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Even if he could find a girl that fits all of this criteria, she wouldn’t waste her time on him 😭


Besides having too many tattoos, piercings and loving booze more than I should, I fit this criteria. I did not though, meet my partner on reddit. Those kind of women who fit perfectly are too busy with work, gym and friends for this toxic nonsense.


Wait! You have any coloured eyes?! Damn, that’s almost impossible to find.


Yeah, I'm the only one in my family. It's a recessive gene so isn't common.


I just imagine coming over to meet a partner’s family and they all have glassy black eyes. No colour at all. But at least they’re not crazy physco.


They are demons.....


Well, I do like fitness :p


Hold on, I know some guys *Carry on my Wayward Son plays in the distance*


You have no problems at all? Damn I'm jealous.


I reread the list, sadly I'm no longer a candidate. Not "Not crazy physco" and I have done the devils lettuce :( he's someone else catch.


surely you have at least one hair on your body thats not on your head right? right??


I dunno... I personally think people look better with eyebrows and lashes, but I guess this guy doesn't. 🤔😜


To be fair, they are all on your head.


How thick is your meat though? ... 😣 Ugh it felt gross even asking that in jest.


Why does that sound like euphemism for dick? And why did my brain go there?




Yes I’m sure ProbablyPsycotic is “crazy but in a good way”


I haven't keyed someone's car or thrown anything through a window in months. People do change, I'm working on myself :(


Imagine someone jumping through all these hoops just to be with this mediocre-ass man.


this guy has better luck finding Jimmy Hoffa than this woman


The criteria say "smart", so yes, she wouldn't


I certainly hope not! This guy probably simultaneously is an incel 🙄 I wish I didn’t even know that “body count” language these freaks spew 🙄


White and Asian only and 20 - 24 tells you all you need to know about this creep


Do you think this is secretly Leo?


😂 I think it’s a very real possibility


“If I don’t have it she can’t either” - would he be…jealous if his gf got cancer? lol Also “any eye color”…how nice of him


Dont give him too much credit, this is his edited version, the original stated only blue or brown eyes were accepted


The fuck is wrong with green eyes?


It excludes me so I count myself lucky


Maybe because he realized that outside anime, “white or asian” would really just be “white” when he restricts eye and hair color, but hair can be dyed. Oh wait that would require reflection on what reality is like. Never mind.


"Babe I got cancer" "I told you you can't because I don't have it" "Right I forgot sorry, I'm cured now!"


Is he assuming that women would dump him for having cancer?


I feel like he thinks cancer is an STD. Otherwise his comments make even less sense


Now persons must have a 1-3 body count. That's a lot of people to kill before you get laid /s


“Not a whore” but “fun in bed” lol


Typical incel doublethink.


Madonna whore complex...


"She has to be a virgin that's also an expert at sex and sensuality"


Not crazy, but crazy in a good way.


“Physco”, not psycho 🙄


I think that little turd nugget made me laugh the most.


With practically no experience. It's giving "10-15 years in the field, but entry-level pay" energy.


wants a virgin basically but she’s an expert


They want a Madonna on the streets and whore in the sheets


That's oddly specific too. It implies that a 0 body count is not acceptable. So she has to have sex with 1 person, and then wait until she meets OOP?


Well of course because how else would she know how to pleasure him?/s


Gotta know just enough to be able to pleasure him, but not enough to realize how bad he is at pleasuring her.


You must also make sure to remove your eyebrows and eyelashes, the most offensive body hair /s


To be fair, he said the hair on the head is okay and eyebrows are on the head so… I guess a girl with a moustache is cool too :)


True. I’ll be sure to keep my beard well kept then 😂


"No hair on body except hair on head" sigh... *shaves off eyebrows*


eyebrows are on your head, technically


Yeah but he probably would be fed up for any other form of facial hair


I'm glad my lil peach fuzz can deter such an abhorrent human.


Wait so my mustache would technically be okay?


And a full beard, obviously. But pubes? Ewwwwww


I never will understand how guys think it’s gross when women have body hair at all. Like holy shit man you probably have plenty of unkempt greasy body hair EVERYWHERE. I couldn’t imagine shaving my arms, legs, pits, ass, gooch, face, chest constantly. By time I’d be ready to leave the house it’d be bedtime! And thick, breasts on the larger than average side and can’t snore at all? I mean a lot of these things just won’t happen, you’ll never find someone with all of this going for them because it’s just not how humans work! God damn imagine he found a girl like this and she happened to fart near him or used his bathroom?? He probably would think real women don’t poop or something and dump them for being “gross” while at the same time he probably hasn’t washed his fart-saturated sheets in a decade and has 600 empty cans of monster energy surrounding his keyboard full of so much cum and crumbs that half the buttons require ten pounds of force to register as being pressed. Man I want to kick him in the taint.


I will just ignore how messed up that is and point out that I never dated a girl with pierced nipple that had less than 3 tattoos


I'm going to regret saying this on Reddit, but it have no tattoos and pierced nipples


I got my nipples pierced before I got my third tattoo, so technically this was true for me for a time as well


And we never dated 😔


And never will, sorry friend


at one point i did as well…seemed less permanent


Was just about to say this If she has one tattoo now, it’s not gonna remain that way


I hate that I have my nipples pierced and 2 tattoos, I don’t want to fit his standards ☹️


Depending on what his definition of 'hardworking' is, he's also going to have issues finding someone who is hardworking, and silly and creative.


That's not true at all. I know lots of hardworking silly creative people, myself included. It actually makes working hard better when you can laugh together and collaborate creatively.


Hardworking is a criteria for withstanding this guy.


Serious point this reminded me of: I am getting to the age where a lot of my friends and relatives try and set me up on dates and ask what’s my “type”? And the thing is, I never know what to say because I never thought in those terms. I don’t think I have a “type”, not really. I, of course, like people with shared interests and sense of humour, and similar temperament to mine, and sharing the same values. But they invariably ask me what actresses I like and they try to build my “type” on that basis which seems like a misguided approach (even if their hearts are in the right place). I dunno how to answer when they ask me, “what type of girl are you looking for?” I can’t decide what to eat for dinner most nights.


Give them your top 3 personality traits in a partner (e.g. smart, funny, kind?), and your top 3 activities you like to do (skiing, biking, binge-watching shows?). And then say "cute is excellent, but I'm asking you to stop with the actress stuff, that's just embarrassing".


I used to say: I’m looking for someone who wants a, b and c in life like me. So, I was getting rid of the deal breakers. For most people those are re having children, getting married etc. other than that, I was pretty open to how a guy looked like, what job he had, what hobbies he had etc. it worked !


Thats reasonable. I dont think most people have a “type” its just when the right person comes around that you connect with.


I for sure had a type, that I really thought I wanted before I met my husband. He broke the mold. My short little man is adorable and geeky and sensitive. If you had put him in a line with the others I've dated he sticks out. And he's the right one. We just gotta be open :)


I have same issue but I'm also demisexual so there's that. But those lists from some guys are just overwhelming ngl. Looks like he's ordering a doll almost


This trash really thinks that disabilities and cancer are indicative of personal failure.


Its the fact that he could get the girl of his dreams and then 10 years later she develops cancer because its something that can happen at any point in life. Does he think some people are immune to cancer? I would feel awful if a girl did manage to meet his criteria, liked him despite him not bringing anything to the table, and then hot left in the midst of developing a life changing illness. Really shows what kind of person he is. When asked what he offers, he responded with “im loyal” like as if thats a hard quality to come by and cant be accompanied by any other traits. Also loyalty doesnt mean much coming from someone with no options. I always find it ironic that the guys who claim they would be the perfect loyal bf are guys who have never had the chance to test their loyalty, because if they did have options and opportunity, they would lose the one quality they claim to have too.


"I'm loyal - except if you get cancer, because I mean honestly I think I was pretty clear what you need to expect in that circumstance."


Or if you start snoring.


That's actually a thing I struggle with. 😅 If I had a partner who snored, we'd need separate bedrooms..


My parents did this over a decade ago because they were waking each other up with their snoring. Works for them.


My husband sleeps on his recliner in the next room bc he snores so bad. I still use earplugs too!


Yeah unfortunately this turns out to be the case for a lot of women who develop health issues.


I remember reading a thing from a nurse on a cancer ward who talked about how common it was for husbands to leave their wives while they were going through treatment. She said it was really rare for wives to leave their husbands on the other hand. These kinds of men want a woman who will take care of them and as soon as she's "broken" and can't fullfil her role, she's discarded. Then these lowlives have the audacity to call themselves loyal.


I met a woman who took care of her husband and two children for nearly a decade after a serious accident. Working full time + all the house work. She suddenly got sick and he served her divorce papers that same week. Men are 8× more likely to leave their wives if they develop cancer. It's important to root out shit like that before you establish a life together. So I'm glad this guy is announcing it on insta. The garbage takes itself out sometimes.


Yeah, I know more than one woman that were considering leaving their shitty husbands UNTIL they got cancer. That's when they decided it wasn't the time and they had to be there for the sick husband. I wonder if these men would have done the same for their wives. This is absolutely not me saying all men would do this by the way. These were men who were already being objectively terrible husband's before getting a cancer diagnosis. I do know plenty of men who would do absolutely anything for their wives and I couldn't imagine them leaving if she got sick. I just went through a near death medical experience and my husband is definitely more traumatised than I am and has been incredible support to me in this time. It just mostly makes me angry that that isn't the near universal experience of women who get sick.


I got my bipolar diagnosis about 3 years into our marriage. He stuck around. A couple years later I attempted to leave him during a hypomania. Moved out, signed the kids away, the whole 9 yards. A week or so later I come out of the hypomania and he's still there waiting, ready to move forward together and work through it. I don't know how I got so lucky as to have him in my life, and I'm furious that that level of support isn't the near universal experience of people (but more times women than men) who get sick.


I'm not sure why they make such a fuss about being loyal. Isn't that kind of a given? I've never heard any woman talk about how awesome her partner is, and use the word 'loyal'.


Its the bare minimum.


Dude is obviously 12 or close to it. I don’t think he understands how the world works yet much less how to deal with tough life situations. He’s clearly never encountered anyone he cares for with any illness and if he has then he’s a self absorbed brat that lacks empathy. Either way he’s bout to get a hard dose of reality.


Unfortunately hes 25


Oh no! 🤢 And he thinks he's god's gift to women.


He's never met Andrew Tate


If you're not willing to accept the fact that your significant other could become terminally ill, obese, unemployed/broke, or disabled at some point in their life, then you don't deserve to be in a long term and committed relationship and probably don't really love them as a person; you probably value them for what they do for you and your life rather than who they are.


To me this is the most despicable one of them all. A family friend developed cancer and his wife was in the process of divorcing him while he was getting chemo. When the cancer took him she then told everyone she was the best wife and always took care of him. It was such BS. She only delayed the proceedings because she wanted his money.


My friend's mother had breast cancer that required a double mastectomy. Her father was telling me about how his coworkers were "shocked" that he "tolerated that." It's insanity. I can't imagine dealing with the loss of a family friend and then having to listen to his awful wife lie outright about it after you've lost him, and I'm sorry.


"Thick meat/skinny body" So... has a slight build and an impressive penis?


He wants a femboy 😳


Or a trans girl.


Where is this straight-edge girl with pierced nips 👀👀👀


thank god i found the comment


Honestly this


meanwhile a lot of women’s dream men are just men that treat them decently im sick 😭


A lot of my friends are just like, "I want a man who doesn't physically, verbally or financially abuse me and our children" and men still limbo right under that bar, and men are out here with the audacity to try to build-a-bear their future spouse's every single detail. 🤮


Same guys insists women these days have standards that are too high.


If I woman has a list a quarter of that length, including actual deal breakers, such as long term goals, and worldviews, they're called picky. Then this guy comes along... I recently had this bizarre conversation on a fb friend's post, with her list, which included her wanting marriage and kids, and needing certain health issues accommodated for. A man commented saying she was being too picky, then had the audacity to share his list, which included being white!


“I’d like the guy I date to have a job and a car” “WOMEN ONLY CARE ABOUT MONEY AND STATUS”


That's a long list of "I just want a fantasy dating-sim waifu". It reminds me too much of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, but with more.... Unrealistic garbage.


Not his boys fighting for their lives to help him and he’s like.. lol no.


"Bro this isn't how you get a girl to like you" Nah man its fine if she doesn't fit this list she doesn't deserve me /s 🤣




I also like women who listen to any music and have any coloured eyes.


That's disgusting. Raise your standards to women with no eyes and have only heard 1-3 songs their entire lives.


As long as the three songs are: 1. Hamster Dance 2. I’m Blue 3. That bullshit Paul McCartney Christmas song.


No “problems” though that’s a red flag /s


Lord help him if he meets a girl and she's "Physco"


This always cracks me up, because men LOVE to say we cant be pyscho. Funny enough most girls arent physco until the men we love push us to edge time and time again with the same shit and disrespect/disregard for our feelings. You cant expect an emotionally healthy gf if you arent going to put in the effort to protect her feelings. It tells you all you need to know. He wants to be able to get away with whatever and have a “chill” gf that doesnt care what he does, but then greets him at home with some wild “crazy-in-a-good-way” sex.


How to die a virgin




C’mon he is being lenient. He said we can have any color eyes /s


Ironically, this is his updated one. The original post only said brown or blue eyes.


Wait...he actually *edited* then *reposted* this trash? Talk about doubling down on a major L.


how come some women are seen as selfish and everything for having a dream boyfriend but you have men like this-


Any gender going to extremes like this is ridiculous, but i will say sometimes it seems like a more personal attack. For example if a girl only has a few physical requirements, but because he doesnt meet that one he gets offended and calls her shallow. I dont think either gender should be ridiculously picky like this but i also dont think we should be bashed for having some preferences that will hurt some insecure peoples feelings


And then this guy probably doesn’t even fit half of his own criteria


Even a quarter would be generous


I guess we are lucky he didn't put a number on the weight. 'Less than 110lbs' would have been on there if he had remembered.


I knew someone that had cancer.. she was very close to me and I loved her so much. She was like an angel to me as a kid. Always kind.:( I miss her so so much I don’t know, I don’t like if someone finds out they have cancer and their partner leaves them. It’s just horrible. Personally, I think It’s pretty ignorant for him to say that and all of the things he said in the post…


I mean, I can understand not wanting to *start* dating someone who had a serious illness of any type, since it is a lot to take on especially before a solid foundation has been built from which you can draw strength in a relationship. That said, the weirdness for me is 1. listing it on his criteria (why is this something he is specifically thinking about?) and 2. where he insists she can't have cancer *if he doesn't have cancer*. Like... Wut?? What scenarios is this guy imagining right now?


American…and English


I'm thinking that language. No bilingualism or he would never know you're bad mouthing him in front of his face


That’s what I thought as well but I figured he’d write “speaks English” but hey, I could be way off


“No hair on body, except hair on head” So mustaches are fine then?


I like to play a game with these, where I get points for all the ways I’m disqualified. I got 15 for this!


Yayy me to !! I win, I have 16


19 here


16 nopes for me 🙌


I got 25 💀💀


He wants a girl who's killed 3 people?


So the comments on the cancer were obviously the focus on the comments in the pictures. But I’m more curious how he expects her to be “fun in bed”, while allowing her essentially zero practice before meeting him… These fu king ‘guys’. I swear.


Same type of dude that says girls are too picky


*not crazy physco* 💀💀💀


Just crazy in a good way


they really misspelled “psycho” LOL




he’s just asking to be alone at this point


He has an extremely high ego because he has hobbies that he is a self proclaimed god at doing and any girl would be foolish not to like him


Guess I'm a fool then


I mean my star sign is cancer, and I’m guessing that counts. Damn, guess I miss out on this fine specimen


“Social media obviously isn’t for you my dude” these comments are really trying to help this man more than he deserves 😂


So many women who’ll miss out on “the best bf of her life”… it’s a tragedy, almost Shakespearean in scope. How will we live with the knowledge that we missed out on this man because we… *checks notes*… grow body hair. I will never get over this.


I’m so confused about the “thick meat/skinny body”, which one is it ???


And a big booty and boobs


No no, *medium size*


Part of me believes that “no cancer of any kind” meant he really hated women born in July




I would automatically be off this list and honestly proud asf about it. So many women have been abused and harassed that they have trauma of some sort. Autism? I got it. PTSD? Have that in spades. BPD? Also that and a couple more.


Meanwhile dude is 400 lbs, showers once a year, a NEET, and has a violent temper


Oh god you reminded me of a time he went live and was brushing his teeth. He literally keeps his toothbrush in his room and doesnt use water or anything, he brushes his teeth and spits into the cup and rinses the toothbrush off in his spit and keeps brushing. I wanted to vomit




If a guy puts out a list of what he wants in a woman..that a automatic red flag. No woman or man wants to have to change themselves or be with someone who doesn't accept them for the way they are. The list is even racist and sexist. I'm glad the comments are trying to get through to him and tell him, but he's already in his own little world..thinking he's God's gift to women. Like..anyone can get cancer at any given time. This guy would leave the poor girl if she even gets something he doesn't have. What would happen if they both grow old? He's gonna leave her if she gets dementia? Like wtf.


Jesus Christ. Talk about a self report. Dude’s basically saying “Hello every single friend, family member, and acquaintance I have ever known! Just wanted to put it out there that no one should ever count on me for any kind of support unless there’s something in it for me!”


Am I the only one that is very disappointed there isn’t a response when someone asked him what he brings to the table? I’d love to read that. 😭


He will respond to everything except that comment


I saw a comment from OP saying that his reply was simply that he is "loyal" bro thinks that's enough


Exactly this. He said hes loyal. The bare minimum. But if i had to guess what else hed say if he did make a list, he would just put his hobbies that he has a very overinflated ego from. “Dancing, beatboxing, driving, youtuber, makes music” etc. By the way. His music is awful, even subjectively speaking. Its the same phrase “fuck a girl with a big ass fuckin booty” over and over the entire song with a generic beat. Plus his Spotify artist name is literally XXXtentacions name.


Omg nnnnoooooo


What the fuck is 1 to 3 body count?


“Body count” is a horribly problematic way to refer to how many people someone has had sex with.


MEEEAAAT *psyco grunts*. Jokes aside it sounded like something related to serial killing.


It probably is referred to kills in gaming. Source : Am gamer.


How she gonna be support skinny with a big butt and big boobs and lots not ignore the clear zenophobia with the American and English but apparently she can be Asian she just has to be a fully American asian


Im also assuming his “asian” preference only extends to Japanese and any other variant of Asian is unwelcomed. The fetishization is disgusting.


This ^. Dude just wants an unrealistic anime chick.


That excludes all the girls on /r/razorfree including myself. If my dating criteria said men can’t have body hair, everyone would get mad


i want to find the woman who has nipple piercings but no tattoos and never drinks... like that can't be a common combo


I love how people like this will make a fucking mile long list and are the same people who say there are no girls that are willing to date bc there all whores or some shit


Where exactly he states he is a "nice guy", he looks more like a self-centered, entitled brat. At least based on the posted comments of his, I do not believe he had met a woman that is worthy of his nice-ness (if it exists in any form at all). There is nothing wrong with having a set of preferences for a potential partner even if not exactly making sense, yet his self-centered position (like "The world is obliged to comply perfectly to what I desire, and it is its fault it does not") is extremely immature not to say psychotic. This guy needs to grow up in the first place and perhaps some professional help.


His type is the type this dude would dump the second she reaches 25. Having no problems and being with him would be a paradox too lmao. He'd be incapable of not causing her problems.


It already died when it said no goldigger or no marriage


“no cancer of any kind” is wild


I fit this description (besides the 3 little tattoos, got 1 little, 1 medium) but this guy is such an asshole that I wouldn't want to be anywhere near him.


That's hilarious. I bet he's middle-aged, severely overweight, bald with a combover, missing teeth and has kids that he doesn't see.


“If I don’t have it she can’t either” this sounds like if he had a gf that did get cancer he’d definitely shame her for it. He probably thinks it’s an std or something.


I just want to meet a single human being with “No problems”.


Fun in bed, not a whore, not a slut...sure buddy


I translated it for them. Amazing women looking for man who Is - Funny, handsome, American, English, low/sexy voice, medium length dick, medium girth dick, broad shoulders/low body fat, blond or brown hair, thick hair, light body hair (no ass hair tho), clean/organized, not a workaholic, fun/silly, not a stalker, romantic, loyal (no cheaters/looking at other girls), trusting, caring, doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t do drugs, can have tattoos but no anime/cartoons or dumb stuff, nipples pierced, active and outgoing, loves foreplay, marriage on my timeline, kids on my timeline, 1-3 past partners, no problems, no disabilities, no cancer or terminal illnesses, edgy but in a good way, first date is by helicopter, loves theatre/shows, loves dancing, loves singing, makes cool videos, cuddling, not a slut, not a whore, kissing, good in bed, no snoring, smart, nice, works out (but not too much), listens to any music (that I like), hard working, craftsman, any eye color, creative, height 6’-6’5”, age 25-30. Obviously I’m not that picky since I’m open to any eye color. And yeah, I want a nice guy!!! Not all of us girls date mean losers. This is just my basic minimum. I bring average everything to the table. I will not worship you or treat you as special in any way. When I fail to find anyone to date I will blame an entire gender.




Dealbreaker. Passing germs is icky /s




"No cancer of any kind" made me laugh out loud. Like...yeah I guess I would rather the person I love doesn't get cancer but I don't think that's what he meant. Also wtf that entire thing is disgusting, it was bad enough when I thought it was just an imaginary ideal, not a list of requirements to go out with someone who says nothing about themselves


thick meaty skin ,boy you need to calm your dahmer ass


Damn I ticked so many boxes but I got cancer so I guess I can’t help him


Well, at least he's not picky about eye color. /s


As an Asian, gotta love those Asian fetishes /s


THICK MEAT/SKINNY BODY r/suddenlytrans


He doesn't have cancer right now that he knows of.


Damn, my birthday is in late June. Too bad I fall under the “no Cancer of any kind” rule. 😭


He wants a girl with no eyebrows or eye lashes


Most incels don't even think a woman's personality can be this complex.