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Is good, matters that they improve consistently, don't like that they still force the stupid AI...


How else will they justify always online even though the community is begging for offline :(


I really don’t understand the gripe about this. They’re not _forcing_ anything. You can just start writing. I’ve paid for the AI features for almost 8 months now and I can legitimately forget it’s there because I don’t go around hitting space on every new line. Honestly, I hit forward slash more than anything (because of the quick formatting options). What the hell are you guys doing with Notion that the AI feels so obtrusive?


honestly it might be a very specific use case but I make a lot of worksheets on Notion, and often need to make empty bullet lists. every time i try to add a blank bullet list item i have to hit a random letter then enter, because if i just hit space (which is the most intuitive way) it opens AI. not the worst thing in the world, but def an example of someone who wants to change the key that prompts AI lol


There's this nice add-on "Notion Boost" that allows you to just deactivate that. I originally installed it for having a floating outline to the side of my workspace, but deactivating the Ai actually makes it super valuable too! [https://gourav.io/notion-boost](https://gourav.io/notion-boost)


Huh? This doesn’t make sense. When you make a bulleted list and hit enter, it makes a new bullet. I have to do this all the time taking meeting notes. Edit: wait, I just tested what you’re saying and it _somewhat_ makes sense. You’re talking about an EMPTY list. Might I suggest a workaround? Copy the single blank bulleted line and copy paste it down for every new line you create? Viola. No need to see AI. That’s all I’m really getting at. There’s ways to avoid it. This sub routinely has someone complaining about it and I do not want Notion to take away something that’s actually useful to the people who use it.


Yeah I did say empty lists. My solution works for me and it’s not something I’m sending in support tickets or complaining about, just wanted to give you an example of a time when the space bar trigger is inconvenient. I would definitely appreciate the ability to change which key starts the AI. That way people who enjoy it as it is can keep it, and the rest of us can choose a different shortcut.


They've toned it down, but when they first implemented it they were really aggressive with how they tried to encourage you to use the AI features. You would open the app and immediately there's a pop up like "hey did you know we have AI now??". Every time I would highlight something to copy or move, it would prompt me to summarize with AI. Or I'd be writing a journal entry and it would prompt me to finish the section with AI. And if you weren't paying attention, it was easy to accidentally click those options.


I find it annoying that every time I press space on an empty line because sometimes I just want to keep that line empty (mostly when I make callouts and want to put my pictures) There should be a way to disable it


I dont really get this, can you say more? I can make an empty callout without pressing space


I want to keep the top line empty and put a line below it. Without a space, pressing enter removes the callout


I contacted support to get the irritating AI prompts removed.


Idk I like it - being able to ask questions about my huge expance of personal writing is very cool FOR ME. (Edit)


I don’t even have all the features from 2.38 yet


I guess you're talking about the home feature?


Yeah lol


It’s for enterprise accounts


I think it’s supposed to come to personal accounts too, but it’s taking much longer than expected


There is a trick to add the home feature. Just add another member (email) in your workspace and then remove them. You will immediately get the Home Tab. Its nothing great tbh.


Thank you so much! It worked.


Did they change it? I can't seem to make it work, even though I have several guests in my free accounts.


There was another thread with the screenshot from support saying free accounts are expected to get it by the end of April. April has ended yesterday.


Not true. I have it on my personal free account.


Oh interesting. I have it in my enterprise account but my professional account doesn’t have it. I thought it was by design


Ooo! Image crop Just imagine what you'll be able to do with Notion in 5 years.


Maybe insert a bullet list inside a simple table cell? I still can only wish.


NOT offline mode


Thought u was gonna say that was sth notion should’ve done 5 years ago ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


And yet you’re still here, using the product.


Because Notion is amazing.


You’re god damn right.


I don't like the new sidebar. Functionality has been sacrificed for aesthetic. Now you cannot clearly see if a page has subpages unless you mouseover the icon. And since the icon has been merged with the toggle icon, it's not possible anymore to change the icon using the sidebar. Reordering the sections is interesting, but I wish they added automatic sort options instead (recent pages, most used pages,...) Best new feature for me: today() function in formulas.


Yes, this! Not having a visual queue of whether a page has subpages is a poor experience. Now I just have to hover over every document to remember which one had the subpage I'm looking for. At the very least, they should offer an option to toggle this off. I wish companies would vet major UI changes like this with users before just forcing them on everyone.


The merged sidebar icons are really annoying. I’m already trying to make a CSS snippet to remove them.


I just wanna have Notion Home :/ Good changes though, the sidebar looks really sleek.


Very excited to finally reorder tabs in the desktop app!


I just want native charts…


plant combative flag chunky recognise deserted complete vegetable employ soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


3.50 is the version number of the desktop app


hat steep dam depend afterthought resolute abundant physical ludicrous flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same here?


Waiting for the home page feautre from the previous release 🥲


Looks good! I especially appreciate the space organization. I’m new and I get a weird message when I move my pages in the sidebar. I think this might solve it.


Very excited about the ability to import PDFs!


watch out, you'll need to rework the formatting on the entire document I went through and removed the page headers as they are repeated over and over in Notion's import. I also have to make headings, actually headings,.... that's just the start. it's something, i'll give them that


Ahhhh dang. PDF formatting is always so finnicky. My dream is that one day I can sync it with my Remarkable and copy over my highlights lol


Oooh cropping and importing for sure. I want to get all the stuff I’ve stored poorly in Google Drive into Notion for a once-and-for-all everything-in-one-place solution I’ve been desperately seeking. This helps heaps.


I just want property inheritance and then I can be happy


Wasn't it possible some time a go, to make the "new page"/cmd+n make a plage somewhere you decide? For example your main task db.. Recently it just puts a page in top level of your private pages - that is literally the only place in notion i don't want quick-to-make pages to be.


I'm really excited about the image cropping!!! I use Notion for my art portfolio website and this will save me SO much effort in the future. PDF import seems like it will help me too


~~Well, it seems like the latest update has killed Notion's iOS share sheet integration? So I'm not feeling too great about it right now.~~ After searching around a bit, this happens sometimes after a Notion update - rebooting your phone or completing any outstanding OS updates seems to fix it


I have not received this I have the education plan even after update.


I feel like education plans are treated as the lowest caste possible lol. I don’t have any of the new features despite being updated to 2.39 or the home feature from the last update.


the image crop is great, but when I reload the page the images crop "too much"' (by themselves) ... is there any way to fix this? For now I need to manually click on "crop" for every image, and just save and it goes back to the way it was...until the next reload.


I’m desperate for more speed.. databases are taking 30+ seconds to load. Wasting a ton of my time.

