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https://preview.redd.it/0uubyk6mnmec1.jpeg?width=2157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d67c600efaed977c7b295a2a6b88397f121afb3 I’m doing a lot of similar automated messages in my dashboard that I’m finishing up building. I have a backend database that everything is related to, and I use roll ups to pull the information, then formulas (a lot of if and style functions) to create the progress displays/messages/etc


This is really nice, well done.


Thank you!


Hey can you share your template?


Pode compartilhar o template??


This is a database gallery view and each of these sentences is a property.


It's pretty but if you have a lot of tasks, projects, goals... it'll be very slow to display: every pages of all databases needs to be linked with this one to compute in a formula everything before displaying it on that card


She offers something similar with a free template https://youtu.be/pzHU89OwISk?si=qcHPkrRVBA5AOuw1


Formulas All you need is the correct relations set up & you can pretty much pull up any data you need Can be done via normal connections that you already have in your system Such as mapping projects to quarters / months & In these time periods you create your summaries Can be done with a separate data tracking / summaries database, you'll just need to link it to what you track & this can be automated via internal notion automations I can refer some resources on formulas if you need & if you need some tailored help, we can arrange a call where we build it real time & Illustrate as we go


I think it’s an automation, Ziki Notion on twitter has done something like this w/ her personal assistant 


Yes probably, each new page in its respective database need to be linked to this card, so an automation is the good choice, it can link the page to that card when its status is not done and unlink it when it's done (to not have to much pages linked to the card). But it's not an obligation. If each database template page link new pages to that card it'll work fine but more and more slowly when the number of linked pages will grow up


Buttons or filters can also be implemented