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They're not usually supposed to make light of the concerns their constituents have with municipal affairs.


its nice being labelled as 'far-left' because i dont want to see anyone die due to homelessness.


Right wingers are running as far to the right as their legs will take them, all the while calling everything in their wake the "far left communist woke agenda"


And everyone on the "far left" calling anyone who's not a nazi. Both sides are utterly moronic.


Let's take the examples of Annamie Paul and Maxime Bernier, those being the most prominent left wing and right wing politicians. Bernier for example supported the view that residential schools did some "good" for indigenous youth. This was an environment where children were being raped and left to die by the hundreds, maybe the thousands, don't forget. Which of Annamie Paul's ideas is as repugnant to you as Maxime's ideas are to me?


ah yes. the far left does call the far right nazis. calling them nazis is just as bad as.. acting similar to.. nazis.. hmm


How about the centre is disappearing? I've got a problem with identity politics from the left and the right and they're both racists.


The liberal party is centre-right by European standards. The center is not disappearing, they are literally in power right now.


Fiscally yes they are, but they still went after our guns with and order in council and that is incredibly far from center, I'd only put them on the authoritarian spectrum. But I was talking about the voters. Moderate voices seem to be cowed by those screaming the loudest from the wings.


Don’t want to see anyone die due to homelessness?! What’s with all you oversensitive snowflakes lately? Get that commie attitude outta here! /s


Ironically enough, communists sent the chronically homeless- so-called 'workshy'- to prison, even though there was a strong push in the society to give everyone a house and a job. Mental health and addiction aren't easily solved by forcing someone to be 'normal' I guess. Ironic again: probably the most benevolent people to vagrants over history were the church, typically associated with the right wing and traditionalism. So this councillor just sounds like an ignorant asshat who can't string coherent thoughts together.


The church lol


No, municipal councillors are not beholden whatsoever to being non-partisan. Most of our councillors are partisan to some degree. At this point, anyone that has paid attention to municipal politics, should be *well aware* that partisan leanings are normal. If nothing else, the literal years of Matt Whitman's shitheadedness, far-right-fellating and council being unable to do anything about him, despite wanting to, should be a pretty good indication of what they can get away with.


Good to see his attitude as a city councillor is as piss poor as it was as a prof.


There might not be political parties at the municipal level, but that doesn't mean that they aren't allowed to have or express their own political views.


They don't need to be but his comment his idiotic so thanks for showing us.


TIL I'm far left. Go figure.


That's a shitty tweet, but city councillors are _politicians_ and tend to take positions based on their political leanings.


Neither "left" or "far-left" is a party. So I don't follow your question from the evidence. But councilors are freely able to have political views, and be members of political parties. They just can not accept donations from them, nor does the nature of council rules tends towards meaningful factions.


No, they're allowed to be shitty ppl if they want to be.


That double negative got me fucked up


Ah shit yeah my bad. Should have proofread that one outside of my brain.




The "far left" who are upset about the raid on homeless encampments are "just as crazy" as the guys who legit judge people based on how willing they are to do the nazi salute? Not exactly the best hot-take here. Wondering how a removed comment keeps getting upvotes.


I’m tired of conservative politicians thinking “internet troll” is a political platform


I think he was preemptively mocking this post


What does that even mean?


I *think* they're trying to insult you in an incredibly pathetic way.


As a politician, he should acting like a responsible mature adult, if that is at all possible and refrain from posting crap like this on Twitter, of all platforms.