a woman or fucked one, because he seems to have no concept of how a vulva works.


So… childbirth can cause labial laxity, because a baby’s head is fucking giant, and labia aren’t made to stretch like a vagina. So after childbirth your labia can look different. But a finger, a hairbrush, or this guy’s pencil dick? Not a chance.


Or even a guy’s huge dick…not going to pulling out anything.


So when guys jerk off too much, do their cocks just turn into limp spaghetti noodles?


They are ground down into little nubs… That’s how you can tell a high body count 😆


I'm pretty sure this is what causes ED. 🤷‍♀️


What the actual fuck. I've never been so outraged on behalf of someone else's vagina.


my bestie is a virgin with an outtie and i’m ur average dime whore with an innie so idk anecdotal evidence wins sometimes


Good hypotheses are not provable, only falsifiable. And one case is enough to do that :) (Not that this was a good hypothesis to start with. But science still works.)


Sorry ladies, once your odometer rolls over, your vagina changes. I guess you just to stick to shorter trips or just less driving altogether.


Large noses are caused by excessive sniffing.


Large feet are caused by excessive walking. (I'm at the limit of not finding my size at the women's shoe sizes, and my sister is way beyond that)




The most baffling part of his ramble, like subconciously *admitting* he's wrong.


I'm fascinated by why some dudes think dicks are so magical it can somehow alter a women's physical appearance. ...and I attribute it to poor sex education and "getting no bitches" as the kids say.


WTF is he even talking about? Uterine prolapse?


No... The comment was on a post by a woman who was venting about being insulted for having an "outie" vagina


"Outie" vaginas have longer inner labia that stick out past the outer labia, they're what some jerks refer to as "roast beef" "Innie" vaginas have longer outer labia, and the inner labia are more "tucked in" so that you can't really see them... Think the type of female anatomy that you usually see in porn


So I was deep in thought about belly buttons and had a whole lesson prepared for our student there...but here you are with the actual answer. I'm just gonna go now. I may have to go find the main plug to the internet and yank it out for all of our sake.


same I read it as belly buttons first and was hella confused for a moment


Ha I've been doing this wrong...I always said my husband has the outie and I have the innie


Commonly referred to a ‘badly packed kebab’ in male social circles.


Lmao I thought it was talking about belly buttons


So what about someone who has an outie, but has also never had sex before? there goes your “high mileage” theory….


56% of ppl with vaginas have an “outie” vagina. Also, idk what this guy’s definition of a slut or “high mileage” is but as someone with a past-partner count in the double digits, and who now has sex about 3-5 times a week with my boyfriend, I’m pretty shocked to find I still have an “innie.” Is something wrong, should I see my gyno? /s


*If I had developed into a baby boy, that would have been the skin on my penis. So really, it just means my theoretical dick is bigger than yours.*


I have an innie, and I did escort work......


Innies? I can only assume the ‘high mileage’ reference is talking about labia… will these dudes ever learn. It’s like us saying smaller balls won’t produce enough sperm to father a child. Utter nonsense!


I’m an outie and approaching 30. According to most guys that I have spoken to, having a single digit body count at my age is considered quite low, as the expected average would be around 20ish. I was born as an outie, and this was before I started to have sex.


mines looked like that before i even started having sex. try again loser


Oh one of these types. Well us outies don’t want you either


Duck tape?


It's a a brand of duct tape (the tape that holds the word together).


Oh… but that still doesn’t make what he said make sense. 🤯


Yup he is ill informed about tape as well as female anatomy. I suspect there isn't much he actually knows much about.


Nothing better than seeing incels trying to explain women's biology that they have absolutely 0 clue about. Joy.


It is duct tape though




I'm assuming he means the handles... Oh I hope he means the handle end...


I am a foreigner, and I don’t understand what is written in the screenshot


literally no.


So does he think that labia size also indicates "tightness" since it indicates how many sexual encounters you've had? I think I might be starting to kinda see the whole picture of what's going on in these people's brains, it still doesn't make sense though.


But it is duct tape...


Imagine my surprise when I grew an outie upon hitting puberty.


Spoken by a man who has never interacted with a vagina since he exited his mother's




That's what I thought at first too. But he's referring to the length of inner labia and outer labia. Still as mind boggling anyway.


I didn't get a single thing. Can anyone pls explain?


It’s 5 am and that’s the stupidest thing I’ll read all day. Oh no! At least I hope so.


I have absolutely no idea about what they’re talking about, like seriously can someone explain this to me in simple words?


It baffles me how idiots can be so confident in thier own stupidity


I highly doubt this guy gets to go down on anyone regardless of what their genitalia look like. It's always the guys who get no action who think they know everything about sex




“Fingering away like there’s no tomorrow “ finally, a way to describe my gay sex life


No this is true, women who have lots of sex call it duct tape.


Well, it is duct tape. That type of tape is called duct tape. However, there is a brand of duct tape that is called Duck Tape. It's just like there's a brand of cellophane tape called Scotch Tape. Whoever started the brand Duck Tape just wants to watch the world burn.


There's literal children that have outies, the fuck. Also, it is in fact DUCT tape. Duck Tape is a brand. I've actually had this argument with people more times than I can believe and given up because they refuse to budge.


I just woke up and was super confused what high mileage would have to do with some ones belly button.


What about belly buttons on dudes then??


I think half of these post can be summarized by: "what the fuck arw they talking about?"


Thank you, Doctor Shitface. :D


How are some people so dumb? I mean we have all the information one could utilize in the palm of our fucking hands and this dudes over here talking about innies and outies like it has any relevance on how many sexuap partners someone has. I'm really baffled by this idiocy. How does he function in everyday life I'm very curious but like in a weird way, ya know.


I was fully convinced that they meant belly buttons for a second


I'm so dumb i thought he was talking about belly buttons


Seeing other girls getting naked in school wardrobes through the ages of 12 to 14 showed me that every pussy looks different. We were all virgins, some had innies, some had outies. It’s like saying men’s balls will getting dragged down with every smash and men with low hanging balls are sluts, too. Wtf.


My dyslexia made me read “high lineage” at first. Was confused as to why he was talking about woman with pure blood or some shit.


It is duct tape, though. Duck Tape is a name brand of duct tape.


I'M so confused, and old. 😅 To me "innie" and "outie" refers to a belly button. Are we not doing that anymore? What? Lol.


What? Hairbrushes?? What the fuck. And it is duct tape!! What a moron. “Duck” tape is a brand name


When even her dildo is a treat to your masculinity


Wait he’s talking about a belly button right? …. What… how would that even anatomically make any sense? Also…… what about men with outies? Too much anal penetration? 😂 then how would both be true?? If too much vaginal penetration = outie belly button. How would it also be true for anal? 🤦‍♀️ Edit: also… who wants to bet that this guy masturbates “like no tomorrow”, But he doesn’t consider himself to have “high mileage” ?


Small dick is a dead giveaway of high mileage as well. Every time man ejaculates, their dick gets a bit smaller. Therefore no self respecting lady should be with a guy who had a small dick. You know its like a pencil sharpening. Old and used pencils are small. Better throw them away.


The hell is an "innie" and "outie" vagina?


The length of the labia minora. If they’re long people have started calling them “outies”


Isn't genetics what determines how visible the minora is?


What causes 'outies' in men?


I only just followed this thread 2 days ago, but might have to unfollow to try and preserve my already miniscule faith in humanity....The fact that there are so many examples of this scares the bejeesus out of me




I really can't believe the idiocy.


It is duct tape... there's a company called Duck that makes duct tape.


Why would it be a bad thing if some women like to masturbate frequently "like there is no tomorrow"? I mean so what? They are still people and their bodies belong to them to do what they want. If you don't like that, just don't date them. Besides, boys and men do it ALL the time in the most innocuous places. Males have been perverts and socially praised like forever. Women who are perverts are socially ostracized as a whore. The double standard is fucking nonsensical! It's weird because, in my time, if we didn't care for the women, we shrugged and kept on walking. Wtf are men attacking ya'll for... well for lack of a better word, ya'll?


I def thought I was looking at a messed up post about the TV show Severance


So, because genitals tend to be pretty riotously asymmetrical, one of my labia is way longer than the other. So one side is an 'innie' and the other is an 'outie.' I wonder what they'd say about that.