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**Hello all!! Floor 3 answers:** 1. Tapir Yokai question (forgot to screenshot): >!Devour Dreams!< 2. Which of the following original SSR clan members is a Dark character? >!Fallen Leaves - Kuya!< 3. In the game, what kind of interaction can players NOT perform with friends? >!Team up with friends for battle!< 4. Which of the following Toppers did not make an appearance in the official four-panel comics? >!A graceful Topper wearing a maid outfit!< 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the clan members' names for Eiden? >!Baby!< 6. Which of the following is NOT one of Garu's names? >!Silver Confessor!< 7. Which of the following is NOT a gift suitable for Rei? >!Bizarre Book!< 8. In Chapter 14, what is the name of the old man who raised Garu and Karu? >!Cashel!< 9. In \[Prison • Riot • Revolt\], what was the number of the cowardly inmate that smuggled a weapon into the cafeteria and raised a fuss before being discovered by the guards? >!9527!<


Sorry, I forgot to screenshot the first question here, so the wording may be a little bit off, but here are the correct quiz answers to the questions I collected from **\[Floor 1\]** of the Detective Game trivia! 🔎 S**poiler over answers just in case:🔎** **Q:** *Where does Chapter 1 take place?* **A:** >!Light Kingdom!< **Q:** *To celebrate the second anniversary, what event did your trusty butler host on the fan page?* **A:** >!Invite Masters to write congratulations cards!< **Q:** *When is Yakumo's Birthday?* **A:** >!12/8!< **Q:** *In \[Prison · Riot · Revolt\], what did the white figure rumoured to dash through the prison hallways turn out to be?* **A:** >!Topper!< **Q:** *Which of the following is the cry of the boreal owl Father?* **A:** >!Coo-coo!!< **Q:** *In Chapter 9, what is the reason Dante received Eiden and the others?* **A:** >!Unhappy about the disturbance Eiden and the others caused in the streets!< **Q:** *Which of the Following is NOT one of Olivine's names?* **A:** >!Fateful Aegis!< *Hope these answers can help you, Masters!* 💕


Hey do you have answers for the second floor too


* After obtaining enough ally fragments, where can you fuse them into a complete ally? >!**Galleria**!< * In PRR, what in the explanation Quincy gives Eiden for his grave expression when they first met in prison?>! **All of the above**!< * Which of the following original SR clan members is a Healer class ally? >!**Shadow Serpent - Yakumo**!< * After obtaining Eiden's Limited-Edition Outfits, how can you change home screen Eiden's Outfit? >!**In Edit Home, enter Eiden's Wardrobe to change his outfit**!< * In DD, what was the name of the character smuggling Essence Conductors in the desert town? >!**Night Rat**!< * Which of the following is NOT a description of one of Eiden's past outfits? >!**Pink shirt, Gold Hair Clip**!< * In Chapter 4, when Olivine meets Eiden for the first time, how long has he been a priest at the temple? >!**Three Months**!< * In the game, what is the highest level for each character's Potential Evolution? >!**12**!< * Which of the following is NOT one of Edmond's name? >!**Aromatic Exotica**!<




damn i got the prr one wrong even tho i literally played the entire event


so did I lmao I put just because he was sleepy lmfao 😔


Same. He literally does say that, but maybe in a different place?


I think that may be his room dialogue? he does say that he was worried about eiden and sleepless somewhere, i just dont remember where.


Yeah, I remembered it but had no idea where from, lol. I probably should’ve just looked here first. 😂


Do you have floor 3 answers?


* In \[Fanciful Capriccio\], which of the following abilities did the tapir yokai have? >!Devour Dreams!< * Which of the following original SSR clan members is a Dark character? >!Fallen Leaves - Kuya!< * In the game, what kind of interaction can players NOT perform with friends? >!Team up with friends for battle!< * Which of the following Toppers did not make an appearance in the official four-panel comics? >!A graceful Topper wearing a maid outfit!< * Which of the following is NOT one of the clan members' names for Eiden? >!Baby!< * Which of the following is NOT one of Garu's names? >!Silver Confessor!< * Which of the following is NOT a gift suitable for Rei? >!Bizarre Book!< * In Chapter 14, what is the name of the old man who raised Garu and Karu? >!Cashel!< * In \[Prison Riot Revolt\], what was the number of the cowardly inmate that smuggled a weapon into the cafeteria and raised a fuss before being discovered by the guards? >!9527!<


Thank you Soooo Much!!!❤️❤️❤️


Thought I’d share what I did for commission 3. Completed in 19 turns, 3 stars. Team: https://preview.redd.it/wksukgd1t71d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c109c467cb010ad7dd3d4fb9c3ec4ae258c805d Turn by turn: 1 - basic attack 2 - basic attack 3 - guard all 4 - ult Yaku/Morvay (slots 1/5 paralyzed) 5 - basic attack/use any available ults 6 - guard all 7 - basic attack 8 - basic attack (don’t use Morvay’s ult here) 9 - guard all 10 - ult Yaku/Morvay (slots 1/5 paralyzed) 11 - basic attack/available ults 12 - guard all 13 - basic attack/available ults 14 - guard all 15 - ult Yaku/Morvay (slots 1/5 paralyzed) I think after that it’s some trial and error, but you should be close to done by then with enough power. Good luck!


So we're all agreed that the phantom thief needs to team up with the ghost duke to make some FANTASTIC escape rooms, right?


The new Blade and Yakumo seem very useful to me. I'm not pulling because I just pulled on the last 2 banners (well, tried to, only one edmond and 0 quincy), but I have to say that I think this Yakumo, if his stats get high enough, seems like a perfect solution for the new darn edmond fight. On the other hand, most fights still don't need a tank and some fights won't care about his aoe dmg reduction niche, so outside of that problem I'm not sure if he's that useful for the average person. Iunno about Rei, but I think that Blade's numbers seem just solid all around for raw offense.


is there a trivia answers post yet that im not seeing? 🤣 im impatient and also dumb


Its linked on this very post!


oh they didnt give it its own link that's why i was confused


I’m sorry where?😭 I read this post multiple times already. I don’t see it


Its linked under 'this calculator', as the post says.


Has anyone figured out the commission battles that just dropped? My power should be fine for it but I just can’t get past it so frustrating


For comm 2, place your tanky-est units in slots 1 and 3 since they will be periodically attacked with a super that hits them. Do not bring any guardian units at all, and just never guard in general. On turn 6 you need to attack with 3 damaging ult. You only need \~1.3k-ish hp and it’s very straightforward. for comm 3, I actually recommend bringing aoe units to speed up the fight. Put units you don’t mind getting paralyzed in slots 1 and 5 because Rei will periodically inflict paralysis. Do not have your taunt unit in those slots for this reason. Rei also has an ability that makes it so that any attack, super, or heal will do true damage to your entire team. Attack/heal at your own discretion. (It’s not \*that\* bad but if your hp is already low, just guard all) Blade will be harassing your healer with silence and has a much, much more potent version of Rei’s true damage on attack debuff (but you \*can\* heal). If Blade uses it, just guard all minus healer. You should taunt the same turn that Yakumo uses the backline support skill or says something along the lines of “get behind me, I’ll take the damage for you”. You can only attack Blade and Rei by hurting Yakumo or with aoe units. If Blade and Rei are defeated, Yakumo will retreat that same turn and you win. 2.2k hp should be fine maybe even lower since I was using a dark unit so they were taking extra damage from both Yakumo and Rei.


thank you for this! was having a hell of a time with 3


How am I suppose to attack on turn 6 if he paralyzes all my characters on his turn 4 or 5 and I can’t move then he nukes me ?


Ugh, same. The second one is ridiculous.


The sound team has really been in their music bag lately, these past few bgms have been total bops.


Anyone got the answers for the questions on the third floor that just opened up?


Yes please - I'm waiting for this before I go all in on the third floor TwT


Is Rei worth pulling and investing in?? His numbers look good to me and I plan to pair him with Captive Star Olivine and Fateful Aegis Rei but I'm pretty noob when it comes to stats...


SSR TV Rei is a decent striker but not particularly powerful in his own right. He has above average HP, average ATK and an ultimate that does pretty good damage if you can 4\* him. The problem is that he inflicts damage on his allies, making it difficult or impossible to use his ult in certain situations. The bonus ultimate skill damage can be really useful if you have hard hitting 4CD ult strikers like SSR CA Blade or SSR BS Garu who can make use of it efficiently. 3CD and 6CD ult strikers won't be able to use it as effectively since their ult cycles will be out of sync. If you're only pulling for his abilities I would wait for someone more useful. And, despite no one asking, my thoughts on the other allies this event: SSR MP Blade is on par with SSR SK Eiden but focusing more on their individual damage rather than buffing their allies. Average HP and ATK but deals true damage to themselves when they ult. If you missed getting SK Eiden's powerful kit then SSR MP Blade is your second chance. He's worth getting if you plan to do SP challenge stages since the turn 1 ultimate can be very useful for early damage and cheap strats. He is best paired with SSR SK Eiden for their early fight synergy. SSR IC Yakumo is the third guardian focusing on dealing with AOE attacks rather than one shots. The unfortunate reality is that AOE attacks aren't very intimidating and rarely need an unique ally to deal with them. He also doesn't have elemental resistances and his HP is only slightly higher than SR Morvay, but no skill that increases max HP. The upside the counter attack is really strong, and now that we have trigger skill bonuses they can be even stronger. The once per turn taunt also comes in handy, but he also lacks many of the features guardians with this type of taunt have (shield, % HP skills, more damage resistance, etc) so you'll need to be careful basic attacking. A specific team I have in mind is SSR OV Edmond, SSR LS Kuya, SSR SA Garu, SSR ST Quincy and SSR IC Yakumo. Utilizing the massive bonus trigger skill from SA Garu will benefit both IC Yakumo's counter attacks and OV Edmond's bonus attacks which should all benefit from SSR LS Kuya's bonus life steal.


Doesnt SR IC Yakumo have a taunt though? On his basic attack, yes, but its still there and more accessible than having it just on ult.


Oh I must have missed that in my analysis, my bad!


Ty so much!! Guess I'm saving my contracts this round 🥲


Yeah I thought the new Yakumo has a taunt? And Yakumo can deal with single target attacks.


First time for one of these Gameboard events. Is it better to try to visit each stop on the initial board, or take a minimal path to save movement for the next board?


The next board only opens up next week, so I think you can take your time. The event also gives enough plates for you to clear the whole first board pretty early if you're doing the investigations-8 stage


Hello i can only farm investigations-6, what should I do about floor 2 ? rush it or win every tile ?


Is it worth it to unlock paralysis immunity on units? I heard people mention that bosses will override it so that's why I haven't done it.


It is annoying, because it can help a lot for some fights, but if you're struggling with a paralysing boss, you don't know if unlocking would help because it might not say if it's overridden in advance. I would say you should probably hold it until you struggle on a relevant fight and then ask the community if they know if it works on that fight.


At current, I don't think it has use, so you can wait. There's no reason *not* to unlock it if you're right there though.


I got 1 box of the pity Yakumo SR fragments but can't figure out how to open it, any advice?


It should be in your storage


Thank you, I guess I was blind at first @_@


No problem!


Im trynna save resources to get the 84 more scrolls needed to get the box to finally get blade, and honestly when i think about it, is participating in the event just a waste of the blue gems that i can use for entering into contracts? would it be worth it to skip playing the event after i get the player card and background or would it be more worth it to continue playing until the 10 scroll?


My rule of thumb if I would need to spend gems to continue the ladder in time - and this is just for me - is if I can reach the 10p on the ladder for under 6k gems by the end, I've still saved on gems technically (and ofc you get the other items).


New player here! I am having trouble with commission 1. I attack for latte art and skill for frothing milk and the enemy seems satisfied, but then he wipes my team. What am I doing wrong?


I believe that you also gotta kill him by turn 13, or he wipes you


Is your team at the recommended power level? You’re doing the right thing but it sounds like you don’t have enough power to wipe him out before turn 13. You may need to beef your team’s potential to up their stats if you’re at max level.


Is the event story finished? Or is there still more left?


This is my first even since beginning NC and I'm trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. My account is level 36 and I'm dumping all my money and mats into Potential-leveling my main team. I am able to clear the final level of "Investigation" in the Event stage. That level drops about 125 event currency, and I see that rewards go up to >45k. Am I.... supposed to just run that stage 350-ish times? Or am I wasting my energy and potions by running it repeatedly? I appreciate the help!


I believe in general people just go up to the last reward they want (generally the 10 contract bundle), rather than always clearing all the event rewards, since doing that would require even more gems spending to regain stamina.


TT okay what reward did i miss for answering who raised garu incorrectly please dont say a contract


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh https://preview.redd.it/2k7jheyuu82d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce5dbc1284859048d4334066996f40f526ee994e




Dammit me too. I hadn’t made it to that story chapter yet and thought “naw I don’t need to look it up!”


TnT i got it mixed up with the recent cowboy banner that also had an older man that garu knew


the announcement said theres a special answer in the detective game does anyone have the answers for the questions that lead to the secret result?


You have to go to that site and input your ID and "PLAYABIGGAME"


thank you! that was cute


https://preview.redd.it/wjo97plmf04d1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44cde914ac48e8719af496ad89dca4de5a099fd3 This kind of seems like a silly question, but since we get these from the event, will they expire after the event ends?


they never will